WH) AUTOMOBILE TL COBAL jwestors. 2503." Handbook A handbook of accurate informatien compiled by competent authorities for the guidance of investors. Gives the location, area, and map showing geological formation, present develop- ment, equipment and amount of ore shipped from the various mines. Gives also the capitalization, amount of stock issued, amount of treasury stock (if any) and the dividends paid to date. Gives the names of the Officers and Transfer Agents of the Cobalt Companies, Sent post-paid for 25 cents. and A.E.OSLER &.peey Stock Brokers-- Direct Wire to Cobalt 18 King*Street West, TORONTO Long Distance 'Phone Main 7434-7438 Cobalt Stocks Bought@ind Sold on Commission Corresponds: Tavited Much o 7% Slater | Preferred Cumulative Shares bonus Ih m gethe With Common Shares. ) wl a 20 per cent in far surpass cou NVErs or : volumarily only open for | , « Lists close in i Dividends A limited amount publie subscription a few days. Preferred paid quarterly most 1ssociated Tne Siler Shot Company Limited, i» 1» eh Montre Send Boyd-Gordon Mining Co., L16. Capital $1,000,000. al Que for prospectu PAR VALUE $1 PER SHARE We nediate deliv a limited offer for ery amount. of this stock-at 65H cents per share. Erickson, Perkins & Co. Local Securities Dept Toronto. 14 King St. West COBALTS ON MARGIN halt York Stocks nd Ve carry the a wegin oa: Crain, Produce ( WANT WALIC EY I. BANGURT WALLA SNEEZING. Lore the Involuntary London Globe has clu yawns bodily do 1s aunque : wi'hout hut as that of al a REV DONALD ¢. MACLEOD, DD, DR. PYNE, LEY, TACPHATT eR GECRGS I g ROBERT FRA CF THE SIR JAMES GRANT, ELLIS, AND REV DR. NOPWOOD re. HOTEL TO their own. could feel the teet "1 was the de get ant onl Representa ives To be entirely stopped hy one of the gu for the members of the I told him 1 w d gave him my nz and here for place man he next EDWIN A MERRITT JR, FRANK OLIVE! THOMAS MARTINDALE, fr: carth trembling under ) wnen bowed ink) ards who told me that 1 could was Hoyge as a ime, he to I'll never have anytl else ing audier he battle « Has Clustered Ac czing About [hem an pted "Odys tion. M reve ele 1 Pene milar « re frequently r appreciat there phenomenon soldiers another m the an « imilai wars with y much It is ne us the farm younger ; bridegroom ullus ered this respect snec end, C Bo r unlucky, the aspir n w 1 1 sneeze; Ca whs of coug i 1 ; L prop ghs the lis st of all more or | actions--hut ; plified. In necze at tronable Not that 0 ) their attendant : ner the | ooked upon ) ! t J s nme k. an volume i comet : } iv ots : yronght wn » d 1 curring 1H-Tuck he a pamphl newrring ck hh and univer inoqu welcomed makes Cu pair of lov allusions might e. some plaees s Mwous to a that son their a d ient 3 he a8 S11¢ fain put off his markable f Eczema Victim Saved Wants Everyone to Know nd Stonppec » "Soon Dis Compou Once--Dises ared vie with" two doc different ointment that « when imple fe free amp! hot bhai, 1 load to hare aboratosy it by back street, hen his wile '11 all her drug ing all his earnings Salamis, I'heocritus speak by a that on was isto adroit as ey, rds ngec ma lope, ymen in Cy Ss Of pid's ers: asily ould a previous the taste ress- went ezed yoy ahout distribu writin put late All stock « hone have camps ly. Wire ders at nmroexpen datriarche & Co, Te ee ALS nt Building Head Office, N.Y all Ruffalo Butlalo necting our R H. TEMPLE ® S Exchange Toronto Stock ished 18 executed on Toronto and New York Exchange COBALT STOCKS A SPECIALTY 10 Melind 'Phone M. 1630 Members (Estab! M Orders ntroal yronto ME RSON & CO, Members Standard Stock Exchange and Unl Send for inl 'BATEESE MINES, LIMITED West, 'Phong, Main 7014 Yoronto,. isted ted 16 King - St. ete "Tie Pro actly a Patantee" FULL Te ENT Son on Ye On AACA STAR BUILDING, en and Union Hotel New York City $1.00 a Day AND UPWARD Opp. Grand Contra! Station Rooms, » Hiation free Hnasaar to and fr ok and Map ty Guide wii sins ict ribo ine wekles 1s wo almost y has st heen told : vl When woman gots.a feels quite widon divoree noted ip | natuyfa unmanned. animals are fog man she as DREADS, Morbid Horror of' Dirt and High Places. New York Times. Never 'have doctors written and talked so frankly about us and our ills, It used to be the proper medical atti- tude to listen attentively to our rehear- sal of four symp'oms and to treat the same with at least an outward show of respect The modern method is different. The fad for making light of sickness has driven the doctors to show us that they have all the time heen secretly making light of many of our cherished ills. They knew we were victims of our own he agination in their shrewd way. We haven't had any thing like the diet of drugs we thought we had. A New York physician, writing in the eclesiastical Review, on the general subject of scruples, tells some. of the in- teresting classes of sweh--cases which come under the doctor's care. There are, for example, the people who have morbid horror of dirt. They fear es- pecially te soil their hands or face and will wash themselves over and over again, ten, twenty and even thirty times a day. Whenever they touch anything thev wash their hands, They frequently so rub the skin off them that they become sore and develop various forms of artificial dermatitis he- cause of the mechanical removal of the epidermis and the irritation of soap and water. No amount of reasoning will keep them from doing this. It gnay be pointed out to them that most people enjoy gnite goad health without any such solicitude "about cleanliness, but that makes no difference to them, Some of the women who are afflicted with the affection would not thirik for a moment of touching a door knob: they make all sorts of excuses to wait for somebodv else to open the door. Often thev will not confess their unwillingness to touch an object that handled by so many people. At the door of a store they will find some excuse to pause a moment until some one else opens the door. They do not think for a moment of handling a library book that has been used by others. They sometimes put themselves to considerable discomfort and inconvenience hy refusing to touch the railing of a boat or railway station or the balustrade of a porch or even a house stairway. 1 patients are amusing when they to visit the physician A very se associated from high places. E iences them to some can look over the edge ing without a shudder. Even the work men on high buildings must gradually accustom themselves to working at a height "I think I can sa without any breach confidence," the physician goes on, that there are more than half a dozen priests who have told me in the course of professional visits of the difficulty they experience in saying mass at a high altar. They have no difficulty at all in saying mass on a level floor in a convent. Even Ding up a single step disturbs them buy hgh To be up the five or six/Steps of a high altar, however, completely unnerves some of them. They have the feeling that they may fall and they have to cling to the altar at times. "This is in reality of is se come dreads are down interesting set of with looking vervbody exper degree No one of a high build the SO a physical and not a psychic manifestation. Ordinarily our eves are fixed on ohjects near and a portion of our sense of equilibrium is dependent on this fixation of vision on steady: objects-not far trem us "Anyprre~Who has sat in a railway ram-=and had the curious feeling that own tram was moving whe n a eignboring car was passing will realize Whenever the nearest objects to not fixed or wnen our immediate re so far from us that it i of vision { sense us, this r rroundings : requires fixate tl nsecurity to of Argentina's Cattle. Argentina ranks third of cattle, 29,116,625 with 91,000,000 States {oll with 69,000,000 ad. The value of Argentina's cattle C$028,685.834 Argenti also third with 7,531,376 head, w Russia has 22,000,000 an States 21,000,000 She 211.754, worth -$287.359 83,000, 1c num Russia m head, head, and th WS is horses, $05,820,824 he United mmbered 67 076, exceeded only by Austraha' in Whe n th Nerves get out of Tune And Nervous Prostration or tial Paralysis Brings You bed of Hélplessness. Par- to a You Can Remember the Case De- scribed Here and Revitalize the Wasted Nervous System By Us- ing Dr; Chase's Nerve Food. ht CARY ments of the serious happens. We 'say happens because many per- sons do not think they are really sick until 'they are laid low by nerv- ous prostration or some form of par- alysis, They overlook the headaches, the indigestion, the irritability and nervousness, the loss of sleep and energy and ambition. They forget that for weeks or months life has heen more or less of a drag. Then when the nervous ec omes it takes patient and persistent treatment to get vou on your feet gain. The nerve cells riust be gradu- v built up and a little more tlded to the syftem each expended. Get in the 'resh air, rest and use Dr. Nerve Food and you will get well. But you must be patient and persist: ent. A William Graham, "My wife had been ome time with nervous prostration and two of the best doctors we could get failed to help her. became and worse, could leep and lost energy and interest in life. She was giving up in despair when: a friend advised a treatment of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. "From the first box of this prepara- tion my wife used we noticed improve- ment 'and now she is completely cured and as well as she ever was, eats well, sleeps well and feels fully restored. I am satisfied that my wile owes her tife to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food." 50c. a box, six boxes for $2.50, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co, Torauto. to neglect derange- nerves until something is &0 nervous lapse sunshine, breathe the Atwood, Ont., writes : worse energy | day than is Chase's | ill for! She gradually not | FHOTO BY JOLL FDR. The woman who is handy with her needle pongee frock this year, for the embroideries are easily done with coarse silk floss in the shade of the pongee, or in two tone effects, and when the strips and motifs which trim the bodice are completed the frock may be put together by a dressmaker. This linden green pongee frock is embroidered in two shades of green. Piping of darker green silk add character and emphasis to the color scheme." should embrdider a Real English SUITS and OVERCOATS to Measure from $5.14 to 320. Cw "2 Latest Landon and New York Style, whichever preferred. No matter what part of the dominion you live in, we undertake to supply § you with a smart, crafortable Suit, fitting you perfectly, or otherwise to rafu your money in full, The process is simple, merely fill in a post card and address same to us as below, asking for our latest assortment of® materials. Together with patterns, we send you fashion-plates and complete instructions for accurate self measurement, tape measure, all sent free and carriage paid. We dispatch your order within seven days, and if you do not approve, return the goods, and we will refund the money. SUITS and OVERCOATS to measure from $5.14 to $20. SEND FOR FREE PATTERNS. Measure Tailors, , LONDON, Patterns : For Winnipeg and the West : Curzon Bros care llenderson Bros 279 Garry Street, thig paper. (Dept. 106F), 60-62 City Rd Addres Canada . Migh ons | Ont Pleas. ENGLAND, . es for Ror Toronto and Curzon Bros Jireetories Ltd Church St., East care (Dept Toronto, (Pept. 106K) Sai: of Hat Racks Hat Racks in Elm, golden finish, only $4.50. Hat Rack $6.50. eT Polish Qt. Oak, J ; glass, $8.50, Others from $12.00 to 36.00, * Hall Seat, solid oak, '$5.00. Hall Mirrors from $3.00 to 25.00. The best values ever offered, ROBERT J. REID, . { 230 Princess St. { 4-76 mention in Oak, golden finish, golden finish, bevel Telephone 577. rE 4 iO i a - FIREWORKS Roman Candles, Rockets, Mines, Wheels, ete. Torpedoes and Cannon Crackers See our assortment at 1c and Se for the children. ! " fron 1, 0 Con a A.J.REES, 1 66 Princess St Phone 58 2.0 i efor fond ertastenfen ton eit to tut t 8 08 A ET re i eet 2 T ¥ T Auction Sales Rooms EE orn he ar, wd or spcoxpuasy FOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY i Boods bought and sold, or goods sold on ESTABLISHED, 1863. commission. Auction Sales promptly at- wrig tended to, at the City Auction Sales President Sir Richard Cart ht, Rooms, 88 Brock St, Kingston. | patoney \asued on Oty and Pum Pro. Deposits J. E. JONES, tures. Mortgages purchased. oi = Si received and interest allowed. If we: ¢hido't have to work there |S. C. McGill, Managing Director, would no fun in loafing. ! 87 Clarence street. Auctioneer be