INGSTONS PEMBROKE - RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH d<enadian Pacitic Railway meseekers' xcursions Te the Canadian Northwest, Monitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Low round trip second-class tickets will be issved on following dates--May 4, 18; June 1, 15, 29; July 13, 27; Aug. 10, 24; Sept. 7, 21. Good to re.iurn within 60 'days from going dave. ~ KINGSTON -- OTTAWA Teave Kingston, 12.01 p.m. arrive Ottawa, 5 p.m. Loave Ottawa 10.45 a.m. ston 8.55 p.m. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P, RN. Ticket Office, Ontario St. "Phone, 50. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. leaves uniom station, Ontario street, 4 p.m. daily (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser onto, Bannockburn and all poiots north. To secure quick despatch to Bannock. burn, Maynooth, and Joints on Central Ontarfo, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railvat, For further particu inrs, apply R. , DICKSON, Agent, fPhone, No. 3 . Forest, Stream, AND 'Seashore WRITE "General Passenger Department INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY . MONCTON, N.B. Enclosing ten cents arrive King- for postage. SEASHORE llustrated well eon- FOREST, STREAM and is a book of over 300 pages, in colors and half giving written descriptions of the country line of the rallway in Brunswick and Nova replete with historic and folklore. It has also chap- ters of 'rince Edward Island, The Mag- Islands and Newfoundland, tones, tiguous to the Quebec, New Scotia, incident, legend dalen and is worthy of a place in any library. Hd DRE SS Local Branch Time Table 1909. T Depot, ains will foot of In effect" April 256th, leave and arrive at City Johnson street. Going West. No. 5 Mail ..... '3 Express "5 '11 Local 1 Inter 7 Mail .. '15 Local, .. Going East No. 8 Mail, i leave City . a.m. a.m. Arrive City 1.07 am $4.17 a.m. 9.47 a.m p.m. Pome y p.m. Arrive Qity. 2.17 a.m. 3.17 a.m. '"16 Local 8.50 a.m 6 Mail .. noon 12.56 p.m. 4 Fast . iw 04 m. 1.29 pm "12 Local "es 7.38 p.m. Nos, 1,2,8,4,5,6, 7 and 8 run daily All other trains daily except Sunday HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS to the CANADIAN NORTH-WEST, MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN and ALBERTA. Low round-trip second-class tickets = will be issued via: Chicago, North Bay or Sud bury on following dates : May 4th, 18th; June 1st, 15th, 20th; July 13th, 27th; August 10th, 24th ; Sept. Tth, » 21st, Good to return within, 60 days from go- ng date. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor, "Johnsdh" and OntarTo Sts. First Sailings--Summer Season. ALLAN LINE STEAMERS TO LIVERPOOL Corsican Screws), May 7th. Virginie May 1dth. = gman To GLASGOW... Ionian (one class 2nd cabin), May 8th. Grampian Screw), May 15th. ; Hn TO LONDON-- Corinthian 2nd bin), May 8th. Sicilian (one class cabin), May 13th. RATERS OF PASSAGE According to steamérs. First-class $67.50, $77.50, ER7.50 and up. Second-class, $40, $42.50 $45 and $47.50. Third-class $27.50 and $28.75. Steamers sail from and all passengers embark at Montreal. Full particulars from Allan Agents, Kingston, " (Twin (Turbine); {one class A British Columbia blue grouse or a Newfoundland caribou, you're sure of your game if yon load gun with Dominion Ammunition. Every shot, shell and cartridge is Guaranteed Swre. Cheaper be: cause made in Canada. Remem- ber, every singlé cartridge or shell fwaranteed. Dominion Cartridge Co. Ltd., Montreal. DOMINION IMPROVED AND PROVED AMMUNITION ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cen uine, ' {is the cause THE DAILY BI OPPOSE ENTR Mill Owners Say Removal of Duty Would Be Disastrous to Them and Their Employes. Ogdensburg, N.Y., May 7.--Ogdens burg lumber interests ave again alarm ed over the situation at Washington and the Skillings, Whitneys & Barnes Lumber company, of this city, which is the city's main industrial reliance will be represented at a meeting of protest, to be held in the New Willard Lhotel in Washington. . The rumor that the senate will faves the removal of duty on dressed lumber of the present alarm. Manager Strong, of the local com pany, states that such a step woul Le a grave menace to the milling o lumber here, After the tariff bill pass ed the house, the sections relating t¢ the duty on rough, dressed and manu- fatinhed lumber, while not wholly sat isfactory to the lynber industry of Ogdencburg, were nevertheless not re garded as of too threatening a nature and were accepted in the spirit that all sevtions would have to give and take a little, for the general welfare. The reason the situation causes auxiety here, is begause lowest freight rates are made from such points as Ottawa to New York and New Iincland points. Therefore, were mills and s, such as are in Ogdens present yan Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Glgnature of - foto oma! See Fac-Simile Wrapper Below. Very ss. «nd as cosy to tak, sugar. FOR HEADACHE. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION, FOR THE COMPLEXION AURK. FICK HEADACHE. Have You Seen. Our New Wall Papers? > We have a large stock Goods in the ings. Lucrusta Relief, dadoes--Durlaps, Plage Rails, "Painting Paperhanging. [McMahon & CO. Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts of Tmported latest designs and color the newest thing for Room Moulding Uraining and aud Was Troubled fit Weak Back For Years. Could 'Not Perform Household Paties. Doctors Attended Without Avail 4 Mrs. Arch. Schoare, Black Point, N.B.| writes: "For years I was troubled with weak back. Oftentimes I have lain in bed for days, being scarcely able. to turn my- self, and I have also been a great sufferer while trying to perform my houschold duties. I had doctors attending me with- gat avafl and tried linithents plas bat nothing seemed to do me any good. was about to give up in dospeir When my husband induced me to 'try 's Kidney Pills, snd after using two boxes I am now well and able todo my work. I am posi- tive Doan's Kidney Vills are all that you claim for them, and I would advise all kidney sufferers to give them a fair trial." Doan's Kiflney Pills are a purely vege- table icine, realizing quick, manent relief, without any After ill effects. A medicine that will absolutely cure Back- ache and all forms of Kidney and Bladder Disease. A medicine that strengthens the kidne #0 that they are enabled to extract . uric acid from the blood aad pre- USE GAS for ccoking purposes. It is Quickest Cleanest Cheapest Enquire from C. FOLGER, Manager, At the Works on Queen Street. ! M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber E£hop Hair Dressing and Shaving Parlor, Three Chair, Quick Service. Your pat- ronage solicited. 336 Kina Strect Nexi door to Wage's Drug Store. \ vent the chief cause of Rheumatism. Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1.25, at all dealers or The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. : In ordering specify * Doan's." le ------ | One can't be too particular in his tastes when he gives out his printing on the price basis. Most printers can give you PRICE but they won't give you QUALITY. Our printing is sold on the as- sumption that there's economy" in quality. British Whig Press|: burg, opened in, or close to Ottawa ( and have free entrance into the Unit | od States for manufactured Jamber and I box <hooks, there would be no furthe: | necessity, or advantage, in stopping | offi lumber to be milled in Ogdensburg Mr. Strong maintains emphatically hat if the bill goes into effect, as at | present proposed, it would be trous to the local firm and to its em Personally the members of | the Ogdensburg frm might benefit, in that they hold large tracts of timber land ip various parts of Canada, but they claim removal of duty on dress ed lumber, would cripple the Ogdens burg industry, almost immediately. disas- ployees., | -------- PHOTO BY REVTLINGER CORYRIGHY WO 8 THE NY HERALD XO DAILY HINT FROM PARIS Sevres Blue Satin Gown, with . Lace Trimming. Silver MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKET. Paid For Products. May -6.--Butter is with he The Prices Various Montreal, down arain fii' priee, about as can for fancy | poods. The downward movement was hastened to-day by "heavy feceipts from. the factodies, over one thousand hoxes arriving on this market during | the renoon. Holders abe selfing their gtock regardless of cost, realiz ¢ | hich as obtained the dealers market, but, less money during Yesterday at far few days wore loGking for a 22¢ to-day, they are talking in the colmtry at the end of this week, and it is qdite . probable that this price will be realized he Biitish dealers to be run- ning short of supplies of cheese, and orders have been coming in to-day thick and fast, asking for immediate goods | ne xt Lue, seem ing thdt they can replace with betterq v x " » 'ISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1909. FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE. Washburn Items. Washburn, May 6.--Reecont visitors: Waster R. Craig a® his wnele's, A. ringle; J. Kecler, of Manitoba, at john Ball's; Mr. and Mrs. Lyon Kelly at Mrs. W. Paterson's; Miss Ethel talls at Miss Mamie Woods": Miss M. Dempsey, of Renfrew, at Mrs. J. Pomer's; Frederick Scott at D. Shan- won's; George Johnston at Mr. Clark's. At Ferguson's Falls. Ferguson's Falls, May 6.--F. Nagle, Jttawa, visited friends here on Sun- lay. H. McDonald visited friends wre last week. Miss J. Stafiord has eseovered after her recent illness. Mrs, fohn Poole visited friends in Lanark | ast week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Dove isited friends in Perth last week. drs. J. Cunningham has returned ome after spending the winter with Mrs. J. Cuthbertson, of Lanark. Notes From Flower. Flower, May 5.--R. L. Jamieson loading a few carloads of his wood L wre for shipment io Renfrew, Mrs. fohn MbGonegal and Mrs. A. Leakey have returned to Flower after spend- ing the winter in Ashton and Gal- braith. Norman Jamieson, of Ren- row, is in Flower. Clifford Deachman hag returned from Hall's Mills. In- spector, Mitchell visited the school, esterday, and gave a salisfactory re- sort. Derwood Cameron has returned rom Parham. ig Tidings From Bath. Bath, May 6.--~The steamer Alexan- Iria arrived here on Monday evening wm the first trip to Montreal. Charles Young has moved into the house for- merly pecupied hy George Bristow. )wing to the warmer weather the farmers arc enabled io commence their seeding. William T. Davy, of ston, visited his mother, Mrs. A. W. Davy, on Sunday last. Overton Ball sprained his ankle soverely a few days ago, caused by the upsetting of his delivery waggon. Leo Lake Locals. King- | Leo Lake, May 6.--Farmers have ommenced séeding. Allan Donnelly's wow residence is almost completed. G. Fisher is erecting a new residence and ntends engaging a steady house-keep- r. J. Milne is repairing the roads. 3. Madden opened school on uesday. irs. D. Kelly left on Monday for her ome in Elgin after gpending the past V. Murphy, A. Fahey, Miss K. Smith nd brother, at James Webb's: W. J. Metoalfe, Seeloy's lay, Mark loache's. Mrs. R. Maxwell is on the ick list. The friends of the lato Jineent Webb are anxiously awaiting he recovery of his body. al Tidings From Toledo. Toledo, May 5.~Dr. Kenney, I.P.S.. rockville, is in Toledo this week, Mr. nd Mrs. R. Tallman lefi recently for )jttawa, where they 'will spend the ummer., Robert Ferguson was seri sly injured recently, but ix improv- ng. Mrs. Boulger is much improved. diss Teresea Jordan, Lombardy, 1s he guest of her grandmother, « Mrs. Joulger. An auction sale of some of he Heols of the late Dr. M. frankville, will be . hold gon May fiss Violet Brigpthshaw, student ho Athens Model School, is able > esume her studies after a couple of vocks' illness. A fow from here at- tended - the Stabat Mater conc rt in Imith's Falls, on Thursday evening i. E. Donovan, who was home for the ;ast month, left. last weck for Wascea, jask. The Commercial house is being e-painted this week. Miss Jertha adler is on an oxtended visit with 'riends in Smith's Falls. L28 News Of Northbrook. Northbrook, May 6.--Miss Mas Peterson ~ made a business trip to I'weed this week. James Kellar at 'onded to her store during her ab apce. Mr. and Mrs. Long, Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs James -Rombough for. a few days. Mrs. A. Shier spent last<week at the Adelaide mined, the guest of Mrs. C. Weir. The phonograph concert, held in Northbrook school house by Henry Wood, was poorly attended on -- ac count" of the wet weather. Mr. Rom hough has improved the appearance of his property on Main street hy put- ting an addition to lis general store Misses Lillian Fleming and Ilorence Cell, of Kaladar Station, were the uests of Miss Ada Preslar last week Mr: and Mrs. James Rombough en: tertained a number of their friends m Saturday evening. James Pres oy has returned home after spending a few weeks in Napanee. C. Kellar passed' through the village last Wed- nesday with a herd of cattle for his vanch. shipment, and paying full prices for anything available. At the markets to-day prices ranged all the way from. 11fc. to "12 3-16¢c., the latter price ruling at Belleville, where all the cheese offered were white, At Brockville - 12¢. was paid for both wi and colored. These are high prices for this ' time of the year, end it is doubtful § they will be maintained. There is no change to note in the situation ds revards egy Prices are teady at 191c. to 20¢, per dozen for selected stock. Dressed hogs are meeting ith a fair demand. -- Prices "have been well4nain- tained with fresh killed stock quoted at- $11.25 to $11.30 per moth- at Tatine Kingston "Doaihle proof bags are sold Gibson's in drug The man with the courage of should hold and ronvietions. Red Cross store. his convictions have only just ec 3ibby's $15 Harvard suits are men. veformer form by ns actions--not and from the housetops. Frosh Huvler's t Gibson's Red Phone 230 A. patch at last demonstrates ha? exercised sufliciently to hole in the garment. for natty shirt scent: and Star Brands. isodriven into the by- is of little service favor- ites with the young I'he genuine teaches re- fin ~words delicious choeolates Cross drug store. that he wear Bibhy' styles-- Fooke, Cr I'he one who \i at store. the popular 5 of the day. 1 country | abbatoir | | woman justice of the peace | Grief That Kills. { Bohemian Magazine. . | "My poor boy, gaid the benelicont {old clergyman, who had, encountered a | voung waif sobbing in the streets, i "what ails you? | distress has touched | chords, no doubt." | "No," sniffed the lad, "you're cleat® off vour base, old kazoozicks. Me an' | Snippy an' de rest of de fellies tin- canned the mangy, old yellow cur up at Schwarz"s grocery, and while old schwarz and de gang followed de dog, your heart- 1 sneaked back to the grocery to swipe dried apples. De Fido chased into Schmitt's orchisd and de gang crib- N00 hs. dbhed de swellest peaches you ever seen, | and then dey smoked grapevine cigar ettes and set the barn afire. I made | a sashay, into de apple barrel at de | grocery, an' de delivery boy pasted me with a bedslat and it hurts yet, and 1 didn't get to see de fire, and didn't get nothin' to eat, and I wish IT wuz dead--dog-gone it all !"' Was Adam A Loafer. Mrs. Catherine W. McCaloceh, Evanston, HL, said to be the m country, astonished the society of an- thropology at a recent meeting by nouncing Adam as a loafer. She de clared that Eve was the mother of all the arts and sciences and by data which carried her back to the palaco- | lithic age she sought to prove that woman was the originator of most of | the good things in the world. At the iend of the meeting she asked for a {vote on woman suffrage, and the au- dience almost to a man declared it- soll in favor of giving votes to wo men. veok with her sister, Mrs. John Webh. | 1.. 'Dixon, | 7th. | of ! Some case of dire | pecial 3a me We have .the most complete stock of Women's $2.00 Shoes. ; Women's Brown Oxfords, Brown Gibson Ties, Viei Kid Gibson Ties, Fine Kid Blucher Oxfords. High Laced Shoes, Black Kid. High Laced Brown $2.00. Shoes. All at " Ale, They are always Porter & Lager Famous? Uniform and are Wholesome and Nutritious Beverages. N\ EB ERECT 57 LLLL -- WE WERE NEVER SO WELL , PREPARED To cater to your shoe require- ments as this spring. FOR MEN---We have the best lines in America from such well known makers as Howardz& Poster, Brockton, Mass , Thomp- son Bros., Brockton, Mass., M. A. Packard & .Co., Brockton, 4 Mass., The Beacon Shoe Mak- ters, Boston, Mass. J FOR LADIES WE HAVE, Queen _ 4 Quality Shoes, The Best Yet,' EY P. Reed & Co., Rochester, N.Y., Moore Shaefer, Brockport, N.Y. In fact, we question if Toronto or Montreal Shoe Retailers can show such elegant lines of new shoes as we are showing this spring. Let us show you these' great lines. : J, H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoes. 1 0 Ww FOP EIIEP IBALL E4E = ee . Buffetts and Sideboards . On Sale This Week | Solid Qt. Oak Sideboards, pol- ish finish, $25.00 to 65.00. Combination Buffetts from $22.50 to 75.00. Sideboard, same as cut, regu= tar $16.50 for 13.50, in surface oak. Selid Oak hina Cabinet fiom $10 00 to 65.00 R. J REID, 230 Princess St.. 6 doors above Opera House. BESSA 4 4444444 4444844 R THERE EA Pra 2 030? 4 Why It Will Pay You to Buy Invictus Shoes good and bad after leather ony You'll know the difference between you've worn it: It's. then that the inferior leather and wearing qualities. 3 When you buy a pair of shoes you are at the mercy of the maker. If he puts inferior leather into them he's going tor lose your future trade. But, if he uses good, purchases won't stop with the ouge buyer. g . Men who buy one pair of INVICTUS Shoes keep on using them from year to year. lacause INVICTUS Shoes are made of the best selected leathers, by skilled workmen, on modern machinery, over stylish, up-to-date lasts. Thev're made with the object of giving the maximum of wear, style and comfort that any shoes can give, THE SAWYER SHOE STORE RE shows its defects, both in looks selected leather, if means that your high grade, become a permanent pair, ~you'll Keeping Up the, Home? = Working For Yourself ?} Are you keeping your own lawn in order or are you caring for that of some landlord ? Just as easy to care for your own, Just as easy to pay rent to yours We have the properties, give you terms that satisfy, and are as careful of your interests as you could desire. self. I have a number of Up-To-Date Dwel- lingd for sale, in best locations. Also a number of Choice Building Lats, at D. A.Cays 57 Brock St. THE FRONTENAC . LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863, ne Presidént--Sir Richard Cartwright, issued on -City and Farm Profi Municipal and County Debens Mortgages purchased. Deposits ved and interest allowed. w McGill, Managing Director, B77 Clarenceé-sireet: i] Money "parti James Campbell TAILOR, 109 BROCK STREET. Cleaning and Pressing. New Velvet Collars trom 75 CENTS UP FOR SALE Just arrived, car of building and vlastering lime, plastering hair. Drury's Coal and Wood Yard, 235 Wellington street, sel 'Phone 443a. : : The Perfect Brick & burn, On PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees Are ready to contract for immediate lelivery. Brick that will stand inspec- ion at reasonable 'rates. Capacity of Mant 60,000 daily. i Co.,, Washs® OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO Chewing at forty-live & Is a good tobacco. Why Andrew Maclean, Smoking and cents a pound, pay eighty-five cents. Ontario street. Auction Sales Rooms ALL KINDS OF SECONDAIAND govds bought and sold, or goods sold on commission. Auction Sales promptly at- tended to, athe Avetion Sales 0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS : 3