Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Mar 1909, p. 10

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NEWS OF. NEIGHBORS: WHAT a---- ro DOMINION BREWERY <0 Re LIMITED, TORONTO. WHIG CORRESPOND IN CONNECTION WITH 4 - Celebrated i ENTS TELL US. Kees White | ™ "5m Sn -- . People Are Doing And What Easter Excursions They Are Saying, One Way First-Class Fare, a {. April 8th, "Oth, 10th and 12th. } Kilbirnie Notes. Home 18th, ' E . { Kilbirnie, March 30.--Sugar-making See xcursions {is the topic of the day. A number omeseekers !from this place, attended the social at 0 -- St, Lawrence. Rev, Nr. of Eyre, Manit Portsmouth, occupied the pulght at ha, Sailidhenss, Nye India Pale Ale Wesley, on Sunday, and gave a most Good for 60 days. interesting sermon. Miss Nettie Cow- April 6th, 20th; May 4th, 18th; Jume ia visit fri in Ki A Ist, 15th, 20th; July 18th, 27th; Aug. ands Vishang riends, jn Kin Every Cork Branded I ae Bont, Tun. Zist. large number from here attonded tho}! RIGNEY & HICKEY ; Second-Clags tickets from Ontario sale at A. Hutton's, Cushendall. He stations to principal Northwest points intends going to the west. The Ladies 136 & 138 Princess St. going Return of the Gananoque Water Power company's interests, and were accom: panied by the best wishes of their ihany friends hore, where the bride has lived for quite a number of years. The ice in the St. Lawrence river in front of the town is work- ing out, The water is clear from the mouth of the Gananoque river up past the cement wharf, and also nearly across to Tremont Park. The fine weather during the past few days has given reason to believe that a break-up is at hand. Mr. and rs. William Tinney were surprised by a number of their young friends last evening. They enjofed much pleasure, The anniversary collections of Grace] church, which amounted to $921, from the collection on Sunday, March 21st, has been, by further contributions, augmented to upwards of $950. Visitors : Miss Ruby Cornett, Kings- ton; W. U. Colquhoun, Kingston Busi- ness College; Mrs. W. P. Dailey, Brock- ville, returned home; Albert Britton, New York. Out of town : Percy Thomson left for British. Columbia; Mrs. Erastus Cooke, at Pittsburg, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ross and Joseph McAuley, at Kings- ton; Mrs. George. Cooke, for Rochester to reside; Mrs. J. F. Chapman, for Pittsburg, Pa. at LOW ROUNDTRIP RATES. Aid of this cireuit is giving a social Full rticulars at K. & P. and CP. - o" » 1 td . R. Ticket Office, Ontario 8t., "Phone, 50. at Mrs, Ww. Rea's on April 6th. G. Hay is on the sick list. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. Perth Paragraphs. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Perth, March 29.-- 'The Holy City," a sacred cantata by A. R. Gaul, will Bn duly (Sundays grceviedy dor £5 Deser Bannoel be rendered in Knox church here to- vi ts north. To secure. quick night by the Perth Choral Society un- tg Dumecibura, Maynooth der the direction of R. F. Cowell. Ash- of t Railway. oF bury Sunday school is preparing an to R. W. DICGKSO excellent programme for = their annual Faster concert, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, drills, ete. William Mitchell, liveryman, Westport, was in town to-day on business. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dunford, Ottawa, have come to reside here, Mr. Dunford being an employee of William Hicks. Dafoe was "At Home" to a large number of his young gentlemen friends, recently, prominent . fea- tures of the evening included the sup- per, which was prepared and served by the young host himself, and which was of such a. dainty and appetizing nature, as to Ju. Ang competent housekeeper to ». Mrs. B. Scan lon, of Moore Lake, arrived home, on Friday last, to. a few woeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Meagher. Miss Mary Burns, Deser- onto, spent a few days recently with her friend, Miss Mary Traynor. James Fahey arrived home from Toronto, on Thursday last, to spend some time with his father, John Fahey. John Russell, we are pleased to hear, is able tor be out again, after his recent at- tack of grippe. Mrs. A. Anderson spent Thursday last with Miss K. Powers. Flerra Oliver visited friends in Belleville recently. be men! Fire ptieslan, ago Royal Mail Train via INTERCOLONIAL] YIN Maritime Express Famed for excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car service. Leaves MONTREAL 12 noon daily, except Saturday for Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax, FRIDAY'S MARITIME EXPRESS Carries the EUROPEAN MAIL and lands Passengers and Baggage at the side of Steamship at Halifax the following Saturday. A Sad Accident. Ardoch, March 28.--A sad accident occurred here when Mrs. Alexander Miller foll om the ice, last weck, and nearly broké her thigh, She has not been "able to move yet. The McKin- Joys have got nearly settled now. Teams are drawing from Clarendon now, Peter Myers is all smiles--it's a | boy. J. B. McKinley and J. P. Wat- kins are measuring logs two-day. J. P. Watkins has bought a separator from John Card. The service on Fri- day night was very well attended. Miss B. Watkins at Mrs. McKinley's, A. Jammerctt has moved his wife and family up to Ardoch. A. Gilmour at are ati], P, Watkins'. 76 YEARS OLD The grand-niece of Alexander Hamilton says: -- "I am 76 Lk ' Market 8t. Regis Lumbago Cure Bedford Mills, Ont., Jan. 20th, 1909, THE W. A. SINGLETON CO. Crosby, Ont. At Lake Opinicon. Lake Opinicon, March 29.--Sugar- making is the order of the day. C. Ennis has purchased a farm from J. Linklater and John Linklater has hought D, J, Hughson's house and lot, © formerly the Warner property. Frank Best has moved into A. Darl ing's house, formerly occupied ~~ by Mrs. 8. Hunter, and will take eharge of the cheese factory for the coming season. B, B. Todogre has moved on to the Claxton farm, formerly oc- cupied by O. Campion. M. H. Hugh- son has hired J, Linklater for the season. The Sunday school is pro- gressing finely 'under the able manage- up my strength so 0 a quarter of a mile. am lighted." -- MRS, M. BLOOM, Lewistown, Pa. active and well. Thanks to Vinol, which is the finest tonic and strengtiicreator leverused. Vimol is a God send to old peo- ples T. I. PARK PROGRAMME. *Gentlemen :--Having used your St. Regis Lumbago Cure, I can heartily re- commend it for Lumbago or Sciatica. have been troubled for years with it, and since 1 took the second bottle I do not feel an ache or pain. You liberty to use my name. "I can also say it is a great Medicine for a cough ; have tested it and found immediate relief, First Service at. the Auditorium June 20th. Rev. DeWitt B. Thompson, D.D., director of the auditorium services for the Thousand Island Park Associa- tion, has completed his programme for the coming season. The auditorium will be opened for the first service on June 20th ana the last one will he held there on September 1th. The calendar for the season will be as follows : ge 20--Rev, DeWitt B. Thompson, : VINOL QUICKLY CURES A COLD AND STOPS A COUGH Teacher Resigmed. Flowef, March 29.--A. McConeghy, of Braeside, is visiting friends here, Bertie Deachman, Hall's Mills, is a | visitor at Mower, Role E. Lome ment of L. Fluke. A. Teeples made ron, Hall's Mills, cal ed on riends a business trip to Kingston last week. here, yesterday. Clifford Deachman | [| Fluke and wife visited friends at has gone to Hall's Mills for a few | Lyndhurst last week. Mrs. W. Nich weeks, We are sorry to say Miss | gis and children, Sydenham, visited] Ross, , our teacher, has sont in her | their parents, 8, Lindsay's. Miss Liz- resignation. Unless we suceced in se- | zie Johnson has returned home, after curing another our scliool will 'again spending some time with her sister, be 'closed after' Easter. S. McGonegal | Mrs, A Linklater, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Intercolonial Railway uses Bon- aventure Union Depot., Montreal making direct connection with Grand Trunk trains.' {Yours truly, "HENRY BELL." Sold by all Druggists, Kingston. For timetables and other infor- mation, apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 130 St. James Street, or General Passenger | Department --- * ANY SIZE YOU WANT. June 27--Rev. Andrew M. Brodie, D.D., pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Watertown. ' MONCTON. N.B. CIS GRAND TRUN SYSTEM STER HOLIDAYS. Ttound trip tickets will be sold be- tween all stations on the Grand Trunk Railway System in Canada. Also, from statipns in Canada to Detroit and Port |' %, = arson any is loading a few cars of pulpwood for I the Ticonderoga Pulp and Paper com- pany, New York. Miss Effie Deachman is spending some time at Balderson's Corners. Sangster Sayings. Sangster, March 30.--Sugar making is the onder of the day and some res port a good wun of sap. Our teacher, hert Baxter, Jones Falls, visited at M. Hughson's. Miss M, Lindsay has returned home from visiting friend{ at Yarker and Sydenham. FE. Lind- say spent the past week with his trvother, Henry, at Wilmur, J. Me: Lean is on the sick list and Dr. Coon, of Elgin, is attending him. The Final Debate. July 4--Rev. James Ek Vance, D.D., pastor of the North Reformed church, Newark, N.J, July 11--Rev. E. L. Waldorf, pastor of the Centenary M. E. church, Syra- cuse, July 18--Rev. George P. Perry. pas- tor of the First Baptist church, Troy. July 25--Rev. Philip H. Cole, D.D., pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Rome. YOUR MONEY BACK IF VINOL FAILS TO HELP GEO, W. MAHOOD, Druggist, Yow can get Vinol at the Leading Drug Store in every Town and Miss M. Walsh, has resigned hér posi- Province. tion and will leave before Easter. Shomas Young has commenced saw- 'ng. Patrick Corcoran arrived from Cobalt last week, hale and hearty. Visitors : Mr, and Mrs. W. Whelan August 1--Rev, Herbert G. Codding- ten, D.Ix, rector of Grace Episcopal church, Syracuse. August S--Rev, D.D., pastor of Huron, Mich.,, Bufialo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, Rouses Point and Massena Springs, N.Y., Island Pond and Swanton, Vt., and intermedi- ate stations in the United States, and vice versa, at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS . Good going April 8th,'9th, 10th, Hartington, March 30.--On Friday evening the Gentlemen's Debating Soci- ety gave its final debate for the sea- son, in the Methodist church. The sub- ject, "What Is More Destructive to In Good Coal can be quickly had you leave your orders at WALSH'S COAL YARD, 55-67 Barrack St. John W. Phillips, the First Baptist 1009, Return limit, April Low One Way Colonist Fares to Pacific Cyast on sale daily, until April 30th, 1909, at the following fares from King ston. Vanéouver, B.C, Victoria, B.C., West- minisier, B.C, Seattle, Wash., Tacoma, Wash Portland, Oreg., $45.10; San Fran i co, Cal., Los Adgeles, Cal,, San Dier¢ Cal, $47.05 ; Mexico City, Mex., $46.1 Hu. ECSEEKERS EXCURSIONS to the CANADIAN NORTH-WEST, MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN and ALBERTA. Low round-trip second-class tickets' will be; jusued via Chicago, North Bay or Sud-/( hury on following dates: April 8th, | 20th ; May 4th, 18th; June 1st, 25th, 20th ; Juky 18th, 27th; August 10th, 24th; Sept, 7th, 21st. Good to return within 60 days from fing date, J HANLEY, Agent, Qor; Johnson and Ontario Sts. Royal Mail Service MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL~Corsi- can, May 7th and June 4th; Virginian, May 14th and June 11th; Tunisian, May 21st and June 18th; Victorian, May 28th and June 25th, RATES OF PASSAGE--First-Class, $77.50 and upwards ; Turbine Steamers, $87.50 and upwards'; Second-Class, $45.00, $47.50 and $50.00, according to steamer, Steamers on this service fitted with wireless telegraph and submarine signalling system. MONTREAL TO May 8th and June May 15th and June May 22nd and June 19th; Hesperian, May 29th and June 26 RATES OF PASSAG irampian and Hesperian, First-Class, § 50 and up- wards ; Second-Dlass, $45.00 and $47.50. lonian and A Pretorian, "One Class Cabin," (second cabin), $42.50 and wup- wards, MONTREAL TO HAVRE AND ION- DON--Steamers on this service curry "One Class Cabin,' (second cabin) passefigers, at moderate rates. For full rticulars, apply to ALLAN LINE, Local Agents, Kingston. Lowest Rates New York to Bermuda and Return GLASGOW--Ionian, 5th; Grampian, 12th ; Pretorian, ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine > Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of I See FacxSimille Wrapper Below. Very ss, and as oasy totky, sug FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR RILIQUSNESS, FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION, CURK.21CK HEADACHE. 02°VVVBVV VBL VV VVTVVNE and Mrs. P. Whelan, Inverary, at John Murphy's; Miss Maymie Walsh, at B. D.. Golden's, Burridge; Miss Maizie Burns, at her aunts, Mrs. L. Burns ;; Peter Daley and P. 0' ®onnor, at J. Daley's; M. O'Connor and J. Conway, at T. Barrett's; J. Jennings and 8S. J, O'Connor, at Thomas Young's; 8S. Hickey and T. O'Connor, Burridge, at James O'Connor's; Mr. and Mrs. P, Egan, at J. Murphy's. Left For The West. Lavant Station, March 30.--Mise | Jessie Johnston, Walson's Cornets, is sowing at Mrs, T. Lee's. George and Mary Thomas spent last week visit- ing relatives in and around Middle ville. Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Paul and James Jackson returned to Kisby, Sask., after spending the winter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jackson, Wilbur, and Mr. and Mrs. Mosvs Paul, Poland, John Reid left, yesterday for Reston, Man., after spending the winter with his parents and friends in Lavan® Settlement. James Umpherson purchased a" new engine and boiler for his saw mill at Robertson's Lake. Johm Cornett and son, James, have gone to Mud Lake, ncar . Madawaska River, for a few weeks to trap muskrats, ete. Death At Tweed. On Saturday, March 20th, Tweed lost one of its most: respected citizens, | and the Roman Catholic church, one of its ablest and most devoled sup- porters, by the death of Mrs. William Breen. Wlthough she had been in poor health for some time, yet her demise came suddenly and unexpectedly. = It was indeed a shock to her relatives and friends, and the surrounding com- munity, to hear of her death. De- coasod was industrious and much re dLife and Happiness, War or Intemper- ance ?' was warmly discussed by both sides, with B. Campsall as captain on side of war, and E Freeman captain on the intemperance side, Rev. T. Cor- tell, M. Cloakey and Mr. Kennedy, manager of Metropolitan bank at Har- rowsmith, acted as judges, and decid- ed in favor of intemperance. The lit- erary committee of the Epworth League then passed refreshments, con- sisting of cake and cofiee, and a very pleasant hour was passed in social in- tercourse. Mrs. Revelle invited a small party of friends, on Saturday even- ng, to meet her sister, Mrs. Brewster, of Banfi, Alta. Mrs. Sharpe, Newburgh, tendered two very pleasing selos, 'The Song I Heard in Heaven," and "A Clean Heart," during the service last Sabbath evening. The remains of the infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Trous- dale, here for interment last Thursday, on the 2.06 pan. train. The funeral ser- vice was conducted in the Methodist thurch, on Friday afternoon, by Rev. Mr. Cornell. Visitors: Miss Dunlop, Sydenham high school, at E. Sigs- worth's; Mrs. Sharpe, of Newburgh, at EE. Whitty's; Dr. and Mrs. Trousdale, at Mr. Taylor's; Mrs. Brewster, of Banfi, at her sister's, Mrs. 'E. Revelle. Golden Wedding Event. Lansd' me, March 30.--Miss M, Manuel, Brockville, is a visitor at Mrs. Dr. Shaw's, Mrs. Louis Moore was the hostess of a very charming progressive euchre party on Friday night. Mrs, (Dr) Shaw and Mac Tennant won the head prizes, whilst Mrs. Delbert McNeill and Byron Me- Neill carried off the booby prizes. Mr. and Mrs, John Landon, who were here celebrating the golden wedding of his father and mother, Mr, and. Mrs. Pissell Landon, returned to-day to their home in Potsdam, N.Y. Con- South Mountain, were brought, August 15---Mornin lor James R. Day, D.D., LL.D; even- ing service, Mrs, F, 8, Chapman, superintendent of Ritter Home, the home for poor white girls, Athens, Tenn., the service to be under the au- spices of the Women's Home Mission: ary Society, August 22--Rev. W. R. Young, D.D., pastor of St. James church, Montreal. August 29--Rev. Robert M. Moore, pastor of Foundry M.E. churchy Wash- mgton, D.C. 4 Sept. 5~Rev. A. H. C, Morse, pas- tor of Strong Place Baptist church, Brooklyn. 14. --Rev, DeWitt B. service. Chancel: September Thompson, D.D. Left For Cleveland. Chafley's Locks, March 30.---M. H. Bartley, proprietor of the Opinicon chub hquse, has a staff of men engag- ed in sawing and cutting up his sum- mer's supply of wood. Miss E. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. M. Murray and children, Newboro, were visiting J. W. Sim- mons, last week. Sugar-making has commenced. New maple syrup sells at $1 per gallon. Mrs. T. Simmons antl W. H. Fleming are under the doctor's care. Philip Brady has left for Cleve- land, Ohio, to sail on the steamer Erie as engineer. Mrs. William Ker- rinsh is kept busy attending to the grist mill, farm and stock. Work for repairing locks will start on April 12th. B. Wiltze, Morton, will put on the swing bars on the gates. Bloated Stomach Indigestion. No Means of Instant Relief and Certain Cure to Compare With church, Binghamton. ! ! ! The New Spring Shoes Are Here. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BR. The Home of Good Shoe Making. COAL! The kind you are look for is the kind wo sell. ng SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we guar 51s prompt delivery. 'Phone, Booth & Co. _ FOOT WEST STREET. | spected by those who had the pleasure {of her acquaintance, and from the | midst of a life of activity and usclul- ness, sho was called suddenly and {quietly away, at noon on Saturday, | having succumbed to an attack of | tuberculosis. Her funeral cortege, on | Monday, ome of the largest ever seen lin Tweed, followed the remains from {8t. Carthage Roman Catholic church, lin Tweed, . whore a solemn: rpquiens {mass had been sung by Rev. Father Stoco vault. Mrs. Oranges, Oranges | Sweet Juicy Mexi Large Regular 30c Size, Only 20c per Dozen. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St firmation service was held in St. John's churchk on Monday at 7:30 s : : p-m., Bishop Mills officiating. Eleven Js not r diffinl: nade to diag- candidates were presented by the I pe PO Salle he Tudo agin: sug « wector, Mr. Leich. The church was a 2 op ng a an tan filled to its capacity. Mr, and Mrs, ae thropt: seoms full and tight, the stomach feels uneomiortable, head Bisséll Landon, on Saturday, 27th,]. : celebrated their golden wedding at the at ache, breath is bad, ap- the cure, it's the only old homestead, "Apple-Glen." All the "yo = Sot. 3 y AL * : Nerviline is children and ndchildren were pre- remedy that strengthens weak stom- overcomes . digestive disorders "NERVILINE." From New York every Wednesday, at 10 a.m. 8.8. "Trinidad" 2,600 tons, $20 and up. From New York every Saturday. at 10 a.m., 8.8, ""Bermudian' 5,500 tons, $80 and up. NEW YORK TO WEST INDIES New Steamer "Guiana.'" 3,700 tons, with all up-to-date improvements. 8.5, | "Parima," 8,000 tons, 8.8, "Korona," | 8,000 tons, sail from New York every| alternate, Wednesday, for St. Thomas, St. Creiy, St. Kitts, Astigua, Guade- loupe, Dominica, Martinique, St; Lucia, Barbadoes and Demerara. For illustrated pamphlets giving rates of passage and all information, apply to A. BE. OUTERBRIDGE & CO, Agents, uebec Steamship Co., 20 Broadway, w York; ARTHUR AHERN, Sec'y., bec, Canada, or to Ticket Agents, J¢ , HANLEY, apd ©, 8. KIRKPATRICK. Kingston. THE FRONTENAC ESTABLISHED, 18€3, President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money issued on City and Farm perties, Municipal and County tures. Mortgages purchased, received and interest allowed, |, C. McGill, Managing Director. 87 Clarence street. set, besides relatives, and a very en- doh joyable time was spent. Gerald and 1 OR 1 Alice Landon,' gaodehiidren, were and keep you in fine lorm, 2 baptized by the Rev. Mr, Heeney. Mr. Nerviline Cures Dyspepsia. and Mrs. Landon were the recipients| "For two years 1-suffered untold of many beautiful presents in gold. | discomfort with indigestion," writes Last Tuesday the funeral of the late|.JJ. P. Huxley, of Great Barrington. Isaac Knowlan was held in St. John's | 'After meals I experienced a feeling of church; from thence the remains were | Nausea, my stomach was sour, takep to Ballycanoe cemetery. The | belched gas, food fermented. My head deceased was in his seventy-sixth year | ached continually and I ran down in and was widely known, having lived | flesh, looked pale and sickly. 1 ised in this. vicinity most of his life time. | Nerviling after meals and was helped He was a famous walker and a few |at once. I wouldn't think of being years ago could omtwalk anybody. He | without Nerviline now. It's useful for leaves a widow, two sons and one |a hundred ailments. Not omly will it daughter. C. M. Quinn and 8S. H.|cure the stomach of its ills, but for DeWolfe have exchanged properties and | headache, biliousness, flatulence, are moving into their premises. Mrs. DeWolfe will conduct her millinery bu- siness in the store occupied by Nr. Quinn, who will also use half of same for rest of this year. F. Bevens is preparing to erect an addition. to his residence, Quinn, to the Breen was a daughter of Mrs. Thomas Cunningham, of Napanee, and besides her sorrowing mother, leaves a hus- band and four small children to mourn her loss. ---- To Attend Auction. Crosby, March 30.--The throughout this Vidimity are busily engaged tapping their sugar bushes. ; township assessor PTV VUVVLLVLLVVBVTCBTTRD Wood's Rhosphodine, The Great Englis thew Tones and invigorates nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nero ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des nator F.ffects of Abuge or | sica $1 per Dox, sis tor §s One will a i | | cramps, ete, I have found it simply h an i? farmers will curv, Sol . J. Proud; the who has been confined to his home with an attack of pneumonia is slowly recovering. Roy Derbyshire intends throwing, the deors oi Crosby cheese factory open to his many. patrons pext Monday morning. It is only two months since yfioy closed the doors which: makes. ten" months out of the year that this factory takes in milk. Nelton Farl, Athens, was a recent guest 'at George Church's, Mes. C. W. PLUMBERS : USE our STAR EXTRA WIPING end blocks, Pro- Peben- Deposits ALL KINDS OF SECOND-HAND | goods bought and cold, or goods Sold on -~ : rT * | commission, Auction Sales promptly at: You do not quite catch the {rue [tended to, at the City Auction Sales spirit of the Lenten period when appe- | Rooms,- 88 Brock St., Kingston. tite alone is curtailed. J. B. JONES. Auctioneer: wonderful." Every hems should have Nerviline on hand, it's a health-saver ana makes smaller doctor bills. Insist on Nervi: line. only. and heware of the substitu- tor. Large 25¢c. bottles at all dealers, kinds. ; 'ways your SOLDER. Canada Metal Co.,Ltd 31 William St., Toronto,

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