PAGE TWELVE. -- HIGHEST IN HONORS Baker's Cocoa 50 HIGHEST AWARDS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA Register od U.b. Fat 0 ft. A medical writer sgys --** The use of a thoroughly hale preparation of cocoa should be universally en- couraged, and it is the consensus of opinion among medical men as well as laboratory workers that the break- fast cocoa manufactured by Walter Baker & Co. Ltd., net only meets the indications, but accomplishes even more than is claimed for it." Walter Baker & Co., Ltd. Latablistied 1780. DORCHESTER, MASS. BRANCH HOUSE: 86 St. Peter Street, Montreal i and see how quickly the new hairs will begin to come in; good | strong healthy ones too. The ol hairs will stop falling out, and dandruff, the cause of baldness, will disappear. Then you will have a head of hair to be proud of. IS NOT A DYE. $1 AND 50c. BOTTLES, AT DRUGGISTS, Hay's Harfina Soap cures Eczema, red, rough and chapped hands, and all skin diseases Keeps skin fine and soft, 25c. druggists. Send 2. for free books, "The Care of the Skin," "The Care of the Hair." Philo Hay Spec. Co, Newark, N. J. JAS. B. McLEOD MANY DON'T KNOW HEART AFFECTED. More People than Aware of ™® Have Heart Disease. #Jf examinations were made of every: ome, people would be surprised at the aur ber of persons walking about suffering fresi heart disease." This startling statement was made byw doctor at a recent inquest. *' I should not like to say that heart disease is as commor as this would imply," said the expert, | "but 1 am sure that the number of persona oing about with weak hearts must be very arge." Hundreds of people go about their daily work ou the verge of death, and yet do nos know it, Itis only when the shock comes that kills them that the unsuspected weak~ ness of the heart is made apparent." "But undoubtedly heart weakness, no disease, is more prevalent nowadays. I should think that the stress of living, the wear and rush of modern business lif have a lot to do with heart tromble." There is no doubt but that this is correct, and wo would strongly advise any one suffering in any way from heart trouble to try a course of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. . Price 50 cts. per box or 8 boxes for $1.28, at all dealers or will be mailed direct om receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, Mrs. G. M. White, Williamstown, ¥ B. writes; *' [ was troubled with weak s; "0 fluttering of the heart. I was so bad I o ld soarcely lie down in hed. I procured 4 baz od Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and the helped me so much I got another box and bas made a final cure. I cannot speak toe highly of them. I think they are worth thes weight iu gold." HATS OFF Facts About the. American In- dian's Healthy Hair American, lpdian accustomed from time immemori#! to go barehead ed all troubled with falling I'he clos civilized" the which dig the This cent {he in kinds of weather, is never hair or baldness mosphere caused by head breeding oul gear is conducive to of infinitesimal germs into the scalp and thrive on wap of the hair-root true cause of baldness of re- is and explains the non which treat isorder discovery all as a success of hair-vi ed baldness A ors functional d Herpivige is direct t the 1% de to \Newbro exter minator « m wtroys the ent and permits the "hair oTOW as 1 vintended Sold hy Send 10e. sample to the Herpicide Mich 81 bottles guar- W, N spe leading druggists, f n trout ial hood, MEN AND WOMER, Use Big @ for unnatural discharges, inflaniations irritations or uicers of muc Painless, gent or p [Eb not to stricture. [hl Prevents Costagion. (THE EvANS CHEMICAL Co. or sent in pla by express, prepai . 81.00. or 3 bottles 8° Wo hat fools of themsely if and' they Many hold up his hand ham men know mer iven a chance ots of chanos would doubt in hogror if was to cal a thebut wha is he * Beef, make; pint drmg store, Wonien rors that } } {themselves ¢ Wine ble Own" Wade's "Our » at and bottles, Iron wonld mir Wot enable tl 0 fo | | | | were | Saturday ~ | Mr USE OF PUBLIC MEETING 'FOR PARTY PURPOSES IN MANITOBA. | What the Roblin Government Did in the Last Dominion Elections | --Some of Its Actions Expos- ed. Winnipeg Free Press. { | Apart altogether from the "et al" items, which are unprecendently multi- | tudinous in thé printed volume of pub | lic accounts of the prov'nce of Mani- toba for 1908 and conceal the details |in régard to an unprécedentedly large | total "expenditure of the public money | last year, great numbers of the items {which have no "'et al" attachment ! show, when compared with the corres- | pondinlg items in the years immediate ly precoding, the extraordinary lavish iness with which money was ladled lout of the provincial treasury last | year, That - there was a dominion | general eloctions campaign last. year, in whith the politicians who have con- trol of the provincial treasury were in- tengaly interested, is, of course, a mere | goineidence. | For instance, there was spent in con- nection with the asylum at Selkirk, | last year a total of $83,732.53," as | against a total of $58,558.65 in 1907. The total expenditures in connection with the: Brandon asylum last year $168,118.99, as against $123 ,- 873,72 tho year before. When details are looked into, such contrasis are | seerv as, for instance, that the broad | bill for the Home for Incurables at | Portage la Prairie was twice as large lin 1908 as in 1907. Therp were 187 in- | of that institution in 1908. {They ate 81,645 worth of bread, ac- {cording to the public accounts, while the 853 inmates in 1907 ate only $540 worth of bread. An immense amount was ladled. out of the provincial treasury for party purposes during the dominion cam- i paign last year which is covered up {by "et al" and other disguising items {under the heading, '"'Aid To Munici- {palities And Public Works." The sys- {tem is for the government majority in {the legislature to vote a lump . sum {for that purpose. At last year's ses {sion the lump sum was $200,000. It {was handed out at the good pleasure lof the government, the dispenser of it being Mr. Rogors. He over-ran the ap- propriation; the total of {he hand- outs was no than $216,203.91, most of it hidden cffectually under dis guising items. | So far as appears from the public | accounts, $15,554.10, of this total was {laid out in the dominion constituency {of Selkirk. How much more was de | voted to that constituency must be guessed at. The total amount distri- bated within that same arce in 1907, {as shown under the heading "Aid To | Municipalities And Public Works," was {£6,02093, and the amount in 1906 {was 85,618.15. Most extraordinary is it. not; tho manoper in which the noces- sity for pouring money out of the | province's | treaswy for road work, | and that sort of thing, increases when |n dominion election campaign comes "along ! °:An earnest worker in. connection | with road work and that sort of thing in the constituency of Selkirk was I. {. Szablewski, a trusty subordinate of Robert Rogers. Mr, Szablowski' fig on the pay voll of the depart ment of public works as an "'inspee- " He was summoned by the op- witness hefore the pub- and was questioned last in regard to the road that sort of thing which | was started in the locality of Gimli abouts six weeks before the dominion elections and ended just Before polling day, which was October 26th. ee tor Szablewski did not shed informa- | tion before the committee as plentiful [ly ac he handed out government cheques just before October 26th in [payment for road work and that sort {of thing. The honorable the attorney- general, who was present, acted as the lawyer for the accused acts in a {court when evidence being given {which he wishes to minimize when he {cannot block it out. altogether. Sza | blewski-admitted that he hired men, [fixed 5 sums to be paid to them, {and went out with sheafs of govern- | ment. cheques just before October 26th land 'paid them. Under examination his memory was notably defective, but the cheques were there and he had to acknowledge having distributed them. | mates less ures or position as a lie accounts, | on | work 'and 18 Hore is a brief extract from thescon- | of his examination by | cluding part "Johnson : | "Did you take any part in the elec- {tion of a member to the dominion | house previous to Octobar 26th ?"' | "What do you mean ?"' | "Did you canvass, or do any tioneering ?"' . : "I generally did attend {and expressed my views." {4 Tho chairman of dhe committee, Mr Ferguson, of Hamiota. interposed at this point and ruled that the witness copld not be questioned in regard to | his political activity. Comment upon Szablewski's evidence is unnecessary; It speake for itself as 'merely ono chapter in the story of the manner in which the provincial government used the money of the people for party pur- poses in the dominion campaign last elec meetings year. Song From The Gardener's Lodge. Hernan Hagedorn, Vee, pretty Frollicking in February Forum jéwels have I three, under the chestnut tree. Two are my diamonds, one my pearl-- Those are my boys and this my girl. My oldest shall be a sergeant tall With a walk and a beard like a general ; And an arm for his king a wrench, an itch in his bones Frenclr, and a heart for And to stick the Mv second shall learn the ways of peace spreading bloom and field's increase {f spade ar he dropping frui and clod and and seed, ging weed Not But much he'll every bud know he'll call war and fame-- by name Oh, and the youngest, oh, my pride, Tis she will stay at her mother's side. Wish broom and kettle :and rag and pan U'ill the good Lord send her a man gardener two a chesfhut And a lodge and childreyg or three 1 i king under tree M sav they doubtde ny who were driven +o would ( have s0oner or arrived later anyway. THE a THE SOUR-MILK COW. | | Reason Why Farmer Cut Taj] Off Cow. New York Sun ! The woman was new to the country and her host took great pains to ex- | plain to her whatever she didn't un- | stand about the farm. He had little | regard for the truth, this farmer; he | delighted to test her gullibility to the | utmost. The cows secmed to interest her more than any other domestic animal. Cne of the cows had lost her tail gomchow and this fact led the woman to ask why it was. "That's the sour milk cow," the jarmer caplained with a straight face. "We always cut the tail off one cow in the herd so as to got sour milk fresh every day." The woman looked her doubt. "It's perfectly true," the farmer in- sisted. "You see when ihe cow's tail is gone the sun shines continually on thé cow's udder and the constant heat sours the milk." But the woman still doubted. Sleepless Little Babies. When babies are restless, sleepless and cross it is the surest possible sign that they are not well. Well babies sleep soundly and wake up brightly. Sleeplessness is generally due to some ailment of the stomach or bowels, or cutting teeth. A few doses of Baby's Own Tablets will put the little one right, and give it sound, natural sleep. Murs. Joseph Goneil, St. Kvariste, Que., says: have found Baby's Own Tablets a splendid medicine for constipation and stomach troubles. 1 give:them to my little girl and they keep her lively and well."". Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. / Force Of Habit. Everyhodv"s Magazine, In reward of faithful political' ser- vice an ambitioius saloon-keeper was appojpted police magistrate. "What's the charge ag'in' this man ?"' he inquired when the first case was called. "Drunk, yer honor," man. The newly made magistrate frowned upon the trembling defendant. "Cailty, or not guilty 7' he domand- ed. "Sure, sir," faltered the accused, * I never drink a drop." "Have a cigar, then," urged his honor persuasively, as he absently pol- ished the top of his judicial desk with his pocket handkerchief. Above The Standard. Rheumatism, neuralgia, locomotor ataxia, tumors, uleers and a variety of other diseases as well as a general de- bilitated condition of the system comes from impure or impoverished blood. Escape these ills' and keep health up to the highest standard by using Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative). They fortify system against disease. They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25c., at Wade's' Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. said the police- How Germany Deals With Waster. Westminster Gazette. Germany, Progress reminds its read- ers, has a law that provides that if it can be proved that a man is earn- ing a sufficient wage to support those lependent on him, but that he is lissipating that wage by viciots ha- bits, he can be declared a: minor, and he then treated as a child. His employer is told that the wage must be paid, not to the man, but to a guardian appointed by the magistrate of the district in which he lives, who uses it for the support of the wife and children. In England a man who could not get his wage might refuse to work; in Germany the po- lice would see that he did his work. Docs Your Hear Flutter? Short Breath. RBasily Fatigued Rush of Blood. It's in This Condition That Sud- den and Unexpected Death Comes. of Bodily vigor and a strong heart go hand in hand. A shght fluttering and shortness oi {breath is a sign of fesling strength, | arising from weakened digestive pow- Jer, or from weakness of the nervous system. The organic The heart is an unfailing index I'strength. | and dangerous afiec tions of the heart seldom manifest themselves until the climax is reach- {ed, when death usually supervenes. | Even a small variation in strength | renders the heart susceptible on the | emotional side, and a little fright, anxiety or haste will set it going {nt a frightful! rate. You ought to know that when your { heart flutters easily, when your breath | comes in gasps, when you tire quickly upon exertion, and rest does not re- cuperate, you have allowed yourself | to run down. It .is under these conditions that Ferrozone acts like magw in i strength-giving power. Tens of thou- {sands of Canadians can testify to the warvelous curative power of Ferro- zone, When it's remembered that zone has the power of making rich, ved blood, of giving tone to the svstem, of witalizing all the function- al powers of the body, it will be eas- ily seen in cases such as yours, which these fluttering sensations present, Ferrozone store you to health. Ferrozone makes you strongfbecause it enables you to digest yofir food, because it makee rich, red blood--be- cause it tones, strengthens, reinforces the whole system. "1 was so overcome with heart fluttering amd acute indigestion, 1 conld scarcely walk upstairs without panting and catching for my breath," writes E. K. Young, a well-known merchant in Augusta. 'After using one box of Ferrozone I improved, and after two months 1 was cured and am sound and healthy as to day." The best proof of Ferrozone's is the enormous good it will do vou in your own case; try it, 50¢. per box lor six boxes for $2.50, at all dealers Ferro- in are will speedily # re- ily sever merit i (BOING IN STAGELAND Sicilian Actress Delights New York Criti¢cs--Beerbohm Tree Will Produce "The White Prophet."' three-act comedy, 'Honors Are has been written by Kyrle A Easy," Bellew. Lulu Glaser, in "Mlle. Mischief," plays at the Princess Theatre, Toron- to, next week. . The Ben Greet company is now on its way to Los Angeles for a long sea- son on the Pacific coast. THe benefit at Wallack"s Theatre, New York, last week, tendered to Mrs. Lester Wallack, netted $3,000. Laurence Irving and Mabel Hackney made their vaudeville debut at the Orpheum in Boston recently. fter spending some time on the Riviera, Margaret Anglin and her sis- ter will go to Rome for Easter. A man in Pittsburg is credited with going insane after seeing a play deal ing upon the life of Harry Thaw. "Salvation Nell," with Mrs. Fiske in the title role, has won a great sug: cess gpparently for both star and play. When Dorothy Donnelly's new star ring vehicle, '"'Disengaged," is produc- ed; Fritz Williams will play a leading role. 'When D'Annunzio's new play, "Fed- ra," is produced in Italy shortly, it is undérstood that Duse will play the leading role. The one hundredth performance of Wilton Lackaye in Cleveland Moliat's "The Battle," took place in New York on March 15th. When "The School for Scandal' revived in London, Miss Irene Van brugh will play Lady Teazle to Mr. Tree's Sir Peter. \ The Italian Grand Opera company, which played in Toronto early in the season, will return for a week in ye- pertoire in April. Toronto Star: How would Rev. Dr. Chown «le as official theatrical censor for Toronto ? Chorus of "No! No!" from theatre 'managers. Stephen Phillips' "The Sin of Dav- id," written for E. 8. Willard, has been acquired by H. B. Irving, who will be seen in it shortly. h "The character ofPeer Gynt is the best comedy. pa I've ever played, and 1 enjoy _evify moment spent in playing it," €ayq Louis James. Annie Russell!' who closes her tour in Philadelphia, leaves the end of the month for England, where she will ap- pear professionally this spring. The autumn attraction at Beerbohm Tree's London theatre will be a dra- matization by Louis N. Parker and Hall Caine, of the latter's 'The White Prophet." Harrison Grey Fiske has engaged Consuelo Bailey for the role of Lulu, the chorus girl, in his forthcoming production of Roy MacCardell's com- edy, "The Gay Life." Laurence Irving, son of the late Henry Irving, began a New York en- gagement, this week, in vaudeville, and was well received. His wife, Mabel Hackney, appears with him. A New York girl named Wasself, whose stage name is Lucille Marcel, has been selected by Dr. Richard Strauss to play the name part in "Electra," and is now rehearsing with him in Vienna. Charles Frohman announces that his principal production next season will be Henry Bernstein's "Israel" without a star. The principal players will be Miss Constance Collier, James O'Neil, and Holbrook Blinn. The benefit for Mrs. Lester Wallack in New York, this week, was the big- gest kind of a success and many nov elties were on the bill, chief interest perhaps centreing in the Faversham- Robson 'Romeo and Juliet" scene. The Sicilian actress, Mimi Aguglia, appeared at a special matinee in "'Za- za," last week, in New York, and credited with giving a really wonder- ful performance, according to some critics, while others prefer her in the peasant roles in which she has made so deep an impression. The new play by Robert Hitchins, "The Real Woman,' was produced in London recently yby Evelyn Millard, and a strong cast. Mr. Hitchins is not credited with being as good a playwright as he is a novelist, but "The Real Woman' is said to have many interesting moments. Lillian Russell and Marie Cahill. both favorably remembered here, are in Chicago, and have proved that wo- men are capable not only of tolerating but of admiring each other. A news: paper persuaded ach to tell what she 'thqught gihe other. If it, the news paper, hoped for that which vulgar critics term a "cat fight," it was deep- ly mistaken. The names they called each other were sincerely eulogistic, says an exchange. ! Toronto Star: Will point a new play censor? If so, who'll get the job? Rev. J. M. Wil kinson, the well-known Methodist Epis- copal preacher, is after it. Mr. Wil kinson is said to be making a strong hid for the office--if it is created--and he is canvassing those who sit in the seats of the mighty in order to get their support for his application. Among others he has seen Mayor Oli- ver. He has also asked for the sym- pathetic support of some theatre man agers, it is said. But it looks as if the clergyman would be doomed to dis appointment. Mayor Oliver, who is chairman of the board of police com- missioners, told the Star that he was almost certain: the commissioners would leave the work of censoring to the police morality department. "I any change were made," said the mayor, "we would need to put it in the hands 'of a reasonable, responsi- ble, and intelligent man, who would judge things calmly and without pre- judice or bias." is is Toronto ap- Sufneient Explanation. James Payn relates a story of Dean Burgon's indignant refusal to christen a male child "Venus." The father of the infant urged that he only wished to name it after his grandfather. "Your grandfather !"" cried tho dean; "TI don't bolicve it. Where is your grandfather 2" He was produced. "Do you mean to tell me, sir, that" any clergyman over christened you 'Vanus' as you call it 7' "Well, so, sir, 1 was christencd: Sylvanus, but they always cal; me Vanus." °°! : DAILY BRITISH WHIG, S ATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1909. BARTERED FOR EXISTENCE. Men and Women Willing to Sell a Their Liberty. Brooklyn Eagle. : One of the most pitiable evidences of the intensity of the suffering from lack of work this winter is the experi- ence of E, T. O0'Leughlin, of Carroll street. In his desire to hélp a man who could not get work Mr. O'Lough- lin arranged a "sale" of his man for life to some person who guaranteed food, sheiter and clothing during that period. The sale attracted wide at- tention. It isnot so long since the slavery of black men nearly disrupted the uuion. The fact that in one gen- eration a white 'man should be willin to bind himself for life was regar as a strange proof of the power of poverty to induce desperation, But "stranger things remained be- bind. Applications to he "sold" poured in upon Mr. O'Loughlin from poverty-pressed men and women un- til h®™ has now 'a list of 273 men and seven women who are anxious to pledge their service for life to any one who will guarantee food, shelter and clothing. In afew instances the ap- plicant wishes special work to do; for instance, one poet wishes to sell him- seli for life to write verses for a pub- lisher or advertising firm, and one novelist wishes to write stories; but tfor the most part the applicants are seady to perform any labor required of them on the assurance of a living. A few years ago such a condition would have been unthinkable in this country, and it is pretty nearly un- thinkable now. Of course, the sort et provision asked for can be made onlv in a few cases. It is impossible that the practice should ever grow into anything more than a rare and ex- ceptional method of meeting unusual cases of distress. But that nearly 300 people in one city should seek to en- ter into sugh an + arrangement is a vivid evidence of the pressure which our social system puts upon those at the bottom. Mr. O'Loughlin's expeo- dient does not point to a remedy for the conditions, but his pile of pitiful letters affords crying evidence of the need of a cure as well as of the des- peration which comes from continued failure to find work. Let Us Be Kind. Sacred Heart Review. [et us be kind ; The way is long and lonely, And human hearts are asking for this blessing only~-- Let us be kind. Wo can not know the grief that men may borrow, = We can not see the souls storm-swept by BOITOW, Let us be kind. But love can shine upon the way to-day, to-morrow-- Let Let us be kind ; This is a wealth that has no measure, This is of heaven and earth the highest iLreasure-- Lét us be kind. A tender word, a smile of love in meet- ing, A song of hope and victory to those en- treating, A glimpse of God and brotherhood while life is fleeting-- Iet us be Tot us be Kind ; Around the world the tears of time are falling, And for the loved and lost these human hearts are calling-- Let us be kind. To age and youth let gracious words he spoken, = Upon the wheel of pain so many weary lives are broken, We live in vain who token-- . Let Lot us be kind ; The sunset tints will us be kind. kind. give no tender us be kind. soon be in the west, Too late the flowers are laid then on the quiet breast-- Let us be kind And when the angel guides have and found us, Their hand shall link the broken earth that bound us, And heaven and home shall brighten around us-- Let sought ties of all us he kind. DEACON JONES WAS ILL. How News of His Illness Was Re- ceived. Woman's Home Companion. Deacon Jones, the great man of a little village of Massachusetts, whose outward piety was of the vociferous order, but whose charity toward his fellow men was not as abounding as it might have been, was dangerously ill, and. his brother deacons, impress od with the custom:of issuing bulle tins from the sick rooms of promin- ant individuals, decided to follow the fashion with the following results : "6 P.M.--Deacon Jones is in a seri- ous condition." "7 P.M.--Deacon slightly." "9 P.M.--Deacon Jones has suffered a relapse." "1 P.M.--Deacon Jones has ad for heaven." Thus the bulletins read at midnight: but early in the morning some un- regenerate mortal who did not love the deacon evidently passed that way, for the light of a new day showed curious townspeople the later report: "Huaven, 7 A.M.--Great econsterna- tion here. Weacon Jones has not ar- rived." . Jones has rallied depart- KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health Saving Explained By 2 Kingston Citizen Who Knows From Experience. Many Kingston people take their ives in their hands by neglecting the idneve when they know these organs need help. : Sick kidneys are responsable for great amount of suffering and nealth. The reason so many Kidney Pills is their ill Kidney weakness. Kingston citizen says: Mrs. M. O'Neill, of 263 Sydenham street, Kingston, Ont., says; 'A con- stant bearing-down pain hid settled across the small of my back. 1, was weak and languid and could not stoop over to lace my shoes without much suffering. Headaches were frequent and usually accompanied by . spells of dizziness. 1 would take cold with the least change of weather and it would settle in the kidneys. The kid: ney secretions would begome irregular and frequent and cause me to leave ny bed several times during the night. Although TI had tried several remedies 1 could find no relief. 1 tried Booth's Kidney Pills, purchased at Mahood's Pharmacy, on recommenda- tion of a friend. They cured me as [ have had no trouble since and can recommend Booths Kidney Pills = as an excellent remedy." Sold by dealers... Price 50c. The R. T. Booth Co., limited, Fort Ene, Ont., sole Canadian agents, a ill use Booths quick relief for Here is what a *t buy Silver Butter-Spreaders. Wo'have of six for you. They are Wm. Rogers & his set io a jowelry store a Sons ew id soy ou But this I for us. You can buy ni do this: ajar of smour's Extract of Bech ur the with 10c for pack! , and we'll send you one of the 6 tops or certificates and 10c with each and get the Tull set of Alx. Sul Je Thus, for a little time, wo give you back mete than you pay for the Extract, ap want to know the mary uses of a good E. : Try it in adding flavor to soups gravies moa t dishes. Get Armour's, for a are: "Lae one-fourth as much." t ay % are, Seek an, Sng) Stacee © Armaurs Extract of Beef An Exquisite Evening Waist '" Duchess' one of the daintiest waists of the new spring season. It's the new surplice effect, with high Gibson collar, and Mousquetaire sleeves. The body is white' china silk, | \ here but you must see the waist itself and daintiness. Leading Dry Goods Houses carry the complete line of "Duchess" AN "Duchess™ Garments--Waists, Skirts, White Wear, Kimonos etc, --are unconditionally guaranteed by your dealer and by us, you buy, you have the makers' as DUNLAP MANUFACTURING CO. ARR ' No. 126 is Duchess with yoke of net and allover lace insertion. ' Ve show you the general effect to really appreciate its style Waists. Ask to see them. d When well 8s the retailés$' guarantee, , MONTREAL. 3 Nervous, Diseased Men DRS. K. & K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS Treatment A NERVOUS WRECK Consultation | FREE. Question Blank for Home FREE. Reasonable Fees for Treatment sent ROBUST MANHOOD We Guaranies te Curc all Curabie Cases of Stricture, Varicocelo, Hervous Debility, Blood Poisons, Vital Weaknesses, Kidnsy, Bladder and Urinar Diseases Peculiar Don't waste your time and moriey on Diseases, and al! to Men and Women. cheap, dangerous, experimental treatment. Don't increase at your own cost your sufferings by being experimented ou with reiuevies which they claim to have just disco you conscientiously, honestly and skilfully, sible time with the least medicine, discomfort and expense practicable. Our New Method is oiiginal and has stood the test for treated as the symptoms indicate. twenty years, red. But come to us n confidence. We wil treat and restore you to health: in the shortest pos- Lach case is Drs KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor, Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Sugars of this well-known Brand are put up ia pack- Extra Granulated Paris Lumps ages of a size convenient for family use. Bags 20 Ibs. Boxes, about 5 1bs. Equal to, if not better, than anything produced. Ask your grocer for them and refuse substitutes. Manufactured by The Canada Sugar Refining Co., Ltd, MONTREAL. 0 5 @ Agate Ware We carry in stock 'which are the best and for the balance No. 9 Nickel a nice assortment of "STRANSKY" AND "ELITE" AGATE-WARE grades manufactured, of the month we will , offer 15% DISCOUNT ON ALL PURCHASES. ' Plated Copper Kettles, $1.00. HHEEREEREORNONE ELLIOTT BROS., "i