Ton - PAGE FOUR. | The Twice-as-Edsy Patent Washer "Mary had a Twice-As-Easy" It washed things white as % snow And everywhere that Mary went She told the people so. SOLE AGENCY, CORBETT'S siwioeinioinleinieipineieieleindnleinliet For Easter? Come in and see our Plue and Black Serges, Green Worsteds. styles. $7, $13.50, See Our Special at $8.50. It's a Dandy. Also a big line of Boots and prices close Hats, §1, $2. Isaac Zack's 271 Princess street. \ in and and to variety Brown patterns $10, $12 big and Latest $8.50, x Prices, Shoes ; New $1.60 and READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY For ing SOAP, softeni ter, moving oid nts Tate he. i f purposes, A pl 20 Ibs. Sal Sonar Sold Everywhere. E. W. GILLETT CO, LTD, Toronto, Ont. Ts TTRESES? Insist on this Trademark for your own sake. THE T. F. HARRISON CO. [Grand Union Hotel . published in part THE WHIG, 76th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 806-810 King street, Kingston, Omtario, at. per r. Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. CF WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 Jhon. urs. To United on Monday and por Las to be added, making price of a year. 9 Daily $2 end of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Print- ing Offices in Canada ; rapid, stylish, and cheap work ; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director; at TORONTO. OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 re. 82 Churth day morning at States, charge for Smallpeice, J. tative, Dailo Tbig. FEINTING AND SHOWING. The World has learned. from Ottawa that the.opposition is hopelessly div- ided on the Grand Trunk Pacific loan. One section of it wants government ownership, the appropriation of the road, the company being returned what it has paid on account of the gcheme, and the country presuming to run as well as finance the enterprise. The older members baulk.; They remember what happened - when the transcontinental was projected. Mr. Borden was undecided as to what was for the best. He had a scheme of his own, and while the election cam- new paign went on he abandoned it. Pub- lic ownership seemed to catch him for a while, but as the party revolted he swung around to trol. Just where he is government con- now, with regard to the Grand Trunk Pacific, is not ap- parent by anything he has said in the recent discussion. He is to move an amendment of some kind, but as the World it through with the least friction and "the minimum of opposition." has the loan will go DANGERS OF DISEASE. The telegrams the following : of the day embrace "William Thompson, the negro boy who shot his father near Amherstburg, may not serve out his five-year sen- tence imposed upon him at Sand- wich assizes. Medical experts who have examined the youbg prisoner be- lieve he is in the first stages of con- sumption, and declare it would be fatal to confine him for five years. Thompson will be taken to the Kingston Penitentiary some time this week, but on account of this condi- tion there will be an effort to get him transferred to the Mimico Reform School." Now the inference follows--if the boy should not be confined in the King- ston penitentiary, because his disease is contagious, why should Iié be gon- fined in Mimico reformatory school ? Are the lives of the boys at this school, with whom Thompson will come in contact, not as precious as in the peni- The local government . will presently see the wisdom of erecting a place where the sufferers from: econ- tagious can be kept for and that of the In their state of freedom men and women need not mingle with those who are consumptive, and need not reside in the same house with them, but in the prisons and refor- matories there is no security the contact that carries it. he tolerated ? th8ose of the convicts tentiary ? diseases their own safety masses, from disease with Is that a condition that should The Wisg has con- tended «that every municipality should be induced to erect a consumptives' refuge, and that the province should provide one in some healthy, accessible place. Failing to meet the require ments of the free perhaps it may do (rand Opp. Grand Central Station, New York City Rooms, $1.00 a Day AND UPWARD Baggage to and from Station free. Send 20 stamp for N.Y. Olty Guide Book ond Map Elephant Mixed Paints These Paints are the best preservatives for wood, iron and stone. They dry with a hard glossy surface and can be easily applied by anyone ror STR ACHAN'S. "BIBBY'S CAB STAND Phone. 201. 'DAY or NIGHT WE HIT THE BULL'S EYE EVERY TIME WHEN WE ASSERT THAT BETTER, COAL THAN WE SELL CANNOT BE FOUND SALLE BY The above is a strong statement that we are ready and able to prove. ° Crawford "Phone, 9. Foot of Queen St. | its duty towards the inhabitants of our prisons, : i ANOTHER SERIOUS WARNING. Magistrate Daly, of been to deliver to pa- rents the severest castigation for their failure to perform their duty towards children. What saw, iw his court, Winnipeg, has called upon the the magistrate or in the scenes in it, may be inferred words, uttered deliberately at a public meeting, and for the pur- connection with from these | {pose of impressing | mothers and fathers them upon the whe were pre sent 2 "If you knew what I have gone THE DAILY when it is, and is continued, the police and the public magisirate are not called upon to save the girls from a life of open shame. "I can conceive of nothing more disgusting," adds Winnipeg's magistrate, "then the sight of well-dressed girls, the daughters of good families, chewing gum and striving to attract the attention of meu upon the streot."" They must have lost the delicacy which is the precious inheritance of every young woman, and ought to be prized by hee most highly, EDITORIAL NOTES, Public ownership is a good thing to talk about but a poor thing to man- age. Witness Kingston's manipula- tion of the water department's funds. ---- Those who cavil at the G.T.P. loan, | on good security, forget that once a | conservative government loaned thirty millions of dollars to the C.P.R. when its future was none too bright. Jt is amazing that the premier of Ontario opposes a bill regarding tu- berculosis which has been suggested by the provincial board of health. The said premier is advertising him- s¢li as a back number. Sir James Whitney says the civic government of Toronto is a specta- | He must have meant that it was! tacular, in which respect it vieing with the government of which Sir James is the head. is Mr. Maclean has been gratified with' the Grand Trunk's installation of a two-cent a mile train service between Of course Mr. will the coaches when he travels over this line. Toronto and Montreal. Maclean avoid luxurious The desire to favour Mr. Conmee, M.P., is one thing, and the desire to | réspect. provincial rights is another. Great prinaples, for which Ontario contended successfully under Sir Oli- ver Mowat, cannot be ant®gonized on personal grounds. The young lady at Junetown who never got an engagement ring from a the her. her perfidious lover can now consolation ring with a dollars which the jury awarded The young woman deserves to sweat buy few of is sweet with a widower. who for {gion of the dwellers in Atlantis + PREACHER FORETELLS THE POSSIBLE END OF He Speaks of Religious Conditions + a Billion Years Hence--The World May Be More Christian But Know Not Christ. Chicago, April 2.--Dr. George Bur- man Foster, professor of the philoso phy of religion at the University of Chicago, who aroused a storm of eri- ticism @ year or so ago by his book, "The Finality, Of the Christian Reli- gion," has a still more radical book in press. Al Dr. Foster is a Bap- List, he avery Sunday in the Third Unitarian church. His sermon torday was a chapter from his forth- coming book. His subject was "The Place Of desus In the Religion Of Modern Man." He spoke of Christian- ity as a religion which may dic as other religions have died, and yet tho world would be more Christian than it is now. Even Jesus Himself, if now on earth, he said, would pursue a far different course than that which He followed 1,900 years ago. In tho course of his sermon he said: "A billion years hence the spiritual condition of the race may be con- ceivably as far above ours as oars is above the status of the savages who roamed tho primeval forests. And Jesus of vazaroth--is it inconceivable that a billion years: or so hence the haman beings then alive will know as little about Him and our specific form of religion as we know about the reli- or any other submerged land ? Is it iu conceivable that the name of Chris- tianity shall have passed away ? And yet may not the world. be more Chris tian than now, have more faith, hope and love; be move sure of the fatherly God, of a brothetly man, of an eternal life, of a purposeful world ?" Campbell Bros'. New Derbies. $2, $2.60, $3, $4, every style, a good one and every hat good value at the price. Bibby's $2 hats, Call and inspect our stock of hi- cycles and sundries. H. Milne, 272 Bagot street, "phone 542. The Franco-Canadian ratified in the French vote of 217 to 6, A woman suffrage bill has been in- 'roduced in the. Wiseonsin legislature. Three hundred pails (7 Ibs.) jam, 40c;; 2 for Te. Gilbert. Ribby's $2 hats; no higher. treaty wag senate by a APRIL £1009. - - he * of Fireworks. Kingston, March 31.(To the Editor): In view of the approaching celebra- tion of Vie Day, I venture to sug- gest that the cify authorities would do well to recall the disgraceful abuse of fireworks that prevail last year, Gorticulatly on Princess street, and in 2 nald Park during the band con- cert. Unless some measures are noyapces, and in some cases actual injuries, resulting from the abuse of fireworks in the hands of '"'toughs,™ the provision of 'a band concert this vear will be but assisting a '"'hood- lum's Carnival," as the respectable citizens and their families will be con- spictous 'by their absence, ashamed and afraid to encounter a tition of last year's sounes.--CITIZEN. x CROWN PRINCE GEORGE OF SERVIA Who has renounced his title to the Crown. ------------------ Your Neighbors Cough Remedy. The general judgment of a com- munity can be relied upon in matters of experience. A large share of the people in this community have years used the Diamond Cough edy to cure their coughs and In bottles, 25¢c. and ble. at Rem- colds. Wade's to protect citizens from the gross an-|: heen SEMEN 0 FES SOO. ; A Protest Against the us Use} | approval. Young Men's Suits In Blue Worsted, Cuff on Sleeves, ete., $12.50, $15. Young Men's: Suits Fancy Worsteds, Browns, Greens, etc., with all the latest s of fashion, $12.50, $15 and $18. Young Men's Oxford Suits SOMETHING REAL 'SWELL, Blacks, Blues. Browns, Olives, Checks, Plaids and Stripes, in Cheviots, Cassimeres, finest tailor- ing, etc., $18 ana $20. Young Men's Shirts Our New Spring Shirts speak for themselves. The patterns are the handsomest we've ever seen, $1.00 buys a splendid Shirt. ---- drug store. A -- Sce Bibby's brown hats, $2. I 9 tractive presentation 0! Spring Things, to win your attention 'and earn your COME IN, PLEASE! Siar aE Youg Mews Gloves We show a $1.00 Street Glove that beats the world at the . See Dent's Washable Tan Gloves, at $1.50. » hE . We've the choicest blossoms: in Spring Neckwear. See Our 50c. values. od ) The Tony Hats of th Season. One rie, $200. Mo Higher. See Our Dressy Black Derby Hats Our Nobby Brown Derby. Our Smart Green Soft Hats. Our Swell Brown Soft Hats. New Caps. it. The Spectator metaphorically slaps Mr. Downey on the back, and tells him to, fight on until the legislature accepts his bill is. At the same time it laments that years must be spent in advocating that for which there is an immediate demand, { regarding tuberculos- TWAS A FINE AFFAIR. Tea and Concert Held By Ports- mouth Orangemen. The tea and concert held on Thurs- day night, in the Orange hall, Ports- mouth, by the members of the Orange order, was one of the best events of the kind ever held in the village and | all who were present, and there was! a very large attendance, spent a most | enjoyable time. The ladies are de- | serving of great praise for the way | in which all the arrangements were carried out. Kach member worked hard to make the affair a success, and that it was a great success was! amply shown. ! Ald. C. J. Graham was the chair- man of the evening and amply filled the duties put upon him. The programme included selections by Arbuckle's orchestra, songs by essrs. Forrester, Partridge, Parker | and Tann, recitations -by J. Hogan, the Misses Buck, Walker and McGil- livray, instrumental selections by Messrs. Tann and Woods, and a fine dialogue by Mrs, E. Gilmour and James McMaster. Each number re- ceived a hearty encore. The affair was brought to a olose with the sing- ing of the national anthem. HAD TO PAY FINE. Lad Pleaded Guilty to Charge © Assault. In the police court, this morning, a zeventeen-year-old lad pleaded guilty to assaulting a companion, and was fined 85 and costs. The complainant, a boy about fifteen years of age, ap- peared with one of his cyes in deep mourning, ad a result of an cocounter with his companion's fist, The lad who was assaulted, is a pupil at Frontenao school, but his assailant does not attend school. He attacked | through during the last thirty days, | When I've had from twenty to twenty- Wis e girle, all girls { from good homes who have crred for between fourteen and eighteen 'years of age, come hefore me in my capacity as magistraie, want of proper instruction. you would | , Inot wonder at what I say. You | would look after your danghters if you {knew the danger, you would reason i . . | with them and make them realize that | | Mr. Daly went further and intima. they are going wrong." {ted that what the home wanted most, |as the symbol of authority, was a {birch rod, and that it should be used | {in the enforcament of discipline. No {girls of from fourteen {o sixteen be i : {com unmanageable and defiant if in | N | {the carlier years there is the whole | some reétraint cised. | hands. and weeps and wails that | | cannot control her daughter but which should be exer- I'ie mother who wrings hor she wn | fossos, to her confusion, that she has been most neglectiul in her supervision | of the home. | It is no hardship, on the contrary lit is a positive kindness, to punish, severely every indiscretion of youih, te keep in subjection those who Lined to be wiliul and perverse. | | {and je H The training must be begun early, and the lad on the school grounds, yes- terday, to pay up for an old score, and the police were notified, with the result that a summons was issued. His conduct will cost his parents $7. 1. appears that a great deal of trouble has been caused at this school of late by boys loafing around the school who do not attend the classes, and an effort will be made to have the nuisance stopped. The names of guilty parties in the future will be secured and they will be summoned be- fore the magistrate. KINGSTON CANTON I.0.0.F. Five New Members Were Initiated Last Night. At a mecting of Kingston Canton, No. 6, LO.O.F., held last night, five new members were initibfed. The lodge is progressing nicely, Yand the members are now looking) forward with a. great deal of interefd to their visit to Otiawa, in August, when the grand lodge will convene at ihe capi- tal. On this occasion the members of the local Canton will give an exhibi- tion drill. The members are putting forth: every effort possible to make the Canton one of the best in Canada) and they should receive the loyal sup- ort of all the members. In St. Thomas, the Canton is given financial assistance by the 1.0.0.F. lodges, and the local members feel -that this should be done here. l See Ribby's green hats, ¥2 Wht Pre-Easter Sale of New Goods Beginning This sale involves fashion from leading manufacturers everywhere, purchase lots--all at bi because of the high great because it comes just Herc are a you need, and remember theseare a Spring. 1500 Yds. English Art Muslin 25 different , designs in light medium and dark shades. Beauti-| pul flowered and conventional de-| signs, some have double borders of | contrasting shades, 38 and 40 inches wide. Regular Price, 12jc. to 15¢c. yard. PRE- EASTER SALE PRICE yd. Pre-Easter Waist Special Made of fine White Lawn, with open backs or fronts. Some have Allover Embroidery fronts, others have Embroidery, Insertion and Lace trimmed fronts, long or short sleeves. Regular Price $1.25:and $1.50 lines. PRE- EASTER SALE PRICE v---- et J 6c =. Satu THE H. D. BIBBY C0. 1 Saturday, April 10th. many g price concessions. clas few det able new goods of high standard quality. This sale is great i s of the goods offered, great because 0 before Easter at the very commencem rday, April 3rd, and Continuing Un a rl bd ie ST ¥ .Goods we have secured overproductions, surplus stocks, and special ails, many more not advertised, so co 11 new fresh goods for "Easter and n volume, great in bargains, great f its wonderful saving chances, ent of your need time. for what 450 Yds. All-Weol French Venetian Measures 44 inches in width, made of pure wool and yarn, dyed | by noted French process. Rich | velvety finish, tailors easily. New- est spring colorings, including Smoke, Navy, Green, Brown, Car- dinal and Black. Regular Price $1 yard. PRE-EAST- C ER SALE PRICE, yard .... it -- Pre-Easter Sale of Nightgowns Slip over style, with square or round neck, also some are open down frontyig neck and long sleeves, trimmed with Embroidery, Lace and Ribbon, Regular Price, Fine Dotted Muslins, small, medium and large dotted patterns. Suitable for blouses, dresses, etc., 26 'inches Regular Price, 10c. and 12¢. yard. PRE-EASTER SALE PRICE, yard wide, Easter Sale, 25c¢. Several different styles. arms, Embroidery and Lace. $1.25 and $1.50. rre- Qh TER SALE PRICE ... ting. Regular 40c. and 50¢c. k lines. PEE EASTER SALE J | PRICE 650 Yds. White Dotted Muslin children's Ic RICE, YAIC 40c & 50¢ Corset Covers. Pre- Some have four rows of Lace Insertion down front, Lace around neck and others are trimmed with Good fit- 800 Yds, FancySummer Muslins Dainty new designs, light and dark grounds, with spots, sprigs, crossbar and stripe effects, inches wide. Regular Price 15¢. yard. PRE-EASTER SALE PRICE, yard > Another Lot of 300 Yds. Un- bleached Table Linen 60 inches wide, Pure All Linen, Irish Linen, in handsome patterns, heavy durable quality. Regular Price, 40c. yard. woe, J EASTER SALE PRICE, yard ion sees Couns vis iiresy ¥ Pro-Easter Sale Specials for ten Men's $15 and $18 Suits. Pre-Easter Special for $1 2.50 Splendid selection, in new Green, | Olive, light and dark Browns and Greys. Coat has the new deep front, centre vent, cuffs on sleeve. Fit and workmanship Come in and see the new Wash Goods, Prints ; also New Frillings, bons, Dainty Lawns, Nets and Men's New Silk Ties, Men's Ki THE MONTREAL STOCK CO0., | Phone No. 844. uaranteed. RE EAST S| 2 50 R SALE PRICE . Boys' Easter Suits Never better time to buy the | Easter Suit for the boy. | 2-piece Suits. neat patterns | | spring styles and colorings. Plain double-breasted and single-breast- | ed box-pleated Coats, Knee Pants. Sizes 24 to 30. Regular $3 4 . $4 50 to $5.50. PRE- EASTER SALE PRICE New Veilings, of | | Tweed and Worsted effects. Latest including Ginghams, Waistings, New Embroideries, Laces and Insertions, New Rib- Lace and Tapestry Curtains, Easter sale prices. Silk Blouses, New Whitewear, d Gloves and many other lines, all at pre- and Boys--~Now Spring Clothing. 65 Men's Oda Suits to Be|Men's Spring Soft. ~ Bosom \ Cicared Saturday surprige you by their style, Norfolk | A stunning group, Which willl, ig Some have attdchéd cuffs, nish | others separate. Size 14 and® general good looks. Materials Regular $1 and $1.25. PRE- are mostly Tweeds and Worsteds, | right weight, | Regular Price, $10 and $12. CL ING PRICE | PRE-EABTER SALE ... for spring wear. | $4.98 Shirts Made of latest Fabric, for to 17. EASTER SALE PRICE ...i. 19¢ MEN'S SUSPENDERS, Choice e of the best makes. Regular - 50c. line. PRE- EASTER SALE - PRICE, Remember the Place: - 5 Fancy Muslins and PRINCESS S18