MILLIONS oF CELLS. The human body ts composed © countless millions of cells. These cells are conidtantly dying and new ones are being created. Dead cells are removed from the blood by the bowels, kidneys and skin. These great e¢liminating organs filter this waste matter from the blood, and thus purify the blood. If there tion of the bowels--if th kidneys are strained or weakenmed--if there is de- fective gkin action--then the dead cells are not removed from the body. The biood thus becomes loaded with impuri- ties, and we #uffer for it. The 'only way to purify the blood is to cure the skin, bowels and kidneys. 'When these organs are healthy and do- ing their work as nature intended them to do #t, waste matter is promptly re- moved and the blood is kept pure and rich, "Fruit-a-tivés"--the famous fruit liver tublets--act directly on the skin, the bowels and the kidneys, "Fruit-a- tives" pur] the blood because they keep the whole body strong, vigorous and healthy 50c¢ a box, 6 for $2.60, or trial bux, At dealers aor from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Have You Seen Our New Wall Papers? stock de of signs Tmported color We have a large Goods In the latest and fogs. . Relief, for dadoes--Burlaps, Plato the newest thing Moulding Groining Paperhanging: T.McMahon & CO., Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts. CA Lucrusta loom and Rails. Painting, [ERS FTTLE IVER PILLS. RE ek Headache and relieve all the troubles inel- dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Bide, &e. While their most remarkable succoss kins been shown in ouring SICK Hleadache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- venting thisannoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of thestomach stimulate the Mesighnd regulate the bowels, Even if they only HEAD 'Ache they would be Mumité priceloiato those who suffer from this dis t; bus fortu- nately nd those whoo pills value able in so many ways a HE to will not be wil Jing to do without them: But after all sick head CHE athe bane of 50 many lives that here is where we make our front boast.' Our pills cure it while others do n: Carter's tile Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take, One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gontie action plgase all who - them. CARTER MEDICINE 00., i..« TORR. al fad Don 4 Small Bria Any House Owner Can now afford to have Electric Light in the home. and | is Jonstipation, or non-ac- | | bered NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CO CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in -- Eastern Ountario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Chantry Personals. Chantry, April 19.--Frank Seeds has got his new butter works in his cheese factory. The farmers are gathering in their sap buckets and have started ploughing. . A. Sheldon and Sher- wood are building a belfry on the school house. iss Jesie Arnold, of Athens, is visiting Miss Bell Brown. Misa Minnie Alford is visiting friends were, . Charleston Lake Locals. Ehatleston; April 19.--~The ice tof the lake on Tuesday last. a Smith, of Watwtown, N.Y., visiting his cousin, Daniel Beach. Charles Slack and J. McKenney visit- ed at Long Point for a couple 'of days last week. F. Steacy's new cottage, that was only partially built, was blown down by the heavy wind. It is being rebuilt. Dr. Lillis is preparing to puild a new wharf and boathouse. went Rich- is Taylor Notes. Taylor, April 19. ~Ouf cheese factory has opened for the scason. W. Dundon has men engaged digging the collar for iis new house. The big wind storm did a lot of damage in this, vicinity. A number of boys had a sugar party one night last week and report a good time. Eldon McCalpin and E. Gallery pent Sunday in Ellisville. Mr. Ham- ton at J. Berry's; J. Spence at J. T. Nuttall's; Mr. Reid and Miss Annie ('Grady, Lansdowne, 'B. Murray and J. Kelly, Brewer's Mills, spent; Sun- day: at J. Dundou's; Mr. and (Mrs. Géorge Sly at J. Berry' Wedding bells in the near future. J. Boyle at Jewer's Mills. Sangster Affairs. Sangster, April 13.--~The rain of yes- terday has spoiled the roads again, as they were very good before. School has commenced With Miss M. Burns, Oates, as "teacher. Joseph Barrett, sick with pneumonia, is better. Visi- tors : Mr. and - Mrs. J. Sheehan at N. Murphy's; Mrs. D. Magnet and daughter, Helen, Kingston, at William Ryan's; Bartley O'Connor; Colé Lake, James Fitzgerald, Fermoy, Mrs." J. O'Connor at Thomas Young's; Michael and Anthony McDonald, Cobalt, and J. Kelley at Thomas Barrett's; Thom- as DBarrete, Thomas Young and J. D. Burns at Westpori; Miss Katie Murphy and F. Riley at J. Murphy's; J. Con- way at J. Hickey's, Dodireys Jd. KH. 0'Connor at P. Hickey's; S. J. 0'Con- nor at J. Jennings', ay P. Daley in Kingston; Joseph Dorey, Tichborne, at J. Sheehan's. Tribute To Deceased Lady. Clarendon, April 19.=It is with deepest regret that this section learn ed of the death.of Miss. Edith 1. Ro- gers, of Kingston. Deceased had taught our publje school for one and a half years and endeared herseli. to all who knew her and especially © the children. Her inflyence for good was lasting and her stirling Christian'char- acter and work impressed many. She was always interested in church and Sabbath sehool work and is réfmem- fo good deeds, Ernest Barr accompanied the Messrs. Riddell to Hamilton." William' Dickson has re- tarned to Sharbot Lake. Mr, and Mrs. Levi Moss. Mrs. Cannon and Floyd, Joseph Cook. and Miss Alice (ook al visited Kingston last week. W. Davy and bride arrived on Thurs- day. Edward Badour and wife have WE WILL WIRE YOUR HOME| "AT LOW FIGURES. And allow each month for you to pay a little a year. Electricians, and House rings] y both G as and We our specialty is Up-to-Date Fixtu ires Electric H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO., "Phone, 441. 79 Princess street. i With * Maypole Soap With Ease at Home With Sure Results "20. fov colors, re. for black. "NOTICE. We have installed a Hobart Electric Coffee Mill, with a Capa- city of two pounds per minute. We are prepared to supply our Fam- ous Blend of Java and Mocha Coffee, fresh ground and guaran- teed the best obtainable. 'Phone or send your order, which will receive our best attention. D. COUPER, Dealer in Pure Food "Phone, 76a. 341-3. Princess Sh. PROMPT DELIVERY. FARM HELP Farm Laborers-. or Do- --_-- communicate with Desirable Apply JAS. F. KNAPP, Government Agent, Kingston. you want Servants, fmmigrants placed » No matter how great the 6 a houve the background is only Jord wide frontage - 8 | | | me. | | with removed Bathurst. John Welch is ting new to a house, Chaffey's Lock Budget. Chafley's Locks, April 20.-~The amount of syrup made was about half the quantity last year. Farmers have commenced ploughing, but the re- cent rains have made the land wet for a few days. Trappers in this vicinity are about done i this sea son, and jireport a fair catch, T. 8. Bartley has_arrived here from Virgin ia, to assist his son, M. H. Bartley, in the management of the Opinicon | Club hotel. Miss Rose Simmons has returned home from Cleveland, Ohi where she spent the winter. J. W. Simmons'. little son is very ill. Mrs, J. E. O'Brien, Montreal, visited rela- tives, here, on Saturday and Sunday last, and returned te Montreal on Monday. Henry Fleming, Athens, spent. Easter holidays at home. Miss Fdn# Fleming returned home from Kingston, on Good Friday, She has been very ill. School~ has re-opénéd, an average attendance. of too Budget From Sharpton. Sharpton, April has not began yet, 19.--Spring work as the ground is too. wet The feature of the dairy situation is the high price of mile h How much*less a dollar will to-day than twenty years ago truly remarkable; Is this or it "To the "advantage of the" poor ? is a problem we will leave to to dilate on. Between fifteen twenfy years ago, flour sold at per cwt: oats, fifteen cents a eggs as low as seven, and eight cents a dozen, and other farm produce in proportion. Compare these figures with present day price The con- tagions --disease----prevatent in and aronnd Odessa for so long, is slowly dying out. Trappers are very busy along Mud lake. Several have return- ed from a fishing expedition west of Bath. Dr. Bell has purchased and taken possession of the old home- stead. N. Smith hs moved from the city to his farm. Mrs. E. Taylor has geturned, after visiting Mrs. (Dr) Trousdale, © Mountain. Visitors : Miss Maud Bennington, Havelock; George McGowan, Kingston; Miss' Ona Bell, Fernleigh, visiting "her parents; Mr. and Mre.™P. Mohan visited friends at Centreville. Mr. Rogerg¢ draws milk to Glenvale COWS. buy 18 18 not man others and $1.50 bushel; A Decided Success. Lake, April 19.--Roads condition. The maple {sugar social, at Oconto, in aid of the Methodist church, was a decided School has reopened, under the | St. George's jare in a bad suc Coss vement of -Miss S¢ammell, A number took in the com- shows able mana | Kingston. edy company's ONO sm Miss Lake last week, F. McKivar made a flying trip to Kingston, last week. .B. Bly has secured a good position near Arden. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson made a trip to Sharbot Lake recently. Mrs. G. McKivor has returned home, after visiting friends at Harrowsmith. Visitors : Miss Ritchie, R. McGinpir and Francis Davison, at A. McUianis'; Frederick Bovee, Chaumont, N.Y. Tichborne, C, ick, Ernest Babcock, Sharbot Lake, at G Mchivor's; Mr. and Mrs. Ghatles You dv, Oconto, at J. Boot) s; J Crowe, at D. Sly's. Riley 0 gleteds the burning & his limetkiln. iss Florence McKivor and Miss M. Riley have gone $0 resume their duties as. teachers at Mountain Grove and Bethany, respectively, Free Methodist mecting was held at J. Wain's," Ocon- to, on 'Friday evening. News From Piccadilly. Uiceadilly, April 20.--H. Reynolds in- terials holding a cheese" meeting in Vemna cherse factory on Saturday next. F. Davy's" family have moved from their farm to Reynoldston. Mr, Davy and son, Albert, intend Hog Lc lo Cobalt. J. Salshery has taken farm Jaely occupied by Mr. John Gregory has moved from Florida to the old Jomesgend, John Quinn hae improved his place by put. ting a wire fence around his-yard. Mr, Brown is doing a rushing business with his saw mill while the water is high. J. A. Goodfellow made a quick trip through here last week. Master Ray Walker is. on the sick list. B. Botting went through here buying pigs. Quite a number small chil dren have had an attack of pneu, monia. Miss M. Freeman has returned to her school after spending her holi- days at home, William Knox has re curcd a position on the section with Aylesworth. C. Walker, Hol- leford, spent his holidays at J. Quinn's. T. 8S. Wells made a business trip to Kingston nast week, Mr. and Mi: J. Cowdy, of Verona, spent Sun- day, at Piccadilly; B: Snider at J. Walker's; Mr. and Mrs. E. Freeman, of Hartington, at G. Dier's; Mrs, S. Snider and daughter, Florence, - are ting at W. Garnson's, Cole Lake. Divy. ol Charles Vis Much Building In Sydenham. SRvdenham, April 20.-Sydenham coming to the front as far as building concerned. Philip Roberts has men at work on the foundation of a new two-storey brick cottage, on Amelia street. W. H. Davy-is preparing to rect two-storey sales-barn on the Amelia and George streets. W. Griflith, of George street, is adding a new wing to his residence. Wilham Hicks will build a brick residence, his property on Bridge strect cast. Trousdale prepari to build a hake shop and grocery store on Drow- ary street. The cheese and - butter factory Siieneeh up for tho season. ®Mrs. Garvin paid a visit to her store in Odessa on Friday last. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hanna have turned from Toronto, after spending a few days with their daughter. Mrs. W. Carscailen spent a fow days last week with her mother, Mrs. Shields, of Enr terprive. George Joyner spent Satur- day and Sunday with his parents at Lapum, and also called on friends at Odessa. Mr. Clark and family are moving. off Bridge street and- will their home at Missouri. is is a corner of on Ww 18 has John branch ree make Oak Leaf Occurrences. April 20.--Charles Prockville Jusiness College, Baster time with Mr. and Mes, D. Beach. Oscar Pierce is learning the science of cheese and butter making with W. C. Taylor. The. first con- signment of this. season's cheese of W. I. Taylor's factory was sold last week for 12fe. pepelhb. Jack Earl has engaged with Clifford Green for some months. Charles Murphy is on the sick list. Master Eddie --Earl, Wiltsietown, was visiting at his grand mother's, Mrs. Lucy Earl. Mrs, AZM. J. Johnson, who was confingd to bed, is better. A number here are and have been sufierers from the prevesling grippe. Mrs. Albert Wright, two weeks, is improving, Mrs Young, Soperton, at her. Mrs. Wright. A number attended the pie social at Soperton last Friday night under thé auspites "of = the Epworth League. Floyd Green and Harry Green jook "in the-dancing assembly at Lyndhurst on the 16th. Kayvmond Green, student of 0.A.C., Guelphy is home, Miss .Jen- nie Ralph; Lansdowne, spent the Eas: ter holidays at the home of her - pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Ralph. Murs, Samuel Whaley, Delta, was at William Godkin's last week. W. Charland, Forfar, returned to his school here to- day: He is preparing a number of pupils for the entrance examinations. Fred. Warren has rented the farm of Peter F. "Johnson for this year, Far- mers are gathering in their sap bhuck- fs after a fairly good season. Mar- jorie Moore, Athens, recently was a guest of Mrs. D. Beach. Miss Ber: ney, Soperton, was sewing N. Ralph's. Yates, spent Oak Leaf, epidemic, ill for William daughter's, from_ here at Ship Made Without Iron. Technical World: Magazine Sinbad the sailor, it will be remem- héred whilé" pursuing one of his event: ful voyages, met with shipwreck, ow- ing to the cirenmstance that his vessel approached too near to a certain mountain of lodestone, much dreaded bv mariners, which, exerting an irre sistible magnetic power, pulled every nail and bolt out of the ship, causing her to fall to pieces. Against the possibility of "a misad- venture of this kind, while sailing the seas, one modern ship, She has been built, outfitted in Brooklyn by the Carneg Institution--a bwmgantine-rigged yacht, measurings 153 feet, 6 inches in length over all, with a beam of 83 feet, and a mean draft of 12 feet 7 inches. all. her stores and equipment board, she will have a displacement 'of 568 tons. The ed, is a beautiful little vessel, and provided with every luxury that ordinatily be found on a millionaire's vacht. But the really remarkable point about her is that she has been constructed in all her parts almost without the use of iron or her planks and heams ate held togeth- er with wooden treenails and bolts and spikes of copper and bronze. Her engine and other machinery are of on is steel. at Sharbot" bronze and brass and the very pro- peller is of manganese bronze. Hattie Steele, | ( larendon, and | | was to have continmed till the middle at all events, | may be said to be adequately -insurcd. | and is now being | With | Carnegie, as she has been nam- | can | | Even | * BODY STILL UNDISCOVERED. Searching For the Rema of Roland 'Robbins. Gananoque, April 21.--Some {wenty- five Jrom town were over at ihe scene of the drowning accident near the head of Grindstone Island, all day yes terday dragging for the body of young Roland Robbins, but had to again return io town unsuceeasiul. The Citizens' = band hazaar, which of the week or later, was put. Lempos- arily out of business hy Mayor Done van last evening, the hall being needed for a session of the town council. George Andress, shipped nine new fourteon- foot dinghys, manufactured during the past winter, at his boat works here, to a New York customer. The question of a cadet corps in connection with - Gananoque High School is rofeiving considerable oon- sideration just now. The hoys are drilling daily in charge of Lieut.-Col. McKenzie. The. teaching stall amd scholars are all strongly in favor of organization, and it is expected to materialize in the pear future. It is rumored that John Seal, oi 'hiousand Island Junction, will enter an action for damages against the G. T.R, for the loss of cattle on Friday last. Mrs. John Howe, Athens, spent past week with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Cross, at Eden Grove. Mrs. George Gilbert, Kingston, is spending time with her father, John Darl- Leeds township. Mrs. John G. Lets, has returned from a with. Kingston friends, O'Connor, of Kingston, town with the Misses A. Sword, Wel- the somo ing, Haig, visit The Misses are Visiting in Pelow, Garden street. lington street, is in Kingston, to-day day', and will bring Mrs. Sword, who | has been undergoing treatment in the general hospital, home with him. MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKET. Paid For Products. Montreal, April 20.--The here for butter is strong, prices are unchanged, with fancy new milk creamery selling at 24¢. per | pound, although an occasional lot can be picked up at less money. As high as 237c. kas béen paid. in the country for butter this week everything | pointe to a further advance in prices at the end of this week. The stock of old butter here is pmactically exhaust ed now. The receipts of néw, how- are steadily increasing, the total here to-day aggregating 1,019 The Prices Various market though ever, arrivals packages. There about but there made this April Jast year. nothing special to cheese, Receipts are increasing, is not likely i any more month than tMere was . in There no change in prices to note, the few that have been offered for sale this week have been picked up at around 12} the cheese being colored, of course. A small lot of eastern white cheese was sold on- this Market to-day at Ilc. | There is no demand for white, and] very little for colored so far this | week. Unless we have some demand prices in the country this week will be lower. All depends upon the demand from Great Britain. The egg market is steady, good demand from grocers at Receipts were fairly theavy to- day; there is very little going into storage. It looks like a steady ket throughout the week, Dressed hogs are firm, with unchanged at &11 to $11.25 Ibs. for fresh killed abbatoir is say | with =a 19}e. hut cold mar- prices per 100 stock, NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points| in Eastern Ontario. King, aged fifty-three, pro- | merchant of Watertown, N.X died of an attack of scarlet fever. A company has been formed in Ug- denshurg to compete with the Stand ard (81 company for the trade in| that vicinity. John Sturgeon, former Glen Buell, who moved to last October, died Saturday, illness of several days. The "appointment of J. liams, of Cardinal, to be a, sub-co] leetor of -enstoms, datige from 17th, -- 1908; was gazetted on day. At Malone, a FP. P. minent resident of Brockville alter o an | DB. R. Wil-| Jan Satur. N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. PF. Goff last week celelwated tl fiftieth wedding * anniversary. 'Lhev| are former residents of Brockville clizabethtown? John. Harker, of the death of The late in England years ago. ronducting a furniture | business, Belleville, | was arrested on Saturday charged with fraudulently appropriating pieces | of furniture which he was "supposed to} repair, Word was received in Mallorvtown, Monday, of the sudden death Mr. Chassells, a former resident merchant taflov, of that village dropped dead at his home near nee. , Mr . William breathed her last at an Sunday. S. weir and Belleville, received | his father in Georges Harker a little word Toronto, was born ixty-nine Charles Eden, and upholstering over of | and | He | Napa- on Smith, her husband's re sidence, Owing to he ---- I Sunday Brockville, | They're back again, those good old days of wheeling--Coming back stronger if one may judge from last year's record. And why not? Ask yourself. Weren't you healthier everyway than you are to-day? Didn't your meal feel more comfortable, and the joy of living greater than what you've experienced since ? THE NEW WHEEL Sills Handle Bars Bicycling brought you into the sunshine of the fresh country and entertainingly gave you the exercise necessary in your sedentary life. Hygienic Cushion Frame And why not again with a new 'wheel replete with all those modern improvements that gy Brake, have made the new Silver-Ribbon Massey" "Silver-Ribbon Massey" Bicycle Famous Hercules You must test thisnew bicycle to experience what these improve- - ments mean. The Silver-Ribbon Massey is a *Pallinan" compared to the "day coach" of bicycling. Write to-day for the catalogue--Test the new features. The Hercules Coaster Brake is the latest and greatest of coaster brakes. It has no side arm--can be taken out and replaced in any bicycle in one-third of the time required by the other kind. 5 H. MILNE, Kingston advanced years Mes, Smith had been failing Born feeble and in health jor ral Augusta Mrs Smith's maiden name was Mary Shep- | herd, daughter of the late John Shep- | herd, amd in' her seventy-seventh year ars, mn NOTE THE PRICE FIC. Pride In Her Husband. -- -- PEREEGTE | AD WRITING. PAPER FOR LETER COPYING ical philanthropist, and a of. the useful type, while Pads of 100 Sheets, size 8. x11 inches---7e. cach, Pads of 100 Sheets, size 51 x 81 inches--4c. each. - Sir pra reformer ing pat t a social wait in a tenement house for the oceu of the first floor to admit him che need to overhear two women con- versimg on the stairs: One chanced to remark that her hus" a clean shirt every morning. The other replied, | now; I never cares about Sun- but I allays do see that 'ec 'as a shirt every Saturday afternoon, | that's the time he is g and when 'e does to fight I do-hke band always wore "Wall lays, Jos: PRINTING DEPARTMENT _THE HOME OF GOOD PRINTING. co rink coat « take to-see him British Whig Publishing Company look nice and clean. RZ Bo MARK {EE ez MCormick. Quality in these delicious biscuits. have passed a rigid purity-and-quality examination niade by expert bakers and our own chemist, Fifty-one years of experience in them, too. baked so perfectly --a revelation of crispness, flakiness and superfine flavor, McCormick's the right size and style for a discriminating hostess. Remember to distinctly say McCormick' F-A-N-C-Y Jersey Cream Sodas when you desire design shown in picture. Sold only in 10e and 5c Blue Label Packages. - See that 'Little Lord Fauntleroy' trademark dppears on package. M CCORMICKS "Ente S522 BISCUITS & Will You Try McCormick's _F-A-N-C-Y Soda Biscuits ? All ingredients That's why they are exclusive design, very neat, thin and flaky )