Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1909, p. 6

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All Breakfast Foods There's a reason behind all fads and fancies. We required light breakfast foods and the market Was flooded with health foods (so-called.) But~--the best breakfast food in the world is "Zephyr Cream' Soda Biscuits crushed in cream or fresh, sweet milk. Christie' es {4 a) 9 i Zephyr Cream" Sodas have more original goodness than all 'other sodas manufactured on this continent. More than that, the original goodness of Christie's Biscuits is lasting. The flavor does not vary. All big biscuit makers buy a good brand of flour. We buy all good brands. Then we blend the best brands, sift and test the blend until we find a dough that will sustain the Christie reputation. Expensive! Yes--but we know no other way of starting to make biscuits up to our own high standards. Every ingredient entering into our " bakes' is the purest and best we can buy. Our *" Zephyr Cream» Sodas crushed in cream, or fresh milk, certainly do make an excel- lent light breakfast. You test them. AT YOUR GROCER'S Sold in bulk, or in small family tins, damp and dust-proof. Christie, Brown & Co., Ltd., Toronto w-------- » Two Rifles, Decoys and a Skiff Captured and Brought to Gananogue--Judgment in Divi- sion Court Cases. Gananoque, April. 30:~Fish and Game Oversecr George Toner has got down to buginess for the season. of 1909, Yesterday he made a seizure a fow miles down the river from parties who hailed from - the sister republic and were violating the law in Cana- dian waters. Mr. Toner took = two rifles, twenty-five decoys and a skiff, which 'he brought to town last cven- ing. He states that he purposes rigid- ly enforcing the law and foreign or native offenders against. the law will reccive unbiased attention. The remains of the late Malcolm J. McMurchy, of Pittsburg, Pa., arrived last evening. Johm McMurchy, father of deceased, left Wednesday for Toronto tomeet the remains and ae- company them here. Judge MeDonald, of Brockville, held division court in the town hall, Wed- nesday. Bix cases wero given a hear- ing. Toole vw. Acton--Action for rent; judgment for plaintiff for $8 and costs. B of Toronto vs. A. Rogers and T. J. Déir--Judgment for plaintifi, $10 and costs. D. Darling vs. John Lee--Act- jon on note--Judgment for plaintiff, $131.50 and costs. J. McParland & Bro. ve. John Lee--Note and accounts; judgment for plaintiffs, $106 and costs. R. Moxley vs. T. MeDonald, over caddy of tee; judgment for defendant. J. Belfie vs. G. G. Ferguson--Accouni; judgment for plaintiff, 816 and costs. Gananoque Lacrosse Club held a meeting last evening to complete pre- liminary dotails of the scason's work, The meeting was well atiended, and enthusiastic, and the team feel confi- dent that they will be able to make a fair showing this scason. Francis Melntyly, Wellington street, has been confined to his home for several days past on account of ill- ness. Town Clerk Samuol McCam- mon, who has been seriously ill for the past few weeks, is improving quite rapidly. Thomas White, Wellington | street, injured last week by the fall ing of the opera house bill board, was out around town, yesterday, for the first but will be unfit for work for some time yet, Frederick Burleigh, of the U. 8. navy, ie in town to sped a fow months with his mother, Mrs. 61- "BEAVER Vou see, she can depend on "Beaver' Flour. She knows its uniformly good qualities. She knows what white, homemade flavor bread --what light, delicious: Cake and Pastry--she gets when she, uses ""Beaver" Flour. | That is why she always orders "Beaver" Flour and. insists on having it. Do-you? Dealers--write for prices on Feed, Coarse Grains and Cereals, The T. H. Taylor Co., Limited, Chatham, Ont, Every Woman who keeps house should know the "St. Lawrence" Sugars St. Lawrence "Granulated" St. Lawrence "Golden Yellows" Si. Lawrence "Extra Ground" : or Icing Sugar St. Lawrence "Powdered Sugar" i, Fach of these brands is guaranteed absolutely pure, 'and the choicest Sugar of its kind in the Dominion. Remember to order «St. Lawrence Sugar" whenever you buy. ; The ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINING COMPANY, Limited MC NTREAL. 9 tot SHOE REPAIRING The Goodyear Machine is Now Working Successfully. * Men's Sewed Soles and heels, $1. Meii's Nailed Soles and Heels, 75c. Ladies' Sewed Solesand Heels, 75¢; Q"Sullivan's RubberHeels, 50e. i A. =. Herod, 286 Princess St. The House of Quality PHONE 837 dasa Burleigh, Sydenham treet. P. B. Whitely, of Deseronto, who | has been supplying: in thé Rathbun company's ces here for some weeks past, has been 'appointed as local agent hore, vico E. R. Chapman, lato agent. Mr. Whitely has beep with the company for a namber of years and comes here highly recommended as a thorough and cfficient railroad man. Mesers. Thomas andi Edgar Starratt. who came cast to attend tho funeral of their "Hever, Mrs." Salter, 1 for their' homes in Detroit, to-day." Mrs. J. A. McCammon and daughter spent the fore past of the week in Kingston. Mr. and Mre. L. Rogers, Kingston, were in town a short time this week. MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKET. The Various Prices Paid For Products. Montreal, April . 20.--There is no change to note in the market, to-day, for butter. Prices om finest builer are firmly maintained, but there is a coun- iderable quantity of under-finest quality that is being offered about at around 2c. per Ib., and the trade, to- day, seems io be paying more aitcn- tion to these thaw to finest goods. Re coipts to-day were fairly heavy, total- ling 760 packages, a decided increase over the total for yesterday. Finest creamery is quoted at 24jc. to 25¢. The offerings of (ry, 'torday, were very lights and . at Brockville no board was held on this account. .Only a few cheese weré sold at Kingston, the price paid being re- ported here as 1ljc., but at Belleville the offerings, which wer¢ part white and pari colored, sold at from 11%ec. to' 11jc., everything offered on hoard being bought up,at these prices. The firm ° feeling reported yesterday continues, and it looks as ii prices during the balance of the week will rule about lle. to lljc. There is a good trade doing in eggs, and prices are firmly maintained at 19¢, to 20c. per dez. Receipts: are coming in fairly well. There is also a good trade doing in dressed hogs, quotations ranging from $11.25 to $11.50 per 100 lbs. for fresh killed abbatoir stock. There were no live hogs offcred on this market, to- day. STABBED THE FOREMAN. Italian Workman Refused Carry Out Order, St. John, N.B,, April 20.--Thomas McGillen, a Grand . Trunk Pacific construction. foreman pear Chipman, N.B., was brought to the hospital here stabbed through the lung and in the arm. He had given an order to an @alian workman under nim on Monday. The order was disobeyed, trouble followed and McGillen was stabbed twice. 1t is thought he will recover. He has a family somewnure in the states. A NEGRO LYNCHED. F-- Mob Hanged Him to Tree When Found. Barlow, Fla., April 20.--Charles Scarshorough, a negro who attempted to assault a womans near here, yester- day, was captured and lynched, 'lo day. The posse which had been fol- lowing him with dogs since, yesterday, found him in a troe top and mado him desvend. A rope was put around his neck and he was drawn up to a limb of the tree in which he had sought re fuge. Twenty shots were fired into his body. to Corns Will Go. You have no corns that cannot be thoroughly removed in a few days with Peck's Corn Salve. The remedy does not fail. In boxes, 15c.; at Wade's Drug Store. ' ! cheese in the coun- the9 emir See Livangston's window for $1 ? : ---- rey a GENERAL NOTES FROM MANY QUARTERS. Ottawa University Track Team to Go to Hamilton--The Newest in Baseball~Gotch . Defended Title! Cricket is enjoying a great boom in the Canadian wes : ge Clarke, the Cleveland back- stop, is a Canadian. * The New York Marathon Derby, on May Sth, is open to all professional runners. Paul De Rouen, the French wrestler, 'intends returning to France to resume farufing. Clarke Griffith has strong hopes of bringing the National League pennant to Cincinnati. : London, Strathroy and other towns will, form a lacrosse league, probably not jin the C.L.A. ' Walker, of South Africa, the world's champion 100-yard 'sprinter, will ap- peat at the Seattle exhibition in the fall. : Lajoie is doing.great work for the Cleveland Americans, being as reliable as ever with the willow and on second base. 2 Krank Smith, the Chicago Ameri- cans. youthful pitcher, won thre gules in five days, establishing a new record. % 1i' the Marathon promoters keep on offeting big purses there will be very few igood amateur distance men left in Canada. : The Yacht Club of Quebec has de- cided to hold a great race on the sixth | of July. Three prizes of value will be | givén to the winners, | 1 Walker keeps up his present record | making performances, the chances are | he will be somewhat stale when ho | meets Kerr in the British champion- | ships. "Matt" Maloney fell in his race with Dorando, at New Haven, on Sat-| urday, and the Italian tumbled over! him: The Irish-American sustained a] painful injury to his knee, and may! be forced to retire for a time. i Tt.is likely that the University of Ottawa will send a track team to the | Kerr benefit track meet at Hamilton, | Olympic champions promise to ap- peat at Ottawa on Victoria day; and will likely " reciprocate by sending are sprinters. Kansas City, sucgessfully defended title as wrestling champion of the world against Dr. Benjamin ¥. Roller, of Seattle. The champion. won the first fall in seven 'minutes thirty-five seconds, with a commission crotch and half:Nelson held, and the second |in cighteen minutes twenty-eight seconds, witha reverse Nelson. There is 'a move on foot to have Ryan, the famous Ottawa fgothall playes; reinstated - by the Cana Amateur Athletic Upion. Ryan . lost hie good standing thé. Cana Canoe Association, the Iiterprovineial Football Union and the Canadian Am- ateur Athletic Union through going to Cobalt, this winter, and playing against professional hockeyists in the Temiskaming Hockey League. ' GIFT TO M'GILL. Presents Metallurgical Department With $10,000. Montreal, April 29.--An agreeable surprise was given at the first annual chnrar of the reunion of the McGill graduates in . science Tast evening when Dr. Milton Hersey announced a donation of $10,000 to the metallur- gical department of the faculty of 'applied science. Dr. Hersey's gift was greeted with loud applause" by the, graduates. Wolfe Island Personals. Wolfe Island, April 28.--John Mae- kie and wife, Watertown, ave. visiting at Mr. Green's; Mrs. A. Blake, Cape Vincent, at. Mrs. W, Hawkins F Briceland is on a busineess .- trip to Ottawa. Thomas White moved into bis new home on Monday. The Rev. Father Spratt has returned from Lindséy, where he was attending the funeral of the late Father Collins. Mrs. Duncan McRae has returned from Capt Vincent, where she attended hex brother, Dr. Dawson, who is ill--with fever. Edward White has been con- fined to. his bed for over a week. Former Governor Of Vermont. Brattleboro, Vt., April 29.--Freder- ick GG. Holbrook, former governor of Vermont, the oldest ex-governor in the country, and one of the last of the civil war executive, died at his home, here, last night. He was ninety-six vears old. Mr, Holbrook was one of the closest of President Lincoln's friends among the state governors. Frederick Holbrook was born at Warehouse. Point, Conn., February 15th, 1813. He was governor of Ver- mont in 1861-63. During his term he floated 81,500,000 bonds at a premium and equipped many regiments of troops. At the time of his death le was president of the Vermont Savings bank. In 1834 he married Miss -Har- riet Goodhue, of Burlington, who died many years ago. A Game Bird Farm. Albany, N.Y., April 20.--James S. Whipple, state forest, fish and game comméssioner, announced that the pro- posed state game bird farm probably 4 will be located near Sherburne, Chen- ango county, Commissioner Whipple is engay in formulating his plans as to the experiments to be made in raising game birds to replenish the depleted . covers in New York state, and will announce later what birds he | will raise. Lawlessness In Ontario. Toronto, April 29.--The attoruey- general's department is sending an officer '{o investigate alleged lawless depredations by a gang 'of young men in the vicinity of Harrisburg, which are said to be too setfous for the local, authorities to. handle. It is alleged t the home of an old couple by the 'me of Knight was visited, the bus- band dragged from his bed with a rope and threatened with hanging: | Meantime the men discharged revol- vers in the air. Sp on May 15th. The collegians have the . Bawli, Kinsella and Smith. All three i In a fast match, Frank Gotch, at| his | TIARER WL PER PY CORP. New, This Spring WE We present this style in a way to delight the eyes of the most exacting dressers. have done more than create an entirely new style. are also. could weave. 'CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kingston. Twelve Kinds | of Paints and Varnishes But instead of tryin but the sta. and well known goods. Ask the Sherwin-Williams deal your locality for Brighten Up Finish for floors or stove pipes or SPECIALTY for that pu purpose under the sun and consequently all but worthless. include Family Paint, Bath Enamel, Aluminum Paint, "Brighten Up Finishes." THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. LARGEST PAINT AND VARNISH MAKERS IN THE WORLD MONTREAL FORONTO WINNIPEG Not only are lapels, pockets and cuffs distinct- ively different from former years--the fabrics We went abroad for the Tweeds--to Athlone, Ireland and Galashiels, Scotland--and selected tHe handsomest pattems that these famous mills to remember the names of 12 kinds, simply remember "Sherwin-Williams Brighten UpFinishes." The name is new ints, varnishes, stains and enamels it embraces ave all old, ler in bath tubs, or whatever it is you want to finish. He will give you a not a paint that is made to serve every SHERWIN-WILLIAMS BRIGHTEN UP FINISHES y Paint, : Special Radiator Enamels § ah Sta Sure Bint 8 Ln Ean es Black, Screen Enamel, Durable Household Varnish. Write for booklet T.McMalion & 00, Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts. ARE A SPECIALTY AT THIS STORE. Fancy Footwear for Children in Tan Calf, Chocolate and Patent Leathers. Black Shoes with White Tops and Cloth Tops are among the newest styles for Children. Notice to Prospective Purchasers of North-West Lands May 4th next to their lands at Last Mountain Valley, Sask. cost of return ticket cate at once with J. O. OFFICE--18 Market St., Kingston, Ont. "Phone 147, James Reid's, to have]. ia N.B.--If you purchase Lauds fr CHILDREN'S SHOES See Our Culture Shape Last for Children - REID & CHARLES. William Pearson Company, Liniited will conduct an excursion on The is $36.75 and $1.50 per day board and sleeper. If you want to take advantage of this excursion call or communi- HUTTON, AGENT. Any House ~~ Owner Can now afford to Have Electtic Light in the home. WE WILL WIRE YOUR HOME AT LOW FIGURES. And allow you to pay a little each month for a year. We have expert Electricians, and our specialty is Howse Wiring. Bp-to-Date Fixtures, both Gas and HL 'W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0, "Phone, 441. 79 Princess street. HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LULRICATING OILS, FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. | PROMPT DELIVERY, w. F. KELLY Toye's Building, Clarence and Ontario Streets. ol NOTICE,' hest price paid for House 3, nalS Tot either in part. or en blog. Antique Furniture and Old- Fashioned articles especially. Come in and see a beautiful hhnd-carved Four-Post Bedstead Post eard 1: have for elie Ed bbe? » wed J L.Lesses, Cor. Chatham and Princess Bts., - Kingston. ~~ Ignition. Dynames, Carburetors, Efe. TRY OUR DRY ATTERIES. runbull Eestricl Mg. Go. 'Phone, 878. 978 Bagot Bt sss ssssssse sansa The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTQN Coal is good coal and we guar- oie prompt delivery. "Fhone, Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET. sana tNe assessed THE FRONTENAC 'LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 18€3. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money issued on City and Farm Pro perties. _ Municipal and County Debene tures. Mo msed. Deposits received and allowed. 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. 87 Clarence street. LADIES' AND GENTS TAILORING We fully guarantee - superior quality, correct style, artistic workmanship and Jd B. Ouellette, 228 Princess St: Auction Sales Rooms ALL KINDS OF BSECOND-HAND goods bought and sold, or goods sold on commission, Auction' Sales promptly at. tended to, at the City Auction Sales Boome, 88 3%. TowBS. Avchionsss uv. Aue! ei 3 . > Me P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shep Hai ening d Sh Parlor, Three Chair, sek Ey or pat: ronage solicited. 336 King Street Next door to Wade's Drug Store. ANGROVE'S FOUNDRY Brass and Jron Castings of Kny Size or Weight. Place d'Armes A wise man never boasts of his

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