Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1909, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FE . 30 : oe - ---- | | | ¥ | | | NEW EXPLOSIVE] ans omemimse EIGHTEEN. YEAROLD BOY TUE FENSERG'S DEK CO. PERFECTS INVENTION. | ue awk" iD. THE. DOVE" Oxnly Three Ounces Used--Shock of | TO-NIGHT, Amateur Night. Rags 5 8 d Matinee--'"At Piney Explosive, Which Was Three | Soiorasy hishi-- Pinkerton Bete. Miles Away, Shook Buildings |'\& prices 10c., 0c. Bl. nothing in City. hi; ts i Matinee, ov: and 206; Evansville, Ind., April: 30.--By press- | Seats now on sale. ing the key of a wireless apparatus, ; Charles Williams, aged eighteen, caus- . ALL NEXT WEEK. £3 ed an explosion to take place threo % di t 7.45 and 9 o° ' miles away, The blast was of suoh > Bh ian ad Capable o'clock. ¥ sirength that it' chook buildings in gor 3 a the city. 4 Young Williams isc the inventor of YE : . hoth the wireless apparatus by which ~ Rd ea ! she explosion 'was caused, and the cx- Now Comedies. ; ' DININGROOM GIRLS AT BE. Al-} plosive, 'whith 'is a now kind of pow- In' New Comedies ' : E oe Sray boys. Apply fod ceull, der, the making of which is hie secret. | The Latest and Best Moving Pictures : He says the new explosive is forty [and Illustrated Songs. =. $x, ; AN 1 . HOUSEMAID. AP- {times as strong as dymamite, and that . . : i "pin the evening to Mrs, J. N. 8S. r he can cause an Prices -- Chidren, 5 iP Adults, 10c 109 3 with his apparatus GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. NO or explosion as far away as Chicago. The blast that shook the city last night i 55 2 % : re took only three ounecs of the explo- p rl uired, Apply 7.pm., at 180 siva. Wiliams saye he has otters) inv i oll Hagor street, to negotiations with government offi- Jk 00D GENERAL SERVANT. RE cials at Washington, 'with a view of A ED required, Any to Up- Ww, sclling his inventions. " . " T. Connell,' 11 The explosive was put in the top TO-DAY AND SATURDAY. : Pres EE Th TE . of an old tree, above the city, and the | ¢ Y RAL 1 3 an Ci umle B ¥ 'OS inventor then went back to his home BATTLE OF WATERLOO" Fe Somigerided, Kivorns" 248 King and worked his' wircless apparatus to| Forming part of a i street. § 3 ; : t 2 cause the explosion. entitled ""The Life a eT : * BOATS AND NEW AND , Several of his greatest. battien and Aur-| SALESMEN WANTED FOR "AUTO hn. Bi wet ore poi SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. TIME : . You will be needing some New House- Furnish- ings this spring, and we ask to let us show you our stock. New Madras, Lace. and Scrim Curtains at 15¢, 18¢, 25¢ & H0¢ per yard; and Lace Curtains for §1.00, | 1.50, 1.85, 2.25 up to $8.00 per pair. New' Art Blinds and Rollers, all sizes and colors. BVVVVVVVVLTVLVRACTRTY aiid New Curtain Poles, small and large, with rings, pins and ends. > New Rugs, Oil Cloths, Linagleums, Stair Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloths, etc. a. o ot TVR VTVETTTRVLLVTRBAGS ' I p----r------ several of hi stvVTTILITIOLS Serres sess evEcc ste Sasa saa PITH OF THE NEWS. is Orono second marriage and pray,' Best OC Ir ing for all Parts, Samp Bros., Paik, ) . made. \ IN hl «Coward's Fac. , : other gorgeous scenes : pre io TIRACTE 5 SRETMENT hoy ry. 01d Tamers : The Very Latest Culled From All| _ "FORECASTLE TOM" t. . stra Co. Bn innrican 1 Jato Jo- -- - ' Over Tha Wold. T]he, Tor waiter ILARGE ASSORTMENT GF MeLAUGH XS Albert E. Segsworth, a former To- A Fine Drama of Society and the Navy. LEARN BARBER TRADE. TOOLS agent, : " RG 3 X MENT. 0 A wi A e rontonian, died as Washington, D.C. EXTRA COMEDY. : tae How aysti. Gon i practice ' The. bust whe cheapest, A ovis Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Department of Militia The Lake Superior Corporation will |The Piano Fiend, Who Forget His Music. twelkey Dapeue) tors dolars waskly. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND al for Dall price. Surtty -- ; spend a. million: dollars on improving MISS DAISY BRUTON, Few weeks complete course: Writel Ty i . "sadiion to = Land Regulations. and Defence. and adding to the plant at the Soo. |g, Illustrated Songs, Friday evening and [ for free catalogue. Moler Barber. which the po hola ve tor he ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE SoLE ! A despatch from Sydney, N.S., says | Saturday afternoon. College, Toronto. soounit tho driaiicy Tabi vo iy Drawing ead of a family, or any male over . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. four children were burned to death yr - d ¥ a. ockhalders, t AT Si OO complete, With drawing ours Saction oiae Rae oetend._o quarter a . at Glace Bay, C.B., early on Friday, | 8c WONDERLAND Sc WANTED--GENERAL. Tates:. Before renewing. oid or mma]: 8¢ gud bound volumes, 'cheap.' Apply available Dominion land in Manitoba, | ROyal Military College, Kingston {no details are given, THE LORAINE SISTERS : Santas, fet Fates from 3 to x 275, Whig office. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant --New Water Supply The steamer Phillip Minch, with ust appear im person at the Dominion . a ala i i FI The Great Child _ Artists. Cemplete PURCHASE A GROCERY BUSI EE 3 m app pers: 320,000 bushels of grain consigned to change of uct TONIGHT, New Hones To PIR RAS) to McCann, 51 Brock St. ; REES. ONE FOUR . -< AN INTERNATIONAL E€ORRESPOND- School Mechanical Lands ency or Sub-Agency for the & PD TEND > . go ' : district. Entry by proxy may be made LED, TENDERS, marked Bie the Grand Trunk elevator, Sarnia, has | gnd Dances, including Spanish Danc ng. |, - " TO-LET. ice A n at any agency, on certain Sanditions, by | Royal Military College, Kingston," and [arrived from Fort William. : MISS WHITTIER, in ew Illustrated $s "oR i RG Mel, Bugg a OmigEous ; father, mot F. Son, daughter, brother orl yddressed to the Secretary of the Militia The Dominion Iron and Steel com- Ranga, STOTURES Friday Night, "Lady |A GOOD DELIVERY HOR = 1bs., | HOUSE OCCUPIED BY E. BE. HORSEY, ¢ H 0 sister of Intending | ene founcl, Department of /Militia and De-|.,,y }ag- received. an order from the NEw riety po aloo ing between 1.100 "and; 3.3 Ro W. 474 Brock street. DUTIES ~8ix "months" residence Spon fence, Ottawa, will be received untill") AS A h : B He en's Escapa a wv roublesome from 5 to 7 years-old. App . and cultivation of the land in each ol, ,on' May 15.#1909, for the installation | Great Northern Railway company, of Satchel. Two good Co - H. Spence, 308° Montreal strget. EIGHT.ROOMED. HOUSE. BATH AND LUE TORT ey RETIRE, ma ve) 57%) Mek Wa ot" She Ser | Egan, Tor 5,000 tous of shiek Sail NEw PICTURES : : FIGHT ROQAED HOUSE, ATH AND farm of at least 80 acres solely owned Military College, Kingston. . A generous citizen of Hamilton, who SATURDAY NIGHT--'The Tempest," PORTUNITY TO NRNISH St. 'Massey Harris Co. 1 hi his fathe: Plans and Specifications may be seen ish. hi fo -, | Shakespeare's Great Drama. Shooting | THE OP! UN lA and occupied by m or by a ather, | 4 full information obtainec at the | does not wish his name to appear, Fie Renids 3 Moonlight. in Ee Lands estimates on electric w EL IDS | ee eee mother, son, daughter, . brother or | Mees of 'the Commandant of the Royal | has offered to give $5,000 towards the the Mikes ok 1 Prompuiy, dove. File Birch, DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN- sister, v Military College, Kingston, and the building of a boys' department in a VAUDEVILL E--~Every afternoon at 8 Electrician, 206 Wellington street. furnished 4 Stores, ete, McCann's, sod 'Standing miky PRO-ompL dvartor | resto, of Engifeering Services, Militia | AOE, Of building and 4 p.m. PICTURES changed daily. : 5 rock, Cor. Ring strests go : 5 " eadquarters, tawa. a. 2 Tbe Hae > 3 & s 5 CENT: set section along-side his homestead. Price | Tenders must be submitted on printed I'heodore Roosevelt is about to leave AO Any Send, Shy Chavis. CUSTOMERS TO BOOK ORDERS NOW snap EO Cit ony nk. $3.00 per acre. Duties.--Must reside six |forms supplied by the Department "of | the ranch of Sir Alfred Pease, on the prose: y " oy and be assured of a regular supply | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN McCann's Bs HY ene y, Brock months in each of six years from date | Militia and Defence, and!each tender 8c! Athi river. f§ soint in the Mau) a of ice, at reasonable. rates when and dry. Frost's City Storage, 299] Cor, King street : of homestead entry (including the time | ompanied by an accepted cheque on a Wil river, lor a point in the | " needed. Office, Myers' Meat Market Queen St. Phone, 5208. » 8 . required to earn homestead patent) and | Canadian Chartered Bank for 10 per | Hills, near Machakos, where he hopes - or 'Phone 881," John 'Gleesan, ---------- de Te Ho exhausted his Sans of She, amount thereat, Rayable ans to bag a lion. Auction Sale of House-~ *% 'WO REAR ROO OFFICES AT, 84 MEDICAL CARD ! or ie Minis ) 1} Ao inista i : 3 ' . 846 C a Pond, Fight and cannot. obtain 8! Detence, which amount will be "forfeited bo A, land, deputy Jninister of jo! hold Furniture GENTLEMEN ' TO BRING: 'THEIR | King street, Will be rented cheap Jreemy on Poa 4 rtain- districts. Price !f the party tendering declines to enter |POF, 18 in Montreal in an effort Be A cloth and have it made up inte up- A uick. J. P. Forrest, Gents' HENRY E. DAY, home ond In wenislne di homesteads | into a contract in accordance with the|tle the cotton operatives' difficulty. Including Piano, large nearly new Re to-date suits. Price and workman. Fyrnisher, clan and Su may We acquired on any available lands | tender. 3 I'he Dominion Textile company has ap- frigerator, HKxtemsion Table," Bedroom ship guar to Odessa for. : years), on either odd or even numbered Sections ae Debate Bons Dot hind self vo plied for a board of conciliation, and! Suites, etc., at 98 Earl St. ang _fepairt Gall EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, ON FRONT Hoge Wo 4 ta Te Cal- | accep a 9 : ' e > J SE, > i " South -of township 45, Fast of the -| Bt. next IREDE'S: St, all ood _ | Monday, May 3rd, 10 AM. next bb's ol Say pote dnnrovagents. |__ tm Dy OM; PHYSI- Do OM SLY in the men are willing. ary and Edmonton Rallwa and the EUG. FISET, er jest line of range 26, and West of the 7 Colonel. + , ory Pie i i t Sault Railway | Mini 5 iti Ye , . i : * . * fh! Be Sit relly A ohh | 1, MUS of MAIL and Dele, | Tupam's Great Sinking Fund. | 3. TB. JONES, Nutioner.. ARomTEOTS. each of three years, cultivate fifty acres Ottawa, April 23. M000 The 28th August, 1 , placed a ; . 3 $ . and erect a house worth $300, awa, AP Pn IuhniRin | white stone in the history of Japan- Auction Safle +5 4 iy A SINGLE pick HOUSE, 10 Rooys, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- Newspapers will not ho, bald for Anis ese finance. On that day the Katsu: . . ARTHUR BLLIS & LARQHITECT, No. 11s = tuart 'street, eters = AQ 103 Ss. wdvertisemen 1 by ins A * 3 : " i % 3 co and residence, } nivers men i i y WEST MINING BEGULATIONS authority from the Department. ra onhinet. decided to lay aside every Phun pg Bg STR LS RE Y| 'Apply to John' Ashley, 38 I4%ingston year at least 50,000,000 yen ($25, Jo Ht JONTS, "ANotignees. Ave. : > " COAL.~Coal mining rights may be gal 000 acres. can Do eased $0 one avpir| Rov. W. M. Feo, Wyoming, Out., at| the' principal of che national debt. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, : PERSONALS. oi leased for twenty-one years at.an annual 000,000) for <the purpose of paying off - " 3.550 Toa can he leased had fini appli- one time pastor of the Presbyterian | pe minimum amount of 110,000,000 ges Anchor Shui ig Markel PR oon an. JuNG EDRARD ig . y. 0 ' ' ' s Oo ' quare. "Phone, 5. Board of Education, swite of rooms| YOUR FUTURE TO LOVE, BUSI. QUARTZ.--A porson eighteen years of | church in Merrickville, has received a yen, provided in the national debt : y / age und over having mnde a giscovary unanimous call to Knox church, Dunn- consolidation fund referred to above, | ; ./ and hall, suitable for offices, club- Ross 8: Jatrld et ae i and, dute » ARE Bh afi . ir | 1 § 0 | feet. Fee, $5.00. At least $100 must be | Ville, with a fixed salary of 81,000 pcr | allows not much over 25,000,000 or | 0108 WM. NEWLANDS & SON. ARCHI room, ete. Apply 211 Princess St. astrologer, Box 825, Buffalo, N.Y oxpended on the claim each year, .or|innum 30,000,000 yen for the principal. There | tects, ete., Office, 258 Bagot street. - - paid Ba A Mining Bocordes: When 3300 Night gowns and skirts at Wald- fore, the Katsura programme of lay- | "Phone, 608. requirements complied with the claim [ron's sale Saturday. ing aside 50,000,000 yen a year would without scar. Twenty years' ex - may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. William McKay, Lanark township, | mise the amount in mn an degree. - heh 4 > PLAC R MINING CLAIMS. generally, | acsed away last Sunday. © He was Ir this Poliny i HT ing hi a 5 : " POWER & SONS, PARSIITECTS, MER A. 2 sSUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER ence. Dr. Ji. 2. Eye, Bar, 00 t . Entr ce, $5.00. . dt 4 3, e y ) roc : ; , 3 DREDGING = Two Ey of five miles | seventy-two. years of age. Saturday |our war-debt will be redeemed very ICIIC ds a. Hees hice. 22.. St xi on. Oct: 79 Sarehce Sociatine oot Hoot J mlelan HATR, MOLES, RIRTHMARKS, LEGAL. Rita, Frenioved ete., perm mtly each, of a river may be issued to ome lmorning he got up as usual and did |much Sooner than the time specified-- applicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, . rning chores. Ten children sur- oli irs DORE é oo $10 a mile per annum. Rovalty, 24 per| the morning ¢ namely, thirty years, As & matter of 1 ra T 1 ul cent after the output exceeds $10,000. Vive " " , |1aet, it speaks well for Japanese fi- ; : nr 4 = 9 W. W. CORY, | Mothers will appieciate our boys' nance that, in the very bitterest per- Mild cured, nicely smoked o » rr g t, ew Oa | ' d AS Wf rma . Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. |clothing. Livingston's. iod through which it has passed, the for sale, N.B.--~Unauthorized publication of this | Jt frequently comforts a woman to administration could manage to set fa 3 advertisement will not ba paid for. believe that there is something about |aside for the debt charge 151,183,514 : A in BL AR Cec. 5, Cargo of Chestnut. Fresh mined ------------------------------------------ ~~ | her nature her husband cannot fully |ven in 1906-7, 174,390,457 yen in a 2 { 0 4 CO 1 . nload d -d Tr us for a And now a scientist says that tears | understand, ; 1907-8 and 176,839,532 yen in 1908-9, = ; ' | EBS / 1 B11 e to ay. x y will kill disease germs--and every "Dyola Dyes" gold ih Kingston atin each case a much greater amount | y x i ) sx oad. woman knows they will destroy a Gloson Red Cross drug store. than the 110,000,000 yen planned. | J IG le} < make-up. Bargains in pictures at Uglow's, Adachi Kinnosuk®, in the American * , 4 : = No $e Rh Th= FF y Review of Reviews for May. (SATURDAY) only, at A G : pf Pe ® " : dor . Wilton Wafts. 1 2c Per i b \ h : ou w-- Wilton, April = 30.--Lottie, eldest . of " \ ly A E tf Joffe foliated ; Foditetetatate efeoforfeetd @ daughter "of Almon Brown, was mar- ba " i pd, Wednesday morning, to Reuben Vso 2 tal 10 a uoith i " oe ollingdale. Rev. D. Williams offi- ' Berman , 5 FF h A i i tinted? r They took a trip to Carth. | Seal (and Tenderloin, at i res rr va o ' age, N.Y. Congratulations. Welling 4 P y If U Need A Pair of * ton Babeock moved to Colebrooke 2 Monday. , My, and Mrs. N. G. Stornis ANDER K BR Ty oe : , returned Saturday after spending the » Sho : '4 } ' ----FOR---- Easter holidays with' Mrs. = Storms' 4 Fine es 3 ; h J sister, Mrs, J, Cornelius, Kingston. iy ; Mrs. Orange Storms spent Easter in And would like low priced - Montreal "with her daughter, Miss Shoes of good QUALITY : 50 CENTS PER LB. | Juened to Albert College after spend- What is Found About .the ing Easter with his parents. Miss Wharves. i i ~ = Ethel "Baker, Harrowsmith, spent i The sloop Maggi L., is loading oats Cor. Princess and Wellington few days last week at J, Forsythe's. | at Richardsons' "elevator; for" Picton, J. W. Babcock is building an addition | and the barge Alberta, 1s being Toaded . : to his barn, with grain for Montreal. 40 Buster Brown Suits for the Little Fellows Repairs are being made to Swift's er + Blue Serge and Dark Grey Tweeds, nicely trimmed. Regylar Died 'At St. Catharines, wharf. It was badly damaged on the $2.50. SPECIAL SATURDAY, $1.85. Port Dalhousie, Ont., April 30.--Tha day of the heavy wind storm, some of probe L. Clark, custom house broker, [the planks and piles being carried here, died at his home at St. Cath- | away. 30 Buster Browns, Russian and Other Styles arines, this morning. He was a| Two schooners, with coal, arrived Nicely made, and trimmed. Regwar $3.50, $4 and $4.50. [brother of W. B, Clark, collector of {from Oswego, Yor 'Robert Crwiord, customs hee, and unmadried. this morning, the schooner Bertha SPECIAL SATURDAY, $2.85. ancl Yuma Kalkins, with five hundred tons, and Baseball On Thursday. the schooner Britton, with three hun- 50 Boys' 3 Garment Short Pant Suits National league--Cincinnati, 3-4. | dred tons. 3 : : & : | 1h | : Chicago, 4-5, } | The steamer Carleton will be the RY, 5 E Light, medium #nd dark shades, good strong Tweeds, well made American league--Boston, 10: New | first steamer to arrive in Kingston, 3 ¥ A CT SS RIS and trimmed. Regular $5. SPECIAL SATURDAY, $3.65. York, 4. rl wie 1 NOW | with grain, from 'Fort William, this « : : : We have all the latest ideas in Eastern 'league--Montreal, 11; Balti | She js _due_st the y3 Co's 3 ay Pro 50 Dozen New Four-in-Hand Ties mote, 6. Tel up at the Soo het ann as S Shoemaking. Oxfords for Men in New Shapes. Regular 50c. SPECIAL SATURDAY, 34c: each. Snow At Smith's Falls, ade, L i J Black Vici Kid, Velour Calf, Patent : Railroad men report. a heavy Tall of On Rideau Canal : Colt, Tan, Wine and Green, $5.00 to : snow at Smith's Falls and that dis. . . i 5 Dozen Fancy Vests trict, last night, and this, with ho Capt. Randall, of the stepmbarge &G p 3.00, Ee : : Dark and light shades. Sizes 35 to 42. Regular $2 and $2.50. {heavy traffic, made the trains some fb randall, Sey 8 ag. as in 9 > \ ' Specials in Boys' sizes 21 to 5, VERY SPECIAL SATURDAY, $1.15. : what late. | the ity to-dny for tic fitet time since : Boy iy bs [Rakigation Slosed, val nag given "" : : 5 - a rx g i th ¢ thi : 5 i . Moth Proof Bags. j warm ; welcome by his marine. friend i ¥ HO women we shave ever Dn ab this sea-- Received This Morning Another Shipment Wo nate the Yery latest in moth | from Rian Willey re oa Scents son's styles demand in Tans, Bows, Wines, Pat- 'I proof an ust prool rs fo tt Xo Ving » i ? 3 J . : of Men's and Young Men's Swell Suits away furs, clothes, eto, © All she 5 ix awaiting the openisy of thetlocks. s ents, Gun Metal and Viei Kid. Prices $5.00 to 1 50. New shades and some new kinks in style. All hand-tailored, [Wade's drug store. E The ei open, - yi hea : i The very latest shoe for women is 5th Avenue. You should see them. Come here' SATURDAY. Cooking butter, per 1b, 20c. Mul Oswega to load i, fox Smith's J Patent Colt Ankle Strap Str Pomp. > lin's. "alls. The steambaige C ting. R 7 > a v . ' . R anics Roberts, Sr., Lanark, died, { loaded with -coal for ths alls, : Faye . Specials mn Children's 5 Girls Ox aud on April 22nd, aged eighty-six years, [cleared for Kingston Mills, and will go 3 x High Laced Shoes in 'Brown, Tans, Wines & i + ve i aE ea % x His life was spent in Lanark county. | through the locks on Saturday. Seven children survive. Deceased was aT 1 a liberal and a Congregationalist. He | It is reported that a seamaw s. strike |] 5 fought in 1837 at the battle of the | will begin, to-morrow, Gi the great Windmill. lakes, 127 Princess Street. aa lr Frogs Teand ;o3 ton. yosking sods, Moe, Mui Lena Storms. Mrs. Henry Murphy { and two children, of Toronto, SS er Saturday, try . visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs.' N. : pico in itl 1S : { Simmons. Mrs. Switzer is visiting ; : in Kingston. Walter Brown has rye- ] on ore A J 166 3 : | J. ' Princess St leebealantol 8 5 se BARE ge Aa --

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