* = Something new to be seen avery in our Millinery 'Department, and the Summer are even prettier than ARsiog ones were. Youn "be entirely satisfied if wou buy your Hat at CRUM- go Auto Veils Auto Veils in Blue, Fawn, Brown, etc., with border on ends and sides, 2 styles. $1.00 and 1.25. See them. Crumley Bros| TPT TLV LVLVTTLRAT TS hese d Decorate! Decorate! WE have a very fine assortment of Decorating Materials, consisting of Flags, Banners, Red, White and Blue Wreathing. Fire Works of every description. Sky Rookets, from lc. to 75c. Roman Candles, 1c. to 50c. Fire Crackers, lc. to 256¢. Star Mines, Lawn Lights, Comets, Bee Hives, Bees, Spang- lettes, Grass Hopper Serpents, Sparklers, Cap Canes, Caps, Pistols, ete. J.. Hiscock, 160 and 162 Princess Street. WE SPECIALIZE ; Out of the large variety of Oakes, as displayed "by us last week, we to-day specialize three unusu- ally good ones : i i MELBA, MOCHA, PLUM. Call and see the large assortment. Flesh Strawberries now in. : R. H Toye 302 King St. East hs, 8 Re 9 Phone 141 BEST WIPING SOLDER MADE Nothing like it. If your sup- ply house his not got it, get it from the manufacturers, the Canada Metal Co., Ltd TORONTO, ONT. a L , Censure is about the only thing lsome people give without money and without price, ' See our suitings to order, $25. ingston's. Sometimes the last will is contrary to the will and expectations of some of the relatives. Seo Bibby's $15 brown suits.' Liv- our nest me you're pasing our pote, d tom, smart lines and exclusive custom shape. It' - an exact reproduction of an bust ne model desi bya famous New York custom shoemaker. And we can show you * other Regal styles just as smart as this one, if youwill step inside our store. Regal Oxfords hug the ankle, and Regal quarter-sizes We want to fit you to a pair of these Regal Oxfords, because _we know they're the greatest shee values in the world and will give you complete satisfaction. FOR BALE BY THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE 116 PRINCESS ST. THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, BUTION CHOKES or] LITTLE Child Opens Drawer of Sewing Ma- chine While Parent is Out of Room--She Tries in Vain to Clear His Throat. Brooklyn, N.Y., May 2I.--Henry Stiofe, Hs years old, of No. 59 North Nipetoenth street, choked to death in his mother's arms, yesterday, while the woman was frantically rush- ing 'to' and fro on the sidewalk near her home, screaming for help. The boy, while alone in a front room, opened a sewing machine draw- er and took out a bution. He put it into his mouth and it lodged in his throat. ¢ As the boy was writhing on the floor he was observed by his mother, who rushed in from tho kitchen and found his face turning black, She discovered what had happened, and while trying to dislodgé the button she ran with the child in her arms to the street and began io scream. or husbaibd was approaching the house for his lunch, and he was the first to rush to the boy's aid. A call for an ambulance was sent to the Eastern District hospital, but when Dr. Park arrived he pronounced the child dead Mrs. sifio scemed to have becom crazed aml fofce was necessary to get her into her home, where she bad to bo attended by the ambulance sur- geon., ENOUGH COULD BE GOT In Building and Sewer Fees to Pay Plumbing Inspector. City Engineer Craig is of the opin- jon that special services performed by the board of works department should be paid for by those benefitting. Of recent years plumbing and building inspection has been 'added to the duties of the engineer's office. Only a limited number of citizens benefit thereby, and he holds that it is un fair to the great mass of people, at their expense, to perform special ser- vices for' the big minority. The time of himself and some of his assistants is taken up to a large extent in look- ing after building and plumbing in- spection, to the neglect of general street matters, for a man cannot be in two places at the same time. He figures that enough money could be collected in plumbing fees and charges for sewer entries to pay a plumbing inspector, who would give his whole time. to. the work, relieve the engi- neer's department and do more satis- factory work for those*dircetly inter- ested. The board of works, however, is slow to take action in forward movements recommended by the «city engineer. Kingston is behind in many municipal movements. Brantford, a city the same size, is ahead ef it in various respects. It has a garbage system for one thing. ------------ FOUND IN DOCTOR'S OFFICE. Lying on the Floor in a Pool of Blood. On Thursday evening at seven o' clock a call eame from Dr. Con nell's office fgr R. J. Reid's ambu- lance. The Waggon was immediately gent down, and a man named John MacDonald was found lying on the floor in a pool of blood. He was revived rand removed to the general hospital. ee MacDonald said that he got into a ficht on*Monday and his face | told plainly that he was not lymng, as both eyes were black, his lips and face badly eut and other bruises were on his body. He said that on Thursday afternoon he felt very ill and came to Dr. Connell's. No person was in and when he got into the surgery he fainted and did not come to wunul about seven o'clock. The man had lost a lot of blood from the nose and was quite weak. Police Constable: Craig and Armstrong were present when the man was removed. MacDopald has been on a drunk for some time and on Monddy night was arrested and regained his liberty on l'uesday morning. Had Been Long Dead. A story, quite amusing in a way, but which showed the neglect of a minister, was told during yesterday's session of the Methodist district mect- ing at Queen street church. The ques tion of the distributiomfef membership cards was under discussion. The cards are distributed once a year by the pastors, to the members of his = con- gregation. One member arose, and said that ndét loth ago, when ho was takihg over a new charge he-hgd oc- casion to visit a sick woman, and as she was a member of his church, he decided to take aiong her membership card, as he had taken off all the names the former minister had on his list, and had them ready for distri- bution. His surprise can well be imagined when he handed out the card, and was told that he had made a mistake. "Why, are you not Mrs. R----" he anxiously enquired. "No," replied the good lady, "that card is made out for my poor grand- mother, and she diod just ten years ago." : Kingston Man Honored. In recording the sixth annual meet- ing of the Engineers' club, at its remises on Beaver Hall Square, the Montreal Herald says: "('. M. Strange was the recipient of the token of the club's appreciation He has been active in the manage- ment of the club since its formation, but he was tremendously surprised when the president, P. W. St. George, called hiff up to receive a handsome solid silver ~ tea set and a beautiful cade of three cut:glags decanters. Both ir. St. George and Mr. Strange were re-elected to the executive!' "Ten days more" to join the Ta- bard Ina library at Gibson's Red Cross drug store at the special" May subscription price of $1, Join to- day. AY a meeting held in Middleville church, a unanimous call was issued to Rev, Peter W. Currie, Warsaw, to become pastor of the vacant charge of Middleville and Darling. Bibby's straw bats are read is ~ MAY 21, ~ 3 og TO ak £5y HAmusements. (ARAN, OPERAYNOUSE) VICTORIA DAY, MAY 24th Matinde, at 2.30. Evening, 8.15. HGH GLASS VAUDEVILLE NEW MOTION PICTURES. LATEST ILLUSTRATED SONGS. SRR 10-15-2537 TUESDAY, MAY 25TH. Direction of Mise Mabel _Gildersigsve. Theatricals, 7Tableaux ing, Dance igeUnder the auspices' of The 3 DAUGHTERS OF THE EMPIRE In aid of the Anti"Tuberculosis Fund-- Among those who will take part in the singing, dancing and theatricals are Mrs. J. J. Harty, rs. K. Blair, Mrs. F. Cartwright, Misses K. O'Hara, Beatrice Tandy, No Hughes, Phyllis Taylor, Messrs Arthur Craig, arl Tandy and Capt. Blair, assisted by about 60 others, RICES--2bo., 35¢., 50c., 75c. 'and $1. Seats on sale Saturday. BLO FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "DEVIL anxp THE GIRL" Thrilling and Beautiful Drama adapted from ((Faust and Mestopheles." "A REDSKIN HERO" An Indian Lover--A Villain Cowboy-- Kidnapped--The Fight--The Clue--A Ride For Life--Held Kidnapped Up--The Re- ward. EXTRA-- A Lively Comedy "PUZZLE MAD." TWO VOCALISTS MISS DAISY BRUTON and W. ALFRED DAVIS, Sc WONDERLAND Sc THE HOUSE OF GOOD PICTURES. TO-DAY'S PICTURES. No. 1.--'ORPHAN OF THE VICTIM," (Drama), No. 1I.--"THBE HOUSE OF AGREE- ABLE medy), that y SSOR CORMELIUS" be. SIDES," (Co No. 111.--""PROFE (Comedy). No. 1V.--""Jui-Jitsu." No. V.--Illustrated Song, 'MOON BAD MOON,"" by MISS WHITTIER. PICTURES FOR SATURDAY. "THE GRAPE INDUSTRY IN ITALY." "FIRST COMES THE FATHERLAND." EXTRA SPECIAL BILL FOR MAY 24 Over 1,000 feet of New Biograph Film Just released. Open may 24th, in the morning, at 9 o'clock. PICTURES change daily. GORDON STALEY and 8. LAROKES, Props. Bring the children to WONDERLAND. VICTORIA DAY BOAT RACES--Start of City Buildings. PARADE--~American MOTOR and finish jit front MILITARY Local Troops. . LACROSSE _MATCH---Cricket Brockville vs. Kingston. ROAD RACE--12 miles. AFTERNOON AT FAIR GROUNDS MATCH--Victorias and Field BASEBALL vs. Young Irishmen. MOUNTED MILITARY Games. HORSE RACES--FOUR EVENTS Schedule and Route of Race published on SATURDAY MAYOR COUPER, W. W. SANDS, Chairman. »e Treasurer. W. OC. MARTIN, Secretary. ALS MS Re WOOD'S FAIR KINGSTON AND GUELPH Owing to the death of Mr. J. LC. Woods it has been decided to close out the successful business heretofore car ied on at Kingstott and Guelph under 'the name of 'Woods' Fair." The stocks are well assorted and cor sist of the usual lines of crockery, glass- ware, stationary, toys, etc. phe stock at Kingston amounts to $18,706.49, and will be sold by auction on the premises in Kingston on Tuesday, the 25th day of May, at 11 a.m. 3 The Guelph stock amounts to $7. 770.86, and will be sold hy auction on the premises in Guelph on Thursday, the 27th of May, at 12 o'clock noon. A lease o be had in sach case. Terms.-- One-fourth down, the bal- ance in 2, 4, 6 and 8 months, approved andorsed paper, with interest at seven per cent. per annum. Stock list can bed seen by calling on H. G. Wood, Windsor Hotel, Kingston, or by applying to the urther par- Sports and the premises can undersigned to whem for ticnlars also apply. GIBBONS, HARPER & GIBBONS, Vendor's Solicitors, London, Ont. TRADES COUNCIL MEETING. A Big Picnic is Planned Fo: Labor Day This Year. At the regular meeting of the Trades and Labor council, held in thew hall, Thursday night, William Driscoll was alected to attend the convention of the labor educational association, to be held in Berlin on the 24th inst. Mr. Driscoll will leave for Berlin on Sunday. i The thembers from the Trades and Labor council, and. six members from the Building Trades council were dected as an executive committee to look after all the details in regard to Labor day. The committee held 2 meetipg after the council adjourn Wd. T. H. Fleming was elected chair- man and W. T. Edgar secretary. The committee decided to purchase a building lot on Stephén street and to have a drawing in conneétion with the Labor Day picnic. It is the in- tention of the committee to make this 'Labor Day the best ever held in Kingston. "li you net on the King's Plate" say a box of McConkey's, Huyler's or Neilson's delicious chocolates. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug! store, - There will be some sharp advances in Kingston real estate this year. Better let MeCann show vou where there are some good "buys," {wa 1009. 3 AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID. AP- F ply at this Office. APPLY 85 King GIRL, FOR GENERAL Good wages. Apply th A COOK. TO Kent, street. A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY MISS MRS. R. E\ HOUSEWORK. is Office. Perguson, 191 King St. A Porter. Hotel. YOUNG _ MAN FOR ment. Good FIRST-CLASS CHAMBERMAID AND Apply at once, OUR SODA IMMEDIATELY, Serv. GOOD have references St., between 7 "and 8 In A GOOD GENERAL y to rr Jelerstices Tog *bar AY GENERAL SERVANT. MUST oR ER 91 Johnson 1 the evening. GENERAL SERVANT. or iroming. wages. 180 Bagot street. A STRONG YOUTH, NOT AFRAID TO man who could do half a: addition . to other "205," Whig office. work, or a day's work _in work. Apply Box Apply after seven p.m., NO WASHING References required. Good to to Iroquois wages. THE OPPO! RTONITY INT TO FURNISH e: ? work, Al . , 206 on street. PERSONS TO GROW MUSHROOMS for us at oe in cele Jar, pe lars, es an. Te may \0 FEA FET SH LL ¥ eal Supply Co., MbAreal. CET IEEE ET Sek ] the it notice. hopes Galloway, 181 Broe LOST, GOLD BAR BROOCH, WITH FOUR pearls and three amethysts, y evening. Finder return to Whig office and receive FINANCE AND INSURANCE. 0, B. ATRIC! FIRE, MARINE Vay 17; ity Clarence St., Kingston. 'Phone, 568. . ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT 1iou- cies In The North American le In- surance Co: BI , abso- lute security ts. T, J. EN WANTED pray,' Best Comp! Sprayer Pp made. proved agents. Cavers SAL ressed-air FOR Bros., A GENERAL SERVANT ing. Johnson 9 -o'elock. St., evening, . MUST between 8 "AUTO Hand to a- alt, BE good cook, family of two. No wash- Apply with references at 162 and , Sp! d resul Boon, Agent, 159 Mogton St. GEO, A. BATEMAN, AGENT FOR THE Pacific Coast Fire Ins. Coy., members of the board of underwriters. : The Romouski, Established 1876. The York and Economical Mutuals, 67 Clarence St., Kingston. "Phone, 896. LONDON AND GLOBE: Company. Avaliable In addition to LADIES PO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT sewing at home, whole good pay; charges paid, particulars. National Co., Montreal. LEARN BARBER TRADE. TOOLS free. New system, Constan Careful instructions. twelve Few weeks complete for free catalogue. College, Toronto. or spare time; work sent any distance'; Send 'stamp t Manufacturing for course. Moler AT ONCE, A MAN OF ABILITY WITH some knowledge of fruit and horticul~ ture to act for us in Kingston and A permanment and paying Stone & Toronto, District. position for the right Wellington, Ont. Nurserymen, man. full t practice Tee earn to eighteen dollars weekl Write d Barber securi the stockholders. property insured at lowest possible rates. Hefore renewing old or giving & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568, TO-LET. SIX ROOM HOUSE. RENT dollars month, Apply 502 street. EIGHT Johason STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN and a Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen St. "Phone, 5268. TWO, REAR ROOM. OFFICES, AT 346 King street. Will be rented cheap, J. P. Forrest, Gents' Furnisher. MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS connections, well acquainted with the and real estate, make collections, etc,, on salary or commission, permanent em- Give Box city, to canvass for {i ployment for the right age, residence "F.," this Office. and rel ces, nsurance rson. APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITION the Pottsville pupil nurse, in pital, Pottsville, Pa., bed hospital, training a three months' intendent, OF one general, and Super ARCHITECTS. AND Hos- hundred with course in obstetrics in a New York hospital, hundred dollars ($300.00) paid dur- ing the three years' course. Circulars of information and application blank furnished upon request to the jss EB. F. Darling. three DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND_UN- durniehed, Stores, Storage for Furni- ture, etc. McCann's, rock, Cor. King street. FOUR, BRIGHT, WELL-FURNISHED rooms, without board, all cqnveni- ences, electric light, Apply 61 Union > St. West. BLACKSMITH SHOP, Market, suitable for general repair shop, rent moderate. Apply to J. McKegney, 438 King street, A SINGLE BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS, No. 115 Stuart street, ime provements. Possession Ma, 1st. Apply to John Ashley, 28 Livingston ve. ON HAY FIRST FLOOR OVER KING EDWARD ARTHUR ELLIS, office and residence, 181 University Ave. HENRY etc., Square. P: SMITH, Anchor 'Phone, 845. Buildi ARCHITECT ARCHITEOT ng, tects, ete., 'Phone, 608 NEWLANDS & SON, Office, 258 Bagot street. Market AROCHI- Theatorium, former] occupied by \ Boatd of "ioducation;' suite of rooms and hall, suitable for offices, <club- room, etc. Apply 211 Princess St. ! PERSONALS. AIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, etc., removed permanent! without scar. Twenty years' experi ence. DraElmér J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Throat and Skin Blemish POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- uilding, corner Brock chant's Bank B: and Wellington streets. "Phone, 212. ose, Specialist; 258 Bagot street. MEDICAL CARD. LEGAL. HENRY E. DAY, M.D, CM. PHYSI- | cian and Surgeon, (practising In B:. CUNNINGHAM, 8t., Kingston. BARRISTER i and Solicitor. Law Office, 79 Clarence Discount All Ready-to-Wear stock must be cleare G00D Garments d out. SELECTION T0 CHOOSE FROM. Sale continues all this month. Come early. Crawford & Walsh, Sole Agents for Fit Reform. STR. MISSISQUOI Will run every Tuesday and Thursday, from Rockport to Kingston Calling at intermediate Kingston, (Crawford's Wharf, points. Leaves foot of Princess St.,) at 3 p.m., for Gananoque and - Rockport. Service begins May 20 Time subject to change without notice. CAPT. JOHN A. C Try Bibby's 50c. spring ARNEGIE. underwear. No honest debt wns ever settled by the statute of limitation money. and without Bibby's for real Panama hats. Many a disciple of good health fad: pays much to the support of the doe tors. Fancy hasiery at Livingston's. Don't ask any help you in the work of enemies. Mothers, sce Livingston's boys' suits. See Bipby's $18 worsted of your friends to hating your } suits, Ee Big 915 ghevion mite, Qdessa for the last seven years), Cor. Brock and Division Sts. Office Hours, 8 to 9 a.m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. 'Phone, 890. BRICK HOUSE, NO. 2 51 oa ply on premises. ¥ | SEVERAL SE ) : ULTIVA« {pias See, en, Arg Di sew business get rates from Strange; SIX-ROOM AND W. DWEL~ DOUBLE HOUSP, IN _ FIRS ER HE Tres Nai aa lot. Apply on street. : promises, 62 Charles ENGLISH HUNTING-SADD) ey condition. A. THREE ONE ORSE_ LUMBER WAG- street. gous, Cart. A Drury, Youd and Coal ard, 235. Wolling§on BLACK MOULD{ FOR FLOWER BEDS ropa a Ar tases. i Barrie street. ' BRICK HOUSE, NO. 138 abt i mn % lot. Terms to. suit. ly A. ¥. Bond ce Seu TTY ne WALNUT BOOKCASE AND DESK combined, lass front and mirror, new, for $18, at Pp w Turk's. 'Phone, 705 ED 8T., MOTOR BOAT---NEW, 28FT.x4FT. 0 IN,, combined comfort speed, built of Oak Cy and ar, no amateur Work, an be at 19 Alwington ve. A BEAUTIFUL GASOLINE LAUNCH, 22x44 1t., fantail stern, reverse pro- pellof, 8 H. P., about 7 miles, at a bargain, $150, Arthur Chinneck, Nap< nt. anee, VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH, AT Corner of Union and Main streets, Fine Frame House, and good gardens, cheap for cash, Apply to Chas. Ry Webster, 81 Princess street. IN LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Mc¢LAUGH« lin Harness a specialitys cheapest, orse Frost & Wood Cultivator, nearly new, for hall price. F. P. Grass. FARM MORTGAGE, FOR $1,800, drawing 5 per cent interest. 'Terms. ten years. For further particulars. Ap- ply "not later than Saturday, May 22nd, to F. Bond, 79 Clarence street. STONE DWELLING, 9 ROOMS, WITH furnate, stable, drive-house, fowl house, ete., 8 acres, about 700 feet," water front, situate on Wolfe Island, Apply to J. 8, R. McCann, Brock, Cor. King St. TWO NEW HOUSES, CORNER DIVI- sion and Quebec streets. Also at East View Park, 5 miles from Kingston, on the St. Lawrence. Several lots and new summer cottages. ¥or sale, or to let. Apply Rev. J, D. Boyd, 106 Pine street. : TWO SOLID DOUBLE BRICK DWEL-~ lings, excellent location, on Frincess St., opposite University Ave., each ; 3 house containi; rooms, modern fruit trees and Hetie. "this "is a snap for someone, reason for selling," owner leaving the oisy. Apply at McCann's Real Estate Agency, Brock Cor. King street. ¥ SUMMER COTTAGE AND" ISLAND among the 1,000 lands, about 2 miles from Gananoque, foot of Howe Island, cottage contains large reg ception room with fire place, 8B bed- rooms, - (3 in tower), drilled well 28 feet deep, cellar, boathouse, good boating and fishing. McCann's Real Estate Agency, Broek Cor. King St. DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTIATS, 204 Princess 8t., Kingston. 'Phone, TENDERS FOR DREDGING. SEALED TENDERS addressed to? the undersigned and endorsed "Fender for Dredging at Fish Dock and the Thunder Bay Terminal Elevator Company's Dock," will be received until 4.80 P.M., Wednesday, June 2, 1909, for dredging required at Fish Dock and the Thunder Bay Terminal Elevator Company's Dock in the Harbour of Port Arthur, Ontario. Combined specification and form of tender fan be obtained and form of con- tfact seen at this Department and at the offices of E. B, Temple, KEsq., Resident Engineer, Port Arthur; Ont., and J. a. Sing, Esq. Resident Engineer, Confeder- ation Life Building, Toronto, Ont. Persons tendering are _notifipd that tenders will not be cofisidered unless made on the printed forms supplied and signed with their actual signatures, with their occupations and places of residence. in the case of firms the actual si ture, the nature of the occupation a of residence of each member of the firm must bee given. plant to and 'from the works. Only dredges can be employed which are reg- istered in Canada at the time of the filing of tenders. Contractors must be ready to begin work within twenty days after the date they have beem notified of the acceptance of their tender. Fach tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered hank, made payable to the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Public Works, for five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) which will be forfe'led if the person tendering declines to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if he fails to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind itgell to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, NAPOLEON TESSIER, Secretary. Department -of Public Works Ottawa, May 19, 1909, Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement if they insert it without authority from the artment. An opinion that is not worth the trouble of zealously defending is not worth forming. : Bost $1 | slurts in the city, , Livings- tons. Some people are nofad for their NEW MILL Just received carload for Kindling. 10c. per bundle delivered. place | § Tenders must include the towing of the | fo Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLE head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter section (160 acres, more or - less) . available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appeat in person at the Dom Lands Agency or Bub-Agency for the district. Entry by proxy gudy be made at any agency, on cortainSeonditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. DUTIES. --8ix months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years, homesteader may live within nine miles of his homes on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may preempt a quarten section along-side his homestead. Price L00 per acre. Duties.--Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the i uired to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a take a purchased districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Purchased homesteads may be acquired on any available lands on either odd or even numbered Sections South of township 45, East of the Cal- ary and Edwmonton Railway and est line of range 26, and of the third Meridian and the Sault Railway line. Dwvties.--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300 4 SYNOPSIS OF OANADIAN NORTH« WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL.~Coal mining rights may be ability to recollect things that never