. tract fd (BA ---------- DAINTY WAISTS --FOR-- Dainty Women The wise woman is laying in he? supply of Summer Waists now while the styles and sizes are complete. Later you will find the prettiest ones picked up, so why not let us supply your needs this week ? You will find styles, mate- rials and prices just right and perfect satis- faction assured. $1, -1:25,1.50, 1.65, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25 to 5.50. MILLINERY Leave your order for your Easter Hat with us this week if possi- ble, go busy we may have - to disappoint you, and we don't want to do that. We are prepared to handle an enormous spring Millinery trade, and from present indications we will be taxed to our utmost. P------------ ney Bros. les will be submitted at your . nce. There is fo obligation to c tal card to address receive prompt ate A Relief Wall Decoration style and de- in the The newest sign on market. Exposure, crack, and' stands rough « usage. For all kinds ete. first-class manner. H. WILKINS, 403 Johnston St. Phone318 | Sampie Exhibit in the store win- dow of Geo. Sears, Princess St. MAIL CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS Sddresied to eneral; will Ottawa until Noon, on 14th May - 1909, for the His M ¥ RIDAY, conveyance four years; ie rinted notices containing formation 'as to conditions Contract may be seen and of Tender may be obtained at eral Post Oftice of Kingston. G. C. ANDERSON, further of the Superintendent. water or wear does not affect it, does not discolor or of dining-room, vestibule, stairway, drawing room Once~-on. the wall it lasts a life time, Painting, Paper-Hanging and Decorating. All work done in the | received at | ing | | drives across « jesty's Mails, tem a proposed Cons | as required between Kingston aud Street Letter Botes the Postmaster General's pleasure. in- proposed blank forms Geun- we mse GROWING IN POPULARITY. Another Large 'Audience Attend Grand on Tuesday Night. A large audience nightly at the Grand Optra House, is evidence of the growing popularity of the Transat- lantic Amusement company. As pro- mised, a lengthy programme of mov- ing pictures, songs, monologue vaudeville: 'sketches, was and was highly creditable cerned. Little Miss who is a general favorite with the audience, sang two of her pretiy songs, "Baby Doll" and "A Big Time To- night." Mr. Stewart, in highland cos- tume, rendered a "Pavody on Harry Lauder" and sang in fine voice, "Hie- land Donald." His efforts were ap- plauded. Miss Vera Simmonds again delighted the audience with her sweet singing. Her rendition of "Good Even- ing, Caroline," and "You're Just the Boy for Me," were wauch appreciated, and in response to a recall, gave a recitation and the skirt dance. She also sang iin connection with the il- lustrated pictures. Mr. Stevenson also sang creditably, "True Heart." The vaudeville sketch, "When Do 1 Eat," by Stevenson and Stewart, kept the audience in laughter, and was thor oughly enjoyed. Many new pictures were presented, the principal ones be- ing ""The-Xan in the Box," "The Em peror Nor§ on the Warpath," * "The Bandit,"" and "The Magic Garden." To-night another new programme will be presented, and all who attend may expect two hours of fun and laughter, and presented, to all cou- Adcline Mulvany, "Human Hearts." The beautiful play, "Human Hearts" is said to leave a favorable impression wherever it. is presented. Its natural ness disarms criticisms; the spectator yielding himseli to its power to rake him laugh or cry, as the case may be. The elements of comedy and pathos are arustically employed and the lights and shades of the story are finely proportioned with a view to unity, At the 'Grand on Saturday, April 38d hatinee and night. Important To Bald People. Prof. Derenwend, of 'Foronto, will visit Kingston on Monday, April 5th, bringing with him a large num- ber of sample styles in hair goods, wigs, toupees, ete., for both men and women. These goods, when properly adjusted, protect and ornament . the head, and tone up an aged appear- |ance. The professor will be at the { Randolph hotel om the date above | mentioned andl he invites your in- | spection of his 'high-class goods. ! | Had A Close Shave. One of the men who every year the ice ae long as ho can, nearly dame to grief on His horse went through the lice and dn trying to get it out he also went in the water. He succded- jed tn scrambling out and a number of men from the shore came to his assis tance and rescued the horse. The same horse went _ through on Saturday {while pearing the eity. { possibly | Tuesday. | Somehow, I hate to run up against 4 : 9 the man wha claime ha seldom boo Later we will be so led from A HEAVY WINDRALL AN HEIRESS TO GREAT FORTUNE AT 63. Her Father An American Million- aire--The Extraordinary Ro- mance .of Mrs. Elizabeth Bird, a Poor Northampton Woman. Loudon, March 30.--An extraordio ary romance, as the result of which a woman in poor circumstances finds herself the heiress to a great fortune, is revealed by investigation in connce- tion with the following telegram from New York : "The members of the family of the late Samuel H. Roebuck, the mil lionaire wire manufacturer, of New York, threaten to contest his will, which was filed for probate recently. Undex this, Mrs. Elizabeth Bird, wile of Richavd Bird, of Northampton, England, described as tho testator's daughter, is the principal beneficiary. The dissatisfied relatives maintain that Mr. Rocbuck never mentioned having any daughter in England." Mrs. Bird, our Northampton corres pondent states, is an aged woman in humble circumstances, living at 48 Green street, where her husband car- ries on a small bakery business. News of her unoxpected fortune, which is stated to be over $2,500,000, hag na- turally thrown her into g stale df ian- tense excitement, mingled with fits of weeping. She is the natural daughter of the dead millionaire, who left her and her mother more than fifty years ago practically destitute. A rusements; New Hig 2 H The anity, Pric 25¢. Five atlantic Amusemen Dat and Fri h Class ours Continuous Pro Never-Failing Deli KEVILLE'S Enormous HUMAN HEARTS Presented from Life Form. Abprading Bubbling Over Story Comedy. es, ning, 15c., 28c., with Matinee, Children 15c. ; B5c., Hoes Seats on sale Thursday. (READ. PERRY HOUSE) TO-DAY Matinee every alternoad, at 4.15. Even- got Thursday day. AUSTIN and Vuk wiours "Frans- "Vaudeville - Moving Pictures gramme. Prices, Children 5¢ 3 acts 10c SATURDAY, APRIL 3RD. Bargain Matinee, at 2.30. Evening, 8,15. ok hub Hing NAN- Joyous Adults, Each con First insertion lc. a word: secutive insertion bait cent six, $1; one month $3. WANTED-HELP. AT WHIG MONOLINE OPERATOR, ~~ office, CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES ARE TRE MPET. ON KiNG, BROCK. eli Finder own return A ig motuine. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. RR Te Wg St, K ATTRACTIVE oy ESTMENT PUL American Ldte n- A HOUSEMAID. APPLY TO MRS. Macnee, Cor. Union ang Bagot Sts, AYWOMAN TO SCRUB THE STORE. Apply Mahood"s Drug Store, Princess street, GIRLS. APPLY KINGSTON STEAM Laundry, Gor. Princess and Syden- ham streets in Hum- AT ONCE, GOOD RELIABLE NURSE irl, 'age about 16. Apply to Mrs. R. pman, SAL BRMEN WANTED FOR "AUTO Spray," Best Compressed: Hand Sprayer made. Sample free to ap. Princess Theatre. w Seven years ago, however, Ar. Roe- buck communicated with his sister, Miss Roebuck, of Richmond Road, Lei- cester, asking her to find Mrs. Bird. She did so,. and thereafter Mr. Roe buck paid her 85 a week. In a letter to Mrs. Bird a year ago, beginning : "My dear daughter," the millionaire said that he had been married four times, and added, "It was no fault of mine I did not marry your dear mothber. After my first wife died I sent my brother, John, to England on business to bring her back, that 1 could wed her, but he was stuck up, and would nct consent to admit anyone into the family without schooling." Mre. Bird has had fifteen children. Ten are living, one of them being tho champion" swimmer of Northampton. When asked what she would do with her fortune, Mrs. Bird said: ' "I shall have a nice house, a pony and trap, and a woman in to do my housework. But I have not got the money yet, and until I do I shall go on working. It has come rather loo late for me really to emjoy it, she added, with a sob, 'because 1 am now sixty-three, but, thank heaven, it will enable us to have an casier time, than we have over had all our lives, for I've known what it was to go around with a truck selling bread." Mrs. Bird is very popular in the poor neighborhood in which she ro sides for her readiness to help out of her humble means any in poorer cir- cumstances. News of her good fortune brought acowds of poor neighbors lo congratulate her. The other "night sho took a cab and drove to the offices of a local firm of solicitors, and then re- turned to her husband's shop to help in selling bread and faggots, for S80 curious persons in the neighborhood. TEETOTAL BY ORDER. Gas Comgpany's Curious Order to Employees. London, March 30:~Considerable dis- cussion has been caused by the at- tempt of a great London corporation to interfere with the private affairs of its employees. By the terms of an order which has just come into force, officers and work- men in the serviee of the Gas Light and Coke company, limited, of Horse- férry Road, Westminster, are forbidden to enter any public house 'in the im- mediate vicinity of the office" except on office business. The order, which was sent to the head of each of the company's ten of- fices, adds that any man found disre- garding this instruction will render himself liable to "instant dismissal from the setvice. The order is meant to apply only to the working hours of the staff, and, therefore, | to their meal hours. *'It not intended," said the manager to an interviewer, "to apply to their leisure time."" No reflection on the sobriety of the staf is intended. At the same time it cannot be nied that the men aflfected--clerks, ters, testers and storekeepers--bitterly resent the prohibition. They number about eight hundred, and are istri- buted amongst the ten offices oi the company. They have not decided upon any action. At an early date the question will come before the Westminster, Pimlico, and Chelsea Licensed Victuallers' tection Association. de- fit- Pro- | Cultivated Leprosy Bacillus. Manila, March 31.--Dr. Moses Clegg, bacteriologist of the bureau of sci- ence at Manila, has succeeded in culti- vating the leprosy bacillus. He has made five separate cultures of the ba- cillus, and carried all of them through five successive generations. Dr. Clegg used the organism both from living lepers and the bodies of victims of leprosy. He has been equally success- which there was an extra demand from { TER,' which fortur Got CH AND "THE CRAZY beautiful tropical EDNESDAY THE a thrilling 16-act a bold mechanic wins 1€. BIJOU AND "THURSDAY. "THE IRONWORKER" MILLOWNER'S D drama, lov TWO COMEDIES BARBER" My Hat,' dashing RISTOPHER KELSO 8 and "Who's comedies Los Angeles, ings, proved agents. Cavers Bros, Galt, Onty EXPERIENCED COOK, GENERAL, DE- sires situation in Kingston at once. Best reference. The Guild, 71 Drum- mond ,St., Montreal. Telephone, Up 2261. BOY TO WORK IN one thatalives in City. Lougher, Cor. streets, BAKESHOP, Apply to H. Princess and Barrie AUGH- in and A FEW SMART GIRLS TO WORK IN Hosiery Dept., good wages. Steady work. Apply Kingston Hosiery Caos, Ltd., King street. e lute Ter #plendid Boon, Aen, 159 Wellington Be. GOOD POLICY IN NORTH American Life Assurahes Jiver thing guaranteed, guarantees 1,000 or oan All _ returned i Sos ive 30 Joare. lot particulars, T ellington PERSONAL. MOLES, od permanentsy warts, etc., removed without scar. Twent gate, Dr. Elmer J. Bn Throat _and Skin eh Neer aling 258 Bagot streei. SITUATIONS VACANT. THIS MAY MEAN YOU. PERMANENT pion to salesmen for our ardy tock. Grown in ebec. Pare outht Free. Investigate. adian Nursery Co. Limited, wr J. fut Can on- TEACHERS WANTED, FIVE HUNDRED TEACHERS FOR Saskatchewan and Alberta. Apply The Western School Supply Co. Ltd., Box +848," Regina, Sask. MEN WANTED TO LEARN BARBER Graduates earn twelve to en dollars weekly, Help secure positions. Will equip shops. Cou- in very A TO-NIGHT Equal in interest has recently Tragedy. and the been so popular. similar to WONDERLAND AND. TO-MORROW. "A FOOL'S REVENGE" excitment Devil Play, which "A DECEPTION" very pretty little dr: beautiful drama, of Five Pieces. ama. «A LittleChild Shall Lead Them" in which a child plays the part of peace-maker. EXTRA TO-MORROW NIGHT. Crosby & 0'Connor's Orchestra stant practice. Careful instructions Few weeks $ouiblelo course, Catan logue free. Write Moler Barber Col lege, Toronto. TO EMPLOY A CATHOLIC GENTLE- man as local representative. We re- quire a person of energy and ability for the position. Salary $18 per week, Write at once for particular The Hoey Publishing Co. Dearborn 8t., Chicago. and WANTED---YOUNG MEN TO LEARN automobile business by mail and pre- pare for positions as chauffeurs and repair men. We make you expert ten weeks ; tion. Pay big; work pleasant; de- mand for men reat ; reasonable ; write for particulars and sample lesson. Empire Automobile tute, Rochester, N.Y. small noon deep. a fro The store on Sydenham street, ent occupied by Kilpatrick as a marble factory. The Prine: know Lot Toro The Homestead, Part of the occupied by more or less. ntage of about 60 feet. vacant lot on the Ss street, near n as the Newman lot. Ss 2,4,6,8,.10, ito street. Clarence St., north Division In the Matter of the Estate of Late L. A. M. Gildersleeve. TENDERS for the following propurties will be received by the undersigned up to of the 3rd day of April, corner of Johnson and King streets, 90 feet front by 109 remises on Princess street, arrison Warehouse, having 32, 34 and 36 on WALKEM & WALKEN, | Solicitors, Kingston. 1909, at pres- side and expenses. ling horses to advertise and introduce our guaranteed Royal Purple Stock | and Poultry Sperifics, necessary ; we lay out your work you. $25 a week and expenses, Posi- tion permanent. Write W. A. Jenkins Manufacturing Co., London, Ontario. WANTLLU---GENERAL. feet RENT, UPRIGHT PIANO, FOR SIX | months, or a 'year. Best reference. Private home. Price must be reason- able. Apply Y. M. C. A. of sireet THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH | estimates on electric work. All kinds | of work Prompuiy, done. F. J. Birch, Electrician, 206 ellington street. appL Y. TO JAMES ACTON, and Wood Yard, Cor. Colborne and MR many death pathy FM oxle, Card of Thanks. AND MRS. ROBT. MOXLEY, sire to express their gratitude to friends for the shown them during the of their son, the late Di Y. kindness and sym- illness and Chas. R. r. Division Sts., to get ashes cleaned out of yards, or cellars, 853. DE- their | TENDERS FOR 9% LOTS, side Albert street ; lots, 261t. age ; also lot on Stuart St., between | Lockett's and Wilson Homestead. ders for all er part will be. ~ Accept- Address John Tweddell, F ( good cook' ral o sérion Howi | visiti | John horse Smitll Elg into da Cc ful with his culture of the germs of amoebic dysentery, and noting a sym- bolic relationship of the two diseases. | The bureau a leprosy vaccine, and proposes. to car- ry forward a serics of experiments for | the treatment for leprosy. Wilbur Items. Vilbur, March 29.--Sugar-making is now begun and the farmers ' around here are tapping their trees. An auc- tion sale was held at John Watts, on the 24th: of March. Mileh cows rang- $35 to $40 each. Mr. and Mre. Fred. Paul have left here for their home in Reston, Manitoba, aec- companied by their brother, James Jackson, i Jennie Rollo is wvisit- ing at Mississippi and Clarendon. T. Richardson has left here for the Soo." Mrs. B. Regers at T. Rich- ardson's; James Moredu has gone to Pembroke. lodge night. between the germs | Sunbury, Rory, In ers, Naw que Sofa, Cor. Westbrook, factory will open on April Ist with a Smith, Odessa, has moved into part of Miss Saunder- Smith returned home on Sunday irom Emporium, where (Dr.) 8S of Mr anxious for Sydenham Stree! Kingston, will preach here next Sun- day night. Thomas Allison has r members of King Edward Sejieleimodedulefoinieibineinjelaiuioleh NOTICE. Highest price paid for hold effects either in part bloe, Antique ashiened 'ome Furniture Articles especial and see Tand I- have for sale. in Logged, Hao or and ly. a beautiful Carve da A Post card will bring me. L. Lesses, Chatham and Princess Kingston. Westbrook Wafts. March supply of milk. will be the cheesema GW, s house. i his sister-in-law, S. Smith. Henry sly ill the her recovery. e and daughter, Syrac ng at the home Adsit. last week. returned here, io t Elginburg Notes. inburg, March 27.--Rev. J. W. Martin's house. omedy company is here, went to Latimer on Visitors : Mrs. C, at C. Smith's; Sydenham, at W, of science has prepare d | Miss 'Whaley, Westport, at C. England women determined to wear 'em. Of course there are women who think they have as much license to vote as some man who is lucky to be out jail .a The t election time. man dinner. Jt t change a man's name, ter ce In the matter of fund soliciting the corner loafer displays wonderful nerve akes a whole an change a woman's, energy. Buy chamois and sponges for. house R. of her Methodist. Mrs. epiniminfafeleiuiniuieleisinialniuininial | 31.~The ker, he had been attending the fune- the laie Mrs. The many friends Allport, who has becn past few weeks, are Mrs. use, heir C. Sykes, church, The Several Temperance Tuesda Hawkey, F. Mec- Law Ewi are paid fifty purpose of establishing a specific | cents a dozen for making men's trous- That's enough to make a woman who feels too sick te ac- company his wife to church usually re- covers sufficiently to eat a big Sunday legislature but one minis- cleaning at Gibson's Red Cross store. It pavs to go there, ang Sts, father, James Howie sold a fine Overton and Victor 1, after spending the winter with friends, inn Manitoba, on Tuesday. J oseph Power, City. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits, Price and workman- abib guaranteed to please, Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 181 Brock St., next Bibby's Livery. use- en Old in assist you to Secure posi- | Insti- MEN WANTED, AT ONCE, ON SALARY | One good mau in each locality with rig or capable of hand- | No experience | for | COAL | "Phone, | ON WEST | front. | Tep- | ort ns, TOR 3 162 An! INCUH FINE MODERN a Ss at St. EEA apply on' premises. THAT, and + DES 258 8; ) Ne Br CORNER QUEBEC AND Ee 2 8-roomed houses, Janes modern Ovemnents, easy terms. Apply 106 Pime street. by TWO DWELLINGS VILLAG Harrow 1 CARLOAD JUST ABRIVED OF THRE well-known McLaughlin Buggies, . Come early and get ®rst Shales. Pi ~Harris . . Grass, 152 Clarence St. FIVE BRICK AND TWO FRAME houses, in good locality, It will pay you to see them. Apply John Mc- Veen, 238 University Ave. GOOD GENERAL PURPOSE MARE, $70; some 8 ond-Hand Cultivators, Disc Harrows, ills and Waggons, cheap ; also a car load of McLaugh~ lin Buggies. Apply F. P. Grass. | | | Professional Advertising The physician has a sign on ne door. That is an advertisement to IMPORTED ST. ANDREASBERG AND Germ Roller Male Canaries. Every sister. 'Phone, Queen and Barrie Ra w, J. Da COMFORTABLE AUXILIARY CRUIS- ing Yacht, in sound condition and I Yoel two new force pumps for deep or shallow wells; easy working and much better than you have béen used to. (perhaps); . second-hand buggy; some ullding timber § Jhree }leces 40ft, long and 5 pieces 20{t,, at prices that should take thum away quick: Apply 185 Farl street. TO-LET. DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN- the passer-by. Comparatively fow people see the sign however. ® Why not carry your sign Inte ail the bost homes Initown 2 You 'can do eo by a Classified Want Ad and without loss of professional dignity too.' Cospgniet 5 uy HW Welwrir| | { | | ARCHITECTS. | ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, | office and residence, 181 University | HENRY P: SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete., Anchor Building, Market Square. | 'Phone, 845. | WAL NEWLANDS tects, ete., Office, 'Phone, 608. & SON, ARCHI-| 258 Bagot street. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Pkone, 212. DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. FOR SALE: FOX HOUNDS, Hounds, and all other Sporting: and Pet Dogs, Rabbits, Ferrets, Pigs, Cattle, Sheep and Swine. page catalogue, 10ec. Kennels, Reading Penna, LEGAL. B. CUNNINGHAM. and Solicitor. St., Kingston. i s of Fancy Guinea 60 U.8.A A. Law Office, 79 Clarence nti- ew Wall Papers. Call and see our Spring Stock of Wallpapers, Room Mouldings, Plate Rails, etc., before you go elsewhere. It will be a pleasure for us fo show you them. Painting, Graining, Paperhanging, Etc. T.McMahon & CO,, Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts. NO WOMAN cheese and Pa., Ww. are home i moved Foor ¥IE v in son's; ing's. I sa : i E i of < E " 7 8 to J drug $3.00 per ems selling $ Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLE head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarters section (iso acres, more or less) of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or SubiAgency oor the district, Entry by pro: XY ana be pads at any agency, on certain conditio by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. DUTIES. --8ix months' residence pas and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A mesteader may live within 'nine miles of his homestead on a larm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father; ajother, son, daughter, brother or st In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may preempt a quarter. section along-side his homestead. Price r acre. Duties.--~Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry fiacluding 4 the time required to earn hoinestead pa cal and tivate fifty acres extra. homesteader who has exha re right and cannot hire subtion y be acquired on any available lands on either odd or even numbered Secti South of township 45, East of the Cal gary and Edmonton Railway; and the 'est line of range 26, and West of the third Meridian and the Sault Railway line. Duties.--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL.--Coal mining rights may be leased for \menty-ane years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more 2,560 acres can be to one appli oant, Royalty, five cents per tom. ARTZ A Y peeson eighteen age and over ving made a may 'locate a claim 1 feet feet.) Fee, $3.00. At least $100 ; BEAGLE | b Mount Penn | BARRISTER furnished, = Stores, etc. McCann's, Brock, Cor, King St, THAT LARGE AND CENTRALLY situated house, 98 Karl St. Possess aion May 1st, Apply to J. Gilbert, Grocer. i» es {A SINGLE BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS, No. 115 Stuart street, modern ime provements. Possession Ma ay st. Apply to John Ashley, 28 Liviogstom ve BRICK RESIDENCE, ion street, near wtrast J melve NO. 181 DIVIS. Corner of Prihcess rooms, extension 3 | Hekiiig Sai atl nos, or | | | i | 179 Division street. 5 BOARD AND ROOMS. | PRIVATE BOARD FOR ONE respectable men. Apply street, City. OR TWO 15 Rideau ) | mMoNEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE { Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable assets $61,187,215; In addition to ' which the policyholders have { security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and eit | property insured at lowest possib | rates. Before renewing old or giving { new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone. 568. MEDICAL CARD. ROBERT J. GARDINER, M.D., PHYSI. cian and Surgeon, Corner of Bagot and William streets. Office Hourer a to 9am ;2t4 and 7 te 9 pm. 'Phone. 870, + | Dry Heavy Slabs We have a nice lot, 2.25 per load. see them. SWIFT'S. 500 cords. $10 a mile per annum. Royalty, 2 cent alter the output e s $10, WwW. W, CORY, uty of the Minister of the Interfor: ~Unauthorized publication of this advertisewent will not be paid for. per )0. Why Pay Rent When = You Gan't Mford It? No man can afford to pay rent, but every man can afford to apply his rent money on the purchase of a home. ; Come in and we'll tell you how othefs have done. : D. A. Eays | 57 Brock St. fon ©