FT-THE ERENT USE GAS for cooking purposes. It is Quickest Cleanest Cheapest : Enquire trom 'C. FOLGER, Manager, At the Works eT Quee n Street. - House-Cleaning Time You will need your toned up. We make them like new.. We lacquer too. Let us Wire Electric Light. Fixtures look your house for We are experts. It is the only lighting worth while. fl. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO., Successors to Newman & Spriggs Electric Co. "Phone, 441. Elegant Fixtures. 79 Princess street 'Have You Seen Our New Wall Papers? We have a large stock of Tmported Goods in the latest designs and color ings 2 the newest thing fo Moulding Graining Relief, dadoes---Burlaps, Rails. Lucrusta Room and Plate Painting, and Paperhanging: T.McMahon & C0, Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts. Easter Eggs . Easter Chocolates Easter Ice Cream Our Own inake, all absolutely pure, any flavor. <1 prices Eggs, from lc. to $2, but morc of the former than latter. . ' 288 Princess St. Price's, "phone 845. NOTICE. We have installed. a Hobari Electric Coffee Mill, with a Capa: gity of two pounds per minute. We are prepared to supply our Fam ous Blend of, Java Coffee, fresh ground and guaran teed the best ebtainable. - "Phone dr send your order, whicl will receive our bést attention. D. COUPER. Dealer in Pure Food Groceries 'Phone, 76a. 341-3 Princess St { PROMPT DELIVERY. NOTICE. \ Highest price paid for 'House- | hold effects either in part or en bloc Antique Furniture and" Fashioned. Articles especiaily Come in and see a beautiful Claw. Legged, liand Carved Anti- que Sofa, I have for sale. Post card will bring me. L. Lesses, Cor. Chatham and Princess Kingston. Old Sts., Ignition Dynames, Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, © Cabuetor, Fe. TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES furl Bctical Mf. Go 'Phone, 873 273 Bagot St M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop Hair Dressing and Shaving Pador rhree Chair. Quick Servieep--Xauf pat ronage solicited. . 336 Kino' Street Next door to Wade's Drug Store. James Campbell, TAILOR, | 109 BROCK STREET. Cleaning and Pressing. i i "New Velvet Collars, from 75 CENTS UP and Mochsa\l* PHYSICIAN Wonderful Medicinal Value 'of les, Oranges, Figs and Prunes. How many people realize! what re- markable curative principles are con- tained in frum juices. There are two --the bitter and the swwet. There is about ten times as much of the sweet ag of the bitter, though the bitter principle is the one wiich has the surative effect on disease Apples, wanges, figs and prunes contain the sghest percentage of bitter principle und thus are the most healthful. it was a theory of a physician in Ot- awa, that if the amount of bitter prin- dple In fruit juice coulgrbe-doubled, the 'urative property would be increased, ot twice but many times, After. many tests, this physicia¥guc- ceeded in forcing into the combined ruit juices an additional atom of bitter principle, and in doing so formed an entirely new compound. To the com- and antiseptics and the whole made in- to tablets. These are "Fruit-a-tives"---the only remedy known to science that is made of fruit. The wonderful cures in cases » Stomach Trouble, Biliousness, Con- stipation, Rheumatism, Chronle Head- 4 whes and Neuralgia, Kidney, Livér and kin Diseases are due solely to the fact hat "Fruit-a-tives" contain -the nibdi- inal properties of fruit. 50c a box 6 'or $2.80, or trial box,.26c. At all deal- ts or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, ttawa. VAVAVAVAVA /AVAVAV Truly Economical! Less than half a teaspoonful of Suchard's Cocoa makes a perfectly delicious cup, while you have to use one to two teaspoonfuls of ordinary cocoa., So, though it is higher priced, you really get most for your money out of SUCHARD'S COCOA F. IL. BENEDICT & CO., MONTREAL. AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA Was Troubled ith Weak Back For Years. Could Not Perform Household 'Paties. Doctors Attended Without Avail, / 'Mes. Arch. Schnare, Black Point, N.B., writes: "For years I was troubled with weak back. Oftentimes I have lain in bed a Dinars; was about to give up in despair when my husband induced me to try 's Kidney and after using two boxes I am now and able to do my work. I am posi- Doan's Ki iF = 3 1 E vent the chief cause of Rheumatism. Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1.25, as all dealers or The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. In ordering specify *" Doan's.* A"BANNER" Means Twenty Years of Solid Comfort. A THE TI. F: HARRISON CO. \ Wood's. The Great English Remed Tones and invigoratesthe whole nervous' system, wakes new b Blood in old Veins. Cures Nero ws Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des 9, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Sper \atorvhea, and Effects of Abuse or Ercesses. One will please, six 'tice 31 ver box, six for gli cure. Soid by all druggists or mailed in ce, New pam; Jain pig. on receipt of mailed Medicine . The Wine. Toronto, Ome, 5 (ADIES™ AND GENTS TAILORING We fully guarantee superior quality, correct 'style, artistic workmanship and J B. Ouellette, FARM HELP If you want Farm Laborers Do- mestic Servants, communicate with me. Desirable fmmigrams placed Apply JAS. F KNAPP, Government Agent, or jay lOntario street. : Brass and Jroa of Any Size or Castings Weighs. Place d'Armes OUR ROOSTER. BRAND OF TOBACCO at forty-five tobacco. Why Maclean, ! Smoking and Chewing cents a pound, is a good eighty-five cents v Andrew bined juices were added valuable tonics LOOK FOR THE TRADEMARK Kingston. | by removals from the city merely, ANGROVE'S FOUNDRY « | charch my recent HE MAKES BEPLY GE®. MILLS WRITES ON BE HALF OF BETHEL CHURCH. Says There is Room For Difference | of Opinion in Certain Matter-- A History is Given of Bethel Church. : Kingston, April 10.--(To the Editor): Rev. Mr. Villiers, - in last Thursday s | Whig, has directed attention to one or | two matters that, in my judgment, call #r still further explanation, and also a few words of kifidly criticism and comment. In dealing with the questions introduced' by Mr. Villiers, my first thought was to very brief, apdng Congrega- ¢ present discys- but, inssmuch as tionalists, at least, ston has aroused keen and widespread interest, 1 have deemed it. advisable to vo into the matters at issue at great- er length than I at first intended, and with the earnest hope that this letter may be final and render quite unneces- sary any further need of trespassing upon your valuable space. One thing to which special attention needs to be called at the very outset, is Mr. Villi- crs' mistake in agsuming that his re- signation in; itself is the subject, or is likely to be made the subject, of what he has heen pleased to term, "News- paper Controversy." That matter con- cerns chiefly, if not altogether, himsell and the members of his own congrega- | tion. What touched the "sensibilities | of the members of his sister church, | and doubtless of his own as well, was ; the newspaper report of his public re- ference' to Bethel church, coupled with the statement that "On every hand it was conceded that the position of Con- wegationalism in the city was one of lumiliation." As an official of Bethel { church, and well 'acquainted with its | history, I took exception to that statement, in so far, at least, as it re- | ferred to Bethel, and it need sca ee he added, that, in the stand taken, have the warm approval of the board f of deacons and of the members gener: i ally ' . | In the second place, I would like it I fgult | wimittedly a debatable one; no : i found with Mr. Villiers; for desiring a union of the two churches, but much | dissatisfagtion does exist among those most interested, because of the untime- | !y and injudicious manner in which it | appears to them the subject was in- | troduced, and wh& think that both vongregations should have been quiet- | 'y conferred with and the question dis- cussed according to Congregational usage, as was the case when it was be- fore the churches some yeans ago. A very considerable part of Mr. Vil- liers' letter is devoted to a history of the First church, and many there are, I am sure, who will feel exceedingly grateful to Mr. Villiers, for the splen did tribute of praise he has accorded the men and women who have remain ~] faithful and true to the church of their choice, through all its vicissitudes and trials--all honor to that faithful band. When it comes, howéver;" to arvigning causes for that church's present nsatisiactory condition, compared with its past, there is cer- tainly room for difference of opinion. | Mr. Villiers infers, it: would, seem, that the chief contributing cause was the withdrawal of a number of its mem- hers a number of years ago, to form a second Congregational church, and | that the present "humiliating position | of -Congregationalism" can host - be | remedied by a reunion of the two churches. In reference to the above, 1 desire to say that some thirty-five | vears ago exactly twenty-three persons -cleven males and. twelve females withdrew. from the First church and | organized. Bethel Congregational church ! in anothér part of the city which that . time was entitely destitute churches. Of the twenty-three original members, twenty-one were lost to the wew church hy death or removal from f the city many years ago. The remain- {ing two original members, we rejoice to state; are with to 'this | { day Strange as it may seem, only tone of the present members of Bethel church, is a relative of any of the ori final twenty-three. I mention theo | thin first to show that eventually, | the st church would have lost, by death or removal, at least twenty-one jof the twenty-three members who {ceded thirty-five years ago, and, = | cond, to emphasize the fact that, in | stead of weakening Congregationalism. | the establishment of Bethel church was {a devdod gain to as at | ol us that denomination, as was also the case, when some vears | later, ,Calvary Congregational church lwas organized. apd closely. identified with Bethel. The members and herents of Bethel church, in its earl lays "@part from the twenty-thyee ori- | ginal members, were not Congrébation- alists at all. The great majority of them were noa-church goers, and al most all were working people who ap-. {preciated having a church --plantet {right in their midst, and who were at- | tracted to its services largely because jol the timely and sympathetic house | to-house visitations of its. devoted {pastors and deacons. Bothel church |has lost many of its adherents {through removals from the city. As {far as 1' can learn, it has never had I more than two or three awessions to its membership from Congregational- {ists coming here from outside, all {have invariably, T belicve, cast in thir lot with the First church, and, vet, | despile this, the younger church has a | membership fully as large as the First church and a Sunday school (in which {the church's hope is chiefly centresi) very much larger ' than that of the older church. It is not for me to as sign reasons for present comifitions, fbut I venture to aflirm that = during i the past thirty-five yours, 'and espe [cially during the latter part of that period, the church has lost far more numerically and financially --not but by steady withdrawals to other churches right here at home, than she | did by that onc withdrawal in a body of twonty-three members, many long vears ago. Several families, for- merly connected with Bethel, are now attached to the First church, but, Very few, if any, of those who left the First vears, of in fact at time, ever came to Bethel. For known to titmselves united with church- other denominations, they been lost 10 Congregational as a matter of course their weakened | the ad + SO any reasons best they have € of havo ism an withdrawal has greatly THE DAILY discussedt by both churches the follow- ! vanced in favor of such a union, | and lead us to such united practical , the following suggestions, understood that, as the queSTion IN + { beloved member of Bethel church icity at present, and I fecl quite cer- tain tha LAE Wliors only Fealized i how i Hicity "in such matters the paragraph per | written.--GFORGE valuable hk T= First Congregational church. And now, as tothe past-and present attitude of Bethel church on the subject union, and the kindly spirit in which it was ing resolution, a copy of which 'is, of t course in possession of the First church, will make our position plain and clear : 3 "Resolved, that we, the members of Bethel Congregational church, assemb- led in special meeting this Monday ovening, September 15th, 1902, (o dis- cuss the question - of union between the Pirst Congregationgl church and Bethel, after having carefully consider od the reasons that have heen ad- © unanimously of the opinion, that, owing to the location of the homes of the great majority of our people, a union that would necessitate the uni- tad congregations meeting statedly at he First church wolibi-fail in {he sub- joct 'desired, be detrimental to the in- terests of Congregationalism in . the community at large, and entail seri- ous loss, in particular, to the locality inn which our church is planted, and our work carried on. ; = "In arriving at these conclusions we desire to express our a dation of the motives that" have actuated our hggthren of the Firkt church in inviting us to tonsider this all-impor- tant matter, and to assure them of a hearty Christian welcome, in the event of their being fed to come to: wether with us mn a union, - which would make Béthel' the place of meet- and our one common church If, however, a union: on this basis is not deemed prfadticable we dncercly trust that our mutual deli- berations and earnest desires for each other's welfare may have the effect bi drawing us closer . together in - the bonds of Christian love and sympathy ing home. Chrisitan effort as will be beneficial to our respective churches and in- crease their power and usefulness in the eity 'in which our lot is cast.' "In this connection "we\gould respect" the early r rch 'to fully and earnestly nw the desira- consideration of our si bility "of forming among the three churches (the First, Bethel and Cal vary): Ist, A united women's home and foreign missionary society; 2nd, A united young people's souety of Christian Endeavor; = 3rd, .the inau- guration of speeial "union evangelistic In any and all of which we herewith pledge our comwial co-opera: tion and support. Signed on béhali of Bethel church.--George Mills (secre tary)."' I regret to state that none of the suggestions for fellowship in practical Chistian work mentioned in the above resclp#ion were ever acted upon by thi First church, And now, just a word or two, in about the plan Mr. Villiers has in mind by Which one pastor would serve both-elurches. The plan in question calls for the elimmation | of the regular Sunday services in each church and how Mr, Villiers ean ad- vocate such a scheme for two long- established city churches, and hope thereby to. do better work and 'im- prove" the status of Congregatiopal- ism, many are at a loss to under- stand. To my mind, it would be a stop barkward, and a confession ta the commu ity. at large that the Con- gregational position in Kingston was one of manifest humiliation andeed. In- creased financial strength is not "the most pressing need of either of the churches." What "we need most is earnest cohgecration and power from on high--the, same power that made the early vhmrch, without wealth or social influence, a living force in the world, and her members faithful wit- nesses for our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 have purposely refrained from serves, clasing, WHIG MONDAY. APRIL 12, 1909. T find your wan NE YS OF TRIMMING. Spri Costumes Show Man) | Vagaries. ' Ong of the most intercsting develop- mens of the spring is the shifted po- | mtign of trimmings, says Mrs. Simcox vs Delineator. * Never heforc "has the arrangement been so arbitrary, the location so Surprising. Formefly, there wére certain' well-defined conventions | that were adhered to religiously even | by those of us who rather pride our- | selves, og: our = originality and re- sources. The retrograde movoment bee when some oh decided | gver lace, white under colors, and several other pprersals of the established order. ad Net blouses arc mounted on linings ofvbroderic anglaise so exquisitely fine that cvery léaf and' flower cries out against the indignity put upon it. Sil ver tissue is veiled-by coarse tulle, and cloth-of-gold travels. incognito thinly disguised by muslins of chif- fons. But cven mere eccentric are the loculities chosen for braidwork and embroidery. Quite frequently now one finds a great tryangular patch of sou- tache in 'the lgwer cornor of a front or back Princess panels, which formerly received a great amount attention at the hands of the dress maker, are now ignored; and the trims the arms and down gan last fall, to use chiffon gore. of ming goes under the side seams. The long close pot al. the wrist, as one might pect, but half-way between the elbow and the shoulder. And-most illogical of all the new ocoate, whoso , wery length and shape and cut are » prg ted against the Eton jacket, are ela- boritoly braided and corded across the front and back in a shamcless imj- tation of the old-time bolero. Totally irrelevant patches of _Aatticework braid form the front of a skirt and the back of a waist and break out again in oihf @jually Gnexpecied places. sleeves nre braided-- ex William Babcock, Belleville, is unde: arrest, charged with assault on Jos eph Bolster. The latter is quite badly injured and it-is- alleged that in =» drunken frenzy Babcock struck him commenttng upon Mr, Villiers' refer- ence to the generous gifts of a well: 1o- | | ; ; ! He is absent from the | ward missions. much that brother disliked pub. i { I be Secretary would. not have MILLS, Congregational church question Bethel To Have Services. Flower, April 10.--Miss Sadie €ame- Lammermoor, 1s spending the Larter holidays at home. B. Lyon, Perth Collegiate Institute, is at home for Easter. Norman Jamiescn, Ren- frew, paid Flower a visit, vesterday Miss Sleeth had a miceting on Wedne day night in the schoolhouse and in- making arrangements for a fow here shortly. ron, tends weeks' revival Miss Annie has returned from Hemlock, Mich., where she had. Leen for the past year. & meetings Closs Ferguson's Falls Notes. --Ferpuson's Falls, April 3.---P. Me: Cusker has returned homé to Brant- ford, after visiting his brother, 'who seriously ill. Walter White lost a colt last week. The people in this vicigity are busy making ma- | ple syrup. Robert Craig is .on the list Mrs. Witham Rothwell, who' was seriously ill, is slowly recov: ering, - H. McDonald visited friends here last week. . is sick now. i -- 3 Wednesday was the fifty-sixth anni- versarv of the wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. William White, Tweed. ' They are quite well 'and are really a happy looking old couple. Mr. and Mrs. O. €. Frost abso celebrated their fifty- second wedding annmiyersary on the | same day. > | which with an axe, cutting one .of his ear nearly ofi. William A. Chestnut, : Picton, has ac cepted a situation in Calgary as park commissioner. Headache? Then Try This Cure! Headaches are caused by the mulation of poisons in the blood congest the brain and irritate nerves : > accu the These poisons are absorbed intols from that acewmulate is intestines, hiood wastes the The cure is First, tract. Second, stimulate the action: of kidneys and liver Third; keep the pores open, Lastly, the avoid constipation as yeu would plague ' The remedy Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut which cure the dizziest headache ever known. hv fact, people who wse+br--Hamit ton's Pills never have headaches, be cause they regulate the system s thoroughly that no chance is given fo a sick condition to develo Away with yvour.headaches, be don with dizziness, languor 'and biliousnes: Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and enjoy the health that they alone can bring Contain ndthing but Vegetable extracts and juices, and are absolutely safe for children... women, or men. Get the gemdine Dr. Hamilton's Pills in yellow boxes, 25c¢. each, or five for 81, at al not difficult cleanse the entire intestina tl the of shir 1 regulate bowels an the --use ABERNE New Stock of Trunks, Valises & Suit Cases. We have the largest and most domplete stock in the City-- of all kinds of Travelling Goods :-- Trunks, $2.00, '2.50, 300, 4.00, 5.09, 6.00 to 14.00. © Buit Cases, $2.00, : {RE 2.50, 3.00, 5.00, 6.50, 7.50" Special $5.0 { 101500. = - "Hand Bags, 75¢, $1.00, 1.50, 2.00 to $35.00. Teloscope Valises, 60c FC; B . If you are in'need of anything in the Travelling line, a visit to our Tru: k Department will soon THY'S | fi "Trunks. & Hand Bags. } 1.00, 1,50. NOTE THE PRICE 7 NER LAD WRITING. PIPER FOR LETER COPA, ft. British Whig Publishing . Company a "Pads of 100 Sheets, size 8 x11 inches-<Te. cach, Pads of 100 Sheets, size 51 x 81 inches--de. each. JOB PRINTING PEPARTMENT 'THE HOME OF GOOD PRINTING. ES -------------- Nothing purer or better m ee 'than ' Milk Chocolate Sticks, Medallions, Croquettes, Cream Bars etc. Have you tried Maple Buds? * THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. 8 a2 Who Would Be Without A Brass Bed ? See Our Special Solid Brass Bed, for. © $13.50. Cr See Our Special 2 Solid Brass Bed, for ($24.00. See Our Mission Bed, Solid, sold regu- lar $65, for $45 See Our 24 inch Post Bed, 6 ft. high, bow foot; for $30. rah . ni Others as high as $70 each. : Dresser and Stand, Solid Mahog#tny match, from $25 to $75 and {atest designs. ROBERT J. REID, 230° Princess St--a¥ t 'hone, §77. @ inch post -- 10 $125, dealers, EASTER CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES While there is a large assortment to 'choose from. - R. H. TOYE, wn oe Imperial Guarantee and A SPECIAL EASTER GOODS} SECURE YOUR PS 302 KING ST. Phone 141 m---- m-- - vv Canada Life Assurance Company, ccident Insurance Western Fire Assurance Company Co., Last Mountain District--North-West Lands, Special Excursi ons for Prospective Purchaser Cobalt Stocks. For Full Information Call or Correspond With $i f : J. O. HUTTON, AGE NT. OFFICE--18 Market St., Kingston, Ont. ---- re ------ BETTER TO-DAY THAN EVER-- JUST TRY MC You They were delicious. Improvement in process and materials has. to-day. resulted in delicious qualit ------------ Try them now: Make a test. greater crispness, enjoyed a package six months' ago. But much more § finer flavor, a more S-- They are superior to all. Prove it. Jess