¥ "DAINTY WAISTS fF OR-- Dainty Women GAVE NEARLY Wl 000] TOWARDS HELPING EARTH® QUAKE SUFFERERS. 3 'a Ne mn w---- --- Clergyman Goes to Winnipeg--To TO N GHT Bur Up. B at Oebalt Lh ati waTswRIGHTS Trans- Young Man Hit and Severely |. antic Amusement hii April 2.--The Roman Catho- High, Class Vaudeville and Moving Pictures lics of Ottawa diocese have contribut- ed to the sufferers of the Messina 2 Hours Continuous 'Programme. Prices, Children S€ ; Aauts 10€ earthquake, through Mgr. Sbaretti, SATURDAY, APRIL SRD. $17,176. The whole dominion has con- tributed nearly $30,000 to the papal Bargain Matinee, at 2.30, Evening, 8,15. The Never-Failing Delight, 'W, B: NAN- fund. KEVILLE'S Enormous ° a = Rev. E. Bureh, curate of St, George's Anglican church, is appointed assist- ant rector of Holy Trinity, Winni- peg. Charles Lestor, an English socialist, who has been lecturing in Ottawa for some time, has left for Cobalt, with the idea of stirring things up there. pA Story, fro «1 : 4 N sho ramatic n Amedee Svivestre, a Hull, Quebee, anity Bubbling Comedy. : Prices, Children 15c¢, ; 25¢. Evening, 15c., 23e., 8jc., 50c. Seats now on sale. isi VACANT. THIS MAY ra gonition on ter our ary aiian outtic ¥ pres. oR , $1: ; one month $3. WANTED--HELP. MONOLINE OPERATOR, AT WHIG office, ~ COOK. APPLY MRS. R. BE. KENT, 85 ing street. DENT. SPARKS AXD SPARKS, DENTISTS Zao Pringess St. Kingston. "Phone, SMART BOY, TO HELP "AROUND THE _ store. Apply Lockett Shoe, Store. FINE aE or roundel the apply on A COMPETENT HOUSEMAID. APPLY to Mrs. W. Lesslie, 67 George S A _HOUSEMAID, APPLY TO MRS Macnee, Cor. Union and Bagot Sts. " HAR aL. FOR, FLOWER BEDS, : A Drop a card to Albert Stansbury, 441 Barrie street. THAT DI BLE PROP TY, 356 Hh a hy CORNER UEBEG N VISION " qu AND) nl nial podarn, Og Ria Sent easy CARLOAD Suse ARRIVED OF well-know: in Bug; Come early and get first halon P. Grass larris Co. Clarence: St. ATE a Over with in Ba Joyous Adults voung man, lies unconscious at.dis home as the result, it is alleged, of a blow from a man, Napoleon Laroche. Both were members of "'Stay-Out-Late Club," "and were returning from an ex- cubsion, last night, when they quar- reled. Laroche felled Sylvestre and his | head hit the ground with terrible force. Ht is doubtful if he will recover. The standing orders committee of { the; J eommons, sanetioned the bill of the | 'unadian Northern raflway respecting n branch line from Sudbury to Little Matinge, | BELL ers, Office. BOY AND YOUNG MEN Apply at Poth Aan 17 ote The wise woman is laying in her supply of Summer Waists now while.thesbylessand sizes are complete. Later you will find the prettiest ones picked up, so why not let us supply. your needs this week ? You will find Wtyles, mate- rials and prices just right and perfect satis- faction assured. | ean $1, 1.23, 1.30, 1.A5, 1.73, 2.00, | oe Str, oli wit ot 2.25 to 5.50. {of $12,000,000, representing one-fourth {of the estimates to he voted and to | sarry on the works and service for two Leave your order for your months, its more immediate require Easter Hat | ments, with us this week if possi- ble. Later we will be so so busy we may have to disappoint you, and we don't want to do that. We are prepared to handle an enormous spring Millinery trade, and ftom present indications we will be taxed to our utmost. A COOK, FOR FAMILY OF THREE, where housemaid is kept. No. wash- ing or ironing. Apply 250 King St. THURSDAY, APRIL 8TH. SAM S. and LEE SHUBERT Offer Lulu Glaser In The New Viennese Opereita. "Mille Mischief" With the entire original New York Cast and Chorus. 2 Carloads Scenery and Effects. Prices, 25¢,, 50c.,/75¢., $1, $1.50. Seats on sale Md#day." BIJOU TO-DAY . AND SATHRDAY. 2 WILD WEST PLAYS-2 "THE RIVALS OF THE RANCH"-- A Bad Cowboy--An Indian Enemy-- Queen of the Ranch--An lasult. Punished --Shooting the Eagle--Cheating at Pok-|) er--A Hasty Shot--=The Escape--A Wild Pursuit--Saved by a Woman. THEE MAD MINER, . OF MOCCASIN GULCH '--In the Rockies--The Mule Train--The Rohbers--~Sick and Hungry-- The Attack--The Rescue~Falsely Accused ~The Sherifl's Posse, ete. HAIR, we. rm ved permanency warts, etc., without scaf. Leta Bose "inrgat Loft Fg alist, 258 rag CARD. ROBERT J GARDINER, M.D., PHYSI rgeon, o A FEW. SMART GIRLS TO WORK IN and William streets Hosiery Dept., good wa Steady am. ; 3 to fosi Phone. 870. work. Apply Kingston Hosiery od 1.id., King street. gues. br. clan apd Su Gitte 7% » THE gies, ®; 133 A STRONG YOUNG MAN, FOR THB next five months, for 'rough work. aromid a wholesale. Apply by letter: to "Box 24," care this Office. TWO DWELLINGS IN VILLAGE Harrowsmith. Small pi Balance to suit aroha Godwin's Insurance iD ston oF Ayment dow n. PIE ee GOOD CIGAR AND TOBACCO BUSI. ness, on Princess street, established 16 years. Best location in city. A bargain for somebody. Apply Dan. gan, 126 Princess street, SALESME N WANTED FOR "AUTO Spray," Best Combressed-uir } Hand Sprayer made. Sainple (ree proved agents. Cavers Bros., "a. ty FOR FAMILY i Ont: of two. No washing. Must have re- commendation. Apply between 6.30, and 8 o'clock in the evening, at "162 Johnson street. ! A GENERAL SERVANT, GOOD GENERAL PURPOSE MARE, $70; Some Second-Hand Cultivators, Dis¢ Harrows, Drills and Waggons, cheap ; dlso a car load of Meclaughs lin Buggies. Apply F. P. Grass. } { IENTS. MALE AND FEMALE, MAKE | big money selling our - office and | household specialties, KEnatirely new, | everyone wants them. Write quick. | Agencies, Lid., 300 St. Paul St. | Montreal. A Home for the Summer It will not cost" you much more to be really comfortable for the summer vacation than fo * rough it ina tent. A small * Want 'Ad. in our classified columns will bring you replies from people, who have desirable places to rent. Copyrightes 10 vy 8. W. HaOudy IMPORTED ST. ANDREASBERG AND German Roller Male Canaries. Ever bird guaranteed to sing. A plo Easter gift wife or sister, hone, 612, orner Queen ana Barrie Sts., J. Driver) LAWOH Plate, ense CN WANTED TO LEARN BARBER trade. Grgduates earn twelve to eighteen aha weekly. Help secure) positions. Will equip shops. Con- | stant practice. Careful instructions. Few weeks complete course. Cata- | logue free. Write Moler Barber Col- lege, Toronto. IN WANTED, AT ONCE, ON SALARY | and expenses. One good man in each | locality with rig or capable of hand- | ling horses to advertise and introduce our guaranteed Royal Purple Stock | TO-LET. and Poultry pee ifics. No experience | necessary ; we lay out your work for | you. $35 a pc ge) expenses. Posi- | DWE LLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN-| tion permanent. Write W. A. Jenkins | furnished, Stores, ete McCann's, | Ontario. Brock, Cor. King St. Manufacturing Co., London, ' WANTLU---GENERAL. LEASE, SMALL house, by 1st May, Rent reasonable. Whig office. Ww. CAMERA COVERS 18x23 rapid rectilinear Dallmeyer wall case 5x8 and 15 inche deep, glass case, 3 foot 10 inches x 2 foot 2 inches, back-grounds, small lenses, hurnish: and printing appar: atus. Powell's, "107 Princess street. "TALKED TO DEATH MAN," (Extra). Kelso sings. BY A WO- A lively comedy, Chris. Wonderla nd TONIGHT AXD TO-MORROW. 'Comedies. "THE EXACTING FATHER- IN-LAW" | "THEY LEAD THE 'cos A CHASE" Drama. "THE ROUE'S HEART" ---- | Vaudeville i) Pp TTT and MERRILL, Hypnoby A PRINCE pi | mn Comedy Jug Illustrated Song. COMFORTABLE AUXILIARY CRUIS- | ing Yacht, in sound condi'ion and well found ; two, new foree puinps for deep or shallow wells; easy working and much better than ydu have heen used to (perhaps); second-hand buggy: some Building timber; ihree pleces 40ft. long and 5 pieces 20(t., prices that should take them quick. Apply 185 Farl street. THAT LARGE AND CENTRALLY | situated house, 98 Tarl St. Posses: | sion May 1st. Apply to J. Gilbert, | | { Crumley Bros. SIX-ROOMED | for 12 months. Apply Box '14. Grocer. YACHT GENESEE FOR SALE; ada's ep winner, Wright cup winner, winner, Rudder cup Hanley design ; square ; over all water line 27.75; draught 2% feet, ; CAN= Fisher cup winner, Col, Pond cup winner ; Jiukl, sail area length 45 beam 12 cabinet accommoda- tions, sleep five, ice box, galley and toilet, For further articulate and price address Eric . B9-T1 oy A SINGLE BRICK HOUSE, No. 115 Stuart street, modern im: | provements. = Possession May 1st. Apply to John Ashley, 28 Livingston | 10 ROOMS, | LATE REAR ADMIRAL CONVERSE, | u. His death occurred Monday. and He tion. {THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds Ave. | of work promptly done. ¥. J. Birch, | Flectrician, 206 Wellington street. | BRICK RESIDENCE, NO. 181 DIVIS. | fon street, near Corner of xtanmion | street, twelve rooms, extension kitchen, hot water, heating, ges' Jor | lighting and cooking purposes. En- 'quire' No. 179 Division street. on | age | 1866. Naviga- | | { { at Washington He was sixty-five years of had 'heen in the navy since was chief of the bureau of PPLY and rer toc REID & CHARLES TO JAMES ACTON, Wood Yard, Cor. Division Sts., to get ashes cleaned out. of yards, or. cellars.' *Phone, |i \In the Matter of the Estate of | oa. Late L. A. M. Gildersleeve. TENDERS FOR 93 LOTS, ON WEST| i side Albert street; lots, 26ft, front- | TENDERS for the following prop riies | age; alto Jobwoh Swart Bi. det = {will be received by the undersignigd up to ders: for ; | of : all or part will be. Acc despatch says that, as the result of a [noon of the 3rd day. of 'April, 1900. [T ed. 4 . % Address John Tweddell, il os p s killed! m og i ru ode reel, John Bell was killed I'he Homestead, corner of Johnson and | | ete., Anchor as. Market Square Joseph Power, City. there, at one o'clock, this morning, by | King streets, 90 feet front by (109 feet struck the head with | deep more or ldss. & [GENTLEMEN To BRING THEIR | "Phione, 345. . | Part of the premises on Princess street 0 an ave made up Into up- heavy stable lantern in the hands ola a [occupied by ree $5 Frinces Roe to-date suits. Price and workman-| companion, Alexander Miller. A piece [a frontage of about 60 feet. ship guaranteed to please. Pressing of the lantern glass severed Bell's | The store on Sydenham street, and repairing done on the shortest dar vai The fia took pl {ent occupied by Kilpatrick tien. Thomas [Golloway, 181. Brock mgudar vein. 16 altar took plate at instars, 8t.. next Bibby's very the shanty of "Edward Buckley. Buck- | The vacant lot:om the! north ley notified the authorities and, as a Princess .. street, . near . Division SITUATIONS WANTED. result, the chief of police, at Bryden, | has gone 10 the scene, COAT, TH Colborne and | . Stone street, Ttochestor, JOHN BELL KILLED. ts FINANCE AND INSURANCE. GE 8. SREP ATHICE, Fru, MARINE Motor Insurance, larence Kingston. 'Phone, 5668. Piece of Lantern Glass Jugular Vein. April 2.~A Kenora, Ont., ARCHITECTS, Cut Eiri | ARTHUR = BLLIS ARCHITECT, Stic and residence, 181 University ve. His, and ry -_ 00 A = Winnipeg, Sts, Before buying your Spring Shoes see our Royal Shoes for Women AND-- ROYAL & JUST-RIGHT SHOES FOR MEN They are universally admitted the best. REID & CHARLES. anada Life Assurance Company, iperih Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co., Western Fire Assurance Company Last Mountain District--North-West Lands, Special Excursions for Prospective Purchasers, Cobalt Stocks. For Full Information Call or Correspond With J. o. HUTTON, AGENT. OFFICE--18 Mar ket St.. Kingston Ont. Bezena, Salt Rheum. ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT = POLI. cies in The North American Life In- €o. Standard rates, ahso- security, splendid results. T. J. ° Agent, 159 Wellington St. "| HENRY P: SMITH, ARCHITECT, surance lute | | hei ing Boon, | over WM. NEWLANDS & 5 + Baroet. | - tects, ete., Office, 2f agot street ara tads. 0 | MONEY AND BUSINESS. | POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER | LIV RRPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE * chant"s Bank Building, corner Brock | Yire Insarance Company. Avaliable | and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212.) assets $41,187,215. In addition to | which the polieyholders have for | security the unlimited liability of all § the stockholders. arm and city property insured at lowest possible | rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568, COOKING COAL For this spring weather we haye No. 2 Chestnut at $5.75. This Coal is excellent value. Try it. SWIFT'S. applicant for » "erm ofl 20 years. Rental, '$10 a mile per annum. Royalty, 2§ per cent alter the output exceeds $10,000. : W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.) N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisewent will not be paid at pres- | as a masthlel side of sLeeel, {known «ad the Newman lot Lots 2, 4, '6, 8, 10, 33, Toronto street WALKE M & WALKEN, 8olicitc sy. Mkingston! 34 and 36 on LEGAL. B. CUNNINGHAM. and Solicitor. Ss Kingston POSITION AS home or on steamboat, voung Chinaman. Knows thoroughly. Apply to 282 Princess street. Be pecials 60 Peck Very Chie Apps Special To-Morrow, 40¢. a Peck. table COOK IN PRIVATE by a fine | his work | A. Leslie Wong, | Junetown Jottings. dunetown, April 1L.--James MoAr- thur, Kingston, has returned and will assist Mr. Flood in cheesemaking. Several from here attended the court | assizes heid n Brockville this week. | Mr. and Mrs. James Purvis spent Wed- nesday Lansdbiene: Miss Edna | Summers has returned from a visit with Miss MeHow, Sandhurst. Eghert Avery spent Tuesday in Brockville, I'he el I » factory hi s started I | observe the 24th Day of May' by 'hav. le cheese 1ncLOrY as started work. | ing a celebration-in this City, 1 hereby Miss J. E. Washburne, teacher, spent | invite the Citizens to attend a public Saturday and Sunday. at her home in [meeting to be, held in the Council 8 Mi N iA teacher { Chamber on FRIDAY EVENING, April operton. 1 au very, teac her, loth, at 8 p.m., To arrange and; make ap- (aintown, spent Saturday and Suns !pointments for edrrying out the same day at her home here, Mr. andl Mrs. [on 'Victoria Day next. 13. B. Graham, Caintown, were Sun- | DANIEL, COUPER, fay or day guests of Mr, and Mrs. Henry | pL 15t) Franklin. Edward Summers in | _ rockville acting as juryman. | BARRISTER { | : | Clarence St. Law Office, 79 Clarence | | | § Victoria Day: celal Cote WHEREAS it' has: been customary to W. W. SANDS, City Clerk. ' Kingston, 1909. is Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may Homestead a quarter: section (160 acres, more or less) of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. DUTIES. --8ix months' resicence and cultivation of the land each of three years. A lomesteader may live within "nine miles of his homestead on a farm Of at least BO acres solely owned Suitable for cooking or 1,000 Lbs. ery Choice Fat Veal " 1 H for, Partnership Notice. PR. R. FB: SPARKS WISHES TO + intimate that he has this day taken in- Detroit, Mich., April-2.--Mrs. Eliza {to partnership his son DrlErnest B. Landau, sixty-eight years old, con- | Sparks. The new firm will be known by victed of manslaughter in ¢onnection jhe style 'and title of - Sparks and : . r 3 varks, and will continue to practice with the death of Miss Ella Sowler, | dentistiy at ths Feoms lately 'occupied Special Price Legs, 10¢c. 1b. of Jiondon, Ont., was sentenced toby himself, 2804 Princess street, *¢ Loins, 10c. a lb. serve from two to seven and half| Kingston, April Ist, 1909. 1d '" Chops, 10c. a lb. years. in the House of Correction. ts ': TForequarters, 6c. a Mrs. Landau stook her Notice to the Public. . sentence more 1b quietly than she did her conviction. | rhe public are hereby notified that A. She is the first woman sent to the STEVENSON is ho longer connected Se Correction for nianslaughter | With the monthly. magazine, CAN ADIAN House of Correction for manslaughter | '/30, "00 Mra URAES, "and fins' no ee To Serve For Manslaughter. | Motors FOR BOYS! upon See the great display of Choice Meats, all at reduced prices. |W of this kind Fresh Batteries Just In. One battery will operate them. Will run a sewing machine, Price $1.75. Our specialty is Home and Store Lighting. Newman and Spriggs Electric Co., 79 Prinééss street. EE NOTICE. Highest price paid for JIouse- hold effects either in part or en blot Antique Fashioned Come in Furniture and Articles especiall and see a be: Natitel Claw Legged, Hand Carved Anti- que Sofa, I have for sale. Post card will bring me L. Lesses, Chatham and Princess Kingston old % S| I Cor. Sts X 3 Ecsema or Salt . Fou, as it is often called, is one of the most agonizing of skin diseases, It mahifedts itself in little round blisters, which contain an extremely irri- tating finid. These break and subsequently o crust or scale is formed. The intense burning, itching and smart ing, especially at night or when the part is exposed to any strong bead, are i unbearable. The | t success which Burdock | Blood Bitters has met with in pecianently | ing dn sh, ry one ts wonderful blood + and purify hes 'wane, or can do, driven writes :--* For years I suffered with Salt Rbeum. 1 tried a dosen different medi- cines, but most of them anly made it worse, I was advised 5. fy Burdock Blood Bit- ters. [ got a boktle and before I had taken halt a dosen doses I could.see achangs se 1 continued its use and:mow 1 am.completely cured. I cannot sa say too much: for your wonderful medicine. broom. For mle Dy all druggists and dealers Cheese Factory Burned. Morton, factory, at 5. Bresee, ternoon, Being the first had just opened season's operation able milk on hand. Tt ed to have originatec The Ont., April caught fi his loss is Cushendall 'us hendall, are preparing to builc summer, Visitors: Smith, her Mr Mrs derson's; Leo Bride's; G Mills; Miss Lily Smit} George Anderson's; friends in Cushendall. at and Murp Thore is a report ih Navigation 'company steamer * from Brocky this spmmer, making cach week, William MeMahon, t temperance hotel answer on charge without a leonse, a to since 1896. Lyndhurst, and not April 2.--A mother' Kenney, Hyland, A. 2.--~The che ge owned by re, vesterday i and burned to the ground. It of April, Mr. Bresee factory for the | had consider- he fire is suppos- 1 in the boiler known. Notes. number here | I new barhs this! Mrs. John A Mrs. Ward's; (reorge An at Mrs. Me- at King No) 1, Glenburnie, at { Anderson, with at hy, | C cena | will run ille Neptrent two Yyound trips | at the to of | is liquor he in of proprietor Frankford, selling | elsewhere. for us to show you them, authority to represent it in any capacity whatever, Montreal, April, 1909, RESOURCES PUBLISHING CO., LTD 2 Call and see our. Spring Stock of Wallpapers, Room, Mouldings, | Plate Rails, ete.. before you go It will 'be a pleasure Painting, Graining, Paperfanging: Etc. ds Brock and Bagot Sts. Miss Ethel = Loveless, Bloomfield. daughter of Rufus Lewvoless, formerly of Rossmore, died on Wednestlay, at the age of thirty years. # ny i Fresh Eggs, 20c. a dozen. Large stock of Green Goods. Lettuce, Radishes, Parsley and Celery | QOor. Princess & Division' Sts Pearsall's Millinery our shdw rooms, new in We are every putting in day, something Dress Hats They need Hp simply speak for themselves. early any time and see them. NOTIE--Those . living near should call at our Branch. see some pretty Hats there. comment here, they Call in Yarker You wilt ANDERSON BROS: and occupied by him or by his father, | or mother, siste son, daughter, brother good standing may pre-empt a quarter - | section along-side his hcwmestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties.--Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time fuyuited to earn homestead patent) and tivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhaustéd his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased omestead in certain districts. Price 00 per acre. Purchased homesteads may be acquired on any available lands on either odd or even numbered Sections South of township 45, East of 'the Cal gary and Edmonton Railway and. the jest line of range 26, and West of he third Meridian and the Sault Railway line. Duties.--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres po erect a house worth $300. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL.--Coal 'mining rights may" bs teased for twenty-one years at an annual rental of $1.00 a8 acre. Not more thas 2,560 acres can leased to ome appll cant. Royal prin cents per tom. OUARTZ. eighteen vears of age and over having made a byl may locate a ey 1,500 feet by teet. Fee, $5.00. At least Eau d been requirements complied expended on vith he the i may be purchased a » Pearsali's Millinery ~ 228 Princess St, | Ln claim ad to the. Mining Recorder, has PLACER MINING. San 5 foneraty . feet uare. PRED 1G Tvs wh a river way be ter. % In certain districts a homesteader iv Why Pay Rent When No man can afford to pay rent, but every man can afford to apply his rent money on the purchase of a home. others have done. i ee called You Can't Afford It? Come in and we'll tell you how D. A. Says, :