ri ---------------- AE) == FRAG | Impure Blood Thoroughly Cleansed tg Refleved of All Impurities Through | The Tidings From Various Points| the Use of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. . The blood is a thick, opaque fluid of a rich, red hue in the arteries, and | u purplish blue in' the veins. It de i rives it8 color from numerous | in Eastern Ontario--What |, n They Are Saying. call] Several Deaths Reported, = |% bodies floating in it which nage d| Ferguson's Falls, April 11.--L. Wil red corpuscles, HH the blood Tt + ex. | lis, Bovd Settlement, got his' foot se- amined under a miseroscope the red | verely hurt, last week, by a block of corpuscles will appear as thin, circu | wood falling' on it. Michael Gray, of lar disks, floating in a transpaient, this place, got the roof blown off his nearly colorless fluid barn, last Wednesday, by the high These red" corpuseles number 5,000, wind. The deaths occurred here, on 000 to the eubie centimeter; but it | the 7th, of "J. MeCusker and of Robert often happens that they become very Craig, ailing for some time: Mr. Me- much "diminighed in number, a con Cusker was seventy-three years of age dition knowf as apacmia or léukoae- {and ~ Mr. Craig eighty-two. Mrs. H mia. There are also other circular | Horricks is on the sick list now. W. bodies in 'the blood known as white [White bought a new horse last week, corpuscles, but which are much less | | | g t Is Elginburg Incidents. {! Elginburg, - April 15.--Herbert started his cheese factory, on day. George Porter will open Monday next. Mrs, J. the past week, is better. EF, and family, have | Watertown, N.Y. The red corpuscles are the stimula ting and animating elements of blood.' They: absorb oxygen in their passage 'through the lungs and convey it to the tissues of the body, combining with food elements absorb ed from the mal heat, Whenever the kidneys fail to perly filter the blood of its impurities whenever 'constipation occurs, the | impure loreign matter collects in wae blood-current, is earried to all of the system iu the circulation, is usually deposited in Mon- it his on !l where numerous than the rel | ! i | | stomach it evolves ani They have bought {1 I Spooner's farm. Miss Bartley Smith, Jr., is Sydenham." Thomas or : friends parts Visitors : M. Bearance, Kingston, | at home. an : {Miss | the form of | gq Cove pimples and other eruptions upon the ar skin. Most of these eruptions appear upon the face for the reason "that the skin there is Ahinnex than anywhere else, Many people commit the error of try ing the pimples or eruptions by the application of salves and lo tions, which is a great mistake, ass the cause of the trouble is deepg |] seated, and the skin dicease is #im- [number of fine horses. M. P. ply the outward manifestation of the |of this town, has secured a position ins impure condition of the blood with- {a Renfrew hardware Morley : Perth, April 11, Quite a number ar others spending the holidays | housecleaning. Miss Stella Freo is till the list; for recovery, I. J. last week and bought and are to cure siel we hop a lg yeedly oronto up a Jarnes, store. the greatest Instead of out out kid Caléium Sulphide is blood purifier in existence. driving the ~ blood impurities through- the pores: it them through the proper channels--the neys and intestines STUART'S CALCIUM WAFERS con-! tain calcium sulphite, combined with | other powerful alteratives or purifiers, | which act rapidly and powerfully up on the morbid products of the blood, expelling them: completely, preventing their return, and incidentally remov ing pimples, boils, blackheads, buncles, tetter, ringworm, all other skin blemishes, Call on your pharmacist and secure a package of this wonderful blood cleaning remedy: yiice 5c, Also write us for trial package free, Ad dress F, A. Stuart Co., 175 Stuart Building, Marshall, Michigan, Buchanang Maberly, was a visitor here |} for Easter. Miss Edna Berlangeite sends Miss "Tilly tances in White is renewing acquain- |r Almonte. | Bloomfield Brevities. Bloomfield, April 15.--No seeding has been done «yet and the weather has taken a cold tuen. An exceedingly | ¥ heavy wind, last Week, levelled fences i and did cousiderable Gther damage. |V ear- |S. E. Mastin Montreal and |! and | Quebec last week on business. those who went to Toronto for Eas- I ter were Mrs. E. Purtelle, Misses Myr- | tle and Nellie Clinton and Miss Mary Black. Miss Estelle Bull, Kingston, is 1 spending a few days :at home. There 1 died the home of her son-in-law, Allan Knapp, = Mrs. Insley, widow of |v the late Aaron®Insley. Mrs. Insley had heen sick for one month previous her death, with cancer of the liver. |¢ Take | The funeral was held to-day, inter- { ment in Cherry Valley cemetery! Her wo sons, Ralph, Chicago, and Dr. was in scurvy at IN OLDEN TIMES People Were Content to Things Easier Than Now. If our forefathers covld behold the IR Her modern locomotives, automobiles and a tel electric cars they would hold up their | here for a 8 hands in astonishment. i | their homes on Monday. Mrs. (Rev.) The stage-coach was dames Thorn, Toronto, and M 1 then--people 'were more | Douglas Thorn, Regina, spent Easter take things 'ensy. at Mrs. Clayton Burr's. | They used to be satisfied with any a sort of a hair lotion that came along ; \ Brief Notes From Bath. [ if "it did not prevent baldness they thought it was because baldness could Bath, April 15 Earle Topliff, Yar not be prevented, ker; and Miss Topliff. Bancroft are J 1 spending the Faster holidays with €Te y don » a It s different now. People know that | {licir parents here. Miss Maggie For germs" cause baldness and that New- | pester, St." George, is spending the bro's Herpicide kitls the germ, thus | lidayvs with her parents here. Miss | curing dandruff sand preventing bald- | Ruby Nash and Miss Edith Forrester ness, : A 1 . 4, 4 . i . wd ¢ J tending Queen's Col- I Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢ Who h ave eon oe ng nae ol I in stamps for sample to the Herpi: | wr mn, of oh cide Co., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottles Wartman received a load of coal guarantead.. 'G. W. Mahood, special the steamer. Navajo Week agent. ' fast content enough to 1 fi on The gular { this steamer Aletha commenced her re trips on Monday of ths weck. Mr. |! Mott has moved into the house he |v purcHased from R: Kenmody; fast fot 1G. -W Ohlman dristow nioved' into 4ho house pied by Mrs, James main of. Frederick Wisken, a former {1 resident of this place, were brought up from Kingston and placed in the Me- | [ (thodist cometery hero Thursday. le Ge Ww A SIMFLE ECZEMA CURE. Gioory: formerly occu- | Laivd. "The re {1 No More Cure Skin. When yow have a hand you wash it cleanse it and then the skin itself. You never think of | dosing your stomach the Stomach-- Through the Dosing the Skin seratoh on your and cures out on ~ NEWS OF NEIGHBORS i=: {ported the loss WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND deaths of many parishioners ENTS TELL US. Jee People Are Doing And What to Christ | ing reondition {ly improve their church tnis summer. | E.. Teskey, of Queen's university, {heen engaged for the summer as reader | will hold confirmation in Christ chure {on May 2nd, damage to fences, some having is: quite plentiful in the creck Sly {be the order Allison, ill for are sorry to Smith | still very moved here from') grippe oved re om | grippe. | wo tL. | c is | Mrs. ! { spending Faster week with friends in |zerville, opened on Monday. Thomp- i son at Sunbury. Melroy | place, Kiell, Smith's Falls, spent Easter | for Mr. Gerow, Palace Davey and | Milling and Cadman at A. [put in Bought Fine Horses. recent hy Kingston visiting her daughter, at of tow their East don, + 0%) ofl ( own wm WIr Lastar vac « + a: : "0 : y x asl acation, * aies Li'lian Tile, of Teronto umver- Sa f toria Devine was in | holidays with his parents. { Mrs. {Mrs. S. Marsh was at m. will be greatly missed here. Mrs. G. day. ! is | Madden is busy making maple syrup. spending the holiday season at home. | Mr, has been seriously ill Among |W. GG, Johnston spent the holiday in at his home'in London, Ont decided mittee. 108. OC. B. week, N.Y., spent the holidays with his latives here, Insley, Columbus, Ohio, were [Monroe and daughter, Morrisburg, are few days, but returned to [making their farewcil visit to Mr. and Mrs. G. F. {will reside in Archibald and | caused jgreen paint. Moore and | sent Ne -------------------- Wheeler re-elected wardens The rector re-|§ by James were Wilson treasurer. sustained year. James Teskey, oukter, R. J. ohn Stinson and Mrs. George Stin- Fhe heirs of Andréw Coulter | ave donated his share in the vault chyreh. The parish a healthier or more flourish- than now. The econ- regation of Enterprise hope to great- ever in has lay for. Marlbank. The bishop Fair View Notes. April 15.--The wind week did considerable all Fish and ome of our sports were trying their uck but did not get many. = House- lianing and cutting. wood seem to of the day. A few are in their gardens. T. B. fine colt last week, We say that Mre. Lowry is ill. Mr, Lund is ill with 8. McNeil's' baby, which has very ill all winter, is better. Empey:s cheese factory, ' Swit View, of last Fair torm heir cross [ences blown down. yusy putting and lost a nen ros. are drawing milk from this John Bennett is drawing milk Koad. Mes; had telephones this week. We are glad to that Roy and Gladys Garrison able to be out again after their illness, Mrs. Bartley is in Mrs. ill. see Bell, who has been quite spent Enster at her tome, Vie street. Bort Vanalsting, teach- near Deseronto, is spending the Mr. and Mr. and visitors J. Sun- been Almon sity, ng Stacey Vanalstine. Bennett were recent at Mr. Wagar's South Napanee. his mother's on Mrs. Kinkley, who has il at winter, is improving. Tretts, Hawley, at Mr. Cad- man's on Tuesday. H. Milling, Haw- ey, at J. MiMiag's on Wednesday. ---- Lansdowne News. Lansdowne, April 15.~Dr Meikle, who for some time, ve are pleased state, is recowver- Master Harold Jackson, Brock- the guest of his aunt, Mrs. W, Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. to ng ille, is ', Moore. wrockville. Mr. 'Hungerford, manager i the Merchants' Bank, spent Easter The Eas- which: was held on Monday Latimer's hall, was a Messe John Done an and N. W. Sparrow were the com Thomas McNamee has rented Dixon's butcher shop and in- ends opening a meat. market this Floyd Fredenberg, Watertown, or. dance, ight, in J. R SUCCESS ro- Mr. Mes. W. A. and and Daniel | A very quiet wedding took and| the ¢ the! his™ during united in marriage to Andrew | Reid. Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Rev. J, dePoncier Wright, M.A, LT, performed the COR Was | quantities tributed .about hero factory. ning maker. Christ church was Monday. "The year successful with shows an par : ve in subseriptions having sleft. The roe {cymbals were then seen in lace at bénutiful residence on' Easter Monday, when Miss Jessie, was Arthur Stinson, in Wollington. dapleton, sondd daughter, prominent farmer ceremony. After a lainty dejeuner the happy couple took iraiprior the west. Lar of seed peas are being dis- for the canning Tho cheese factory is rum full blast with George Carter as The annual vestry meeting of on Easter the one. The Sunday school; LP. Joseph'} has been a most J. Hubbs as superintendent, increased attend oY Kirk reported: collections to be far in advance of tho preceding year. Rogret: was expressed at the removal from the ) of so many familos, over $100 tor reported the largest salary 'ho had yet received. Over $260 is on hand for "he new sheds. G. Hubbs, P. Loavens, P. Hubbs, E. Terry, H. Lea were ap- pointed a shed committee. P. Wilson and L. I. Hubbs were appointed war- dene for the new year. G. Flingall moved, 'W. B. Kirk seconded, and unanimously carried, that a hears vote of thanks be exteniied our rector for his thorough anc efficient work in the parish sinc & incumbeney. To it the present t the parish may be largely attributed. CL ---- Of Vital Importance. have rheumatism in any form. should not delay in curing §t. These troubles never get better of themselves and become stubborn and chronic if neglected. It is of vital importance that an effective remedy he, selected. Most remedies fail. Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure always cures It is easy to buy. easy to take and prompt and certain in results. Sul- fevers will save time, suffering and needless expense by securing this rem- edy at once. It is endorsed by all who have used it. Dr. Hall's Rheu- matic Cure is * a great blood purifier and spring tonic. In bottles H0c., at Wade's drug store. a Those who Fem No Drums In Widdle Ages. Jessie Katherine MacDonald in the St. Nicholas Magazine. As we come to when the - nations of jhodern Europe were struggling into existence, we find that, at first, the drum 'was not used at all. So, although melody had peen known and practiced for many centurigs, rhythm had been quite for- gotten, For what there is left to us of the music of the middle ages con- tains no bars, and we know that it was slowly and monotonously chant- ed, without the least accent. In the eleventh century, however, things began 'to improve, more par- ticularly as the Crusaders brought in- to Europe afl sorts of percussion in- struments from the East. Various kinds of drums, tambourines Europe for the first time since the days of sav- ages, and they have been used, with very little change, ever since. ---------------------------- A Mother's Chief Care. the middle ages, Deane, before their depar- ure for British Columbia; where thay the future. The many and Nrs.. Mouroe will egrot their departure. Mrs. E. E. Johnston is visiting her. mother," Mrs. Greer, Lyn. Mre. Bennett jixon, Brockville, visited Lansdowne viends this week. Miss Gladys Gil is the guest of her parents, Mr. Mrs. Thomas Gilbert. Miss J. Poxion, trained murse;- Brockville, who viends of Mr. ¥ {was on duty hero, has returned to her Harvey Austin is- quite with blood-poisoning the inhalation of fresh Mr. and Mrs. W, P. Mr. and Mrs. S, CO. E Jixon were Brodeville visitors during ome, Mrs, 1, it is feared hy ho holidays. Hillier Happenings. Hillier, April 15.---W. B. Kirk has noved to Melviile." Ho will ba greatly nissed. About 100 peopl were pre- | #1 tho Easter service in Christ | shurch: Two anthems were well ren- Jered by the - choir." Miss K. Clark | ywesided effectively | 1 at the pipe organ. | Ohlman's mill will do grinding y for it. now on Mondays and Fridays. The best skin specialists, lo-day, are agreed that the oply way to - eczema and-similar. skin' discases is through the "skin, for stativtics that nearly all eczema sufferers are perfecly healthy in all other ways ex cept to their skin. If the cczema patients wore really suffering from an internal malady, needing an remedy, the entire body and not skin, only, would be discased. You can prove immediately lief of a true skin cure by using oil of winiergreen as compounded in D.D.D Prescription. This liquid kills the dis germs. while toning healthy part of the skin. For free sample bottle write to The D.D.D. Laboratory, Department K.W., 23 Jordan 'St., Toronto For sale hy all druggists. cure Easter At Tamworth. April = 15.--Christ, church were than = well attended. Choice Easter lilies adorn led the altar and chancel The choir |! beautifully rendered appropriate musig ! | with Miss Bernice Saul as t aise is due the organist, Miss Tamworth, show | Easter service more as internal the | faithful and painstaking. There were (fi two celebrations of holy communion. |r The r, the sv. J. W. Jones, il preached from St. xvi,-3. The offerings throughout the parish the {amounting io. nearly 850 were given Tea the rector. On Monday at 10 a.m. {the annual vestry meeting was Phere was a large attendanee. -- Fi- i} | nancial reports were splendid showing | heavy expenditures with credit bal- the 1 rect . than whom none could be more |W. e . m-- CHILDREN'S HAIR. 2 i Keep it Clean and Free From Dis-{ Es ae 1 case By Using Parisian Sage. i vour children te grow | I vou want ip with strong, sturdy and wut, teach them to use Parisian Sage, vigorous soloist. | the world: renowned hair tonic. 4 Parisian--Sage is guaranteed bv: G. Mahood io eure dandruff and ston] alling hair in two weeks. It grows | hair quickly in cases where the | war is "thinning out." | It ig positively the most delightful, | wow {invigorKting hair dressing on the mar- | pald. ket. It is not sticky will y £ held. | trous and luxuriant. or greasy and | hair "soit, lus Get a 50 cent yottle from G. W. Mahood, and watch wow rapid its action. Giroux Mig. 'o., Makers, Fort Erie, Ont. make the cogre - ADVANCE OF TURKEY--INAUGURATION OF A MILITARY most wonderfully in western ideas. In line with this advance there was Turkish capital a military nephew of the mikado, is seated in the middle of the front row with the Pasha, on his right and Marshal Fiad Pasha on his left. CLUB AT CONSTANTINOPLE. Since the granting of a constitution by the. sultan to the Young Turks, Turkey has progressed al- club. of the chief members. of 'which the above is a photograph. Prince Kuni, recently inaugurated in the minister of war, Ali Riza Lvery mother is anxious that her little ohes shall be healthy, good na- tured and bright. Every mother ;jcan keep her childron in this condition if sho will give them an occasional dose of DBaby's Own Tablets. These tablets cure all stomach - and hewel troubles, destroy worms, "and make teething easy. Mrs. T. Covert Massie, Toron- to, Ont., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my litsle boy since he was three months old, sand find - that they agree with him splendidly." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 95 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. . ere Sneezing. Why should. a person sneeze ? Why does almost every one believe that to' sneeze is to catch cold ? Sneezing is an explosive expulsion of air through the nasal passages end mouth, but hat causes it and what are its re- sults ? 1t increases the circulation. It clears the head. When you sneeze al- ways hou your head straight 'in front. Don't twist it to the left or right. Never sneeze over your shoulder. You are liable to burst a blood vessel. Some say that sitting in a draft will cause sneezing. In dormer days it was a very polite custom to take snuff to encourage a sneeze. Ng doubt a sneeze was originally designed to expel irmi- tating materials from the upper air passages. In the act a powerful ex- piratory effort is made, the vocal cords are kept shut till the pressure in the chest Poe risen high, and air is then suddenly allowed to escape upward. imi etm He Didn't Care For Melon. During one of the banquets of the church congress in London, a certain bishop had as his left-hand compan- fon a clergyman who was completely During dessert the bald-headed vicar dropped his napkin and stooped to pick it up. At this moment the bishop, who was talking to his right hand neighbor, felt a slight touch on his left arm. He turned, and behold- ing the vicar's pate on a level with his elbow, said, 'No, thank you, no inelon. 1 will take some pineapple." -------------- 1f you once try Carter's Little Liver Pills for sick headache, "biliousness or constipation, you will never be with- out them. They ave purely vegetable: small and easy to take. Don't forget this, When he puts it on the/ground that she'is all in all to him, a young wife can never feel hard toward the hus- hand who does not want her: mother to make an extended visit. find himself famous shouldn't depend entirely upon an alarp dock. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall}s Catarrh Cure is the only positive sure now known to the miedical fraternity. 'atarrh - being a constitutional disease, requires a consti- tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly 'upon the hlood and mucous surfaces of the systefn, thereby destroy ng the founda- tion of the disease, 'and giving the patient strength by building up the con- stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any .case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. . « Address F. J. CHENEY & (C0. Toledo ) Sold by all Druggists, 75e. Take Hal's Family Pills \for constipa- prosperous condition of} and 4 The man who hopes to-wake up and | will be ; 'The Seven Sets Of Presents. Detroit Fres Presst, tas 5 All the world's a Chris and women merely children. ° Thev have their presents and remem- brances, $ And one mat in his time gifts, : His los being seven series. At first, the in gets many. ant, With his feeding spoons and rattles. - Then the trumpet tin soldiers, skates and sleigh And fireman's helmet ; the lover, Sighing like a furnace necktie ; . i lady's fingers. and then with a gaudy Then , a ubby ; Show 18 his friends with socks and gloves : And pipes that will not draw ; ink wells of brass, And fountain iy ' yme painted Chin that his wife can use as well, Ard that leak ; or else en - . The middle-aged, of fairy round belly--a little cap To hide his shining pate. The sixth set sin Into the carpet slipper game, or bad cigars-- A silver cutter, since his teeth are bad, Last gift of all that ends his strange Kventful history is falling sight, Then they bring a magnifying glass For grandpa. me The Coming Of Spring. By Nora Perry. Once more, and vet once more, Returning as before, We see the bloom of birth Make young again the earth. that's new There's something. too, In the color of the blue That's in the morning sky, Before the sun is high. And though on plain and hill 'Tis winter, winter still, There's something seems to say That winter's had its day. And all this changing tint, This whispering stir and hint Of bud and:bloom and wing. Is the coming. of the spring. And to-morrow or to-day The brooks will break away From their icy, ftozen sleep, And run, and laugh and leap. And the next bing, in the woods, The catskins in ther hoods Of fur and silk will stand A sturdy little band. And the tassels soft and fine Of the hazel will entwine, And the. elder branches show Thejr buds against the snow. So, silently, but swift Above the wintry drift, There's something in the air That's new and sweet and rare= A scent of summer things, A whirr as if of wings. Until on hill and plain-- The long days gain and gain, {When The Rainbirds-Call. Lloyd Roberts in Appleton's. The snows bave joined the little streams and slid. into the sea; The mountain sides 'are damp and steaming in the sun; But Spring who should be with us now , is waitihg timidly For Winter to unbar the. rivers run. and black the gates and let It matters not how_green the grass is lifting through the -mould, How strong the sap is climbing out to every naked bough, That in the towns the market stalls are bright -with--jonguil gold. And over marsh and meadowland frogs are fluting naw. the For still the waters groan and grind be- neath the icy floor, And still the winds are hungry-cold that leave the valley's mouth, Expeotantly each day we wait to the sullen roar, And see the blind and broken herd re- treating to the south. hear One morning when the rain-birds call across the singing rills, And the maple buds like tiny shine red among the green, The ice will burst asunder and go pound- ing through the hills-- An endless gray procession with the * yellow "flood between, v - flames Thea the Spring will no more linger, but come with joyous shout, With music in the city squares laughter down the lane ; The thrush will pipe at twilight to draw the blossoms. out, And the vanguard of thé summer host will camp with us again. and An Epithalamium. Richard Le Gallienne, in Delineator for Miy- Be p-------- a No one to-day is happy as you are No one so happy in any place land, -- Not in the . sea-hidden with spray Nor yet in any impregnable bright star, Nor any girl or boy. or islands ringed Nearest approach to your beatitude Are we who watch your wonderful glad eyes Here #t the awful gates of Paradise ; Our hungry hearts eager with gratitude-- Only to look on the true fage of joy ; O children, children, do you understand? This is the day! Husband and wife! O happy pair ! A union so perfelt A fated bliss, a dreams ; A rainbow strangely painted on the air, }iusband and wife--those old unhappy words happy. that it seems marriage made in more - Like an old world made young again with flowers, And the green leat birds, And the warm murmur soft of gleam ing showers-- Young April packed with sweelness the core. and the returning to Young king and queen,--pass to your palace now ; Pass in and from your happy gaze your stately shining - gardens = of windows avenue of days: your Al Survey the peace, All thesfuture filling with increase 2 of adrnered joy, ands prosperous with praise-- The long sweet ripening of your marri- age. vow. ---------- who are over-anxious to live commonly wind up on the Folk on velvet enrpet, Men are never greatly moved those truths they fully comprehend, by elections. {| Glow. with mysterious blessedness once | 4 "Manufactured by The Canada Sugar Refining Co, ONCE IN FASHION-CRAFT CLOTHES, ALWAYS > IN THEM. ; : Once a man gets ato Fashion-Craft clothes, he wants no others. : : Our customers are so well-suited, that they become our permanent asset. We would'nt advertise at all, i it was'nt to get " you, or some other man, to ity'a first suit of Fashion- Craft. / Another "ad * or invitation to our Shop won't be needed by either of you. You'll watch for our new season's opening, and come to us always on a standing invitation. : E. P. Jenkins, Kingston, Ont. es ANOS HKASKIIIAIIIIIIIINICN agate Ware : x We carry in stock a nice assortment of "STRANSKY" AND "ELITE" AGATE-WARE which are the best grades manufactured, ang for the balance of the month we will offer 15% DISCOUNT ON ALL-PURCHASES. No. 9 Nickel Plated Copper : Kettles, $1.00. ELLIOTT BROS. 77 PRINCESS ar Canada's Standard 5 FOR Su Refined Sugar 0 . & MONTREAL. ( THE IDEAL DUSTER HAS IT OCCURRED TO YOU THIS WAY? For a few cents (35) you get a part, for 50 cents you get all the results of months 'of strenuous effort and the expenditure of much money, result- ing in the production of the IDEAL, a high and low dust colle¢tor and general cleaner. : Ito and shuts like your hand; the move- mént has never heen equaled. It's handy ; every day you need it, some days more than othets. :