THE DAILY BRITISH wate, TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1909. * sy er "+ Nature's cure for Liver and Stomach Troubles-- 80.0 EVERYWHERE, 36 NOTICE. Highest price paid for House nold effects, either in part or en bloe. Antique Furniture and Old- Fashioned articles especially. Come in 'and see a beautiful hand-carved Four-Post Bedstead I have for sale. Post card will bring me. L.Lesses, Chatham and Princess Sts. ingston. TTT TITTY Cor. Fedele or the establishment of ra gas | Barrie THEY SANG HYMNS WHILE THEY W WERE BEING : MARCHED TO EXECUTION. tive More Men Ha Hanged in Front placed in unlicensed companies prior cers, | Stamboud, ithe others being conv thedr feet. increased An earne i Comstantinople, mon Were hanged, in front of the building of parliament, { opposite the mosque They by ecouri-martial murder of their officers tionary outbreak of April 13th. {was a non-commissioned officer, were five men sang hymns while eyed where they had been confined to place of 'execution. their songs while tions for the hanging were being com- pleted, and up that the stools on standigz with the necks were knocked in Murder of Offi-| . IR. --~Five more erday morning May ye of St. Sophia, in had been found guilty of complicity in the in the revolu- One and junior officers. The they were the war office, the They continual the final prepava- from to the very moment which they were ropes around their out from under All through the condemned men were as ealm their prayers in a mosque. from st efio as though saying PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The. World. The penalty for kidnapping has been seven to twenty-five | years by the federal house, rt will be made to settle existing grievances between ves- {sel owners and their employees. {bonus te t ratepay Web he voted the ber Foundry company pro- ers have | ducer machine works, Ha! Ha! He! He !|.. That's the way to feel---EVERY ONE does that takes a CARET night BEFORE, when looks at the fellow who didn't.' For OVER-EATING and DRINK. ING nothing on Earth cleans you | out as a CASCARET, naturally-- easily, without that upset sick feeling. Don't neglect--at bed time --0 P.M. ar 4 A.M.--no difference-- you'll need it. 803 | CASCARETS 10c. a box for | a week's treatment, all drug- gists. Biggest seller in the world, Million Million boxes a month. he | "FOR SALE OR CHARTER. The Steamer Victoria, of the Port Brockville. This steamer has a capacily | of about 160 passengers, is about TW feet long and has a 156 foot beam, is equipped with a compound Doty Engine, instaled in 1907; Hull thoroughly over hauled and boiler retubed last year Speed bstween 11 and 12 miles an hour In first-class order. Boat can be in spected at Brockville. Apply to The Brockville Navigation Co., Limited. WwW. 8. BUELL, Managing Director, ging Brockville of | A Wonderful Invigorator is VITOL the blood and RHEUMATISM has SIX by It will enriches cure ea @ else or The great Uterine Tonic, and only safc effertual Monthl Regula: on which wi Se n car dopend, Boil} a thro 0 | Seg et of etrength--No. : 3 10 degrevs st rongc for me jecial casos, $5 Sold by all druggisis, or sen ropaid on recvipt of price Jona m let, Add ces: Tur € 0 Mepiaing 00. TOROKTZ, (formerly Windsor James Campbell TAILOR, 109 BROCK STREET. Cleaning and Pressing. New Velvet Collars, from 75 CENTS UP MEN AND WOMEN, Use Big @ for unnatural discharges,inflammations, irritations or ulcerations Airloty f m HOURS pemBTAN, taglon. ninless, and not astrin. NE EVENS ONEMIGAL CD. gout or poisonous, Sold by Druggists, or sent in plain wrapper, by express, prepaid, for $1.00, or 3 bottles £2.75. Circular sent ob Toqusst. ANGROVE'S FOUNDRY Brass and Iron Castings of Any Size or Weight. Place d'Armes Wall Paper Border, Ceiling and Side Wall, all same price, at FRASER'S, 78 William St. CAS- |. { ride As previous occasions Ar Merrie ie of debentures for $10,000, a majority feated by In conne |vietions we blind' pigs" kville, ction at re Cobalt, secured and fines the iy- was de- of twenty votes, the raid forty-five con- aggre a by-law for with on gating $4,400 imposed, Mrs. son, is demente Kroit, charged with shooting policemen, l. He at Windsor, says her was always moody and dejected at full mogn. The ings show for 1 an Canadian he se increase Padific railway week in $164,000 earn- May over cond of the corresponding period of last vear, Several and Wreq k of trains at Chicago. Ben an smoke Robert rested in without nev... He Montreal for free dorsed. yoars in th Major Mc made of the Artillery. ent comma hist, St sale of $76: 99.51. d by past. other day, vears old, dead in his Capt. killing the twenty, sor Hyacinthe, Montreal, Holding marri in self and days in jai Twenty been rade several accepted. Benjamin years, atl drank bottle 23 the in Clifford Souris, or taken an election, that mite the liams, in h (jrand Union Hotel Opp. Grand Centra! Station, New York City Rooms, $1.00 a Day AND UPWARD Baggage to and from Station free. Send % stamp for N.Y. City Guide Book sad Map WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED From 73 Clarence St., to 155 Well ington St., between Brock and Clarence | Sts. Best laundry in the city. Goods called for and delivered. this eliorts {trial for {cently Feharge cor SCOTes going was fined $10. Huddlestone, Toronto, extradition will shortly Wilfrid L. oflice .employee, who pleaded guilty to stealing from the taining $3.50, was when in her arms, ed woman, Toronto Cleveland, of two persons are reported killed others injured in a North-Western elevated Franklin and Ohio streets, Sanford, a man's nose because he open-air wi Bish relig into a commence is wanted for board trade manufacturers went the scinded and a preferential tariff lelleville, who broke smoked nt meeting, the woman's face, gious Detroit, ar- dgreed to go back proceedings, and the return jour- theft. of trade declared the empire. The resolution re en- thin wp, the Ottawa post mail a letter con: sentenced to threo e penitentiary y. yrrison, a lieutenant-colonel in command h Bri Lisut.- goes nder, What the police believe may be "Black [ was perpetrated in New York, on Mons Bieggio a cigar-maker, flat. Peter C. conviction of manslaughter, of William Queen's county Sing prison to begin his term of from cight to sixteen years, Sunday morning, Charles ol Que. on a freight fell under the was. crushed to death. tw her Flor 1. "blind pigs" 1 and arrested have been and it is probable them will have to go to jail, Johnston, a Bell telephone McMurrich contents of laudanum on the hospital will recover. The action of the postmaster-general dismissing, at the request of Hon, Sifton, he 1 the offensive elicited protests from the opposition members in parliament. tow James wicted four to the Ontario Seeurities company at This is the best price the province for police court, had been driven to steal to keep her- baby Ohio, D.8.0., Ottawa, is Canadian Field Hurdman, pres- * the retired gade, Cok on The Manitoba government closed the 2.000 pér cent. bonds receiv- some years an- land" assassination, Puccio, fifty-six was shot sentenced for has for Hains, on the left Sing Annis, jail Alfred Savard, aged Savard; < St. while having a free train, bound for wheels and elve-months-old baby ence Russell, a young told a pathetic story, of how she from starving. Sixty in Cobalt have charges laid. up on not be some __of many fines will aged forty linoman living street, Toronto, of a two ounce Tuesday. Al was pumped out and the postmaster of ground that he had part in the last a series of strong police have Wil lends new re- Judge A. W. Pa., unless he Boyle and wife, before him on of kidnapping William Whitla. | REMARKABLE OPERATION. | Inexp erienced Midwives Succeeded | in Saving Child. Winnip performanc {tion by reported from St. | settlement here, {ehild where bath, {doctor being May e of t inexpe about a Mrs. on _Saturday, in 18.--A he Caesarian swrienced midwives is Laurent, a French fifty miles north of Loust died in without a attendance. ine ighboring woman in attendance no- ticed signs of life in the child, nothing : strument performed the operation i] {vith the child bu is now and t a razor as an in- alive. The coroner has gone out to investigate. learned | a threat has been made to dyna- ouse of Mercer, ard obtaining a the | remarkable | opera- | The TAX ON OUTSIDE msURANCE. Fielding Resolution Carried As to, Duty. Ottawa, May 17.--~In the house of commons Mr. Fielding proceeded with | his resoluffon authorizing the tax oi fiftcen per cent. upon insurance risks of Parliament Building at Con- Ho proceeding with the insurance bill. stantinople--Found Guilty 2 Complicity He explained that while he had re ceived many telegrams of protest against, the proposed tax the sugges- tion came originally from the Cana- dian Manufacturers' association. As ito the justice of the proposal it was | purely protective and was designed to | protect the domestic insurance com- ranies. Hon. Jom Taggart and Dr. Sproule, although high protectionists, in general, took strong objection to His proposéd tax on insurers. H. Perley, himself a large in- -- sofd that the majority of Can- adian insurers preferred to insure with Canadian companies, but there are certain risks which could not be covered by Canadian companies. H. H. Miller frankly admitted that the proposal was a protective one. The more business the Canadian in- surance companies did the lower would be the rates, and he believed that the result: of the new tax would be to bring more business to the Canadian companies, The New England mutuals were now getting the cream of the business. The resolution was adopted. BREAKING OF LOG BOOM And There Was a Loss of Great Many. Montreal, May 18.--<Word has reach- ed Montreal, from Grand Piles, on the River St. Maarice, north of #Hhrce Rivers, of the breaking of log booms and the loss of 400,000 sticks aw = the result of high water. The river is ten fret above normal, owing to recent heavy rains and melting of snow in the interior. IL was realized that the booms at Grand Mere, further down, would not hold the runaway logs and they were opened, but an attempt will be made to recover as many of them as possible at Shawinigan Falls or Three Rivers. The loss to the Lauren- tide Paper and Pulp company and the lumbermen will be considerable, FOUR MEN DROWNED IN RAPIDS ON THE PET- EWAWA RIVER. They Were Going Up to Do Lum- bering Work in the River--Told to Portage and Not Run Dangerous Rapids. Whig. 18. Special to the Ottawa, May Word reached here, to-day, that four min have drowned at a rapids on the Petewawa. They are Thomas Day, St. Regis, Que. John Jackson, a man named Lazove, land a fourth, name unknown, of Og- N.Y., vicinity. of seven in charge of Ottawa, to go to lumbering work up the Petewawa.r They got from Deux Rivieres to Trout Lake, and then started twenty-five miles up the Petewawa, eight in one boat. They were warned to portage not to run tho dangerous rapids, but persisted in doing so. Going over the Mill Wash Rapids their boat upset. Three got to shore. Five were swept right over the rapids, only ome of whom escaped. been | densburg, A party hert O'Connor, last Thursday of Gil left. here and STOCK QUOTATIONS. Cobalt and Leading Canadian Stocks Listed. The following quotations are sup- plied by the City Brokerage (J. O. Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- ence sirect. Telephone 480 A : Cobalt Stocks. May 15th. . Buyers, Beaver . ( $ .39¢ Chambers Fe srland Cobalt Central kobatt Lake Crown Reserve ..... Foster Gifford . Green Meehan . La Rose McKin. Dar Nipissing ......' uu. Nova Scotia Sav age Peterson Lake . . Rochester ............c «cis ona Silver Leaf Silver Queen . Temiskaming Trethewey Watts oe. Ancient Derricks. Probably the oldest derricks still in use are the two built at Trier, in Ger- many, in the year 1413 and the one built in 1554 at Andernach, also in Germany. All these three derricks are built on the same 'principle. In the middle of a massive A frame tower is located the swinging or main boom, 20x20 inches, whose iron pivot moves in a pan shaped bearing cup. On top are fastened the guy ropes and the cap, which is also 'moveable. The derrick © can be moved by crossbars fastened to the main boom. The load is chain lifted by tread wheels sixteen feet in diameter. Are Eight Entries. So far eight entries have been re- teeived for the big road race here on | Victoria Day. The following local | runners have entered : Roy . Metealio E- M.- Waits, - Royal Military College: Frank Walker, St. Luke's club; F. Nicholson, Portsmouth, and John | Russell, unattached. Robert O'Prien, jfloward Linklater and William Gar- | tah, of Gananoque, have also entered. and eee eee Holding Examinations. medical council examinations | 'opened at Grant. hall on Tuesday morning. Dr. W, T. Connell is pre- siding" examiner. A large number of | students are trying. Examinations ¢re on for . primary, and senior students. The examina- lions will continue all week. Fhe Members of the penitentiary "ve ator. { five are hauling oats from Richardsons' ele: BiG FIRE THREATENED '"TOBURN QUEBEC IMMIGRA- TION BUILDINGS. The Stage Was Confined to the Engine. House--The Quebec Firemen Had a Battle, But Finally Confined the Fire. Quebec, May 18.--For a time this morning it looked as if the jmmigra- tion buildings on the Louise Em- bankment would be wiped out by a fire which had broken out in the en- gine house situated in rear of the upper end of the Canadian bisldings and also adjcining the department of the United States officials. The fire wgs discovered -about hgli past two o'clock. The are brigade was prompt- ly on the spot, and lost no time in getting to work. When the firemen reached the burning building it was a mass of es. -The fire gave every indication of spreading to the adjoining building, the main immi- gration shed, and proving most seri- ous. The firemen immediately got a couple of steam engines to work, and with several streams of water, managed, after a hard battle, to confine the flames to the building in which it broke out. There was a considerable amount of excitement about the sheds, but fortunately there were only a few Smmigrants and these seemed to take the matter quite coolly. The engine room was totally destroyed and the loss will prove un- doubtedly quite heavy. | JOHN H. SANDERSON. Capital Furnishings contractor | at Sherry's, New York. Sand- been convicted of defrauding | and sentenced to two year lle was out on bail pe pnd State who died erson had the state imprisonment. ing appeal. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Prices Paid at the Var- ious Centres. May 17.--About 1,000 head cattle, 100 calves, 50 lambs and 1,500 fat hogs were offered at the Point St. Charles stock yards this forenoon. The offer- ings of live stock at this market dur- ing the week were 2,000 cattle, 2,000 calves, 200 shéep and lambs; and 2,700 fat hogs. The muggy. wet weather helped to make sales slow, but ship pers bought a number of prime cattle at from Bie. to 6c. per lb, which caused firm rates to prevail for Montreal, of butchers' sheep and | care and good cattle, Joseph Richard bought choice steens at 6}c. per lb. ty good animals sold at 4}e. to and the common stock, 3}c. to die. per Ib. Calves sold at from $2.50 to 88 each. Sheep sold at $6.50 each. Good lots of fat hogs sold at 8}c. to near Sic. per lb. Last Saturday Jos- eph . Richard bought four calves for $26, -and--thirteen lambs for: $17. 5c. East Buffalo Stock. East Bufislo, May 17.--Cattle--Re- ceints, 3,600 head; active and 10c¢. to . higher; prime steers, $6.50 'to $7; shipping, $6.15 to $6.65; butchers, 5.50 to $6.50; heders, $4.50 to %6.- ; cows, 3.50 to $5.60; bulls, %3.- to $5.00; stockers and feeders, $4.- to $5.10; stock heifers, $3.50 to 25; fresh eows springers, $23 $68, Veals--Receints, and steady, $6 to Hags--Receipts, and steady to Be. lower: heavy, 65 to $7.70; mixed, $7.60 to Yorkers, $7.35 to $7.60; pigs, $7.10 to 7.25: vroughs, $6.40 to 86.65 stags, $5 to $5.75; dairies, $7.25 to $7.50. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 19,000 head; sheep; active and steady; lambs slow and 5c. lowers lambs," $4.50 to 35s yearlings, $ $7.25. wethers, 5b to $6.50; ewes, $5.50 to 85.75 sheep, mixed, 32 and $6. 5 25 190% and o 2.300 27.50, 9,600 head; head; active slow $7. $7.70; Chicago Market. May 17.--Cattle : Receipts, estimated at 22,000; market steady; beeves, $5.10 to $7.25; Toxas steers, $4.60 {b 86.10; westorn stears, $4.75 to stockers , and feeders, $3.60 to cows and Theifors, $2.50 to 25; calves, 85.25 to $7.50 Hogrs- ~Reccipts estimated at 44,000; market," Se. lower; lig ht, $6.85 to pind $7 05 to $7.50; rough, good to an heavy, pies. 85.80 to $6.75; 3 to $7.40. Seo Heoripte estimated at 14,000; {market steady: native, $4 to $6.50; Lwestorn, $4.25 to 86.10; vearlings, $6.2 {to 87.40; lambs, native, $0 to 35.60; western, $5.25 to $9.40. Chicago, $7. 05 to $7. $7.15 to 87 bulk of «ales, | Rapidly Recovering. | Brockville Recorder. | The many friends of Elmer (Hod) | Pennock, taken sudenly ill last week, {will be pleased to know that he is | rapidly recovering and in a few days will lave regained his usual health. A mémorial to the late Edward Han- intermediate | lan will be erected at Hanlan's gland, Toronto. Montreal was so dark with heavy vapor, to-day, that artificial light staff {was resorted to. Brussels "and tapestries _ carpet 'squares, atJames Red's. Pret- | | with | immunity jeven though they commit crimes of the Lif | statue of General | man. DESERTED CHILDREN. Three Little Tots Heartlessly Abandoned on Train. Winnipeg, May 15.~The immigra- tion authorities discovered a sad case of desertion of children yesterday when the express from the south was being examined at Emerson. Three little tots were found in a bunk, and when the inspector asked their destination they replied that they were going to Star © City, Sask. Their tickets expired at the boundary and it was further found that they hae only thirty cents between them. They had come all the way from Kansas, where their parents had de- serted them, and they had been sent to Star City, where their grandpa- rents now reside. Unless it is found Jhat the latter are in a position to keop them the children will be sent to Kansas. WERE BURIED ALIVE. Two Workmen's Awful Death in Michigan Mine. Negaunec, Mich.,, May 18.--A hoe: rible accident decurred at the Mary Charlotte copper mine, yesterday, the victims being two miners named Vie: tor Lord and Edward Yammen. Both were aeaty buried alive when seve- ral tons earth fell and engulfed them while they were at work many hundreds of feet helow the surface. The alarm was given immediately, and all the workmen organized into a res cuo party, but many hours passed be fore the diggers ware able to reach the bodies. The ' expressions upon the faces of the dead men showed plainl that the end had been a most terrible one, and had only come after minutes of sullering: which must have seemed like ACurs. Baseball On Monday. Eastern League--Baltimore, 2; Ro- chester, 1. Buffalo, 3; Newark, 0. To- ronto, 4; Providence, 2. American Iseague--St. Louis, 4; Wash: ington, 0. Detroit, 5; Boston, 3. Philadelphia, 1; Chicago, 0 (twelve innings). New York, ¢ Cleveland, 5 (tvelve innings). National League--Chicago, 8; Phila- delphia, 1. St. Louis, 6; Boston, 1. New York, 6: Cincinnati, 0. Pitts- burg, 11; Brooklyn, 1. LEPERS ROAM ABOUT IN THE STREETS OF PORTO RICAN N TOWNS. The Disease Very Prevalent in Ponce, Where Lepers Are Al- lowed to Beg in the Market Place--Quite Possible For Dis- eased Men to Emigrate. New York, May 18.--~What is said to be alarming laxity on the part of the Porto Rican government in the control of persons suffering with leprosy will be' brought to the official attention of the United States government . by Dr. Edward Ehlers, one of a party of four European ex- perts who have been studying various diseases prevalent in the West Indies, and who arrived in New York on the steamer Caracas from Ponce. Dr. Ehlers 'said that under present condi- tions in Porto Rico it is possible for many lepers to emigrate and carry the disease into the United States. "In the city of Ponce," he said, 'I found leprosy wery prevalent, and 1 saw many victims in the streets of the city. Two men in an advanced stage of the disease I observed begging in the market place." Immune From Arrest. Washington Star. In Washington, in the capital of the nation, there reside 200 men who, their households, have absolute from the laws of the land, first degree. They may shoot down the man who injures them; they may, they .see fit, paint the equestrian Phil Sheridan a vivid pea green, yet the hands of Un- cle Sam: must be kept from their shoulders, and woe unto the unterri- fied policeman or other servant of the law who undertakes to bring them to justice once they have declared their official 'connections. These men who are so clothed in immunity are' the members of the diplomatic corps, and their shield" is international law. It is provided in the laws of nations that they must answer before the tribunals of their own countries for the offenses they commit here in Washington, but that they shall not be tried by any court of the United States. Her Answer. hison "lobe. An Atchison girl had a proposal of marriage and asked a week to think it- over: Shé went to all of her mar ried sisters. One, who used to be a belle, had three children, did all her own work *® and hadn't been to the theatre or out riding since she was married. Another, whose husband was a {promising young man at the time she was married, was supporting him. A third didn't dare say her life was her own. when her husband was around, and a fourth was divoreéd. After visiting them and hearing their woes the heroine of this, little tale went home, got pen, ink and paper and wrote an answer to the young You may think it was refusing but it - wasn't. She said she Ate him, =. ,could be ready in a month. st ip The Late John Perry, Montreal. The death occurred in Montreal, on Tuesday morning, of John Perry, at his home, No. 4051 Dorchester street. Deceased lived in Kingston for many vears, being employed in the Kings- ton foundry and the old roller mill in Montreal, till five years ago, when he retired, he was foreman for the Ab- bott & Hodgson company. He is sur- vived by one son and two daughters. The late Mr. Perry was once a mem- ber of the 47th Frontenac battalion, He was past-master of a Montreal Ma- sonic lodge. Lieutenant-Governor Coming. Lieut.-Governor Gibson will visit the Royal Military College on Thursday, and 'will be the guest of honor at the staff dinner. This will be the new On- tario lieutenant-governor's first visit to Kingston 'since he was appointed to his present position. A Joint Account ss or men of eid pe hic - er ha o TE for those 'whe Eve some distance from town. You can jopen 8 Savings Acctunt wih Que Dells Wig nat doo at once? If you want something that is out of the commonplace, something with the _ and up-to-dateness that a ressed woman requires and demands come to SPENCE'S, Come to Spnce's For the Very Bet Ob- tainable in Corsets ; 30 Splendid Makes ; $ Directoire ad We can help you solve corset perplexi- ties--hundreds of Kingston women count this as their favorite Sathet store. Noth- ing but the newest. from Waists, Skirts, Costumes, Wash and Tub $ prices, Never had so much admired and so in- deed admirable a collection of everything that pertains to summer---seasonable waists, separate skirts, washable dresves, lingerie, etc. See them. Moderate prices. 2 DAVID M. SPENCE, The Leading Millinery & Mantle Store " "BEAVER" FLOUR You see, she can depend on "Beaver" Flour. She knows its uniformly good qualities. She knows what white, homemade flavor bread--what light, delicious Cake and Pastry--she gets when she uses 'Beaver Flour. That is why she always orders "Beaver" Flour and insists ou having it. ~ Do you? Dealers--write for prices on Feed, Coarse Grains ae Cereals. The T, H. Taylor Qo., Limited, Chatham, O: The Name is the Guarantee. Granulated Sugar EY Manufactured by The Canada Sugar Refining Co., Lid, MONTREAL, QUE, From the Rising to the Setting Sun, For Years past And Years to come, There are no Wares will wear As EDDY'S WARES have done. Always Everywhere in Canada 'ASK FOR EDDY' S MATCHE