i) PAGE t-- SIX. . : IF-? There was any better Floor Paint StorageVaults Valuable Furs than FLOOR GLAZE People would find it out, but they can't, and instead more people are finding US OUT, and the demand for FLOOR GLAZE is enormous, as for color card. Only $1.75 gallon. W. A. Mitchell Hardware International Portland ~ Cement Adamant Wall Plaster ed We store FURS not as a source of profit, but as an accommoda- tion to our CUSTOMERS. Our Receipt assures you abso- lute security at nominal expense. Telephone 489, our waggon will call. John McKay 149-155 Brock St. Diamonds enter Canada duty free. Silver Articles FOR THE BRIDE. Solid Silver Flatware in choice patterns. G uelph and Renfrew Lime AT P. Walsh's, Coal and Wood Yard, Barrack St. many DISHES, BUTTER DISHES, BON-BON DISHES, CREAM AND SUGAR SETS TEA SETS. FHT T0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect Brick & --FHe Co.,, Wash: burn, Ont, PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees Are ready to contract for immediate delivery. Brick that will stand inspec tion at reasonable rates. Capacity plant 00,000 daily. FARM HELP If you want Farm Laborers or Do mestic Servants, communicate with me. Desirable immigrants placed. Apply JAS. F. KNAPP, Government Agent, Kingston, See our fine patterns Tea- spoons, from $7.70 per doZen and upwards, FEV PVIERI ITEC RE eTeY of We show the largest siflection of Sterling Silver Goods in this séc- tion of the Province. meme SPANGENBERG JEWELLER. Marriage Licenses Issued. You will want some Home-Made Mince Meat and here is the place to get the ASELLLLPLEALLLELEEAES good old fashioned kind that mother i 3 + + ¥ used to make. Also, our Pork Sausage €¥ Meat is just the dressing you need. $svsvevsvivvsvsssrver ¥ | 'Phone, 570. H, J. MYERS, S-- -- -- " i SL Et < WE ARE OFFERING | Floor Rugs AND | Carpet | | |Squares ie BY ee | Special Prices] simenn dR e Balmoral Rugs Tapestry Rugs Moquette Rugs Velvet Rugs Over 300 to select from. In all sizes 1} to 0 yards lorg. Lace Curtains] © 8,200 Pairs. The complete stock of an English manufacturer now being offered at heavy discount from regular prices. of ---- a 4 Ek | camo the wife of worated and the ceremony, F| given away by b | satin, trimmed {| who were caught picking a lock of a t{ April 3rds are charged by the police {| with being perpetrators of more than i THE DAILY BF OF SILVER PLATE FROM BOARD OF TRADE TO L. L. HENDERSON On the Occasion of His Removal to Montreal--H. W. Richardson Re-elected President of the Board By Acclamation. At a special meeting of the Board of Trade, on Monday evening, the nonii- nation of officers for the ensuing year took place. All were elected by ac- clamation, with the exception of the council. The annual meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, May 4th. The nominations were as follows: Hon. presidents, Hon. William Harty M.P, and W, F, Nickle, M.P.P. President, H. 'W, Richardson, (ac- clamation), First vice-president, C. A. Macpher- son, (acclamation). . Second vice-president, J. S. Turner, (acclamation), Coungil (eleven to be elected), F. R. Anglin, C. Livingston, C. Bermingham, R. Crawford, I. G. Laidlaw, : Snelling, F. G. Lockett, Dr. Ryan, B. W. Roberston, W. T. Minnes, E. T. Steacy, John Hewton, E. E. Horsey, M. S. Sutherland, R. J. McKelvey, Francis King, Elmer Davis, J. P. Hanley, James Swift, G. Y. Chown, John Smith, F. C. Ireland, H, D. Bibby, John McKay; J. M. Farrell, James A. Minnes, R. Givens, N. E. O'Connor, William Cook, N. C. Polson, Jr. A pleasing event then took place-- the presentation to L. L. Henderson, who moves from Kingston to Montreal as. general manager of the Montreal Transportation company, of a piece of silver plate on which was this inscrip- tion :--"Presented to L. L. Henderson on his departure from the city, by the Kingston Board of Trade, April 26th," 1909." 'The presentation was made by the president, H, W. Richardson, who ex-! pressed the' regret of the board and the citizens generally, at the removal of Mr. Henderson. Mr. Richardson said ! that Mr. Henderson had become the | manager of the "largest transportation company in this part of Canada, and | Kingston was proud of his prométion as one of its sons. Mr. Henderson, he said, was one of those who were | instrumental in forming the new Kings- | ton Board of Trade. | Mr. Henderson expressed his grate- fulness to his comrades of the board | for their gift and the president's words | of appreciation. He regretted leaving Kingston, his native city, but the busi- ness interests of his company rendered | it imperative. He had many warm friends here, and would always feel at | home in coming back here in time to | come. i Afierwards, refreshmgnts were ser- | ved by Caterer Belson, of the Fron- | tenac Club, and the board members | had a sociable time. - i MARRIED IN TORONTO. | H. M. Davy, of Odessa, Weds Miss Irene E. Shaver. : The home of Lemuel J. and Shaver, 62 Wilson street, Toronto, was the scene of a pretty wedding, last Wednesday evening, when their only daughter, Irene Ellawyne, bo Henry Mowat Davy, of Odessa. The house was prottily de- which was performed by Rev. J. B. La Flair, of Dunnville, took place under an arch of apple blossoms and white bolls. | Mrs. ! bh Miss Flovénee Gillies played Mendels- sohn's march as the bridal party en- | tered the parlors: The bride, who was her father, was be- comingly attired in a gown of ivory with peqgrls and chif- | tulle véil and a of the valley, and uet of roses and | fon. She wore a coronet of lilies carried a shower bou lilies of the valley. Miss Laura Davy, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid and was attired in a gown of blue silk and carried a bouquet of pink roees, Clara Thompson, a little cou- | «in of the bride, was flower girl gnd was daintily attired in pink silk, and carriodd a basket of carnations and roses. Ross Shaver, -- of Dundas; the | bride's cousin, was groomsman. i Following the ceremony a dainty ! supper was served, after which Mr. | and Mrs, Davy leit for Montreal and ! on their return will reside in Toron- to. The esteem in which the bride is held was shown by the large num: | ber of handsome and vestly gifts which "she received. The bride's tra- | velling costume was of wine-colored broadcloth. The groom's, gift to the bride was a gold bracelet; to the] bridesmaid a pearl ring; to the groomsman . gold cuff links; to the " pianist a gold hat pm, and to the flower girl a pearl brooch. The out-of-town guests were: H. 8. and Mrs. Davy, Odessa, parents of the oom; Mr. and Mrs. A. . W. Bell, and Mrs. J. W. Milne, To- Fonto; © Miss Brenda--Denyes; Miss Laura Davy, Odessa: Miss Olive Bon- ham, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson, ' Westover; Mr, and Mgs. R. W. Rollofson, Gelty Mr, and Mrs. Charles Shaver, Miss Minnie and Ross Shaver; as; Miss Hazel Hathaway, Toronto; Miss Pearl Hamilton, Strabane, and Miss "Etta Smith, Westover. What All Burglars Should Get. k New York, April 27.--Following his imposition a week ago of a forty-two year term in Sing Sing prison on Hy- man Gritzhandler, for attempted bur- glary, Justice Dike, inthe county court fn Brooklyn, yesterday, imposed a sentence of thirty-four years upon Meyer Krinick, Gritzhandler's partner in various burglaries. The two men, policeman's apartment in Brooklyn on 100 burglaries in various parts of Brooklyn. New Island Wanderer had quite a rough trip over torday. Tho America was lying on the lee side of the whar{ and many wondered where the boat would land, but Capt. Hudson brought her in on the vacant side, making a good landing. The Loraine Sisters, to-night. at Wonderland. Don't 'miss seeing them, McKay. Meikle leit for the corundum mine, near Barry's Bar, on Monday. Bicycle lamps, special value. H. Mithe, Bagot street. Phone 542. Curtains and dréperies cleaned or The steamer WALDRON] @ dyed. My Valet. G3. N. Naish, Clergy street, went to Regina. BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Pasagraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds, Rhubarb at Carnovsky's. . My Wardrobe, 188, 190 Wellington street, i Dr. Coutles, of Sharbot Lake, is in the city. x oy . : Howard Reynolds, of Verona, is in tho city. : cleaned or dyed by new pro- cess. Valet. F. Daly, Rideau street, has left for Granum, Alta. H. Spankie, of Wolfe Island, has left for Regina, Sask. : There was no session of the police court, this morning. George A. Mackie and wife returned irom New York, to-day. Miss Flossie Wilson, attending Queen's; left for Baltimore. Cushion covers, fancy work, laces and Teingies vientied. My Valet. J. ott, of Rittebusgs Sounehip, has left for Lloydminster, Sask. For house cleaning, use our Furni- ture Restorer. At James Reid's. Miss M, Reid, student at Queen's, re- turned to her home in Renfrow; The Loraine Sisters high class singers and dancers, to-night, at Wonderland. Mrs. John Davi Elizabethtown, died, on Thursday, aged eighty-one. William Swaine, piano tuner. received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. . The city council refuses to re-inau- gurate the ringing of the curfew bell. "Phone 147, James Reid's, to have your repairing and upholstering done. Renfrew is expecting a provincial model school established there in the fall. Beef, Iron and Wine, "Our Own" make. Pint bottles, B60c., at Wade's drug store, Miss Anna Macpherson's name was omitted from Div. I of the Junior Ger man list. All goods kept in dust-proof cabin- ets. THial respectively solicited. Wag- goner, It is probable that Crossley and Hunter will visit Ottawa in September or October. For sanitary springs and mattresses and brass and iron bedsteads, try James Reid's. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. leave orders at Mec- Anley's Book Store. Miss Mabel Lake and Miss Hattie Davidson, of Queen's University, leit to-day, for Kenaston, Sask. Mrs. William Robinson is still in quite a serious condition, at Sharbot Lake, as a result of her fall. Feathers, plumes, m-poms, or dyed. My Valet. All kinds of kieycle repairs. H. Mil- ne, 272 Bagot street. Phone 542. William Cuthern, sentenced at Chal- ham, to five years for theft, arrived at the penitentiary this morning, "Fresh on Monday." Huyler's deli- cious chocolates at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The steamer Donnelly is undergoing repairs at the government dry dock. She went on the ways this morning. Men's suits and overcoats cleaned or dyed. My Valet. Mr. Montgomery, of Queen's, will have charge for the summer of the Anglican church at Rochedale, Man. ork is ing at the local roller rink. e ice is removed and the rink will likely open in a few days. "Fresh Huyler's" delicious chocola- tes, sold in Kingston only at Gib- son's. Red Cross drug store. Fhone 230. We clean and lay carpets same day. Phone $542, H. Milne, Bagot street. A meeting of Loyal Orange lodge, No. 481, at Portsmouth, was held last night, when routine business was dis- posed of. Ladies' and gents' suits cleaned and pressed on shortest notice. French and dry cleaning. Dying a specialty, "Phone 592. Mrs. (Rev.) Lindsay 'and her son, Francis, of Arkona, Ont., are visiting at her old home, Lester Aylesworth's, Bath. : Preventics--those Candy Cold Cure Tablets--will safely and quickly check all colds and the Grip. Try them once and see ! 48-25¢. Sold by all dealers. W. B. Morgan, of Queen's, left, to- day, for his home in Hartland, N.B. He will visit friends in Ottawa and Montreal for a short time. "For drug store wants" phone 230, Gibson's Red Cross drug store, - The most prompt delivery in the ety. Harold Thompson, Wellington street, returned, Monday, after spending two wecks on a survey partyl 'The survey- ors found too much snow on the ground and could not work. Waggoner carries a {ull range of spring and summer suitings and over- "oatings in his high-class tailoring department. The. Y.M.C.A. harriers, held a fino run out to the penitentiary road, last night. A" large number of the boys turned out. There will bo another run ony Wednesday night. - Pains -of- women, head pains, or any pain stopped in twenty minutes sure, with Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets See full formula on 25c. box, Sold by all dealers. It is understood that Clark Hamil- ion, collector of customs e sinco 1882, has becn granted six months' leave of absence and thereafter, at his own request, he will go upon the su- perannuated list. "Kentucky lawn grass seed" makes beautiful velvety is: Sold in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone : A citizen remarks that robberies about the city may be due to the ease with which back yards can be entered and the easy way thieving can be done, His remedy is to keep gates locked. "Fresh and MecConkey's. only at Gibron's store. Phone clean- high-class sweets" Huyler's Sold in Kngston Red Cross drug has secured two month's leave of ab- sence from the G.T.R. office, left on tha 2 p.m. train, to-day, to visit his uncle, Isaac Coglon, in Southern Al berta. : Comes out like a ribbon and lies flat on the brush. Colgate'®' Tooth paste in the new tube. Sold in King- ston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store Phone 230, John Beatty, drummer at the Prin: cess Theatre for the past six months (formerly of Gananoque Citizens' band), is leaving here, Wednesday, for New York, to accept a similar posi- tion at Coney Island Park. Mr. Ham- ilton, of thik city (formerly of 14th band), will} take Mr. Beatty's place at the Princess Theatre. 230. G. A. Clark, 73 Bellevue Place, who | posed ir Likely to Be Postponsd--Govern- ment is Asked to Press It, But Hasty Action is Deprecated. Ottawa, April a7. ~ special com- mittee of the nh The emo: light saving bi ithe, MeAStite, a e provides that + hands dots bo e hands - of be -ady . an 'hour first Sunday in April to the ' Sun- day in November, instead of xh October 30th, as provided by Another amendment is to desi the time as "standard" ime, in "local" time, as pi . Lewis. The en pase HY. Lean of Huron was the chairman, ceived scores of resolutions passed boards of trade and other public bodies in favor of the adoption of the principles of the bill. The: objections received were few and far between. Wile She a; itice e desi seeing the bi Si r t this session, it Fs doubtful it the gov- ernment will consent to this. It will probably be pointed out that the Bri- tish parliament, which has had a simi- lar measure under consideration for a longer period, has not yet passed it. The advisability of the matter receiv- ing more consideration will also, be urged. Even ifigassed, the bill would not come into force for a year, re being a provision in it to that eflect. Mr. Lewis and Mr. F. A. Monk wait- ed on Sir Wilfrid Laurier this morning, and asked him to make the bill a gov- ernment order, and pass it at this ses- sion of parliament. of NEW ACCIDENT INDEMNIT Issued By the Fidelity and Casu- alty Co. The Fidelity & Casualty Co, of New York, in presenting their new life indemnit policy of accident insur- ance, believe that they are giving an opportunity to insure under a 'con: tract that is far and away ahead of any accident imsurance piohosition hitherto placed before the public. The change from old-time contracts is radical and absolute. For instance the weekly indemmity is payable while the 'assured lives and suffers total disability. No other company in the world is as liberal. This is a statement expressed in a few words, but the world of meaning it contains is almost beyond expres- sion. For instance, suppose a man thirty years of age should receive in- juries that would disable him for life. Under a $5,000 policy he would got $25 a week, $1,300 a year. In four years he will have had more than the principle sum of the policy, and just after he has passed his sixty- ighth birthday he will have had the principle sum of the policy ten times over. The policy itself will be as young and vigorous as it was. Put the same proposition larger pelicies and at other ages and its liberality will astonish the think- ing men. The rates are low and any person contemplating putting _on a policy should call or see W. J. Fair, agent, Kingston, Ont, just ever into Prince Edward's Cheese. Prince Edward county has thirty-six factories, with 3,100 patrons, says the Gazette. To theso factories Inspeetor Whattam made 325 calls during 'the season. The number of cows from which milk was obtained for cheese making was 24,565, yielding 67,836,056 lbs. of milk. The average yield of milk per cow for the season was 2,- 761 lb. The number of pounds of cheese made from May lst to Novem- ber 1st was 6,435,175 and 3,472 tests for adulteration were made, five samples whre found to be adulterated. Eleven factories manufactured whey butter. Fourteen factorics have curing rooms in which the temperature can be controlled, Twenty-five factories made | improvements to their buildings and plants, at an estimated cost $7,050. With cheese at 12c. it means that £772,221 was realized by the patrons. emsitnsians ; Taxicabs For Kingston. It 'was stated to-day that it is the intention of the company operating the taxicabs in Toronto to run 'five of thdm in Kingston and three in Brockville. The taxicabs would cer: tainly prove a great boon for the summer tourists and would be gladly weleomed by everyone. Although they have only been running a short time in Toronto they are giving great sa: tisfaction. With taxicabs and an up- to-date automobile line to Napanee Kingston will certainly be im the Ln all right. The Late George V. Dulmedge. The death occurred at Sydenh on Monday of George V. Dulmedge, at the age of ninety-four years asett was boen in Kingston in 1815. His father was Elias Dulmedge, at one time jailer of Kingston. The late Mr. Dulmedge was a 'teacher for many years. For a long time past he lived a retired dife in Sydenham. He was the oldest man in the township of Loughboro. Moth Proof Bags. We have the very latest ~ in proof and dust proof bags for away furs, clothes, etc. All Wade's drug store, i Another batch of Queen's students left, at noon, to-day, for the west. Nearly all who are taking schools have left now, as el are sup- to open on Wednesday. Dupuis, Division street, leit, at noon, to-day, for Dundurn, Sask., where she will teach school during the summer vacation. Is Your Scalp Itchy. 4 Multitudes of minute creatures in- fom the skin and excite inflammation 1 t is not a question of cleanlitiess for soap and water are powetless reach the creatures. Pr. Ha Ointment is death to them. 8 ing oils and 'balsams that enter moth tting , at Miss Ethel ro- 5 by pe American di £00 every detail of finish that will sa most exacting. The last lot we wil ; this season has now been received, and yout have not already bought, we ask yeu to see them. Ha Prices range from $15.75, 17.50, 19.75, 23.50, 25.75 up. gg YOU MAY CHOOSE Any Buit and bave it placed aside until required, if you are not quite ready to buy. composition destroy all oeitating bas veria, relieve itch scalp, stop wk irritation at once. ' For auy ski sease, recent or chromic, the remedy Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. Buy a box. / Stylish Designs in CHILDREN'S SPRING COATS At $2.99, 5.50, 3.75, 4.50 up to 2.50. ALSO nl LADIES SPRING COATS Hundreds of New Spring Skirts In all the latest designs and materials. These are from two of the best Skirt Makers in the Dominion who devote their whole time in making Dress Skir ALONE. Nothing but Skirts; and in con- sequence you have a choice of up-to-date patterns with a style that proves satisfac- tory. We ask you to come and see these. Prices From $2709 to $13.75 and all Between RECEIVED TO-DAY Button Moulds In Wanted Bizes. Also Satin Buttons In Wanted Sizes. v1 Butterick New Fashion |. Book. (Or Shoes With Flat Heels) With Lots of Style and Lots of Room. A good style tor everybody to wear. |. this s and varied.