THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1900. MAY BE NEW CLUEWHY A WOMAN STOLEA BATILE IN THE SKYTHE NEWS OF WORLD TEN SHOT REVOLVERS ARE HER OBJECT WAS TO oe ad IN GERMANY CAUS- {OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED | FOR SALE. DEPORTED. ED CONSTERNATION. IN BRIEF FORM. ms-- Should Be Easy to Trace As They ats: a All Over----Little Are New Market--No An- 4 ! Everything Easily Rea of Family's In-| young %0 Rev. Brother Odo Baldwin, inspector of separate schools, Toronto, is dead. | A conciliation board found for the M.C.R. telegraphers in their dispute with the G.N.W. Telegraph com p. St. Petersburg, Prince Michael Hil koff, a member of the council of the empire, and formerly minister of com- munications, died suddenly on Sun dhy. The town of Welland will sue gas company for $15,000 to pay for the Methodist church which was burned, and for which the town was compelled to pay. * ! The theatrical world is greatly in- terested in the announcement that W. 8. Gilbert, after a long rest, is writ- ing a new opora. The work is to be fanciful in character, and will deal with fairies. A new board of directors has been chosen for the Crow's Nest Pase Coal company, with Elias Rogers as presi- dent, Senator Jafiray, Sir Henry Pel- latt and E. R. Wood resigned rather than serve under the "Tim™ Hill con- trolling interests. The Dominion steel and coal com- panies appear to have, arranged all their dafferences, except the point as to the right of the coal company to dispute any item in the stee cam- pany's claim for damages. The coal company is prepared to hand over two and a half million dollars on that head alone, | | | | | C. M. Holland Wants Summary| Two Armies in: Conflict--Landscape Police Court Trial on Charges| Was Mirrored on Bright Red of Forgery--$62,000 Succession Streak, Which Appeared Sud- Duties From Hamilton Estate. denly in Heavens. Toronto, March 22--Mary Hum-| Heidelberg, March 22. --A terrifying { phrey, who came to Canada from the| phenomenon in the heavens recently lold country, a year ago, appeared in, alarmed the superstitions villagers of {the police court, this morning, charg- | Dorsebach and Oberunzbasch. In the {ed with stealing a blouse from the T. | clouds, 'just before ten o'clock in the | fact that nine shots were fired by |(. Eaton company store. She admit-| forenoon, there appeared a bright red [Ethel Kinrade's murderer there have [ted the crime and said shat she had| streak, on which could be plainly seen on nouncement tentions. may prove to be a new clue in the SEALSKIN GAR- | Kinrade murder has been reported by MENTS a | Goange Lynch Staunton to Crown | Attorney Washington. Because of the AND | | y | Hamilton, Ont., March 22. --What {heen two theories on that phase of {committed it in order that she might | a landscape, with fields, streams, and | | the case, that either the murderer had [he deported. She had no money and! woods, among which two bodies of {but one revolver, which he reloaded |wanted to get back home. A remand | troops in battle formation were ad- lin the house, of that he had two re- | of a week was granted to allow of an| vancing towards each other, firing | volvers, otherwise the presence of the |investigation. | vallets. The puffs of sghoke were clear- | nine shots coould mot be accounted | The provincial treasury department, | ly visible. Half an hour later the pic- lfor. Mr. Staunton became interested | this morning, received from the estate | ture suddenly disappeared, but the ex- in that phase and he discovered an |of the late C. H. Bisby, of Hamilton, | itement and fear aroused amongthe | advertisement setting forth that a re- [a check for $62,000, representing the! villagers, lasted until next morning, | velver, capable of firmz ten shots at | amount of succession duties due from | when the explanation appeared in the | one loading, was manufactured in a [the estate. ! | newspapers of the district, that a large American city. If the murderer |' Christopher M. Holland, who was sham fight had been held by the gar- used this class of weapon it would ac- [hrought back from Philadelphia to | rion of Mergenthaim, some twenty count for the mina shots and the po- [face eleven charges of forgery, laid by | miles distant, and had been miraged | lie will investigate this latest clue as | Toronto banks, was arraigned in the| OB the clouds. A | this class of weapon is rare and should | police court, this morning, and re- | be easy to trace. | manded for one week. It bad been ex- No definite announcement has heen {pected that he would prefer trial by a made as to the intentions of tha Kin- jury, but he elected summary trial, rade family to move from the city land the police magistrate will, therc- until the inquest is resumed. | fore, dispose of the case. Thomas Hobson, one of the family wolicitors, in an interview, this morn-' ing, said there was no suspicion against Ilorenca Kinrade and that there had never been any need of it, He said the inability of the authori William Pillar was in Glenvale over ties to find the murderer must resuld | | Sunday. in the cage being dropped F Mrs. Silas Winters, of Orillia, the Proper style enters largely into the selec- tion of a Woman's Spring Suit. Not alone ...proper cut of Coat and Skirt, but proper materials, color and trimmings are neces- sary features of a smart Spring Suit. These points mark our showing of New Suits at $14.75, 16.75, 17.50, 21.75 and on up fo $40. From the lowest price up you will ata glance note they combine style and good taste. John McKa 140-155 Brock St., Kingston. na ---- SHAS LLLAMAAMISSALLARAES INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. t STERLING »* The Standard of Silver Excellence Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Miss Lenora Gillette left, to-day, for | Tivan, Sask. The schooner Kitchen loaded ice at Port Hope, for Fairport. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's.. "Phone 778. The ice between Cape Vincent and Kingston is commencing to get shaky. is| "Fry's chocolate with assorted nut bvisiting Iingston. | h" sold in Kingston at Gibson's SISTER SUES BROTHER. | R. Meek went to Belleville, this al- Red Cross drug store. -- |ternoon, to attend the Cooper ban- H. Cunningham, piano tuner Harry Bradley Must Pay Susan quet. ; 5 Chickeriog Rr Letive orders at For Her Services. | Miss Minnie Miller has resigned her Ye : 00 d pine Rev. Father Ho- Windsor. © March 22.--Be eo | POSItiOn a8 soloist at the Princess 18 rumored ha ev. athe > indsor, nte, March 22.--Because | Theatre gan, parish priest of Perth, will be | he married a second time, thereby vio-| 3 hea T spent | the next Bishop of London, Ont. . | i . ! Bon-Bon Dishes {lating an implied agreement made with i Sunday to! The Cape Vincent stage drivers re- {his sister, a verdict of $1,530 was re- Tororo | port the crossing to be in fing +TTets. a suburb of Montreal. They Sugar & Cream Sets = against Henry Bradley, a pro-{ Nj pingman, inspector of inland | tion. A large number came" over to-|would not disclose the young woman's { { | PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. It costs more at first, but is the kind that does not wear out. Engaged To Marry. Montreal, March 22.--Charles Dien- fenthal, who committed suicide, Sun- day night, in Toronto, in a sensation- al manner, was engaged to be mar- ried to Florence Jones, a young wo- man who is employed in this city, but resides with her patents at Blue Bon- from Me- McDermott, Montreal, in the city on his way NOTE You are at perfect liberty to come and examine these new Spring Suits, Coats and Skirts. Whether prepared to buy or not it makes absolutely no difference. You are welcome, and should you see just the suit you want, it will be placed aside until you re» quire it, if you wish. minent jeweller of this city, in Judge. oe. has gome as far west as New | day. | whereabouts, but stated that she was B . h McHugh's court. After the death of fy: 000 | 'Ihe usual number of drunks paraded | twenty years of age and that relations utter S es Bradley's first wife and while his chil- The Canadian Courier contains the | Princess strect, Saturday night. Some | petween the two had not suffered any dren needed a mother's care, Miss {6 oct portrait yet of Dean Bidwell, | were not very bad and others were change to account for the man taking Ia designs and weights to Susan Bradlev, his sister, left a lucra [with biography. worse. Saturday seems to be the off- | his Life. They put it down to business A tive dressmaking business in Toronto} yp. = Johnson, student, | day for a gaeat many. worries. suit everyone. at Bradley's request, and came here to} hreac hed in the Presbyterian "diurch | The public are invited to attend a take charge of the two motherless chil-|{ "picton on Sunday. | series of evangelistic meetings being return for Herbert Buck, missing from the Deer | held every night this week at eight a Queen's Woman Hacked To Death. Niagara Falls, March 22.--Mrs. An thony - Pereak, fifty-eight years old, was hacked to death with an = axe and a butcher knife at her home on Buffalo street, on Sunday.*$§The po- lice were notified of the murder. They arrested 'three boarders and the husband. The print of a bloody hand was found on the back door. A sec tion of the door was taken away by the officers and the imprints of the hands of the four prisoners will be taken and compared with the marks on the door panel. dren, in which she was to, Vas \ I I Jap-a-Lac In 13 lucky colors, is a have a home for life Park Sauitarium, Toronto, for alo clock in the hall in Frontenac Busi- = | Bradley's second marriage invalidats |yeek. has been located in Kingston. |ness College, Old CoMegiate building. fed the ' agreement and Miss Bradley | Mrs, D. J. McSorley, University ave- | Yesterday was the Feast of tho As- | compelled to give up her home {nue, left last week for Chicago to sumption, and at St. Mary's cathe' In rendering his decision, Judge Mc- [attend the funeral of her brother, | dral, Rev. Father J. McDonald preach- lugh explained that the statute of lim | Michael J. Connolly. led in the morning, and Rev. Father | itations prevented the payment of the! Myr and Murs. Robert MeNinch cele- | Hanley in the evening. At the morn = entire amount claimed, but he allowed |} rated their china wedding on Friday | ing i N. O'Connor sang 'Ave $1.530. based on a salary of $5 per [evening last at their residence, "The! maria." tweek for six years, less forty days. | Pines,' near Gananoque. | "Kasagra," the gentle laxative, sold v | Miss Bradley asked for $700 addition- } F. N. Norcross, the business man- | in 25c, and 50c. bottles, at Gibson's al, on the ground that she experded {ager of the Royal Italian Opera com-|Red Cross drug store. Phone 230. that amount out of her private purse pany, is in the city making arrange. The proprietor of the Iroquois hotel for houschold expenses. {ments for the return engagement onjw hich was quarantined last fall, on Saturday next. { account of the small-pox scare, is New Dress Plotters Blew Up Bridge. fine, tough, quick drying, durable finish for furniture, interior work, metal work, everything that needs freshening. You can get it in cans at] 20¢, 306, oc Sizes. Also Gold and Aluminum W. A MITCHELL, Hardware -- BOY STILL MISSING. Hundreds of Letters of Sympathy Received. Sharon, Pa., March worn, showing in his face strain under which he has last three days, J. P of William Whitla, the returned, vesterd trip to Clevelan to sleep all sheer will pe ders that to Weary the and terrible Whitla, father kidnapped boy fruith refused up through from a I. 'The father and keeps Physicians Whitla be not allowed Hundreds of let the « con- from at wer Mrs visitor ters all tinue to pe strangers alike, ter Whitla did leave Park, Ashtabula by unkn heavd of it and Ave or See any from over suntry friend vmpathy Flatiron ted police ur m and derin 210.000 in Ohio, as reque the lay in wait. No one an wn writer, but came High-cla pictures at this night's daily "Ray, spring son's 230. vaudeville the Princess theatre al Don't fail to ce to programme. Pictures changed and cial 1 Spe week, and Wme," a , not 75 at Cross drug good Blk Gib stort floors, | * | When heen for the | Phone | Swallowed By Baltimorean Nearly Month Ago. March Half swallowed nearly a ago, was responsible for the death William: 1°. Murbach yesterday, | suffering agony for several weeks, | though the small fragment | was removed shortly after he first felt its presence in his system, the points of the toothpick had tured his intestines, and, despite fact that several operations were per formed on him, peritonitis set in. Mr. Murbach thirty-nine year {eld, had always where 99 Baltimore, ! toothpick of a of Al of wood sharp pune- was and been swallowed the unable toll did not 'become until he suffer intestines, or he toothpwk hi sicians, of its ed sharp pains he was to as he aware presence in his Paderewski Has Rheumatism. N York, March 22. --Ignace Jan Paderewski, the famous piano virtuso, arrived, vesterday, from Minneapolis, after cancelling three engagements ow in to place himself in the hands of specialist rheumatism Mr, Pac suddenly stricken with rheumatism in his right hand and arm on Friday, a few hours before the time soheduled for his concert in Minneapo lis, but by a supreme effort managed to play his programme through The abandonment of his western concert tour has already cost Paderew ski £10,000 He is confident that his disability is only temporary. the west, on lerewski was It Bromo-Quinine grippe"" in one day, (Laxative), sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug Fresh there Chivstopher MM. Holland, charged with forgery at Toronto, has arrived from Philadelphia, in charge of De- tective Mackie. Charles H, Drefenthal, {aged twenty, committed suicide, cures store. Toronto, DE TT NN MAN SAID, used to be; no trou We soon convinced (Clothes. well, but they keep t BE uithtihdionth didi BC hd 'LIVINGS Clothes Built to Fit Growing Boys. ~ SATURDAY : "Boys must be better shape than they ble to get a fit now, Or is it the Clothes." him that it was the Our Clothes are cut to fit stren- uous Growing Boys. They not only fit heir shape. Bays' Suits, $3.00, 3.50, 4.00 and up to $7.50. According to size. TONS. ESV VVTVRRRRRTRTANS TTL VRVVRLVRSOVRN HALF OF. TOOTHPICK KILLS. | month | after | the | healthy. | the | = Miss Fannie Walker, a graduate of | Rockwood Hospital, will leave this | week for New York, where she will take a course in the Polyclinic hos- | pital, where many Kingston girls are | already engaged in taking courses. Mrs. F. E. Donovan, Montreal, died | | on Thursday last. She was a native | of Kingston, Ont., and a sister of} {Mrs. Joseph F. Dolan. Among her | relatives from out of town who at-| [tended her obsequies were : Rev. Fr. Carey and Miss Carey, Prescott; Mrs { Melville, sister, and Dr. Melville, St. Albans, Vermont; Mrs. F. J. Har pell, sister, and Mrs. Edward Rielly, | Kingston, WILL MEET IN TORONTO. County Constables to Take Important Matter. A meeting of county constables the province of Ontario will be held in Toronto the of a few days, to take up an important mat- ter, and one in which the county | | constables in this district are deeply interested. It +s proposed. to ask | the government to have a paid coun- | ty constabulary, and at this meeting, | the matter will be discussed and ac-| tion taken. The sufrgestion is one which was brought up a few years ago, but at that time no action was taken upon it. 'As it stands now county constables only receive pay for the cases they are called upon to | investigate and work up and the re- muneration sufficient. | A county constable, who was in the| {eity this morning, stated that he | {would likely attend the meeting in| | Toronto. He said that under present {conditions there no encourage- ment for a county constable to stay |at the work as the pay was very ¢mall when there was no fixed salary. | "I think the time has come when we should have a paid county | stabulary," Up of in course is not was { con- | he 'added. | BANWELL RELEASED. | | Toronto Bank Teller Out of Peni- { tentiary. i | Banwell, the teMer of the | bank, Toronto, who went off | $20,000 of bank funds, a couple of {years ago, and fled to South Ameri ta with his young bride, with whom {ke eloped, was released last Wednes- day from the penitentiary here on | parole, aftew having served less than one-half of his four-years' sentence. | The minister of justice granted him | his release on parole, Banwell deft | for the west inmeciately after leav-| {ing the prison, to join his. wife His release was kept quite secret but the | appearance of the ex-teller up west | goon became known and an Ottawa despatch confirms his release. -------------- Crown | with | | \ He Was Fortunate. On Monday morning, J. B. Lappan, | engineer of the steamer Frontenac at Garden Island, was working on the steamer Prince Rupert, fixing pipes, | when he slipped and foll down the aft thold, striking twenty leet on blocks of ice. He was fortunate in es- | caping with a bruised: hip amd al sprained right wrist He will be laid | up for some. days. | helow A Call To Brockville. | Brockville, March 22.--At a gregational meeting of St | Presbyterian church a eall {tended to Rev. A. G. Cameron, City View, outside of Ottawa, cog? Johns | was | presented a thrilling | with the 19th | crossing | school, billing the city for about $400 dam- ages occasioned by the loss of trade during the time the hotel was closed. His account will be presented at the next council meeting. Canadian Freeman : The editor of the Freeman last week received many congratulatory letters on the twenty- fifth anniversary of its publication. But then, after all, a newspaper like the Freeman requires something more substantial than mere for an existence. Let 'those subscribers who owe us for many years pay up and get a clear receipt and then all will be satisfied. The chicken thieves are still busy throughout the city. On Friday night a resident at the corner of Princess antl Division streets, was awakened by a noise in the hen-coop. When he started out to investigate, two men ran out of the yard. The man found one of his chickens dead, but none were missing. A good clue was found to the identity of the thieves, and they may have to face the charge in { police court. President Taft At The Bijou. "Big Bill' Taft, the new president of the United States, appears at The Bijou, to-day and Tuesday, in moving pictures, which were made during his recent visit to Panama, to watch the digging of "the big diteh' across the isthmus which is to cost nearly five hundred million dollars. This picture well worth seeing, There is also drama entitled "The Ship Captain's Daughter" or "Old Times on the Mississippi." This is a double length drama full of ex- 15 | citement. A Tip For Hal McGiverin. A Fenien raid veteran writes: notice in the papers that Hal. Giverin, M.P., is standing up well for the civil service employees. 1 trust he will do the same for the good old Fenian raid veterans of 1866. I went regiment to Cornwall and had the Fenians shown face as the Boers in South Africa did I have no doubt but what we would have given them a hard time and won the victory." c- Glenburnie Meeting. Dr. Edwards, M.P_, is to speak at the meeting at Glenburnie, this even- ing, with to the railway question which is agitating both city and county. Ald. R. F. El- liott has been invited by Reeve Ran: kin to address the meeting on the Lojageial side of the question. Reso- relerence | lutions will be passed condemning any League. scheme that means the closing of the Montreal Road. Educated In Kingston. Brother Odo Baldwin, late inspector of separate schools for Toronto, an principal of the De La Salle Institute, died' from paralysis, on Sunday morn- | ing, in St. Michael's hospital. Broth- | consideration er At an early age his parents moved to Kingston. He commenced his educa- tion here in the Christian Brothers' which Brother Arnold was director at the time of Notice. You are invited, to see Nordheimer pianos on view in Kirkpatrick's Art Gallery, 159 Princess street. Also Ca- New plication. Son's, York. Catalogues on ap empty praise | | pired, mutined at Jaunia, to-day, after Odo was fifty-eight years of age. | Chicago, March 22.--One arrest has been made and several more are ex- pected in an attempt to unearth the the labor plot which was at the bot- tom, the police declare, of the blow- ing up of a $300,000 railroad bridge at Indiana. Harbor on Friday. Had the nitro-glycerine which destroyed the bridge been ignited five minutes ear lier three hundred passengers on a | Lake Shore and Michigan Southern | train bound for 'Chicago would have suffered injury or death. Ireland Exports Potatoes. | Philadelphia, March 22. Sixty thousand bushels of foreign: potatoes, | the largest consignment ever brought to Philadelphia, were landed yester- day by the steamship Buenos Ayrean, rom Glasgow and Liverpool. The tu- {bers came from England, Ireland and Scotland and the shipment was made possible by reason of the short crop in the United States. Other liners are due here with big shipments of pota- toes. Couldn't Prove Their Ages. | London, March 22.--Treasury officers {who were sent to Ireland to inweeti- |gate the validity of the unexpectedly large number of old age pension claims filed there have reported that somo 50,000 persons in receipt of pensions | have struck off the list. Tho disqualifications were mostly dus to {the inmbility of the pensioners to, {prove their ages. been Mutineers Fired On. Constantinople, March 22.--~Two huh. dred reservists, whose time had ex- demanding that they be dismissed. The troops fired on them, killing and wounding fifteen mutineers. The re- mainder vielded and were put under arrest. Late Mannistor Worth. Oswege, N.Y., March 22.--Mannistor Werth, for the past half century a prominent Methodist Episcopal lay- man, died on Sunday, a eighty- four years. 'He was one of the founders of Thousand Island Park on the St. Lawrence. | May Have A Match. The Star-Bachelor hockey team, of { Gananoque, have been in communica- | tion with the Regiopolis College seven, and want a game here on Wednesday {night next. The game will likely come 'off, as the locals want a try at the | champious of the St. Lawrence River | i { | | Another Meeting Called. Mayor Couper has called a meeting | {of the civic (finance committee andl {board of works for this afternoon at How o'clock to further consider the! | subway question. City Engineer Craig] | bas various plans ready for their | { i | | i Sealshipt Oysters. Sealshipt--that is the true name. | | There are imitations--see that you get | | what you ask for. Carnovsky's. | { Prof. Morison lectures on "Fairies | | and Ghosts," in Zion church, to-mor- row night. Admission 10c. Buy Laxative Bromo-Quinine at Gib- {son's Red Cross drug store. It cures ex- | nadian representatjves for Steinway & |gUippe in twenty-four hours. Lots of men know how they could get rich if other men wouldn't but in. » i New English Worsted Suitings Abt oie Ee Goods Many Novelties received during the past week, and the shrewd buyers are quick to see that. A number of these new mate- rials and colors will not be here long, a8 they even now are difficult to get. So if first choice counts with you, come early. New Satin Faced Cloths, New Striped Suitings, New Broadcloths, New Pongee Cloths, * Soeesesteestestettenss ' A Bargain. A Bargain. A Bargain. DS Everyone Looks for Bargains. - WE HAVE ONE 60 pairs Boys' Heavy Grain Leather Boots, size 11, 12, 13. Solid as a rock. The only Boot_ for wet weather. : On Sale This Week for $1.00. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE