Get Rid of The Dust: Nuisance In Your House | 'Floor-dust catvies most of the germs that make doctor's bills mount up. Floorgiaze makes floor-dust not worth reckoning with. Becanse Floorglaze, the can't-wearvofl enamel in ten shades, practically DOES glaze a floor, And dust won't lodge on a Floorginzed floor. Saves a lot of housework, and banishes a plenty of disease. Fioorglaze and rugs, with the smallest care, insure the health of the house- hold and make a better - looking house. Anybody can apply Floor- glaze, --a gallon does 500 square feet, Just as good outdoors as indoors, --and nothing else does so well for either. Why don't you get your floors disease \ proof ? Your dealer should have Floorglaze, Let us know if he hasn't, You would find our Free Book interesting read- ing. May we send you a copy? Ask on a postcard. Imperial Varnish & Color Co., Limited, of Toronto. Sold by W. A. MITCHELL, A. STRACHAN and EDWIN CHOWN & SON, Wholesale Jobbers, Kingston. OPERATION HER ONLY CHANCE WasCured byLydia E.Pink- ham'sVegetable Compound Lindsay, Ont.--"1 think it is no more than right for me to thank Mrs. Pinkham for what her kind advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coni- pound has done for me. When I wrote to her some time a 0 1 was a very ¢k woman. suf. ferin from female troub I had inflammation of the female organs, and could not stand or walk any' distance. At last] was confined to my bed, and the doctor . said I would have to go Shiough an operation, but this 1 refused to A friend advised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and now, afvét using three bottles of it, 1 feel likeane woman. Imost heartily recommend this medicine to'all women who suffer with female troubles. 1 have also taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills and think they are fine." --Mrs. FRANK EMSLEY, Lindsay, Ontario. We cannot understand why women will take chances with an operation or drag out a sickly half-hearted exist- ence, missing three-fourths of the Joy of living, without first trying Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For thirty years it has been the standard 'Toy female ills, and has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such ailments as displacements, inflammation, uleer- ation, 'fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, -backache; indigestion, and nervous prostration, COMPETENT JUDGES. Beauty Doctors Endorse Herpicide. Women who make a basiness af beautifying other women come pretty near knowing what will bring about the best results. Here are letters from two econccyning Herpicide : "1 can recommend Newbro's Hers cide, as it stopped my: hair from fall ing out, and as a dressing it has no superior. "(Signed.) Bertha A. Trullinger, "Complexion Specialist, Morrison St., Portland, Ore." "After using one bottle of Herpic ide my: haie bas stopped falling out, and my scalp is entirely free from' dan- druff. f(Signed.) "201 Grace Dodge, "Beauty Doctor, "195 .Sieth St., Portland, Ore." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles guaranteed. G. W. Mahood, special agent. "MY KIDNEYS HURT ME ALL THE TIME Gin Pills Cured Them. Fre: Sample Bex Leads to Cure. Only those who have heen torture with Kidney Trounle can'apnreciate hoy Mr. Trumper suffered. Being .a railroac man, he was called upon to do all kind of heavy work, The constant strain lifting, weakened the kidneys. I received the sample box of Gin Pill: and was greatly benefitted by them. M kidroys wore in such bad condition } could not lift or stoop without pain. In fact, they pained me nearly all the time I have taken threo boxes of Gin Pills working all the time at heavy work on the railroad and did not Jose a day. FRANK TRUMPER, Napanee, Ont. Do sharp twinges cateh you as yo stoop?! Are you subject to Rheuma tism, Sciatica or Lumbago ! Doesy Bladder give trouble ? Take Cin on our positive guarantee that they wil cure you or money refunded, 50¢ a box ~~ for $2.50. At dealers, or direct if yo cannot obtain- from druggist. Dept. B., Company, Suik's Cotton Regt Compound, The stead Uterine Tonic, and only effgotual Monthly fy rie on which women can depend, old & three of strength--2 $1; No. 10 degrovs st ro nach 83; No.l 85" per box ists, or sen cipt of price ad ess: Tie mn! Gorrerty Winn ar National Drug & Chemical limited, Toronto. 11%. 2 £ ~= Memaner On New quoted the state's output combined. of ag greater rye, Jersey's output oystermen of oysters by and oats wheat | nipeg | hering Toor PRECEDENCE oe OATH AS MA MASON TOOK FIRST PLACE. | He Would Not Inyare a Drother ! Mason--Sonie Things Disclosed at the Montreal Enquiry. Montreal, May 7.--The inquiry 'ia | connection with the police station was Hawought before the Royal Commission «r, Judge Cannon, to-day. A side {light on the situation was furnished | by Fred, Lectaire, the theatrical man, I who, yesterday, told about the $n' (00 commission Pierre Peleric was to pay Ald. Proulx, chairman of the | police committee, when the Lectaire {property was sold to the city for a police station. I'red. Lectaire was recalled and told the commission that he was a Freemason, a member of Coeurs Unis lodge, and that his oath as a Freemason took precedence with im, when testilying, or in other words he would not injure a brother Mason. A° number of experts were called with weference to the value of the property and there was a good deal of conflicting testimony, some claiming that the price was too high and others that it was not. DISASTROUS PRAIRIE ' FIRES Four of Family' in Critical Con: dition. Swift Current, Man., May 7.--A disastrous prairie fire has raged about forty 'miles north the last two days. A family named Klein were burned out and four of them are in a cri tical condition. A child perished in the flames. South about twenty-five miles the entire township is burned over and only a few thousand acres of pasture left. The fire started from a German village. Johanas Hadick, aged sixty-four, a Hollander, out fighting the flames, can't be found Mounted police are so busy prosecu- ting fire cases that they cannot at tend to all complaints. Sergt. Bot tley's men are hi out. Hay i scarce and now settlers are deprive of pasture. -------------- OSLER ATTENDS EX-NURSE Delays Visit to Brother--Hasten: to Bedside. Md., May 7.--Dr. liam Osler, the noted physician, on arriving in New York last week, or his annual trip to 'visit his brother i ('anada, learned that Mrs. Eugene L Opie, whom he had, before her mar riage, often called in as nurse in hi: most delicate cases, was ill at he home in Larchmont. He immediatels changed his plans and hastened tc the bedside of Mrs. Opie, who was be ing attended by Dre. J. M. L. Fin ney and Howard A. Kelly, two of th leading surgeons cof Hopkins hospita staff. The three physicians worke hard, but death won. Mrs. Upie was the wife of Dr. ene L. Opie, formerly of the Johns Hopkins hospital, and now patholo gis at the Rockefeller Institute, New OrK, Bal imore, Wil Eu ONE OF GORDON'S VETERANS Committed Suicide wy Left Him. New York, May 7.~Inquiries econ cerning the identity of George P Armétrong, who was found dead ir his cottage in Fast Rutheriovd, K.J. a suicide from indicate thai was formerly a captain in the Britis Royal Artillery, and had woh a meda for gallantry for service under Gordor in the Soudan, and had carried him self off with eredit in India. His sui cide followed' the departure of hi bride for New York, Friday evening although her relatives in Brookly: said last night that her absenco fron him was to have been only temporary They were married only on April 17tl last. After Brid gas, FRAUDULENT WEIGHING. Employee Accused of Manipulat ing Scales. New York, May 7.--Criminal pro ceedings as an outgrowth; ok the gov ernment"s suit against the Americar Sugar Refining company, which re {ted in disclosures of wholesale un derweighing of sugar imports, wer by the federal authorities, yes terday. 'Thomas Kelice, for man: a checker on the docks of the company im Brooklyn, was placed un der arrest, charged with being one o the men who, taok. part in frandulent, manipulation of the scales, as a result of whicly the American Sugar Refining company recontly paid to the govern ment $2,134,000 in back duties. begun years OBJECT TO LAND GRANT. Western Liberals Prefer : Cash Grant. Ottawa, May 7.--The western liber al members in caucus unanimously dé cided that they would "not suppori the reguest from Winnipeg for grant of 250,000 acres of federa lands in the" west, to be devoted t« financing the world's fair and Sel' Mrk Centennial celebration at Win in 1912. They believe in ad- strictly to the government policy of the land for the settler onl will support instead a proposi for a liberal cash subsidy foi exhibition. The and tion the a { via { Stephen R. jf the {ers for number { province of degree: | N is than | ' Killed In Adana. Adana, Asiatic"Turkey, April Constantinople, May 6. --Rev. Trowbridge, a missionary, American board of commission foreign missions, estimates th of Armenians killed in the Adana since the outbreak riots at 23, 9% of the anti-Christian | 000. Or Hali Rolls 12ic 124c. Crawford's. Rolls bacon, 12jec. | Rolls banana sale will take plac night at Carnovsky's. Charles Watt returned to Lemark last week from a trapping expeditior |in the vicinity of Flower Station. He {and his party secured 200 muskrats-- {quite 'a fal¥ng off from their last jvear's record of 600, but wen rats were scarce this vear. Rolls or half rolls i Crawford's. i Strawkerries, { Another Saturday bacon, 12} 20c. Carnovsky's 15¢., Cobalt and Leading Canadins Stocks Listed. The following ' quotations .are su {plied by the iy Brokerage (J. Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- ence street, Telephone 480 A: Cobalt Stocks. May .Tth, Sellers. Buyers. 3303 8.17 we 9309 54 Td Al 40 wal6) 16 3.02 208 323 31 a7 as wo 19 w F09 Beaver ...... Baillie Cobalt, . Chambers-Eerland Cobalt Central .... Cobalt Lake .. Crown Reserve . Foster Gifford Green Meehan . La Rose .. Little Nipissing - McKin. Dar, Savage Nipissing ...... .... Nova Scotia . Otisse . Peterson Lake Rochester . 4 Silver Les Silver Queen. Temiskaming .%. Trethewey .. Watts ...... ..... TOO MANY HOLIDAYS. Russian Will Try to Eliminate Twenty-Eight. St. Petersburg, May 7.--Contending that Russia suffers from too many holidays, the council of empire has entrusted to a spedial commission a Hill which would eliminate twenty- ight of the annual holidays. There arc at present ninety-onc hub- lic holidays in Russia, including Sun- lays, the celebration of which is de 'laved to involve an annual expense of v billion dollars. Many of the holi- {ays fall upon the season of work in the fields amd it is said that this 1s me reason why agriculturalists are so ackward in this country. No Packers' Combine. < Ottawa, May 7.--In parliament, to a juestion by Mr. Sexsmith, Peterboro, 1s to the existence of a packers' com- sine, which kept down the price for wgs to the farmers, Hon. Mr. Fisher aid a year ago hue had an investiga- ion made, and found that the Cana- lian packers were apparently paying or Canadian hogs as much as they easonably could and realize a fair wofit on the finished bacon they sold n England in competition with the vorld. It had been found that there eemed to be a larger profit realized hrough the sale of bacon in Canada. That profit was distributed between he factory and the retailer some- here, but who was taking it could wot be determined. Kepler News Items. May 6.--The farmers are try- Kepler, Thomas Gar- ng to get in their crop. ett is laid up with a lame back. G. Jpton is some better, having had a erious attack of grippe. Ross Kave- er has gone to Collins Bay, to work n the cheese factory with his brother, ferman. M. Lee, Sydenham, has mov- d on Frederick Aykroyd's farm. Miss 'erguson, Kingston, is visiting at her ncle's, Alexander Ferguson. Miss uma Clogg, at Herbert Johnston's; Irs. Henry M. Lawson, Kingston, and Irs. Annie Castell, Glenvale, at A. Uowneend's; Miss Dora Cranston, Switzeryille, at Charles Cranston's. Shoots Wife And Self. York, May 7.--Following a theiv flat in East 96th Spelzner, a brewery worker, shot and killed his wifo and in his own' brain, Two young children of the couple were in the house, Neigh- ors heard the quarrelling and saw Irs, Spelztier ~ coma {0 the window. \fter a few seconds she was violently wlled away and then two shots were arid. The two bodies were found in he kitchen and on the {able was a ealed letter, which was taken by the olice. New juarrel in treet, S. sesterday, hen put a bullet lying instantly. Baseball On Thursday. National Léague--Chicago, 4; nati, 2. "Brooklyn, 7; Philadelphia. Pittsburg, 6; St. Louis, 5. New cork, 2-1; Boston, 1-0. American League--Philadelphia, Vashington,- 1. Cleveland, 2; Detroit, 7; St. Louis, 3. : New York, 3. Eastern League--Bufialo, 1; ity, 0. Montreal, 9; Newark, 1. onto, 3; Baltimore, 1. Rochester, Providence, 1. J Boston, Jersey To- 6; An Enemy Of Automobiles. May 7.--M. Gilbert, a retived whose declining years have wen made miserablo by speeding au- omobiles, has ortuge to churches in certain French | ities for masses for the repose of the wouls of the victims of - the "diabolical nacthines which have poisoned my last lays." Paris, wrchant, For Variety And Freshness. In early vegetables, se¢ the layout it Carnovsky's, "on the corner." We have asparagus, butter beans, eets, beet greens, young carrots, cu- umbers, dandelions, celery, rhubarb, ;recn cabbages, new potatoes, te., ete. A New Bisley Prize. London, May 7.--Among the addi- ions to the prizes at Bisley donated | ww the Standard of Empire, and con- fined to entrants. from the overseas lominions, is a shield and £21 for the| highest score in the Jubilee and King's prize matches, .* Struck By Lightning. Walland, Ont., May 7.--William Gil- mour's barn, near here, was, struck by lightning and burnél with' 'dontents I'ha stock -*was saved. There is some insurance. pm TF Your New Hat Sir. at. Campbell Bros' and of style, quality Buy it will be certain best value. you and | Or Half Rolls 12je 12}e. Crawiord's. Hie, Rolls Rolls bacon, Freight handlers on the C.P.R. Owen Sound threaten to strike unlesae their demands for an increase of five] cents an hour arc granted. Cin- | C hid Ho, | beruca hed his entire | young | spinach, | at| BUDGE Who claimed the heavyweight championship Quebec and was defeated by Beansey, LANGEVIN, "of the Province A ------ INDIAN CONSPIRATORS, EIGHTEEN SENTENCED IN! COURT AT ALIPUR. Were Found Guilty of Taking Part in An Anarchist Plot--Two Condemned to Death, Ten Transportation For Life. Calcutta, May 7.--Sentences were handed down in the court of Alipur, a suburb of Caleutta, in the eases of the thirty-five natives who were ar ested here last summer, charged with complicity mn the Anarchist con- spiracy of May, 1908, Two of the men were condemned to death, ten to transportation for life, three to transportation for ten years three to transportation for seven /|years, while seventeen were acquitted. Ashutosh Biswas, (a - public prose- cutor, who was engaged in the con duct of these cases, wag shot dead in the Alipur court last February. to Think This Over. "The average educated man sets salary of $1,000 per year. He forty years, making a total ~f 000 in a lifetime. The average da laborer gets $1.50- per day, 300 days in the yedr, or $450 in a year. In forty years "he earns $18,000. The ii ference, or $22.000, equals the value of an education. To acquire this earning capacity requires twelve years at school of 180 days each, or 2 days. Divide £22,000, the value «(f in edueation, by 2,160, number of days required in getung it, we find that each day at school is worth a little more than $10 to a pupil Can't afford to miss school, ean we ? --Supt. Adams, of Fayette, Ohio, Col lege. an WOrss Fil, - More Than An Officer Could Stand. Boston Herald. There is a man, who served as a special police officer in a suburban town for several years but never made an 'arrest, A few days ago the keeper of the lock-up was much surprised to have {this officer-bring in a man in a help less state of inebriety. "Why, Bill," said- the keeper; "how is thd You have been) an officer youn first ar- nine years and this rest. x |. "That is 'true, Dan," said the officer, "I have taken many persons home when jntoxicated rather than bring them hare, but when a man gets drunk and lies down on the lawn in front of my house and goes - to- that's {more than I can or will stand." is 1 sleep, | Big Hydro Seheme In France. { France is considering an enormous | hydro-electric undertaking. The play lis to dam the Rhone below the rapius some thirteen mies from the Swiss frontier, and utilize the water iu a | all of 220 feet. The entire upper | valley" of the Rhone would thus {formed into a long, narrow lake. plant would generate 240,94) kilo watts, hall of which would be trans {mitted to Paris, about 280 miles dis | tant, at a tension of 120,90 volts {It is estimated that tles work would bocst about $16,000,000 and coud be time, he The {completed in seven years' Keeping The Hands. | Keép at hand a jar of oatmeal or | cornmeal, and after washing the hands with soap and warm water, rub the | meal thoroughly over the hands.' A {cake of pumice stone will take off ob- stinate spots. immersion in water dip them into | vinegar before washing them. | Dry every part of. the hands care | fully on a soft towel and rub in any | i 1 | If the hands are wrinkled from long |W PITH OF THE NEWS. |e Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Hamilton's eivic holiday gust 2nd. Caledon Presbyterian charch struck by lightning. Dr. Elias Clouse was elected presi- dent of the Empire Club, Toronto. An early flatation of £375,000 To- ronto four per cent. bonds at 102] is probable. It is said that get seven extra African union. ghteen men, convicted of compli- city in an anarchist conspiracy, have becn sentenced in India. Three alienists testified at Flushing, yesterday, that Capt. Hains was in- sanes when he slew Annis. Rev. J. H. Teney, Emily and Ome mee, has been appointed rector of St. Philip's Anglican church, Toronto. The Young Turks have found that vast sums of money and rare jewels have been spirited away by friends of Abdul Hamid. Through the will of the late Johanna Moylan, Port Huron, Roman Catholic inevitutions of Louklon bene- fit to the amount of 86,7 Between 150 and 175 a were injured, many fatatly, shortly before midnight, when an iron guard rail, in the balcony of the nationdl guard armory, on Western avenue, Seattle, gave. way, Balmy Castle, the large frame farm house of Charles McLellan, Scarboro township, was destroyed by fire on 'Thursday, with practically the whole of the furniture; SS. Hesperian has reached Glasgow from Boston; 8 8. Vieginian, inward, passed Cape Magdalew this morning; SS. Tunisian left Moville; this morn- ing, for Montreal, Napoleon Houl, Ottawa, who mar- vied a girl in a romantic manner, was to-day sentenced to i..ce months at hard labor, for having falsely sworn to the girl's age. Miss Jessie Brown, Jacksonville; Fla. shot and killed Earp P. Adams, hear sweetheart, following tho announce- ment of Adams' engagement to an. other woman, was acquitted in court. At Sealord, Del., in a struggle over a hottle of whiskey in a small ca- noe, on the Mantooke river, the frail craft capsized and three men and a woman were drowned, all sinking be- fore they could be reached. Phe----Queenshoro ifiqwest . in "the case of Jerry Clarke, who, with his wife, was drowned through the collapsing of a bridge 'over Black Creek, result- ed in a verdict that the bridge should have been better inspected by county officials. is Au- on was Cape Colony is scats in the South ce fatally, it is belioved, hy Albert Wil- lard, wilh . whose fourteen-year-old daughter Beck, who ie thirty-three years old, recently eloped. Boek refus- od to let Willard know where he was keeping his girl wile, At Jacksonville, Fla., R, A. Hum- phreys who shot and killsh both his sixteen-year-old wife-and- Thomas Me- Manus when he found the two fto- gether in his . home, has been acquit- ted of tho crime. The mother of Mrs, Humphreys committed suicide because of grief over her daughter's death. Juro Majuree, Bufialo, N.Y., a la- borer, twenty-two years old, was found dead, ow Friday morning, lying under a window of his boarding-house, There was a deep stab wound on the right side of the body, and a knife or some other weapon had penetrated the side. The police believe the man was murdered. Three persons were injured and the wirdows of every house in the neigh- od shattered, early to-day, hy the explesion of a bomb that Police- man Patrick McMahon had discovered | in fronf of a stable at Charles and! horhe [ healing lotion or eream that you find | agroes with your skin. { Training For Boys And Girls. 4 Mids Kate Gordon, of New Orleans, as president of the Juvenile circle, is. leading a. movement { tab Yish a state pdus strial school, | viding manual training for boy girls, She proposes a tax of on every $1,000 to pay the expenses | the women taxpayers of iwho bave a right to vote on all questions relating to taxation, have | { pre tty generally let it be sxnown that {they 'are willing to pay their share to establish the school. > Half Rolls 12ie. Crawford's. 10 es [12f¢. Rolls O1 { Rolls bacon, I 2 Court | ya | and { } Louisiana, | West streets, New York, and carried | into the street just as it blew up. Me] | Mahon was seriously injured. i Two-Thirds Right. | Denver Post. m a terror, Hew arrival in we men behind the yor wke three started," I be." announced the Frozen Dog to one bar. | the men to handle me, he went om. well," he remarked, as he painfully, and dosted 'off his course, if ye're short- I .suppose -iwo kin do it On a oneo I get "Wh, | avose je lathe | bande ud, Of 3 J pine h."' | Rolls « orc half rolls - bacon, - 12 Crawford's, je. and 1h. okath ampunt goyaile i Austria; Germany, Great Britain, si, a. they are payable at current rates. : Fir es 4 Whine hem be of the Bank. | KINGSTON BRANCH, Co Streets. P. C. Men's: Sewed Soles and bosls; $1. Men's Nailed Soles and Heels, 75¢. Ladies' Sewed Solesand Heels, Be, O'Sullivan' s RubberHeels, 50c. A Be Herod, 286 Princess St. 'The House of nit; J PHONE 837 In Washington, Irving Beek was shot THE SPRING RUSH IS ON Beddings--Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Hercules Springs and Sanitary Mattresses. The kind that lasts. Carpets--Brussels, Tapes: try and Union Squares. Qil Cloths and Linoleum id free of charge. Use our Furniture Restor- er. At James Reid's. Phono 147 for Repairing. Special Sale SATURDAY MORNING, 8.30 0°CLOCK. Ladies' Summer Skirts Piques, Linens, Ducks & Drills n Plain and Panay Effects 0, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 Regular values $2. For 98c Each CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES INFANTS' WHITE ROBES BUSTER BROWN SUITS A magnificent variety now being offered at sacrifice prices. Regular values $1.50, 2.00, 2 50, 3.00, For 68c Each