PAGE FOUR, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1609. a --- THE WHIG, 7 6th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 806-810 King street, Kingston, Ontario, n, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 1m. BRIYSH WHiIG, 16 Jogos: published in p on Monday and Thurs- day morning at $a year. 'To Wnited States, charge for pos kas to be edded, making price of $2 snd of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Print | Ing Oi in Canada ; rap stylish, and cheap work ; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director; ES VARNISH IT | YARN KOPAL Is it a Door? Is it a Boat? Is it a Carriage? Is it a Bath-room? Is it a Stere front? Is it inside? Is it outside? Is it dull and dingy? VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Kopal is made as good as a varnish can be. It's for general use. It wears SOLDwsy Corbett's Hardware. TORONTO OFFICE, Suite 19 and 20, Queen Oity OCham- bers, 82 Church 8t.,, Toronto, H. E. Smallpeice, J. P., representative, Daily Whig. LAURIER WILL RETIRE. Some tory papers are saying "Laur- the Whig can con declare "'Laurier will retire," | ier may retire;"' fidently but only when death has foreclosed on him. The liberals will hold him just as the tories did that other great statesman, Sir John A. Macdonald. ------ HE DOES NOT FORGET. I is an accusation against the fede ral government that the increases of salary for the service at Ot- tawa, the flat rates covered by Bill No. 187, represent '"'an election debt." inside So says the Toronto News. The ques FINE NEW STOCK OF Spring Suits and Green Worsteds, all tion of giving the civil servants an increase of commensurate with the long ago. established by the report of a special together pay, cost of living, came up The needs of the hour were higher In Browns all the latest cuts and 'styles, sizes. Splendid value at $15.00 Also a large stock grades of Suits, ranging from $5, £7, $8.50, $10 up to $13.50. Good variety of Patent Leather, Black and Tan Boots and Shoes, --A To Isaac Zack's 271 Princess St. commission, which brought facts of the §r The elections came on suddenly, and | | | the | { all | { most convincing charac- | of cheaper a grievagee was developed in Ottawa. IL oficet that the government, with during the campaign was to the evidence before it, had shown no to remedy the situation. | that the government was being misrepresented, | disposition I'he fact i attitude of the and it was when this point had been clearly exhibited that the premier in- | timated the matter would engage his | MADE IN CANADA sustained. Q Use Only the Best | It was charged that this assurance | 9 was tantamount to a bribe. Now it | is "an election debt," and strange to! it is not disputed on its merits, | say, be | attention should his government and tho only fault of the opposition the fact that all the officials | giver "higher sataries: | lies in béen Sir Wilfrid Laurier's credit | have not It thatgie does not forget the things that 14 to are 'called to his attention during an and that office he pro- ceeds voluntarily, ercion, to do the tice. More power he never do anything worse than keep his word. election, in Is the Standard Article READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY For making soap, softening wa. ter, removing old paint, disinfect. ing sinks, closets, drains and for many other purposes. A can equals 20 lbs. SAL SODA, JSold Everywhere -- and without co- civil servants jus- to him, and may EDUCATION OFFICE Kingston is to have BLUNDERS. a Model school for another year, and, as in 1908, iti to meet the requirements of the dis " W. GILLETT CO, LTD. Toronto, Ont. Next fall the education depart- trict, ment will announce a with regard to tha Models. What that Ignition Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, Carburetors, Etc. TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES. Tomball Eeecal Mg. Co. 'Phone, 878, 878 Bagot St definite policy policy may do one can conjesture, but thire aro oducationists who do not | that the abolition | all of them, hesitate of | Modal or igrinally to say | the schools, as intended, will be a blunder, | to be repented of and rectified sooner | or later. | Thé Model schools and the Normal | schools combined did for the students | what the Normal school -alone cannot do. The Model gave * the young men | training they needed | teacher, a training | and women the under a practical they are not gotting in the : . . Elephant Mixed Paints Those Paints are the best preservatives for wood, iron and stone. They dry with a hard glossy surface and can be |; easily applied by anyone, FOR SALE BY STRACHAN'S. Normal school. They had, too, the opportun- | : : i + : it y for service, for a certain time, in | the public schools before going to the | Normal school for the finish that can- | . | new schools, since | not he had in the they are doing some academic work BIBBY'S CAB STAND and Collegiate Institutes. Phone 20l. DAY or NIGHT You will want some Home-Made Mince | the same rate Meat and here is the place to get Lhe i Tat good old fashioned kind that mother | the charge amounts to $205,501. This used to make. Also, our Por Sausage : | Meat fs just the dressing you need |1 Normal | 'hone, 570, H. J. MYERS, it. should) be left to the high schools It was brought out that in 1904 the total charge on the provincial trea- Normal and Model schools was $84,504. The estimaies for the tenn months of the present year | $171,251, sury for first the-same service is or for the whole year at xclusive of expenditure on | school buildings, onn which there is | | | et to be paid 878,652 and also of | \ $3,000 annual salary for the new and probably unnecessary office of Normal | school From inspector. eighty-four thousand to nearly a quarter of a million a year is "going it some." Tha burden on parents whose sons al- In- to start | | i | i | and daughters choose teachihg is : | most correspondingly increased. | deed, it now costs so much that many who would teach, being un- | able to bear a year's expenses at ono | {of the city Normal schools, | some other vocation. i Valentine Stock, 'M.P.P., exposed the | { weakness of the educational system in Want To Keep Your | the last session of the legislature, and | | denounced the so called reform, Get Good Coal If ion | Model schools. He used vigorous lan- guage, and his words can be applaud- ed by all who have looked into and understand the situation. | { -------------------------------- | ALDERMEN' ON THEIR TRIAL. | It distresses all those who are inter-/ [ested in the success of the public utili- w learn that the Light, Heat and CRAWFORD, 'Fhone, 9, Foot of Queen St. Bi, SCT members, And this is the experi: | ties Li not favoured with a quorum iall | foundation {would not, in { ably. {and experience, well fitted to | an excuse for examining the applica- | tions for the fire chiefshyp in camera. not assume responsibility 1 > adopt reiorm | gentlemen | |and they believe that they can. | es- | Taronto Mail. | pecially the proposed abolition of the] | tion there, 1 Guelph Mercury. Power committee cannot do business | i ence, though it has been made appar- ent that the committee should meet and attend to business of an urgent character. One has to recall that this lack of attention go details, and at critical times, is a chardcteristic of the coun- cil committees. They are changed from time to time, with the changes among the aldermen, and the result is to the public interests, and to the business of the department. SHOULD BE NO LIQUOR IN THE CANTEENS OF MILI TARY CAMPS. s A Montreal Lady Writes the Whig on the Subject--She Takes Issue on the Meaning of "Canteen." Montreal, May 20.--~(To the Editor): In reference to your editorial, en- titled, "The Canteen Moat Go," in your issue of May 12th, will you - mit me to take issue with you Ty gard to the meaning of ganteen ? The canteen is not a soldiers' saloon, but a soldiers' grocery and provision store. In a province where liquor is not allowed to be sold in ordinary groceries, why should it be considered necessary in the soldiers' grocery, where a few hundred men are camp- ing for a few days for military drill ? If drinks unfits a man for business thet rest of the year, why should it be made so easy for him to get when he is supposed to be learning to protect bis country ? The statement that "Military men seem to be pretty much of one mind . , . that the sale of beer under restrictions would be for the good of the men," would be difficult to prove. In the United States liquor is prohibited in the capteens of the army, from Alaska to Florida, and in the ships of the navy too. It should be understood that it is against the law of Canada also to sell liquor in the soldiers' provision store. That being the case, how is it that we have a law so closely affecting our volun- teers which "military men seem to be | pretty much of one mind" in oppos- | ing ? Our military men certainly do detrimental A continuation of present conditions must lead, eventually, to a demand for management by commission, Would that be better ? Assuredly. Three men could direct the electric and gas departments quite as well as seven, and if they were loaded with the re- sponsibility the chances are that they would act with great acceptability. Would they serve gratuitously ? In probability 'they would--until, at least they had demonstrated their ca- sugtess. Commissioners, if acting at present in place of aldermen, would be seized with the necessities of the hour. They would realize the im- portance of meeting the Street Rail- way company and of giving an an- swer to the, question of whether or not they can afford to supply power to the street cars at present rates. They would anticipate certain things and make such tests and calcu- lations as would enable them, in dis- the sub- have decided ere be done with the of the new tank. all likelihood, have given a contract which would end pacity or also cussing the situation, to express position of They what the city upon the ject. would this should They | as this one has; or if they had awarded it they would see the wisdom of hav- ing the work corrected without delay. One is not thing is certain--the committee impressing the people favour- All will to the capability of the chairman. He is the agree as best man in the council for the posi- tion which he holds, being, by training conduct the business aright. But alone, or de- serted as he has been by some of the is helpless, and it is not remarkable that The who have accepted a trust from members, he he chafes. men the in duty bound to give people are some exfjanation of their conduct, EDITORIAL NOTES. Brockville hotal men want the pho- tographs of all those who are upon the Indian list. Don't you think so, Inspector Wright? | ut I HON. JULES ALLARD. - Whose logical presentation of the citizen's claims turned the tide in favor of civic reform before the Quebec legisla- tive council committee on private bills. Good idea. Mr. Borden sums up the federal session by sgying that the ment was on its defence all through it. Well, if somebody who was not interested would give the opposition a certificate of character and tell just what it the leader would be entitled to receive bouquets. had a splendid BOVErn- |,6t get their authority from Britain's field marshal Lord Roberts, who the idol of - the common soldier, is down on drink, and the common sol- dier. recognizes his wisdom, Voiced by Kipling, the latter says: "E's a little "ard on drink, Chaplain Bobs; i But it keeps us out o'clink (prison), The Witness' don't it, Bobs ?" men's number. The fair sex are sup-, A given amount of alcohol in. any bave done all the literary | rink will make a man' just as drunk y nl ) [inside a camp as outside. Shakespeare work upon. it, and it is very much could lament, "Oh, that men will put to their credit. Generally the con- [an enemy in theic mouths to steal tents deal with local dssues, the cul- [away their brains." "Have our volun- tivation of beauty and health, and |teers to-day such a surplus of brains here. is. he Sty in CZoada that they are forced so to get rid of there is no y oo {some of them at camp every year ir needs the touch of the civic way * Why should boys coming tor more than Montreal. is accomplished wo- posed to which | decora- | is [this : ; from homes, where liquor is never used, {and from towns where it is not sold, have | Pe taught by their officers that they {are being deprived of their rights un- {less they can buy it in the soldiers' | provision shop along with bread or that the {chocolate or boot lacks ? Why should of -the applicants would be smperil- | a Joy auteanyearold Jeutenant, fresh ; gE 3 TT Tass 2 led. Indeed! Is there one among from hi unday "school class, fresh : . from a home where liquor is never them that is not seeking promotion jused (I am speaking now of personal with the knowledge and consent of |knowledge), be tayght in his first his present" employer ? Then whi {camp that he is not doing * his: duty iis dark lantern business? by his men (many of them old enough yoo ito be his father) unless he marches [them up to the bar and stands treat ? { This when it is distinctly against the flaw of the country to have liquor bo | there at all ! to| And, when the Woman's Christian { Temperance Union plead for a sober | soldiery, why should newspapers in | Canada tell them that if they insist jon the government 'enforcing its own {laws and trying to keep their boys as {sober in the camp as their mothers jane fathers wish them to be--and their employers insist that they must be-- {why are they told that the women -- . |must come and give them tea and cof- Borden is an admirer of the U. |g. «oop a. Way ai. will. make the What is there about | men feel that something is being done which commands the i their comfort ?' Frances Willard legislator ? The fire and light committee It is present positions This was- observed as Empire Day in the public schools. The date the 23rd, but as that will a school day the exercises "Tis well to keep before the the Gdeas that tend towards protection, which can be is not had take place earlier. scholars cultivated and become very strong in the individual. Then the memory Victoria is revered of good Queen and perpetuated. Mr. S. government. it any Canadian affection of It for for tcalled the W.C.T.U. the "organized airy {motherhood of the country," and to- |day Frances Willard's statue stands, {the only statue of a woman in the i Congressional, library at Washington. { But is it the best kind of motherhood does Its members are merely administrators. of them figure heads since they cannot sibly know the business of the ple in detail and cannot presume direct or control it. legislation. Some are pos- peo- to that would be content with an army {who could not drill for ten days with- jout a saloon in every camp? Is it | the wisest kind of mother that believes a T-- ' her sons when they tell her that they can not have a grocery or a place to SPIRIT OF THE P ESS write home lefters or to rest, unless | they go to a saloon? Is a woman in- so | liigent enough to be a mother, or a Good To Themselves. man to be a father, who insists that a Belleville Ontario. | "canteen" must be a saloon too? Is The members of the senate refuse to |a military camp a picnic to which the that body. The wealthy old | little fellows must not be sent without will not part. with that | their mothers or nursery ' maids ? Wo- $2,500 a year--not if they can help it, men have been taught that the sol- diers are their protectors. What sort -- {of 'protectors' are a regiment of men Would Surprise Him, iwho, camped on the banks of the St. .awrence, within calling distance of a Many & political worker whose eye {couple of railway' stations, who can- |caught the headline, "Great Landslide [not keep themselves from being inca- in Nova Scotia,' in yesterday's news- |pacitated by thirst unless they set up | papers, exclaimed to himself that that [a temporary saloon ?--Sincerely yours, {was the first he had heard of an elec- [CHRISTIAN = RICHARDSON, Record- : Ing Secratary Hochelaga County W.C. Beck's New Name. 1 Campbell Bros'., Princess St. Is where the men of Kingston go for Adam Beck 'is generally called the | | new styles in hats. power minister, but the Hamilton | {Spec. has a new one for him, thet | pow-wower minister. Not a bad one either. ' All our summer millinery ready. Miss INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters Om Their Rounds. I Bibby's 50c. Spring underwear. or young men's hats. Livi '8. Vincent Daly, Ottave, is Bondaring in city. Bibby's straw hats are ready. ing and ing attended to at James 8 Bibby's straw hats are ready, The board of health had a special meeting yestorday afternoon to con- sider a certain matter. Photos taken at Weese's on 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swift are mov- ing from William street into the stone house at 224 King street. See Bibby's $18 worsted suits. Mrs. J. Dennison, Portsmouth, loft, to-day, for I ll, to visit her lfred Brigh t. " . Livingston's, , The Bijou is a great attraction these days with its fino moving pictures, and its excellent songs and music, See Bibby's $15 brown suits. The Ontario government has again given Kingston a model school and propriated $500 towards expenses. New neckwear. Livingston's. Dr. James Gordon, Alfred street, re- Qucind from Toronto, to-day. He was ost successful in his examinations at the dental college. : See Bibby's $15 green suits, The open ears made their appearance on Thursday and were appreciated by the passengers. The day was far too warm for closed cars, and nice for the open ones, 4 Hats, all new styles. Livingston's. The civic light, heat and power com- mittee was called to meet this after- noon at 3:30 o'clock, particularly to discuss the street railway power ques tion and the gas tank. | See Bibby's 815 blue suits. LOCAL THEATRICALS. In Aid of the Fund to Fight Tub- . erculosis. On Tuesday evening at the Grand Opera House the Daughters of the Em- pire will present an entertainment, wvonsisting of theatricals, tableaux, singing and dancing that will be a rare treat. fo all who sce it. Miss Mabel Gildersleeve is in charge of the big undertaking and the proceeds will be devoted to the aid of the anti-tu- berculosis fund. Every afternoon and evening that the opera house could be secured, rehearsals have been held, and the large cast, about sixty, are now all ready for the opening night. There will be singing and dancing by accomplished artists. Many a mag- nate would have given much to have an ensemble as attractive as the one that gathered for the tableaux at the rehearsal, Thursday cvening. Among the principals in the theatri- cals and singing 'are © Mrs, K. Blair, Mrs. F. Cartwright, Mrs. J. J. Harty, Misses K. O'Hara, Beatrice Tandy, Norma Hughes and Phyllis Taylor and Carl Tandy. Facts Coming Out. Toronto Globe. The Fredericton Gleaner admits that the "imperial" tribunal which inquir- ed into the Central railway matter published a "progress'"' report twelve days before the general elections. It will also find that the shortage re- ported in in excess of the sum subsequently stated in the final report. It was, in fact," a false document, even if the commission's own find figures bé ac- cepted. "An Englishman's Home.' Ottawa Citizen. 2 hose who have seen a Yeomanry major gallop up to the front of a Ca- nadian mounted infantry regiment, and, after boisterously calling it to attention, adjust his monogle, and, looking' the regiment over for a mo- ment, exclaim : "Why, damn it, you're not my men. Oh, beg pardon, I'm in the wrong shop," would not be sur- prised to witness such a scene as takes place in "An Englishman's Home," For The Holiday. Big values "in all kinds of outing hats at Campbell Bros'. At Philadelphia, "Jack" end of the receipts 810,375. Johnson, the champion, only carried away his guarantee of $5,000. The gross receipts were $20,500. Bibby's 50c. underwear is great. (O'Brien's HAIR NATURALLY ABUNDANT. When It Is Free of Dandruff, 'It Grows Luxuriantly, Hair preparations and dandruff cures, as a rule, are sticky or irrita- ting affairs that do no earthly good. Hair, when not discased, grows na- turally, luxuriantly. Dandruff is the cause of nine-tenths of all hair trouble and dandruff is caused by a germ. The only way to cure dandruff is to kill the germ; and, so far, the only hair preparation that will positively de stroy the germ is Newbro's Herpicide- absolutely harmless, free from grease, sediment, dye matter or dangerous drugs. It allays itching instantly; makes hair glossy and soft as silk. "Destroy the cause, you remove the € flect." . Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. 81 bottle guaran- teed. G. W. Mahood, special agent. ORRINE (IRANI EV that document was $30,000 | in the fight was | CURE EFFECTED OR MONEY RE- FUNDED. One of the strong features that recommends the ORRINE treatment is its low cost. It is the gnost econo- mical treatment no tarium ex- pense or 'any other fees. Just the cost of medicine, which is placed at a very low price and brings it within the reach of all who need a reliable and efficient remedy for the cure of the Drink Habit." Can Be Given Secretly. ORRINE COSTS ONLY 8 A BOX. Guarantee in Each AA JIL CB mal a an ORRINE ob. 267 SHRINE a as ington Ue RRIN. sold lead druggists everywhere. oy mene Special Agent : | Sutherland, "The London Millinery. See Bibby's 815 grey suits, See Bibby's swell $15 suits. G. W. MAHOOD, Cor. Bagot and + or Headwear. Were at your service. i + 50c. - terns, best guality. Regular Price, $1.50 and $1.75 pair. 'for less than 12j¢. yard. ON SALE - HERE SATURDAY I y We All Sy It. J od Are Y Ready? Perhaps you'll want something in Clothing: Haberdashery Young Men's Suits Our Harvard for Y Men have the life. snap, and ginger in Aen Ss Re Smart Young Dresser admires. Blue Suits, $19, $15, $18, | Brown Suits, $12.50, $15, 3 18, $20. 5 ; Green Suits, $15, $18, $20. Olive Suits, $15, $18, $20. See Our Special $15 Suits. : | ya bY Summer is here for sure ! Men's Fancy Hose are a never- failing sign. The man looking for choice Hosiery can satisfy his longing right here. Rich Tans and Browns, Navy and Cadet Blues, Dark Greens and many patterns, with Black ground' Cashmere, Lisle, etc., 25c., 40c. and 50c. per pair. Straw Hats arc Ready! icking is particularly rices 50c., T5c., $1, * Select your Straw Hat early, the good now. The best styles go first. $1.50, $2. . Real Panama Hats, $4, $5, $8 and $10. "Handsome Shirts Our handsome Spring Shirts, at $1, $1.25 and $1.50 gall themselves. All we Rav to do is to wrap them up. . Leather Belts The very dressy kinds, 50c., 75¢c., $1. Summer Underwear You'll be sure to find your favorite sort of Underwear here, Sir, pleasingly priced. Neckwear . We've the choicest blossoms in Summer Neckwean See Our values. The H. D. Bibby Co BEFORE HOLIDAY SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, MAY 22ND: N- ~ Secured 2 Bales of Mill Ends of Bleached and Unbleached Cotton At a great reduction and will "place same on sale Saturday, giving you the advan- of the reduction in price. Don't miss it. Pe ---t 1st Bale--Contains 950 Yards Fine Bleached eerersaesRERtIRSIERIRLARRNSRONE SRRSOIRAITE | muRessneraTareS B dees ereiesnenaseneaieness Cotton 86 and '88 inches wide; firmi-even weave. Ends run in i lengths, from 6 to 15 yards. Cannot be bought anywhere oC ONLY . = 2nd Bale--Contains 885 Yards Strong Un- bleached Twilled Cotton i i i 1 { h and wear. ad to 90 ards Repair Price, lc 124c. yard. ON SALE SATURDAY 9 A limit of 20 yards to a customer. { ~ 50 Pair Lace Curtains--Special Price, Sat- urday, 95c Pair. 84 yards long, 58 and 60 inches wide, bemutiful pat- 95¢ CLEARING ON SATURDAY, ATFONLY riiduimsimingesin it w Special Lot of 85 Ladies' SheerLawn Blouses he y designs, Allover Embroftlered ene Te HAL and on sleeves. Buttoned back or front. uarter and long 'sleeves. a RoEalar Prices, $1.75, $2 and $2.25. HURRY-OUT PRICE," - * SATURDAY coined stares pessenieseaiten ebiebirss Seamaster Men's Swell Suits at $12.50 Splendid selection, three-button single-breasted i tong lapels, centre back vent, cuffs on LB A En Green, Olive, Light and Dark Brown English Tweeds and Worsteds, made by Canada's Leadin Manufacturer. Regular Prices, $16.50 to 818. ON BAL SATURDAY " np Boys' 2-Piece Norfolk Suits patterned "Dark Capadiany Striped Tweed Coat,. pleated and belted, Knee Pants. 1 98 Sizes 24 to 30, Regula SPECIAL PRICE, | . FOR SATURDAY .. soe . . : Secured Another Lot of 25 Dozen Men's Bal- briggan Underwear at 35c Garment 350 pias: gare. Yatsey Buy Your Holiday Outfit Here. Everything Going at Bargain 3 The Montreal Single-breasted, in newest Extra fine quality, double thread IZ facings and pearl buttons, Sky, Blue, & Natural Cream Shades. Regular Price, SALE SATURDAY cnn we 180-- A