Daily British Whig (1850), 7 May 1909, p. 3

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JUST LOOR. 20%. DISCOUNT SALE ON RUGS. Our stock of Rugs is too large, and we desire to reduce it at once. So we are offering every 'Rug in our stock at a; Reduction of 20% This is sure to bave the desired effect, as the season is at its height. Different sizes; pretty colorings and all at 20%. Discount. For One Week Only--Friday, May 7th, to Friday, Yay 14th, Inclusive. WN THNENGE IR com: armmgumso) ASBIG AS A MAN CONQUER: ED AFTER FIERCE FIGHT. Creature is of Unknown Species, But is Believed to Be Akin to the Pelican Tobe. Atlantic City, , 'May T.--At-' tacked by an et bird of un- known species, supposed to be a mem- ber of the pelican family. Doughty fought the battle life shortly before daylight, Before he wae able to vanquish his feathered antagonist, which he knocked down with an oar. After confirmation of bis weird tale Capt, Doughty, on his return to this city, showed a pinched black and blue, and cine clothing, wong with the strange bird, which he trussed up and brought home in his coat. Local sdentists who have viewed the feathered mon- ster are still uncertain of its species. It weighs over, 100 = pounds, and stands almost as tall as a man. According to the story told by Doughty he was sculling his boat along in front of Rum Point, near Brigantine, shortly before daylight, and in a dense fog, when he was at- tacked by the bird. The bird is still alive, and will be presented to some collection if it sur- vives the beating it received during 1the battle. | AT ST. LUKE'S HALL. If Christie's "Zephyr Cream" Sodas were judged on flavor alene-- EAVE aside, if you like, all oth of superiority «Zephyr Cream' points and judge Christie's Sodas on flaver alone. If vou have mever 'tasted Christie's you may say that there never -is much flavor to a soda biscuit. Just you try Christie's and see! The flavor of the pure, wholesome raw materials that go into Christie's "Zephyr Cream" Sodas is carried through to the finished product--and made lasting--by scientific methods of mixing, baking and packing. The Christie Flavor is delightful® Test it, > Christie, Brown & Company Limited ~ ADMIRED By All Who See THEM Our $2.50 Women's Pat, Colt Skin, Oxford Ankle Strap Pump and Oxfords ; also a large showing of Vici Kid Goods. Ties, REID & CHARLES Bright The housekeeper who wants to see her house bright and cléan-and spot- less will find that paints, varnishes and stains will aid her at cleaning time Almost as much as soap and water and scrubbing. And in some cases paints and varnishes will accomplish what scrubbing cannot. To get a special finish for every surface ask your dealer for SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Brighten Up Finishes Wade in Canada. THE SNERWIN-WILLIARS CO. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg One Pound Boxes, 75c. Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate, Extra Fine, Halt Pound Cakes, 23c. Ad. REES, 166 Princess St a 2 ot (tele btsleieh ' Too. Tile Yee! " Entertainment : Given on Thursday Evening. There wae a good attendance at St. { Luke's hall, 'on Thursday evening, for the dramatic entertainment 'and con- cert given under the auspices of St. Luke's Sunday school. Rev. Ss Forneri was tho ekairman of the Ra ing. The programme was a most de lightful one, and was much enjoyed by the audience. The first part of the programme, after opening with the na- tional anthem, consisted of a threoract comedy, entitled "Woman's Suffrage," and was given with fine effect. Witham McFederidee had charge of all the de tails, in the preparat ion for the picee, and much praiso is due him for the markod sucess which met his efforts. Fine trayed their parts in a most credit- able manner, and were woll deserving of the" applause given them. T hose taking part wero: Miss Connie neri, Miss Norma MeFedridge, } Flora Schofield, Mies Gladys Calback, Miss Bartha Gates, Master Earl Ryder, Master Clyde Schoficld, Master Eric Wiltshire, Carey Bros., Benjamin Green, Jr. The second part of the programme included hoop and parasol drill by {children of the Sunday school, and a aketch, "The lialian Organ Grinder and the Pear?' by William McFedridge and HH, Milne. This was wcll put on, and was very amusing. There was also a fine musical programme, which included solos by Mrs. R. 8. Forneri, Miss Gladys Calback, Miss Connie Forneri, Miss Willa Lommon, and se- lections by a guartette, composed of Misscs Spencer, Newman, G. Compton | | and F. Clayton. COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Appointed By the Board of Trade President. H. W. Richardson, president of the hoard of trade, has named the fol lowing as chairmen of committees for the ensuing year : Advertising--C. Livingston. Arbitration--Elmer Davis. Entertainment--Robert Crawford. Hotel--W. T. Minnes, House--dJ. 8S. Turner. Industries--C. A. Macpherson. Legislation--J. M. Farrell. Marine--Francis King. Membership--D, G. Laidlaw. Power--C. Bermingham, Railway--Dr. Ryan. Retail section--E. T. Wholesale seetion--R. Steacy. J. Carson. Back Up The Game Law. Caspar Whitney in Collier's Weekly. It ig hard to understand a humane and intelligent person who would de liberately kill birds during the pegiod which nature has allotted for the pro= pagation of their species. But if my suirenty. to refrain from killing God's The different members of the cast por- | s great ' | decline the. contract or TO-NIGHT--AMATEUR. NGI, 2 Shows Nightly, at. 7.45 MATINEE, SATURDAY, dy KYLE STOCK CO. In 'New Comedies, Vaudeville. Moving Pictures, Illustrated 'Songs. in attendance Full Orchestra Prices -- Chidren, 5 ; Adults, 10c WEDNESDAY, NAY 12TH. AIN EMERY and TARD SES Production Mystic Festival Drama. PAR SI FAL (In English). wa _LYNOH J at 745 p.m. $1, $1.50. Se. FRIDAY A » SATURDAY Sou MAGNIFICENT DRAMA "LOVE UNDER SPANISH Scenes in the year 1680. ad Palaces--Tremendous, Castlos--Great Cost- umes--Full. of Fighting and Sword- Play Rescuing the Flaws Girl=A"Neble Lady Love--Forc jage~The % I 'Prison--To the cue--Swards Out !'-- The Rope Ladder--The Bravos--A Hard Fight, and many ot scenes. BARREL OF FON COLLEGE CHARERONE" is "THE Comedies ever put on one of the funniest the stage. The extra--"Mr. the Bunco Men,' Comedy. TWO VOCALISTS DAVIS Sings at every perform- and Mrs. Reuben and is also a rattling ALF. ance. DATSY BRUTON Sings Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. 5c WONDERLAND Sc TOM--COLLINS ANNA. in a Brand New Comedy Act PICTURES TO-DAY="ITALY'S MAR- VELOUS CAVALRY. (A . tremendous SATURDAY--"THFE SERVICE OF A FRIEND ; o" " HE KIND-HEARTED MOTHERS IN- "LA SPECIAL $16 TURE NOTICE~The Management of WONDERLAND have pleasure in announcing to, the Public, that they have secured at a the sole - right for this City, for the newest, great expense, and best up-to-date Moving Pictures. NO PICTURE OVER ry DAYS yoLb: NO REPEAT TURES. NO PIOTURES SHOW) IN KINGSTON BEFORE. CAN SEE THESE PICTURES WONDE RLAND'! ONLY. VAUDEVILLE, « every afternoon, at and 4 p.m. PICTURES changed daily. NEXT WEREK--FORD 'AND MILLER, (Comedians.) Come with the crowds to WONDERLAND, GORDON ¢ STALEY and 8. LAROKES, Props. . A 3 SEALER TENDERS adgressed to the undersigned, end Tender for Wharfs at Mouth of Mission River,' will be received at this office until 4 MM, on Friday, June 4, 1909, for 'the con= struction of wharfs .at the mouth of the Mission River, at Fort William, District of ERTS, : sertion, 25¢c.; three ipsertioss, 50c.; six, $1; one month $3." WANTED--HELP. 1ENCED HOUSEMAID. Pp. =x Pa street. 207 Ciicheth, ih G Dh GENERAL. RYAN 00D Bal requ ak to Mrs. J. F. T Sample free to 8) er made. pray agents. Cavers Bros. proved Ont. for ¥ College, Toronto. ONCE, housewol ite A waitresses, ki irls. for season of 19 1008. uired. Address Murra Br Opinicon Club, C AT H. y's First insertion fe. a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter bail cent a word. Minimum charge for one in- APPLY D STRON Y, 4 LEARY A goon_gmoxg ROY. REFER- » Wala Seenjng ; L, EN WANTED FOR "AUTO SALESM ar. Hand MAID, FOR GENERAL also chambermaids. erences re- Bartley GENTLEMAN 'S Cas Tuesday, on otlice and GOLD RING, aes os or turn to W ward. TEACHERS WANTED. FIVE HUNDRED TEACHERS FOR and Alberta. he Western School Sapely Co. ,"" Regina, Sask. SITUATIONS VACANT. PORTRA ENTS, rh RERALY od AGH a us, Lge gc RS Toronto. + their own aod Portrait Co., FINANCE AND INSURANCE. MARINE 0. 8, KIRKPATRICK, ad Motor Clarence Kingston. 'Phone, BGS. pa HE Nor a moron Lila Yar ute fate security. spe ear: = 159 Wellington St. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Jnsurance Co y the unlimited stockholders. arm property. insured at lowest possi ore renewing old or giviog new business get rates from Strange & . Strange, Agents. "Phone, 568. WANTED----GENERAL. ness. A GOOD DELIVERY HORSE, ing between, 1,100 and 1,200 from 5 to years old. H. Spence, 808 Montreal street. TO PURCHASE A GROCERY BUSI Apply to McCann, 51 Brock St. WEIGH- Ibs. , Apply to W, TO-LET. FURNISHED FLAT, IN A PRIVATE house, Apply to 209 Princess St. [Te Ex "men TR Es .- A Suow-case 5 reer high. Apply dns Grocery ery Store, Cor, Proc aad le" : Divis- BOATS AND ENGINES, NEW AND second-hand. See what we ig build. ng for all parts 4 of len Seng, Tanne, LARGE ASSORTMENT oF, MeLAUGH- Buggies, arness The best is the Frost & Wood Quitivatar, 3 early new, half price. ¥. P. G before Conard" 8 Fao LIGHT BRAHMAS (PARTLO STOCK) 4] Cock Bird (entered at Western Guelph, 3 Hens, 7 Ally at 125 Nelson street, Ontario, Pullets. or whig ol T STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN ay. Frost's City Storage, 2909 nr t. 2 e Phone, 5268 THE OPPORTUNITY TO estima of work promptl Electrician, 206 done. one, street. W GENTLEMEN TO BRING to-date suits, ship guaranteed to please. an notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Broce St., next Bibby's Tivery. Pressin PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, warth, etc., without scar. removed permenentl Twenty years' ex rd ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye ose, Throat and Skin Y lomist Specialist, 258 Bagot street. MEDICAL CARD. FURNISH tes on electric work. All kinds "J. Birch, THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- Price and workman- repairing done om the shortest BIRTHMARKS, FURNISHED AND UN- Stores, Stora, for Rural McCann's, frock Cor. DWELLINGS, furnished, ture, ete, King 'street. BRICK HOUSE, 100 ROOMS, modern improvements, No. Rideau St. Apply on premises. session, June 1st. ALL 169 Rg Pos- k 'WO_REAR ROOM WORFICES, AT, 346 King street. Fill rented cheap, Call quick. J. P. hi Gents' Furnisher. WITH on VanLuven, "GOOD Victoria 262 DETACHED large garden, St. Apply to A. Victoria street. HOUSE, situated Pp. y = h TWO LARGE FURNISHED HOUSES, on Wolfe Island; bright airy rooms and convenient to boat landing. Ap- HENRY E. cian and Surgeon, (practising Odessa for the last seven years Cor. Brock and Division Sts. Hours, 8 to 9 aaa., 2 to 4 and 7 ¢ 9 p.m. 'Phane, 890. LEGAL. of Thunder Bay, Ont. Plans, specification {and form of contract may be seen at the offices of H. J. Lamb, Esq, Resident , Engineer, London, Ont. J. G. Sing, Esq., ay Engineer, Confederation | Life Building, Toronto, wn, Merrick, | 1sq., Resident. Engineer, Fort William, oOnt., A. R. Decary, Esq. Besidpny Tn: | gineer, "' Post Office, Quebec; L. Kiichaud, Esq., Resident ISungineer, Mer- chants Bank 'Huilding, St. ames St. { Montreal, and -at the Department | Public Works, Ottawa. Persons téndering are notified tenders will not 'be considered unless made on the printed forms. supplied, and signed with their actual signatures, with their occupations, and places of resi- dence. In the case of firms, the actual | signatures, the nature of the occupation land place of residence of each mewber of | the firm mast be given. An accepted. cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Public Works, for thirty-five thousand dollars ($85,000.00) must accompany each tender. The cheque Will be forfeited if the party tendering fail te complete for, and will be the work contracted non-acceptance of returned in case of tender. The De) partment does not bind itself to accept the lowest or. any tender. By order, NAPOLEPN TESSIER, Secretary. creatures during their matural breed- ing =cacon does not reagh your heart, I beg vou to consider argument of a live duck being worth move than a dead one to any given community. It is we enough to talk law, but law is of no avail unless is backed by the sentiment of the por ple, and that is why it behooves you and me and all of us who, for one rea- son or another, have a little keoner appreciation of this situat ion, to do. somo 'missionary work, and by mis- sionary work 1 don't mean the merc endorsement of this sontimend, but I mean active, energetic work. The in- active good man is not of much ser- vice to his community. . 3 King Bdward's Unique Collections London Tit-Bits. King Edward is very fond of ecol- lecting various things, "and he is said to have tho finest private collection of @uns in the world. Many -of these wore presents, and one of the finest of them all was a gift from King Leopold of thi Belgians. Bui probably his' ma- jesty's most remarkable collection con- sists of the programmes of all the theatres anil operas atl which he has been present for many years past. These number some hundreds, and form one of the most interesting rc- cords of the theatre in existence. For- marly the king used to collect theatri- cal posters, but latterly he has given them up. Order-In-Council Revoked. Taudvin has received a, copy of order-in-council which states that the order of June 194m 1907, allowing settlers in certain or- ganized portions of the provimce to hunt deer under "settlers' permits," has been revaked, Inspector an The Correct Shape. In knockabout hats from 50e. Campbell Bros'. up at -------- You may foot the public, but you cannot fool vour stomac| h. Cheap food auses dyspepsia oftener than rich food, the cconomic H121e. | | m 'ot Public Works, May 5, 1909 Newspapers 'will not be paid for this advertisement if they insert. jt without authority from the Department, Department, Ottawa, { | i | | | '| NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points * in Eastern Ontario. Wilmer Campbell, Lanark, has ac- cepted*a position with Boyd Caldwell Co., Appleton. Ben. Wills, CaldwelFs Mills, has purchased the store and dwelling of George Campbell, Fallbrook,' T. B. Caldwell has & d drill at work on his property at Calabogie to test the extent of the ore deposits on the Boyd Caldwell . The dam at Playfair = wag "carried away by high water on Monday and a boom of ee owned by. Allan and Cameron swept down the river. The Mississippi has been rising rapidly. Death came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Puwdon, Dalhousie, April 30th, and the soul, of Harold, the thirteen-vear-old son, was 'borne away to the better land. Diphtheifa laid its chilling hand upon the boy. A pretty © wedding was solemnized on April 28th, at the home of- Mr. and Mrs. James Adam, Highland Line, Dalhousie, when their daughter, Miran B,; was pnited in the holv honds of matiwmony with James Crii- fith, McDonald's Corners. James Legary, Lana] [valuable mare on Monday} Its mate died a short time ago. both were |valuable mares, Mr. Legary refusing | 26 $600 for the team. This makes the {third horse he has lost inside a year. | lost a { Rolls Rolls bacon, Or Half Rolls 12jc. { 124c. Crawford's. ---- The Cunard steamship line ie esti- mating the time lost hy the stops ade at Queenstown bxg agil steamers, Special , sale. butter Satusday. even- DAY, M.D. C.M., PHYS Office ply Box "'W..'" Whig eflice. in ), | A SINGLE BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS, No. 115 Stuart street, modern im- provements. Possession May 1st. 0 Abpiy to John Ashley, 28 Livingston ve. FIRST FLOOR OVER KING EDWARD A. § { CUNNINGHAM, . Kingston, of that | HORSES FOR SALE. Two Horses belonging to the Kingsto Fire Department will be sold by Auction on the -Market Square, at o'clock noon, on SATURDAY, May 8th 1909, by W. MURRAY, Auctioneer. WwW. 'W. NDS, ony Clerk. BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law Office, 79 Clarence Publie 12 Theatorium, formerly oceupied by Board of Education, suite of rooms and hall, "suitable for offices, club room, ete. Apply 211 Princess St. Dry It is Wood. n Provision Stores We will offer for sale, T*MOR ROW, (Saturday), goods. Note -the early. Come all day. at 10 p.m. SATURDAY NIGHT. 500 Hams prices. Com 8 smoke. Sizes 8 to 18 lbs. each. \ 300 Picnic Hams 500 Sides Breakfast Bacon Sides, 15c. 1b. 300 lbs. Our--Pure Lard, pure, 15¢. 1b. 1bs., 25c. Great Display Western Pork Tenderloins, Spare Ribs. -« 3 Grocery Specials FAAS 2° tins Tomatoes, 15¢." 2 cans Corn, 15c. 2 caus Peas, 15c. Choice Butter, 25c. 20 lbs. $1.00 Pineapples, 10c. to 15¢c. each. New Cabbage. Green Cnions. Lettuce. Parsley. Bananas, 15c. to 20¢. dozen. Oranges, Lemons. Fancy Biscuits. Choice Potatoes, 1 bag, $1.00, Black ™Tea; at 40c. 1b. Try Our Fresh Ground Coffee, 40¢. 1b. First-Ciass Delivery Service. "Phone, 458. ing at Mullin's. Rolls or hall 1216. Crawford's. Bibhy's 50c rolls bacon, i | } neckwear is grand. wi -- Anderson Bros., Cor, Princess and Division Sts. ANDERSON BROS Cor. Princess & Division Sts the following Store closes Our Own Mild Cure, nice bright Same as last Saturday, 12¢c. 1b. New Cure Elegant Sweet Flavor, 300 ibs, Our Windsor Sausage, 3 Beef, HARIRI Best Granulated Sugar, Try-a pound of Our Own Blend C e make window. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO 18S THE SOLE head of a family, or any male over 18 y old, may homestead a quar (160' acres, more or less) of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands A or Sub-Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain | Sonditions, by father, mother, + brother or sister of Intending 'nomesteader. DUTIES. --8ix mon residence and cultivation of she land in each of three years. A r may live within nine miles a his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may preempt a Quarter section along-side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre, Duties.--~Must reside six months in each of six years from date of . homestead entry (including the time required to eary homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A bomesteader who has exhausted "his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption. may t a purchased homestead certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Purchased ds may be acquired on any available lands on either odd of even numbe Sections upon We have the most complete line Cakes, all made on our own premises. Display will suffice to show a few of the many different lines we SPONGE MERINGUE" A delicious table decoration can be made ordsr for dinners or parties, Also will be on display R. H. Toye, Srey) SO000000000000000090080000000000000200000000 {= PAT AT A SACRIFICE, AS OWNER -I§ moved away, sail yacht Gladys, 25 ft. over-all, m, 5 ft. head room. Outfit all in good condition, $125 will take her. A. Holmes, Napanee. a TWO SOLID DOUBLE BRICK DWEL- ngs, excellent location, on Princess ing. nine Ave., each Tout, modern vith "ety 'ares garden, "This is map| for someong, reason for sciling, the city. Apply at ficCann's Real Estate Agency, 'Brock Cor, Kiag street. ' fruit trees A sta DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DIENTIATS, 2304 Princess 8St., Kingston, 'Phone, ARCHITECTS. ARCHITECT, 181 University ARTHUR office Ave. Al 8, and residence, SMITH, Buildi 345. HENRY ete., Square. P. ARCHITECT, Anch ng, Market 'Phone, WM. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete., Office, 258 Bagot 'Phone, ARCH. street. MER- chant's Ban , corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212. Stove Wood the season for wood. Try POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, Kk' Building, our Sound, New Hard and Kindling SWIET'S. PLUMBERS : USE our STAR EXTRA WIPING SOLDER, the round end blocks, costs mo, more than the common kinds, ways your SOLDER. One trial will make it al- anada Metal Co., Ltd 81 William St., Toronto, ¢ FANCY S$ O'CLOCK TEAS of Fancy 5 O'Clock Tea One lpok at our Window in any size to in our . 302 KING ST. Phone 141 West ling»of range 26, and West of the third Méridian and the Sapit Railway tine. Dwties.--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN JORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL.~Coal mining rights /may be leased for Swany ona years at annual rental of $1. an acre. Not more than 2.500 jicres ond to one "appli- Syalty, five cents ton. eighteen age and over A a ra NE Ie may locate a claim 17500" fost by 1.5 feat. Fee, $5.00. At a $100 must be pended on the claim each year, or paid to to the a ng Recorder. Wien $500 or paid and other requirements Pe pling with the claim may purchased at $1. PLACER MINING io CEAINS wcrally, " fes, $5.00. yenrs of i ap a mile per annum. Royalty. 2 cent after the output exceeds $10,C Pepu ty of the Minister of the Interior. ~~Unautborized Publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED From 73 Clarence St., fo 155 Wells . ington St. .,' between Brock and Clarence Sts. Best laundry in the city. _Goodn ca lied for and delivered. WwW. W. CORY, Foren may bo weedad to prose that South of township 45, East of the Cal gary and Fdwonton Railway sad the your argument was right,

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