Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Mar 1909, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. Et tiegp. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1809. WHY SUFFER. Breathe Hyomei and Xill Loathsome Catarrh Germs. Just as long as you have catarrh vour nose will itch, your breath will be foul, you will hawk and spit ard you will do other disgusting things ber cause you man's help yourself. The gams of caterrh have got yoa in their power; they are continually and persistently digging into and irrita- ting the mucous . membrane of your nose and throat. They are now mak. ing your life miserable; in time they will sap vour i energy, its vitality. But there ie one remedy that will - kill the germs and curs eatarrh, and that is Hyomei, the Australian air treatment. Joseph Dural, of Woodstodk street, Tavistock, Ont., says: "'Uatarrh had iven me all kinds of suffering for a ong time. Thera was. a of the glands under the eyes and adja cont to my nose and the discharges would drop into my throat. I used several remedies, but never got the relief that I did from Booth's Hyomei 1 have ben pleased with Hyomed results that 1 highly recommend "uke to catarrh sufferers.' G. W. Mahood, the druggist, will guarantee Hyomei to eure eatarrh on money back. Don't deley this plea sant antiseptic treatment, Breathe in Hyomei and kill the germs. G. W. Mahood will sell you a com- plete Hyomei outfit, including inhaler, for only $1. It is also guaranteed to cure bronchitis, asthma, coughs, colds, hay fever apd croup. + he entire system of strength, its vigor Ie and dry swelling 20 is ANY SIZE YOU WANT. es w tag apt %, A , & niin In Good Coal can be quickly you leave your crders at WALSH'S COAL YARD, 55-57 Barrack St. A WOMAN'S BACK WAS NOT MADE TO ACHE. Thousands of Women Suffer = h had {f safforing from kidney trl Doan's Kidney Pills will cure you in the same way as they have cured thousands of others. severe in my back for years. I tried every- thing I could think of | bat they did me no joa, friend told me about Doan's Kidney Pills and after taking two boxes, 1 have not been troubled ce. + + Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1.35, all dealers or mailed direet on receipt of rice by The TI. Milburn Co, Limited, 'oronto, Ont. When ordering specify * Doan's." iss Insist on this Trademark for your own sake. THE T. F. HARRISON CO. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Jee Ford See Pac-Simile Wrapper Below. Very sx, nd as easy to taki, --vegure FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIDUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION, FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION y ORNUTNE MUST ave MATURE. AURK £1CK HEADACHE. hing wrong with the impression [re i There commaul s somo \ : ity where the vails that the wre too many chure £3, wor - wr - = -- es A CHURCH THE SPORT REVIEW. t entesosting News From the Var- ---------- i ious Sporting Fields. CONTRIBUTED $921 AT ITS! Hull is to have a sémi-professional | baseball team. a: ANNIVERSARY. Vancouver is almost sure to have a to-- [pro lacrosse team. Death of Salvation Army Emsign's| Pete will again look after Capital lacrosse team. : : {the Child Hall Delivery to wil-| Johnson has been matched to meet stead--Telephone Line Propos-|Siapiev, Ketchell ior a purse of $5, ed For Islands. Gananoque, March 22.--Grace Me- thodist church celebrated the seventy 3 third anniversary yesterday. Rev. | they have begun to believe that the William Briggs, D.D., of Toronto, de- | Queen s team could just about lift the livered able sermons at both mornifg | Stanley cup. : « and evening services. The choir, ably | A bill was passed in the Minnesota seconded the Rev. Dr's, efforts with | house allowing the councils of the city one of the best programmes of spe- | 189 of St. Paul, ° " cial music ever presented on a like | luth to permit limited boxing matches. occasion, Dr. Priges also addressed| The Rideau Valley Lacrosse League Kev. J. T. Pitcher' s new movement Bi- | will be resurrécted once more if the ble class at the afternoon session. | efforts of the Ottawa East Amateur This class is the second largest in | Athletic Association meet with suc (Canada and has an enrolled member- ship of 215, upwards of 150 being | Jefiries and Johnson will not proba- present yesterday. The amount asked | bly fight before November. Jefi must for this year was "$850. At the | work offi at least forty pounds to be morning service 3613 of this amount | in shape. He will not meet or talk to contributed; at the Sabbath |Johnson at all. school session over $96 more, and at Toronto Telegram: evening session $212, making a total | knock his block-ofi."" Those are the of $121, or $70 in excess of the |immortal words of James J. Jefiries, amount asked for. . | in referring to his esteemed contempor The infant son of Ensign and Mrs. (ary, J. Johnsing. And how readily McDonald. for some months past in|one would ove believed him had he charge of the local Salvation Army | simply said, "I'm going to talk his corps, passed away at the officers' | hlock off." 2 yuarters, Charles street, on Sunday | 'Battling' Nelson has dodged Mor- morning, after a short illness, a vic: an, . "Cyclone Johnny' Thompson, tim of pneumonia. {and other challenges by stating that St. John's church held an excellent [ha must rgteive a $15,000 guarantee sacred concert and lecture last even: from any 'New York or Philadelphia ing. The citizens band rendered seve- | gh which wants him to fight. Nel ral selections and Rev. Father: Col- | on believes in following the example iing, the newly-inducted curate of the|,f "Tommy" Burns in making sufe church, delivered an able lecture : money when there is a risk to the ,run Ireland and her patron saint. The | with earnest opponents. church was packed to the doors. Montreal has lost Pitcher Siever A petition is in circulation in this Casey says he had given him his 'word section asking for a free rural mail| of honor to go with Montreal at a delivery between this town and Wil-! much bigger salary than Montreal in stead, a few miles east. This 18 ONC | tended to pay originally to any play of the items brought up during the |. Casey, however. could not sign recent election campaign and will { him without the consent oi the Mont doubtless be "given due consideration | : , : » real directors, and they delayed by the federal government. I A im 1 sine Y 3 oo v ong that Siever got tired and signed R. G. Graham, principal of Ganano-| 2 . ." « with the Washington club of que hizh school, spent the past week | thweet Le : forate in loronto as representative of Gan-| orthwest League at a lancy lgure. anoque lodge, No. 7, A.0.U.W., at | Longboat fast rounding into the grind session of that of | shape for the big Marathon Derby to der. 2 be run at New York in two weeks Reeve C. E. Britton, P.H.C.R., of and advices from Toronto are to the the Canadian Ovder of Foresters, re- | effect that he is in better condition presented Court Thousand Islands, No, | than when he met Dorando in New (15, UC.0.F., of this town, at the | York. He ran seven miles in very last executive meeting of that order in [SiS the other day, and 1 mn Winnipeg last week. Mr. Britton will |O Rourke says that he is traimng go on as far as Victoria, B.C., this | more diligently than he ever did be week on business. { fore. Longboat in shape will about Efforts are on foot to connect the | Carry off the big money despite the islands in this section either with the | fact that" the best distance men in the rural or main telephone lines. With | world will be against him. cable to Tremont Park little difficulty | would be experienced in suitable cod nections for the adjacent islands. % iii which lie quite close together. | And Thus Could Not Tell Moor Ex-Lieut.-Gov. Patterson, of Mani-| From the Sun. foha, was in town a short time dur-|phjladelphia Record. ing the past week on his way to lvy| Two belated disciples Lea, where he generally summers at staggered arm in arm up Walnut Fairview House, | street about three o'clock the other The local Salvation Army corps held | morning. The street was dark, except a special young peoples' meeting at {or a single ground glass globe that the barracks on Natarday -eveniug, ai- | blazed im front of an apartment house. tracting a goodly number. | Ohe of the inchriates, spying this lone Mr. Garnsey, caretaker of Leek Is- light, observed : : land, the summer home of Ira Kipp. | "Oh, look at 7zhe moonsh." of New York stock exchange fame.| The other seriously contradicted was in town on Saturday and reports | phim, saying : "That ain't no moonsh, the crossing back and forth as at- zach sun." tended with considerable danger, there| 'phis started an argument, which being strong indications of an lasted for several minutes as to hreak up. : S : whether tho globe was the moon or Wilired J. Bulloch of the Parmen- |g. 'wun. Finally they decided ter hy Bulloch ofices here, has {leave it to the first passecby, © who confined to his home during the | happened to. be' another "happy ry week on account ' : J. A. Milne, of Whitby, was in tewn | gentleman. They stopped him, and, : ex ting to the globe, asked : the latter yart of the week negotia {point ting for the purchase of the bakery Settle an argument, old pal. owned and operated hy Donald Root, | that the moon or the sun?' Charles street y | The third party stared knowingly at Mi: | the globe for several minutes before he have shook his head and replied : "Gentlenian, 1 really couldn't. tell I'm a stranger in this town." (ireen leiseo. 5 Ottawa Citizen : Up in Kingston cess. was "I'm going to on 80 is lodge { a | WAS STRANGER IN THE TOWN of Bacchus early | to heen past of i'lness, Is and Mrs. J. L. Pollock, been the guests of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. doll, Maitland street, for the two months, have left for their home | Minnesota. Mrs. W. P. Dailey, | who latter's Ran past | you. in The Honorable Earthquake. Speaking of the recent visit of the Duke of Connaught to Italy specially of | to convey condolences to the govern- a short | ment on account of the disaster at time duitng the latter part of the | Messina, a correspondent in Black week J. CU. Sherk, of Kingston, was | and White writes: "When, with the in town on business for a short time | duchess, the duke was visiting Japan during the past week. Messrs. A. | some years ago, he remarked to his Auld and J.. McEwen are among | host at table, when the programme those effected with western fever and |for this visit was put before him: jeave at an early date for Alberta, | 'Well, I think you have planned every- where they purpose' locating thing connected with this country there is to see, but," he added, laugh- 'there is one thing you cannot y put on your programme, and that is } You | an earthquake." Hardly had he spok- When a Boy the Famous Marconi en, iy when the house on to Was Very Dull. | tremble violently, andthe servants London Tit-Bits . . standing at the door bowed together : tis a somewhat curious lact, per- | ag the host said, 'Your Hichness, the haps, that as a boy, Mr. Marconi, the | honorable earthquake !'" value of whose system of wireless tolegraphy bas boen wo strikingly de- monstrated by {ne saving of the pa senpers of the ill-fated Republic, show- od little signs of his teachers, in fact, once said of him that he could never learn anything by | Exhaust heart Nevertheless, ho was only { twenty-one when he began to startle | All G . . . . 1 the world with his demonstrations of | one wireless telography. In spite of his | fame, Marconi is one of the most i assuming of men, and hates demon- strations. He was once recognized | while walking in Rome. Immediately | a cheeving crowd assembled Marconi | bolted into what he thought was ol empty carriage. But it contained There is no medicine for health and lady who wis too frightened to ox- | girength that accomplishes so much postulate. The inventor quickly made' as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For woman- his apologies, and the lady allowed |ly troubles they have no equal ham to remain until they were free of! Miss Katie I. Emerson, one oi the crowd. | Brocktan's popular young ladies, in {ithe following lotter voices the Sanguine. | vietioni of hosts of her friends : "How's times ?"' inguired a tourist. | "I'wo months { was com- "Oh, pretty tolerable," re sponded | pletely used up. 1 was weak and the old native who was sitting on a| miserable. My strength was gone, stump. "I had trees 1g cui| and I had no appotite or energy down, but a cyclone come alotig aud | leit. What [ needed was a blood saved me the trouble.' ° i punfier and systematic tonic which "Fine." | | found in Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "Yes, and then the lightning To-day 1 anf brimming over with firo to the brush pile, and saved spirits and virile good health the trouble of burnin' it." 'hat came from: using Dr. Hamil- _ *Remarkable. But what tons Pills." doing now ?"' | No one can over-cstimate the "Oh. nothin' mueh. Jest waitin' for | worth of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. an earthquake to come along énd cnormous curative power makes shake the potatoes out of the ground." {marvel. You soon have richer blood, better appetite, clearer complexion, 84 an conscientious | freedom from weakness, and ill-health. man. vou will measure your wor as | Dr Hamilton's Pills are sold carefully as you do your wheat and | where, 25c. per bex; or five boxes for corn. $b Brockville, spent the past week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Peck, Pine street. J. P. Webster, Toronto, was in town for | eh -------------- | | WAS SLOW TO LEARN. | ing, Many a failure in life is selecting the wrong mission. made in of cloverncss. One ! With Health and Vital Energy Given By a Medicine Female Sex. | To-Day She is Buoyant a / con- ago some set me aw vou | Their one vou honest, Paul, Minneapolis and Du- | the | Suited to the | true | every- | | | | | Hidden between two crisp, beautifully browned biscuits | 000, .in either New York or San Fran- | | of unique design, is a fairy-like cream, with a flavor of pure lemon juice. J Lemon Cream Biscuit--our New 'Creation. About 60 biscuits to the pound. WORLD SCIENCE NOTES. A Racy Account of Very Valuable Things. Popular Mechanics Magazine An important feature of April Popu- lar Mechanics 'Magazine, is* the re narkable oxygen melting process by which it is possible to start a chilled taphole flowing in a few seconds. "The Building of Roads by Convict Labor' tells what has been accomplished, and the cost, in states where convict la- bor is thus employed. 'Whaling with Modern Methods' is of veal interest; the description of Uncle Sam's derelict lestrover, whose mission is to succor imperiled navigators, repair disabled ships, and destroy abandoned wrecks s fine. A steel company at Hillburn, N.X rolls a manganese steel rail that can be bent, twisted, and distorted cold with- ut breaking or developing cracks. It has a high elastic limit with an ulti mate strength of about. 140,000 pounds wid is so hard and tough that its life s extraordinary. The manganese steel cail ~cammot be drilled or machined commercially, vet the vail can be cut les punched and drifted accurately or joint bolts and bonding. Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming are using convict labor to construct a great highway which will run through the three states, and Washington, Ore gon, North Carolina and Georgia, well as several other have gangs at work. Illinois is using a number of convicts in crushing ston for the roads. An engine-motion-detector for steam ship, described in Popular Mechanics shows by a system of lights, whether or not orders issued from the bridge have been correctly interpreted The device will be an important factor in the safety of navigation. A vacht that sails itself, though not equipped . with electricity, = steam, springs, gas or other engine, is a re markable mechanical curiosity. The vessel sails, steers, tacks, trims sails and returns to landing with no skip per but the wind. The size of ocean waves in compari son to a large ocean liner shown by an illustration Mechanics. roneous ns states, clearly in Popula Many persons have an impression in regard to size of the waves. To prevent the Qhio river, during a flood stage, from sweeping away a road-bed and to protect farm-lands the city of Cincinnati is spending over $100,000 in building a concrete dyking along the sides of the roadway. A-picture of the largest chrysanthe- mum in the world appears in Popular Mechanics. 1t had 1,200 blossoms, at one time. 18 ol the WAS FIGHTING APOSTLE And So Gave a Contribution $500. It is well known. that Elias Howe, the inventor of the sewing machine, not only enlisted as a common soldier | in the ranks of the 17th Connecticut | Regiment, carried a musket, and did full military duty during the war, but {at a certain juncture, when national finances were at a low ebb, he paid soldiers out of his own pocket. Rela- tive to used to tell Howe was counting out the money re- ferred to, a stranger, who was a cler- gyman, entered the tent and said he had heard of Mr, Howe's liberality, and he had called to ask him to con- tribute toward building a church for his congregation. "Church, church," said Mr. Howe, without looking up from - the bills he was counting; "building churches in war times, when | so much is needed to save our | try !| What church is it ?' 'St. Peter's | church," replied ' the clergyman, "Oh, | St. Peter's,' said Mr, Howe; 'well, St. | Peter was the only fighting apostle | | i { { of coun- he cut a man's ear-off. I'll go 3500 on St. Peter, but 1 am spending; most of my money on saltpeter now." '! Sower And Seed. In Home Chat A kindly word and a kindly deed, A helpful hand in time of ned With a strong, heart Io do his Thus went true part--- the sower out with his seed, Nor stayed in his toil to name his creed No coat-fif-arms, no silken crest, No purpie or linen about his breast But royally true 1. To the purpose in view, | Was his ceaseless search, and his | stant quest, For suffering souls in need of rest con- Feeling for others, Ja&ring their pain Freeing the fretters. undoing the chain, From sorrow and tears, He wrought the hright years-- 8till unknown to rank, and unknown to fame | In letters of light God writeth his name. | ------------------ Doing something for humanity always followed by satisfaction. to any length by a friction saw and | Teor | EMON CREAM--- The Dainty, Delicious New Treat Pa | | ICCORMICKS LEMoN cREAMBISCUITS ctory at Loadon. Warehouses at Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Kingstoo, Winnipeg, Calgary OUR BIG CLEARING SALE Bigger and greater than ever. Brass and Iron Bedsteads, strong and durable ; Hair and' Felt and All Felt and Fiber and Felt Mattrasses ; Buffets and China Closets and Sideboards 3 Carpets-- Brussels, Wiltons & Tapes- try Squares; also Baby Car- ringes and Go-Carts all in- cluded in our Big Sale. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147. | { | I PETAL LLTLRVBRTIANS CTT LLL LLL BRAVA IVST Oranges, Oranges! ave Sweet Juicy Mexicans Large Regular 30c Size, Only 20c per Dozen. Eases. b A.J. REES, 166 Princess St ATTRA SELLA LETT TAAAE STAAL SLES RRA Pee TEALE frasssassasas nan Canada Life Assurance Company, mperial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co. Western Fire Assurance Company, Last Mountain District--North-West Lands, Special Excursions for Prospective Purchasers, Cobalt Stocks. For Full Information Call or Correspond With J. O. HUTTON, AGENT. OFFICE--18 Market St., Kingston, Ont. 06000600000000060600000 SPECIAL SALE this incident, P. T. Barnum | this story : "While Mr. | POEOOHH000EDH000000000 - OF CHOCOLATES A sample lot of MOIR'S CHOCOLATES --the first received in Kingston --will be sold at 40c and 50c per Box this month only. Regular price 50c and 60c. Try a box and see the excellence of these goods. : TOYE'S, 302 KING ST 141. rT | P rice And the present remarkable demand will be still more greatly increased once you and other discriminating women have discovered its delicious quality. The daintiest biscuit! Perfectly correct to serve al any social function. Fort ify the System | Against Colds, &c. By using Bovril or Johnston's | Fluid Beef We have a fresh supply, in all sizes, | 20¢., 35¢., 65¢, and $1.00. FRESH OYSTERS D. COUPER. 'Phone, 76. 841-8 Princess St. apo ------------ | Ignition Dynamos, 'Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, Cabaretors, Et | TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES. bull Berea Mg. 00. | To 873. 278 Bagot St. You Have Tried Others Now Order PRICE'S ICE CREAM A 1ich, dainty dessert of a very superior quality, that may be | ordered in brick or bulk, at a | moment's notice. ' 288 Princess St. S, Phone 845. | THE FRONTENAC ' LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ! ESTABLISHED, 1863. | President--Sir Richard Cartwright, Money issued on City and Farm Pro- | pgrties. Municipal and County Deben« tures. Mortgages purchased Deposits | received and interest allowed, js C. McGill, Managing Director. - rence street. -------- eui--_-------- - T0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect Brick & Tile Oo., Wash- PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessee Are ready to contract immediate delivery. Brick that will stand Inspec. tion at reasonable rates. Capacity of plant 60,000 daily. for |ANGROVE'S FOUNDRY Brass and Iron Castings of Any Size or Weight. Place d'Armes M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barbee Shop Hair Dressing and Shaving Parlor: Three Chair. Quick Service. Your pats ronage solicited. ct 336 King Stre¢ Next door to Wade's Drug 'Btore. tr SAINI, | Tuesday and Wednesday | This week we are cleaning up our Bargain Tables, and have made the following Specials. . ® About 30 pairs Women's High Laced Regular $3.00. Clearing this week .......... Boys' Box Call Sizes 1 to 5. Clearing Bluck- $1.25 About 80 pains Girls' Fine Kid Laced ers. Regular $1.75. Clearing About 100 pairs Children's $1.25 and $1.35 | Kid Bluchers, Box Calf Bluchers and Brown Kid, | Sizes 3 to 7}. and 8 to 10%. All on the Bargain | Table, for .... Be, | AB Men's Heavy Tan Bluchers. This will be the last lot at ... About 20 pairs Little Boys' Sizes 8 to 104. Regular $1.25. Clearing ...58e¢. Regular $5.00. Men's $2.50 Box Calf Bluchers Bluchers. Regular School Boots. 20 pairs Boys' Medium Weight School Shoes. Sizes 11, 12 and 13. Regular $1.25, for

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