PAGE EIGHT. * ® Ce . THE DAILY PRITISH WHIG MONDAY, MAY 10, 1809. # "May and Junc/fil FON BALCONY Brides 'A LITTLE GIRL WAS VERY BADLY INJURED. One of Her Legs Was Broken--Re- moved to Hotel Dieu--She is the Daughter of Mn Artillery- WILL APPRECIATE A Fur Muff, Stole or Coa ay o'clock this afternoon a | serious accident befcl little Alice Hill, the ten-year-old daughter of Private | Hill, of the R.C.H.A., at her home on ; | Ontario street, and as a result the We have a beautiful assortment|chid now lies in a dangerous condi- {tion at the Hotel Dieu. The little one reasonable | Jives in a house néxt to Andrew Me- prices to select from. We invite | Leon's packing house, and was play- . ling on the balcony at the rear. In your inspection. No obligation to | some manner the child lost her bal- | ance and icll headlong to: the ground, la distarice of fourteen or fifteen feet. {The ground where she fell is all hard | flat stone, and the little girl received John McKay | ume She lay on the ground unconscious Brock and Princess. of new designs at buy. {for some moments Before being dis | covered by some of Mr. McLean's men | who carried her into the back of the |store. When picked up, the child was | bleeding badly from the nose and BALLAALLAAAELLALEEEEEA | ith, and from a bruise on the | head. Dr. Bogart was summoned and | was soon on the same, closely follow- ® [¢d by James Reid's ambulance. Dr. #® | Bogart made a hasty examination, Ew found that one of the child's legs » 3 Diamonds enter Canada duty free. § Siler Micles FOR THE BRIDE. Solid Silver Flatware in choice patterns. FRUIT DISHES, BUTTER DIBHES, BON-BON DISHES, CREAM AND SUGAR SETS { TEA SETS. | was broken beside the serious injuries | to the head and face. Tho child re | gained constiousness shortly after the {doctor arrived and cried terribly, her being plainly heard on the She was removed to the Hotel {Dieu for treatment. Later--The doctors at the Hotel Dieu stated that the child's injuries | were not as serious as at first sup- | posed. Luckily hones broken, although she was badly bruis- od. The injuries to her head were the worst. She will be laid up for some days as a result. screams VEEP | street many $ » no PIII patterns of Tea- 7.75 per dozen and {Bp 7.76 * See our fine spoons, from § upwards. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. FEY | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. | 1 We shows the largest selection of Sterling Silver Goods in this sec tion of the Province. Try Walsh's 15¢. lime. Use Furniture Restorer for cleaning oll furniture, at James Reid's. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAulev"s. "Phone 778. The of a leading city church are like its faithful spiritual hend worn through long svr- vice. H. Cunningham, piano tuner Chickering's. leave orders at Auley's Book Stote. The dog poisoner is getiing in his work again in the city. Joseph © Me Conuell lost a valuable dog on Satur. Ay SPANGENBERG JEWELLER, Marriage Licenses Issued. doo 8 . very much from Me- i | CIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII el Auli us hn & day. Walsh has a limited quantity of lime to sell at 15¢. per bush.; 100 bush. lots at 13c. The erection. of the House of Provi- dence orphanage is going ahead with such strides as to bo an example of building progress. '"Ice' cream from Toronto, only at Gibson's Store. Phone 230. The number of thunder like last nights, which = arrive whet peo- ple are in church, designed to test people's faith and steady church- going. Pry Walsh's 15c. lime. Two men; in a eanoe, had an citing time near the Cataraqui bridge Sunday, when the was upset. They were good swimmers and had ne trouble. Over two hundred thousand pounds of human hair was shipped from Hong Kong to the United States last year and thirty-three pounds the year be fore | About the meanest piece of sneak | thieving heard of in some time, says the Smith's Falls Record, was the theft: of nine hens from a poor widow, The hens were choi | At the Princess theatre to-night, tho lod oreat Colbie sisters, in refined vale B | yilles RB. Hamer, of New York City, .in {{Tustrated song; fine pictures. Don't rie programme to-night. { A citizen, to-day, had a rearch war- taken out for the recovery of a and it is probable that the case will be heard in the police court _ to- The dog was takew to the police station, to await the settle ment of the case One kan't be'too particular in his tastes when he gives out his printing on the price basis. bricks," sold ' in Red in Neilson's, Most printers can give you PRICE-- but they won't give you QUALITY. Cross Drug torme, Our printing i€ 'sold 'on the as > sumption that there's economy in cannot quality. Brit:sh Whig Press as against a hundred ones. There was any better Floor Paint| rant dog, than FLOOR GLAZE People. would find # out, but they can't, and instead more people are finding US OUT, and the demand for FLOOR GLAZE is enormous. Ask for color card. | Only $2.00. gallon. W. A Mitchell Hardware EIEIO morrow Cheese Sales. St. Hyacinthe, Que., B6 at 124c Cornwall, 385 at 12 1-16¢c. to 12{c. Picton, 393 at 12}c. Napanee, 533 at 12¢. to 12 15-16¢. Vankleek Hill, 388 at lle. Huntingdon, Que., 192 at 11iec. 2c. Watertown, 128 to N.Y., 3,000 at 12}c. to ord c. A small boy's idea of liberty is to eat the cake and then ask his mother if he may have it. AIR HII AC hor Ready-to-Wear Clothing Progress Brand To be merely covered is one thing. To be well dressed is quite another. You can't buy better clothes than we're showing. There isn't anything better, smarter, more perfectly tailored, more correctly fashioned. The New Spring Suits just re- ceived are about the handsomest we have ever shown. $12.00, 15.00, 16.50, 18.00 and 20.00. Very little money for such excellent Suits. LIVINGSTON'S , IIIS IIIA AH HARRIE v AAAS SHAH v EIGER 9 HEI ba ~ were | GREAT LOSS OF LIFE | a CITY AND VICINITY. Buy Pineapples For Preserving. Now. At Edwards & Jenkin. Did A Good Tum. Capt. George Hammond, with his steamer Stranger, was able to do a good turn near Gananoque, on Friday afternoon. A big government tug, known as the M. & W., was working in that district when she shifted her rudder, and got stranded. The Stranger released her and wwed the vessel to port. The Sanction Granted. Dr. J. J. Harty, to-day, received a lotter from the Canadian Amatewr Athletic Union, enclosing a sanction for the race: on Victoria day. About sixty entry blanks were also sent down. The race will be run under the auspices of the local' Y.M.C.A. Every- thing bids fair for a fine entry list for the big event. To Fix Drinking Troughs. Superintendent Howitt, of the waler works, has given orders for the re placing of the dogs' drinking how] connected with the drinking trough on the market square. The Humane So ciety pays the cost. Tho drinking fountain and trough at the inlersee- tion of Brock and Clarence streots has also to he fixed shortly. It has been out. of commission for some months. Several Boys Drowned. Ottawa, May 10.--At the foot o Kent street, some boys were playing about the water, .this afternoon. Twc (names not yet known) are missing and it is thought they have bee: drowned. The boys were on a dump | near the water, and it is now said | part of it gave way. The pg lice arc now on way, to use tLe irons to search for the bodies. One lad wa Napoleon Valiquette. | Vessels Came Together. | On Saturday evening, the steame Rideau King and steambarge Joh | Randall had 'a slight opllision ".u 2 narrow passage of the Rideau, be | tween here and Kingston Mills. Th | vessels scraped each other as the) passed, The Rideau King was no | damaged, and the Randall sustainec 'but slight injuries. "The boats wen not going fast enough to do them selves harm. Both proceeded on thei way, the King being en route to the city. Constable For Barriefield. | A petition is being circulated it Barriefio'd, and largely signed," asking for the appointment of a congtabl for the village, and the petition wil be presented at the next meeting o the township council. = Barriefield i quite orderly as a rule, but it i stated that there are manv time: when a constable would be of goo service in the keeping of order, an guarding property, and it appears t be the général opinion that a con state should be appointed. 'All' the bad boys 'in Barrieield had' better Ix on their good behaviot' from now on ! o ! Flirtation At The Bijou. . Kingston | Six fmo acts at the Bijou theatre today and Tuesday: T in y drama, "A Patal' Flirtation,"" whic will save as a warning for many ¢ foolish girl; also a comedy, "A Schoo For Flirtation," in which the profes sor' who sought to teach the art o lovemaking, got the worst of the game, 'The Outcast" a militar drama, with lois of fighting betwee redskins and British soldiers, the scene being laid about 1756, when Kentucky was a British colony. "The Dynamite Waistcoat,' a comedy in which Han: Schweiper "oatcasts the bully of i Pennsylvania oil minihg camp. Alfred Davis sings at overy show, and Mis Daisy Bruton in the evenings only. 1s GONE TO MONTREAL. This is the Story Told About th Kinrades. Toronto, May 10.--It is reportec that Mrs. Kinrade and Miss Florenc Kinrade, who left Hamilton, Sunday went on-to-Montreal. . The first inti mation that they had left Hamilton was given to the crown, last night, by a newspaper man in Toronto. Sur prise 1s expressed by crown officials to-day, because, although they under- took to do so, the Hamilton police have not yet notified the officials oi | the family's movements. .By a Hurricane Off the Malabar Coast. Bombay, May 10.--Reports of the | sinking of forty-seven native vessels (in a' hurricane, in the Calicut road- | stead, reached here to-day. The storm has swept the whole Malabar coast, | and the loss of life is heavy. Many {vessels have gbne down at other points along the sonstf The damage inland is said to be ds heavy as on the_water. _Swallowing A Hardware Store." In 1853 there was born at Hillkdale, Mich;, U.S.A., a lad named Frank Durga. For about twenty-hve years thereafter he lived very much' like other people, but daring the eighties he suddenly took 'it into his head to commence what can only be described as a "freak diet," swallowing picces of glass, nails, coins, live cariridgoes, and anything that was not too lavge to pass down. his. throat. Incredible as it_may appear, Durga suffered no ill-eficets from this extraordinary "food!" for . over thirty years. = In 1908, however, one "or the other of ON STEEL TRADE CONDI- TIONS IN CANADA The Shrubb-Longboat Gate Re- ceipt Trouble--Powers is Giv- Medicine. Montreal, May 10:--J. H. Plummer, president of the Dominion Steel com- pany, is here, to-day, on his way to wd , and' will preside at a meeting directors this afternoon. He is ex- tremely optimistic on steel trade con- ditions in Canada, and states that the Steel company is doing well. With reference to the settlement of the out- standing claims of the Steel company against the "Dominion Coal company, it is believed there is a good chance of the matter being settled: statement of clainis is now Heing made up, and, roughly speaking, will amount to $1,200,000. No settlement' has yet been arrived kat with reference to the seized pro- ceeds of the Shrubb-Longboat race on' Saturday. It appears that Powers had the whole amount taken in seized, but authorized the managers of the race to pay Shrubb his share. Tt is agreed that Mr. Powers took the ac- tion merely to assert the principle of jie contract with Longboat, and which, he claimed, he violated in go- ing into the race without his consent. ft is believed the matter will be yet amicably arranged. BASEBALL RECORD. The Games on Sunday--Standing of Leagues. National League--St. Louis, 5; cago, 2. American Neveland, 2-4. Chi- League--Chicago, 1-1; Standing Of Leagues. National League--Pittsburg, .650 per ent.;: Philadelphia, .625; Boston, 588; 'hicago, 545: Cincinnati, .435; Brook- lyn, .412; St. Louis, .39% New York, 375. American League--Detroit, .736 per ent.: New York, .611; Boston, 556; Philadelphia, .500; Chicago, .474; Cleve- and, .474; Washington, .313; St. Lou- is, 294. astern League--Rochester, .7T14 per ent.; Jersey City, .667; Toronto, .HM5; Providence, .500: Montreal, .500; New- ark, .444; Buffalo, .417; Baltimore, 273. GIRDING THE SWORD. A Ceremony Which Christians Did NotiSee. Constantinople,' May 10.--~The cere némy of girding the sword of Osman pon Mehcminéd, the new Sultan of Furkey; in sugeession to Abdul Hamid, 'ook place, to-day, in the Mosque Ayoub; ithe only sacred edifigey in Con- tantinople, which Christians were not allowed: to entes. The Tunction was sarried out ageording to the preat- sangod programme, and, at iis © con- Tuston, his. majesty star®d to drive through Stamhboul at the head of an imposing procession, CHARGED ROOSEVELT. > v---- Flinch Before Fierce Rhinoceros: British" Bast Africa, May 10.--Col. Theodora! Roosevelt; to-day; indoubtodly owes: his lie to his eool- sess and umerring 'mim, which combinar tion, yesterday, brought death to a huge bull rhinoceros that was furious ly charging the ex-president. Mr, Roostvelt fired a bullet into the brain of Ahs rhinoceros when the animal was but fourteen paces from him, and rushing forward like a wild engine. the bullet was fatal, but so ficeon was the rush of the giant rhinoceros that it plunged on almost to the feet of thy colonel before toppling over dead. Did Not Malrobi, a i---------- CONVICT FARMERS. Lewis Has a Scheme Farms. Ottawa, Ont., May 10.--E. N. Lew- is, M.P., has given notice of a resolu tion that Ontario and Quebec should each set apart ten thousand acres of northern lagds for prison farms, where all convicts except 'those convicted of heinous crimes can be set at work farming and making roads, instead of For Prison "Foesg uselessly locked pip as at pre sent. pn Uses Of Banapas. . Few persons know the convenience and delicate taste of cooked bananas. Few not to bananas born realize their nutritive value. Yellow bananas can be employed in many excellent ways. They ave fine plainly boiled in their skins and served with cream or sweet butter for breakfast. They may be boiled with salt \pork, or baked around a leg of fresh pork (peeled in last instance, . or fried and served with broiled lamb, kidneys and bacon. Used in this way both the kidneys and the bananas take on an added flavor by being together. Select fruit which, while ripe, is yet perfeetly firm. Ten minutes is required for boiling and five or a little more for frying. When the fruit is done it falls into a pulp as easy to digest as baby food. Baked bananas may take the place of potatoes: on a luncheon. table, as they are excellent with all meats, Bake them in their skins 'in 'a hot oven, and pinch them occasionally with" the fingers- to see how they are progressing. the many articles' he had swallowed, | { must have overtaxed his powers, for | he became ill, and the doctors at the Morey hospital, North Bend, Oregon, decided to operate upon him. The | operation last fifty-five minutes, and | there was oxtracted. from his interior | a remarkable collection of articles | comprising seventeen coins, six cart- ridges, three penknives, 100 pieces of glass, six keys, twenty nails andl a fish hook. The pationt | however, and is now in the best | health. i + { The Sentences Imposed. ' | Mercer, Pa., May 10,--James Boyle, { to-day, received a life sentence for { kidnapping Willie Whitla. Mrs. Boyle Li twenty-five vears. Try Walsh's 15¢c. lime. recovered, | of | | work. Hole Patched With Mattresses. Amherstburg, Ont., May 10.--Mat- tresses and pillows were used to patch up an ugly hole in' the pottom of the mg 500-yard dump scow belonging to the Great Lakes Dredging company, which struck a rock in the new Liv- ingstone channel, Saturday night, and sunk below Bois Brane Island, not far from the Bar Point lichtship. Aiter | divers had patched up the scow with the bedding from dredge No. § and the steamer Mills, the pumps were set wo The scow wae raised after | about. two hours. She was brought to | this port and later towed up to a | Detroit dry-dods for repairs. | Don't waste' any time looking hack | at vour mistakéss there is more fun in | ioicing up the mistakes of other peo- ple. ing' Longboat a Taste of Legal | PLUMMER OPISTI me men They Are Saying And Doing. Rev. Father O'Reilly, of Enterprise, is in the city. : 'John MeKenzie, of the dredge Sir Richard, is quite seriouslyaill. Mrs. J. Cascy and two sons, Bolle ville, are visiting in Kingston. Prof. A. Lotrd, preached in St. John's church, Brockville, on. Sunday. W. F Kelley returned, to-day, alter visiting relatives in Picton; over Sun- day. x if | Robert Trenccr, of the Whig com- ing room, is visiting friends atertown, N.Y : Mrs: Arthur Matheson, of Ottawa, otitertdined at toa for Misé Edith Fol ger, of mingston. Miss Olive Boyd, Universily avenue, lft, to-day; for' Bediord, where she will teach school Ex-Mayor John Skinner, who has The | been iting his mother, in this city, has returned to Montreal. William 'Thompson, of Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Barrett, Queen street, on Sunday. "®. W. Jackson, M.E., has leit for Baltimore, after a very pleasant visit with his parents, in this city. "Harry" Filson left, this morning, for Garden Island and will join the crew of the stcamer Simla. Rev. C. A/Sykes will preach anni- versary sernfons in Bridge Strect Me thodist church, Belleville, on Sunday next. Edward Frasso, who is ill in the Hotel Dieu with typhoid fever, is do- ing nicely, and his friends wish to seo him out seon. Prof. M. B. Baker, will: leave on Tuesday for Gowganda. Howill re present a New ¥ mining concern in the new teeritéty. The engagement is announced of Mise Maud Moulton, Lansdowne, Ont., to! Francis Langdale, Hamiota, Man. The marriage will take place in Win- nipeg early in June. J. Allan Baker, M.P. for Finsbury, in the imperial House of Commons, will visit Gowganda, as he and other English capitalists are interested in the rich River Dobie mine. . Miss Flotence Williamson, who re sided at 232 Brock street since last autumn, left, this morning, to visit Mrs. (Prof.) Turk, at Hobart College, Geneva, N.Y. Her aunt, Miss Barcelay, went to New York, CANADA LIFE BILL PASSES. Opposition on Both Sides of the House. Ottawa, May 10.--The house made a long step towards prorégation, when two contentious private bills wove disposed of, One 'dealt with the Canada Life Assurance company and met with bitter oppesition: on both sides of the © house. - Mr. Henderson (Halton) made a strong 'argument, in"which he held: up: to ridicule the contention that parliament, im. 1879, had failed -to enact the Jegislation it intended. Mr. Turriff, (Liberal Sask.) was exceedingly " bittef not only against the bill itself, Jui also against Senator Cox, who occupied a seat in the gallery during the entire debate. The bill passed on division, ITALIANS SHOOT CATTLE. Queer Outbreak Near Paris--Show . Fight to Police. Brantford, Ont., May 10~The lian = colony of coment workers at Blils Lake, a short distance - from Paris, broke out on Saturday in. a deries'of depredations: . Horses, cattio and 'sheep in the adjaccnt fields were shot, and members of the gang in go- ing about armed with long knives and loaded revolvers terrorized the farm- ors of the community. High County Constable Kerr raided the camp on Saturday night. When he appearcd the gang resisted, one shot being fired at the officer, who, however, was ac: companied by constables, who captur- od the leaders. lta THE INSURANCE BILL. Amended Measure Will Be Submit- ted To-Morrow. . Ottawa, May 10,=TFhe insurance bill, aé¢ amended by 'the sub-committee of the banking 'and commerce committee, will 'be presented to the commons, 'on Tuesday. A number of amendments lave beeri made to' the bill, and it is understood that in its present form a satisfactiry = compromise has been reached on most of the contentious clauses, and the measure will probably go through the commons with com- paratively. little debate. SHAKESPEARE WORSHIPPED. 89,000 Paid For Admission to Poet's House. London, May 10.--At the anaual meeting of tho trustees of the Shakes peare Birthplace Association, held at Stratford-on-Avon, it wae stated that 29,000 visitors had paid for admission to the poet's House last year. Lord Redesdale has promised to prepare a list of plants grown in the birthplace garden, which conlains every ower and shrub mentioned in Skakespeare's plays. bbe JURYMAN WENT INSANE. When Jordan Murder Trial Was Over. Concord, Mase.,, May 10.--Willis A, White, a member of the jury which, on Tuesday, convicted Chester S. Jor- dan, of mukder, was sent to the Worcester insane hospital, by Judge Prescott Keyes, of the district cowrt, who decided that the man was insane and should be placed under restraint. It is believed that White broke down under the strain of the trial. Doherty For Ireland ? Montreal, May 10.--There is a re port in conservative circles that ex- Judge Doherty. M.P. for 8t. Ann's, will only ait for the present parlia- ment. and then take up his residence in London, practising his profession in the British metropolis and eventual- ly seeking an Irish constituency for the imperial Howse of Commons. Once in a great while we meet a man who is wise enough to know when he has enohgh before he gots it. Most musicians dispense music' by the measure, hat the Bass deanwmer gets rid of his by the pound. Try Walsh's 1c. lime. in| s A " 458 Pairs of Lace Curtains Purchased at prices greatly below their values. These we will offer To-Morrow at very special prices ; and all intending to: buy Curtains should see these before de- ciding. < ! 213 Lace Curtains Very pretty designs, worth from $1.75 to $2.00. : Yours To-morrow, $1.20 pair : AORCR0CF DR0R0A0R0RR0R0 SORORORO 160 Pairs Lace Curtains Different 'designs and qualties. 60c, 75c, 90c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 3.00, 3.25. These you will find excellent value. 85 Sample Pairs Fine Swiss Lace Curtains Ranging in value from $3 ta] 4.00. These will be sold at a great on on, re from {Hien Ai2le 13 to 15 OF Some designs only 1 pair, oth ( er designs two, pairs. " 91 : fHGL God Se MEER a iY 1 id Chirtain Muslins : Magy, Pretty Designs at Moderate Cost. Bwiss Spot Muslina for,Curtains, 10¢, 12}e, 15¢, 20c, 25¢. : Swiss" Spot Muslins with Frills, 20c, 25c yard. Madras Muslins, new patterns, 2be, 35¢, 49¢, 59c, 75¢ yard. ~~ PECIAL 200 Brass Extension Curtain Poles With ends and holders fitted complete, To-Morrow and all this week. Special, - COSORON CA OROROHORO OHOHOHD eta ata' LRORORONONO HERE YOU HAVE A BARGAIN. ADIES! Just 120 Pairs of Kid Lace Boots, patent tip, "good solid soles, sizes 3 to 7, regular value $1.50. OUR PRICE THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE p. Slots of New Suit Cases from $1.50 up; Trunks, $1.75 up.