YacE Ix. ' : - ee = erm) WORRY NOK T0 BE EXTREMELY GOOD. OR EXTREMELY BAD. { Hy 0 SLT) EAL RAILWAY 5 IN CONNECTION WITH her Conditions in April Ac cording to Rev. Irl Hicks His Monthly Forecast. Whatever happens during April Jin | the quality of weather served up, says | Rey. Ir Hicks, in his usual monthly | forecast, will be of an extreme na- {ture, and the genetal character ol | what is coming will be indicated long | beforehand. During the. early days of { April we are promised excessive rains, destructive sleet storms, and even June | blizzards. Along about the 13th, we Aug. | are told, we may look for vicious thunderstorms, heavy. rains, with de stations to structive hail. The reverend prophet at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES. cP {gives a very pessemistic outlook gen- RT Barter rns & Fptia, 40. | erally, through all of which he 'does F. CONWAY, | not, promisé even a gleam of sunshine Gen. Pass. Agent. | Meanwhile the chances .are we wili {have considerable® delightiul weathe: {in April, despite the gloomy prognos- Ontario | tications of the Missouri soothsayer, n 3 pale] (Sunday axcepied} with probably nothing more disagree or , Sydenham, Napanee, . oh . PW a onto, Bannockburn and all points north, | able in Lhe way ol 'woather ¥ riety To secure quick despatch to Banneck- | than is usually experienced in this Maynooth, and points on Central | favored corner of Ontario. route your shipments via lay | Railway. For further particu-| R. WV DICKSON, Agent, | 3 ii Easter Excursions First-Class Fare, going 10th and 12th. Return in eseckers' Excursions TO ! Good for 60 days. April 6th, 20th; May 4th, 18th ; 44t, 15th, 20th; July 13th, 27th; 1 24th ; Sept. 7th, 21st. : Class tickets from Ontario] incipal Northwest points | » BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Frain leaves union station, of Quinte lars, apply Phone, No. § Bankruptcy Is Ahead. { Montreal Star Sir Edward m---------------- { Grey's speech in the | British commons makes it abundantly lelear that the present British govern | ment is fully' aware of the seriousness M il 1 l lof the situation which confronts the via imperial navy. Mr. Asquith's permis- Royal | tice once about English matters--in- St. John, {eluding politics imagine. Bri . tain has no intention of being out built: and that national bankruptcy {which Sir Edward predicted, wil --08 We y | sion to lay down four more Dread INTERCOLONIAL {| noughts if the occasion ar is pro bably not ta be distinguished in prae- RAILWAY N from Mr. Balfour's proposal that ht Dreadnoughts he provided for de Maritime Express | nitely at The latter policy might have impressed Berlin more | forcibly; but the former policy from Famed for excellence of Sleeping | the liberal-radical party should be \ a Dining bod an Leaves quite as effective if the Germans know noon daily, except i435 much Saturday for Quebec, N.B., Halifax. FRIDAY'S MARITIME EXPRESS Erik. other nations faery it ill evip: i ple the resources of Brite and France Carries the EUROPEAN mar |" fio " hast a in the and Jand, Passengers and Baggage | | at the side of the Steamship at - Halifax the following Saturday. | Where The United States Stands | Montreal uses Bon-| It has Witness Tntercolonial Railway been aventure Union : Depot., making direct connection Grand Trunk trains. announced by some © Montreal | the chief public men of the United with | States that that country would be twilling to disarm or nmi her owr panoply if the other nations woul For timetables and other fnfor- | 'disarm in equal proportion mation, apply to Montreal Ticket | But this Germany i Office, 130 St. James Street, or ed to do, and it General Passenger to io the United States down the keels of her | Floridas, and is to pile arma Department ment "on an lof the mightiest navies, MONCTON. N.B. CYS 2S en armament until she has ont mightiest the 'world Lik¢ CEI RL LSet if the { Great Britain, United States is | not doing this to give offence, and tc |attack other peoples and tlespoil them | but "for her own defence against ag | aressors and despoilers EASTER HOLIDAYS, Round trip tickets will be sold tween all stations on the Grand Trunk | ¢ H Milne Railway System in Canada. Also, from |; an 18, stations in Canada to Detroit and Port | 'phone 542. Huron, ich. Buffalo, Black Rock, |= Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, Houses | Point and Massena Springs, N.Y. Island Pound and Swanton, Vi. and intermedi- ate stations in the United States, and vice versa, at SINGLE FIRS I-CLASS ARE. Good going April 8th, 9th, 10th, 18th, 1909. Return limit, April with us.' has decidedly refus is because of Ler is about 26, j many lay to 3 new not navy, in the be-| Have your wheel cl ned and ready use, 2 Bagot street THE WRONG DIAGNOSIS. Prompt the Use of Worthless Rem edies. will mistake in diag treat be Even an experienced physician Colonist Fares to Pacific sometimes daily, until April 30th, | NOSIS, mn following ~fares from King-| ment is make a which event wasted and may Vancouver, B.C., Victoria, B.C West- jurious to the patient, : minister, B.C., Seattle, Wash., 'Tacoma, The advocates of all other hair Wash,, Portland, Oreg., $45.10; Ban|gtoratives save Herpicide Francisco, Cal., los Angeles, Cal, San the Diego, Cal., $47.05; Mexico City, Mex., H iw air. $46.05, HOMESEEKERS EX on CANADIAN NORTH-W SASKAT round- issued bu 20th y 29th / 24th ; within Low One Way Coast on sale 1909, at the ston. his entire even in re have wrong {ly diagnosed of Dandrufi Falling URSIONS to the| They figure 3ST, MANITOBA, | (4 000 0 CHEWAN and ALBERTA. Low. as 1 : rip second-class tickets will bejlv a ce} hair in Ciicago, Ron Bay a Sud. {parasitic germ which Newbro's Herpi n following ates : Apri ith, : dos May 4th, 18th; June 1st, 25th. [vide destroys July 138th, 27th; August 10th, Sept. 7th, 21st. Good to return accept none. 60 days fr ANLEY A ent | Sold by leading druggists. Send 10: - . g * lin stamps for sample to I'he Herpicide {Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar bot Lowest Rates New York|ilcs guaranteed G. W. Mahood, spe to Bermuda and Return] From New York every 10 a.m. 8.8. I'rinidad'" 2 $20 and up | From New Yor every Saturday at 10 aan 3. "Bermudian" 5,500 tons, | $30 and up ' NEW YORK TO WEST INDIES New Steamer 'Guiana' 3,700 tons, with all -up-to-date improvements, 8.8 "Parima,'"' 3,000 8.8. "Korona,"' 8,000 tons, New York every alternate, Wednesday, -for St. Thomas 8st. Croix, St Kitts, Antigua, Guade- | Joupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Barbadoes and Demerara. For illustrated pamphlets giving rates of passage and all information, apply to A. BE. OUTERBRIDGE & CO Agents, | Quebec Steamship Co., 29 Broadway, | New York; ARTHUR AHERN, Secly Quebec, Canada, or to Ticket Agents, J P. HANLEY, and O. 8S. KIRKPATRI K Kingston You Meat good used Meat "Phone cause {and ; a functional disease is now known and general: te that loss is due to a Phere is no substitute for Herpicide Oor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. Wednesday L600 at tons, Kk tons from sail Bick Headache and relieve all the troubles incl dent to a billous state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, tress after esting, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing w at some Home-Made Mince | and old to is Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver is the place to get the equally valuable in Constipation, cu fashioned kind that mother | venting thisannoyin make Also, our Pork Sausage | correct all disorders of thestomach, ulate the just the dressing you bcd | siver and regulate the bowels. Even y only Ache they would bealmost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu- nately their goodness does notend here,and those whoonce try them wiil find these little pills value able in so many ways that they will not be wile Jing to do without them. But after allsick head HE athe bane of so many lives that here is where wemake our great boast. Our pills cure it while | others do not. . | Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and yery easy to take, One or two Jia make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or pu but by their gentle action please all who use them. April 29th.|' GARTER MEDICINE 00., NEW TORE. fall particulars of Allan mal Hl s 1 3 s 1 ? . lls are and pre complaint, whily they also I "ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO LIVER- ProoL John, 10th. From St Corsican .......April *Grampian Virginian Tunisian Victorian *This Steamer BOSTON AND From Halifax ---------------- April 17th 16th, April 17th April 24th, i April 30th: May 1st sails to Glasgow PORTLAND TO GOW. Portland ...April 8th. April GLAS- Boston: Numidian Grampian Sicilian Hesperian For rates and Line Summer Sailings, 1.ine Agents, ston. April 22 apply to Allan] | - - a---- The Best assortment of EASTER CHOCOLATES is to_pe found at 0) | 0 | ¥ SAY a | 2h FULLY | e "W GUARANTEED i ~ | NONE BETTER MADE BL Sg ye (eles Ile CLF Ne] * 288 Princess St. Sy Price Phone 845. THE DAILY BRITISH comme - I ; WHERE: WILL IT COME FROM 7] Money Needed For [Rebuilding] fa Outer Union Streef. i | Y the city council depu tion suc: } eds in getting the minister of justice | | to Zrami penitentiary stone for the re- | {building of Upper Johnson and Outer | Union streets, a special grant will have | to bg made to the board of works te | capry on the work. To do Union | street, over $3,000 will be, required, | and where is the money to come from ? The 'civie finance committee .ontinues to be Criticized for the ou i it prepared the budget, and in not pro- siding for more revenue actual | needs. "When it took $10,000 from the wa- terworks' fest fund, it might just as well have taken another $5,000 from Ald. Towe's waterworks strong box and given it to Ald. Graham's streets ommittee," said a citizen. "Then wme road work could be done. 1 un- lerstand 'that the next thing the coun- il will do will be to grab the surplus of the light plant--when it owns one." for MISS MURIEL WHITE. She 1s the daughter of the United jtates Ambassador to France and is to yecome the wife of Count Herman Jchear-Thoss of Silesia "Doctor Differ ; Patients Die." foronto World. Fine old crusted of the an- dent regime will feel relieved to know hat tRey have still a stake in the yrovincial government. Hon. W. J. Janna and Hon. Adam Beck and the sther revolutionaries cannot have it Jl their own way. The debate on ompulsory notification of tuberculos- § disease in the legislature yesterday, wought on .by Joseph Downey's bill o establish the practice in Ontario, dicited an expression of opinion from 3ir James Whitney, which was react- onary enough for Hon. George Ross, wnd which, weighed with his autho- ity, killed the bill. Sir James de- Jared that the ideas of thirty or orty years ago with regard to con- sumption were good enough for him, nd, by implication, good enough for the province. The provincial secretary stated that the bill had been pre- jared .at the suggestion cf the pro- incial board of health and adduced he highest authority in support of he measure. Sir James wil neéd nother year's reflection on the sub- ect, During that year 3,000 peo- le will die of consumption in Ontar- 0. Sir James took the view that na- ure was supreme and would go ust the same. HM they did not die f consumption they wonld die of omething else, The weight of argu- nent wis entirely with Mr. Downey. I'he weight of public opinion is g with Mr. Downey. The weight of wthority, however, is with Premier Whitney, So the Bill was killed. tories or also 'Human Hearts."' "Human Hearts' will this season with an conic equipment. W. E. Nankeville, Wt great expense, had photographic views for the new scones taken in the ills of Arkansas, in the locality where the scenes of the play are laid, so as tw have the production as true to life 1s possible. These photographs were turned over to the seonic actis! and he result has been most satisfactory. Mr. Nankeville also commissioned the shotographer to pick up any thing in the way of properties that might Tend olor to any of the scenes. The artist wquired an anvil and 'bellows from the village blacksmith shop, that were mee used by the prototype of "Tom" Logan, the hero of the play. 'Human Hearts," in all its new scenic splon- lor, will be geen ab the Grand on Sa- turday, April 3rd, matinee and night. be presented entirely new Lulu Glaser. When Miss- comes to the Grand on Thursday, April Sth, in the newest Viennese operetta, 'Mlle. Mis- | chief," she will be scen in male make up, for the first time since she became {a star. It will be recalled that in { "Dolly Varden" andl in a "Madcap Glaser lished, yesterday, under WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL WIL 60 INTO COURT SUES FOR THE DEATH OF H. H. -------- George Denny Seeks to Recover Ten Thousand Dollars From | "Bay of Quinte Steamboat Com- pany. Through Carlisle tertown, N.Y., George J. Denny, administrator of the estate of grandson, Harry H. Denny, bas com- menced an acton to recover $10,000 from the Lake Ontario and Bay of Quante Steamboat company for the death of young Denny, who met his death int the waters at Charlotte Har- bor last summer. Horry: H. Denny, a ,oung man about twenty-two years of age, was a resident of Watertown, N.Y., and a few days before the accident, which happened on August 17th, went to Alexandria Bay,w where he obtained employment as a hand on the steamer Caspian. Theéisteamer went to Charlotte and soarkafter arrival there the superintendent of the boat, according to the complain, set him at work cleaning the outside, Stag- ings made of boards and gular tri brackets were used and whit the oy was doing the cleaning the stag- & Carlisle, of Wa- ling pulled apart and he fell into the water, the staging being onthe op- posite side from the dock. 'As he fell into the water: it is claimed that a plank or board struck him on the head, rendering him unconscious and for that reason he was drowned. The nllegation is made that the defendant failed to provide the boy with a cafe Jace in which work. J. Frank Norris, of Rochester§ N.Y, is attorney for the defendant apd in its answer 'the defendant sets up neg- ligence on théapart of the deceased. THE SPORT REVIEW. Interesting News "§rom the Var: _icus Sporting Fields. Detroit Tigers will again be weak in the catching department. Quebec will again be represented in the intermediate X.L.U. - The American Baseball League opens April 14th, and closes October 3rd.' A number of Ottawa canines will be entered for the Montreal dog show. "Jack" Arkin, the great Californian sprinter, is to be raced in England. Texas is becoming a favorite train- ing ground for the major league ball teams. Moncton, New Brunswick, is talking of having a professional hockey team next winter. running under ? says Shrubb. Bristol City and Manchester are left for the final in Football Association cup. The best horses of England, France and the United States will start this vear in the English Derby. The Vancouver lacrosse club has de- cided to remain in the senior veries of the British Columbia league. "Battling" Nelson and "Fred" Welsh are to meet for the lightweight cham- pionship in Mexico in June. A match at twenty. miles has been made between Appleby and Simpson, to be run at Rosedale, Toronto. Appleby. the English runner, now ('anada, like Longboat, collapsed the English Olympic Marathon race. New York sporting writers seem to think that Longboat is in for a trim- ming in Saturday's Marathon Derby. Longboat says he never felt better and is confident that he will land the world's Maratlion honors in Satur day's race. Sherring has filed his declaration of amateurism with the C.A.A.U., and the announcement of his reinstatement may be expected at 'any time. The Detroit infield will likely be composed of : Rossman, first; Schaef- fer, setond; Bush, short stop, and Moriarty, third. This will leave Char- lic O'Leary on the bench. 'The British Columbia Lacrosse Lea- vue declared in favor of amateurism, but nevertheless, the Vancouver offi- cers maintain that professionalism in several of the clubs. Harley Davidson, of Toronto, de- feated Al. More by a foot in a one- mile roller skating race at the Empress vink in London. The race was for a purse of $500 and $2,500 a side, The time for the mile was 3.02 2-5. So far the Marathon fans have not all agreed upon a favorite for the $10,000 Derby Marathon at New York on Saturday. Longboat has many fol- lowers, but the fact that St. Yves is an unknown quantity leads to a feel- ing of apprehension. Dorando and Shrubb have devoted themselves to pace-making training, and have' to wear their contenders 'out. Hayes fin- the guidance the age of eighteen,' United the English in { | to perform his | | | | | | | "No man should attempt Marathon | in | there is already | 2. 1900. | Gompleted. The New' Spring Shoes Are Here. | J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. | | The Home of Good Shoe Making. eee Buy paint not by what it costs a gallon but by what a gallon will cover and how long it will last. Fig- | uring this way, S-W. Products are always the most | economical. Ask your dealer for SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS AND VARNISHES Made in Canada. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg. } { FF = e 47 | ganelic= N Sn Sata NO HONING i { "THE RAZOR OR PERFECTION . EVERLASTING SHAVING COMFORT NO RAZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE w 'These razors are tempered as hard as flint by our exclusive secret process of electricity, You can obtain one on 30 days trial from your dealer witliout obligation to purchase, Firm of A. L. SILBERSTEIN, 476 Broadway, For sale by McKelvey & Bire New York, N.Y» 69-71 BROCK STREET, » KINGSTON, ONT. FALE 44 4 HHH EH FEET Ett tat HERE HER : 4 Just A Few More Days and. of Ernest Hjertberg, the veteran train- er. It is reported that St. Yves made | nineteen miles in two hours over aj grass course at Princeton. Longboat | will likely sell at 8 to 5; Shrubb at 3 to 1, Dorando at 4 to 1, St. Yves at | 6 to 1, Hayes at 10 to 1. What Canada Must Have. Toronto News. It is worth pointing out that the op- position agreed to endorse any offer | | | Princess" she appeared in the costume {of a previous generation. Charming | las sho was in crinoline and powdered | wigs, her vivacious personality is said | {to show to exen better advantage in { "Mlle. Mischief," and she not only | wears the daintiest array of feminine costumes, but also done the masculine garb of a fashionable youth as a re- sult of a wager to gain cntrano: and | remain for a whole day in the: Ger- {man garrison at Fremstadt. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. E. Ruy Clarke, W. Halle, George A Stone, J. B. Allan, J. Eissman, Dr. {G. D. Porter, John Guest, Alfred | Staples, W. Stewart, John Hutchin- | | son, C. E. Swaisland, W. F. Crossen, {'C. ~J. MacFarlane, T. J. Carlind; F.| {B. Johns, Charles H. Binks, S: 0. |"Garayt, Toronto; J. A. Thomson, { J. G. Armstrong, Sudbury; F. I. | | Hall, Perth; E. C. Plant, G. B. Bott- ner, Ottawa: Philip: D. | Springfield, Mass.; fe | Dundas. Hawkins, | Timms H. i ------ | The safest and wisest way to buy | groceries is to go to the store and } see what you are getting. Try Gil-| bert. of Dreadnaughts or cash contributions to the imperial navy that the govern ment might see fit to make. The mor- al effect of such a special giit at this juncture might be far-reaching. It | certainly would be salutary if Ww taught Europe that where the mavy is | concerned all the outer Britains are behind the mother country; But, whatever else we do, most of us will agree that Canada must establish a} navy of its own to defend both coasts) and to act in concert with the imper-| ial fleets in times of emergency. The | British Empire stands for peace, and its displacement ,by a war-loving na- tion would constitute -a permanent dis- aster for the whole world. | i { | | | | | | 1 i 1 Campbell Bros'. For the best $2 and $2.50 derbies. Have your feathers cleaned by our steam process. H. Milne, Bagot St Joseph Bailey. St. Thomas, killed while blasting at Cobalt. See Bibby's $3.50 trousers, The senate has killed the Lancaster level erossing bill again. No man falls behind by setting oth- ers befdre him. : Bibby's shirts are swell, Easter Will Be Here. Our New Spring Shoes Are here. They comprise the newest creations in Fine Footwear, made by Utz Dunn, Ge. A. Slater, vcs, H. 1. Bl and Other Makers of High Grad Shoes THE SKWYER SHOE STORE at OUR BIG CLEARING SALE OF BABY CARRIAGES AND GO-CARTS Fresh air and sun shine are essential to baby health. Wheel the baby out in one of ouf up- to-date buggies. ~~ 0il Cloths, imported and Ca« nadian, in pretty patterns. Carpets, Brussels, and Tapestry 8q 3 $ 3 i fh "| New Carriages, Clergy street, ) 'Phone, 680. T. N. STOCKDALE, Principal? Fortify the System Against Colds, &c. By using Bovril or Johnston's} Fluid Beef] We bave a fresh supply, In all sizes, FRESH OYSTERS D. COUPER, 'Phone, 76, 841-3 Princess Bt, TO BUILDERS. International Portland Cement, Adamant Wall Plaster AND Renfrew Lime roe AT P. Walsh's, Coal and Wood = ¥Yand, Barrack street) ee ------------------------------------------ ww sesased COAL! | The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell, SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we guar- nice . prompt delivery. 'Phone, 138. Booth & Cos FOOT WEST STREET, nition Dyvames, Storage Batts, Spa Pigs Carbarctors, ELc. TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES. Tahlia MG. G0 'Phone, 873. 278 Bagot 8u Ss ( \ James Campbell, TAILOR, 109 BROCK STREET. Cleaning and' Pressing. New Velvet Collars, from 75 CENTS UP. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 18€3. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money issued on City and Farm Pros peorties. Municipal snd County Deben tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. Q, C. McGill, Managing Director. ANGROVE'S FOUNDRY Place d'Armes Auction Sales Rooms ALL KINDS OF SECOND-HAND goods bought and sold, or goods sold on commission, Auction Sales promptly at- tended to, at the City Auction Hales Rooms, 88 Brock St., Kingston. J. & JONES. Auctiopear. M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop - flair Dressing and Shaving "Parlor, B Three Chair. Quick Service, Youg pat- rmage_ solicited. 336, King Street Next door to Wade's Drug Store. OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO Smoking and Chewing at forty-five cents a pound, is a goed tobacco. Why pay eighty-five cents. Apdrew Maclean, Ontario street. Wm. Murray Auctioneer © 27 BROCK ST. Cutters, Harness, ----n.