= IA0E ETQEY. May and June Brides APPRECIATE Fur Muff, StoleorCoat WILL A We have a beautiful assortment reasonable We of new designs at prices to select from. invite your inspection. No obligation to buy. An John McKay Brock and Princess. - BAP srtiNAMLALAASASAAA ii g Ring We make them to order. We keep all sizes in stock. Our rings are hand wrought fine 18k, or in richness " gold and are superi- of color and wearing quality. Pr ---- SPANGENBERG JEWELLER., Marriage CIVVIVIPOVCP IV OIV SEY Licenses Issued. $2£00000000804880088088 teseettteteattetetese' Jap-a-Lac WEARS LIKE IRON NEW LIFE AND LOOKS TO OLD DOORS. justice ? No repairing time, task neod on Does yours do you te walt until next put off refinishing it as a to be dreaded. Jap-a-Lac Will mal t look like new Sold in cans sold VW. A Michell rvs C CARDS 20¢., 30¢., H0c, sizes, and | only by ASK. FOR COLOR $15.00 "time 380399999 9993999 ITI IIIIIIIIIIIESS 9S | THE PRESS EXCLUDED]. Three Applicants For Position: of Fire Chief Picked Out--A Choice Will Not Be Made Fo: Another Fortnight. The day tions for fire department, about twenty. civie fire committee met, yester- afternoon, consider: applica the position of chief of the of which there were In attendance were Alds~ Rigney (chairman), Harty, Craig, Angrove, Nickle, Chown. It was decided to hold the session privately, and the press repre were, therefore, requested The chairman ofter wards gave as the reason for the pri vate, session that some of the appli- cants who were subordinates in other fire departments, did not want their names made public if they had nc chance of appointment, and so it wa: deemed necessary to exclude the press The committee went carefully ove: the applicants: and chose three as being the most suitable for the local depart ment. These three were : James Arm strong, chief of the Port Arthur fire department; Alexander Borland, chic of the Woodstock department, anc Richard B. Jacques, captain of No. i fire station, Ottawa. The first named however, asked for more salary thar $1,200, to sentatives not to remain. which is the limit allowed the committee, No choice was made, as in the mean the committee wishes to receive from the above three men further tes timonials, and ta make private en quiries as well. Hence, no recommen dation will be made to the city coun cil until 7th The committee decided that it woul not engage a chief who was over fifty of The ages gf the three men picked upon are thirty-seven, for ty and forty-one. June years age Scott's And Buckl:y's hats, at Campbell Bros. Christy'e, Celebrated forget Silver's auction sal night at 102 Princes: street, J. E. Joneg, auctioneer. Phone 147 and have your furnitur repaired at James Reid's, Do not, on Friday FEHR : Increase Your Efficiency % Kingston Business College, Limited, Head of Queen Street. Oanada"s Leading Business School Day and lvening Classes. Bhorthand, °Typewriting, Book- keeping, Telegraphy. Special in- dividual {instruction for pupils deficient in Eaoglish branches. Rages moderate. Enter at any ¥ time. 'Phone, 440. H, FF. MET- %& CALFE, Principal. +4 0K HAAG A POSITIVE GUARANTEE Coes with every box of VITOL bring back your your money will a box or six for BEST'S Drug 1 they don't failing energy efunded. 50¢. « . 1 he ¥ For sale at Wood's The Greot English Remed, Tones and invigorates the whol nervous system, makes nev B® 13l00d in old Veins, Cures Nert Ves Debilit t, Mental and Brain Worry, Des somdeney Sexwal Weakness, Iomissions, Sper hea, and Fleets of Abuse or Frcesses 108 $1 ner box, i ixfor $5. One will please, si dour... Sold by all druggists or maile al snd pkg. on receipt of prices ew pamphle atied ree. Tho wood Medicine Co. ormeriy Wind sort Toronto, Om Suits If vou wish to invest just Fifteen Dollars in a Suit, why not come here and get the Best Suit $15.00 Was Ever Known to Buy? The Fabrics are good, the Tailoring is good, the Cut is correct; and, we think, that you'll have difficulty ih distinguishing these Mod- erate Priced Suits from their higher-priced associ- ates. =~ Take a look at Our Fifteen Dollar Suits, and then buy elsewhere if you think best "Match Us If You Can." You may be able to match our Suits or our price, but you cannot match both at the same time. We are prepared for the 24th with complete line of Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Etc., all moderately priced. "Progress Brand" Clothing sold and guaranteed. Livingston's. Robertson and ' , THE DAILY BRITISH wHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1909. INCIDENTS oF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. * Crosby & O'Connor's orchestra to- night at Wonderland. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. Henry Mooers is making extensive improvemen's to his house on Barrio street. Farmers from tated that seceding ompleted. Knicker pants and jerseys for the Marathon race. J. P. Forrest, gents' furnisher, King street. H. Cunningbam, piano tuner' from Chickering's. leave orders at Me Auley's Book Store. Mrs. Harold Wilkinson, Detroit, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, Portsmouth. Why shouldn't the fair grounds be thrown open for play grounds for tha youd ths of the north-cast section of the cit A ilson's ice cream, from To- ronto, is dispensed at Gibson's Red 'ross drug store fountain. Also sold in bricks, 25¢. Phone 230. There is always something suspici- >us when a body of men go into star 'hamber methods. Whose axe was ground ? For sore, tired, tender feet "Eas- 'm" makes walking a pleasure. Sold n Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross lrug store, The Kingsion & Pembroke railway wrought one hundred and fifty pessen- ers to the city, today, from Sharbot Wolle Island to-day there was about MERCHANTS, BEWARE DO NOT CASH POSTAL NOTES FILL ASCERTAINED ame That the Duplicate is in the Post Offico--Would Not Give a De-| cision at the Present Time. Ottaya, May 20.-Col. Sherwood, of the Dominion polige, in an inter view, today, stated that, in view of the recent gwindling with postal notes which occurred in. London, Ottawa and «Sherbrooke, merchants should be move careful and not eash these notes without first ascertaining that the note they are ca corresponds with the uplicate ir the post office on which it is drawn. He is of the opinion that the swindler who opera- ted in London, last Saturday, 's: the same man who recently victimized merchants in Ottawa and Sherbrooke. As the result of an interview be- tween Hon. Willlam Pugsley and Ma- yor Hopewell, yesterday, regarding, the civic service assessment, it is ex- | pected that the cityls suggestion will be ready for next pono meeting. Judgment in the case of the Lon- don limes against the Canadian Pa- cific, Western Union and Great North Western Telegraph companies, alleg- ing unfair discrimination of rates on messages to Glace Bay, for transmis son to wurope, was rendered by the railway commission to-day. The CITY AND VICINITY. Silk Hats For Sunday Wéar. ay newest styles at Campbell TOS. Another Building Permit. Enoch Burtch has taken out & per- mit at the ity engineer's office for the erection a brick veneer cot- tage, No. 278 Earl street. At The Princess Theatre. The great Wilsons in an entire new act, new pictures and fine singing. Come to the Princess and be well pleased. A 50-cent show for Be. Separate Sohools Closed. This being Ascension Day the se- parate schools. of the city were cloer ed. Services were held in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches. To Be Ordained. George Roland, a second year stu- dent at Queen's university, whose ap- plication for admission to the Bap- tist ministry has been accepted, will be ordained at an early date. Matinee And Night Victoria Day. A high-class vaudeville and motion picture show will be the attraction at the Grand Opera House on Victoria day, Monday, May 24th, matinee and night. Will Not Be Here. judgment states that it is inadvisable to deal with this case until such Lake and intermodiate points. A bunch of keys on brass ring was sicked up, this morning, by Capt. Booth and owner may have same by | calling at 172 Alfred street. Silver must get rid ol the balance f his stock. Come Friday night and et goods for less than cost by ion. J. E. Jones, auctioneer. 'I'he best money can buy and skill | :an manufacture," Neilson's ice cream lispensed at Gibs & Reet Cross dru tore fountain. Sold in bricks, 25c. Torday's cheese board meeting was a ecord-hreaker, when H. Lancaster car- ied off the catire offering of 564 box- | 128¢. Five other buyers werc| resent. | Gananoque people, in the city, lay, state that a very large delegar | ion from that town will come to Cingston for Victoria day. The rail- vays are looking for very heavy teaf- | ic | "Every reader in Kingston" should | e a member of the ¥abard Inn li-| gary, lt costs so little and you ecure new books as they are pub- | ished, Life membership subscription uring month of May for $1. | Miss Edna Dopking, Enterprise, has one~home from the Kingston Busi- | ess College, where she graduated in thorthand and typewritting. After spending a few days at home, she will eave for her new position. 1 auc { s at to- | DISTRICT MEETING. Annual Session Opened Street Church. | The annual Methodist 'district meet-' ng opened in Queen Street Methodist 'hurch, on Thursday morning, the hairman of the district, Rev. W. H.| jparling, presiding, with a large at- endance. After the singing of a hymn, tev. E. B. Ryckman and Rev. W, K.' shortt led in prayer. The whole of lie morning session took the form of + ministerial session, for the passing m the characters of 'the members of he ministry, and no objections were 'aised. The «d with this afternoon, to-morrow. At the ministerial session, ng, the in Queen business proper will be proceed- and concluded this morn- following were present, be- sides the chairman : Rev. C. A. Sykes, ' Rev. 1. B. Ryckman, Rev. S. Shibley, Rev. William Craig, Rev. T. FE. Burke, Rev. William Short, oe, F.. H. Sproule, Rev. Barry Pierce, Kingston; Rev. Nassau B. Topping, Wolfe Is- land; Rev. Reuben Stilwell, Catara- qui; Rev. W. K. Shortt, Elginburg; Rev. Job. Roadhouse, Inverary; Rev. J. Tallman Pitcher, Gananoque; Rev. J. Cornell and Rev. Joseph Lidstone, Harrowsmith; Rev. Manley 'Brundage, Seeley"s Bay. s } FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Entire Offering Went to One Buyer at 123c. The regular meeting of the Frontenac cheese board was held, on Thursday afternoon, with President Valleau in the chair. There was boarded 340 boxes of white cheese and 224 boxes of colored, as follows : White--Cataraqui, 10; Cold Springs, 60; Glenburnie, 30; (nlt Edge, 20; Keenan, 30; Latimer, 35; Model, 30; Pine Hill, 30; Me Grath's, 30; tofal, 340. Colored--Glenvale, 40; 24; Ontario; 30; Sunbury; 35; rence, 25; Silver Springs, 30; lay, 40: total, 224. The bidding opened at lle. ahd was raised to 128¢., by H. Lancaster, and at this figure the latter secured the entire offering at the board. Elm Grove, W ); Morning Star, St Law Collins HELD A FINE "SMOKER." Evening at Court |; Stanley, C.O.F. "smoker" and pro- was held in the Enjoyable [Last evening a gressive euchre party lodge rooms of Court Stanley, Cana-{ diary Order of Foresters, and the . af-| fair was a most enjoyable. one. There was a large turnout of the members. Refreshments were served, and the card tables provided ample, amuse- ment. The prizes were won by the fol- lowing : First, W. Dean; gecond, George Abrams; third, Messrs. Hart- man and Davie. Court Stanley has initiated several new members of late, and the lodge is 'been in the money. to Iso far { John time as there is a general inquiry in- | to telegraph rates, which will be af- ter the enquiry into the express and | telephone tariffs are concluded. The protest of Downey's American Despatch, Montreal, against the C.P. R: loeal rate on shipments from Fort | William to Winnipeg, was dismissed by the railway commission to-day. An award of $20,000 for the Mur- phy properties expropriated on Sus- sex street was made by the exchequer court to-day. The government i offered $16,000 and the owners want- ed about $30,000, fe FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE. 1 This famous woman, w 'becduse of her work as a nursé during" the war in the Crimea became a world figure, last week entered upon her ninetieth year. VICTORIA DAY EVENTS, Entries For the Road Race--Motor Boat Races. events' for eVictoria day are fill- ing fast, and all now" depends on the weather man, Millam has re- ceived so far thirteen entries for the road race, including Joseph - Steele, from Hinchinbrooke, the ¢hampion ten- mile man of the north country. He has run many races and has mlways He, so far, is the who. 'know; say Con. dark horse, gnd those keep watch on him. The entries are : Ri O'Brien, H. Linklater, Gareanh and Edgar Cummings, Gan- rnest Cram, Brockville Har- Joseph Steele, Hinchinbrooke; and the following locals : Ray Met- calie and Frgnk Walker, St. Luke's Harriers; C. M. Watts, R.M.C.; Robert Kidd and Henry Jackson, Maple Leaf Club: H. Nicholson, Portsmouth, and Russell, unattaghed. Twice as many entries should be received before Monday. The motor boat races will be run off, starting from the tower in front of the city buildings, going around =a buoy at Garden Island, to a buoy off Macdonald Park, and then back to the tower. The races will commence at 9.30: o'clock. The following will be run off : Free-for-all--Fifteen-mile course, a cup valued at $46. Twenty-mile class for a cup valued at $2 built hulls only. Thirteen-mule class--Ten- 'mile course, for a cup valued at $20. Two horse-power and under--Over five-mile course, for a"cup valued at 815. ~Fwo entries from Toronto, Both entries The named race has the others are nearly The tenders for privileges were open- ad on Wédnesday night, and awarded | to the different people wishing them. Most of . them went to young men around town. W. [anoque riers; for Ten-mile course, for Canadian- received, to-day, the horse races. for the 2.35 class. already filled and 80. were for were AGED 72 YEARS. in a most prosperous condition. A {series of entertainments have been | provided for' ast few months, and they ed a great attraction. Grand Trunk Railway. Victoria day excursion tickets sold | | from Kingston to Toronto, and points | west 'of Toronto, and to Montreal, and | | points east or south of Montreal, will | the ood on all trains. | To intermediaie points, between lronto and Montreal, excursion tickets | will: not be good on fast trains, Nox. al 4, To You can't always jndge the dinner the price, & by the members during the | hay e prov - { Death of Donald Jobs Me- 'Donald Recorded. death occurred at Lis | The resi- Wed- The '| meet at icient to convict the Mayor Francis M. Hugo, of Water- town, N.Y., will be unable to ac company the 39th Separate com- pany, N.Y.N.G., to Kingston, as he has a business appointment at' Utica. A Win Every Day; Campbell's celebrated $2 and 50 derbies keep on winning new cus- | tomers every day. They are of extra fine 'quality and right up to the min- ute in style. Campbell Bros.', King- ston's only exclusive hat and fur store. : 9.. Victoria Day Egcursions. | Tickets will. he sold at single fare for round trip pér steamer' Aletha, from Kingston to Picton and interme diate Bay of Quinte ports, good going May 22nd and to return not later than May 25th, Turning Up Old Records. Robert Laidlaw, of the dominion archieves, is in the city seeking old records. Since turned up large quantities of valuable records throughout the dominion and added to the historical records of the country. Mr. Laidlaw has had much newspaper experience and, therefore, knows "good stuff." A ------ It Will Cost $800. waterworks committee was to three o'clock this afternoon to transact several items of business. The fire committee asks that a hy drant be placed at Tete de Pont bar- racks so as to gover that district. To place the hydrant will require two blocks of main pipe, at a cost of $800 for which the city offers nothing. The waterworks must stand the cost. The On Suspended Sentence. On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Smith, a resident of Portsmouth, ap- peared before Col. Hunter = charged with giving liquor to Thomas Ewart, ari Indian. Three witnesses were ex. | amined and the evidence was suffi- prisoner. She was defended by Councillor Culcheth, and, owing, to his good address, the magistrai¢ let her go 'on suspended sentence, Thomas Ewart was so drunk when he appeared in court that he was sent down to the cells dur- ing court. The charge was laid after numerous carousals had been held in the Smith home, the last one taking place on the night of May 14th. MARINE NEWS. Found ~ About Wharves. The tug Meteor was in port, to-day, on her way to Cardinal, where she has-been purchased by parties there, "The steamer Mount ~ 'Stephen arrived from Fort William, to-day, with: 110,. 000 bushels of wheat add oats, for Richardsong' elevator. The steamer Novada called, vestor day, on her way west. She had on board one of the largest cargoes of package freight over known to pass this way. Swift's : Steamer Wednesday; steamer Bickerdike, west, Wednesday, taking on 600 cases of Orange Meat for Winnipeg; steamer Rideau King, for Ottawa, this morn. ing; steamer Aletha, from bay points; schooner Keewatin, from Oswego, with coal. 'Fhe-steambarge da E;; arrived from Charlotte, with a cargo of coal for the M. T. Co Capt. Grant Horne made a quick trip. He cleared Tues- day night, and carly Wednesday night was at the M. T. company's wharf. That's the kind of trips the. captains like to make. There is no delay in getting to work at unloading the grain vessels when they reach Kingston. The steam- er Mount Stephen - arrived at Rich- ardeons' elevator, this morning, about ton o'clock, and inside of five minutes the elevator wag in full swing, un- loading the steamer of its caigo of 100,000 bushels of wheat. and' eats. What is the Dundurn, west, Singing, Dancing, Theatrical. The stage of the Grand Opera House is occupied every day with rehearsals by the several different classes taking part in the big entertainment, which takes pldve on Tuesday, May 25th, un- der the direction of Miss Mabel Gilder sleeve, for the Daughters of the Em pire, in aid of the anti-tuberculosis fund. The programme consists of sing- ing, dancing, tableaux, theatricals, all the best local talent taking part; 137 Colborne street, on nesday night, of Donald John | Donald, aged seventy-two years. The | { deceased was born m Scotland but {had lived in Kingston nearly all Lis life. He suffered a stroke of paraly- | feis some time ago and has been an | | invalid ever since. He wok a member {of St.Mary's cathedral. Besides his | wifa three sons, Alexandey, Charles, jand John, in Cleveland, and two daughters, survive, | dence, Me- rege Use Furniture Restorer for Seaning old furniture, at James Reid' ® rE among the number being Mrs. J. J. 'Harty, Mrs. K. Blair, Mrs. F. Cart- | wright, Misses K. O'Hara, Beatrice Tandy, Norma Hughes, Phyllis Tay- {lor Messrs. Arthur Craig, Carl Tan- {dy. Capt. Blair. The principals in the | tableaux are Mrs. F. Mafch, Mrs. W. IR. Givens, Mrs. Francis' Macnee, Mrs. tJohn McKay, Miss Annie Yellowly, Miss M. Daley, Miss Ethel Hazlett, as-| { sisted by about forty others. Do not forget, Silver's auwction sale on Friday night, at 102 Princess his appointment he has |' street. J, E. Jones, auctioneer, . ORANG OOO 8 novel designs. Materials that are wianing favor an every 5 impossible now br hand. - Materials and Colorin for your choosing that will to secure later on. LINEN SUITINGS, ia Light Bue Copan- agen, y ues, Tans, Wood, ily Helio. REPP SUITINGS at 25¢, all new shades, including white. Dress Ginghams Made by Anderson, of Glasgow, the famous Scottish maker. : Colors absolutely fast. 12}c, 15e, 20, 25¢. ENGLISH GALATEAS, in dainty ¥ stripes, Some with borders, as well for 3 Children's Wash Dresses. These give 3 excellent wear. 20c, 15¢, 25¢. Among other materials we have DRILLS, in all the wanted summer shades, 15¢, 20c. DUCK in the most popular shade. P.K., in white, 12}¢, 15e, 18¢c, 20c, 25c. CHAMBRY, 'in 'Pink, Navy, Light Blue, Helio, Green and other shades, 12}e, 15c¢, 20c. STRIPED INDIAN HEAD SUITINGS, 15¢, 20c; 25c¢. PECIAL Special Sale of ii TO-MORROW, ALL DAY, From 8 to 6 300 Pairs Boys' and Girl' FS a Black Cotton Stockings : In neat ribbs, colors fast, sizes from 7 inch up to-10 inch, all sizes. These are just received from ihe makers at a special bargain, owing to some slight imperfection in weave, but so slight as ta be unoticed in most of them. Prices are 25¢, all sizes. Yours To-morrow, = While the Lot Lasts, 18c Pair on Butterick LARGE SUMMER BOOK OF FASHIONS Just received. A coupon giving any June Pattern FREE goes with each FOR THE 24th. A very fine Chowolats Lace Boot, light or hea- vy soles, Blucher cut, sizes 5 to 7}, now $1, A very. Soft Kid House Slipper, elastic front, turn: sole, ladies' size, 4 to 8, now 75c. A Splendid Wearing Boot for Boys, nice shape, stock, some- 3 jug 4 it will wear, 8, |