reer TRIE RUSSIAN NAVAL OFFICERS | TERMS ARE SHORTENED. | jvitation to attend a public recgption Leaders Likely to Be Freed--Gen- eral Stoessel and Admiral Nie- bogato Will Probably Be Lib- erated Before Long. 81. Petersburg, April 15.~Rear Ad- miral Grogoriefl and Licot. Smirnofi, subordinate officers under Vice Ad mira] Niehogatoff, in the Russé-Ja- p » wat, have been pardoned and red | 'from confinement im the Fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul They were sentenced to death for sur- rendering their o ynmands, bot in view of 'the extenuating circumstances their sentenecs wore commuted to ten years | imprisonment in a fortress. Ihey be- gap serving their sentences in 1907. Iti» reported that Gen. Stoessel and Vice-Admiral Niebogatofi also will Le pardoned 'shortly. Stoesscl was found guilty by a court-martial of sigrrendering tho fortress of Port J thar to the Japanese, and i¥ serving a sentence of ten years' imprisonment. Niebogatofi was sentenced to be in- terpod in a ws for ten years for suvendering to the emy at the Battle of thio Sea of Japan. -------------- INVENTOR DEAD. ' Passes Awav When Success Was in | Sight. Montreal, April 15.--~Louis |aroste, eldest son of Sir Alexander Lacoste, died here, { illness of a week from pneumonia. was well known ns the inventor the Lacoste ship brake, a contrivance to be fixed to the sides of vessels by which it is claimed they can be brought to a stop very quickly. Mr. ].acoste 'had heen worlsng on this in Heo vention for ten years, and recently one | was successfully tried on. the Cana- dign government steamer Pureka company was then formed to exploi the brake, and the United States gos "ernment consented that one should be atlached to the United States. bat tlexhip Ihdiana. This braxe 1s now completed at the Cramps shipyards, 1'his ndelphia, and it will be tried the battleship: next month. on A MARINE CHANGE. Withdraw From Canadian Lake Transportation. Toronto, April 15.--The Canadian lake and Ocean Navigation company. controlled by Mackenzie and Mann, has parted company with the Canadian Lake Transportation company, con trolled by the Plummer interest, . and the . three package freight carriers, Pallatt, Plummer and Ames, will henceforth sail under the colors of 'the Merchants' pany, which has already eleven big haats, 'The separation simply means tint the railroad has withdrawn its ships from its alliance with the Cana- dink. Lake Transportation company. The new arrangement will not affect the management of either company. TO BE RIVALRY. ' The C.P.R. Company to Extend Branch Lines. Winnipeg, April. 15.--~The Canadian Pacific railway, it is announced, will at once extend its branch which now ontls gt Mowbray, in Southern Mani- tol, tg Dakota, to connect with the A "The Soo line also will le Ao Brandon, giving a dircet {fom Brandon to Minneapolis, run fie parallel and between {wo Hill pi which Bow run into Manitoba, ons ending d% Brandon and the other ati Portage «la Prairic. This follows HE 1's. antiounced intention of building amy air line into Winnipeg irom the boundary and of building -oxtensive tefminals hore. i FAMILY PLEA HELPED. MAn With Eight Children, Let Of Easily. Birrie, Ont., April 15.--Patrick J Shanahan, Midland, was sentenced to si® months in the Central for at tempting to blow up the boilers of the Canada Iron and Furnace company, by, shutting off the feed valves. He uw young man, about thirty-five years of ge, with a wife and cight children 18 anf] considerable sympathy is felt "for | him. It is thought that ii he did com: mit the effence, it was done while un der thio influence of liquor. In view of thie faell, Judge Wismer dealt more lonfebtlg. with him than ihe neds of the crime warranted. DYE WOODS BURNED. serious Fire in Mountains in Mexico. Mexico City, April 15.-A prea folks fire is raging in the Seitacuaro nimintaing iu Michaocan. Hundreds of men who hava been fighting the flames have been compelled" to give up the ubequal strugele and the mountain is now burning from end lo ind, a dis tance, of many miles. Thousands have been rendered homeless be the fire and a great quantity of the dye- woods, in which the regions abound, have bean destroyed. No details as to Joss of Bie are available. Dibastrous Bank Manager Retiring. Montreal, April 15.-1t under- stood that James FEiliott, general manager of the Molsons Bank, will ri tire. from active service during the coming summer to take a rest. He has been close up to fifty vears in the sefvice of 'the bank. He has general manager since 1900, previous to which he was local manager in Montreal. He entered the bank as a fantor in 1860, E. C. Pratt, the local mabager, is also retiring to take a post with the new brewery amalgama- tion. t been ; Fires In Hastings. Balleville, Ont., April 15.--~The mill owned by Andrew Bird, situated wear Coo Hill, was destroyed by fire, last vights The loss is heavy, and incen- diafisi is the supposed cause Fire broke out twice, last night, in the residence of Dr. Caverly, Bridge «treet, West Helleville, and the last Limes desteoyed the building and its reontenis, Lose $3,500 insur A See Bibby's nobby $2 bats. Ar- | Joseph | yesterday, after an | o Al Mutual Steamship com- They wore Edward C. rr SMALL-POX AND LIO a------ Waiting Eo: Roosevelt in : East Africa. . Mombasa, British East Africa, April 14. --A cablegram voovived here from Theodore Roosevelt, declining an ine - NS. : British and a difher, makes it evident that he Las decided pot to stop in Mombasa, and thik knowledge has given rise 1o much disappointment here, Mr. Roosde- velt asks'in this message that he be met at the pier hy his special train, and he be conveyed direct from the steamer to the ranch of Sir Alfred Pease, on the Athi river. Mr. Roose velt will ba Sir Alfred's guest for the first fortnight's stay i the protee- "torate. The steumer Admiral, Mr. Roosevelt ahd, the members of his party on board, is expeetéd here at ei . unig' BRITISH WHICG, CITIZENS SUE PRIEST. x Cr -- : Mayor Arfésted--All Over Local : Option Contest. : Montreal, April 15.+Advices from St. Agathe, u famous health resort in the county of Terreb y 20. to show that the temperance feeling is "higher than in any other locality Jethap in Canada. The parish priest, Rev, Fath- er Corbit, has been leading the anti- THE DATLY WHAT WILL HAPPEN ON FLOOR OF PARLIAMENT THIS AFTERNOON. The Railways Acid of Denuding the Country of Valuable De- Fs THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1909. AN EXCISE OFFIGEN, TO SEIZE 8,000 BARRELS OF WHISKEY, One of the Largest Distilleries "in Maryland Alleged to Have Been Defrauding Government. ' SPRING MILLINERY STRIKING NEW EFFECT been witleddo what may occur on t floor posits--An Appegl to Be Made to Stop It. ' Ottawa, Ont., April 15.--~The cabi- net was in session all morning on the Pugsley-Mayes afiair when the gov- ernment attitude | in the house was discussed. There is an air of sup- pressed excitement in the corridors a © parliament this afternoon. Speaker Marcil has given a very definite rul- daybreak of April 21st. At presont the I monsoon isblowing vigorously. Last {Sunday the bark Sussex' was totally | wracked én the roof at the cotrance of | the harbor, There has been a sudden outbreak of small-pox at 'Nairobi. Forty deaths | have occurred at the Guarantine camp. Maj. 'Louis L. Seaman ha¢ returned here from a heating trip up country. (He says the game is excellent and the | prospeets good. Three lions have been | interforing with the night work at the : Mavindu station on the railroad. § | | | | | _. | i x TTORI XTMWESIES Institution to study Institutions | COMMENDATORTE pO {Sent by the Italian l Awerican Educational | | | LIVES WERE LOST. at {In the. Recent Fire Lenox Mass. | Ottawa, April 15.--Miss Wardie FI. i Leslie, clerk in the Dominion lands' | btanch oi the interior department, has "received the sad news that three of her relatives have beén burned to death. Ventress, agetl forty-one, an electrician, his wife, aged thiriy-five, and their twelve-year-old daughter. Mrs. Ventress was a gistor 'of Mitis Leslie's and was a native of | Pictou, Nova Scotia. The husband, wife and daughter were three of the victima of tho $300,000 fire at Lenox, MasSachusetis,- this week, when Six lives were lost. If is undersiood the three botlics have been recovered from the ruins and buried. Mr. Vontress was an Ameriean. JUST ONE SMALL BOTTLE. What Ten Whiskey + Found in Hotels. Colborne, Ont., April 15.--Quite flutter of excitement was created here when it became known that a com- pany of about ten detectives, or ficers of the Ontario government, had arvived unannounced at Colborne They were on a still hunt for tions of the local option by-law, and, dividing sito squads, made a thor {ough gearch of the three hotels simul tanecoush It is said that all they found: was a small bottle of whiskey kept for pri vate use in one-of the places. a ia viola CANADA'S WHEAT Could Counteract Manipulations Of American Ring. London, - - April member of Mark 15.~An experienced Lane discusses tha wheat shortage in an article in the Morning Post. He says Canada has 1,000,000 quarters of old wheat, which if put into 'Mark Lane would supply hali the deficit here. Canada holds a strong position, and any movemont she makes would have an important effect, on _the operations, which the American ring may be contemplating Conspiracy In Ecuador, Guayaquil, Feuador; April 15. Th government. has diseo®ered a con spiracy to overthrow the administra tion of Gen. Floy Alfaro, and the {arrest of the leaders of the movement ~i--anomentarily expected, The au- thoritics learned that the conspirator intended to proclaim a triumvirate composed of Plaza, Arrellano and Tiva de Neira. x Gens. All's Well That Ends Well. Belleville, April 15.--George ' R. win was before Magistrate charged with perjury. age license and gave the girl's age as over cighteen, but the girl's mother said she was only in her sixteenth vear. The magistrate dismissed the | charge, the pirl's parénts gave their | blessing. and the young couple went {off on theiy honeymoon. Ir- Masson; Fined Foy Gambling. Galveston, Texas, April 15.--Thad T | Adams, representative .in the legisla | ture, from Reaser county, |dicted for permitting gambling ow his | premises and ten other members the law-making bodv under fictitious names, pleaded guilty to charges of gambling and paid fines of from $10 $25 each. i | | has been in- of | Death Of Lady Carling. } London, Out;, April - 15. ~Lady' { Carling, wile of Sir John Carling, {died xery suddenly, this morning," of {heart faWure. She had not been well {for some time, and, it is thought, the | excitement over her granddaughter's wedding, . vesterday, was too much for her, She was: eighty years of | age. | At Constantinople the members of {the wew cabinet have been jdstalled in "offige, y rd 0 Detectives He got a mar- | alowed to read the Mayes affidavit, | reflecting on the misfister of publ works. The special commission on conserva. tion of natural resources, this morn- {ing, discussed the great loss which is occasioned by Cabadian . forest fires. | Hon. Mr, Sifton made the statement that the railways had heen responsible {for denuding the country of valuable tdeposits. It was decided; that the | chairman should see the N.T.R. com- pany to see that the right of way is clrared of all combustible material, As regards the C.P.R. and G/T.R. it lis hoped to apply to the federal rail- way commission for similar orders. When: the supreme court assembles {for spring sessions, on 4th May next, | the 'order of hearing appeals will be | follows : ~ Controverted election | Cases; Quebhee appeals western pro- vineces appeals marifime province ap- peals; Ontario appeals, Mrs. James Scott, mother of leans Campbell Scott, the poet, and i widow of the late Rov. William Scott, formerly one of the best known Metho- dist. ministers in Ontério, #ied, yester- | day, at her residence here from pean-.| monin after a~brief illness. as Dun- PITH OF THE NEWS. | The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The Allan line steamer Grampian, from Boston, for Glasgow, docked at Halifax, at 8.15 a.m. Mrs. Mary Montgomery, who made a { fortune in real estate speculation, died | {at Prince Albert, Sask. { 1. T. Reason &¥Co"s warehouse at! London, Ont., was damaged by fire. ! Loss, $10,000 to $15,000. It expected that Admiral Nebo- gatoff and General Stoessel will short- be released from the fortress in { which they have been imprisoned. J. R. Booth, the veteran lumber man, is under the weather. Although well over eighty he is one of the most active men in the Ottawa Valley. | Sir Joseph Ward says New Zealand ofiered Britain a Dreadnought more as an object lesson than to save the motherland the cost of the warship. The schooner Mooween, which "ar rived at Gloucester, Mass., to-day, irom a -halibut cruise to Sable Island, | 18 Hiv Jim Jefiries' manager says that Jeff fights and defeats Jack Johnson he will present the title to a man, on condition that he won"t* fight negroes. Jack Jackson and Stanley Ketchel are matched to box twenty. rounds for the 'heavyweight championship of the world ut the Colma Athletic club on October 12th. I'he six-year-old son of Harry Payn- ter, at Ogilvie, Man., was accidentally shot wvith a twenty-two rifle hy his brother, whale, playing, The bullet entered his shoulder, penetrating the! spinal cord, causing paralysis. There is no hope of his recovery. WATER FOUND EGRESS, But Ice'is Packed As High Ever. Niagara Falls, Ont. April 15.--The | rice dam situation greatly improve! during the night in consequence of the | north wind, keeping the floating ico from coming over the falls so rapidl, as 'yesterday. The pent up water. at | the falls, seemingly, has found an out let beneath the mountain of ice packed between "the head of the Whirlpool | rapids and the falls, ay the water near the Ontario power plant has dropped several feet, and' things consequently' | look far brighter for this clectrical | concern than they did last evening. The fiver below the Whirlpool remains | a salid pack of ice from Niagara Glen to Niagara. | SASKATCHEWAN 'PHONES, As Government Negotiating For Puy- | chase of System. t < Regina, Sask:, April 15.--It js learn-| ed to-day, that the negotiations for | the purchase of the Bell Teléphone | company by: the province of Baskat-| chewan are at last taking definite shape, and that within a short time | an announcement of the transfer will | be made. Reward For Incendiary. Rochester, N.Y., April 15.--The fire | Yoss is placed at above $100,000, The | city offers $2500 for the capture of the incendiary, who has heen blamed | for several fires of late. | In an efiort to put a stop to the large number of recent incendiary fires | in° Rochester Assemblyman Melnerney | introduced a bill at Albany which | proposes. to. increase -the maximun punishment 'for arson in the first "de- gree from forty years' imprisonment | to life imprisonment; arson, sedond | degree, not more than forty years in- | stead of thirty-fiveMthird déoree ae- | son, not more than twenty-five instead of fifteen. years | i Orillia Among Favored. . Orillia, Ont., April 15.--Mayor Gol fatt has received from A. Carnegie an! offer of 812.5000 to build a free puklic libvary in Oril%a. The. council has decided to accept the-amount. and will proceed with the building' as quickly as the plans are provided. Was Tired Of Local Option Belleville, Ont., April 15.--The Well-* man House, a well-known hotel Wellington, Prince Edward county, has been sold to a committee of Welling- ton business men for $9,500. The own- er was tired of local option. ie Men's suits and "overcoats cleaned or dyed. «+ My Valet. Expert dyers. My Valet. 7 | Agathe should be an. absolutely reports a loss of six men on the trip. | if | white | jhis assailant was | | Montreal, license forces, and Mayor Delisle is the head of the publicans. © Meeting alter meeting has been held and very strong influence was brought to bear upon town council to grant one license for the swell hotel of the town, the Castel del Mont. Father Corbit admitted that he had been in favor of granting one license, hut he had found the - JEranNCe sen- timent fo strong that he felt it to be ing as to whether Dr. Daniel will be [his duty to rally" to the majority. It has been finally decided that St. dry town, but the parish priest finds him- self proceeded against in three cases for ten thousand dollars each, it being held that he used defamatory lan- guage in his Faster sermon, three of the leading vitizens being aimed at, ac- cording to the allegations of the plain: tiffs. : Then, a very serious charge has been brought against the mayor, that gen- tleman being arrested as he returned from the county town. IT WILL GO HIGHER. "Question of! Supply and Demand Says J. A. Patten. Chicago, April 15. --James A. Pat- ten, the "Wheat King of The World." hag announced his intention of ting eut of the wheat market, coupled the apnouncement with prediction that after he was out the market wheat would even higher than it was selling. to-day May wheat closed Friday night at %1.27}, opened at 'the same figure Wednesday meoiiipg, and within an hour had gone up bali a cent, selling at RL.28, cooing to $1.29 and finally clowng at 81.288. Mr. Patten ascribed the present mar- ket price of wheat to supply and de- mand. Hé said that while the ply of wheat had not materially crensed the world's population demand had grown and the present price of wheat was merely the na tural result of these conditions. aot and the of go sup- in: and Slain For Eating Fish. Manila, P.1., April 15.--Further de- tails have heen revived of the death of Dr. William Jones, a noted anthro pologist connected with thé Columbian Museum at Chicago. He had unwit tingly crossed the dead line that had been established by hostile Tongotes, who offered him a dish of fish as token of defignee, in accordance with tribal euston. Not suspecting that he was accepting their challinge by so doing, he ale the fish and was attack- ed immediately. The warriors wound- jod him many titees wiih their spears; 'but he managed to fight them off with his revolver until he reached a boat, in which he escaped, but was so severely wounded: that he died five hours later, a Skull Fractured By Hammer. Edmonton, April 15.--With his skyll fractured in several placcs as a: result of blows alleged' to have been deliver- ol with a carpenter's hammer in the hands of Gus. Sucht: of Stony Plain, a man named Edward W. Englis, who lives eight miles from the same place, is now at tho point of death at the |general hospital. At first his condi- {thon was not regarded as seriots and fined 315 and costs on a charge of assault {o do bodily harm. To Manage Brewery. April 15.-E. C. | general 'manager of © the local branch of the Molsons" bank, has been ap- pointed controller oi the new brewery merger, which bas been forméd in this city. -- The position, it is understood; carries a very high salary. Mr. Pratt {was with the Molsons' bank for over {iwenty-five years, Death Of Henry McDonald. Brockville, Ont., April 15.--Henry MoDonald, aged ninely-four years, died Tiesdayv night at his home in Lyn. Mr. McDonald was a life-long resident of the township of Elizabethtown. For Abusing A Boy. Portage la Prairie, April 15.--Rich- ard Hodge; a wealthy settler of this district, 'charged with ill-treating a Barnardo bov, causing his death, was released on $10,000 bail. French cleaning our Prompt debivery. My Valet. Bibby's $1 shirts are elogant. specialty. Your spring hat--have y Washington, April 15.--~As a resul waiting for t, of an investigation into charges ofl violation Hf the internal revenue law, John G. Capers, commissioner of in ternal revenue, issued formal instruc tions to seize the Carroll Spring Dis tilling company's plant, one of thy largest registered grain distilleries in Maryland. ° : 3 The seizure, which will involve the vernment taking possession of near ly 8,000 barrels of whiskey, is based upon a long investigation, under the personal supervision of Commissioner Capers, who himscli. visited the es tablishment, threes months ago. It is understood the charge was basco on discoveries of new whiskey in old barrels, the substitution of new whiskey for old whiskey and the re moval of it without the payment of | one dollar and ten cents a gallon tol tho 'government; the substitution of gin for whiskey in someginstances anc in some of the packagis excessive van- tage. G.T.R, STAFF CHANGES. very latest designs and models exhibited at this busy store, clusive and distinetive designs decidedly moderate prices. EE A SHR Important Shuffle Among Heads and Assistant Heads. Montreal, April 15.--Several im-! portant appointments in conneetion with the Grand Trunk and Grand Trunk Pacific were announced, last pight. G. T. Bell, general passenger agent of the Grand Trunk, is promot ad to be assistant passenger traffic manager of the Grand Trunk and Grand Trunk Pacific railways, the head of which department is W. E. Davis; GG. W. Vaux, assistant general pass. énger agent at Chicago, is appointed seperal passenger agent of the Grand Trunk, with headquarters at Montreal; wid W. P. Hinton, assistant general passenger agent Montreal, becomes general passenger agent of the Grand Trunk Pacific. with headgugrters at Winnipeg. H. G. Elliott, assistant seneral passenger agent at Montrent: is appointed to succeed Mr. Vaux Chieago. at at} any last-minute changes so that it may be just the correct style? If so you will 'find the latest af SPENCE'S. The ave | ex at 1[s]a A Food for the Invalid and the Athlete-- ) On the Training Table of every University. To serve--simply heat in oven, pour hot milk over it and salt to taste. Sold by all grocers, 13¢. a carton; two for 25c¢. Purchased A Steamer. Brockville,, Ont. April 15.~The Cornwall Navigation company will, this vear, make a bid for some of the freight and passenger business between | NOTE THE PRICE here -and Montreal. - The steamer Bri tannia, side propellers, 157 feet long, that formerly ran between Collingwood and illarney, on Georgian Bay, wa purchased from the Northern Naviga tion: company, last autumn, and i now at Cornwall heing fitted out. Pads of 100 Sheets, size | | Youthful Lover's Frenz Newburg, N.Y., April 15. --~Filbur Taylor, aged seventeen, is dying in the hospital here from a gunshot wound, | Self-inflicted: Inspired by jealousy, | Taylor went to the home of Miss; / | { Pratt, | Georgia DdLbe, - aged nineteen, and} wounded her slightly with a revolver, He then went home and shot himself | with a shotgun. { THE HOME OF . LINEN LADD WRITING PAPER FOR LETTER COPYING, ETC Pads of 100 Sheets, size 5} x 8} inches--4c. each. British Whig Publishing Company JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT 81 x11 inches---T7¢c. cach, GOOD PRINTING, | Discovers Two New Planets. i Parig; April 15.--~The announcement {made by M. Gaillot, of the existence | of two hitherto unknown planets, pro mises to rank in impartance with the { discovery of Neptune in 1846 by. le | verrier. His ealculations indicate that i these planets exist space hevond | Neptune, some millions of miles from | y the sun. | | { in : Sti , Gobalt A' Quiet Opening. Port. Dalhousie, Ont., April 15.-~The Welland. canal war opened © at oloven | o'clock, torday. There only - on hoat to lock "through herve so far, the is . Canada Life Assurance Company, Imperial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co . Western Fire Assurance Company Last Mountain District--North-West Lands, Special Excursions for Prospective Purchasers, Stocks. For Full Information Cafl or Correspond With J. O. HUTTON, AGE NT. OFFICE---18 Market St., Kingston, Ont. GOT WRONG IDEA | Ford Rive from to Fairport, with This arstest opening at end canal in years. schooner Kingston is the of the jee, thi | Concerning Price of An Ad, in Newspaper. A want of familiarity with business | practices sometimes leads to amusing rand sometimes to embarrassing re: sults, and, occasionally, to both. A lady who képt a emall seaside ho- tel thought it would be profitable to bring the fact to the attention of the public. ~ Accordingly; she drafted a | suitable advertisement, and carried it to, the office of a newspaper, where she enquired the expense of five insertions. It was the custom of this paper. where advertisements . were inserted more than four times, to deduct f~en- {ty-five per cent. from dthe usual rates. The clerk read over what' she had | written, estimated the space it would | require, and said : 'It will come to Made Ready For Use. London, April 15.--Though the Brit ish admiralty denies it there is good authority for the statement thal two of ther British warships at Malta were | ordered to be in readiness to sail for | Turkey, should the situation demand To i Sir Wiltrid An Optimist. New: York, April 15-8 Wilirid | Laurier, premier of Canada, and Jog: | ieph H. Choate, former ambassador to | Great Britain, have accepted eloctions | to membership in the Optimists' Club, according . to a statement hssped | the club's executive' committee, L ny twenty-six shillings; but, ad it is go- ing in over four times, it will be twen- ty-five off." "Oh!" she exclaimed. "Why, that's very reasonable," apd putting down a shilling she started for the door. It was difficult to tell which was the more embarrassed, the landlady or the clerk, when he called her back and ex- plained that "twenty-five ofi" meant twenty-five per cent, and not twenty- | five shillings. Queer Country Is Australia. _ Australia's huge northern territory has a tropical, almost an equatorial | climate, and the heat is very enervat- ling to Europeans, Its capital,' Palm- erston, containe more Chinese than Caucasians. The former ave the ruling race and the employers; the whites are the servile and the employed. Large herds of buffaloes roam about the, sil- ent plains of this enormous territory, which would be a sportsman's pa dise but for the wild natives, who are exceptionally fierce and" treachierdus and have killed a number of the hunt- em who come to hunt the buffaloes. Smee cr------ The Contributory Artist. Atlanta Constitution. y, "So .goun've been fighting again, Dick 1" exclaimed the émployer of. a little darky of nine years, as the lat- ter reported for duty one morning bearing the evidences of a sanguinary conflict. , "Yassah," responded Dick. *"And, 1 suppose. that, as your brother Henry. has given usual, you HIGH WATER ON The illustration shows the state of affairs that. existed Village of Longueuil o pposite the shove of Monday. . that black eve ?" Dick's countenance gave axpression to a sickly grin. "No, sah," he said. the "I-done had de eye already, but \ i THE ST. LAWRENCE. in city of Montreal after the { . WAS IN WRONG COSTUME. So He Could Not Shoot at Hare. : a Richard Harding Davis, one of Wests chester . county's new deputy sheriffs; | came into White Plains with hs ken- nel master the other Chicago Knter-Ocean, his kennel master outside cuit shop, Mr, Davis discussed sport. "Sport is as good abroad," he said, 'but abroad are more men must always be correct. 4 wardrobe of smooth, day, says the While awaiting a dog: bis. here as it is they punctilious, Your English- He has sleek, dark clothes for town, a wardrobe of knicks ers and. thick woollens {or Alpine win= ter sports, a wardrobe of flannels for the seashore, and wardrobes for RO and drinking. "1 rememBer Youth, I Covers, once, in my was shooting over a dukes A very grave' and young marquis was stationed near me. Suddenly the duke shouted to the mar- (gus : r i "Thére goes a hare! Let him hav it I' "But the marquis shook his head. "1 can't, duke," he said, 'I'm in my pheasant costume." J Notices. For all kinds of ' printing, bogk-binding,- embossing, étr,, Whig office. price, , try the Note the quality and the When--we call" a man ja brick we don't mon clay, steam. H. Milne, 272 straet, Phone B42. ; Bibby's $1 shirts dre beaufies. If you Would blind a man by throw- ing, dust in his 'eyts use gold dust. Bagot ice | Henry he done lay 'on de color, all ' dight 1" : 4 ruling,' mean that hé is made of com- | on, with othen Ir deer stalking, for fox hunting, for driving, even for smoking carly' elegant B ¥ : « We clean feather beds and pillows by © a - =