Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1909, p. 2

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fs here. Our new Grand- Wverything ,. while they last, $8. They fathers Clock are great Go-Carts and Carriages, for the babies, $2 to $45 l Curtains stock selected for heauty and only a few of each, never get Some designs that we offer at double the price. Special quality, common. £2.25 nre worth nearly 2.25 Rugs~~Carpets All 1900 desions, Everybody is de- lighted with these Hepair and Upholstering Work prompt- ly done Your', Phone 90. T. F. Harrison Co. ---------------------- SK RO Re HouseCleaning Will soon begin. If you want Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Rugs & Mats, Lace Curtains, 'Window Shades. And all or any of the little fixings 'required to finish up with, try R. McFaul's Kingston Carpet Warehouse, RS EAT NOTICE. installed a Hobart Electric Coffee Mill, with a Capa- city of two pounds per minute. We are prepared to supply our Fam- ous Blend of Java and Mocha Coffee, fresh ground and guaran- teed the best 'obtainable. 'Phone or send your order, which will receive our best attention. We have D. COUPER, Dealer in Pure Food © 'Phone, 76a. 841-3 Princess St. | PROMPT PELIVERY. | satisfied with the dome, which is cer- -------- mime Messe cpm You will want some HOme-Made Mince | Meat and here is the place get the | good old fashioned "kind that mother used to make. Also, our Pork Sausuge | Meat is just the &ressing you need. "Phone, 570. H. J. MYERS. | | * sesssssssssssasesseesd | i pe Estate, de- priyve you. II everybody had to wait until they had enough saved to buy a home outriwht, mighty few people would be living in their own houses. Most homes: nowa- days are bought on the ex- tended payment plan. A plan that means saving that monthly rent is worth con- sidering. gation on It will cost but $25 down to buy a $800 home. $75 for a $550 home. a $1,200 home. $250 for a $1,600 home. $500 for a $2,800 home. $100 fcr : ¢ | { { SAS 4995900095449 THAT ALT seeps tstetsereterecHieane Brock, Cor. King St. RAST LLLLRTERTUTEESTSS Don't Let! ] $ | Muchmore a pack of cards and case. Scrup €S i | dancing was in order and a fine time Against assuming an obli- | that swept western Ontario on Thurs ed a cooler atmosphere. | show -- IN THE LINE OF LABOR FOR MANY DAYS. Everything Appears to Be Moving Along Satisfactorily in King- ston--No Great Boori, But Re- sumed Activity. "1 do not think there will be trouble of any kind, everything appears to be going on all right." Such was the statement made by a prominent labor man, when asked about the prospects for May Day. He indi- cated that there was no indication of a strike, or trouble of any kind. While there is no great boom on in Kingston, there is a story of resumed activity 10 be told. A glance at the number of permits being issued at the city hall, will show that. great strides are being made in the building" line. The. manufacturers, merchants and bankers, are all doing a pretty fair busi- ness, and while, of course, it could be a great deal better, they have no great kick confing The cold 'weather is helding back the sale of summer goods, and this a great drawback to the merchants : Real estate men state that business has been brisk, sales have been good, and land is showing a steady increase in value. There has been a great de- mand for houses of medium size, and the demand, for small houses has been very great. May 1st, recognized all over as moving day, will bring about many changes in Kingston. The mov- ing van will be very busy for a while. Farmers in the Kingston district have heen hampered a great deal-by heavy rains, which has caused trouble in the work of seeding, but for all that, they are looking for a good seasod. With the first spell of warm weather, they will be able to rush along the work. Railway earnings are daily increas- | ing, and this all goes to show that times are good. The locdl offices have been extra busy the past few weeks, look- ing after the students, leaving the city. Those 'who are in a position to know, predict that Kingston. will this year experience one of the best years in its experience, in regard to the number of summer tourists. This will mean more money doming into the city, and some- one is sure to derive a benefit. is -------------------- The Mayoralty Contest. The Watertown, N.Y., correspondent of the Syracuse, N.Y., Standard says: | The solution of the mayoralty problem | is still a long way off, Both parties | are free in admitting that his adminis- tration has been a business one, and that under his guidance hetter strecta have been brought about, that thou- sande of dollars of improvements have heen made, and in fact thal at no time during its history has thero heen better management. A prominent vepublican said, to-day, that the or- ganization was with Mayor 'Hugo (an old Kingstonian), in every sense of the word. In speaking of the outlook, this same politician said : "Jf Frank Hugo charged the city ab Watertown for his services and his time, the sum of $5,000 would 'not cover the same. 1 have the opinion that he will ba elected by one of the biggest of majorities, for the people realize what a busincss administration means, and men with Frank Hugo's calibre are not sceking the office. Tho people will leave well enough alone." Grand Opera House. Last evening, at the Grand opera house, the kenberg company pro- duced, by request, "I'he King and | Queen of Gamblers." In the spe- | cialties Verne Sheridan sang sweetly, [06 SOCIAL BIEN CATARAQUI NO, 10. A Fine Musical Programme Was Given--The Refreshments Were Served in the Y.M.C.A. Gym- nasium~--Dancing in the e Room. Last evening, Cataraqui lodge No. 10, 10.0.F, held an anniversa "At Home" in their lodge hall 'in the Y.M.CA. building, and there were over 400 in attendance, a large portion of the audience being ladies. "James A. Minnes, vice-grand, presided, and dn: troduced the following fine programme: Vocal solo, "Sweet Thoughts of Home," C. Kelso; violin duet, (a) "The Keel Row" (E. Kross), (b) "Humor- esque" (Dvorak), Norma and Mignon Telgmann; vocal solo, "Creole ve Song," Mrs. Evans; recitation, Mss Bawden; male quartette, Messrs.3 FE. Wilson, W. Thompson, F. and A. Haff" ner; vocal solo, "The Song the Anvil Sings," Alexander Atkins; reading, Dr. Richardson; vocal duet, "Maying," Mrs. Evans and Mr. Kelso; violin solo, (a) "Gypsie Dance" (Sarasate), (b) "Sou- venir de Posen" (Wieniawski), Mig- non Telgmann; vocal solo, "Queen of the Earth," Lt-Col. J. Galloway. Every number received a hearty en- core. The violin playing of the little Telgmann sisters was greatly enjoyed. They are popular at all entertainments where they take part. Dr. Richardson scored on the audience when he started off with a short French recita- tion. At the conclusion, Mr, Minnes remarked that he knew Dr. Richardsony resembled Sir Wilfrid Laurier, but he never knew that he could speak French so well. The accompanists were Miss I. Walker and O. F. Telgmann. Salis- bury's orchestra rendered several selec- tions during intervals. After the programme, the audien®e adjourned to the gymnasium where re- freshments_ were served, Dancing took place in the commodious lodge room till midnight, the orchestra supplying music MISS IRENE GURNEY. With the Kyle Stock Company, Grand "all next week. at The Coming All Next Week. Most attractive in all featurés is the attraction booked at the Grand Opera House on Monday evening next, and it will require only a full house on the opening to demonstrate the full assertion of the magagement on half of the clever members of this €Hl- "In the Light of the Silver Moon." Lgyied organization. The leading roles Blackmore's two songs, "Yes- and "Are You Sincere," were Marie = McNeil, the lady cornetist, was warmly applauded. Charles Hammond, the hoop roller, certainly hooped it down to the sa- tisfacwon of the audience. Po-night, amateurs' night, the com- pany present "The Hawk and the Dove," and at the matinee on Sa- turday afternoon, *At Piney Ridge" will be repeated by request. James terday admired. -- Time of Contract Expires. R. N. F. McFarlane's contract for the erection of *he city buildirg's dome expires to-day. ~The work i§ practically' completed, only a few small things be- ing unfinished. The work of erection began on Oct. 23rd. Everybody seems tainly beautiful, and a big improvement upon the one destroyed by fire. The work of insalling the clock and bell will be begun early next: week. Every- thing about the dome will be completed in three weeks, and before the influx of visitors around Victoria Day. A.0.H. Euchre Party. A pleasant euchre party and dance was held in the A.O.H. hall, Brock street, Tuesday evening. 'The first. wizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Muchmore. The prizes were very handsome. Mrs. - Muchmcre re- ceived a three-piece china set and Mr, The gentleman's consolation prize was won by Philip Hayes. After cards was spent. Music was furnished by Noriis' orchestra. - Recommendations Made. At a meeting of the 'Liberal Associa- jon execuiive last evening, the fol owing recommendations for govery- nent. office vacancies were made : For collector of customs--Archibald | Strachan For junjor clerk in IM. Cooke. For outside clerk in {. Allea. | i? 1 E customs honse-- post office--R. Snow Didn't Reach Here. Kingston escaped the snow storm day morning. By the time that the taal end of the wintry blast reached this far it had nigh spent itself and had turned to rain which began fall ing early this morning. Then follow- The only here was a few flurries on Thursday afternoon. Another Consignment. Of the new shapes and shades in green soft hats wae received, this morning. at Campbell Bros', Kingston style centre for men's hats, d------------------ Red Rose tea is sold wholesale by W. R. McRae & Co., Golden Lion grocery, are in the hands of T. E. Kyle and Miss Irene Gurney, and all - of this company are noted for the excellent work in comedy and straight charaec- ters, and are bound to please the patrons who enjoy artistic work. New songs and music will be a feature of the entertainments, at popular prices. There will be a change of bill nightly and also a special matinee for chil- dren on Saturday. ------------------ Just Airived. Per C.P.R. steamship Lake Mani- toba, from Beliast, another -consign- ment. of McLinton's famous toilet pre- parations. ¥ Colleen toilet soap, 15c. tablet. Tooth soap, 15c. tin. Tooth powder, 25c. tin. Talcum powder, 25c. tin. Shaving stick, 15¢.-25¢. .Shaving cream, in jars, 25e. Nothing more satisfying and easy to shave with than MecLinton's cream. W. R., McRae & Co., Golden Lion grocery. - Had A Variety. Pascengers. on -the morning train, coming into the cily on the Kingsion & Pembroke railway, had a variety of weather setved up to them. When they left Sharbot Lake there were (wo or three inches of snow on the ground, and it continued to snow for some time, then 'they rau into a hail storm and further on, an cledirical 'storm, with a heavy downpour of rain. Covered With Snow. Any person who happened to be at the Kingston and Pembroke railway station, when the morning train ar rived at eight o'clock, would have im- agined that it was about the middle of January, to see the tops of the cars and the platforms covered with snow. Passengers stated that there was quite a heavy snowfall at Shar- hot Lake and vicinity. A Cure For Truants. The cat-o'-nine tails is ovidently a good cure for truants. For a time, the police had many cases of truancy to deal with, but since~this new pun-, ishmont was meted out hy the magis- trate, there have been but few cases reported. New €rop Bermuda Onions Home grown beet greens and spin- ach, butter beans, > celery, asparagus, egg plant,. cabbage, rhubarb, toma- toes, cucumbers awd Boston head let- tuce, at Carnoveky's. Use Only The Best. Kirk and Lee will reduce the price of pasteurized milk, on Mav Ist, to Bo. per quart. Pasteurized milk is free from germs and the safest and best for all purposes. ® " THE SPORT REVIEW Cadet Watts' Record--City En- gineer Craig Has Measured the Contrse. : into trim for the Victoria day Mara-| thon, and also for the three, five and | ten mile city championships. The first trial for the three mile championship will be tried on Saturday afternoon, | at two o'clock, from the Y.M.C.A. building, when three or four rumners will go over the certified course. The neer, who was called in, said it was correct. On Wednesday afternoon next, a new man will try to lower the re Watts, and he will have to travel some, as Watts' record is 31.29 4-5. Watts will try to lower his own ve- cord next week and will also go after the ten mile shield. A number should enter fbr the ten mile race. Kingston Golf Club. The annual meeting of the Kingston Golf Club was held on Thursday af- ternoon, and a flourishing condition of affairs was reported by the secre tary-treasurcr, Profy P. G. C. Camp- bell. The following new members were elected : Annesley Burrowes, ER Hale, F. C. Ireland, B. Simpson, Dr, Etherington and P. C. Stevenson. The membership i now forty-nine, with fifty as limit; hence there is but one vacancy, These officers were elected : Presi dent, J. B. Carruthers; captain, Alan Palmer; secretary, P. G. C. Campbell; general committee, 'Lieut.-Col. Taylor, Lieut.-Col. Young, J. J. Harty, Capt. Panet, D. M. Mcintyre, G. E. Hague, and the three officers; greens commit. tee, Lieut.-Col. Taylor, Capt. Bell, J. J. Harty and the officers. The club hopes to arrange matches this season with Ottawa, Perth and Brockville, and to enter "a four-club league with Picton, Belleville and Na- panee, A telephone will be placed in the club building to make things more convenient for the members. Junior Baseball Series. On Thursday evening a meeting of the Kingston Amateur Baseball League wag held in the Hall hotel. A large number were present, cvery team hav- ing its representatives. An important change was made in the playing rules. Henceforth every man must sign a cer- tificnte which 'goes to the secretary of the league, and 'he issues permits to the manager of the team, holding the layer. The player cannot then play with any other team, unless the man- ager returns him the permit and the secretary issues a ney one. An application was fggeived from the Regiopolis 'College teal, /to ¢ the junior seriés. It was #onsidered, but the executive-decided that it-would not accept it, as it woyld make the playing season too long. The executive ordered new bases. Opehing day was discussed, and in all probability two of the city's most prominent men will throw and 'catch the first ball. = 2 7 The following schedule was drawn ap for the junior series : May 15--Irishmen. vs. Shamrocks. May 22--Victorias vs, C.L.C, May 20--Irishmen vs. C.L.C. June |5--Vigtorias vs. Shamrocks. June 12--Shamrocks vs. C.L.C. June 19--Irishmen vs. Victorias. Jute 26--Shamrocks vs. Irishmen. July 3--C.L.C. ys. Victorias. July 10=C1.C. v6. Irishmen. July 17--Shamrocks vs. Victorias. July 24--C.L.C. vs. Shamrocks.. July 81-<Victorias vs. Irishmen. A Marathon Craze.' Kingston has caught the Marathon craze all right. 'The many competi- tions now. on in connection with the Y.M.C.A. are attracting a great deal of attention, and all that is necessary to make it a great success, is fine weather. Every fine night there are mary runners out, but the weather has been so . disagreeable that the boys have rot had half a chance. ---------------- Beautiful New Stock. Prevost, Brock street, has extra fine assortment of tweed, cheviot and serge for 'order. clothing department, and splendid assortment of ready-made clothing and gents' furnishings. For ture Restorer, house cleaning, use our Furni- At James Reid's. "THE HOUSE OF ORIGINALITY." Two heads are better than one but not under the one hat. Your head couldn't be uader a better hat than the "Woodrow," price $3.50. This hat is one of the king's favorites. Also sole agents for Hawes $3. Piccadilly $2.50. Waverly $2. Waldor $1.50. en See our new Gabardine Rain- coats at $7 50. Seog Wls$C Importers of Fine Hats. FIVE MILE TRIAL RACE ON] ©. SATURDAY. | Efforts will Be Made to Lower | The local runners are fast getting Worth $2.00, As we cannot replace this Curtain, we will clear the You Can Still Secure Some of the Following | course was laid out, and the city engi : cord for five miles, held by Cadet ¥ BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1909. 'Bizes 6 to 73. To goat .... ii ve Sizes 8 t0 93." TO ZO Ab oe. vv werd cus wane ee 36 Pairs of Fine Lace Curtains lot, $1 33 Pair 35 Dozen Boys' a Double 30c Unbleached Table Linen for 28¢ 15¢c White Lawns for 10c. New Frillings and Collars $5.00 Silk Lined Net Waists for $2.98. r 10c Men's Hemstitched Handketchiels for § Cents. ¢ Alexandre Gloves CORRIGAN'S. PROF. JORDAN REPLIES He Still Maintains That Prof. Orr Has No Clear, Positive View on 'Genesis or on the Growth of the Hebrew Religion. Prof. W. G. Jordan, D.D., of Queen's University, has written the following leiter to the Toronto Globe : I see from your issue of April 27th that Prof. James Orr has been devo- ting a little time to me in his gddress of Ngeiley evening in Jarvis 'street church. I am not going to take wp your valuable space to re-open the controversy between Dr. Orr and my- self. Trifling difirences like the fol- lowing .1 will not énlarge upon : "Dr. Jordan had said that the speaker at- tacked all critics."" I would be very foolish to say such a sweeping thing; what I did say was that we have a perfect right to ask a man to be a little clearer in his statements when he "'attacks critics of all shades of opinion." One explanation, however, 1 feel that I, ought to make in justice to myself and vv friends in Toronto. A fow weeks ago I reecived a rer quest from Dr. Elmore Harris, stating that Dr. Orr had just read my new book and wished to meot me in a friendly public discussion, I declined the offer \mainly because the. nature of the subject is not altogether suitable for. formal public debate and partly hecanse, of the ress of unavoidable work during the examination period Last week Drs Orr visited Kingston an'! gave two lectures. On. the first evening 1 was asked io speak, but. de- olined to do so. On Friday cvening 1 11edt that it' was a matter of courtesy 10 Dr. Orr himself for me to make » brief statement, [I still maintain that Dr. Orr has no clear, positi¥e view' {o present on the carly narratives of Genesis and on the growth of Hebrew religion. Furthér, if the toaching of onr colleges on thése subjects is here tical," and irreconcilable with Chris tianity, Dr. Orr will find plenty of scope for his polemics, as the same heresies flourish in Scotland. As for myseli, I am now willing, as I have been in the past, to state my beliefs on these. subjects bofore amy suitable audionce, and lo answer speci- fic questions. T am convinced that the Christian scholarship of two centuries has worked out solutions of many his- torical problett¥~and that those solu {jons tend to the strengthening, and not tho undermining, of our faith. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. J. RS Price, E. J. Phillips, Dr, Bruce Smith, Gustave Kahn, Rev. H. Hanie, William C. Wilson, K. M. Gowrlie, T. M. Rogers Toronto; B, B. Melhewn, T. F. Butler, George W. Ferkensene, J. H. McComb, George H. Hill, W. 0. LaBelle, W. F. Cookson, Bertram Lembarina, J. 1. Finlay, J. Dillon, * Léwis Leonard," Montreal; - 8: Pine, Belleville Adam Hall, Miss Hal!, Peterboro; J. G. Hampton, De- seronto; U. Jeffery, Picton; CU, H Ashern, Poughkeeprics W. J. Murray, Prestong E. R. Brackett, Boston; J. Kilnosky, Bancroft; William Hubbard, J. A. O'Donell New York; George Baldwin, (uebec; A. S. Baird, B. G. Cole, Stratford; K. Lewis, Seaforth; William Fairbairn, London. After The Cabmen. Cabmen have been notified that they must not go on to the platiorm at the outer junction, to solicit business. In future they must stand near their cab, at the end of the platform, the same rule which applies at the down-town office. It is stated that a few days ago-one of the officials of the G.T.R., who was paying a visit to Kingston, was much annoyed by the conduct of one of the "cabbies" in hig" endeavor to get a fare, and that as a result, this order was issued. The cabman, so it. is claimed, wanted to get the of- ficial's valise, and induce him to ride. Stop Indigestion Now. Don't think you'll soon get over it. You may and may not, Make sure by using Day's Dyspepsia Cure. Dys- pepsia is a"slow and distressing form of suicide and .it is unnecessary. This remedy directly aids digestion and keeps both stomach and bowels in order. Each bottle contains sixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's Drug Store. Annual District Meeting. The annual meeting for the Kings- ton Methodist distriet will be held on Friday, May 2lst, at 9.30 am, in Queen Street Methodist church. The ministerial session will open on Thurs- day, 20th, at ten o'clock, Only One "Brome Quinine." That is Laxative Brome Quinine Look for the signature of E. W Grove. Used the world over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 205e. Buckley's Famous Hats: 126-128 Princess St. -- Are sold in Kingston only at Camp- bell Bros', the leaders in men's hats. i f AS00000 Stylish Spring Hats We continue to claim that our $2.50 KING HAT for style, fit and quality is a wonder. Styles to mit men of all ages. Men's Furnishings Night-robes, Hosiery, Vests, Suspenders, Shirts, Un- Pyjamas, lerwear. P. J. HUNT, THE MEN'S OUTFITTER. EE @ aww Good News From i Our Ready-to-Wear Department. "> a - ---- ey ht $i 4 Only Ladies' Suits, colors '! Black, Navy, Amethyst, 4 beautifully tailored gar- 4 ments. Sizes 34, 36 only. $15 8 values, on SATURDAY, to ! clear, $9.98. 3 Only Ladies' Suits, colors Brown and Navy. Size 36 4 only. Newest Sigle. Worth 4 $15.50 to . each, to 98, | See the Sateen Skirt we are # selling special at $1 double i plaited flounce. Colors Black, "Navy, Brown. All sizes, $1: ! Children's Buster Brown Dresses, neatly made from 4 Striped Galetea. Fit ages 4 4 and 5 years, 50c. Children's Dresses, with plaited skirt and sailor col- lar, made from fast color 4 spot duck. Special, 75c. A 4 Boys' Sailor Blouses, made # from good quality Galatea, 5 Fit ages 4 to 9 years, 75c. A to 85¢c. each. : 4 4 BANS PTTVTIT TT IVT TRIIIITISS SWEET PEA SEEDS Our Sweet Peas are unsurpassed either in the mixtures or separ- ate colors. In the Mixed Eckford Superb 4 oz. 15c. Best Mixtures, x Cupid Mixture, a dwar! plant, not over 6 or 7 inches high, 10¢. oz: IN SEPARATE COLORS Firefly, Henderson, King Edward VII, a beautiful dark red, extra. large sive. we have be. oz., Colors Mixture, %¢. 02. 4 oz. 2c. a bright scarlet Emily pure White. Countess Radnor, Lavender, with giant purple tinge, each, 10c. vz, A. P. CHOWN, of 4 185 Princess St. "Phong, B48, a - > ASABE DASNANN +2 We have special Ca- ; § meo Tie Pinas ! { Solid Gold Settings 3 4 These are Genuine ¥ Small Cameos and are splendid value at our § § price. $2.75 Each. SMITH BROS., Jewellers. Opticians. 850 King St. Issuers Of Marriage Licenses ' Remodelled, Repaired AND Stored : W. F. GOURDIER'. Cedar Camphor 14 1s a good moth destroy- er; equally as good as' Gum Camphor, and net. |'§ nearly as gxpensjye. § Cedar Camphor £5 sells for 20c lb.* McLeod's Drug Store. Monuments trade New Scotch Granite " Latest designs. Rock bottom prices. J James Mullen 372 Princess St., Opp. Y.M.C.A. 70 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect Brick & Tile Co., Wash- ' burn, Ont. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees Are to contract for immediate delivery. Brick that will stand Inspec- tion at reasonable rates, Capacity of alsnt 00.000 daily. \ Wm. Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. ' New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, Sale of Horses every Saturday. Just received, for Spring' ¥

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