ATE WAS. 0.6. oss 3, " DAY AT BROCKVILLE. She Was Daughter of the Late Dr. H. A. Betts of Portsmouth-- Had Endeared Herself to All For Acquaintances. Brockville Recorder. Many homes were thrown into sor. row Thursday night when announce- "ment was made of the death of Mrs. Debbs, wife of Rev. Rural Dean O. G Dobbs, rector of St. -Paul's church. The gnd' came peacefully at thg rec tory, "Victoria avenue, shortly 'after! five o'clock. ~ The deceased had been ill since last autumn with an affection of the heart which = 'gradually grew! worse, though at times she appeared' to recover her lost strength, but her relatives had been advised that hen passing might. occur very quickly: Vednésday morning she appeared: about the same, but during the after! nopn a change set in with fatal re' sult, | The late Mrs. Dobbs, was Miss Amy Caroline, fifth daughter of the late Dr. Henry Augusta Betts, of Portsmouth, near Kingston, in his' life time a well known medical practitioner Her younger days were spent in Kingston until her marriage to Rev. Mr. Dobbs in 1881, when they went to Wyebridge From there the reverend gentleman and his life paftner moved to St John, N.B., where the former became curate of Stoné church, Later they re- moved to Carleton, N.B, and in 180 came to Brockville when Rev. Mr Dobbs was called to' the rectorship of St. Paul's. Since that time Mrs. Dobbs had been a continuous resident of the Island City and formed many ac quaintances who will cherish nothing but .the kindest and pleasantest recol lzcti®ns of ome who at all times was a kind and true friend. The late Mrs. Dobbs was a lady possessing the highest Christian vir tues, one who endeared herself to all acquaintances. She was heartily asso ciated with her husband in the wel fare of the congregation of St. Paul's and Dy them she will be greatly miss ed. Her charity was not confined to the congregation over which her hus- 'band is rector, but in an unostentatious manner she 'went about doing good, her kindly acts being spread in all quarters. Besides her bereaved husband de reused jssurvived by. two brothers and two sisters, namely: Mr. H. A. Betts, Kingston; Mr. F. P. Betts, barrister London: Mrs. Walkem, wife of J. B Walkem, barrister, Kingston, and Maud Betts, Kingston. AN ENJOYABLE CONCERT Fine Programme Given at Syden- ham Street Church. Friday evening, a most concert was gWen in the little room of Sydenham street The programme was an ex (On able school church. enjoy : cellent one, and there was a good at tendance. The affair was given by the young people of the church, and they are deserving of much credit for the success of the entertainment. The pro gramme included the following items: Solo, Mary Andrews: nurses' drill, twelve girls; reading, Mr. Plews; sel: ectionts by the male quartette; cadel corps drill, twelve' boys; solo, Wm Eva; reading, Mr. Plewes; comic song Sergt. Harte; concluding with a fine tennis drill, Charles Taylor ably filled tite duties chairman during the evening. of Connect The Dead Ends. At the waterwork's committee meet ing 'on Monday afternoon, the acting chairman, Ald. Toye, will bring up the question of connecting all the dead end mains, and advocate. that the work "be proceeded with at once. Ald. Toye says that he has it on the authority of a doctor that several typhoid fever cases originated from drirking of water that came from the dead ends of mains, - He is bound that these ends shall be connécted. Unfortunately Omitted. Quite by accident the name of Mrs Edward Steacy, the vice-president the Infants' Home, committee of man agement, was omitted from the account of those helping at the tea and sale in Friday's paper. However, Mrs. St tactful energy in all that pert: to the welfare of the home well known that it hardly needs mention. of, cacy s 15 So Must Pay Duty. -- Fhe customs department has notified that a duly of 27". per cent Will- be collected on all zengmes for vessels or water boats purchafed in the United States, even though the hull 1§ manufactured in Canada Ihe statutes' will also be enforced regard ing "having all boats carry lights after dark: > been Making Investigatidn. The police located the man who picked up the dollar bill which a lad claims to belong to him, reference to which was made in Friday's Whig, and the case is. now being investigated, to find out who is the rightful owcr, as there is a dispute te 1s French cleaning our 'spécialty Prompt delivery." My Valet. Women must have spring hats wheth: er wet have any spring or not. ta 'THE DAILY BRITISH W INSPIRATION IN DREAMS [R. L. Stevenson Attributed «... UNDER THE GITY DOM { . to Sleep Thoughts. T-- 1: Robert Louis Stevenson owed much { of. his inspiration td dreams. In one SEVERAL CIVIC MATTERS | passage he attributed some. of his fins DISCUSSED. | est work 'to thie "browrhies" whe ten- 4 | @nted his brain during moments of un- | Road Scraping Now Proceeding-- | consciousness. "The Strange Case--of Sibway Plans Must Be Filed { 'Dr. Jekyll and M7 Hyde' owes its or jigin to a dream. "I had long been By Saturday--No Genersl Tree Trimming." trying to write a story on this stib- ject," writes Stevnson, "to find a body, | Fy. heavy rainfails this week came at an opportune t'me for the scraping vehicle, for that' strong sense of man's double being which ymust at times | ¢ 110 1524s and enabled the work to qome in upon and overwhelm the mind | proceeded with to-day. The roads of every thinking creature. For two |. & be good and wet before they can days 1 went about racking my brains |, properly scraped." When April is a for a plot of dny sort, and on the] a. "0h the watering carts have to second night I dreamed the scene at fo." cor the roads ahead of tic scraper. the window, and: a _scene afterwards | fp. spring cleaning of the 'streets will split in two, in which Hyde, pursued » for some crime, took the powder and underwent the change in the presence of his pursuers. All the rest was made awake and consciously, although 1 think 1 cam trace in much of it the mantier of my brownies." appropriation. . The Subway Plans. 8 On Friday, the Grand Trunk railway, | according to the order of the railway; ! -ommission, was to file the plans for he construction of the subway at the Montreal road crossing. On April 26th work must be begun on the subway, which is be completed before Aug- Ist. The tity council when it meets | will pass the finance committee's recom- mendation that the "city treasurer be withorized tp pay out the city's share of the cost as the work proceeds, and in aceordance with the railway com- | nission's order. The council will have | o provide the money by the issue of ! iebentures. Balfour's Escape. . A. P., London. Of : the two celebrated barristers Balfoursand Erskine, the former's style was gorgeously verbose, while the lat ter's, on the contrary, was crisp ant vigorous, Coming into court one day Erskine /moticed that Balfour's ankl: | was--bandaged. "Why, what's the Erskine. ; Instead of replying, "I fell from: gate," Balfour answered in his usual roundabout way: ° was * taking™ : romantic ramble in my brother's gar den," he said, "and on coming to gate I discovered that 1 had to clim! it, by which 1 came into gontact wit the first bar and grazed the epidermi of my leg; which has caused a sligh extravasation' of the blood." "You may thank your lucky stars,' replied Erskine, "that your brother' M matter?" aske: The Man With The Pull. Ald. Kent and his parks' committee wre credited with having fared better | han any of the pther civic committees, with regard to appropriation. The -arks' committee has money enough to nake an additional driveway entrance o the pity park at the corner of Barrie ind King streets and to secure a foun- ain for: Clarence park. Add. Kent's 'pull" with the finance tommitted has nade Alds. Graham and Angrove 'ealous. However, the parks' commit- ee deserves consideration, for in past ears it has given tie people beautiful ind well-kept parks with very little sxpenditure. gate was not as lofty as your style, o you would have broken Your neck." SIRARASOMINF ESRC CARA ARCROACACACAORCAORORORCANACHCECR. 2 7 : ; The Man On N$ Tree Trimming. There will be no tree trimming this sear, as recommended by the city en- zineer, for the reason that there's no noney fort the purpose. It is necessary 0 say that the trees throughout the 'ity need trimming, but they'll have to remain in their unsatisfactory condi- on, A week ago, the Lampman attende the sacred recital in Chalmers churcl Of all the singers, only one 4ppeale to him~--~a young man named Kelso, h says. "That! young man was the onl real singer of them all," the Lampma told me. "The others had nice voices he explained, "but in most of them or f the essential qualities of singing wa lacking Some had no pawer of pression and no dramatic ability. On or two cmitted "pleasant sounds, ar one in particular was very self-cor scious." The Lampman doesn't pre tend to be a singer himself, but he say he can tell the différence between machine singer and a real singer. Tl young 'man Kelso, he says, sings wit great feeling and expression, and use his body as 'well as facial expression i his 'solos. 1f there had been a com petition, the Lampman would hay given him the palm. ' - et ue The Lampman would like to Hea angther. address by Trustee Edwar Bennett at a Board of Education niect ing upon the attocratic and high-hand ed course pursued-hy Minister of Ec ucation Pyne in' holding the grant t the Kingston Grammar school becau it has no gymnasium. It is not lon ago. since Mr. Bennett, he says, calle Mr. 'Pyne a czar Over a school of ped agogy matter, The minister of educ: tion, the Lampman thinks, needs a go« trimming for this high-handed act hi He doesn't think the doctor i Paint The Light Poles. When the light plant by-law was pre- sared, it included an amount for paint- 'ng the electric light poles, which are sertainly not brnaments on the streets, though they are much neater than the slder and much larger poles erected. I'he general impression is that it's ime the poles were painted. No doubt Ald, EMiott, the chairman of the light, eat and power committee will see to t. The by-law of the city says that poles mn streets must be painted. There are thers besides the city's poles that need | 1 bit of paint and those responsible for the enforcement of the by-laws should step a little livelier. : ex Had Artistic Aunts. New York Sun, rrederick Remington, the illustrator, fresh from a Western trip on which 1e had been making studies of In- dians and -cowpunchers and things yutdoors, met an .art editor who insist- :d upon dragging him up ta an exhi- sition of very impressionistic pictures. 'You don't seem enthusiastic," remark- sd the editor as they were coming out: 'Didn't you like them?" Remington, remembering what he had been told is 1s 'a boy, counted ten be i ministér of much education, or | Then: "Like 'em? Say! wouldn't do what le has done. It wo maiden aunts in New up to Lawyer Nickle, - the Lampma hat can knit better pictures says, to take a club and force the doc J those!" tor back inte his hole. and demand a apology from him for. such treatmer of Kingstonafter-it ¢lected a supporte of the Whitney government.--THI TOWN WATCHMAN Rochelle than Brewer's Mills Wedding. Thee occurred a pretty "but quiet vedding at St. James' chapel, King- ton, on Monday evening, April 12th, vhen Rev. Fr. Hanley united in mar- | iage Miss Jennie Roach, daughter of | I. P."s Weekly. I. Roach, Brewei's Miils, and Capt. | Dr. Francis Galton, in his recent! /. «b. McKenna, of the same place. | published "Meno of My liss A. Fahey, Marysville, was brides- tory f rst wid and W. J. Metcalf, Secley's Bay, a thirst that h: id the the honors for the groom. Ai- years, althoug ier the ceremony they drove to the tempered by discretion. "I" was," | wme of the bride's father, Brewer's keen at my medical wor! f Mills," where a splendid repast await- that, being desirous of appreciating th" fid them. Captain and Mrs. McKenna effects: of different medicines, bega: }intend residing in Ogdensburg, N.Y. by taking small doeses of all that wer included in the pharmacopoeia, com mencing 'with the letter A. It was a interesting experience, but had obvion Something To Remember. Life," tell for infor | a good mation when a 1} not been® lessened by says, "so Took Sudden Flight. The mistress of -a street | yoarding house would like very much | However, I got nearly t 0._get trace of one of her hparders, the letter ( when [ wa who took sudden flight the "other stopped by the effects ot croton oll ¥ ivht, leaving a board bill amounting I had~ foolishly believed that tw fo" 805 unpaid. = It is claimed that drops of it could have no notable ef ie also "stung" a- number of King- fects, but indeed they had, and 1 recal tonians, before leaving, for certain them now amounts. Piincess drawbacks the end of is Think On These Things. What has become of the fire depart ment ,re-brganization question?. Citi zens are asking this. It is now almos the first of 'May, and practically noth ing has been done. What about a nev engine and a hose tower truck. -- ---------- Secured Certificates. After instruction and practical work the following privates of the 14th re- riment have been awarded certificates. Adjutant Hughes held the examina- tions on Monday and Friday nights : Sergeants' certificates--Private E. L. Bedore! E. Parkin, Ross McRae, R. B. Gage, S. Foster, W. Horsey. Corporals' certificate--Private Williamson. . Gib- pa) spring blood remedies at son's Red Cross Drug Store. It to go there. All fresh goods. A man can't be as wise all of | th time as a woman is some of the time Buy Ww. Religious Profession. On Tuesday afternoon, Miss N. Ken: vedy, danghter of Michael Kennedy, Portsmouth, and Miss M. Egan, took . Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. wt the white veil at" the Hotel - Dieu. Archbishop Gauthier officiated, assist- «d by Fathers M. McDonald, Joseph McDonald, Halligan, Hanley and Mur- phy. Baseball On Friday. American League--Washington, 3 2. Philadelphia, 0; New York, St. Louis. Joston, I. Detroit, 10; Chicago, 2. 6; Cleveland, 5 National League--Boston, Phila- delphia, 0. Brooklyn, 0; New York, 3. Cincinnati, '4: Pittsburg, 3. Chicago, 1; St. Louis, 3. 9 ¥ Church Services. St. Mark's church, Barriefield, the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia wild preach to-morrow morning at eleven o'clock service. J. D. R. Williams has been appoint- SPV apa Cae d subsgpllector of customs at Cardi- ling and decided to send word to the {Board of Trade to the effect that if 'at quite a hole in 'the board of work's"! | delivered at noon yesterday. The ban- | United States commissioner. Llishery. relations of the two countries. er supply. nal, Ont. : * "NO BEER, NO BANQUET." 'Lady Caterers Refuse to Sanctisa « Xiquor. .. Berlin, Ont., April 17.--"No bea, ho bangtiet." This ex lains in a nut- [shell the reason why the annual ban- quet of the Waterloo hoard of trade 'was called off = Wednesday afternoon. Colonel Sam Hughes, M.P., was to be the chief . The Waterloo Young Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary was to do. the catering. The banquet com- Imittee arranged to have the function 'in the Orpheus hall, and had provid- led, for those wished it, some of .the beer whith made Waterloo famous, tto be served by a staff of men. When ;the ladies' auxiliary heard that beer 'was to be served tl called a meet- heer was to be served they would not do the catering. This ultimatum was Guet cominitiee met and decided to} try and obtain the services of another ! catercr but the time was too = short for any of them to make preparations and so the committee called the ban- quet off. -- ARE CONFERRING. Code of Laws to Govern Fisher- : ies. " Stamford University, Cal, April 17. ~Prof. E. Pringg,, who represents the British government' on the Inter- national Fish Commission has arrived to confor with David Starr-Jordan, the The two commissioners will compare the re sults of their investigations prelimin- ary to the preparation of a final code of laws gaverning the international » This was certainly the most beauti: ATURDAY, APRIL 17. 1909, THE NYS IN GENERAL Occurrences In The City And Vieinity--Other Briel Items of Interest Easily Read And Ra- Rugs cleaned or dyed by new cess. My Valet, y Hy Rechab Tandy, Toronto, continues vary low. ate worst is feared. illiam Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. fol day of the spring thus far. Gas Whd ic accounts are die, Pay them now and save tem per pent. Bruce Ellis; representing the fo Coal company, of Buffalo, is in the |, city. Mr. and. Mrs, F. G. Lockett have removed to their new home, 24 Stuart street. Miss Jessie Muir, B.A., Queen's, has accepted a temporary position in the Cttawa Normal school. Fresh flower and garden seeds at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230. : : Mrs. Clarence Young and child, of Trenton, are visiting with friends in Kingston and Loughbore Lake. The. Pishop of = Ottawa has offered the 'parish of St. Paul's, Almonte, to Rev. Charles Saddington, Richmond. I'he city engineer is awaiting a copy. of the subway plans from the G.T.R. company's engineering department. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. Leave orders at Me- Auley's k Store, ex- Lach ropresentative has drawn up a | separate set of laws. The final code will bo sent 10 President Tait, who will submit it to eongress. The code also will be presentsd to the British parliament. 1i the com- | bined code is ratified its provisions will apply to all the fishing waters contiguons NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED | ~~ IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody | ~Notes From All Over--Little! of Everything Easily Read] and Remembered. ! R. K. Cowan, London, has been ap- pointed deputy county court judge Middlesex. | A biil to incorporate the Catholic | Church Extension society .of Canada will be introduced this season. | A petition is being circulated | amongst the Montreal bakers with a' view to securing unanimity in the atter of an advance in the price of | bfead. ] The ice jam in the Niagara river at Nagara-on-the-Lake moved down a distance of about bali a mile dur- ing the might and considerable dam- age resulted. The "Patten pool" has cleaned up between $4,000,000 and $5,000,000 on | the May wheat deal, says the Chicago | Tribune to-day. Of this amount | '"Jim"" Patten has pocketed fully two- thirds. A north-bound C.P.R. freight "train was wrecked half a mile north of Tot- | tenham. The engine and ten cars passed over safely but nine of con! and one of hay wer¢ ditched and bad- ly smashed up. Rev. Dr. R. P."Mackay, general cretary of the Preshyterian foreign n.issions, Toronto, received, on Satur- day morning,"a cablegram, from Tam- | sui, North Formosa, saying, "Earth- quake; all safe." Negotiations ave about concluded | for the acquisition, by the Canadian | Salt company, of the plant of the Saginaw Salt and Lumber Co., below Sandwich, thus securing absolute control of the salt products in west- ern Ontario. A writ has been issued against the | Grand Valley railroad company, of Brantford. The - plaintifi, Western Counties Electric company, also . oi Brantiord, sues for $1,993.75, for pow- se- | | John Cowan, of the public worke de- | partment, and dominion superinten- | dent of heating and plumbing, died, | svery suddenly, of heart failure, at his, residence, in Ottawa, on Friday- night. ! He Svas a former resident of Mont-| real. : At Gananoque, the inquest into the | death of Francis McCabe was held last night. The jury, ailer being out _for ty-five minutes, found came to his death ' by accidental drowning, and that there was no evi- dence of foul play. A Washington despatch says the state department has, unofficially, in- formation that the Canadian parlia- ment will give its approval to the amendment made by the United States senate to the treaty between the United States and Great "Britain concerning waterways. Ottawa detectives have obtained im- portant clues in 'the sendational Kill- ingbeck kidnap inystery "and are expected at any time. Two resi- dents of the country say the Killing: thecks called at their homes about mid- night, Thursday, after the assault, told the police. . - MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Now. The schooner Cornelia cleared, light, for Oswego, to-day. : The steamer Aletha was at Swiit's, to-day, on her regular bay trip. The schooner New Dominion arrived {iromi Oswego, "to-day, with coal for | Sowards. ' | The new steamer Banshee, owned by Capt. Smith, and turned out at Davis' dry dock, 'was launched to-day. The éteamer Edmonton arrived, from Toronto, at four o'clock, Friday after- noon, with 127.000 bushels of oats, for Richardsons' elevator, The schooner Bertha Kalkins, aged in the bridge collision, a weel ago, cleared for . morning, to load coal for Sowards. "The steamer Bickerdike, of the Mer. chants' and 'Take Superior line, will not clear until Monday. She will go Nght to Fort William to load gram for "Montreal, . dam- v to the United States and I #Canada. i teleeted i h Or as soon as the piles ave dry. | dved | Albert Latour that McCabe arrests, hould have been on the outside. thus bearing out the victim's story as | What is Stirring in the Port Just] k {likely to sweep over all Asia Minor. Oswego, Saturday" The Wolfe Islander 'brought an ceptionally large number of passen- gets over from the islands this morn- ing.' . The genuine Burdock Blood Bitters are sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. It pays to go there. 3 The Grand Trunk railway is making preparations to relay the-double track wtween Brockville and Kingston with 100-1b. rails, Kingston and district was giveh a heavy shower of rain during the night. The farmers say that the shower was gladly welcomed. i 4 Empire day will be celebrated in the public schools of the city, as usual, this year. Fach school will hold its own entertainment. A drunk was the only offendér in the police court this morning 'and he was fined $1 and costs, with the op- tion of Yen days.- Major W. H. Daniels has been re- e president of the Ogdensburg fair. This vear's dates are September 20th to 24th. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Pringle returned to Cornwall, on Thursday, Mrs. John Weller, of St. Catharines, going down with them for a visit. Miss Ruth Boyd was recommended by the management committee of the Board of Education, to act aw pianist at the Central school kindergarten. No, Maude, the weather vane on the city dome is not standing still. It's moving like a woman's tongue, aud changing as quickly as her mind. . Quite a large number of students have been leaving for the west. The local railway officials were besieged with students to-day inquiring for rates, ete, Hope of Kingston lodge, old a sucwssful social in the Sons of England hall," on Tuesday night, se- venty members and friends being pre- send. The marriage of Miss M. BE. Illsev, Picton, to W.T. Coote, Red Deer, Al: berta, took place at the residence of the bride's brother "in Winnipeg on tho 7th inst. The carting away of the street scrapings will begin. about Tuesday, It will be the middle of May before the roads are' in their summer condition. Brockville lost another honored citi- zon, on Friday, Mrs. Alexander Grant McCrady. Hor death was not unex- pects as she had been a sufferer with, paralysis. She was eighty-one years of age. ' Five runnems decided to go over the five-mile. course, starting at three o'clock this aiteraoon. The reads were very heavy, but the men thought they could make fairly good time over the course, Ladies' dresses, jackets, waists, or cleaned. My Valet. Lowis Bartiome, junk dealer, of Pres- cott, who, last week, was found guilty of assaulting ex-Constablo Leo, of that town, occasioning bodily harm, was sentenced to onc vear in the Central prison. LOG.T., ele, a Lansdowne lad of ixtoen years, was let go on suspend- ol sentence, his father promusing to find ® home with a relative. Latour | was recently caught in the act of rob- {bing the till of A. E. Mooney's store 'in thit village and was otherwise in' "morrigible: i " | The impression oxists that the city property tommitiee of last year could have saved 8500 by cutting out 'the ornamentation inside the city build ings' dome. The fancy work cannot be !secn unless one climbs up high. When {the dome itself was being put dp ina cheap way, all the ornamentation On Friday afternoon a farmer's horse fell at the corner of Princess and Montreal streets, and received rather i serious injuries; The farmer was diiv- {ing a team and when he arrived at | Princess street, "one of the horses slip- ped on the pavement and fell heavily, dragging the other horse down with it. The ome that fell first scraped it- | self pretty badly on the pavement, | but luckily did not. break any bones. | Spring Importations Of 1909. Prevost, .Brock street, has received three cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, including Scotch and English tweed, serge, ete. Thomas Davis, captain of the Port- { land street fire brigade, Toronto, has | been appointed chit of the: fire © bri- gade of Victoria. The latest reports say 2.500 persons have been - elain at Merzina and 'Adana and the massacre of Christians {is spreading to other towns and is | Once upon a time a lawyer met a fool and his money; the next day the fool met the lawyer with his money. Every time a mhn gets elected may- or of a village he thinks he's in line aa KINGSTON BRANCH oof: BATURNER Mansger, Stylish Hats, Suits, Coats, Waists, 8 . ! id gd and Skirts; Striking New Effects CHOOSE confidently from these spring * stocks; no question as to the right- ness of anything purchased at Spence's. Moderate prices © Any amount of choice. throughout. David M. Spence, memos 4 dtd db SLL LLL884000004000000800044000600004 ae Wanted: A Manager To Open a Store Here HE SEMI-READY COMPANY will squip a store T jn Kingston with wardrobes and a stock of Semi-ready Clothes tailored inh the modes of the season. Py They are prepared to receive applications from a resident of this City who has had experience in salesmanship, and who knows how to present a first- class article. A Salary and a Share in the , profits will be paid, and a plan laid down whereby thé manager may pay for and own the store out of his surplus earnings. We want the right man--a good salesman, capable, energetic, earnest and honest, with good record, re- putation and recommendations. ; The Store will carry a stock, but it will be the duty of the manager to actively and. personally present our Special Order samplés to gentlemen who want something different and something better than they can now buy in Kingston. Applications, giving full particulars, present occu- pation, and experience, will be treated confidentially. Address, C. P. CREAMER. Managing Director, SEMI-READY LIMITED, Montreal. : house, ; ; Canada Life Assurance Company, Imperial Guarantee and Accident Imsurance Co. Western Fire Assurance Company Last Mountain District--North-West Lands, Special Excursions for Prospective Purchasers, --_-- Cobalt Stocks. For Full Information Call or Correspond With Je O. HUTTON, AGENT. OFFICE--18 Market St., Kingston, Ont. for a four vears' residence in the white}