THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1909. A DURABLE FLOOR VARNISH Made by The Sherwin= Wiliiams €Co.e1s tough and elastic. Doesn't scratch or mar readily under foot wear. Can be walked on next day after application. Has a lasting lustre, ' Easy We sell it. Corbett's. ling: 30e., 60c. and up. Outfitted For Spring Yet? If not, come and the bar- »ains we offer, and it will surprise vou to how far your money will go. For example : SUITS. $5, $8.50 $13.50; HATS. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2. SHOES, from $1.25 to '$4.50. FINE SHIRTS, 49¢., 69¢c., 98c: RUBBERS : Men's, 80c. ; Ladies' 60c¢. Isaac Zack's 271 see see $6.50, up to Princess street. I { V t 1 i | PARQUETRY FLOORING |. Made of 8-8 inch Maple, Birch, Oak and _Quartered Oak. HARDWOOD FLOORING-- { inch end- matched; bored, bundled and polished. S. ANGLIN & CO., |! 'Phone, 66. Wellineton. street, North. |é Plain MEN AND WOMEN, |. Use Big & for nuoatural discharges, infiammatiore, irritations or ulceration nos 10 stricture. of mucous membranes. Prevents Contagion. Painless, and not astrin EEVANSCHEMIDALCO. gent or poisonous. Sold by Drugyrisis, or sent in plain wrapper by express, prepaid x DURES in 1 to § days. Ouaranteed $1.00. or 3 bottles 82.7 Circular sent on req SOMETHING NEW | A Clearing Sale of Hardware. it will' pay you to investigate. STRACHAN'S. BIBBY'S CAE STAND Phone 201. DAY or NIGHT If You Want to Buy, Rent. or Sell REAL ESTATE | I make a specialty of same. | Drop a card or call on me. No | trouble to show property. Insur-| ance at lowest rates. Money to | loan. GEO. CLIFF, | Real Estate valuatior, etec., 85 Clarence street. 3 der that the point in question may be determined by the highest court. This coming more numerous and the mor- clement in the. computation of rates. and progress. was shares and their visit other's necks "and kiss, ponee ing officials into results present has de generated into a strug- | | gle | and | THE WHIG, 76th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-810 King street, Kingston, Ontario, st $6 per year. Editions at 2.80 and 4 o'clock p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG. 16 pages, published ip parts on Monday and Thurs- day mornifig ot $1 a year. To United States, charge for postage bas to be added, making price of Daily $3 and of Weekly 91.50 per year. . Attached is one of the best Job Print- ing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, and cheap work ; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Ltd EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20, Queen City Cham- bers, 32 Church St. Toronto, H. E. Smallpeice, Representative. Daily Wibig. THE EFFF/TS OF SUICIDE. The suit divisional court the in Toronto, and con- the claim for insurance fol- lowing a suicide, will be watched with interest. Vietor (i. Grey, of Ottawa, risks to the value of $20,000 which is now before cerning carried come their duty to pay, pay, pay, and ask no questions. BREAKING HIS PLEDGES. The government is receiving some rather sharp criticism on ac count of its proposal to aid the C. N.R. by a land grant of two million acres in the clay belt. This is so lear a reversal of what was regarded as the fixed policy of the government that even the papers which have heen friendly towards the administration sharply call it to account. There were to be no more land grants. That was the pledge given by Sir James Whitney soon after he took office, and in reply to the appeal of - the Yet in order to placate an local Grangers. enemy, or an. alleged enemy--though how Mr. Mackenzie, a conservative, can be considered that--the premier. is {prepared to swallow his pledge and swallow himself, if necessary. Mr. Mackenzie is identified with the Electrical Development Company, | which Sir James has upon the brain . x a - 2 ! in the Crown company, and took his {hd which he is forever hammering-- life by swallowing a dose or overdose be ins : a {in his. mind, of chloral. The refusal to pay was at | But it 'was this Mr, Mackenzie that the government went first defended on certai schnical | : : ; 1: on rtain technical lout of its way last year, in the dy- grounds, but as the case preceeded, | the company dropped all other con- tentions than this--that the policies became invalid through the act of the The plaintiff held, through counsel, that after two years the poli- cies become incontestable, but the de- fendant company, through its counsel, having offered $7,500 settlement without effect, argued that suicide end- ed the claim in "A man who puts insurance on his life," said Mr. Blackstock, "and then commits suicide is guilty of as big a insures- his house holder. in any case. fraud as one who and then burns it down." The verdict may be appealed, in any event, in or- is the more necessary in the interest of life insurance, as suicides are be- tality from self-destruction is not an ------------ A MOST UNHOLY RIVALRY. to check the ;onditure in munitions of war 1s not The way ruinous ex- | ' | to go on compeling | or the nations vith another as to how much | hev can waste, but to stop this pro- The of all Europe nto an armed beginning of w hat one turning camp is a sad reflec eeding. ion, at the has wen regarded as the century of peace There was so much talk Jf The Hague and of its benign in- luence that some ually thought the prophecy of Isaiah innocent souls ac- ing hours of the legislature, to serve by guaranteeing a loan under peculiar circumstances. It is the same Mr. Mackenzie before whom Sir James prostrates himself, and offers homage in a gift whieh is valued all the way from $4,000,000 to $10,000, 000, The Ottawa Journal does not gider" the road very con- is to be helped the weak- which an Ontano one. It runs between G.T,P§ and the C.P.R., which ens the apparent need for it, and besides Ontario has done efough few the railways. = The Weekly Sun confesses to a feel- ing of surprise the ernment. and disappointment of the make good his promise in regard to railway tax- ation was bad enough," the Sun, his complete repudiation of the solemn pledge that any land granted to a railway corporation infinitely worse." announcement "Failure to over gov- says "but under no be is circumstances would The man who can take a stand and keep it is a strong' and the pre He defaulted on the spoils system, on the license question, man. le is courageous con- Such a one is sistent. not mier of Ontario. (not taking it out of politics), on the railway taxation question, and new on the land subsidy question. Si James is a man who does not keep his word. EDITORIAL NOTES. The crown prince of Germany, who "And they plough nearing fulfilment : hall beat swords into their spears into pruning shall not lift up sword shall they The kings and woks; nation yrainet nation, neither | ' ? earn war any more. zars and presidents and shahs may each | Intelli- the may fall on and the each other, Departments may be busy the commission of | The question of the day | of | | st army-and navy, and if this | heinous sins. which people can boast the larg war feeling can be maintairied serious I. the may follow. The*issue of | A | { which power can produce | the The atiempt to as equip largest number of | Dreadnaught s is Bade to involve the colonies and they are | gage in the most unholy rivalry that | | the world has ever IGNORING THE PEOPLE. | Ti local through a special act whose aim is to 0 frovernment putting sanction or validate the agreements | { which the Hydro-Electric Commission ( : ie 4 . | whic h permits the submission of mone, has made with the councils of London and it will be remembered, have been attack- Toronto. These agreements, od in the courts because they were not the terms of the which the people voted upon in the municipal elections. The people had not in proposition ot it before them, and did not have an express any opinion of opportunity to as to the cost the transmission which the commission was let and | with the purpose of making the muni- cipalities responsible for the same. The premier has indicated. plainly, i by action if not by words, that he is going to use his power and the power have them Thoroughly croens weight prompt and prom jCrawio "Phone, 9. se rd Foot of Queen St. There are some folks to lick a postage stamp too possessed by the majority, to give ef- fect to any legislation which will confirm the acts of the commission. This use of legislative power may be condoned by but the day will come when it will be the conservative party, regretted. Other governments than Sir James' will find in this special legis- lation a precedent for procedure that be the very people who are now applaud- The Whitney other words, is depriving the people of that in will pronounced "outrageous" it governthent, in a voice in a matter concerns them as taxpayers, and a very serions way. The course which peason suggests is | that the people having voted on the question of taking power from the the were projected, should be the COMMISSION commission, before transmission lines wetfTted cons about new expenditure the has invited in eir nau Ii the people can be 1g- in one case they can be ignored in. another, and it will eventually be- {by-laws by | has experimented with air ships, say: they will not be serviceable for wax purposes, He ought to know. doubled the license fec payable by moving picture Picton has which . is shows; and the audiences seem to grow in consequence. Some people actually like to be taxed. The attempt to excite or scare the while betraying their secrets or brib- [Canadians on the war question does not succeed. It is a time for calmness and consideration, and neither people nor government should be stampeded The premier of England says the na ion has no' occasion to fear evil from but the politician He tells the people that the goblins will catch them Germany, better. knows if they don'y look out, and they believe him. The Toronto News says the millions Heing urged by the war party lo en- wasted under the patronage list would enahle Canada to create an adequate naval defence force without ever feel ing the drain. Sir James Whitney may be induced from this to amend hi: ways. -- The premier of Ontario is supporting an amendment to the municipal act to the time people at any time to | The only secure a full and honest vote is in connection with the That | demonstrated in Kingston. unicipal elections. has beer The under-age boys and girls off the street. curfew bell will not drive the i It. has been tried. What is wanted the exercise of parental authority, rere | i008} the contract in connection with and without it the morals of the b . . Woung people are being shockingly marred. The education of the street is usually very bad. visited Dr Hamilton, anc made an Payne address, and managed tc avoid saying anything about the tech- nical college which it was understood the Ambitious City would receive when | the normal college was removed. The i government has not been using Hamil ton well on this subject, and no one knows this better than 'Dr. Payne, The truancy act has not been im | fc" {proved by the change that has beer |made. It provides for the appoint | ment of an officer by the police com It .is to be hop better service will be secure |pssioners or council. ed. that { than in the past, but as an indepen {dent official, and not identified with the school board, it is difficult to sec {how he can succeed. | DESEAONTO PREPARES FOR THE COMING SEASON OF NAVIGATION. Two Ladies Suffer Fractures-- Gifts For the Hockey Players Dbath of Michael McDermott in Kingston. Desegonto, March front is commencing to look liked spring. Open water can' be seen by Forester's Island, and the work on the boats = is making headway to- wards completion. The steamer Brock- ville is being overhauled, receiving' a new smoke stack, and necessary re- pairs for accommodation for excursion trade this season. The steamer Rein- deer and government fish boat, Naiad, are receiving necessary repairs. Cap- tain Frank nhardt, is busy paint- ing and getting his vessel, The Hor- ace Tabrofi, in order. Captain John Gowan is also busy painting and mak- ing necéssary repairs. Mrs. Thro Re eion, of Belleville, formerly of Deseronto, met with a painful decident, last week, when she fell and broke her right leg near the hip. Mrs. James Heaney fell last week and broke her arm. A quiet wedding took place on Mon- day, March 15th, at the Methodist parsonage, when Miss Ada Milligan was united in marriage to Albert Smith. The death took place of Michael Mc- Dermott at Hotel Dieu, Kingston, on Sunday, after a lingering illuess. The remains were brought to the family residence on Thomas street. The fun- eral took place on Tuesday, to St. Vincent de Paul church, where mass was said by Rev. Father Hartigan, after which the remains were placed in Read cemetery. Miss Laura Hinchey, of Shannon- ville, is spending a few days with Mrs. William Saunders. Miss Margaret Tait is spending a - few weeks with Mrs. W. Saunders before leaving for Buffalo, to spend the summer. Albert Frost of the 0. B. C., Belleville, spent Sunday, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. Frost. Mrs. Joseph J. St. Louis and daughter Eleanor, ac- companied by Mrs. Hector Rosevear of Toronto, left Thursday evening for McGivney Junction, N.B. Miss Madge Vanalstyne, of Napanee, spent Sunday with Miss Gladys Thompson. Miss Olive Asselstine, Kingston, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Wesley Assel- stine, Thomas street. Miss Edith Har- land, is in. Toronto, this week, business. A concert was given - in Naylor's theatre, on Tuesday evening, when Eddie Piggott, of Toronto, and Miss Stork, soprano soloist, assisted by local talent, gave a _ programme of high order. The' main feature of the wening was the presentation to the hockey club by Judge Deroche, Belle ville; of euft links, from T. J. Warren, manager of the rink, and medals by James Dryden, from town people, and R. J. 8. Dewar, of photos of team from executive committee. A concert was given by the Epworth League of Methodist church, in Sun- day school room, on St. Patrick's night. Service was held in St. Vin- cent de Paul church on St. Patrick's night, when Rev. Father Hartigan oreached to a large congregation. A concert was given in the West End Mission on Friday evening, local tal- mnt assisting. Rev. G. H. Copeland gave an address, and also spoke on prohibition. James racy of Queen's University, the missionary in 'harge, occupied the chair. 25.--The water on Feeling The War Tax. Montreal Star. The Toronto Star, alter thinking it yver for a week or two, returns to the charge in the case of the infant laughter of the murderer Swyryda, vhose death it laid at the door of the :ommunity which hanged her father. ft took up this pathetic plea when it thought that the baby died of starva- tion. It seemed so logical that the community, having hanged the fath- wr, must be to blame for letting his helpless child starve to death. But iow it manages to stick to its text when it now knows that the unfortu- nate child died of indigestion, we can- not imagine, In what way does the leath * of a father give his infant daughter indigestion ? Feeling The War Fort. Hamilton Times. Japan is feeling the burden of em- sire, Its debt is over $1,000,000,000, wd the expenses of the little power ast year wero about $1,000,000 a day. (n 1898 the taxes were less than $50, 100,000; last year they were nearly ! §150,000,000. A great effort is being nade to reduce expenditure. It is es- timated that the Japancee nation is worth. about $12,000,000,000, almost twice as much as Italy, and one-third \s much as Russia. In spite of the enormous burden which Japan" has taken wp, her people are confide» that their industry and frugality will ensure Success. Feeding The Criminals. Poronto Mail. e The Whitla kidnapping case, in which a father was obliged to pay $10,000: for the return of his little boy, ithough the police 'of half a dozem American cities were on the track of he kidnappers, -indicates that crimes f thi¢ nature can be committed as successfully as they were an hundred vears ago. Modern inventions like the telegraph and the newspapers, while they have facilitated the ends of jus- ongh for large enterprises. Drowned Self And Children. Weatogue, Conn., March 24.--Clasp- ing her baby boy and girl, aged three y®ars and five years respective- ly, to her breast, Mrs. Amos Miller jumped into the Farmington to-day and drowned them and self. No cause is known for the tragedy as she had lived apparently happy with her husband. -» - tice. can also be used with good effect | by the criminals who are cunning en- | river | her- | - CRAZED BY KINRADE CASE. £ 3 IRR TD Man Hired a Rig. to Run Down the . Murderer. Hamilton, March 25.--Mentally un- balanced as the result of reading the reports of the Kinrade murder mys- tery in Detroit papers, John ® Taylor of Sandusky, Mich., is detained there, and may have to be committed to an asylum. Taylor was spending ninety days in jail for chicken stealing, and was used by the sheriff as a "trusty." He showed an intense interest in the Hamilton murder mystery, and the other day got a team from a livery man, saying be wanted it for the sheriff. Taylor ptarted for Jennings, and telephoned' from there to Peck he was on the trail of the Kinrade murderer. He asked the police to have handeufis and armed men ready, to assist him. Before he got to Peck the sheriff ran hima down. Taylor is being held for sixty days to see if he will recover his reason. Whiskey Informers. Brockville Recorder. Last Sunday was Temperance Sun- iy in Ottawa and the provincial gov- ernment spotters swoo, down on several hotels in that city for viola- ons of the license laws. Why should the people wi Ontario ray for such disreputable practices when in every electoral district a local insnec- tor is paid by the province to sce that the law is-enforced ? It. really is an anomalous situation. The in- spectors ought to be made do the work or else some one who would ful fill the duty appointed to the offices. There is no need for importing "spies" into any municipality to sée that the law-breakers are punished. The Whit- ney government apparently has money to burn, Some Really Foolish Talk. Hamilton Times, The Toronto World is firmly con- vinced that Great Britain is a nation of fools. It declares that itis a "fools paradise," that she has a "fool tarifi policy," and "a fool devotion to peaceful methods." There is only one remedy for it. She must. be advised by "Billy" Maclean, spend all her money in' building ships and arming soldiers, and, above all, she must "meet a war of arms by a war of tarifis."' Just how this will meet the case is not stated, but the writer of the World's "'fool" _ article doubtless knows. And isn't he omniscient ? Quick Relief For Catarrh. Anything from a mere cold to vere catarrh may be quickly relieved by the use of Wade's Ointinent. It pives comfort and begins healing im mediately, wherever it is applied. Cf daily usefulness ' because it cures ecz- ema (salt rheum), ulcers, piles, ca- tarrh, dandruff and all scaly and itch- ing eruptions of the skin. In big boxes, 25c., at Wade's drug. store. se Hanna In A Box. Peterboro Examiner. On Thursday, Mr. Hanna found him- self obliged to defend the policy of the Ontario givernmeut in promoting im- migration, and he denied that im- migrants formed an inordinate propor- tion of the inmates of the jails. Yet, says the London Advertiser, he went through the country last autumn de- nouncing the federal government for encouraging immigration and charg- ing that the asylums were being filled by the newcomers. The boot is on the other foot now. Cures Catarrh dosing was found inefiec- the principle of inhalation was finally perfected. Even the Rom- ans and Ancient Greeks used it, but wot in the scientific manner that the physician prescribes to-day. The most wonderful results have heen secured with a new treatment' known as "Ca tarrhozone," which {. sends germ-de- stroying . vapors directly into. the air passages of the nose, throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs. so ' Rich. Pure Essences Are Breathed Right to the Spots That Are Sick. Cure Follows. Catarrhozone preves especially good in thosé chronic cases where mucus drops down the throat, sickens the stomach, and pollutes the breath When the nostrils are stuffed, only a few breaths through the inhaler are needed to clear the passages, and where there is coughing 'and sore bron chial tubes, the soothing, healing pro- perties of Catarrhozone act almost as magic. : Once you stop taking medicine into the stomach and get tae healing oils and pure balsams of Catarrhozone at work vou can be sure of quick and lasting cure for nose colds, catarrh, weak lungs, bronchitis, and spgaker's sore throat. Catarrhofgne Tee sizes, latter being Stomach tive, and of imitations. and $1, the n guaranteed. Sold by all dealers in medicine, dr by mail from the Ca- tarrhosone Co,' Kingston, Ont. Beware a5¢., Blc., [ Insist on this Trademark for your own sake. THE T. F. HARRISON CO. MURDERED BY WITCHES. White Baby Killed in Cuba For Its Blood and Heart. March 24. --Three Havana, witches | and heart wherewith to heal a sick woman. They were sentenced to death. Four others were convicted ad accom- S | Red Ros were convicted in Havana of murder- ing a white baby to procure its blood The new models, in $12.50, , ional and splendid values. goodness. x Fishy iE 1 The Suits with which the ex- clusive Tailor must now reckon. Suits that fit faultlessly, show individuality, expréss style and put clothes confidence into the wearer. re Let us show you Sif. 4 The Suit You Ought to $15, and $18 Suits are' except \ & ; The prices never before bought such excellent tailoring. | such choice fabrics so much style and general, all around Suit New ideas are never absent from this store and the "The Suit You Ought to Wear" is Here. Bibby's for the Latest Hats. $2.00. No Higher, The H. D. 0 299999 LLHLLLVBAVVRTNN TVR RLLVLVVVOVNS t HIISIKACICIIBICICICIISIIICION FR Agate Ware We carry in stock a nice assortment of "STRANSKY" AND "ELITE" AGATE-WARE which are the best grades manufactured, and for the balance of the month we will offer 15% DISCOUNT ON ALL: PURCHASES. No. 9 Nickel Plated Copper Kettles, $1.00. ELLIOTT BROS. < 71 PRINCESS ST. HSIIIISIISISISIGIICICISIIIOIICH © ALWAYS, Everywhere in Canada, id The Leaders ! of Lights Since 1881. ASK FOR The Most Perfect Matches You Ever Eddy's Matches > Struck! BPO TVW i Oranges, Oranges PW » Sweet Juicy Mexicans Large Regular 30c Size, Only 20c ger Dozen. A.J.REES, 1] RE ., plices and sentenced to from fourteen to twenty years each, It is the second case of this kind. Three were executed in 1904 for the same crime. The Lords In Danger. LY ondon Advertiser. A hill to enfranchise women passed its second reading in House -of Commons. Jt may not go "Is Good Never varies in quality. ; - Phone 58.7 hind 66 Princess St jasassesessses TTT RABOGBBRN through that chamber this session, but if it does and the House of Lords rejects it, the government will be gweotly revenged by. the spectacle of the peers being waylaid, mobbed and hooted by the army of suffrageites. The cabinet ministers. ,who have been tormented by both the ladies and their lordships, would dolightedly ory, "Go it, Betsy; go it Beard" ea Every package x is good