Daily British Whig (1850), 1 May 1909, p. 5

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came a pr e---- regu -- -- ------ PEEL PLLLLLLLLLLLLLARS | ion, Clergy street, for The summer . ¢ a > | months. voi - Miss Macaulay, King street, ' Gold in home, last night, from Stratford: 4 + Mr." and Mrs. James Farrand Prin- cg i, * gle Joke, yesterday, for the east | Bwilight nis Top ' I Msg Gertrude A. Urquhart; o i wil lg 8 Lamm Masel, U.S.A. Sat of Lo § {well hospital, was the guest of her Be | brothér, Row. James #. Urquhart, - » {during convocation: week, she having Mrs. James' Cappon's pretty hovise | come up to attend the ceremonics of on Barrie street made a delightful re- | the graduating ahd licensing of her treat feom Thursday's bleakness and bot She will reiurn, on Monday, storm. Fires burned cheerily and | via Niagara . Falls, after spending a shaded lamps and candles shed a soft i viry pleasant time among her friends. and welcome glow in happy contrast | Are J K. Kerr, of Toronto, is the to the out-of-doors. The hostess, al- guest of hor daughter, Mops. William »0, with her cordial greeting; made Harty, Sydenbam street. the guests whom she had asked to Mr. Justice and Mrs. Maclonnan re her little tea, forget' the unpleasant turned to Ottawa, to-day. nostes commected with reaching her Nis iu ! hoped In the drawing-room, where | Major and Mrs. H: A. Mack will Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick made the probably spend the summer in Mrs. ten, were daisies and gerapiums, andip Hooper's house, on Albert street. in the hall Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, | Mice Jessie Smith will remain in who poured the chocolate, was {town till Wednesday, and will go rounded by hydrangeas and dafiodils, straight tp Montreal joining Mrs. 'The tea was given for some of the Buxton Smith there, visitors in town--Mrs. Adam Shortt, | N.S Macmorine and the Misse Mrs," RT. Wilkem, Mrs. C. W. Macmarine, Portage la. Prairie, will Drury, Mrs. James Maclenuan and yg eo up their permanent residence at Mrs. RM. ig Brandon, where Miss Sybil :;Macmorine Nes: H. Tandy, Kifig streot, gave a i thgoged on the Collegiate teac hing luncheon at the Country Club, - on Mrs. John A. Cooper and children Nodiunting, with: Ms. RB. 7. Wolkpmn! sotumed ' to. Toroursy ors. "Hiidren and Mrs. C. W. Drury as guests Of | brief visit with her parents, Mr. and honor. The table was very prettily Mrs..James Massie, Larl street. decked with pink carnations. Those oie making up the twelve who sal about | Sn, T 8 Scott, Toronto, visiting ok were. Mre. Frederick | Mpg. H. F. Mooers, Barrie street, went nfinliekl,", Mrs. Jamos 'Gildorsleeve, home 'today. Ye terday Mrs, Mooers Jeremy Taylor, Mrs. Herbert gave a small bridge in her guest's Robigson, Mrs. walter Macnee, Mrs, honor. James Cappon, Mrs, Richard Hooper, | Mrs. Miss Eleanor: Macdonell, and Miss avenue, Letlice Tandy. Bridge followed lunch- eon with a prggty prize for cach able. "-» -»-~ "> The marriage of Miss Louiso Single- ton go Me. J. V, place on Wednesday Hth, at 10:30 o'clou'. Immediately af- tor the wedding from 11 till 11:30 olelick, she bride' will hold a reception | at thé résidence of Mrs. Georgo Zoigler, Broek . street. Her many friefds' will hus have an opportunity of saying good-bye (to the ; popular bride. 2 8. J. Kilpatrick, University having broken up house, leit, | to-day, for Peterboro, to spend some | time with her daughter, Mrs. J. E. | Goodwill, who was here for a few days | this week, Dillabough will take | morning, May 4 Miss: Nan" Skinner, West street, will | be home from Toronto to-night, Mrs, . Keuneth Fenwick went up to | Toronto to-day, { ow »> oe Miss Annie Dillabough, Williams- burg, visiting Miss Louise Single tow, Brock street, Mrs, George Mackie, Frontena« i stregt, has returied from Now York. we we | ringing her- sister, Miss Ethel Robin. Mundell, Brock street, ic | son, with her. ham from Hamilton. Her nicee, Miss Mrs. J, P.Prench and her son went Alice Martin" of 8 Anges' school, [up to icton, yesterday, and may re Belleville, has been" staying with Mrs. | turn to Kingston again for another Mundell. ghothor of her guests is | visit, Mr. J'H; who has just gra-| = duated fram is Mes. D. BE. ww ow Mrs. W. R. Givens 'and her two voung sons, Master Sherman and Mas | ter Henry Mill, are herve, from Minne { apolis, and will occupy rooms at Mrs. Shane's, cornér™ King and William streets, till © Maitland House" is ready for ogenpancy. Mr. and" Mrs. "Adam Shortt back to 'Ottawa, to-day, their two laughters returning with them. They have taken-a furnished house inthe apital. 'Mrs, Shortt'st visit here has heen marked by 'a round of gaieties in - eg ie The printgpal and Mrs. Gordon en textained gb hincheon at Queen's, on Wednesday, In honor oi "Sir Sandiord Fleming, who was staying with them, and a few: of "the: other visitors . in town for convocation. ow we A Nery interesting engagement has been" announced to the family and close éircle of friends but authority to 'divulge anything further of it has | went Crystal Palace gro UNDER PROTECTION . ATTEND INQUEST. This is Statement of Her Counsel ~Likely That, Inquest Will Be Carried on in Private. Ont., May 1.--J. Lynch- Staunton, counsel for the Kinrades, wid Thomas Hobson, 'had a confer- ehce, this morning, and drew up a long letter, which was sent to the attor- noy-general of the province, The. let ter stacts off. with the following statement ; : "We have just been notified ' that Miss Kinrtade has now heen perved with a crown office subpoena fo at- tend Hamilton, The, final for the English Cup, the blue ribbon unds, i Saturday, between being victorious in this final game. \ MISS KINRADE CAN SAFELY | . LISH THE ENGLISH CUP WINNERS. Ys GROWING . AND GIRLS, : erat Need Pink Pills to Give Them Health and Strength. Growing boys as well as girls need such a tomic as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to keep the blo®d, rich, red and pure, and givé them health and strength. Mrs. Edwards Koch, mistress at Prince's Lodge, N.S. tells the great benefit her little son has de- rived from the use of this world-fam- ous medicine. Mrs. 'Koch says : *My little son, Reginald, had been troubled with anaemia almost since birth. He was always a sickly looking child, with no energy and little or no appe- tite. His veins showed very plainly though his skin and he had several gerious attacks of stomach and bowel trouble, and . on one occasion his life was dispaired of by two doctors wh were attending him, Hi. little bod) was slowly wasting away until he was the coroner's inghicst, and we have advised her that fhe is now un-| ler the protection of that court, and an safely attend for examination." | The letter proceeds to point out | that Chancellor Boyd expressed the pinion that the young woman woulkl he examined on the ground adready tone over and not along a line tend- ng to lay a charge against her-- Fhe 'etter states that it is the intention of Miss Kinrade and her mother to at- tend in - gempliance with the high ourt subpoena. It further that) they had no desire to evade proper | legal examination, but that they felt | they: should be under the protection oi the high court. Another paragraph in the letter js: 'We also request, on behalf of the af- | flicged family, that vou will instruct the coroner to hold the remaining ses- | sions 6f his court in camera, and that | says + honor, so pleased have all her old 'riends been to see her. % - -» "- Mus. of not 'bean given yet, - ow a Yesterday heing - Alice strect day a umber of 'people saade their way fenry Alexander, 370 Lewis out to Mys. A. I. Knight's and mjoy- street Drianf announces the engage ed achat: over the tea cups with Mrs. | ment of he danghiter, Constance, to Adam Shortt and Mrs. R. T. Walkem. | the Rev. M. B. Davidson, Toronto , - oe - The marriage will take place on June Ags! s Pward Lo Fortt,: Willian 19th : steed, Whe about hall a dozen givle and a like number of men to tea, yes- torday, to meet her visitor, Miss Mabel Meagher, SUIT FOR $30,000. Owners of Roller Boat Want Big Payment. Toronto, May L.--A. A. Laurie, To- tonto, and F. A. Knapp, Prescott, aro suing the Polson Tron Works, limited. for $30,000 damages, "for negligence 'n the custody of the plaintifis' chat- tals." "The action .ariscs, from the 'collision between 'the Knapp roller boat and the Curbinia, as a result of which the Lurbing Steamship company got judg: ment. for damages. « Laurie and Knapp now; hold the Polson iron Works ro sponsible for the roller héat's drifting from 'the Polson slip and into contact with "the Turbina. - i we Mes. John Bell Carrutheys askef], ¢ | few: people to, tea, to-day, At 'Annan dale," to meet Mrs, K. Kerr, ; o "Rathnally," Toronto. i - oe i Mrs. Ernest Keavey will recive with hee "other, - Mes. Michael Walsh, Prin: cess street, every Wedaesday 'during May. : "> | - - - 4 Badmiuton stopped for the season on Wednesday and this afternoon there was an acing void among its devo ' . - Leos, Ce Several small affairs have heen given this "wek, in honor of Mrs. James Maclennan, 'of Ottawa. Le ew Miss Annie Fowler, Union street, one tertaiged™at lunehieon, on Wednesday, "- "> "- Mr. and Mrs. M. LL. Dnnham Inland Revenue Returns. The collections the inlapd re- voriue - office at © Kingston fer the month of April were. as follows: Spirits, $4,966.86; mali, $673.50. to hacco andl cigars, $2,000.48; . bonded hava factory (vinegar), $275.90 licenses, vone back .to Frankville, 'their old 8475; other receipts, $27; total eollec- home, but may possibly return to) HONS, $8418.74. Kingston later. Dr. C. S. Dunham will return here to take his Ontario council. Mrs. McAdam, Almonte, left home, on" Wednesday. She has Vasiting her sister, Mrs. G. A. donald; Brock street. Professor and Mrs. J. C. Gwillim | have given up their house on Harrie street and will go to British Colum- bia for the summer. Mrs, John Walker, -of Perth, was up for convocation, and is the guest of Nrs, John Macgilliveay, Albert street. at "« Brock St. Hall. 3 servige, Sunday night, Twé short, carnest ad singing. All Evangelistic seven o'clock. dregso®, © hearty gospel welcome. for been Mac Customs Import Duties. During April the local customs im- port duties amounted to $18,068.36. 25¢. Cooked Ham 25c. Saturday only, cooked ham, Grawlord. Campbell Bros', To-Night. For new derbies, $2, $2.50; soft hdts, an 200. J. > - > Mr. and Mrs. "Jack" Osler, "of Bronte, have returned from their hon eymoon, and spent a few days in To ronto on their way to Lakeview Farm. Professor and Mrs. Scott and Pro: fessor and Miss Morrison are some of the Queen's contingent who will cross the ocepn and spend the summer in the old land. Mrs. Robert O'Hara dil Miss Kath: Jeen will "take Mrs. 'Robert Meikle's | new 2 , N---- The many fricods, old and voung, of tha Misces' Rogers, Gor street, are sorry that thé exigendies of will take them up avenue, and so out of those who have enjoyed upon them ay all times. dropping in The #inest, most tasteful and wholesome biscuit, cake and pas- 'try are made with Royal Bak- ing Powder, and not otherwise. Royal is the only Baking Powder Royal Grape Cream of Tartar moving | to University | the way of adjournments be made as is usual in| 'other courts.' The final paragraph points out that Crown Attorpey Washington has made | the statement that an act of parlia ment should be passed, , prohibiting newspapers printing anything about a case like this until the final trial. Pit MARINE NEWS. What Found Wharves. The steamer Rideau Queen starts on Ker tripe' to Ottawa on Monday. The steamer Ralph will go on the government dry dock for repairs her wheel, The schwoner Keewatin #leared for Oswego, to-day, aiter unloading" coal at Swift's : Owing to ihe unfavorable weather, no vessels cleared from the M.T, elevator to-day. The sloop Maggie L. came over from Wolle Island, to-day, with grain Richardsons' elevator. The new steambarge Gastic was giv en a tial tip around the harbor, to day, Capt. Edward ' Smith, Jr., in command, The government boat Speedy will clear for Montreal, Sunday.: She has been" waiting here for the opening ~ of the lower canal The Rideau. Lakes Navigation com- pany contemplating building a steambarge this year in order to carry its freight between Kingston and Ottawa. Such a would cost £10,000. The steamer Ramona, af the Folger lino, will go on the Kingston foundry ways next week to be widened, Her width will wercased by four feet, making her teadier, and increasing her carrying capacity io about 200, The arlditions will cost $2,000 is About. the , to Co's for vessel be Good Templars. The quarterly election of officers for Hope of Kingston lodge, 1.O.G.T.. on FPhursday might, resulted : LD, J. Shearer; C.7., F. Norman; V.T.. Mrs. Dutton; secretary, A. J. Keel (re elected): financial se retary, E. Se well: treasurer; A. i. Keel: chaplain, D. Mar, Miss K. Doolan: pianist, G. Lieorge Bocking: sentinel, A. Tagwood assistant secretary, Miss K. Brown: ND. Mar, Miss K. Doolan; pianiat, G. se. Ihe lodge accepted, with much re gret, the resignations of 8. and H. P. frown, two active members, who 'are leaving for the west next week. Baseball On Friday. Eastern leaguo--Montreal, 3: more, 0. American Louis, 2. National New York, lalti- league--~Detroit, 4. St. leaguc-- Philadelphia, i; 9 . Engaged The Battery. Dr. Orr, manager of the Toronto ex- hibition, has arranged with the R.C. H.A. for & musical ride during the show next September. Tha battery {will turn oat forty-five men, four guns, thirty-six horses and the band, | ---------- Ennis and Stoppani, New York. are making an offer to pay their creditors {in full partly in cash and partly in notes |: Hugh Kennedy -and Miss Cora A. { White. were quietly married in Belle. fviile on Thussday. i In Trenton, on Tuesday, Miss Aiice E McCullough, Trenton, married } [sickly boy because they wént down tc nothing more than a skeleton. He was peevish and fretful and a misery to himself." Having read - and heard | sc much of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, 1 determined to try them in his case. and after giving them to him for a couple of months, they certainly work ed wonders with him. To-day he is fat and healthy looking: he hag a hearty appetite, is able to play like othe children, and is bright and energetic, instead of dull and listléss as he usec to be. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have changed my puny, sickly child, into a rugged, hearty box,' Dr. Williams' - Pink Pills tured this the root of the trouble in his blood That is why they wever fail. Bad blood iv the cause of all cominon diseases like anaemia, (bloodlessness) eczema paleness, = headaches, indigestion, kid ney trouble, neuralgia, rheumatism and the special ailments that only growing girls and womenfolk know. Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills don't bother wit} mere symptoms, they cure diseas k through the blood. Thiyy don't cure for a day--théy cme to stay curved Do not take any pills without the fal hame, "Dr. - Williams' Pink Pills fo Pale People,' on 'the wrapper around each box. Sold by all medicine deal: ers, (or by mail at 0c. a box ar six boxes of $2.50, from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Cooked ham, 25¢. Crawford. Cravenette raincoats, Livingston's. Capt. R. H. McKay is visiting in Fulton, N.Y, : Miss Chine Abramson has returned from. a visit to Cleveland Roll or half rolls bacon, Crawford's. Robert Allan, Watertown, N.Y.. visiting friends in the city. William Swaine, pian¢k tuner, Orders received 'at MoAuley's. "Phone 778. Steamer Rideau King leaves Smith's Falls, 6 a.m.; Monday. Try Bibby's special $2 hats. L. Cartwright, Hawley, Ont., shot a wild goofe on Monday, April 29th. , . Try Pibby"s dressy $2 hats. Cooked ham, 25c. Crawford. For sanitary springs and mattresses and brass and "iron bedsteads, try James Reid's. Try Bibby's nobby $2 hats. Ride a cushion frame Cleveland "With Hercules brake. H. Milne, agent, 272 Pagot street. ' Capt. * Robert Carnegie and family' are removing from Clayton, N.Y., to Kingston, Sale of stockings, two Dress Reform. Bibby's $2 hats are splendid. Where are you going ? | am, going to Lackie's new store for one of his magnificent fruit layers. H. Cunningham, piano tuner Chickering's. Leave orders at Auley's Book Store. Bibby's $2-hats are great. The heavy rain of Friday night had a Very bad effect on the market, this morning. The island market was woll attended. Roll "or half Crawford's. Ribby's $2 hats are wonders. In all probability the baseball dia mond at the cricket field will be fixed up by the parks' committee, of which Ald. Kent is chairman. Bibby's $2 hats are swell. Prof. Nicol's giit is not to Queen's University, but to the School of Min- ing, and is for mining and metallurgy, not for mineralogy and geology. See Bibby's $2 brown derby. Roll or half rolls bacon, Crawford's. See Bibby's green hats. The board of health has been called to meet on Tuesday next. At present Mavor Couper acting chairman. There have been no cases for the fort hdspital for quite a while, Bibby's $1 shirts are fine See our corsets, vecially adapted for stout figures, $25. New York Dress Reform. ] Cooked ham; 25c. Crawford. This is May day and moving day. The weather was certainly anything 12}c is for fine cotton New York ladics' 'oxtra pairs, 35c. from Mc rolls "bacon, 12}c. 124e. <9 of English Association football was ter United and Bristol, Ci ' | Matters That Interest ry! > cident, tant pastor of Centra Prashyinian church, Haniilton; has been called to 5 a + , % » : Bath toe TB OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. . Everybody Al Over-- Tittle Easily Read - fire de- --~Notes From Belleville is to re-organize i partment, About. 3,000 passengers from Liver- pool, in three steaniérs, reached Qu bec on Saturday. 4 "Rev. Dr. W. Maclaren, Toronto, for- mer principal of Knox Collage, was shghtly injured by a stieet car ac- J. H. Carnegie, M.I.P., Victoria county, has fesigned his Seat and ae- cepted the office of distributor of law stamps. oa May day labor troubles in Hamilton are not pronounced. Most of thé wn- ions have contracts ExteBiding over this year. The Laurentie, the Hew White Star liner, the largest vessel in: Cann- dian tradé; has sailed frond. for Montréal. Dolly Hardy, aged 'nine it. Thomas, has 3 the Victoria Industria robbing a house. rd 1 Rev! Mr. McKenzie, Carleton Placi , has resigned the, pastorate. of "the Baptist church, * "the resignation to take effect July Ide My a The "anthracite 'coal 'minefe® and op- Tators signed a ghreesyear agreement, i which the mine workers' union , is ot officially recognized: Ye Mr., Mrs. and Florensg Kinrade have timated their intention: of being orestnt at the resumption of the in- (west, on- Monday afternoon. Ty An effort is being made to hye Dr. i..G. Rutherford, Y eleritiary isertor. renefal of Canada, appointed to the roard of railway commissioners. Rev. Neil M. Leckie, formerly askis- Beverly Presbyterian wall. . Mr., Mrs. and Flofence Kinrade were served, on Friday evening, with crown subpoenas, ordering their attendance at the resumption of the Kinrade in- est Monday. This week's Ontario Gazette is the largest om record, fo. far as @mnounce- nents of incorporation of companies is concerned, no less than sixty-seven wing on the list. The International Sufirage Associa- ion, at it¢ session in London, decided to limit its "membership to societies waving the enfranchisement of women 18 their sole object. At Pilot Mound, Man., James Lan- lerkin, Bradford, Ont: a brother of the late Senator Landerkin, died, on Chursday, aged eighty-three. He ar- ived two days ago, from Ontario, to visit hix son. The Ontario thurch, Kirk- government is séeking to collect duties "from the" heies® of John H. Patten, who died at Wind- spn, Ont., a year ago, leaving an ex: tate of about $60,000, mostly in Mich- igan mortgages. John Williams, bridge engineer, To- ronto, died, on Saturday morning, af ter having suffered several months rom stomach trouble. Mr. Williams had been in the city service for twen- ty-two years. Charles L, Macdonald, wanted af Thornhill and London, on charges, dating back to 1907, of 'having ob- tained = money by means of worthless checks, was arrested at Toroato on Saturday. The master lathers of Ottawa have given notice '0 the master plasterers that unless, on Friday next, their -de- mands for an incredke arc granted, there will be a strike. They are asking for $1.75 per thousand. Robert Carnegie, keeper of the Mid- dle Island iighthouse, and his assis- tant, spent a night in the lake in a disabled launch. "They finally drifted ashore on the island and when found both had their hands. frozen. A building imyQuebee occupied by Messrs. © A. Paquet & (Co! machines and mill furnishes; F., X: Boisver:, machinist; W. R. Blacsedton, sail-mak- er and the Imperial Clgthing Masufac- turing company, was reduced io ashes. John Macdonald, an emgincer of the Guebée, Montreal & Southefn railway, | died from injuries, on Frida- night, | received when the Mguntreal hound | Rutland-Now York express dashed ine to the roundhouse at Therville, om ac- count of a misplaced switch. He re- ceived serious injuries and his locomo- tive was badly damaged. Rev. Dr. W. 8S. Barres has. notified the comnfitteet of management of the Church of the Messiah, Montreal, that it is his intention to resign from the pastorate of the church on September 12th next, which will be the thirtieth anniversary of his appointment to that posttion. Dr. Barnes will then assume the position of pastor emerf- tus. ------ niin. After Housecleaning Time: Nothing froshens up a room like a but favorable. Rain began io fall at | eleven o'clock, Friday night, baoicy Stanley: Bond, Ottawa. 4 tinued all Saturday morning. r : and con- | select one at Uglow's new picture. 'A greats oppdrtunity «to, sale of pictures for one week. [2 ' lection YS up-toda Deesse, Directoire, A lw Grace, B. « T.. Crompton Mbdels, B. C., ete. All priges. a i 3 & Princess and two-piece dross in * lingerie effects, spotted musling, organdie and 'embroidered / lawn, | r ise and Valenci~ ons "and edgings f & daintily, made fine clusters | of Attucks,' $4.25, te. 4 $30. + ¥ Spence. THE LEADING MILLINERY ¥ £ Excellent in desig, fine mdchbanical work- maoship and most satisfactory . in opera- tion. Ask or send for copy of oub ine illus- trated catalogue. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO., 345 King Street All kinds of Motor Boat Supplies. 2 er -- Sails Paddles ! or : He acy x #4 Oars, Cushions, Boat Chairs, Camping Outfits, Lile Belts, ete. FRANK W, COOKE, Sal 346 King St., op rrr SSRIS | Automobiles To Rent. h Open. Ww. Jd. Moore & Son, "Phornies--Garage, §15a. Residence, 815b. Caning For Burglars. Constantinople, May 1.--A. law his You been passed by the Turkish parliament | wherchy 'any person convidted of carry- | good ing about files, skeléton keys or. other burglars' tools and who are unable 'to give a satisfactory explanation, will be liable to irom 'five to' strokes with the cane. , ------emseations Cooked ham, 25¢; Crawford. ent,' yr 3 nternational Portland Guelph and Renfrew P. Walsh's, Coal and Wood Yard, Barrack St, # i Always

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