Suitable Materials for | Children' s Wear. Come and have a look at our G Piques and. Fine White Materials, Summer-Dresses from them. It's the way. inghams, Prints, Chambrays and "select. the Children's s none too Soon to get them on Chambrays, Ginghams, 'English Prints, and light colors, at 8c., 10c. » 124ec., 15¢., Piques, Ducks, Indian Head, Linen 12] 300, oe Ly ead, ens, at 13]ec., Fine Mulls, for 15e., 18¢., Muslins, in dark 18¢. to 25c¢. per yard. 18c., 20c. to 9 i Muslins, India Linens, Lawns, Swiss Muslins, '20¢,, 26¢. to 35¢. per yard. ¥ t ( Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. 3 PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLE He d of a family, or any male QUALI TY-- over 18 | years old, may homestead a quarter | sestion (180 acres, more or less) of! available Dominion land in - Manitoba, The applicant Saskatchewan or Alberta. must appear in person at the Dominion Lands gency or Sub"Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. DUTIES .--Six "months" residence upon and cultivation of the 'land in each of three years, A homesteader may live within nine miles' of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owhed and occupied" by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sigter. In certain d These are the two essentials in printing. We give full | measure of both, | distriets a homesteader in fgood standing may preempt a quarter section along-side his homestead. Price $8.00 per acre. Duties.--Must reside six months in each 'of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time | quality required to earn homestead patent) and 1 * cultivate fifty acres extra. homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption 'may take n purchased i 5 E Sh » . . : + There's Satisfaction in Service Our printing is sold on the as] sumption that there's economy: in {ly C prosaic iy Wa piled British Whig Press $3.00 per acre. Purchased homesteads i may be acquired .on any available lands on -either odd or. even numbered Sections South of township 45, Kast of the Cal- wry and ; Edmonton Railway and the fest line of range 26, and West of the | third Meridian and the' Sault Railway | Ti line. Dwtjes.--Must reside six months, in | I each of three years, cultivate fifty acres James Campbell, © ' and erect a house werth $300. 109 BROCK STREET. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- Cleaning and Pressing. 8 a WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL.--Coal mining rights may be leased for "twenty-one years 'at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2,560 acres can be leased to ovne appli-¢ cant. Royalty," five cents per ton. QUARTZ.--A person eighteen years of age and over having made a iscover may locate a clajm 1,500 feet by 1,500 feet: Feo, $5.00, At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year, or paid to the Mining Recorder. When $500 has been expended or paid and other requirements complied with the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 feet square.- Entry fee, $5.00. DREDGING .--Two leases of five miles each, of a river may be issued to one applicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, £10 a mile per annum. Royalty, 2% per cent after the output exceeds $10,000, W. W. CORY, Deputy -of the Minister-ef the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Real Estate For Sale. No.1---Brick Dwelling, modern, 11 rooms, west end, near Collegiate. No. 2--Briek Dwelling rooms, splendid nas No. 3 --Double Brick, mod- ern, paying 8 per cent net. No. 4--Double Frame, well rented, in good condi- tion. No. 5--A Row of Sevén Jilt Edge Investments. Ih jt New Velvet Collars, from 75. CENTS UP NEWS OF NEWBURGH. Finkle's "At Home' in Aid|" of Charity. April®* . 19. --The "At N. H.'S. held in Finkle's | was a most enjoyable | N. McKim and Miss to leave Newbwrgh for Cobourg. Miss Helen Finkle was accompanied home . = from Bishop Strachan scliool, Toronto, by her friend, Miss Walsh, of Brantford. Miss Jean Duff is alse spending the holidays with Miss Finkle The cheese factory started opérations last Monday, t Visitors: Miss Mary Beeman, Athens, Miss Muriel Paul, Napanee, Miss Bes ste Paul, Kingston, at, Dr. Beeman's; Miss Pearl Wood, Toronto, with her |, parents. Mr. C. W. Thomson, Tor onto, with relatives. Miss Marion Bridgenorth, Misses: Nellie and Mabel Sherlock and Miss Marquis, Killarney, Man., at. J. M..Denyes. Ray Farley, Kingston, at his father's, 'James. Far- ley. Dr. H. A: Nesbitt, Lindsay, with his father Harry Lockhead, Tor- } dato, with his aunt, Miss Lockhead i Mrs. A Shorey, Toronto, with her z sister, Mrs. Charles Frye. Mr. and Mrs. F. Breeze, Forest 'Mills, at C. Welbanks. Miss Majorie Gibson, Na- panee, with her frierid, Miss Mary Bee man. Mrs. William Boyce, Watertown, N.Y. with Mrs. James Boyce. Mr. Heather, - Brockville, Mr. TF. B. Wilson's. Mrs. Weod, Harrowsmith, with her. sister, Mrs. Jensen. Mrs. C. Moore spent a few days with her niece, Mrs. J. G. Ettinger, Albert street, Kingston. The "Atr Home" H. Finkle' issuéd invitations, nesday night was a literary high order, Mr Herrington, of Na- |! panee, gave an interesting account of Shakespeare. The evening ended with a musical programme, furnished * by Mrs. Finkle, Rev. Mr, and Mrs, Spen- cer, Mr. Wood and Miss Walsh, of Brantford. A recitation was beauti- fully fendered by Miss Finkle, pupil at Bishop Strachan School, Toronto. A liberal ¢ollection was receivéd | which will be SPpIopriated to its best possible | 1 use by Mrs. Finkle for charity. I. B.. Wilson has secured a position Port Colborne and left last week. Mrs, It Newburgh, Home" of the hall last week affayr. Mrs. W. McKim are about M fe o a O s a at Vv t for which Mrs. ( on Wed. ( treat of |! I have a large number of --properties-to--choose-from: Yori can make no mistake to call and take choice early i in the week. D. A. Cays 57 Brock St. HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LULRICATING OILS, i of 1 hi it It Politely Bounced. | \ example of the extremely | courteous ih public correspondence | | was the 'notice sent to Charles James ! that he was no longer a member | si government of George III. It |: good v the read thus been pleased bee \ ston in win pear to issue a your name new commis- does not ap lc FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY, W. F. KELLY, Toye' s Building, Clarence and Ontario Streets. 1 Incompatible Standard and Tinies Well, well, the idea of la Miss Goldey! Why; he's aj Browne--What has that to She's got plenty of money, That's jifst it. She'll him; she's too rich.-- oN lic Fowne marrying dyspepti C 2 do with it and so-- Towne- never with ANGROVE'S. FOUNDRY... Brass and Iron Castings : % Bader ia Boe oe of Any Size or Weight. are SO busy: . f wg IY Eo Place d'Armes mud-throwing. Perhaps Mr prefers golf. ais Iv la agree Well, Perhaps It Would. Jonte Globe. 11 tory members "at Ottawa object | fn game ol |p Borden "5 ba t TH El EPSON] LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS Occurrences "In The Clty Empire day. real, 9 a box, ed or dyed. St.-Mary's cathedral on Sunday morn- ng. lft on Sunday for Cochrane to join-a Ey party. Blackwell's. jams in. on Queen strect. Sold in Saturday was arrested, Saturday night. Macouahie's marmalade for irip south: days on a irip through the States. Kentucky lawn grass seed. at P W. F. was removed to There's Economy in Quality. |. drunk was fined $2 | option of ten day | lawn grass seed. from Ottawa, after 25¢. selection was given by and fringes cleaned. catlicr! than last year; as a result. ¢ Kingston only at Gibson's Red | Sunday ston. ruiner, dian Marathon contest at Korohto on! Other M will: make Kingston beautiful. in London, Ont., Miss in Smart "Aloha Oe" of received Saturday aniafeur States, esting description of "The Ideal Golf principles which will be understood by all intelligent players, course which 'has been recently Montreal slashing parliamentary debaté "from a and Mothers" "His gracious majesty has |of the*past were "blacked" -out in Han sount®r with the Russian censor. ole generally confine their occasions eacn the 'oronto the tHE DALY ( GRAND 1 OPERALNOUSE Monday and Tuesday, April 19th and 20th.| . Matinees at 2.80. Evenings at 8.15. HUGH D, McINTOSH has brought direct from Australia the original 5,000 FEET of Movi Pictures of THE WORLD'S. CHAMPIONSHIP, BURNS- JOHNSON CONTEST hatin Prices, Dhidre.: 15¢. ; Adults, IN GENERAL. And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re membered. Expert dyers. My Valet. Gilbert sells pure maple syrup. The schools re-opened this morning. Belleville is to have a celebration on L. L. Henderson was here from Mont- , over Suny. Gilbert offers Sunrise soap $3. 108 bars. ig poms, clean- Va Rov. Father a: preached ~ at Eviing, 25¢., 35¢., "Foe. We Seats now on sale. Feathers, Plamen, 8 nly WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21ST. rSit And His Company, including MISS JULIE OPI IN The World and His Wile By CHARLES FREDERIC NIRPLINGER Prices, 25¢., 50e., 700, $1, $1.50 Seats now on sale. BLJOU TO-DAY AND TUESDAY "A GYPSY DOUBLE" A Coon Mansion--The Betrothal-- The Gypsy King--The G-nsv Maid--A Strange Mistake~Kidnapped--In Prison-- The Escape--The Robbery--Is She Mad ? ~--Home Again--The Gypay's End. "TWO COMEDIES" a Masquerade Ball," Adventures of a Photo- Miss Mary Tilson, 358 Montreal treet, is visiting friends and relatives n Hamilton Harold Thompson, Wellington street, offers 'this week Crosse & 7 1b. ting for§l, | nar $1.25, Miss Ina Sands returned to Toron- 0, to-day, after visiting her mother, Gilbert cures eczema, Red "Poslum" positively Kingston 'at Gibson's ross drug store, The police had and a very quiet time, 8 '. k 5 Sunday. One drunk Be, Be. 20e, 2Be, Sutherland is home from He will leave in a Gilbert is offering "two pots his few James 'Make Kingston beautiful." Sow Sold only store. Gabson's Red Cross drug hone = 230. William Allan, Chicago, spent Sun- ay with his parents, Capt. and Mrs. Allan, St. Lawrence avenue, Gilbert expects Jersey butter in 5 b. ecrocks soon. Charles Ferguson, Colborne strect, the general hospital | with typhoid | "Gay Girls at and "The Funny graphic Fiend," Hlustrated Songs as usual. 5c WONDERLAND 5c THE HOUSE OF REFINED VAUDE- VILLE. ALL THIS WEEK, THE MUSICAL SMITHS High-Class Musical Artists, presenting something new to | Kingston Theatre Goers. TO SEE THEM. MISS WHITTIER, PICTURES, changed c¢ VAUDEVILLE every and 4 p.m ADMISSION CENTS YRDON m Saturday, suffering Gurtali ns and [Srapeties cleaned or ved. My Vale Thera was a aS iste sesgion of he police court, this morning. A and costs, with the Comedy entirely in Illustrated Song. ily. alternoon, 230" for Kentucky It makes Kingston eaufiful. Sold only at Gibson's Red ross drug store, Miss Nellie O'Connor, has returned successfully pass- examinations at the normal | that city. IPRINCESS THEATRE offers four LIPMAN, Prop. TO-NIGHT'S PROGRAMME, + A) 8 x J W. HOLLAND & 0 in his At Codke's church, yesterday, a fine | comedy Sketch, entitled "CHECKERS. the quartette, | BOB MILLS, a colored servant--J. W. Miss Ross {HOLL AND, Sarah Simple a colored. Just phone at 8 FIVE the same, LAROKES reluains | Ss. STALEY 8 ng the chool, in Gilbert ting salmon for | oniposed of Mrs. J. Evans, DON'T FAIL] CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lec. a word: Bach con- secutive insertion half cent GOLD 10 Ep 8 bigs BA LB OK Br RLS, Teturn to Whig alice, & word, Minimum for one in sertion, 25¢.; three insertions, BOC. six, $1; one month $3. / : Z . WANTED--HELP. APPLY JOHN LAID- MESSAGE BOY. law & Son. EXPERIENCED WO on farm. ton, Cataraqui, Dare SINGLE £2158 TO AT ONCE, A GOOD GENERAL SER- vant. Apply to Mrs 25 Colborne street. AT ONCE, A GOOD GENERAL SER- vant.' Apply to Mrs. James Richard son, 100 Stuart sireet, YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF baby. Must have left Jcheol, Apply Steward, 'Frontenac Clu A FEW SMART GIRLS Limited, TO WORK IN Hosiery Co., ing St. SERVANT, NO uired. Apply niversity Ave. GOOD GENERAL washing. References Mrs. Macpherson, 138 A GOOD SMART BOY, AT ONOE, YO drive a delivery rig, for grocery. Apply to J. Eves, 09 Livingstone Ave. REFERENCES RE- quired. Apply in the evening, between 7 and 8, to Ye M. Sullivan, Corner Princess and K ng streets. A HOUSEMAID. SALESMEN WANTED FOR "AUTO Spray,'"' Best Compressed-air Hand Clark Wright, ' Sprayer made. Sample fred to aps proved agents, Cavers Bros, Galt, Ont. LEARN BARBER TRADE. TOOLS free. New system. Constant practice. Careful instructions. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Few weeks complete colirse. Write for free catalogue. Moler Barber College, Toronto. > WANTXD--GEN ERAL, THE - OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work; All kinds done. F., J, Birch, of "work prompt ellington street. Electrician, 206 N IF YOU HAVE ANY GRADING, SOD- ding or gardening you want done, | drop a card to J. P. Treneer, Quebec | street, and he will call on you. { ' 4 APPLY TO JAMES ACTON, COAL and Wood Yard, Cor. Colborne and Division Sts., to get. ashes cleaned out of yards, or cellars, "Phone, 53. CUSTOMERS TO BOOK ORDERS NOW and be assured of a regular supply of ice, at reasonable rates when needed. Office, Myers' Meat Market, or 'Phone 881, John Gleeson. ACCOMMODATIONS, FOR 300 DELE- gates, from Saturday evening, June 12th, till Monday evening. $1 per housemaid--Grace sisted by | his trained BANTAM ROOST ER "DICK DOG, RED." at great expense nd Messts. Smith and MeLeod. Cushion covers, fancy work, laces [and : bib py | act has. been secured My Valet. | direct from New York, Couié and see well phsed with the | Something new every night. They say that pas- | 2- ILLUSTRATED SONGS--2. ready. "about a wock | "MARYLAND." by G. MILLER. "WHEN WE WERE BOYS, ERANC, Qur pictures TO-DAY are fino. the first time they wepe ever rua. reledsed from manufacturers to-day. {THE LEC Ls OF THE FOR-GET-ME- Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Martin and lit}. Drama, 1» , 3 x MMER i or SC HOOL| ' NS 3 | . le Floyd, of Sydenham, spent THILDREN IN PARIS." (Seenic.) with their parents, Mr, and Hrs. Overbaugh, 13 Stephen street. | DON'T FORGET OUR MATINEES. Gilbert sells * Five Roses at 8bc 1.70 and $3.25. Misses Low, Ottawa, entertained in rmally at tea, Thursday, in honor f Mrs. Dudley: Oliver, of Manotick, nd Mrs. G. C. Mackenzie, of King- "GREAT PAD Farmers aro cavy showers. ures will be McConkey 's Sold "%n} Cross ; Saturday," sweets, "Fresh on hoice of Royalty Jarst rug store. son, | '| AUCTION SALE, HOUSEHOLD {¥ URNITURE, TUESDAY, APRIL 20TH, 10 A.M. Mrs. x. Meyer's, 148 Cabinet G Upright {ister Carpets and Rugs, | pendale Chiffonier, Easy Chairs, Lady's { Desk, ete., Rattan .and Other Rockers, speedy | Fancy Tables, English Fumed Oak, Din- {ing Room Suite, Dinner and Tea Ser. | vice, Fumed Oak Bedroom Suites, Iron | Be rds; Springs, Mattresses, Oak Dressers, Bedding, Wardrobe, Mahogany Bookcase, Gentle- 'oy {man's Writing Table, Nottingham Lae {rom Ken. | Linen and Muslin. Curtains, Sr'air Cg Sead | pet. Hall Rack, Hall Seat, 'Bookshelves, Sold land Books, Elk and Moose-Heads, Moose rani Robe, Happy Thought Range, Kitchen 4 > oO = { Cabinet, tensils, Crockery, Ulassware, tore. Phone 230. | Garden Tools, 'Hose, etc. Hugh Peters, an R.M.C. cadel, was ALLEN, The Auctioneer. on Saturday, acting 243 Sydenham St. at the marriage of his sister le lina of Frame Delng Lo aughtier of Col. Peters DOC. rancis Leys Coulson, son" of Mr. an | MURRAY' AYO TION ROOMS, quare Irs. Duncan Coulson, Toronto. Market Gilbert 'offers peaches or strawberries Saturday, 24th April, at Twelve0'clock Noon 9 'h. sanitary tins at 15¢. each. | No. 159 Alfred street, owned by estate Jack London is represented in May (of late Mrs. Mary Small, subject to a Set by a charming story. | reserve bid For particulars, apply to 9d : ign A. B. CUNNINGHAM, Solicitor, 79 is a tale of Hawaii, full | Ciarence street, or to WM. MURRAY, the romance and perfume of that | { Auctioneer. unbathed island empire. In the de- meester eee ert : ve basic idea of BY PRIVATE SALE elopment is shown "the basic idea of ace-difference that intreduces an in- eresting problem. Ron Three Handsome Walnut Bed- oo steads, Extension Dining Table and Ten Chairs, in Oak, Hall Coat "Choice of Royalty sweets," Me 'onkey's, Sold ly at Gibson's 9 On ey ilu fhson's Hed and Cloak Closet, Walnut Bureau, at 49 King "street. 'ross drug store. Four large cases HOME FROM ENGLAND. ae Axmin- | University Piano, Walter Cole, Deseronto, a will not turn professional and, horefore, will not go into the Cana ay Ist. "The genuine blie grass" ucky. Kentucky lawn grass Red Cross nly. at Gibson's 'Phone, 252. s usher fresh from the fac-! ory. . H. Whigham, for several years Foll chs ampion of The United gives to Scribner's an inter- J James A. Minnes and H. W. Rich- ~ ardson Have Returned. James: A. Minnes, of the wholesale drygoods firm of Méatnee & Minnes, turned home on Saturday after six weeks' absence in the country. He visited the various large centres in England, Ireland and Scot- land, and also Paris, in behalf of his business house. This was Mr. Minnes' twelfth trip across the ocean, To a Whig representative he stated that business conditions were very good in the old country. <The prices in. woollens and linens were stiffening, cofton prices were also picking | up. There had been quite a depression Lin the cotton market lately. Paris is where Mr. | dress goods. The patriotic and unexpected offer en- {of New Zealand to give a warship to Peo- (the British navy reading of | asm in England: the proceedings of parliament to those upon which the members | message re saying just as offensive things about {on the matter of naval defence, and | other as their ingénuity- can in- | the getieral opinion was that Canada | ent; and Speaker Marcil will shoulder | could alws: ays be counted upon to be at great responsibility if he abolishes { the right hand of the motherland usefulness. of the Press Gallery | when danger threatened the empire. depriving it of its audience. { I. WW. Richardson was with Se ee to. and «from Anks." * He lays down the. general and illustrates description of the com- 11s points with a sleted on Long Islan, esponsibility. Star. the ruling o be hat eng member of parliament must say anything offensive to another, it vill become impossible to distinguish a is maintained If Meeting. If all the offen- | ive remarks which members have nade about each other in- the gay days | that worthy work would look Tolstoi painphlet after an sard, tke a Mr. -Minnes said, the of the Canadian parhament, Mr. | Minnes A Very Trying Ordeal. Telegram. 2,000,000-acre othing for Sir James roud of; albeit it may Ontario patriot to md vote for it, ° | turned. on the S.S. Empress is | tain, landing at St. John, N.B. Mr, be | irdson's! trip was principally for a be the duty, of | rest and change, but visited his hold his nose |{ grain firm's in. Britain * 1 Europe. land. grant Whitney to Phat he agents and 8g 4 This | i. | LL "by R. RE| This is Handsome "Chip- { and | Black Walnut | merning, | old | Minnes purchases his firm's | ¥ caused great enthusi- | t that { British people were so pleased with the | England. © They | | went over on the' SiS "Celtic and re | of Bri-| | assembled . A ith birthday of Mr. day. , Call or write R. B, Nelles, Y. M. A., at once, GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date Price and workman- please; Pressing ring done on the shortest no bomas Galloway, 181 Broek | ., next' Bibby's Livery. i { LEGAL. . B, CUNNINGHAM. BARRISTER and Bolicitor. Law Office, 79 Clarence SITUATIONS VACANT. PORTRAIT men ye sia JTRITE. u their owa and Portrait Co., ited, Toronto. SITUATION WANTED. SITUATION IN store. Best of x 194, Whig office. 8 of BY YOUNG MAN, Gents' Furnishin ferences. Apply Bw LAWNING AND HODS, 20 FT. 10 IN. oats Panihand;. Se Tinley iG ; wHITE WYANDOTTE Ay Ton ~~ per satin. Kk! A. Boss, 087 pid FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FIRE, MARINE r Clarence -0, 8S. PATRICK. 0.8. SIEATHICE, IT St., Kingston. 'Phone, 568. ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT PO cies in The North American Life In- surance Co. Standard rates, abso- lute security, splendid results. T. J. Boon, Agent, 159 Wellington St. POOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance ompany. Avali assets $61,187,215. In on Be which the ho olders have security the unlimited liability of a the stockholders, srarm and property insured at lowest i rates. fore renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568. ARCHITECTS. LIVER ARTHUR ELLIS, . fice and residence, Ave. ARCHITECT, 181 University HENRY P:; SMITH, ARCHITEOT, ete., Anchor Building, Market Square "Phone, . 845. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- tects, etc., Office, 258 Bagot street. "Phone, 608. POWER 4 SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER Bank Bu Prock chan uilding, corner and 'Wellington streets. "Phones, 213 BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. DEALER, OF arrived in this City lot of imported Hartz and Andreasberg Ri ller Canaries, which he will sell at Mr, Leach's Auction Store, Brock St. All birds guaranteed singers. MR. SCHUETZ, Buffalp, has with a fine Mountgin BIRD PERSONAL, YOUR FUTURE ness, marriage. of birth for test astrologer, Box TOLD, LOVE, BUSI- Send aime and date to Plato, reliable 325, Buffalo, N.Y. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, etc, removed permanent without scar. Twenty years' experi. ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Rar, Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist, 258 Bagot street. MEDICAL CARD. ROBERT J5 GARDINER, M. iD. cian 3 Surgeon, Oorge and illiam streets. Of on a.m. ; 3 to 4 and Sy 870. DENTAL. PHYSE of ol Hours, 8 to 9 pms SPARKS AND SPARKS, 2804 Pringess St., Kingston. DENTTSYR Phone, St., Kingston. WOULD COST MUCH MONEY To Connect the Dead Ends of the-| Water Mains. | To connect the waterworks dead-end | mains throughout the city would cost ra great deal of money, and it is doubt- | ful if the $13,000 balance of rest fund would cover the cost. Superintendent | ! Hewitt, when 'asked to-day, how many dead-ends ther® were, stated that there were more than one would imagine He produced a plan showing that they | extended all over the city. To con nect some of them would mean exca vating distances of 600 to 700 feet, and in places there was much rock to be encountered. It might be tendent said, to connect down-town dead-ends in cure a better fire supph under present conditions be no increased revenue to the water- works department. Mr. Hewitt stated that the department had quite sufficient pumping power for domestic supply. If the fire supply was to be igereased, more engine power would soofier or later be required. the superin some of the order to se- of water, but there would advisable, On Baldness. Harper's Weekly. It has been discovered recently that there are no bald-headed men m our msane asylums. Other interesting facts about bald people are the follow. ing: RT ev see a bald-headed wearing his own hajr. " "No one ever saw a red-headed bald' man. Most bald men their wife's nameé. No bald-headed woman heen known to admit it. Bald-headed men never appear public with their hair marcelled. 1f everybody was bald from birth | the hair-cutting industry would be par- lyzed. ! If a man loses his hair no amount | advertising will restore it to him. No woman was ever drawn to a bald-headed man by capillary attrac- tion, Baldness cannot be cured by having rquer hair pulled, as. yb#t- can cure I toothache by having a tooth. pulled. | .The bear has more hair. to the square inch than any known animal, and yet there is nothing in the world barer than a bald head. » qther interesting facts |; but none of | moment, with saying | of bald { man | keep their hair in| has ever | | & in | of } 1s There 3 about baldness, | them occyr to us at this we will ¢ontent ourselves in conclusion that the head man in-the--{ront- row theatre shines like a naughty world. 10 doubt, sO a good deed in a| A pleasant gathering of relatives and numbering about seventy, at the beautiful home of! Mr. and Mr . M. Young, Cedar | Hadee Farm, Fast lake, Tuesday, of last week, to celebrate Q Young, neighbor 8, on the seventy- | Mr. | was {| Wednesday | outfit and a bedroom set, | father. | a handsome gold brooch and | their new home which the groom h m f the modern |: { Mav "dence of 846 UPRIGHT HEINTZMAN, A: ost new. at Whig Whe 1 BLACK MOULD, FOR FLOWER BEDS, -or top Sno Also ashes removed. brop a card Albert Stansbury, TWO LADIES' BICYCLES, Ni aveland. Coventry, sh m arativel R A bargain for cash, Bet Turk's, few THAT DES} AT, DRE RABLE and a 2568 garden facing he St. h can be converted nto building 'lo! lo hith BOATS AND ENGINES, NEW AND second-hand. See what we are build- ing for all parts of Canada before piacing your order. Coward's Fac- tory, Ol Tannery. ONE Fng- SECOND-HAND Buaey TWO NEW force pumps for or shallow wells, easy working ; a comfort able auxiliary cruising yacht, in sound condition dnd well Townd, All at SArgain prices. Apply 185 Ear} SOME Goon HoRses, years, price $125. claughlin Buggies The Waggons ; also some second-hand Cultivators, Drills and Disc Harrows, cheap. F. PB. Grass; Massey-Harris, 182 Clarence ee 'ONE FOUR well-known TO-LET. DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND © TUN. nis tores, ete. McC y Brock, Cor. King St. san 'a, THAT LARGE AND ENTRALLY situated house, 98 Bar , Possess gon M May 1st. Apply to J. Gilbert, AT 348 cheap. Gents' TWO REAR ROOM OFFICES, King street. Will rented Call quick. J. P. Forrest, Furnisher. GOOD CONDI- THREE . ROOMS, IN tion. Rent $4.00 per month. Pose session May-* 11th. . Apply Mrs. Watkins, end of Fifth St., West, A SINGLE BRICK HOUSE, No. 115 Stuart street, modern ime provements, Possession May 1st. Avbly to John Ashley, 28 Livingston 10 KROOMS; FOR SALE OR TO LET. THE WILSON = HOMESTEAD, 114 Stuart St., Modern You can see 'Ldke Ontario at its best, as house is on _elevation, two streets from shore; also lots on Al- fred, Johnson: and: Macdonnell Sts. Apply John Tweddell, or Mr. Power. $5.75-SUMMER COAL--$5.75 We are selling a lot of this Coal. ¢ It is excellent value for "pring and summer use. SWIFT'S. A LATIMER WEDDING. Pearl Taylor Wedded Harlowe Man. April 16.--~The residence' of Mrs. John Taylor, Latimer, scene of a pleasing event on evening, 14th inst, when | er, Miss Pearl Frances, \ united in marriage to Thomas Thompson, of Harlowe. The young people were assisted by Miss = May Taylor, sister of the bride, and Casber Thompson, cousin of the groom. At eight o'clock the strains of the wedding march, played by Miss Lillian Road- house, were heard. The bride, look ing- very charming in a cream crepe de chine gown, entered the parlor on her father's arm. She carried a shower . bouquet of white carnations and wore the groom's gift, a gokd locket and chain. The bay window back of the bridal party was banked +with--potted-plants--amd ferns The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Roadhouse in the presence of relatives of the contracting partids. About thirty-five guests in all were assembled. The many presents showed the popu- larity of the young couple. Among the gifts to the bride were a house- -keeping from her mother 'and a check for $150 from her The bouquet was presented hy Mrs Charles Vanalstine, Kingston. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was his best man a gold tie pin set with pearls. After congratulations a bountiful wed- ding supper 'was served. The evening was. pleasantly spent I vocal and in- strumental music. The bride was papular voung sehool teacher and the | groom is a promising young farmer of Hadowe, Thursday morning, the oung £0 le left for Kingston. At! poon they left on the C.P R. for | ad i As to a Latimer, and the their was daughter, readiness for their occupancy. i they boarded the train they were again | showered with confetti by friends whe | had 'surprised them by their presence. | vy -------- { April | At Bethesda church, Don, on | Alberta | Ith, occurred the marriage of (1ay), Youngest daughter Peter W. Milne, of Don. to Harvat Fi lison Sharp, son of Nelson Sharp, Violet, | The death of a Rophiasinirg th, in Gry nt of | ols former resident of the person of Mrs. | Noxon, urredd at the } her datghter, Mrs, W. Major, | on 'Easter Sunday. . | OF + Montreal, | father and said: resis | a ---- UNDERGROUND FOOTPATHS. Beneath Champs Elysees, Where Motor Cars Pass. Underground passages for pedestri- to be built at various points the Champs Elysees,' Paris, which the constant stream. of motor cars riow renders impassable from morning till evening. The congestion of other Paris streets also has grown to an alarming extent, and all thor oughfares round the Opera are bloc ked with the traffic for hours Morning and afternoon. If the Champs Elysees tunnels prove a. success others will he { excavated in the centre of Paris, and | foot passenge rs will in futore cross not over the streets but under them. [It had been "hoped to build the ap proaches to the Champs Elysces un- derground passages in inclined planes, down which perambulators could have been rolled easily. . Bdt this has heen found too costly and only. staircases will be provided. 7 ans are beneath Dr. Wilfred Grenfell. Ottawa Free Press, "In 1883, while I was studying medi: cine at the London Hospital in White chapel, I was 'attracted by a huge crowd going into a large tent in the slums of Stepney. There was singing going on inside, and curiousity led me mn. As [I left with the crowd, 1 came to the es that my religions life was a humbug. [I vowed in future that T would either give it up or make it real" : Thinks Well Of Himself. Hamilton Times. If Col. Denison takes his own state- ments in his recent book seriously, he t ought to order a wide nickel-plated halo | and a bronze statue of himself to com- memorate his self-sacrificing héroism which-saved Canada from being snuffed out, and warded off grave peril to the Empire--a service that an . ungateful | people have failed to recognize, much less to reward. A Disturbing Element. Here is one from a family where the father and mother argue very mich. On such an occasion one of the chil iren stopped squarely in front of. his "If you had not got into our family things would be differ- ent." a Mi improvements, Usunily it means Jost timb to argue. A with the fool.