PAGE EIGHT. effect gloomy cl wearer ? . The man who smiles instead of "frowns --who is everywhere welcomed for his bright face -- 'who radiates good cheer--is always You know what an effect a gloomy house has, on the mind-what dismal thoughts are con- jured --the chills that up one's spinel Did you ever stop ' to think what an othes have on the a well dressed man. Pessimism and ill-fitting clothes go together. Wear "Progress Brand" Clothes and join the optimists. Their easy, comfortable fit are a joy to your body. Their graceandstyle delight the mind. Your them trim, t will make ful appearance in u well contented with all the world. And the price will "make you contented with yourself-- - "Progress Brand" Clo cold creep great work gH busi: MN d Brock. The fol- ng is a : Honorary t--Mrs. H. Skin ner. ; President--Miss G. Strange. Vice idents--Mrs, J. Er Cammon, Presiden Mrs. H. A. Calvin, Mes. R. F. Green: lees, Mrs. J, S. Foner, Treasurer--Miss Helen Fraser. ng E. Smith, Corresponding Miss © Ada Birch. i Tat : After the election of officers a secre: tary and 'treasurer's: report was read from each, circle of the King's Daugh- ters, and 'all made satisfactory show. ings indeed. One would be surprised at the at work doge by the differ: ent circns' during the past year. At present there are four working so: cieties in the city, the Charity circle, Miss G. Strange leader; the Lend-a- Hand circle, Miss J. Shaw leadér; the What-So-Ever ciréle, Miss B. Tandy leader, and the Victoria circle, Mrs. Octavius Yates leider. CITY AND VICINITY. 25¢. Cooked Ham 25c. Sattwday only, cooked ham, Crawford. -- iss 25¢. J. ---------------- Bought Frontenac Timber Lands. Several capitalists of Waverly, N.Y., and Pittsburg, Pu.; have purchased the timber limits of Gillies Bros., in North Frontenac. ~ The deal. is being put through by J. B. Walkem, K.C, The price is said to be a good-sized one, ; SOLD AND BROCK STREET 00000400 00000088 Diamonds enter Canada duty free. I'ver Articles FOR THE BRIDE. Solid Silver Flatware in choice patterns, FRUIT DISHES, BUTTER DISHES, BON-BON DISHES, CREAM AND SUGAR SETS § TEA SETS. many VEER eR Yer 9 See our fine patterns of 'Tea- spoons, from $7.76 per 'dozen and upwards. We show the largest selection of » Sterling Silver Goods in this sec- tion of the Province, Fema SPANGENBERG JEWELLER, Marriage Licenses Issued. PETER OREREY : : 1 "~D * "Theré was any better Floor Paint than FLOOR GLAZE People would find it out, but they can't, and instead more people are finding US OUT, and the demand for FLOOR GLAZE is enormous, as for color card. Only $1.75 gallon. W. A. Mitchell Hardware Hard On The Farmers: Report to-day says that last whight's rain was very heavy in the surrounding country and farmers say that seeding operations have been given quite a set back. In many laces the seed was washed out. Roll or rolls bacon, 12}e. 'rawford s. A i half N HUMANE EDUCATION COULD BE GIVEN IN PHE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. A Gathering to Discuss the Matter --Teachers Can Have a Marked Effect Upon Children's Natures. On Thursday afternoon, at the : Y. W.C.A. parlor, an At Home was giv en the teachers of the public schools, that the subject of humane education might be fostered. After the hos: pitalities had been discharged ad- dresses were made by the president of the Kingston humane society, Edw. J. B. Penses by Miss Machar, a con- stant worker and exampler in the line of reform and protection; by Dr. Mas- sie, whose experience and sympathies are a local advantage; by Ptincipals Jordan and Greenlees; by Mrs. Gams- by, who had won encouraging results among pupils of Portsmouth school, and by Canon' Starr, whose experience as a traveler convinced him that su- perior humane considerations prevail- ed in Canada. It was agreed that the teachers could have a marked effect upon chil- dren's natures in the line of thought- ful care of dumb creatures, and that the impressions would last through life. They were agreeable to use op- portunities for training in merciful acts, and the humane society officers offered the fullest support. The for- mation of a committee to formulate a scheme for' children's bands of mercy was unanimously sustained. Miss Cottle, Miss Machar, Miss Dav: idson, Messrs. Greenlees, Jordan and Massie wi}l compose this committee. The humane society has, as a we sult of the feeling of this 'meeting and among its members, protested against the 'government's proposal to extend the time for cttle in tramsport to be allowed to remain in cars from twen- ty-eight. to thirty-six hours. Already the severity of treatment is too great. Waterloo Battle At Bijou. "The Life and Battles of Napoleon is top liner at the Bijou to-day and Saturday. Realistic scenes arc shown of Waterloo, Marengo, Auster: litz. and Zena. The great emperor is shown at his coronation, where the age to Princess Marie Louise of Aus: trin. The ceremonies following the birth of the emperor's son are also shown and Napoleon is later seen teaching the little king the art of war. After his. downfall at Waterloo he is seen making his pathetic good. hye to the Old Guard, and at last is seen in his island prison of St. Hel: eha. This film is an especially splens did one, the battle scenes ® especially being most realistic. There is also a fine naval drama, "Forecastle Tom,' and a comedy, "The Piano Fiend Whe Forgot His Music." AWN. Davis ap pears in illustrated songs and Mis: pope ofliciated, and during his marri- |; UARANTEED | French cleani Sing ein pressing. Ladies of ne s curtaips, draperies, les rugs, furs, etc. elec, cle experts, Tompl wick Bros, ' . Arranging For Competition. . repairing, gurments; £8 " PERSONAL MENTION: The 'managem Board of writing comp of June, 4 The ition towards the close winners will receive prizes at the, Horticultural So- ciety's 'exhibition, the specimens will be put on exhibition. Just The Thing. This rain' was just what Contractor McFadden wanted in to continue A---- 4 Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing Capty' Palmer is uite seriously ill with Heuritia Ta : Charles Haystead, Brockville, visiting in the city. Prof. Andcrson, of Queen's, on a trip to the old country. Dr. Stafford Quinn, Tweed, will act as house surgeon at the Hotel Dieu, Edward Young, steamer Amcrical from typhoid fever. R. M. MacTavish, son of Rev. Dr. MacTavish, is settled at Milestone, Saek., for ithe summer moaths. Mrs. Orlando Johnson has sold her greenhouse to J. A. Wallace, of Ot- is wheelsman one the is suffaring tava. Porta: | Thursday to Miss Jennie E. Kennedy, mouth, arrived home to-day after a Pleasant visit with her cousin, Mrs. liggins, Trenton, Miss Sproule, acting as deaconess in ' the Methodist church, Smith's Falls, has resigned and will return to her home near_ Kingston. Miss: Gertrude Craig, daughter of Rev, R. J. Cresg, has been temporar- ily appointed organist of Queen street Methodist church. Ex-Ald. Samuel MeBride, Toronto, a well-known horso man, will act as starter at the races here on Victoria day. The local commitiee were lucky to secure his. services. The many friends of Mrs, Randall, Seecley's Bay, wife of Capt. John Ran- dall, will be pleased to learn that she has completely recovered from the ef- fects of the accident she met with somo time ago. . Nr. and Nre. Hugo Craig. Arthur and William Craig and Misses reig, of Kingston,.attended, on Wed- nesday,. in Trenton, the mardiage oi Miss Alice Irene Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Stewart, Trenton, to Frederick Scholz . Wil- kins, son of Rev. W. T. Wilkins. Special Saturday List. Assorted five o'clock tea cakes j Vanilla wafers, Royal ginger cakes, Cream rolls French straw pasties, Sweot sandwi , Angel cakes, Almond macaroons, Cocoanut macaroons, Chocolate macaroons Mcringue kisscs, Almond pufis, Duchess Fruit; layers, ' Mcringue layers. All fresh at Lackie's new store, 168 Princess street, Saturday. {| ------ .' Cooked Ham 25c. -Satardag only, cooked ham, 25¢. J Crawfo See q corsets, for sibut Daisy Bruton sings on Friday even tng and Saturday aiternoon, g PORAMEINEY RRL oui. specially a od figures, $1.25. New York Dress Reform. has left '| school were about to take a class tho scraping of the roads, one-third of which weve untouched. A good por- tion of the scrapi of the sough- | west section are being put on 1 general hospital grounds facing King street. 5 ¥ Inigpected The Schools. This : morning, Trustees = Lambert, Macnee, Henderson and Metcalfe made an inspection of the Collegiate Insti tute, Victoria and Sydenham schools, to decide upon repairs and improve: ments for next 'term. The trustees also Tooked over'a proposed. site for the new gymnasium. . Shifted Its Night. * The Anglican Young People's Asso- ciation of St. George's cathedral, has shifted its night of meeting from Tuesday, so as not, to clash with 'the "Khights Templars' meeting. The AY.P/A. is very much interested in its glee club work, some of the voices of the English members on its roll being very sweet. Miss El- sie Tandy is accompanist. + At Feldapar Mines. The feldspar mines - at Bediord, are in operation again. The first six cars; to be taken out of the mines arrived in the city this moming over the Kingston & Pembroke railway, and will bo shipped over to Sodus, as soon as it can be loaded on the ves sels. The K. & P. railway will haidle about 12,000 'tons of feldspar from these mines this summer, Soccer Game Saturday. The association football team to re- present the. R.CH.A. against the Canadian Locomotive Works, on Sat- urday, is as follows: Goal, Lieut. Constantine; backs, Corpl. Vertigan, Lieut. Cobbitt; hali-backs, Br. Hewitt, Gr. Dunphy, Sergt, Finney; forwards, Br. Oy gt. Harte, Gr. Bowhill, Gr. Gilmour, Gr. Donough. The game will be played on the cricket field, starting at 2.30 o'clock. > Who Stole The Cream ? There ate some very mean thieves in the world. Members of pedagogy a the school of domestic science, when it was found that soiné Berson had made off with the cream, which was to be used for the making of ice cream, which was on the menu card. As usu- al, the cream had been left in the hall: way by the milkman, in a bottle, but someone spied the 'bottle and made good his escape. Subway Not Commenced. The Montreal road subway .is still uncommonced, but it is not the fault of the GTR. company, The latter had the o plans filed with the railway commission four days - after Judge Mabee issued the order. These plans have not yeb been certified by the commission . enginecr, and until this is done, the s caonot hoe withe It is expected, r Cooked ham, Re Crawford. how ever, that the . cork will of Stacie ve i Ry Valuable Furs HAM ENE a BE wan & We store FURS not as a source of profit, but as an accommoda- tion to our CUSTOMERS, Our 'Receipt assures you abso- » lute security at nominal expense. Telephone 489, our waggon will call. John McKay 189-155 Brock St. | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Livingston's for $1 shirts, Cooked ham, 25¢. Crawford, There was a clean sheet at lice court, this morning. New laid eggs, per dozen, lin's. Peas, corn, tomatoes, Queen brand, per tin, Te. Saturday, Mullin's, Roll or half rolls bacon, Crawford's. There were five: tramps in the police station, for shelter, last night. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone gs od The heaviest 'part of the night's shower occurred at five o'clock this morning. For sanitary springs and matiresses and brass and iron bedsteads, try James Reid's. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. Leave orders at Mec- Auley's Book Store. Sale of ladies' $2 golf jackets, lor $1.25, in cardinal, white or black. New York Dress Reforma. « * Cooked ham, 25¢. Crawford. The fixing of the points of the wontlior vane wae under the direction of J. W. Powor, architeot, A fine new restaurant will likely ha opened; in tho city before long hy onc of the local hotel-k 8. Picture sale at. Uglow's. The = police have Been dealing with some statute labor delin ts. Those given the final notice, who fail ta py up, will be summoned to the po: ice court. hl 18¢, Mul- je: 20 Tbs. hest granulated sugar, 81. 34 lbs. 40e, Japan blend tea, $1. . 3} Ibs. 40c. orange Pekoe black ten, nn Mullin's grocery. on * in are making fine progress oun the few building for the Wormwitly Co. The company is rushing work in the building opposite the factory siie. Roll or half rolls bacon, 12§e. Crawford's. Sale of special dip-hip. corsets, with hese . supporters; 65c. Sec our stock, over fiity- kinds to choose fromm. New York Dress. Reform. Sale of pictures at Uglow's, The forty hours' devotion will open at St. Joseph's church, Hotel Dien, on Sunday, May 2nd. Benediction of the most. blessed sacrament at 8 p.m. each evening. Sale of threc-inch silk ribbon, llc. per yard. Brown, black," green, cardi- nal and pale blue. New York Dress Reform. Cooked ham, 25c. Crawford. There are six patients in the station hospital, Queen street, but luckily, none are of . a serious nature. The health of tho batterymen, as a whole, is exceedingly good. Roll or hali rolls bhacop, 12§e, Crawford's, . / The. ; examinations . at the Royal Military Collpge begin. to-day. Theore- tical Slass work is compléted, and for the next two months the cadets will do field work. Sesh crisp soda "biscuits, per box, 3 Ibs. Case Noir biscuits, 208e, 3 lbs, fruit Mseuits, 28e. « 4 lbs, gingersnaps, 3 6 lbs, broken sweet biscuits, 25c. Mullin's grocery. WoN FRAMPIONSHIP. Junior Y.M.C.A. Team Win High Honors. The junior team at the Y. M, C. A. has been awarded the Canadian championship in the athletic contest, securing very high honors. Word to thiw eficct was received by the local ¥Y. M.CA;; fom Toronto, this afternoon. Orillia scoured second place. Each team in the contest competed on ite own floor, and the points were after wards counted, andl it was found. that the local junior team had taken the highest. honors. fate off, please, to the following, who compose the team: McCartney, Davis, Gratton, Brewster, Hunter and Fleming. The Information 'Wanted. Saturday Night, Toronto. A good story is going "he rounds in certain Ottawa circles at the expense of a well-known young lady of the capital, who is better versed on the latest creations in the way of hats than in the current topics of the day. One evening last week, at a "bridge given by the young lady to a few of her most. intimate friends, the conver: sation mt the suppor table turned to tne recent debaie in the House of Commons on Canada's contribution to the naval deforice of the empire. One of the guesis remarked ~ that 'he thought Canada should build ene or two Dreadnouchts, at which the so- ciety damsel clectrified - her guests by asking in the mildest. manner possible: "What isd Dreadhought ?' In tHe roar of laughter that follow: ed- several of the partys narrowly os caped choking. . Carolina Strawberries. American large boxes, full fuart, 25c., at A. J. Rees, -------- 25¢c. Cooked Ham 25c¢. the po- & hs We have just received 2 remar! ood bargains. These we will shal with our customers To-morrow Morn- ing. | or One of the very best American designs and the correct Corset for this season. It is made from a very fine White Armure Corset Cloth, and was made to sell at $1.50 pair, nearly all sizes. Yours To-morrow, 85c Pair These cannot be sent on approval, as they will likely be all sold in the morning. - lk . PY 450 Yards Fine White Nainsook Cottons Suitable for Ladies' and Children's Un- derwear and Children's - Summer Dresses. This Cotton is just the right weight. It is 36 inches wide and worth 12}c yard, Yours To-morrow Morning if yon are prompt, 8c Yard. ¥ - 2,000 Yards Torchonand ~~ WYalenciennes Laces Different makes and widths. 3c, 4e, be, 6c yard. Your Choice To-morrow, 2c | Yard. Saturday only, cooked ham, 20e. J. Shoes That Everyone Needs At 2 . Prices That Everyone Can Pay. ~wnll Shoes for Children, Shoes for Ladies, Shoes for Men. 1° Table full of Child's Chocolate Blucher Boots. Regular $1.25. Sizes 5 to 7. NOW 1- Table fall of Child's Box Calf Boots. Regular $1.85. 8, 9, 10. NOW 3 1 Table full of Ladies! Dongola House Slippers, Turn Soles, | Elastic Front. Regular $1.00. Selling NOW, for .............T5¢. 8 The Best Boots to be had for Men, at $1.50, $2.00, $2.25. and $2.50. : 1 Call and see our stock of Spring 'Goods. Sizes 1.00. + 3 i §THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE P.S.~New Slater Boots, for Men, $4 LAL atid