Daily British Whig (1850), 18 May 1909, p. 2

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¢ J vi . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1900. FOR EARLY DLOSWG[THE SPORT RENEW (Continued from Page 1.) ] portant to do, but to go into a five- cent whow, and then, perhaps, order some groceries on the way home, _and ask to have them sent that night. My, the poor delivery boy. "If you must buy late on Saturday night, then carry home your own parcels. (Applause. ) A great many will tell you that they do not get their pay until Saturday pight. Well, surely your credit is g for a few hours. Get your order in early, and then call later and pay. 1 believe that there is mueh evil brought about more by the want of thought than of heart. 1f housekeepers would only think, they would not hesitate to shop early. They should ever keep before them the golden rule, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Put yourself in their place. There is no better way. I look over my congregation some times, and, 1 think there are a great many absent, and 1 find that they are the merchants or clerks, who have been up late. Sun- day morning they take their ease, and come out to service at night. We ought to have more respect for the Lord's day." Rev. Mr Sparling seconded Rev. Dr. MacTavish's resolution, before taking his seat. : i Rev. D. Laing favored the holding of a revival in the city, but said that he did nat believe it would be possible to secure Gypsy Smith for the ser- vices. As regards closing the stores early, he was heartily in sympathy with the movement. The public, he said, waé a terrible master, but not intentionally 'so. If the storekeepers closed early, and the citizens under- stood the agreement, he believed that it would work out satisfactorily. ; Rev. H. D. Whitmore also spoke in favor of early closing and a strict ob- servance of the Sabbath day. Rev. T: E. Burke said that stores in Londen, Eng., closed at p.m., Saturdays, and surely the stores in Canada could do likewise. If we could not get the big corporations to observe the Sabbath, then we could observe the day ourselves. He would be very sorry to observe the Sabbath in the way some people, who called themselves Christians, observed it. There were clubs in the city, furnished | with a liquor license, and liquor was disposed of on Sunday. The speaker also wished to make a plea for the f LIND. INVASION PLAY TOO OVERDRAWN TO BE SERIOUSLY TAKEN. "An Englishman's Home' Wit- nessed By a Large Audience-- It Depicts Englishmen As Be- ing Like a Lot of Inbeciles. At the Grand opera house last evening a large audience witnessed the production of Du Mawfer's "An Englishman's Home," the play that took the British pyblic by storm, that was hissed apd hooted in Germany, and which is causing Canadians to wonder if there really exists in Eng- land such a lot of silly asses and sis- sies as the play leads people in foreign lands to believe constituté the pro- vincial classes and the militia. hat this picture of England's condition is ta is decidedly certain but ii it is not the sooner the German or any other invader goes through the land dnd put such people to the sword the better it will be for Eng- land. If the play had been wfitten by a German as a satire upon the British nothing would have been thought of it, but for the play to be brought forth in England itself is almost be- yond conception. Canadians do not care to think that there are districts of such imbeciles in England, Giving outside the asylums and sanitariums, as are the Brown son and daugliters, and so many delightful fools as "Geoffrey Smith'; nor that there ex- ist such idiots as the "men" who re- presented the militia defending Brown's home. Nearly all the chev- acters are devoid of even the ele- ments of common sense, England may be unprepared for a land in- vasion, but it mw not thickly popu- lated with idiotic people. Tha pray was written to rouse England to a sense of danger, and it seems to have succeeded. It's a wonder, however, that Englishmen would go crazy over such a play. The Irish or the Scotch would never stand for such a burles- que of their countrymen. There are many, however, and Englishmen themselves, the first act, vividly re presents the condition that cxisted in England up to a fow months ago, the people never dreaming of such a thing as a German invasion, even if thero were a telegraph strike and a lengthy SPECI In 40 Inch Unbleas 1,25C Yards Heavy Unbleachg story C Worth 12}c yard. On Sale this Week at 8c Yard. % 4 300 BATH TOWELS, always sold at 15¢ each, Week at 10c Each. Special Values in Lace Curtains This Week WE ARE STILL SELLING Pa LADIES' PATTERN HATS at Less than Half Regular Price CORRIGAN" Table : Mirrors. | the horseracing field the New These trepieces . are York situation as regards oral bet- ting almost monopolizes the atten tion of devotees of that sport. The greatly in d d, and make ne of the most desirable gifts for: the home. { : Ax ' attendance at Belmont Park on Our stock is complete. Sizes Thursday and Saturday of last week . ranging from 8 to 14 inches. was encour: at the Jockey Club, but it is sti problematic whether Buy your Collars here, and you are always sure of getting style, In Several New Designs. -------- To Discuss the Question of An Eastern League--Cadet Watts Hits the Five Mile Trail Again To-Morrow. ow On Wednesday afternoon, Cadet Watts will hit the five-mile grind again, and intends to lower it this "Spreads Like Butter" time, foo a F Watts his il ba 8014 only in 16¢ and 25¢ blocks 8 apn For sale by all Grocers, ' Manufactured b The Ingersoll Packing Bou Ltd, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada. the £ will do until Monday, wl he will enter the big Victoria day Marathon. With The Lacrosse Players. The Kingston lacrosse bunch were out in force, on Monday night. Single- ton, McIntyre, LaRush, Kirkpatrick, Bochan, Cousins, Asselstine, Ludlow, Pierce and many others, including some Queen's students, are out every evening. The boys are beginning to put a little snap into their work and are putting up a line. They are beginning to lool and should put a crimp in ll A on Victoria ay. i 3. IG ; The locals will meet to-night, in the Frontenac Business Col building, to arrange for the season's work. A Jotter will probably come to hand from Brockville before the meeting, telling the boys what was done at the meeting at Carleton Place, on Fri- day night last, when the locals were represented by a Brockville man. James Craig, Kingston Agent May House-Furnishing Rush is now on. We're getting it, and everybody looks happy. Stock and prices produce that effect. To Build Club House. The Cape Vincent Yacht Club has purchased the lot owned by the Gra- potte estate, at the foot of James street. It is expected that in the near future the club will ercct a handsome club house on the site, at a cost of several thousand dollars. Docks will also be constricted. The club is ina flourishing condition. racing will "prosper simply on ite L merits, with k-making ¢liminated, | ft and quality. We are Agents for snd all betting done ora v through | the famous W. G. & R, Collars, those who have m aptly styled made in all the very latest Ameri- san shapes. Ask to see our new "memory brokers." August Belmont and other officers of the Jockey Club Closefitting Rialto, Boulevard and Leader Collars. EX- for FETS, CHINA CABINETS, SION TABLES, CHAIRS, all Room and to match, | BI EN Dining are sanguine, The dircctors of the Ontario Jockey club are giving ' $1,000 in premiums for thoroughbred stalfons with the hope of improving the quality of half bred horses in Ontario and to further induce the breeding of mares . not thoroughbred to rough od stal- lions, the conditions to be as fol lows: Stallions to be registered i the stud book of the Canadian ther oughbred horse society, Ottawa, 'oi in the American stud book, publishec by the jockey club, New York; to be owned by Canadians: to stand fo service in Ontario for mares (not big Sporting Notes. The bout scheduled for July 5th be- tween Battling Nelson and Cyclone Thompson has been called off. Henri St. Ives, John D." Marsh and Percy Sellen will meet at Hanlan's Point, Toronto, next Saturday night, at a distance at which all three claim to excel--fifteen miles. Otto Suter, of Cleveland, won the Agents for the Brand} Austrian Collars P. J. HUNT, The Collar Store of the City. in- cluding who declare that SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. Our Early English Mission Designs are the latest, and give a tone and uni- queness to your roomi, not easily obtain- $37, $48. d PARLOR SUITES, $30, season of fog, and who live in blissful ignorance of any danger whatever, de- pending fully upon tha British navy to guard old: England's shores from fox- Fhree new designs. and look as good, £60 and $75 styles CARPETS~--~New Old Country Mills, effects. Customers tion by buying. that counts All 1909 designs, newest tone prove their That's the RUGS TON MORAL, at $23 and $27 LINOLEUM floral eflocts CURTAINS--New lot just », quality and beauty and Upholstery the SPER, RY, latest, 7 BRUSSEL ete. Some and OILCLOTH, in, Yours, 'T. | McFaul's Car- ; pet Warehouse The foarth shipment of Balmoral Rugs Just arrived, Very fine patterns. Oil Cloth and Linoleum By the ton. Everybody that knows buys at R. McFaul's Kingston Carpet Warehouse. ® csecssssteesesetLVOTRTTRd RENTER How much of your time do you actually spend working for your landlord ? Twenty per cent of his in- come is said to be what the average man pays for rent. The average man spends then, one-fifth of his time in working just to keep a roof over his head. CUT IT OUT You have done enough to hel» enrich others. Set about to get a home of your own, Instead of paying dividends to a landlord you will be collecting them yourself, for home is a straight, out and out dividend paying in- vastment. See us without BOB OBRL DOB AVHTVVVT LVL GCRIDTEDTD about the matter delay. will buy a Double Brick dwelling with B. & C. in central location, bringing in $312 rental. Easy Terms. 4 McCann 51 Brock St. Open Saturday Evening ered SESS AOU VSRE SSE STEEw ion, They're up to now, and last as long as from color satisfac evidence if snaps . Others from $6 to 860. new sellers in Work promptly F. Harrison Co. | | eign foes. But the play is to be re garded as typical, as presenting the general aspect of things, and it is as such that it has to be considered. While the play has excited criticism the company presenting it is admir- "lable. William * Hawtrey gives a vivid presentation of the role of -Mr. the stubborn householder, who to acknowledge danger, but Brown, refuses bull dog pluck of Mr. Hawtrey is a real John Bull in appearance. For a human ass as the rble of 'Reggie Brown," by Edgar Norton, takes the cake, George M. Graham, the chief comedian, makes a capital happy-go- lucky who is only shows the an Englishman. a spectator when his country is attacked. The role of "Paul Robinson," the trained militia- man, who eulogized the advantage of drill and the danger of invasion, was well taken by Dallas Anderson, whose plea to the imbecilés of the Brown household drew forth the "wise" re mark from the young man Smit that his passionate speech was the re- sult of taking whiskey on an empty stomach... The rest of the support was "hdmirable. There was just one scene for the three atts, but the stage manipula- {ions in the third act were decidedly vealistic, the representation of the irown house being battered to pieces by the fire of the edemy, the atmos: phere of smoke, and the scene of (es- order being grand in the extreme. The sceno of a house afire in the dis- tance was thrilling, At the close, when the invaders were having every- thing their own way, and when Brown had been shot by -erder for killing a trerman soldier when he was only a civilian, "with no right to defend his country," the bagpipes are heard in the distance, and before the German Ihghlanders. melo-dramatic, but it arouses enthusiasm as the curtain falls and the orchestra strikes up '"'God . Save the . King," for which the audience rose with alacrity and sang with fer- ver. : The balcony, gallery and the boxes were draped with British flags, for it was military theatre night, the 'horse artillery haVing thé balcony. After the first act the artillerymen passed down a bouquet of flowers for the chief lady, Nellie Thorne, "and, a box of cigars for Mr. Hawtrey, which were fittingly acknowledged. The orchestra played a fine lot of patifotic airs during the evening. "Three Swallows." | Sir John Power and Son's { "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey. Famous for over a century. Of highest standard of purity. Distillers to His Majesty the King. _""Are fou a reader ?" You can save money by joining the Tabard Inn lib- at Gibson's Red Cross Drug t £1 makes you a life member. I'he annual meeting of the Young {Women's Christian Association, will be held on Thursday evening, May 20th, at 8 o'clock, in their building, 196 Johnson street. All members of asso- ciation and ladies of the city are cor- {dially invited. Good music and ad- dresses will be given, State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ! . Lucas County. ) ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he | is senior partner of the firm of FF. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the Cit {of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, {and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be | cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY | Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, |A.D., 1886. | (SEAL) A. W. GLEASON, i Notary Public. | Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- {ly. and acts directly on the blood and {mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. | ¥ . CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75e. | Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- rrary Store. | | | finally awakens to common sense, and | commanders can fly in rush a lot of] 'he ending is decidedly | great | | may result milkmen. In Ottawa, the milkmen did not go the rounds on Sunday, and if Ottawa, with a population of 65,000, could go without milk delivery on Sunday, why not Kingston, with it population of 20,000 ? "Why, 1 would go without milk my 'porridge or my tea," added speaker, "in order to give the milk man a chance;to go to church. But are we just going to talk about thes things, or organize ?"' said, some very "cute'"' ways anc could arrange it so that their steam ers could run on the Sabbath. Rev. F. carried if proper steps were taken. would not bring about a better at vice. A revival had been spoken by previous speakers, and he though would as he far Saturday, citizens, as farmers have stores, and the and Friday. In citizens his . own store, ghowed that the custom early if it was their wish. No persor would be more anxious to have night at home than these firms filled or ders from all over the country. 1 early closing was 'taken up, barbe shops might alfo be considered. I stores -- closed early, ~ perhaps would be a danger spending the would say that of An effort should be made to places up early. The speaker was ir young ladies quit work early. In hi own store, he 'only had two clerks, and he always arranged to le them off early. solution, asking that the wait upon the Retail Merchants' As sociation, with the object of arrang ing an earlier closing of the stores was carried by a unanimous vote. During the evening Mrs, 8S. H. Simp son favored with a solo. Hurts Rightly Healed. Any in blood poisoning. = Al ways apply an antiseptic remedy Wade's Ointment is antiseptic and remarkable healer. It in the shortest possible time. eczema (salt rheum), boils, pimples and all scaly or itching eruptions Drug Store. B. A Hotel Arrivals. E. W. Cooley, Geo. Bradshaw, J. W, Cowery, W. cer, F. P. Aythe, W. W. Hoyer, J. Mitchell, Geo. W. Parsoms, F. Kirkpatrick, Toronto; D. H. Philp, Ottawa: Geo. R. Nimmo, H. Diplock R. L. Duncan, C. W. J. McNally, Montreal; G. mann, Kidderminster; Rev. M. Cox Wolfe Island; Capt. W. Lasha, Ganan- oque; James Christie, Bradford, Pa. A A My Valet. French cleaning, dyeing, pressing. curtains, draperies, by experts. wick Bros., 'phone 650. C.M.B.A. Smoker Postponed. have been held by branch No. 9, C.M. B.A., on Wednesday evening, 19th inst.,, has been postponed day evening next, 27th inst, welterweight Hamilton, @nt at Cleveland. won in wrestling championship of the world from Charles Conkle, of Suter three straight falls of forty- in the) Some corporations had, the speaker noo vide Giants' H. Sproule was glad to see the young people taking up the mat- ter, and felt confident that it would be George Mills was called upon by the president, to give his views. He was yorms of. thessptt fellow, or a harmless civilian, |of the opinion that an early closing | made public, but the Indian suggest that ture, opens next Saturday possible, let the famous the right-of-way in the Grey will be present to witness use Monday | King's he served more people on Saturday than any other day in the week, and this 'in improving the quality of Canadian was not horses. equally divided. The merchants were in business to please their customers, |paper man, en route to his home in and he had no doubt they would close | Toronto, stayed a Minto the merchants. | New Westminster will simply eat them Regarding Eaton's and Simpson's, he alive, as he does not believe .that any there young. men balance of the evening in the pool rooms or five-cent shows. close sympathy with the movement to have lady At the close of the addresses, a re- executive injury which breaks the skin a insures a cure Cures old sores, scald head, piles, dandruff of the skin. In big boxes, 25¢c., at Wade's D. Stewart, H. F. Spen- Runk, Geo. S. Hart, Statt- repairing, Ladies' or men's garments, feathers, gloves, rugs, furs, etc., etc., cleaned or dyed Prompt delivery. War- The regular meeting and smoker to to Thurs- I gix minutes and, three minutes. Maloney defeated Crook, of Fall River, who finished third in the Am- erican Derby at New York last Sa- turday, in av fifteen-mile race at Fell | River, Mass. Crook cc'lapspd in the oi twelfth mile. Maloney's time was one ' hour 32 minutes 53 seconds. O'Hara, the Toronto boy in outfield, is candy kid down Gotham way since he performed sensationally last Wed- nesday against the Chicago Cubs, 0'- Hara got three hits, one double and two singles, and made sensational catches The trouble {Longboat has 8 the 1 the and The not is to "| receive more than he got in the past, Powers settled. t' were between been tendance at the Sunday morning ser-'Lut has to pay for his own training of | expenses, Toronto Sol. He leaves for t this week and will train under that if it were needed, it would be a Mintz, of Hamilton. great pity to wait until Gypsy Smith came. In regard to early closing on Canada's The Ontario jockey\ club meeting, greatest horse racing fix- at the Earl the Plate contest, which creates [uch keen Yhterést. The Ofitario joc- key club has become a great factor Toronto Woodbine. A. Pringle, a New Westminster news- over in Regina to njget a look over Regina's hand-picked cup lacrosse team. He says -| team without long practice f has a ghost of a chance against pr | them: ; 'The coast backers of the f champions wil give odds of two to one that they double the seore on the challengers. At San Francisco one minute and thirty seconds' of a scheduled forty- fiveround * contest was sufficient to , | demonstrate that Hugo Kelly, Chica- go, is no match in speed or skill for qo! "Filly" Papke, the Illinois Thunder- bolt. At the end of this brief period ¢ (after half a dozen short Tallies, Pap- ke stood unmarked, while Kelly lay unconscious iii the centre of the ring, with 4 deep cut over his right eye together "THE HOUSE OF H ATS." Suft Hats for Spring and Summer The Colored Soft Felts will .| {be more p-pular than ever this season. We are showing some very new shapes in Browns, Greys and Greens from Italy, England and Unjted States, as well as from the factories of Canada. Every price from 50c to $6. "If you've tried the rest, Now try the best.' GeotgMilbSC Importers of Fine Hats Princess St. » thoroughbred). MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The Coal Boats Are Anxious tc Get to Work. The steambarge Ida E. will clear to night for Oswego. The steamer Aletha was at Swift's to-day from bay points. The steamer Argyle will go out on a trial trip on Thursday. The steamer Scout loft this morning to place gas buoys up the Bay o Quinte. Next week two additional gas buoy: will be placed in Kingston harbor, on on the Myles' shoal and the other on n+ penitentiary shoal, The steamer Mount Stephen, loade 100,000 bushels of oats, at Fort Wil liam for Richardsons' clevator. She i due to arrive in Kingston on Thurs day. The steamer Alexandria was at Fol ger's wharf, Jast night, on her way tc Montreal. While here she took on 20 boxes of cheese. » Her cargo consistec' of over 2,000 boxes uf vheese. The steamer Mississiquoi arrive from Rockport and intermediate ports to-day, on tha first trip of the sea son. The steamer will mako regula trips on Tuesday, Thursday and Sa turday of cach week, during the sum mer. The schooner Mary Ann Lydon, whic! went aground in a storm ncar Char lotte, last fall, and which was raised arrived_in port, yesterday afternoon and the genial captain, William Pat terson, was given a warm welcome b: his fellow mariners. The Lydon wil go on the dry-dock for repairs, an 'will then carry coal to Kingston. At M. T. Co's elevator : Tug Emer gon, up, threc barges, cleared for Mon treal, two grain-laden barges; sicame: Dundee, from Fort William, 78,50( bushels of wheat; steamer Sowards from Oswego, with toad; schoone Katio Eccles, from bay "ports, grain steamer Glenmount called on her way to Fort William; steamer Bothuia call- ed on her way from Three Rivers to Niagara Falls, pulpwood. Fight Disease. , Don't catch cold, don't catch or in- cur any disease. You can't if' your blood is right. Life and the vital ele- ments that fight disease and weakness are in the blood. Strength and effec- tive resisting power can be had by use of Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative). They aresa great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25c., at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. ; Are Collecting To-Day. A well-attended meeting of the Vie toria day celebration committee held on Monday evening, in the city buildings. The collectors started their rounds this morning, and are so ar- ranged that the city will be covered in one day. Three motor boat races will be run off in the morning ir the har bor," starting and finishing near the city buildings. The automobile people also have a big programme on. [In the morning they will have a parade, taking the children from the Orphans' Home for a ride. Beautiful New Stock. Prevost, Brock street, has extra fine assortment of tweed, cheviot and serge for. order clothing department, and splendid assortment of ready-made clothing and gents' furnishings. The meeting of the rural deanery of Frontenac is being held in St. George's cathedral parish. There will be evensong, to-night, in the winter chapel, in St. George's hall, with ser- mon by Canon Starr. : Rheumatism promptly diiven from the blood with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy. Rub-on's never did cure Rheumatism. blood _must be reached--and Dr. p is made expressly for the blood. Test and see ! Sold by all deald®y. Buy your oil cloth and linoleum, as we lay it free of charge, at James Reid's. was a a x J a Wash Goods Wash Goods A Creat Variety to Select From. Dainty Ginghams, 12jec. to 30c. a yard. Colored Repps in shades, 20c. a yard. P.K. in all colors, yard. White P. K. extra values, 1242. and up. Colored Linens, including Copenhagen, Tan, Pink, Pale Blue, Navy, Black, ete. Special, 25¢c. a yard. popular 35¢c. a Colored Drilfs, very popwu- lar, all colors, 124c. and up. White Indian Head, 15c. and up. Colored Mulls, very dainty shades, 25c. a yard. Fancy Colored Seersuckers 25c. a yard. White Muslins. Spots, Checks, Stripes, 8c. and up. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE : Elastic And Abdominal Sup- porters, Riding and Other Belts. We carry stock a constantly complete and in line of Supporters, Shoulder Instep Supporters, Trusses Hosiery, Braces, . ete. t Private Office for fitting. . A.P.Chown "Phone, 343, 185 Princess St. Issuers of Marriage Licenses, rails NE Seal Skin and Persia LambJacket Modeller. W. F. Gourdier, 'Phone, 700. vik 43 76, 78 and 80 Brock St., eserves T0 WASH STRAW HATS } ONLY USE STROBIN The hat is cleaned in a few minutes, dries quickly and | looks like new. Strobin does not injure the straw and does not make it hard. After washing the hat can be bent to any shape. --A Te McLeod's Drug Store. One 10c Package Sufficient for Two Hats, > HOC Looking For Trosble Around your engine or gasoline tank with matches or open flame, your are quite likely to find more trouble than you are looking for. get a SAFETY INSPECTION LAMP and save trouble. Price $1.76 Complete: W. A. Spriggs Practical Electrician. 235 Bagot, one door from Broek. 'Phone, 68. Monuments Just received, for Sprirg trade : New Scotch Granite Latest designs. - Rock bottom prices. James Mullen

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