Our stock of Rugs is reduce it at once: Rug incr stoek at a ii i EY . too large, and we desire to . So we are offering every ARE fh a Reduction of 20% "This is'sure to have the dpsired effect, as the season is at its height. Different sizes, pretty colorings and all at 20%, Discount. For One Week Only--Friday, Ma May 14th, oth te Friday, ve. Inclus CRUMLEY BROS. Le de VF 4 ec IN GANA NO iA Gananogue's Temperante Venture a Failure-Gananogue Girls of Ave. Not Better Than phant on - 'his hands, proving a failare cor applied for 'liconke at oi the cou ioners in application _ turned 1 houschold Soaks, ic., arc: now 16 ae put up-at public agetion. on May * The Yoon People's y, of Graco M ist church, hold a debate last evening, the topic being. "Rusoly- ed that the gi than. their mative wap ded by Miss Essic De Long at the 'negative by Clifford | Sine. The Misses May Rogors, Mulloy, Stevens, and Carpenter assisted the young ladies of to-day, and Mr. Sine was supported hy Mrs: B. Brittong awarded: the palm to the gr by & margin-ef six to four. Tho commander of Gananogac Ficld Battery, No. 8, has issued oeders io his men 4o take part. inthe annual twelve day¥' under "ennvass ai Barrie field; beginning ~ Jie 108h, They will 25% Discount All stock must be cleared out. G00D SELECTION 10 00SE % os A F Lek Sale continues all this month. Ready-to-Wear Garments a Come early. Crawford &- Walsh, Sole Agents for Fit Reform. Purebred Imported Hackney Stallion. KING'S "COUNSEL (907) (8683) King's Counsel is a dark chestnut with four white feet and white strip in his face. He is six years old, stands 15.24) hands high, weight when in show condi- tion 1,300" 1ba., is 'as sound ws a bell, has the best of feet and legs, is a sen- sational actor with the speed of the trotting horse and is acknowledged to be one of the best Stallions in America. The Sire of King's Counsel +s Garton No. '8,009, who - is A GOOD PARM LINE. There is Money in Producing Seed Grain. There is one line of grain-farming in Ontario that is just being developed, | antl that promises to give exceedingly | satisfactory returns to those engaged {in iit, This is the production, in a | moderate way, in eonneetion { other lines of riculture, of a fine branch of larming is being greatly helped by 'work! done through the ex- | perimental department of the 0.A.C. lin the development of new lines of grain andyimproyémbait of old lines hy seed solection.' A 'good deal of wor has becsy done through: this experimen- tal departmont of recent years, in creating entirely -mew varieties, but the best results have come from selec tion from existing varicties. Perhaps the greatest measure of success in this line has been , in councetion with Mandacheuri barley. best seeds of the best heads of this an improvement has been. made on Manda- cheuri, tho selection being known as No: 21. How gapidly, work of this one maa, nearly, 900. bushels of seed from it for 400 bushel high. as $1. regeon: why nots ~ by cerclully;; sel grains of the best heads, do as good work along this dine 'as the O.A.C. in co-operation with farmers, bas done. individizal farmers should come from selections from varietics, a moet promising work hae been toarried on iy 'tonnection with de veloping new varieties by. crossing. In and Joanotte oat. The Siberian is white oat. with a very thirty per cmt. of the grain" indeed, being hull.' The Joanette is oat with a thin thoee per cent. being with quality A grtilo, or sale as seed. This k | Tallman Pitcher, enjoy By selecting the kind spreads 'isighdwn by 'the fact:that who ' three years since ob- tained ohe pound of this' barley, had' sale last fall, while another man had 5, some of which he sold as 50 par bushel. There is no » selecting ihe best While, as said, the beet results have existing 1908 a cross was made of ithe Siberian a coarse hull, a black hull, only twentiy- represented by a crods of the doubtless, as teal, turn out in full force, 'With Major' John B. Robinson as conimanding officer, adfubant leu- tenants, J. A. Bulloch; A. R. Gillies and Cedric Gibson. Gananoque's lacrosse team have been making good use of the fine evenings during the week at their practice grounds and are rapidly coming into good form, : : Contractor RH. Wilson has a gang of men dy work on King street, start: ing operations fer the laying of tho foundation ior the new offico of the Gananoque Joarnal, The boys' club of Graco church, and by invitation, the girls of the Sab bath school accompanied Rev, J, their annual May outing in the 'woods this after- noon, Mr: Piteher ie quite a botanist, derably skilled in bird lore, is consi ¢ and the outing should be boih enjoy- left, able and profitable. Henry Case, Hirst: strect, has for Detroit, -where ho . purposes loca: ting. Muss M Britton, King street, is in Brockville, the guest of her sister, Mrs. (Rev.d MH. H. Bediord-Jones. Louis Fraid 'and daughter, Charles Wreet, trp' spending a few days this week in Montreal, guests of Mr. and Mrs, Kellert: Roland La France left yestorday for Carthage, N.Y., where he has secured a situation for the summer. a ; MAY CROSS DARDAN ELLES. Black Sea. ; Si. Petersburg, May 15.-~Ah import- ant council assembled' at the foreign office, 'last. «night, deliberate on Turkish affairs: The situation in Turkey, the Fe-establishment stantinople, wag considered very dan- getous. Consular reports regarding the 'mussgeres in Asia Minor are very pessimistic. The council therefore" dpvided : to -or« der eight warships of the Black Sea fleet, under Rear-Admir#l Bostroem, to leave the Black Sea. These vessels to even wi th Frank Wright mid. othees. The 'judges prem ® 1 Del Russian Warships Likely to Leave i of order in Con! Singais, Actas Yay Ac; GN Moving Pictures. ate Uhustpat- Prices-- Children, 5¢ ; Adulis, T0c MONDAY, MAX A7EH. cunngEs i mg Longin 2 Sensation, Thal "i ' An oa " Prices, 25¢., 50c., Toc., $1, $1.80, Seats now "on sale. . elitr 9 fronted . ttre foe THERE WILL BE OFFERED ¥ sale by Honma "rurrey. jut y Mar On: May, 500, at a 'moon, the "hotise and side of Russell street y ,occopied by Elza above proj rly consists of averting and four-fifths of an acre of land more or less and the whole will be offered for sale subject to u reserve hid. ¥. : For terms and conditions, apply to T. J. RIGNEY, No. 114 Br strect, Solicitor for Executonh a . +@50:253 Princess St. | * WEDNESDAY, MAY 198, 10 AM. 1! Have received instruttioms from In tor. pf (Charities to seit on a ol iss Minnie Hutton, con 8. Weber Piguo, Hair 1 id pther Chairs, Cflrpets, Iron steads, Springs Mattresses noe National are, etc. Telephone, the i iy Beading, Rapge,~ Crockery, Glassw ALLEN, The 253. ; ail a Bricklayers & Stonemasons Bix Bricklay and 8 | Rah eanted. I job. ne Ch Grounds, M. SULLIVAN, a: HE Bron: Auctioneer, | Royal. - Military { Kingston, Ont. 3 »i TENDERS WiLL: BE RECEIVED, AT the office of e undersigned, i GEN i' a i be YOUNG GIRL TO ork ; LEARN BARBER frée. fa New 0 5G cr AT ONCE, MAID FOR GENERAL house : Wo \ 4 Tor sdason ju iret, Addrens . Opinicon Cl Ont, » ali AT ONCE, A MAN OF A some knowledge of fruit ture "1o 'att in Shai TE Weiiington, THe Hi an Rone Ont. als yen,' Toronto, at iid MAN OF GOOD | BESS conpectiona, * o city, to 'canvass | "= real § ke salary or commi ployment forthe oe MEN WANTED, AT ONCE, ON _SALAR SE By i Sn ta wi or of ing | to and Introd ce 2 EOE and > ou, a week and i fioh permanent, Write W. A. Jenkins Man g Cou, London, On r tarios plaps - and specifications ma; om o'elock, «on eSbAY 18th, instant ; for 'the several trades wath required in the erection of three britk 'houses on the corper of King and Johnson streets, for Isaac Wood, 'M.D. Liowest or any tender not necessarily accppted. WM. NEWLANDS & SON, 1 Architects. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF, THE a anal Batwa Cowipaty wil al k EAS a aflway 8 ' ng ston, on T a 1st, 1909, at the hour of EAA. Es election of Directors "of the Company, al the transaction of such. . iness as may be brought before the meeting. FRANK SCOTT, Secretary. Kingston, April 80th; 1909: WANTED--GENERAL, 5%, "mignon, 03 "Clergy |, veniences), at 160 _ Union St, ing St, TWO FRONT ROOMS. DERN CoN. Jor. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN | 0 yo STR. ILLECILLEWAET, CHEAP. MAY be seen at in's bay, foot of King St. For 4 apply to Bex 535," care g © SH MILUN COWS, A shire ok, two and three old. Apply to Dr. Bell, V.8, ence street. ~ YRE- years Clar- TWO sh TOONS, ma TH on n Brook street. fu ture, c. King street, Stores, cCann Stor: BOARD, Stone, 225 car uick, J. P. Fuirassher, en electric (light. en rie. ig "Wo REAR ROOM OFFICES Will be , AT, 84 hod Troup Forrest, Gents AND! " FOUR. BRIGHT, WELL-FERNISHEL 'and room, 'without board, 1 conveni i Apply 61 Union | BLACKSMITH Market, suitable shop, McKegney, 438 SHOP, rent moderate. Apply to ing street. ON BRIGHT, WELL-FURNISHED nw with board. W Bueter rried couple. Apply 53 lergy St. ROOMS, WITH Abply Mh og t., Pately oa CHIN | DWRLLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN No Plo 1 » HAY for general Jopnlr A SINGLE BRICK No. 115 Stuart 'ovemen Apply to Ave. ts... P jon Ma: Tohi Ashley, 36 TAYE 1st HOUSE, 10 ROOMS t, "modern {m- ngston D HOUSE , 9 rooms, all cellent localify, from Park. Apply office. FURNISHE 1st, 9 five minutes conveniences, ex ¥ Box "168," FROM JUNE alk hig THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH on. electric work. All kinds estithates on fr rk . '¥. J. Birch, Srenrieian, S08 Welling 4 fington street. TO RENT--THREE OR ' FOUR FUR- nished ~ rooms en suite, including kitchen. Good locality, and moder- ate 'rent. Apply Box Sis. care Whig ; office, GENTLEMEN To BRING THEIR and have it made up isto up- to-date, kJ 8 P guaranteed to 2 : done oo the sh notige. Galloway, 131 Brock 8t., next Bibby's Tdvery. hd SITUATIONS WANTED. $1,500--Will 'bay a fine 7-room dwelling close 10 business section of city, full lot. R. Chas Ls Rea! Estate Agent, 1714 Wellington strée ELDERLY WOMAN, STTUA- Md, or Apply BY AN tiun as nurse for a.young chi could assist at bh k "ALM. H." care Whig ra LOST. office. LADY'S SILVER OPEN FACE WATCH Theatori Board ycat and hall, suitable room, etc. Apply 2 MEDICAL 0 11 Princess St. CARD, FIRST FLOOR OVER KING EDWARD BOAT ENGINES, NEW ! : j your order. Cowardls Fac { tory, Old Tannery. " VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH, AT 'orner of Union and Main streets, ine Frame House, and good gardens, heap for cash,' Apply to Chins, R. Vebster, 81 Princess street. LARGE Alon OF MeLAUGH- 0 & specialily. he hast ts the & it, A 3-Horee rost & Wood Cultivator, nearly new for half price. F. P. Grass. STONE DWELLING, 9 ROOMS, WITH fiirnace, stable, drive-house, fowl- house, ete., 8 acres, about 700 feet, water front, situate on Wolfe Island. Apply to J. 8S. R. McCann, Brock, Cor. King St, 4 : TWO NEW" HOUSES. OGRNER DIVI- sion and Qui streets. Also at t View Park, 5 mil fro Kings on, on the St. Lawrence. evera lots and new summer cottages. r_sale, or -to jet. - Apply Rev. J. D. Boye, 106 Pine street. . a TWO SOLID DOUBLE BRICK DWEL- lings, excellent locatiom, 'on Princess lo University Ave., each nige rooms, mcdern Vi rden, ! table. his oe a reason for selling, "the city. Apply at Estote Agency, Brock Cor, Hours, 8 t 9 p.m. "Phone, HENRY E. Woah 'MD, CO o 9 am, 890 y (pr 2 to 4 and LEGAL; M., PHYSY- actising. in years), SrABES AND SPARES, DENT) jars, ARCHITECTS, ARTHUR office Ave, ELLIS, ARCHITECT, residence, 181 University . B. CUNNINGHA and Solicitor. Law 8t., Kingston. M. Oitive, 79 Cl PERSONALS. - BARRISTER ar 'nce HAIR, MOLES, warts, ete, rem: BIRTHMARES, oved HENRY ete. Bquare. SMITH, ARCHITECT, Rin Building, Market 'Phone, 345. ho po ho 8, ete, co, t i 5 : agot st Duke' 'of naught, acknowledged to Hackney Stalliol reason why thie. Strange to day, two has given a thinner hall than tho Joanette even--not over twolity-one will thus have to 'pass through' the permanently Dardanelles to reach the scene of the without scar. Twenty years' ence. Lake. a be the champion of, Kurape. There is no s in this Bection can- IMPOSSIBLE TO COME. with chatelaine, Sunday, Max Oth, eb. or t in 'St. James' Uhurch, ween Court House and Gore street. Re- POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock Chaucer" Elliott's Road Team 'ant Hl And stpaw 'sailors from stock as can be raised not raise 4 fe Dominion in any other part of the' they only usd good sires, and by King's Counsel "No, 907:8688, who is sure foal getter, 'i that will g them the highest prices in the market. Kin been' brought here at a large expense and will stand at the § places == Monday noon, at Inverary. Monday night, at Sydenham: Tuesday noon, at Harrowsmith. Tuesday night, at 'Odessa. Wednesday night, at Bath, Thursday noon, at Westbrook. Friday and Saturday at his own stable, Kingston. JOHN 'CARSON, Owner. Waa Cl IFk SOLID GOLD WATCH PUZZLE CxEAT OFFER BY A RESPONSIBLE FIRM 1T GOATS YOU NOTHING TO TRY. * To any person whi can supply the correct names of thase two well-known English Towns, ¥nd fulllls conditions below, we offer oyr x3 Dollar Lady's SOLID' WATON, fully lawelled (English Goverment Stamped) as a TREE wR, err Wi ate presented to Gents.) cost' and ollowing Mrs. A. J. berta, Canada ; Quebec. FOR SALE OR CHARTER. The Stea Victoria, of the Port ot Broakville. is steamer Sane capacit of ut 160 rs, is ut 7. feet Jong and has a. 15 foot bem, is equipped with a compound Do gine, instaled in 1907, 1 thor ly overs hauled end boiler retubed last JuAL, Speed between 11 and 13 miles ap, hour. In first-¢lass order. Boat can be in spected at 'Brockville. Apply to The Brockville Navigation Co., Limited. WwW. 8. BUELL, Managing Director, Brockville. Brutal ; Husband. Budapest,~--May 15--A woman Budapest is petitioning for "# divorce because after she hat tained the sigs nature of 'a number of her friends to a document = promising not to wear osprey feathers, her husband declared that she had done so because she knew that feathers were not fashionable for the moment. Newbury, Vermillion, W. Catto, AW Grand Mere. abd Swallows As Letter Carriers. Brissels, in Brussels has made a number of experiments with swallows ae letter carriers, and declares that these can perform a long-distance journey in about half * the time required by pigeons. Children's Tams. 2he. ap al RNS if using a will get products fancy 's Counsel has May 15.--A pigeon trainer per cend. duet has come abpolhitely white. hoped in time ™ crogs ferigotly 'white oat "with grown, and the value of which derstood: FRENCH BORGIA. ' Relutives. Paris, May ing her t aunt and a hei postman's wife, i now Being Carpentres. Arsenic has been in all the bodies save that of grandfather, not vet been able to prove that prisoner ever purchased poison. Mme. Ctierin benefited by $3,600 by 0! great: pain after drinking a cup to chocolate prepared by her niece, whom she cried: "What iven me to 'drink is burning me!" he prosecution attributes the death 'of the uncle to poisoned sardines. The presence of the prisoner shortly after ter suffered considerably, but later recovered. Mulai Hafid In Trouble. Tangier, May 15:~Mulai Hafid, new «sultan, is dosing" control of tribes, and seribug 'trouble is appre: hendbd. His awsest of the Shereef Kit- tani, whose ieligious influence is enor: mous; has shaken his position. Several tribes are in open rebellion, and are threatening Mequinez and Marakesh. The inhabitants of these towns ard arming to defend themselves, Abdul Aziz, the deposed sultan, is regaining influence. oe, Liberal .M. P. To Retire. London, May 15.--Sir John Dickson- Poynder, the liberal M.P. for North- West 'Wille, has decided not to offer himstlf as a "candidate at the next general election for 'private 'and per: sonal'reasons. His decision has caused great surprise in the division. Sir John' Dickson-Poynder was mevly a Unionist, but" went over the liberal party a few years ago. for- Duel Between Frog And Moorhen. London, Muy 15.--A 'fight hetween a frog and a moorhen has been witness- od at Panfield, Bssex. "The pair met in a pond, and' the frog eclasping "the moorhen round the neck, held her un- der water until she was drowned. Nestle's Food a Milk, Tt pays" son's Red Cross 4 "+ hare. Phon 30. a "these at Gib: store; fresh {hall roii bacon, El ii Méoreovdr; most of the pro It is 10. develop from * thiis a mueh thimer hull than any oat at or oatmeal ® purposes will be readily un- Poisoning Father and Other Near 15.--Accused of poison- grandfather, father, uncle, ghbor, Marie Guer'n, a tried at found- the but 'the prosecution Has the the deatlt of her aunt, who expired,in h i | the vil you 'have neighbor, Mme. Sylvester, died in the eating an omelette, while her daujh- the the to | ap Horlicks Malted |, IMassacres, The reinforcement of the Russian gar- risons on the.Turkish borders' was also decided : on in view of further anti- Christian pogroms. The passage of the Dardanelles by warships of all bations is forbidden-- unless the sultan consents to it--by several treaties. a ---------------- Afong The Athenians. Athens, May 18.~Many good catch: es of 'whitefish and salmon are report vd from. Charleston Lake. Tourists are already 'beginning' to visit this pop lar resort. A party 'from Newark, N.J., arrived 'this week, R. N. Dow- sloy and some United States friends are having a 'few days' fishing near Westport. Dr. J. F. Harte is this week moving "to 'the Toplin house, which he : recently "purchascd. - Mort. Tackabérry hae bought from the Groen cstate a large field adjoining Word been roceived that = Miss Addie Hunt, so seriously injured at.a railway crossing in New York, 'somo four years ago, has been awarded damages: of $58,000. Rev. and Mrs. S. S. Lindsay, of Stiftsville, are home, owing to the illness oi her mother, Mrs. Hendérson. Mrs. C. Ig Lamb is ill with pneumonia. The little daughter "of Mrs. "Allie Simes died on Monday. The- remains of tho late Herbert Kincaid, Brock- ville, wero ~ brought here for burial, Tucsday. Until a year ago Ho resided ere and his many friends were grieved to hear of his death. A widow - and four chilfiren survive. The "Lake Of Bays" Country. A 'handsome brochure, 'artistically il- lustrated, has been issued by thé pas senger department of the Grand Trunk railway 'systpm, telling of the boautice of the Lake of Bays district, in the "Highlands of ~Ontario."" A new iéa- ture of this district. is the new hotel, ithe Wawa, at Norway Point. The ho- tel iteolf has a page illustration re flecting . the summer glories of-wood- land and water, with a brood of seven wild geese soaring skyward beyond' the tower. The "concise . description em- bodies ihe story of a charming re cort. A eopy can be obtained free on plication "to VJ. Quinlan, D.P.A., G. T.R., Montecal: ; 3,000 Guests At A Birthday Party London, May 15~TFhree thousand children were entertained at tea, yes- terday, at the People's Palice. Mile End Road. by Frederick «J. Benson, the banker, in celebration 'of the birth- day of his daughter, Miss Thea Ben- son. Sliced cooked ham, 25¢; volls or hall 23c. Jas. Crawiord dh kd ps Saal Can't Compete Here. Con Millan received a letter "from "Chaucer" Elliott this morning, in which' the Montreal A.AiA. "diveetor regretted that the road race here on Victoria Day was to be held under the auspices of the Cannglian A AA. As the Montreal: association is under the = Federation: "Chaucer" "says he cannot bring the twelve rupners here as he had inténded. Kingston's -ath- letes are all under C.AA.U. direction anda all that can be said-is that itis wifortunate that the" Fahad rela- tions between the Federation and the C.A.A.U. still exist. Mr. Millan has also received a .let- ter from the Toronto. Y.M,Ca#A. ask- ing "for entry. blanks 'for the 'ten-mile road race. Some Torento men may enter, BOOK THROWN AT KING. Wishes to Drawp Attention to His rk. Berlin, May 15.=The Qaitsche Ta- geszeitung reports in a telegram from Bucharest that while the crown princd 'was driving in ap ant ile with 'King Charles a man in the crowd was seen to hurl something. ~The king was alarmed 'but the ierown prince skilfully "caught the missile' in right hand and showed it to the king. It proved to be a hook which had heent thrown into the motor car by a German writer, who wished to araw attention to his work. The 'Han was srvested, and found to be feeble-mind- ed, i ua Burglars Rob Mugetm. Paiis, May 15.~Bu Ihave 'ati broken inio the muse at Ot, which was successfully burglarized bv the Thomas br ta year ago, and hdve ie : reliquaries which the 'brothers stole, "in addition to many other valuables. = + aS id ML O38 Why Railways Fail To Pay. St. Petersburg, May 15.--In the Russian douma, y M. Rukh- lott, minister 'of W38'ef - cohmunica- tion, stated that during the year 1908 no fewer than 3,000,000 free tickets were granted 'to railway officials. 25c. Cooked Ham 25e. Sliced cooked ham, 25¢.; rolls or half roll hacpn,. 12%e. Jas. Crawlord's. Capt. a commanding troops of t 6th Cavalry, in the Phibippines, struck. a portion of - the band of outlaws, headed by dikiri, | near Bammo, last Wednesday, and in a fight that followed five of the na- tives were killed wis two One of + these Jammanc, noted ns a trusted lieuten- ikiri. 3 ot of ward for return to Whig office. «THE IDEAL BONING. ) SPIRELIA- CORBETS. Duplicate Corset rusts in One year. MARGARET DUNNETT, 105 Wellington t. POLITICAL BUBGLARS. Thieves Rob For Good of Their Country. Calcutta, May 15.<Political rob- beries continue in Bengal. On Friday twenty Bengaleed entered the house of a wenlthy bankér at Diamond Harbor and took by foree $1,350. "The thieves declared that they 'had no personal motive, but that the mon- ey was needed for the good of the country, They invited the young people of the house to join thé "na- tionalist" movement. No arrests have. been _made in connection with the robbery. Countess As Choirmaster. London; May 15.~During the annual choral competition of the South Kes- teven Association at Bourne, the Countess of Ancaster, who is president of the association, conducted the Eden. han cheir, which she had trained. Bishop Oi iCdlgary Wants Help. London, Mdy 15:~The Bishop of Cal: gary, who bas just arrived, wants forty clergymen for his diocese, the church organization there being over- whelmed by 'the "inrush of emigrants. Treasure Hunt In The Thames. gaged, yestérday, in'searching for' a bag containing a cousiderable sum of money, which was accidentally drop- ped from a launch near Kingston bridge. Apple As Burglary Clue. Berlin, May 154A burglar who broke into = ®& house at 'Loewen, 'Ger many, has been successfully traced by nféans of an apple, out of which he had taken a bite before escaping. Flogging For Thieves. Vietoria, 'B:C., May 15.--In theif presentment at the assizes, 'the grand jury lamented that so many cases of petty larceny were found in the jail and advocated flogging as a deterrent, Killed By A Toothpick® London, May '15.-- Albert * Williams, ob whom an inquest was held; vestar day at Battersea, died from the ei- of i 4 { it stay breaks or . Call or A ors 878. London, 'May 15.--A diver was "en" | ose, Speciali ALL, PERSONS WATER, GAS into their streets are the coming summer : Brock Wellington street Queen St. - May 13th, 1909. st, 258 Bagot street Division street from Union This wood A to, and Wellington streets. "Phone, 212. is new at $4.50 per cord, 128 cubic feet. We deliver any quantity, » Ads y TAKE: NOTICE. d ;Toguired AS, and SLWER services put | years old, streets will do so AT O to be Macadamized during |S to toe followin CE, as the sa St. R. CRA City Engineer. 7 Swift's. have sr axHe street from Brock St to Queen to Queen street from Barrie to Clergy St. from Princess iH. B. 10 A COURT. FO. R R 'clock 'da, 1 persons ment must no! the 14th inst. vo Food Causes Paris, May 15--Th Toulon; yesterday, gncatable, and overboard. Plague Of ; of slagne of 'adders. Tn Sliced cooked ham hali roll bacon, 124, oho rd Townshi tho Ji f20n i, Tee TR Ah ere oe before CHAS. F, ADAIR, 'Cataraqui, May 10th, 1909. Court of Revision. VISION OF Clerk. Mutiny. e erew of declaring -- . day a sing! 7 -as many as! seventeor have been killed. SI 25c. Cooked Ham 25¢. , 25e; rolls or Jas. Crawlord's, of the armorcd cruiser St. Louis mutinied at tho « Ten! onlves' heads supplicd for dinner" wore) 3 threw the meat, as well as their knives, fotky and plaics, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLE head of n Bis, gr male over. 18 section (180, la bla fend. land to katchewan or Alberta. The applican : at the Dominion or Agency the ub. for by proxy may be made at any cy, on tain cond x y Bo 14 y cer itions, by of ing homesteader ES. ~8ix months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of al acres occupied by him or by hi son, laughter, brother Pe cortain districts a bomesteader in a quarter or }83.00 on sither | South of Ro 122 oF third Meridi line, each SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. ; COAL,~--Coal ining rights may o> . for twen re at'an ann of $1.00 A acts Not more than acres can be leased to one appli Royalty, five cents ton. Edinburgh, May 15.--The township | "9 Amatnatua, about ten miles from Ardgay, Roeshire, is' suffering from a