Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1909, p. 3

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Dress Goods - We are showing some extra fine Dress. Goods this spring. Light and heavy weight materials suitable for Suits, Plain or Fancy Dresses, Waists, Skirts and Sum- mer Suits. (Fine Viuetians, Ser-, ges, Tweeds, » Cloths, Voiles, Grepe-de-Chenes, . Raw Bilks, Linens, Indian Head, ete., in all the newest 'shadesind at prices ranging from 25¢ to $2.50 We invite your inspec- per yard. tion. Roi Silks Silks, Silks, etc, | = Rajah ine, India and prices, Crumley Bros BVT RLRLLBNN TL Ey J'EMBROKE RAILWAY IN UONNBECTION. WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Hormeseckers' Excursions To the Canhdiant Northwest, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Low trip second-class tickets will he ' following dates--May 4, 18; June '15, 29; July 18, 27; A 10, Rept. 21: Good to retirn within days from going dave. KINGSTON --OTTAWA Ieave Kingston, 12.01 p.m. arrive| Ottawa, 6 p.m. Leave Ptawa 10.45 a.m., ston. 8.556 p Full articulate at K. & es R. Ticket Office, Ontario FA~CONWAY, Gen. i I p---------------- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Ontario daily (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napenee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and all points north. To secure quick despatch to Bannock- burn, Maynooth, mnd points on Central Ontario, route. your shipments via Day of Quinte Railway. For further particu- lars, apy R. W; DICKSON, Agent, Royal Mail Train INTERCOLONIAL GENIN Maritime Express Famed for excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car service. Leaves MONTREAL 12 noon daily, except Saturday for Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax. FRIDAY'S MARITIME EXPRESS Carries the' EUROPEAN MAIL and lands Passengers and Baggage at the side of the Steamship at Halifax the following Saturday. Lr Manitoba, round- fssned an 1 and C, P "Phone, 50. et Agent. JIntercolonial: Railway uses Bon- aventure Union Depot., Montreal making direct connection with Grand Trunk trains. For timetables and other infor- mation, apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 130 St. James Street, or General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. GRAND TRUN Low One-Way Colonist Fares to Pacific Coast On sale daily, until April 30th, 1909, at the following fares from Kingston, Vancouver, B.C. Victoria®* B.C., West- minister, B.C., Seattle, Wash., Tacoma, Wash,, Portland, Oreg., $45.10; San Franoisco, Gal., los Angeles, Cal, San dlero, Cal., $47.05; Mexico City, Mex., 4 . HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS -to the CANADIAN ORTH-WES'T, MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN and ALBERTA. Low round-trip second-class tickets will be jssueq via Chicago, Nortk Bay or Sug on {olldwin dates : pril «6th, Ba May. 4th 3 thi June 1st, 35th, 29th | Ju August Oth, 24th; Sept. 7th, Good to returr| within 60 days from going date. « J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Oor, Johnson and Ontarid Sts. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO LIVER- ! POOL. From St. John. From Halifax. ~ . April 24 April 80, May 1, OSTON TO GLASGOW. Hesperian (10,000 tons), .. «April 28, RATES OF PASSAGE, (According to Steamer.) | First-Class, $67.50, $70 and $80; Second-Class 2.50, $45 and $47.50; Third-Class, - $27.50 and $28.7 For full particulars of Summer sailings and rates from Montreal, Apply to CO. 8. KIRKPATRICK, Clarence St., King- \ ston, J.» P. HANL EY, GA.R. ' Agent, Kingston. u, RAILWAY, SYSTEM: Tunisiad . Victorian I arrive King- Taffetas, Louis all shades jr Panamas, Taffeta 29 LTT VTLBRLTRVBTIBLRS tasrstassseasassaaaaes ii Real Estate For Sale. No. 1--Brick Dwelling, modern, 11 rooms, west end, near Collegiate, No. 2--Brick Dwelling, 9 roonis, splendid situation. No. 3--Double Brick, mod- .3 fern; paying 8 per cent net.2 60 | No. 4--Double Frame, well rented, in good condi- tion. No. 5--A Row of Seven Gilt Edge Investments. I havea large number of properties to choose from. You can fake no mistake to call and take a choice carly in the week. 57 Brock St. USE GAS "for cooking purposes. It is Quickest: Cleanest Cheapest Preteens Enquire [rom C. FOLGER, Manager, At the Works on Queen Street. : QUALITY-- SERVICE "These are the two essentials in printing. We give full measure of both. There's: Economy in- Quaity. There's Satisfaction in Service Our printing is sold on the .as- sumption that there's economy in quality. British Whig Press NOTICE. We have installed a Hobart Electric Coffee Mill, with a Capa- city of two pounds per minute. We | are prepared to supply our Fam-| ous Blend of Java and Mocha Coffee, fresh ground and guaran- teed the best obtainable. 'Phone or sepd your order, which will 'receive our best attention. D. COUPER, Dealer in Pure Food Grocer: hone, 76a. 341-3 Princess'/St. PROMPT DELIVERY. + 70 BE THE LST | ASQUITH LIKELY TO HOLD ON TO OFFICE. English Politicians Look For An This Week's Budget Disclosures. New York, April 27.--The Tribune's London correspondent cables: What will probably be the last free trade budget in England will -be dis- closed next week, and the politicians {will know whether a general election will be forced this yéar. The Economist, makes the novel sug- gestion that the remmant of the exist- ng land tax, yielding £700,000, can. be tieated away by compulsory redemption, | Jf and from £16,000,000 to £20,000,000 can be obtained from it in the course of two years. This expedient would re- lease the taxpayers from their tem- porary burdehs ahd abolish the charges sellers. It would clear the ground for fhe new system of valuation and. taxa- jon on which the radicals have sect their - hearts, and would remove the justification for a rejection of the bud- get by the Lords. The opinion prevails'i in the smoking- room at Westminster that the budget will be lesse sensational than has been expected, and that the government will remajn in office through the year, Welsh disestablishment is a form of window dressing for the nonconform- ists, Financial and naval policies alone count in practical politics. The naval inquiry respecting the nation's readi- ness for war strengthens the position of the government, Lord Charles Beresford has acted with dignity and patriotism in present- ing the case before the secret Cabinet tribunal, refraining from panic-mon- gering. A most remarkable speech on naval subjects is from a rising hope of toryism, F, E. Smith, who has con- demmed the belligerent right of seizing an enemy's ships in war time, and vir- tually has become the champion of the American principle of inviolability of private roperty at sea DR. NATHAN Po MOSSELL, The niedical 4directdr of the Douglas Memorial Hospitals who plays an ime portant part in the"Stdwmping out of the tuberculosis William Mackenzie. Toreito Star. Wiliam MacKenzie, the magnate of the Canadian Northern, ; taught school as a young man. The story goes that he liked the job very well, but even then there burned with- in 'him the idea that it was a good thing to have a few dollars in one's pocket. So he asked the trustees for a raise. He was getting $400 per an- num, and, he. would have been content with $450. But the trustees couldn't see it, 3 "That's more money than anybody's worth," they told him, "All right," said he. "The job's vacant. You can get another teacher." They got another teacher. Now, the question. is this--suppose they had pai him the salary he'asked for, would he have heen teaching school even now: Perhaps he would have made such progress that by now he might have been a high school principal or a public school inspector. But in that event would Toronto have had a better or /'a worse street car service, and who could Sir James Whitney have persuaded to accept that two million acres of land up in the clay belt? railway Settlement In Dire Need. Soo, Ont, April 27.--A report from Michipicoten, a mining camp - on the north shore of Lake Superior, says sup- plies have practically been exhausted and the settlement is in dire need. .I iv--hoped-to--get--rations--in-by-boat be~ fore suffering becomes general, as the breaking of the ice gorge above the Soo will make it possible to send a boat up. The place has-no railway connection with the outside world. A gold boom started last fall and drew a large number of prespectors to that region. Dropped Dead. Big Rapids, Mich., April 27--Rev. E. G. Franck, pastor of the German Lutheran church 'here, dropped dead while administering the rite of baptism to a child at the close of the regular service, vesterday. The preacher had apparently been in perfect health. As he stood at the altar, and! without the slightest warning he fell to the floor and Was dead when picked up. Rev. Mr. Franck was fifty-seven years old and is survived by a widow and nine children. . Drowned In River. Detroit, Mich, April 2 of Murdock: J. Urquhart, nine years, a native of Sarnia, Ont, was taken from the river last night, Urquhart had been missing from the home of his sister, with whom he boagded, since last February. As his watch and some money were on the body, the drowning is believed to have | | been accidental. The body will be taken to Sarma. | | | 27--The body | aged thirty- The Allan Boston, arrived at Glasgow, on 25th. Ladies' dresses, jackets, waists, etc. dyed or cleaned. My Valet. Evenings st 8.15. Matines Sat. at 2.30. In of. New CK C0, High Class Vai TO-N NIGHT- a KING AND QUEEN Official Declaration Following | based: on an obsolete valuation which {pan has-become a nuisance to buyers andj, \~ WEDNESDAY Sie Millionaires Change of play 'specialties igh One carload of Scenery and effects. By: SPECIAL NOTHING 10-20- 305 CHER sha ee on sale. ESTATE MISS GILDERSLEEVE 1 bave been instructed by the ors of the roby for sale by public t my Jom, Brock street, on WEDNESDAY Dth day of ApH, 1909, AT N Son. The following properties. FIRSTLY-The stone resid of King and Johnson streets. SECONDLY---The two stores on Prin- oe. street occupied by rrison "TIRDLY ~The brick store, on street, octupied as a 'mirble 5 of. Princess street, the east si known as the Newman Lot. about 100 8, 10, 82, 84 and 86, on Toronto St. a reserve hid. For further particulars WALKEM & WALKEM, Soli Executors. JONES, Auctioneer: apply citors fo 22nd ApHL 1909, Re Sale of Valubls City Property. Execut- Qildarsieeve to offer ence, corner Com- FO URTHLY--The fot on the North in feet from of Division street and FIFTHLY--The Vacant lots, 2, 4, 6, Each parcel will be offered subject to to First insestion lc, a word: Each ocon- secutive insertion thereafter balf cent a word. en Shee tor eine sertion, 25c¢. ; three insertions, 50¢, ; six, $1; one month $3. WANTED--HELP. BOY, AT ONCE. APPLY | BELL s Hoog British-American A YOUNG Lo bay, Apply TO TAKE SARE or 6 Bagot street, GESERAL. SERVANT. NO wastuya Macpherson, 1 PI 38 Uni- {yA Avenue. da [GENERAL SERVANT, ing or evening, to 776 Princess street. MAN Toy no, JROUG Apply - Mrs. HANDY Roar Sant ntering. -- G EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID. AP- NA "in the evening to Mrs. 4: No 5 Pie 109 Bagot street. ON MAY 5TH, MAID, FOR GENERAL J housework. Must be a sly at once, to Mrs. CO. u r Wednesday, April 28th, 10 a.m. Fine Heintzman Upright Piano, hogany Parlor. Suite, Brussells Iu Carpets, Oak and other Rockers, Tables, Oak Hall Rack, Brussells Stai Pictures, Couch, don Bedsteads, Springs, Curtains, Suites, Dressers, . Chiffonier, Chenille Bedroom hogany Beddings, Sewing Machine, Gas Range, Refrigerator; chine, Wringer, Lawn Mower, Glass and Tinware. Washing Auction Sale of Furniture, 438 Brock St. Ma- ige-and ancy Carpets, Oak Dining Suite, China Cabinet Oak Ma- Mattresses, Couch, Singer Famous Active Range, Ma~ Crockery, ALLEN, The Auctioneer." Telephone, 252, 249 Albert street. A FEW SMART GIRLS, TO WORK AS wmenders in Hosiery SePartindut. Good wa steady work, King- ston. Hosiery Co. .. King # D:. r SAL ESMEN WANTED FOR "AUTO Spray," Best Compressed-air Hand Sprayer made. Sample free to a proved agents. Cavers Bros, Galt, Ont. LE ARN BARBER TRADE. TOOLS free. New system. Constant practice. Careful instructions. -Graduates earn $50 Reward To any one who wilt" give infor- mation leading te convietion of the person or persons who stole chickens off my premises last Friday night, April 23rd. JOHN GREEN, 291 Princess street. twelve to aighteen dollars weekly. Few weeks complete course. Write for free catalogue. Moler Barber College, Toronto. + I WANTED-YOUNG MEN TO LEARN automobile business by mail and pre- pare for positions as chauffeurs and repair men. We make you expert in ten weeks ; assist you to secure posi- tion. Pay "big ; work pleasant ; de- mand for men great; reasonable ; write for particulars and sample lesson. Empire Automobile Institute, Rochester, N.Y. We are SALE of at 15c. each; TO-MORROW, 228 Princess St. to have a SPECIAL Children's Flops & Sailors To-Morror, (Wednesday) Starting in price at 156, Also flowers which we have heen 1 selling at from 35¢. to 50c. each, Pearsall's Millinery WANTED----GENERAL. APPLY MORN-{! = kv dT TTRACTI aE oor lute security, ERPQO LONDON AND GLOBE TR C valiable assets 391. 187 In tion to which po! for security , the alin Habllity of all the st iders. Farm and cit proj insured at Joma rates. vi new business get ra Tat Ae Sine & Strange, Agents, 'Phone, ARCHITECTS, +JARTHU R ELLIS ARCHITECT, oftice and . residence, 1851 University Ave. HENRY P, 8 ete., Anchor Square. 'Phone, MITH, Buildin 845. ARCHITECT, ng, Market . NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete., Office, 208 Bago! "Phone, 608, NS, ARCHITECTS, MER- ank' Building, corner Brock 'Phone, 212. ARCHI- 3 t street POWER chant's * and Wellington streets. TO-LET. HOUSE OCCUPIED BY E. E. HORSEY, 474 Brock street. DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN- furnished, Stores, ete, McCann's, Brock, Cor. King street. PI'RCHASE A GROCERY BUSI ness. Apply to MeCann, 51 Brock St. TO CUSTOMERS FOR Spare Ribs On- TO-MORROW, Fresh Pork Tenderloins, and Kidneys, at A. Maclean's, tario street. THE OPPORTUNITY TO 'FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work Prombug done. F. J. Birch, Electrician, 206 ellington street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN and dry. Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen St. "Phone, 5268. THAT LARGE AND CENTRALLY situated house, 98 Karl St. Posses- sion May 1st. Apply to J. Gilbert, Grocer. WO REAR King street, Cal uick. Furnisher. ROOM OFFICES, AT, 346 jill be rented cheap, P. Forrest, Gents' CUSTOMERS TO BOOK ORDERS NOW and be assused of a regular supply of at reasonable rates when 'needed. Office; Myers' Meat Market or "Phone 881, John Gleeson. For first-class electric repairs. Columbia Dry Batteries Estimates on House Wiring. Practical Electrician, 235 Bagot st" one door a Brock St. PEDDLED MEDICINE. Prof, Kelley Had to Pay Total o $120. ley, of the Shamrocks' "Medicine anc Concert company, certainly fell int hard luck when he landed in the towr of Midland last week, On cense. Shortly the ears of the Ontario Medical Asso Opera House, Immediately , they Bell, who laid a charge of illegal prac tice of medicine. fore Police Magistrate Jeffery Saturday night, and Prof. through counsel, D. guilty, fine of $s0_ and gpsts, $70 in all, he hoped this wotld prove a deterren to medicine peddlers in the future. man. WAS FORMER Away in Chicago. on March 18th, after a short illness, of twenty-one days, of diseases. spected, being: seeretary of the also a professor of music, be much missed Chicago, and will cireles. the late Capt. Connolly. vived by his mother, cago; ton; Jame $ Patrick of Watertowns Timothy and George, of Chicago, ends, Valuable Alberta Farms. Calgary, Alta. |dofi, Southern Alberta, {ed Pearson, 4,500 acre farm. He is holding £100,000. Mavy other sales are ported in the same $30 16 $40 per acre, Negotiations have been closed be tween the Regina Lacrosse Club and "Newsy" © Lalonde, of Cornwall. | "Newsy? has dccepted an offer o steamer: Grampian, from | $350 for the two games andiwill leave It is west for the west on Sunday next. his. intention to remain in the country. Be Phone 68 W. A. Spriggs. from Midland, April 27.--Prof. P.. T. Kel. Monday Chief "of "Police "Bell rounded "hini "un under the transient traders' by-law and' collected $50 for a transient traders' li- ciation that he was practising medicine in an office on the stage of Gould's re- ported the mattet' to Chief of Police The case came be- on Kelley, . Storey, pleaded The magistrate in impos ng a said : Kelley left town a sadder but a wiser KINGSTONIAN, Michael J. Comnglly Who Passed | Michael J. Connolly died in Chicago, of a complication He was very highly re- Map Department of the city ~buildings of in musical He was formerly a:resident of Kingston, and the youngest son of the late Patrick Conmolly, and brother. of He is sur- two; sister -and four brothers, Mrs. Connors, of Chi- Mrs. D. F. McSorley, of Kings- who hve the sympathy of a large circle of April 27. --At Stan- a farmer nam- has refused $75,000 for his for re- district at from GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits: Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Brock St., next Bibby's Livery. LEGAL. A. B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law Office, 79 Clarence St., Kingston. THE IDEAL BONING. CEESEESED SPIRELLA CORSETS. Dupticate Corset free if stay breaks or rusts in one year. Call or 'phone . B78. MARGARET DUNNETT, 105 Wellington St. f 1 ) n Synopsis "of - Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLE head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, section (160 - acres, more or less) of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must 0 in person at the Dominion Lands gsney or Sub-Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. DUTIES. --Six months! residence upon asd cultivation of ths Jang. in och, of ree years. omestea mi ive within. nine alles of his homestead on a farm of at least ot acres owned and occupied by him or ig father, mother, - son, daughter, - brother: sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may preempt a arter section along-side his homestead." Price x each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and Sansot obtain a pre-emption may purchased omestead in districts: Price homesteads afterwards it came to t take certain $3.00 per acre. Purchased may be acquired on any available lands on 'either odd or even numbered Sections Kast of the Cal- and the fo fin line o> range 26, est of the third Meridian and the Sault Railway line. Dwties.--Must reside six months" in each of three years, cultivate ity acres and erect a house worth SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. : COAL.--Coal mining rights may be leased for yuenty-ang years at an annual rental of $1.00 an Bere No msore than 2,560 acres can leased tp. one' appli- . Royalty, five cents ton. QUARTZ.--A person ei age and over having mi a scovery may locate a clajm 1,500 feet by 1,500 «| feet. Fed, . At Teast $100 must be expended on the claim each year, or paid to the Mini Recorder. When $500 has been expen or paid and other requirements complied natn oe claim may be purchased at $1.00 a PLACER MINING CLAIMS ally. 100 feet stmare. Entry fee, $3.00. DREDGING .--Two leases of five miiles each, of a river Jay be issued to one applicant for a term of 20 years. Rental. $10 a mile per annum. Ro Rojaity, oa?" 1. cent after the output exceed w. . Aon: ty of the Minister of the Interior. J Unauthorized publication of this adyorifoement will not be paid for. Detectives in the employ of Detroit agencies will be bar from working in Windsor and other Canadian cities unless -they obtain licenses costing i i ON ------------------------ may homestead: a quarter orig acre. Duties.--Must reside six | HOUSE, ON FRONT. all modern improvements, M. Campbell, 220 Als EIGHT.ROOM enac St. Apply to F. bert street. A SINGLE. BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS, No. 115 Stuart street, modern im- provements, Possession May 1st, 4bply to John Ashley, 28 Livingston FOR locality. Apply at FURNISHED HOUSE, four months. Good Queen's University. office. ABOUT Near Whig Theatorium, formerly occupied by Board of Education, suite of rooms 5 PT TE A eas ON WEDNESDAY 2 THCHsDAY AFTERNOON on HENRY E. DAY, M.D, ©) cian YOUR FUTURE 5% 2 I : age. ova. of ¢ birth fo fort 5s! pata, astrologer. Box nw HAIR, Sores witht ent FIRST FLOOR OVER KING EDWARD | and hall, suitable for: offices, eclub- 18 sseoulld 11g Addy '039 'moor Qur 8 Try it. RIDEAU CANAL. NOTICE T0 CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, endorsed Tender for *'Abut- ments and A proaches," will be received u to 16 o'clock on Monday, 81st May, 1909, for OTE required in connection with the Abutments and Approaches of the New 'Bridge below the waste weir at Kingston Mills Lock Station on Rideau Canal. Plans and Sections can be seen, and Specifications and Forms of Tender obtained at the office of the Duperintend: ing Engineer, Canadian Building, later street, Ottawa, on and after pater the 19th April, 1909. A is on od bak di nor a pa ni Q of the Minister of gr ry oa Canals, | must Secompa r; which su will be fo! ATR : Fing declines entering work, at the ro stated tudivied into contract for the in the "offer he cheque thus sent in will be return- el to the respective contractors whose tenders are not accepted. By Order, LL. KJ Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 16th Apiil, 1909. Newspapers insertin this advertise- ment without authority from the De partment will not be paid for it. Any House Owner Can now afford to have Electric Light in the home. WE WILL WIRE YOUR HOME AT LOW FIGURES. We Have expert Electricians, and our specialty is House Wiring, Up-to-Date Fixtures, both Gas and Electric. size selling at $5.75 ton, excellent value, Ed EN 5 COAL FOR SPRI pecial. Chestnns 5s SWIFT'S. TENDERS TENDERS ddredeed 10 r You Oita dd Sndora SHOAL = LIG SHIP," will be reee ; for a vessel t sal Southeast a Jo weed sa 0 Nghia a6 OFF POINT SELEE. LAKE ERIE, NTARIO. each if the party tendering condi Ottawa, Newspapers ment, without' paid for. same. 3 'And allow you to a little |, '#ach month for a o Bay. 8 feet twenty dollars; SRR IMR nd

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