Daily British Whig (1850), 15 May 1909, p. 9

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(+ SECOND SECTION, YEAR 176. ee ONTARIO, SATURDAY, BRYN MAWR GIRLS FROLIC IN THE EVOLVED INTO TI er TAN) Fhe Phy DIE LLL Science Scores Triumph in Case of Retarded Mental and Physical Growth of Mildre d Hart, Aged 23. -------------- London, May 16.~In September last 4 the Daily Mail called attention to the years. There was no conspicuous sign of deformity," of arrested developmant, NORMAL CHILD. 4 ------ -- -- KEEP GIRLS OFF STREET. Practical' Adviee on a Serious Problém. Guelph Herald It is good to see that "the powers that be' are at last becoming seized of the situation with regard to girls walking the streets. These columns have dealt with the subject so olen Fihat it "ie high time somchody took notice, How pagenis are so blind as to. make police supervision necessary ono fails. to understand,' hut there can be no question as to the necessity for such a course. AS remedy that benefits digestion strengthens the nerves. The nerve centers require nutrition. If the digestion is impaired, the nerve centers become anemic, and indigestion is the result, BAEC Ol Peruna is not a nervine nor al stimulant. It benefits the nerves by benefiting digestion. Peruna frees the stomach of catarrhal congestions and normal digestion is the result. In other words, Peruna goes to the bottom of the whole difficulty, when the disagreeable symptoms. disappear. Mrs. J.C. Jamison, 61 Marchant street, 'Watsonville, Cal., writes: "I was troubled with my stomach. for 1 Do So Most Heartily." | Yulia Marlowe. MISS JULIA MARLOWE. BOBBELOO ABOOOOO OEE BOL oH "I improved under the treatment, bul, as soon as I stopped taking the medi- cine, I got bad again. "1 took the medicine for two years, then I got sick again and gave up all hopes of getting cured. "1 saw a testimonial of a man whose case was similar to mine being cured by Peruna, 80 1 thought I would give it & trial, "I procured a bottle at once and com= menced taking it. Ihave taken several bottles and am entirely cured, «| have gained feel like a lieve Peruna is for it." Nervines, such ds coal tar exiraordinaty case of Mildred -Hart, Lheke were pone of the painful sy mp | Phofe js far: too much familiarity Forms sS (FOWNIR Le Tir Duden . six years. I tried many kinds of medi tions, are doing a great deal a al Whe Son, ee bem uC Sug | fet oe of th mre ate uhh, Me, Hel Tal Ag | S23 ars. rad kay Kd cl indi L106 ines su hasdnahe powdre e age o ve ' dy eyes Adhd ar ght, ber | and women, on the streets, and one is FP : : a . . he : ? y '1 are: wl i a; ed, cither physi ARG arance was healthy, it seemed in: [homes they have that some of ow celebration Ct na De § Held 1 i py IPA 1 po i 1e- dn 1| peps was puton s liquid diet for! he all right, if the Fore coos ly or men tally, {revedible that she was born Awenly- {young pebple wwem to sec so little of | Te the : ¥ a 3 od students at Heyy Holl ol three months, Peruna corrects the ; and was in all A | threo years ago. I asked mora than | them. Noow, afternoon. and | night ge. ont 7% she, or ach class had a May pole, and the members ' respects a bathry. ; \ { once if this was really Mildrod, | but prindipally the Inttar--tHey ave Bra pa - Bt ribbons hanging from thé top, and daneéd in "true | === Ee -- hrs, ince September \ "We wens into the house, Mrs. Hart | parading. up and down, 'and. it: need yie. . : : . other articles Ny . N, produced' a Jarge photograph. of Mil- | carcely Bo said that their boldness | = = evtom-- ssn blood as the Ghost alldges. Again, fault of too serious people; they will have Appeal 1 1 : drecly taken belore the thyroid treat | joes not lessen as their promenades | the courts," hut more often tre quictis POISON GIVEN ROMEO the 'narcotic Which Friar Lanrance ad- | take evervthing seriously. Shakes regarding the ox =~ ment was begun. The photograph | fcrease. éottied pathol: than dfiou Nhe - «dis wi! , ninisters to Juliet was probably either | peare: probably - knew nothing at all perimental {rest ) A showed a little girl with all the piti- | What sort of housekeepers these | grace. " A Seierftist Who M a ig _ |datura stramonmium . or mandragora {of poisons or of narcotics. He was a ment of this girl 0 Si | ful and vary dreadful signs of eretin- | ile will make one shudders to even E Becilea Ahib stadt walking' is loads 3 hy ade An "Txperi- | foot: The first. is used by the convicts ypbet . and not a chemist, and might, by the admin: ; ; | ism; a croature with all the humanity | imagide. © Phey certainly never can ing to respectable, girls bei r usdited. ment. [in éw Caledonip when they wish to 'therefore, be allowed the usual poetic istration of thy: r lacking; a wretched, stunted, deformed |, 43 od r can [ing to respectable, aris being ansulted. ip ondan Globe. rob their companions, bit ts effects { license istration oF" th ( ; | a Bed. ST ave time to be learning anything of | The one leads to the other. lncour- ft is one of the penalties of Shakes- do not last: forty, r a roid oxyraet. I y - { body; a lace; more than simian in its | hat sort, and if the truth were told agement too often leads to license,' paare's position " a ghent ot, "that thing hi ol th ridava hours tne ny: Jollowilg gn a v {iiocy, 'surreundel int | tome mother is Suving gt eo and then comes punishment. The fact | [is words are taken too Titernlly and{ A PB Sh ERR on him Stop Salt Rheum rom { ™ . Oe "I K | tent to dio the Work rather that lake [of the matier is, parents must watch [as atter of fact. A learnéd doctor | self with ) diag ; to ' bv correspondent of i | died, 'and my wonder grew. The trans | po daughtes's' impudence. Ce I i parent : {asia mat! fact, A lea octor ith 'mandiagora found' that in-} Don't endure the suffering that salt that journal sent ofa to X.ove Pe i formation of ye horrile half human | o daughte re of this tredt th hildewn luper=especinlly she Bi Tn has Bork | tense pi hetd ie Sausal 3 waking theum antl: similae alfections Shuse vonshige, here the. oi A wi being into 4 child, cHish-looking, but | volking 'and desertion: of homo is 'the | at first, aod afte while they are. «ons mentioned by him. He poiuts out | for the poison 25 gare " ig ~- Hemi them a hegatne hignie. sides, describes ihe measute BL sur [mot unattractive, seems a veritable | fect it. has upon both sexes of: the | feo bold to realiz it. Walking = the | that - the *'juice of cursed heberion" | Romeo, it was ee aliis A Ww near In hind, that Wade's Oint- which 18 following the wregtuiint _ | miraele. if oh coungs. Listen to the interchange of streets at all hours is not right, and which Claudius is said to 'have poured | ope of Hose mia ir vir the in i oi hs y Juarantend io shire In thispretty SA age Ne y | But, apart rom the makvelloue | separtee as they. meet, and you have parents surely know ii. Tf they do into the ear of Hanilet's father is in-] Borgias which pel a Yo I . | sores, los " --_-- a drufl," i undulating couniry od } orth Vy physical development of Mildred Hart | io difficulty in arriving at a true eon: not, or will mot: then let the authori- capable of piercing the tympanum of composed of vegethblo alka)oids and all Ta od itoMing pti Auf, od romethitgrpwery Hole if mot £4 nein nets. gud_a tet En | copiion of, the cause of so many dis' | ties step in and emphatizo the lesson | the ear, and, therefore, could mot have | ptomaine, since it. was en ackibly skin h big ay. "Se o Wade s y iisell; "8 at ha , v § '2 e Oo rie 3 re 18 8 23 ARS SAAS > 'of thitch road cre 3k : tr nh . 3 " : pr § pernature, is at any raic supernor | raordinary psychical side of this case. | tressing [chses, some of - which 'reach | hefore it is too late. ppfictrated the body and poisoned thelrapid in its effects. But that is. the | dag store. mal; something 'that must have pro-| Te all outward seeming, Mildred was | = " -- -- - m---- h - - --- -- re -------- found importance for those. wha seek | an idiot. from her birth until a few | to know. gmdre 'of the mystery of exis | weeks back. How, then, can one' «ex- tence; thé secrets. of life and . death. | plain the Tact that she r members and | "] came. here to see Mildred Hart speaks of the things that happened the girl, Wenty-three years old, who | long aco? It is eighteen years since born a-victim of erctinism, has now, | ne of her brothers broke his leg as tho. result of modeen knowledge, | Mildred a few days ago spoke of this: | heen transformed into what is believed | "Poor Bert has got a bad leg," she will he a'normal human being. | axclaimed 4] drove: from the railway station | "Ag the time of the accident, Mil to the cottage in which Mildred and | qred was seemingly absolutely insen her parents live, and just as 1 arrived | gible to everything . that wont on there the git] and her mother worexe around her. She spe aks of othe surning heme.' Mildred was in a per { {hinge that her family have almost ambulator wheeled by Mrs. Hart | forgotten. She lisps tunes that she | "Jor Something more than remark- | asrd in 1890. P able 1 was prepared, but what 1 'Mildred has grogn, a couple of found was astohishing. The little |i hes since the ose treatment was creature who looked at me, and smil- | begun. She is now a little over ed at- me, and pointed. her finger al three feet tall. Outwardly there is no | the perambulator, was Just difference between her and the ordi- | three or four | nary child just gaining consciousness -- of "its surroundings. She has the KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL. smile of a baby; formerly she never -- smiled at all.r<Just like a normal Health Saving Explained By a child, she delights in mimicking the Kingston Citizen Who Knows cries of animals. - While 1 was with { her some sheep--silly sheep,' she call- From Experience. . led them--passed the cottage, and Mil- Many Kingston people take their dred' clapped her hands dL baned. 1 lives in" their hands by neglecting the oo vo hor my watch to play with, and Kidneys when they know these organs! g yitened to the ticking with the | need help, : . ordinary child's fascinated interest. | Sick kidneys gre" responsible, for 8} She js 'enormously proud of any new | great amount: of suffering and ill-] 4 05c; and confided to me the news | health. | that she was going to have a cream- | The reason sO. many use Booth's| ( lored gown. She also informed me Kidney Pills is their quick relict for] hat her molly (dolly) had been | all Kidney weakness. Here is what 8] broke all to pieces." She does not | Kingston 'citizen says : like the postman, and shook her fist Mrs: Mo O'Neill, ~ of 263 Sydenham | when she --spoke-of him. All this with street, Kingston, Ont., says : "A con-| the: clear confidence, the captivating stant, bearing-dow A pain had settled simplicity and sparkling eyes of the across the small of my back. 1 was|average intelligent child. weak and labhguid and 'could not stoop "Mildreds parents are quite poor, over to lace my shoes without much | and it is doubtful if they can afford suffering. - Headaches were frequent | the things that. should be obtained and 'usually accompanied by epells of | for her. The child formerly ate al-| dizziness. 1 .would take cold with the] most nothing; now: her appetite is ce least change' Weather and it would] markable. Doubtless some person in- | cettlo in. the kidneys. The kidney ' se- | terested in this most wonderful case | -etions would become irregular and | will before Jong offer to place the frequent and caused me to leave my little creature in surroundings + which | . veral time uring e night. | will encours yer full developmen 2 . - " - - - bed several times during th ght 1 her full dey I "0 IIEARD OF" CONSTANTINOPLE WATER E TILE me from J \ an ordinary child - of Although | had tried several reme- ees : { dies, 1 could find wo relief. 1 tried After the foolish virgin has figured | _ Booth's Kidney Pills, purchased at}ig an elopement she usually takes a | Mahood's Pharmacy, on recommenda- | course of instructions in the art of il tion of a friend.; They cured me, as I| lumination. have had no trouble since, and can In 'after years when a man finally | recommend Booth's' Kidney Pills as an tumbles to the fact that he doesn't excellont remedy." i | understand women he can't help sus old by dealer Price Bc. The R.|pecting that he has been a fool. T. Booth gompany, limited, Fort kre, | The fast young man will later on| Ont, sole Canadian agents. observe the speed limit. v pa

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