THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1908. py -------- PAGE SEVEN. SEVEN. - -- p-- ~ REVOLUTIONISTS VERSUS ROYALISTS IN PERSIA| Ra The forces of the the whole civilized world has been wr r with the street fighting of a terrible nature has béen the hands of 5,000 separate revolut against them. All the streets and n skirts the town to the north was the theatre of daily skirmis hes between the ever-watchful riflemen. and month out with varied success. Sometimes the revolutionists seize a point of vantage, sometimes seems able to make any decided way. The above picture represents the Tabriz, shah, have by no means 'story of street fighting in Constantinople. taking place almost without cessation for six months. who have kept up a heroic A ionists arrow had it all their own way at Tabriz. But in far-off Persia, in the town of » revolutionists defending the bridge in the Devachi During the last two weeks, the Tabriz, guarter of the town has been in struggle against the hordes of wild Kurds which the shah has sent alleys in this quarter were barrics aded and held night and day, while the dry river-bed that The fighting continwes month in the shah's troops. But neither quarter of which destroys {lx broad and profitable sale. faults are rectified the a much la when, in the of butter produced from pasture aved for reer , especially near will bred cows LARGEBUTTER AND CHEESE || a ie EXPORT TRADE POSSIBLE. we, a fine grade WT 1S REMARRED 2 4 What Can You Eat? If Quided By a Uniform Plan of ; oo Careful Procedure on Part of in Boe wi . eount Se] If vou have Dealers--Some Hints. bywith the welisl sevahant. and 1 imindful | of ' what eat Wil oss | ras y Fil tomach needs. the kigd of help RAERS,: . Boh Dav"s Dyspepsia Cure' always cold weather Lie I'his remedy general, has o increases the the tomach turns, it prope lays' it Wade's ik led with bubble for much diminished, iderably lessened | \ pasteurized milk to be you Montreal The been to the make and sale of ci 0 sally, the produc \ insist { and factories are not operating f 1 I-the these detail oul ¢ ven ply nearly as large a they had careful attention, and he k pected to he prices ar with butter, wall, but the export curtailed thereby, as might have been und to be expected, the demand in the | the British Jdes markets = is considerable, | we and the supplies arc not cxeessive. The | Canadian produce continue the fa vorite on the English marked, an where a high price ig justifiable and jt le of it necessary the Britisher with comply | hile b hast mi a ther ets in tho \ liculous practice of whicl muscular fluids power digestive of that Each bottle treatment. For drug store. OWS containg holding which is 1 sale only business is not , lv packed, and which wha hole «ale | The hobo rides about and ite value iv a box ear while waiting fin to come in. Speaking of love, l1,0k before he may fall in. Jrussels ' | squares, at because Prospects its profitable for which is now a man Liing made, is of a good quality, bu is often rendered thod ol bun and tapestries If scasonable wi undercut James Reid's. ro on - CHANCELLOR aia vii f.o~ 2200 2 © RIGHT HON, DAVID LLOYD - GEORGE. THE. SPHERE ./ The Right Hon. David Lloyd-George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, is just now one of prominent public men in the British eye, because of his part in the raising of the budget. George was born of English pdrents in Wales in 1863. Je is a solicitor, and has been a parliament for the Carnarvon Dist rict since 1890. Mr. member ad possibilities | constantly vour | that | gives, helps to digest foogd and | and | the { The normal digestion re-| sixteen | be at the country his should leaps--otherwise he carpet THE EXCHEQUER. the most Lloyd- of THROUGH ROCKIES. TUNNEL way | At Cost of $1, 500,000 Big Grade export | a- is Overcome. Field, B.C., May 21.--In a few weeks be | {he famous Big Hill at Field, with its | te wrific grade, its safety switches, and its banks of hali-charred cinders, will | be a thing of the past as far as the C.P.R. is concerned. For twenty-five years it has been a hugbear to the company. On Wednes- day Tast The "separating rock of the second of the spiral tunnels between Field and Hector was broken through. two bores met within a fraction an inch. Nothing much remains to except to lay the steel through the tunnelling over the new roadbed in connection with it. The contractons, . Macdontiells and GGizowski, started operations in Sep~ ! tember, 1907, will be able to hand over the the C.P.R. in about a month's time. The tunnel has cost the C.P. R. £1,500.000, but the great saving in lo- comotive power, ete, will amply re pay even this large expenditure. The total Iohgth of the two long tunnels is something over a mile and they are the first spiral tunnels ever dsivem on the American continent. | of done FLUNG INTO A CHEST. Express Messenger on Southern Train Roughly Used. : Augusta, Ga., May 21.--Two rob- hers boarded southern passengor train No. 17 at Warrenville, S.C., ten miles cast of here, last: night, got the drop on Express Messenger Thomas i. Huton, knocked him senseless with of rubber hose and ransacked tre car after throwing the messenger in an empty -express chest. The rob- about $200. The. . rob: bers: rode into Augusta, and left train in the 'heart of the city. The robbery was discovered when the mos- winger was liberated at the Union station. Negro porters who' were to (ngage in unloading ther express loca- ted the imprisoned man by his vigoc- ous kicking within the chest. piece hers secured WILL MAKE FIGHT. Drantford Company Will Run Cars Next Sunday. Brantford, Omt:-- May 21.--The first move to establish a Sunday .car ser- vice in this city, will bo made by the treet ghrailway company, on Sunday ne --r-- cars will run over the city linew regularly to Mohawk park. "The management ammounced that it: had that legal right, and intended to wso it. The park is just outside the city, and is a favorite resort for. Sunday visitors, who now travel by. the Brant- ford and Hamilton Radial, which op-, crates on Sundays. The Loed'si Day Alliance has already taken issue 'on the matter, and an intere sting fight is promised, | ENCOURAGE LAY PREACHER. Sir Robert Perks' Advice to Methodismi™ © Ottawa, May 21.--Sir Robert Perks spoke in the Dominion Methodist church on plans for the formation of 4 united, federated and world-wide Methodist brotherhood. He urged the church in Canada to make moye use of the laymen, pointing out 't at in Britain of 26.000 preachers, 20,000 were 'lay.' He suggested that the new brotherhood, which was partly in- fended for the relief of the poor, might immigrate' as members to Canada, more worthy men than the disreputa- ble Central Europeans. Corn Cure That Cures. Peck's Corn Salve cures corns-- not sometimes, but always. Money back if it doesn't. Cures any kind of corns. quickly and thoroughly, In * hig 15¢., at Wade's drug store: boxes, -------- There's always some wise guy deck who says, "'I told you so' the unexpected happens. . Some men seem to be happy when they have a- grievance, on when only and estimate that they' rk to | the" Let Us Help You Get Ready To Celebrate the 24th. 'We are at your service with the finest lines of Men's and Young Men's Suits ever shown in the city, and at prices within reach of every poe-' ket book. All the shades that are new) are here. Smokes, lives, Browns, Greens, Greys and Blues, made in the very latest styles. Come in and let us show you our large range of Suits at $7.50, 9.50, 11.50, 13.50, 15.00, 16.50 and 18.00. Superior wotkmanship and fit, guaranteed to keep their shapa. Come in and try one on. It is a pleasire for us to show you Dy gh our large stock. ' A Few Needful Articles at Special Prices For Saturday: Cashmore Sox, Medium Weight, Colors Black, Blue, Brown and Car- dinal, all sizes. 'Saturday's Price 15c per pair. Fine Double Thread Balbriggan Underwear, all sizes. suit. Saturday's Price 69c per Suit. 150 Dozen Soft Front Colored Shirts, the very latest coloring®, every size. Regular $1.25 goods. Saturday's Price 89c each, 25 Dozen Fancy Hosiery. pair, Regular $1 per Regular 50c a pair. Saturday's price 39¢ a A Special in H pecial in Hats All the Latest Shapes and Colors in Stiff and Soft Hats. On sale Sat urday at $1.75 each. 50_ pairs Fine I'weed Trousers, neat patterns. Regular $2.50 per pair. Saturday's price $1.69 a pair. Boys' 2.and 3 Garment Suits, all sizes. price $3.60. Come here for your holiday waiffs, and vou will have money left for amusements. Co., 127 PRINCESS STREET The Store That Sets the Pace. TO MAKE iii Of Conditions As to Pupils at the Roja Yoga. Regular §5 each. Saturday's Pay a Fair Price And Get The Best The grocer who gives the greatest number of pounds of granulated sugar for a dollar, naturally won't give "the best Montreal Granulated.' The only way you can be sure of getting the best, ig to insist on having St.Lawrence Granulated Sugar Put up by the Refinery in 20 pound Cetlon Bags The analysis of Prof. Hersey, Government Analyst, shows that "St. Lawrence Grantilated" contains 99--99/100 to 100 per cent of pure cane sugar, w ith no impurities, whatever, The St. Lawrence Sugar Relining Company Limited, Montreal. ,, DOL JUSTO GARCIA VELEZ Havana, May 21.--Secrctary of Stats Justo Garcia Velez haa ordered the chanesllor of the Cuban legation at Washington, to go to Point Loma, Cal., and make a thorough investiga- tion of conditions surrounding . the Cuban pupils at the Roja Yoga. The secretary {ook 'this action on the strength of reports that Cuban children at Mrs. Katherine Tugley's | ingitution are not being treated as! well as other children under the care of the same institution. La Defianas, a Santiago journal, has also denounced: the treatment of-+ the children, which Mrs. Tugley calls her "Lotos Buds." SHOES FOR VICTORIA DAY Jud POOR BOY TO MILLIONS. H H.R EE Lioved & A You want something new for the . H. Rogers Achieve uccess At- : tained By Few. New York, May 21.--Henry H. Rog-| who died Wednesday, was a mon- and one of the most success- ful of the so-called Standard Oil] group. He began life as 'a poor boy | at Fair Haven, Mass., where he was born, and there retained his legal resi- dence until the day. of his death. He | is variously reported as having start. ed life as a newshoy and as a other | of a grocery cart, but whatever his | humble start in business, he achieved | success attained by few men of a gen- eration. He was: a man of many friends and an enthusiastic yachts- | man, | Until recently he had held the reins | of the Standard Oil company, follow- | ing the retirement of Joan D. Rocke- | feller, althdugh J. D. Archbold at- tended to the rontine management of | the great corporation. Just how much money Mr. Rogere | leaves is not known. His fortune is variously estimated at from £50,000 - 000 to $75,000,000, - which will make his son, H. H. Rogers, , one of the richest young nen in the country. holidays what's most stylish and fashionable in 1909 Footwear can be had among our selected stock of {ine Shoes, made in Black, Tan, Wine, Patent Colt, or Gun Metal. $3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00 ors, ey-maker, ® Violated Customs Laws. Halifax. N.S., May 21.--The French fishing schooner Dictator, which was seized at North Sydney by Capt. J. W. Gordon, of the government cruiser Gladiator, on Thursday last, for vio- lating the customs laws, has been lib erated. The schooner was "seized for going 'inte and. sailing from St. Ann's | last summer without entering and] clearing with the customs officer, the maximun penalty for which is $400. | The vessel was dealt with leniently, For " Chocolate Pudding" == for. Homemade Fudge" for loe Cr : ete.,~--use (owan's Perfection Cocoa. Lelicious in flavor, > nutritious, ecopomi however, and released' on payment of | $50. : -