PAGE FO Tr ~ (VARNISH IT "WITH KOPAL Is it a Door? Is it a Boat? Is it a Carriage? Is it a Bath-room? Is it a Store front? Is it inside? Is it outside? Is it dull and dingy? VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Kopal is made as good as a varnish can be. It's for general use. It wears. SOLD bY Corbett's Hardware. Pure Food Insures GOOD HEALTH | Magic Baking Powder Insures Pure Food. E. W. GILLETT CO., LTD. Toronto, Ont. HAIR SOFT AS SILK. New Scientific Treatment Dandruff Germ, and Hair Soft. It is an accent roven fact, that dandruff is a germ disease; and it is also a demonstrated fact that New- bro's Herpicide kills the dandruff germ. Without dandruff falling hair would stop, and thin hair will thicken. Her- picide not only kills the dandruff germ, but it also makes hair as soft as silk. It is the most delightful hair dressing made. It cleanses the scalp from dan it clean and healthy. irritation are instantly and permanently cured. nothing "just as good." Take no substitute. Ask for "Herpicide." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for samplé to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottles guaran- teed. G. W. Mahood, special agent. Kills Makes drufi and keeps Itching and relieved, -- rand Union Hotel Opp. Grand Central Station, New York City Rooms, $1.00 a Day AND UPWARD Beagage to and trom Station free. Send 20 stamp for N.Y. Olty Guide Book and Map Elephant Mixed Paints These Paints are the best preservatives for wood, iron and stone. They dry with a hard glossy surface and can easily applied by anyone. FOR SALE BY STRACHAN'S. BIBBY'S CAB STAND Phone 20l. DAY or NIGHT oy Yes, There Are Uithers--But we want is have you about us and about Our Coal Pont care where you 'new may be dealing--if you are dissatisfied --try us, as our coal Is Certainly Fine! What know CRAWFORD, 'Fhone, 9, Foot of Queen St. ETE, THE WHIG, 76th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 806-810 King street, Ki Ontario, a1 30 ber year. Bttiom 'at 330 aug 4 o' mn. WRERLY BRIYSH WHIG, 16 published in pa Monday and Thurs- day morning at . 'Fo United States, charge for Jostage Las to be added, making price of y 82 pnd of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Print- ing Offices in Canada; rapid lish, and cheap work ; nine improved Hla. The British Whig Publishing Co., Ltd. EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director; TORONTO OFFICE. Sulte 19 and 20, Queen ty Of bers, Ohurgh 8St., Toronto, Smallpeice, J. P., representative. Daily Whig. AN AFFRONT TO LABOUR. The opposition has two objections to the organization of a department of labour by the federal government. First, there was no need of the in- crease of ministers. No? The govern- ment represents great business, which is divided iffto departments and by competent an important de Oham- H. E. a guided and directed heads. Labour is generally, and time necessity for partment, has demonstrated the such action on the part of the government as the welfare of the working classes demands. A conservative 'dered many many thousands of government squean- dol- lars in a labour commission, to no purpose, and a liberal government has experimonted with a doputy of the post office department and shown how a wise and discreet The a great an influence man can exert in labour issues. postmaster-general gave to Canada labour law which has been the means of settling many labour disputes, with a saving of immense sums in business earnings and wages, and the one. who has interpreted the Lemieux Act tho one who will ' of labour. 80 successfully is be- first of a department of la- come the minister There is need bour, and the premier gave evidence of his discernment in promising it, and now in redeeming his promise. Then as to the salary: It is an af- front to the man who is called to the offico, and to the people he serves, to that he is not worth as much as ministers. Mackenzie King the other will carn every dollar that is paid him, and the labour men of the coun- try, union and non-union, have the assurance in him that their cause will os be intelligently and righteously poused. THE WEALTH IS HERE. Publicity, publicity ! That is talismanic term which charms electrifies. It' is long since the value of the printers' ink became establish- od, and it was made doubly attractive when the artist, the photographer; the and their genius to bear upon the wonderful pro- dyctions of the age. One reads of the thousands that arc entering Canada-- that is not the the and etcher engraver brought not invading it, for correct word and with the knowledge that enables them to seek cortain dis- to settle down in them with a purpose of heart born of ma- tricts, and {ure consideration. The newcomers are well posted with regard to Canada, ite climate, its re- requirements. Where did the information ? "The gov: sourves, its they gel ernments, fodwwal and provincial, are sending out a profusion of literature and read. It must which is eagerly . sought The work is captiyating. this, or it fails of its mission, for the be railway companies and the steamboat companies are putting into the hands of the people, in Europe, Asia and America, tho most artistic prints that men can make The C.P.R. is issuing from its Mon- treal offico alone, pamphlets and post- ers and circulars and books which will be | | { | ture of the publicity burcau cost- this year half a million dollars, and this does not include the expendi- of Lon- jrlom Chicago, New York, Boston, Van- Yolko- Kong couver, Winuniptg, Toronto, { hama, (Japan), and Hong THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WED mission now finds itseli considerably embarrassed in locally financing the scheme. The sinking fund and interest on 'the cost of the transmission line and distribution station, estimatéd at | 81,000,000, involves an annual tax of | 845,000. It more. The Ad- vertiser adds : "This money, as for ordinary deben- tures, must be provided out of the taxes every year. In other words, the tax rate will be increased by at least two mills on the dollar, unless the scheme pays its way. 3 "At the present time the sinking fund is being provided out of the tax rate. "Over against this will bo set the profits of Niagara power, if any. I, the enterprise shows a loss the sinking fund will not be paid, but will be charged to capital expenditure. That will relieve the council of a consid- erable obligation for the time being, although it will increase the indebted- ness of the city for Niagara power a very great deal eventually. "If the scheme does not pay for a few years the city will probably find itse!f burdened with a great debt, growing greater every year. Every day adds something to the difficulties of the scheme." It wag expected that London would be served by the Hydro-Election Commis- sion by the ent of this year, but that Meanwhile the may be is not now possible. expenses are piling up rapidly 'and some people are beginning to realize that the provincial power policy is not quite se dazzling as it appeared to be a while ago. CLASH OF GOVERNMENTS, The Ontario government is going to contest in law the power of the fede ral government to charter the Ontaric and Michigan power company whicl aims 'to develop electrical energy on the Pigeon and Nipfigon rivers. The original bill, chartering the company, was objectionable, and liberal mem- bers of parliament and liberal news papers counselled against the passage of it. went through without bill, sonable as any measure could be, and Then it was recast, and houses of parliament Indeed the both much criticism. as revised, was as fair and rea as free from fault. The Ontario only, on two grounds, be expected tc it : (1) That it inter of the and (2) that it expropriated the lands of the government coul protest against fered with the power policy Hydro-Electric eommission, province, But it seems fhat the com pany has not been given a monopol istic position on the rivers, that it can develop only one power on each ten Then the expropriated, even fim The ~ to make go- and there are others. land is not transmission purposes, com pany is simply undertaking of the waters now ing to waste. It will have to ex- £5,000,000 in the fulfilment of its plans, When it generates power it will have to submit to use of some pend its rates way commission, Incidentally the Ontario government received a knock in the senate for its sonderful It that the Ontario and Michigan assumptions, feared com- pany would become monopolistic in had been given power to expropriate of any The too, had gone so far and take possession power in Ontario. minister of wines, on one occasion as to object to a boat man- ning on Lake Nipigon until it Wag been given the permission ok' Ontario government, though maviga- tion is a matter under federssl con- trol. It is just as well that 'the provin- ial government shall have it out with the federal government -.on the rights each possess with regard to legislation, The Cominee bill (as it is sometimes called) i not meant to warrant any usurpation of pro vincial rights, and it is mot in the ature of the acts which the Mowat rovernment resented many vears ago, ind successfully, when the Macdonald overnment seized and presumed to jive away, to faithful supporters in the the territory now inown as New Ontario. The federal ministers protest against the allega- fon that they are trespassing upon he preserves of the Ontario govern- nent, and if Sir James Whitney 'has any doubt upon the subject Mr. lake will accept his commission and wppeal to the courts commons, EDITORIAL NOTES. The big effect of the postal strike n Franecéd is to strike hundreds out of their jobs. The telephone girls banked too much on their chic. The Whig is not in accord with those would drive thé small laundries business by a big municipal no sense in that pro- vho of There ceding. out ax. is Seeding in the western provinces is wer. In, somte places the wheat bowing Through the ground, and with 1 strength and growth that delights the farmers, 18 American Consul VanSant estimates hat the tourists and visitors in the {ingston and Cobourg districts during he summer spend at least $5,000,000. t is a large estimate, and probably orrect. a---------- The coal combine in Watertown, un- ler a lively attack from the press, sroke, and as a result the price of fuel vent suddenly down from $6.50 per ton to $6.15. What will be the effect n Kingston ? An Edmonton paper says the farm: ws of Alberta ploughing with deam and gasoline power. Last fall was worked, breaking Now here are thousands and thousands of are he machinery ip the soil, until winter set in. wres under crop for the first time. ---- Ii the Herald pictures the situation it is generally a very are 'orroctly--and cliable paper--Montreal people roing to wreck in scores through the the regulation or control of the rail- | its tendencies and yet its commission | | water use of cocaine. The legislature will have tq prohibit the use of the drug as it prohibits the sale of poison. The Edmonton Bulletin says that some of the well-to-do farmers of Al- berta are only now selling their last | year's crop of wheat, and they are | getting $1.06 per bushel for it at the {railway station. The crop was forty { bushels to the acre. Talk about your the Pree at the Pembroke vas settled amicably, Mr. Low receiv- DRY MAY 10, Mo N Severe Case i | OF AGONY. Rheumatism Cured months I suffered could not walk... I ise myself to a sit was . Fioally T tried De. Pills and they have ro- py former healthy con- "For untold agony could scarce! ung posting care; but in Williams' Pj stored me dition." This str a reporie Keddey, fi atement was made to bully by Charles 8. y of Kingston, N.B. but now li o Port Maitland, Mr. Koddey is #Fcarpenter by. trade, and is sow abo work Svery day. He adds : nnot speak too highly of Dr. Willian Pink Pills, as Bagi of me after $e medicine failed. While I was hi at Kingston, NS, 1 was sci with rheumatism in its most vio form. 1 was compelled to lake my bed and for months was an iklid. T was so weak that it was ult for me to raise myself to a sities posture. It is impossible to tell much I suffered day and night, Fk ip and week out. The pains like piercing swords. I had medical tondance, but it failed. Then I tried fedicines advertised to cure rhoumaém, but with the same re suli--nfihey wasted, Onc day when hope almost gone a friend ad vised #0 to try Dr. Williams" Pink Pills. ¥ told him my experience with other@maodicines, but he assured me that ese pills would cure rheuma- tism, I sent for a supply. After using® few boxes I was able to leave my b@h and from that on my restora- tion health was rapid. I am now as as ever I was, and have not ad slightest touch of rheumatism since The change they have wrought in nf case is simply miraculous, and I ca strongly recommend Dr. Wil liam§ Pink Pills to anyone suffering fromhny form of rheumatism," RPumatism i8 rooted in the blood. Ruling the aching limbs with lini- men and outward remedies cannot posgbly cure it. You must get the rhegmatic acid out of the blood and rf Williams' Pink Pills is the one suf medicine to do this, because they aghally make new blood. That is why these pills cure anaemia, head- afes, and backaches, ncuralgia, ip- estion and the secret ailments that ke miscrable the lives of so many omen and growing girls. Sold by } medicine dealers or by mail at 50 guts a box or six boxes for $2.50, om The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., rockville, Ont. POLICE COURT BREVITIES. hree Tipplers in the Line-Up To- Day. Pho Short-was- in Canada but a sh@t time, when he made the ac- qupintance of "the Kingston police fe In the police court, this morn- i, when he was arraigned on a ciprge of drunkenness, he told the migistrate that he only arrived from tig old country on Saturday last. He wee fined 81 and costs, with the op- ticm of ten days. John Macdonald, wip celebrated with him, was taxed a sigilar amount. oe Root, an "also drunk," was g¥en the same penalty. / Settled Out Of Court. fenfrew. Mercury. ; i : {The interesting suit of Thomas fow, M.P., against five of his A pro- minent constituents about Eg&nville, for $10,000 commission on the yale of a mining property, did not come up assizes. The case ng $6,300, wealth ! "Pure fruit juices," dispensed inf polished glasses, with Neilson's icd) cream, from Toronto, at Gibson's Red | Cross drug store: | (China.) | What the G.T.R. and G.T.P. com- | panies arc putting into the literature | of their roads is not stated, but the of thousands | | total must be hundreds Adding the combined also. of all the agenci of dollars products s--govern- commercial--this land the best ad- Realizing this mental and of ours must be the world. about vertised in fact, and keoping it in view, one can understand the movement ries the people this way, in groups, in multitudes, {| companies, 1n the capital and encrgv which will sure ! ly develop and increase enormously the "Cwonlthof-the ation: orr-------- ---- NOT SO DAZZLING NOW. From the London Advertiser one Jearns of the difficulties that have al- ready been encountered with regard to the power question. London voted on a by-law which committed it to. take the power of the Hydro-Electric Com- mission before it was ascertained just { what the cost of the power would be. | There was approximation. When {later it appeared that the expense would be greater thas that at first es- | appealed to the an | timated, a citizen court to invalidate the agreement, and | | the legislature passed an act which the litigation, and wrongfully lin the opinion of the Law Journal. The city being tied up with the com- | ended which car-! and with | | | | i | 1 | i { | | | | | l ¢ { } | broken Blind from birth this five year-Old Girl is mistress of the piano, and sings and plays between the is given in the New Auditorium, 6 New York, bd : | i | RUTH KATHERINE TURNER, | acts of "The Barn Stormers"' | | | : | : | | i | which | foal IL See Bibby's $5 boys' suits. Foot and mouth disease has again out in Cass county, in the south-west corner of Michigan, Do not worry ever your GRAY HAIRS. will restore them fo their NAT- URAL COLOR, mo matier how long the hair has been y You will be surprised ra quickly the change is made, how permanent the result is; how luxuriant a growth and healthy TE roving It daily. usands are pro . IS NOT A D $1 AND 50ec. AT DRUGGISTS. n ed bandas and all skin dist Ns: rough and cha; ands, a Horn skin hop and soft, 25¢c. di ts. Send 2c. for fres books, "The Care of the Skin," "The Care of the Hair." Philo Hay Spee. Co., Newark, N. J. JAS. B., McLEOD Siok Headache aud relieveall the troubles incl dent to a bilious state of the system, such as ness, Distress after ' Headquarters for Boys' Clothing Ask the scores of Mothers, who bring their Boys here for Clothes, season after season, what they think of Our Boys' Clothing. They'll tell you that they "always '""wouldn't think of going elsewhere." We've many exclusive ideas in Boys' ments that cannot be found elsewhere. Boys' Norfolk Suits Boys' Threc-Piece Suits Buster Brown Suits Blouse Suits Boys' Hosiery Boys' Shirts Boys' Caps Boys' Overcoats. Boys' Wash Suits just in. The H. D. Bibby Co. Kingstén's Only One Price Clothing House get the best here' '-- and Children's Gar- High-Class Footwear: i Wea or i Prag Our standard in shoes has alwaysbeen THE BEST. We believe Kingstonigns like to feel that,.in the matter of shoes as well as other wearing apparel, that they are right up-to-the-moment as regards style. We . have always catered to the well dress- ed man and woman, because we believe that through then we can demonstrate our qualities for leadership in the shoe line. This Spring our showing of High Class Shoes is by far the best in cur nearly 60 years of our shoe selling. We believe you will enjoy a visit to our salesroom and a look over our lines. Don't forget that we appreciate how necessary low prices must be if we are to do business. Therefore, we can assure you that you will find our priees right. J, 1. SUTHERLAND & BRO. if : ALi EN A TRANS BUFFALO MARINE AND STATIONARY Engines Cannot be surpassed. The above cut shows a station- ary, suitable for operat- ing bakery machinery or any other purpose where cheap pdWwer is required. Operates with Gasoline or Coal Oil. ASK FOR CATALOGUE. Local Agency : HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO., 345 King Street J. O. HUTTON, BROKER REPRESENTATIVE OF 2 CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO., IMPERIAL GUARANTEE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO., WESTERN FIRE ASSURANCE CO., EQUITY FIRE INSURANCE CO. North West Lands, Cobalt and other Stocks bought and sold on Commission, \ WRITE OR CALL FOR INFORMATION. . 18 Market St., Kingston, Ont. SEs