TURDAY, MAY 15, 1809. £ your inspection. No obligation to Buy. + PAGE EIGHT. - " - ceee-- mep-- -- May and June||NOER THE CITY DOME Brides engi APPLICATIONS MUST BE IN| WILL APPRECIATE A ON MONDAY F M £§ | For the Position "of Fire Chief-- | i ! Power For Street Railway-- | g ur u *9 | Town Clock Contract Expires | i The time | partment . expires on Monday, and the | | fire committee may meet on Tuesday to | | consider the applications aud make a * ' | recommendation to the city council, x | reported that there are on hand 'the Wf new designs at repsonakle ficcessary funds do get the additional #. expenditure 'of $650 for the half year. | prices to select from. We -invite||{ his committee reporis he it camiot ganization scheme will have to remain {4n abeyance till next yéar. H the city gets $1,500 or $2,000 frgm fort hospi ¥ tal dues, there will be money sufficient £ partments, John McKay : Fe 4 ! Street Railway Power. Brock and Princess | The Light, Heat and Power commit- - | tee will have two very important matters ROeesstssttttbpdrdtdes clone itron Tuesday next. .One is the ee EE Ds { | Ss 1 x To-Day. to eor Co at for the position of chief of the fire de-| 3 x We have a beautiful assortment |As yet the finance committee has pot | provide the funds, then: the fire re-or- i - mee: the needs of all the civic de- | consideration of the streec railway com- a | pany"s request as to whether the city | intends to continue to give it the pre- ® | sent rate for power supply. The com. 3 plainly says it cannot afford to \ Jjap-a-L.acC 'NEW LIFE AND LOOKS : » » ¥ Diamonds enter Canada duty free { Siler Miles FOR THE BRIDE. Solid Silver Flatware in many choice patterns. FRUIT DISHES, BUTTER DISHES, BON-BON DISHES, CREAM AND SUGAR SETS TEA SETS. patterns of Tea- $7.75 per dozen and 'WEARS LIKE IRON TO OLD DOORS. Does yaurs do you justice® No repairing time, task See our fine need spoons, from upwards. 0 be | to wait until next put off refinishing it as a dreaded. to We show: the largest selection of Stenling Silver Goods In this sec- tion of the Province. ND SPANGENBERG JEWELLER. Marriage Licenses Issued. PEPPERS IRIE a Jap-a-Lac Will make it look like new: Sold in cans, 20c., 30¢., Sec, sizes, apd sold only by W. A. Mitchell Hardware --ABK FOR COLOR CARDS-- TT Saturday Night, 7.30 O'clock ww 318 Motor Veils and Chiffon Scaris Regular values 90c., $1.00, 1.25 For 48c Each. These Veils are extra wide and long. In all the latest Paris styles. 8ky, Navy, Tap, Grey, Brown, Royal, White, Turquoise, Cream, &ec. 218 Pairs Long - Kid Gloves Blacks, Tans, White, 19 inches long, open- ed at wrist, made of fine French kid, regu- lar $2.00, 2.25, For $1.48 Pair All sizes--6, 61, 61, 6%, 7. mn 47 Pairs White Lace Curtains 31 yards long, extra wide, regular $1.50, 1.60, 1.75, For $1.18 Pair. for receiving applications } 'various pay more, and the truth of that state- ment is well known. The probability is that the present cheap rate will be continued for a at least. e Fig { : other matter before the convmittee is! with reférence to the defective founda- tion of the mew gas tank. This foun- dation 'must be attended to soon, if the tank is to be operated next, winter. Should Now Be Erected. The contract time for the installation t of the bell and clock in the city build- ing's dome, expired to-day, whereas a start has not even been made. Delay in transit is one cause of the "town clock™ not ticking to-day. The delay in installing the bel, is due to some mis- understanding as to steel framework supports for it. & Te : ~ MAURICE ALEXANDYR. A young MeGill Student second year of . the law course, presented with a testimonial from the Royal Canadian Humane Society flor having saved two lives during a he liday taken at St. Agathe des Mts. his was in (NIGHT OF ENTERTAINMENT." | Scheduled For the Opera House, on May 25th. So quietly have its promoters been serfecting their plans that but litde has ween heard of the affair which the Daughters of the Empire will put'on a week from Tuesday. Attracuve as is the name given the melange of good hings, a glance at the rough sketch of he programme shows that name to be \ most descriptive one. There will be singmg, dancing, and tableaux. Mrs. 'Jock" Harty will be a soloist, and in me of her numbers will have a chorus sf six daneing girls--Miss Helen Gor- lon, Miss Norah Macnee, Miss Nor na Hughes, Miss Roberta Macdonald, Mliss Kathleen Carruthers and Miss lel hegey, of Halifax. Clever Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, and her partner, Miss Beatrice Tandy, whose names are synonynious with perfection in what- sver they undertake, have taken toll of he town and picked up every pretty girl they could see to help them out in the parts of the entertainment, which, as every one knows, is in aid of the anti-tuberculosis fund of the Daughters. A fascinating novelty will be on the rst part of the programme, and will show the stage arranged as a bachelor's cozy den who, dreaming idly in his sasy chair, sees pass before him lovely vomen, trom gentle Ruth, to brave Boadicea, and on down the line till the nodern girl steps out of the frame, and he unattached dreamer, rousing from slecp, takes her hand, and the vision yecomes reality. After this little girls vill distribute ballot papers among the wdience who for the price é small coin can vote on the woman they thought the prettiest. There will be sweets too, for sale, Miss Mabel Brownfield intending ko sonduét a candy booth in one of the boxes. A play, with Captain and Mrs. Ken- neth Blair, and Mrs. Frank Cartwright n the cast will come on the second. part yf the programme, and after that there will be a hpge tableaux, the Daughters yf the Empire, women of nearly every ation under heaven, surrounding Bri- tannia, the Queen of the Seven Seas. There never was an entertainment got up for a better objec: than that for which this is given, viz: -the amassing »f sufficient money to take up a winning fight against that dread. enemy, con- sumption, and every one who cares for the public good and for individual hap- 1 1 to aid it. 0 Jiness, is asked MARINE NEWS. What Found Wharves. The steamer Aletha made her regular trip from bay points to-day. The sloop Mary Louise, cleared for Rideau canal ports, with freight. The steambarge lda E. cleared Oswego, to toad coal: for Kingston: The schooner Keewating cleared from Swift's on Friday for Sodus, N.Y. The schooner Suffell has arrived at Collins Bay. with coal, from Oswego. The schooner Acacia cleared for Oswego; and will load «coal for Kings- ton, The tug Frontenac is loading withs at the Kingston and Pembroke wharf to-day. One hundred and eighty-thivel thon- sand bushels of wheat arrived for Richardson's elevator, on Friday The steambarges John Randall and Kenwing® arrived from Smith's Falls, »n their way to Oswego, to load coal. lhe steamer Alexandria avrived at Folgers wharf at 10.30 o'clock last night, trom Montreal, and discharged con- siderable freight, for Kingston dealers. The steamer Canadian was Amloaded of her cargo of wheat, at Richardson's levator, at 4 o'clock this morning, and imn¥ediately cleared for Toronto. Work was then commenced on the steamer Edmonton, and will be completed by midnight, to-night. The Edmonton will then clear for Hamilton, At M. T. Co's elevator: --The steam- er Rosemount, from Fort Wilham, 108,000 bushels of oats, and barge Que- bec, with 60,000 bushels of wheat; tug Bronson up, tnree barges, cleared. for Montreal, with three barges; steamer Westmount and barge Ungava, cleared for Lor: William. y The M. T. Co. had quite a rush of grain this week, the figures going to show that 800,000 bushels arrived from rort \Wubham. lhe vessels are cer- tainly making up for the lost time in the opening of the season, and from now on to the end of the season, it is expected they there will be a big rush of grain for Kingston is About the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SA '| ing reward of that id for ¥ x - y 5 SF a & LGOKING FOR GURE Lp Ah cette 4 § ntl STATE IS BUYING RATS TO Number of Gages Has Increased to Alarming Extent in the Past Few Years--Considerable Sue- cess Met With. " - Albany, N.Y., May 15--1f you have mice 'which are afflicted with cancer send them to the State Cancer Labora- tory in Buffalo, and you will receive $2.50 a piece for them. Dr. Harvey R. Gaylord, in a Teper to the state com- missioner of health, says there is a stand- sum for every mouse so affected and until last yedrc there was a reward of $25 for the firse animal having the disease. 1t is because the cancer is killing the people at a rapidly increasing rate and also for" the reason that knowledge of the nature of cancer as a disease is limited that 'this peculiar 'induce- ment is made. ~ The state has taken upon itself the humane policy of aid- ing by scientific 'research im the im- portant task of finding. some chemical or physical agent capable of destroying the germs of the disease, low rapidly caneer is growing is shown at a glance by the records of the state commissioner of health. In the state, in 1885, the number of deaths from cancer was 1,887; in 1805, 3,554 in, 1000; 4,871; in 190s, 6,055, and last year 6,554. At the present rate there are seventy-seven deaths from 'cancer in every 100,000 population each year Dr. Gaylord says that he received several mice with cancer of the breast from a breeding place in Massachus- se:ts last year. Experiments have been 1 made on these and other animals. These experiments consist of repeated injec- | tions of affected tissue and im SI per | cent. of the cases the inoculation was successful, Encouragement was found in the pro- gress of the research for knowledge | of potent immune forces. Three bull- | dogs having tumors were treated with injections of fluid blood from an jm- | mune dog. In the experiment the bidod | was kept from hardening by the addi- tion of chemical properties. Df. Gay- | lord, reports that all tumors so treated retrograded and ultimately disappeared and tha dogs have remained free from tumors since. y Another matter that the scientists in the state's laboratory are giving their attention is equally" imporant. They are seeking positive means of recog- nizing cancer in its incipient stages, by means (of a serum or bio-chemical test. How long it will be before a cancer, antitoxin is discovered as a result of this experimentation is not known, and the difficulties surrounding the work have led many to declare that the laboratory is a waste of state funds. That it was the intention to continue the state laboratory for amother: year, is shown by the item of $200,000 for its support in one of the appropriation bills now before the governor. A-LAKE THAT HEALS. Remarkable Discovery Made on Q. T. Pacific. Winnipeg, May /15--The construction' of the Grand Trunk Pacific railroad across Western Canada has brought to light many interesting and valuable mineral deposits. In the most unex- pected places these natural riches have | turned up, in some cases exposing to civilization ancient Indian customs, which had been safely guarded by the redman for centuries past. One of the most interesting of these is the lake at Watrous; Sask. containing water which has cured many stubborn cases of skin diseases, asthma, consumption and rheumatism, Watrous is situated on the-main line of the Grand Trunk Railroad, less than 400 miles west of Winnipeg, and already people from all: over the continent are visiting thete to benefit from the waters; and a prominent New York specialist now . has plans in preparation for a sanatorium to be erected there. Here were seen Indian "sweating "lodges," to which the suffering redmen have been taken for ages past, calling it Mani- ton, or Great Spirit. ' Only recently a Montreal skin specialist. -heard of this lake and went up to Watrous to test the healing qualities of its waters. So efficacious did they prove in curing several skin diseases of long standing, that he now regularly receives barrels of this water shipped to Montreal. i | FLED FROM HUSBAND. Sped Hatless and Coatless From Wedding Supper. New York, May 15+--Hazel Drew. McGreal, heiress to $150,000, whose | elopement and five months' secret honey- moon trip ended with her husband's | arrest yesterday, has broken with her husband, and. is now. with her mother, | determined to sectire annttiment of the | marriage. She 'has barficaded her mother's home at_2y2 Sixth avenue, Brooklyn, and no representative of the McGreal family is permitted to enter. Mrs. McGreal left her husband in the middle of the wedding supper her father-in-law had provided; and fled to her mother's 'without hat or coat. Her tight followed a visit to her mother to beg forgiveness, and a dispute which ended when the young man choked' her in a rage. TO BUILD DREADNOUGHTS. Spend $52,800,000 to Strengthen Navy. Rome, May 15.--The minister of ma- rine, Admiral Mirabeilo; has abtaiged the approval of the cabinet to a naval programme that provides for the con- struction within three yeags at a total expense of $52800,000 of four Pread- noughts and: a number 'of fast scout cruisers. A local paper says the decision to build these vesseis was reached after Italy had learned that Austria-Hun< gary was goiffig to spend $40,000,000 on increased naval power. 12}c. Sugar Cured Roll Bacon 12ic Rolls "or half rolls sugar cured ba- con; 12}e, J. Crawford's. Italy Patterson's 'Private Stock." Chocolates, $1 1b. Edwards & Jen- kin, exclusive agents. "Phone 0. The schooner Ford River will load felspar at Richardson's, on Monday, dor Charlotte, Use Furniture Restorer mre : MRS. THAW HITS BACK. New York Preacher Referred New York, May 15--In a letter to the Evening Journal, Mrs. Mary Cop- to replies to the remarks recent by Rev. Dr. Parkhurst about the Thaw case: © Mrs. Thaw says: "Dr. Parkhurst properly deprecated the effects of newspaper reports of criminal trials, and cited the Thaw trial as an example of dealing with matters lying 'at a low moral level "Has -Dr.. rarkhurst forgotten his self-appointed crusade some years ago, when might aiter night he visited houses of ill-repute; published broadcast the accounts of his observa- tions? Right-minded persons, at the time, regarded this exposition of in- decency as- both useless and disgusting. "Homicide trials are a grim neces- sity. ~~ Grossly, misconducted as the Thaw trials were, and horribly repul- §ive to those immediately connected, they were essentially warming, espec- ially to careless mothers. - Gilded vice, in 'its most repulsive form, was paint- ed mn sulphurous colors. was not unlike that produced on the youth of Athens, when drunken slaves were introduced to emphasize lectures on sobriety and temperance. "Dr, Parkhurst professes to be a Christian miniscer, yet this is nor the first time he has gone out of his way to throw a stone at this defenceless man, Gifted as my son is as a writer, he is powerless to reply to such at- tacks by reason of restrictions at the place where he is now illegally de- tained. 1 shall shortly give out a state- ment uncovering the infamy which no one has had the courage or the honesty heretofore to expose." INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ley Thaw, the mother of Harry Thaw, 3 & ly Joa Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Sev Livingston's $15 suits. This begins to look like weather. Almost safe camphor now. There was no sossion of the polica court, this morning. 25¢. cooked ham, 12jc. roll bacon. Jas. Crawford's. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. The market was only fairly well at- tended, this morning, Bulter and eggs were the chief offerings. H. Cunningham, piano tuner frém Chickering's, leave orders at Me- Auley's Book Store. Sifting band in hand June newly weds will soon be wondering why so many people sent olive forks. Bacon, sugar cured rolls rolls, 12}e. Crawford's. Of course, there is no use trying to convince your: wife you planted the sweet peas if they fail to come up. One of the things a boy can never understand is why the lawn must be mowed the afternoon the other fellows are going fishing. Bacon, sugar cured rolls, 12jc. Crawford's. The tennis and croquet grounds of the Y.W.C.A. will open May 24th. Sea- son tickets, S0c. to mombers. Apply at the rooms, 196 Johnson street. Bacon, sugar cured rolls or half rolls, 12§¢. Crawford's. By the time she has eaten a couple of nut sundaes, purchased 'by the yoang man just introduced to her, a girl feels as if she had known him for years. Prof. John Watson will, in the autumn, go into the house on the corner of University avenue and Union street, which has been occupied by the Misses Gibson: Bacon, sugar - cured rolls rolls, 12}e. Crawford's. To-smorrow is Rogation Sunday, in the Anglican church, and the three days following will be Rogation days, the season set apart, in earliest times, for asking a special blessing on the crops. real to pack the furs in or hali rolls or hall or hall AGGRESSIVE WORK To Be Started By the Templars Next Fall. Th members -of the Star of Hope Juvenile Témple, 1.0.8.T., were given a very interesting address by Dr. Nawh at their session, on Thursday night. At the subsequent session of the Hope of Kingston lodge, four new members were initiated, and it was decided to procure - a set of regalia. Final ar- rangements were made for a social, next Thursday', the last of the present season, and a short programme was contributed by Misses A. Fastwell, L. and F. Sewell, and H. ¥. Norman. Both the lodge and temple are now on a good footing, having 'a membership of over sixty adults and eighty juve- niles, and, with the assistance of the new lodge at the depot to depend on, are 'looking forward to commencing some agressive work in the early fall. : pi-- Stealing Park Flowers. Ald. Kent, chairman .pof the parks' committee, and Superintendent Phil: lips, this morning, asked the »uig to warn boys that thay must not pick flowers from ihe parks. Om Friday, a couple of tulip beds in the city park and Clarence park were depleted, and in the former the lads who plucked the tulips were scen, but gol away when chased. The chairman and the su perintendent would like parents to warn their children not to touch the flowers in the park. There's going to be trouble if the stealing continues, for the superintendent declares that sho first hoy he catches will he sum- moned before the "police magistrate. Tt's against the by-law to touch park flowers. Kingston's Cheap Bread. R. H. Toye returned, this morning, from Montreal, where he attended. a big fruit sale, and purchased two car- loads of oranges and demons, He says that Kingston has no reason for com- plaint in regard to its bread rates. In Montreal, iwenty-two ounces of bread are sold for nine cents. In Kingston, twoniy-four ounces arc sold, for six cents, so that the people of Montreal pay over fifty per cont. more for their bread supply. v . -------- 25¢. Cooked Ham 25¢. Sliced cooked ham, 25c.; rolls or half roll bacon, 124c. Jas. Crawford's. Austin Sprague, a well-known resi- dent of Sophiasburg, died on Big Is- land oni Sunday, at the age of seven for cleaning. old Furniture, at James Reid's, ie ty'two years. The 'eftect| wR Fae --- 5% come Vere Tonight is 0 1 : \ ge : d A Kino haye been secared; and held for To- ight WHY you should Eo Made from good quality English . Underwear Cotton--fine--slip over style with lace yoke--beading and ribbon full sleeve fisished with [rill and trimmed with lace---also same § style trimmed with embroidery. R ither of these styles of Niglt- 2 gowns are worth §1 or more, 9 Yours To-Night . As Long as Lot Lasts, 300 Pais Boys and Gi' Bek Ribbed Cotton Stockings. The famous "Leather Knit" quality. Some of these are slightly imperfect, ut so slightly as to hardly be able to tect the slip stitch, all sizes. Worth 20¢, -t iid 2 - ! Yours To-Night, 18c Pair. Extra. Special, Monday All Day, commending at 9 am, hold our Annual Spring, we will usy '3 months' selling ts have gathered, and in 1 we have decided to sell in ong - of Re of the ; tire lot at a very low price, and when ; yr : Every Remnant of Drgss & Theluding both Black and Colored Goods, ranging in length from 1; ysrds up to 7 yards, mostly this Spring's Goods, and EVERY REMNANT of Print, 0 Gingham, Chambry, Dueck, day, Summer Muslins, Lawns, Summer Suitings, Cotton Delaines, Linings, Art Muslins, Cretonnes. Every Piece Will Be Marked at From ONE-THIRD TO: ONE-HALF OFF. BUTTERIGK'S NEW FASHION BOOK FOR JUNE FREE TO-NIGHT. ¢ { Another Bargain | For Ladies 30 Pairs Ladies' Patent Blucher Cut T.ace Boots, light easy soles. A splendid Boot and a bargain At $2.50 30 Pairs Ladies' Oxford Shoes, Patent, just the same as above High Boot