Pr------ otPed Gold in : Guwilight vIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIY TRAGIC NEWS FOR A BRIDE. Mrs. H. E. Curry Receives Word of Her Husband's Drowning On Friday afternoon at half past o'clock, J. P. H. Ferris, Queen street, received a telegram stating that his son-in-law, Henry Earle Curry, had been drowned on Friday morning at i Lake Superior Junction *' Mrs. Curry was calling on Mrs. (Prof J. M. Lanos, next door $ residence to have the tragic news It was a terrible shock for the wife, who collapsed, and had to tended by Dr. Kilborn. I: is only a little over two since Mr. Curry returned to his post about eighty mules back of Port Ar thur, where he was engineer in charge of a section of the Grand Trunk Pa cific railway construction, He had visited his wife here for over, threg weeks, and intended returning the end of July. He was Frederick Curry, of Windsor, Scotia, by whom the news of his sad death was telegraphed Kingston The deceased was a stalwart . young man, scarcely twenty-five years of age, very quiet in disposition, and popular with his friends. In 1905 he graduated from the Royal Military since had been engaged in survey work No particulars of the drowning had been received up to Saturday morning Mr. Ferris thought that in law's companion must bet hve of FIIISIIISY v 4 {Continued from Page 10 her of the late Mr. P Hughes, Toronto, to Mr. Guy North Toller, eldest of Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Toller, Ottawa, will take place quietly , June 2nd. > we There was an extremely interesting and pleasant little family gathering at Mrs James McParland"s, Emily street, on Wednesday evening. This the announcement of the engage- ment of the hostess' charming young | daughter, Miss Kathleen, to Mr. F Hammond, of Toronto, of the late Herbert Carlisle Hammond; and of Mrs. Hammond, "The Grosvenor," foronto The very fortunate young man was here for the dinner party, at which the announcement was made, and the others who made up the four- teen about the dinner table were the host and hostess, Colonel and Mrs Idward Kenny, of Halifax, Mr. and Mrs. William Bermingham, Dr. and Mrs. JJ. J. Harty, Miss Frances Sulli van, Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, Captain Edouard Panet, the bride-to-be, and Mr. Frederick McParland, ! umm br no and she was Hughes, daughter ¢ cots son i weeks ago was = son Nova sOn to his son also have n to Kingston had he on the The ice is just breaking up in "parts of Lake Superior, and it is surmised that party of surveyors, under Mr Curry, probably broke through at some point, and may all have been drowned It customary for them to I'he late Mr. Curry was strong swimmer, and therefore presumed that he ad chanc himself w only last September t was wedded in Queen hurch to Miss Alma J rest f sympathy 11 m he been spot - ewe Mrs. Edward L. Fortt chaperoncd the jollicst of surprise parties, night, to Mrs. Charles Low's, Union | steeet, Miss Marjory Low being the selected to be surprised. Mr: fivorge Mackenzie acted the part of in Mrs. Low's absence, and those in the party were : Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Marjory Merrick, Mis Madeline Higging, Miss Irene Swift Miss Kate Smellie, Miss Madge Taylor Miss Lenore Hamilton, Misc Mabel Meagher, Mr. Saxe Brown, Mr. H Boak, Mr. W. Hagarty, Mr. Shaw, Mi bereavement Adrian Law, Mr J. Smellie Mr.! Ferris received a Ciordon Mercick, Mi Mr. | forenoon, which stated that Mr Swift. The people | rie had met death while crossing danced, and had a very safe which way The oram stated that he drowned - before, could companion The body remains will for Kingston a last was Cross One in | it no Hostess, save Ferris from wide circle of ds y thi Cw tovegram Yingham, wn teh James young ce, gave furthey anyone gny evening . Eleanor gave a dinner nesday night, covers twelve--Colonel and Mrs. E. I lor, Mr. and Mrs. Iva Martin, Mr Mrs. John Bell Carruthers, Major and Mrs Norman Stuart Leslie, Mrs, ( W. Drury, Mr. Donald Mclntyre, d the host, Mr. Angus Macdonell > ew. The practices for Tuesday entertainment ave so filling nights that little space is ordinary social affairs luncheons, ete, but the really about as enjoyable as else reach had was - - Macdonell, Sydenham party, on Wed-| Mim and that his narrow recovered Fort Miss treet, very escape. the to-night being laid for : Fay and and leave William INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. a Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Reporters On Their Rounds. Developing and 'printing, at Wes Bibby for the 315 anada. First of the from California, at Carnovsky Use Furniture Restorer for cleaning old furniture, at James Reid's 50 7-1b tins C. & B. jam, regulu to clear out at Y0e. Gilbert Bromo-Seltzer at Gibson's Red (ross drug It's fresh there \ large number of people from Wa tertown, came Wternoon, for the 24th. Heing's large pickled cucumbers, 20c doz., at Gilbert's hres of the city will likely be operated The bell will not be ready. Buy Eunos Salt or Abby Salt. Cool ing for the blood. Sold in Kingston Gibson's Red Cross drug store Tobias Stafford, Renfrew, is ill. His the House Providence called te night days and left for the such te: are best as \ season, black chery practices any thing ". . Mrs. @ 0 ¥ (hown, rave wp largo prenie pardy home, on the Front road, to-day the guest . Barrie hea Buy street, | RK) to sum mer Her daughter's friends wor . we My H. R Craie, Union sireet pave a little bridge, last night, Mrs. oJ. Poyntz French. Thae three tables in play Store, over, Saturday we hall on clock dials . Monday Mrs. Iva Martin's dance, at "Under wood," én Wednesday next, is a much looked-forward-to event by all wo. Ottawa, Mrs - ages " a thi Ba is Mrs guest iD of lantyne, Shirreff, of SErions mother, of her John Iv sisters in Ontario street have been y Mr. and Mrs Birch, vot | bedside street, and a large part of fam Miss Alcombrack: ily. have gone down to spend the 21th Renfrew, at their at Thousand island] on Wednesday, Park. illness Of her mogher Judge N. E. Featherstone, Mrs. W Watertown, N.Y. home, of Mrs. Lennox Mills, at "Bishops: |her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J court," next week, I'ues-fstone, Tavior. Miss Featherstone day, from Brockville tends to remain until the 1st of Jun Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Anglin and two| (George Miller ran his motor boat children, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. into the wharf at Clayton, N.Y., with I. R. Anglin, Queen street William Kelley and the Colonel and Mrs, Edward Kenny thrown forward, and Kel turned to Halifax; on Thursday, Mrs. was badly Fhe bout McParland going as far as Mantreal . with them. It is possible thay My Arthur McParland may come up lor the holiday; with his mothe "- wow Mr, and Mrs. Chaucer Elliott up from Montreal, to-day, and he the guests for a few days of Miss K. Elliott, Division street. The bride will return later and will stay part the summer in. town She will be welcomed very heartily = on her own account eof and also on that of her popular husband Ms and Mrs. A. M. Elliott, of Bothwell are also guests of Miss Elliott Cplonel Hodgins, of Celongl Gordon left owl {o-day. M1 Adrian Law, of L.ondon, has back Mrs. Walker Toronto this we A.-M. went home, "Fernclifie,"' Mr. William Pope to Uttawa. Mr. W. Hagarty, of Lsquimalt, who heen tor time, 1 Samuel 1 kindergarten teach called to. Kingston, owing to the their or, was cottage, serious McDonald and his daughter, Jackson, will be the guests Sisters' hospital; F is visiting Feather arriving on in great force. owner teyv's sank Heige's sweet pickled Gherkins, Jc at Gilbert's In police court, to-day, for breaking Louise school, two lads and and Young woman found Li were face cut doz., windows. in were "fined $5 83 and came will costs, another Costs jail. Niagara hand-packed enamel lined cans, for bert 3. H. news editor has passed the the | the Deiroit School arts few | | gone to that city. |Gilberts | All the Bell intended returning week, Fdecided for . | Victoria day for foHowine the-custom ol other Ihey he the in " on tomatoes in of 25¢., at Gil course aud Record, Dampster, former the Windsor final examination Medicine. He of King city ol ol 1s has been for who | t ¢ aduate in Jucen s, guest a a gradu ton (Choice creamery avs, ax the R.CA butter, 25¢. Ib., of the city have to charge 10c, both theatoriums Ji {on adults and Sydenham | chridren we | Machar, to to-day. he Miss street, Rees 1 open n down her summer | piace will '} | morning AS me dow THEM CLOSER. DRAW Bonds Uniting Ports Empire an Hon 1 he | | The m 1 ol his town some to Quebec Dean of Ontario, to Kingston, Lennoxville, f his el I'remaine been gong I'he his way hack to ilness of Mr. Victor hee Garrison, Mrs. 4. 0. Urisp, Portsmouth, this Mrs Cra i mn 5 who has wa d May Arthur tl leader House of yvesterd AN Unionist tard drawing 1 ol fou the m 1" * : { d the been cy re ommaot n the elorm one « t nn and ing Farifi R has the guest ation of united St. John's rectory @ week tik the diffe Tames He Ottawa, Adams empire <a visiting SPLENDID AUDACITY. a i CEPI Zealand Telling of Unity members Empire 22. Before a brilh New May athe it 0 an er oO Roval ul Lath Colom Alfred 1 with at k re t atic Wha was a great im face gu the the ue way ' whi 1 tal t it would be the Was mpot spirit of dominions TI needed to be developed, howevers emp i" tionality, but! wigh - umty. toward | sm, not merely a sense of : embrac- | thing we hold dear in common Mr. Lyt wd anda comprehensive empire n pat the as a whole {elton emphasized Hy New Zealand in the world the umt of Fi ing = The Agonies Of Hades worse the splend | ) than a standard Fx the ry anpouncit t the empire Arent supposed to be For years wen Putnam's painles 1 thad corn: the medy cars tractor elevator left for the east worst - ern Y » Corn has HN corn iu twenty-four sly moves hours loaded witl rain from Twenty Richardsons ou Fridays at, Nt the time, "irible plague soon. about | College, and, drowned, .as he would have telegraphed | was | guilty of vagrancy given three months | at admission | «aE DAILY BRIISH WHIG, S THE NEWS OF WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. | {Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Wholesale executions tan of Turkey. Conditions at ordered hy sul- Adana suggest ter i Bank business in Canada showed marked improvement over March. Jury in St. Thomas think W. Tom- linson's death caused by foul | play | | There were twenty-three failures re- ported, this week, in Canada; same week 1908, forty-three, Another car-load of liquor has been ized by the provincial officers at Cobalt, ~ It is alleged to have been shipped by a Toronto brewery. Blenheim bills Norwich for for case of small-pox patients, it is alleged contracted the there, then went to Blenham, the disease developed. Investigation into New. York | toms frauds threatens disclosures | more astounding than those recently unearthed in a false weighing of sugar for the benefit the sugar | trust, I'he Canada Lead Works, Montreal, made a spectacular blaze, on Satur- day morning, when the extensive plant was completely destroyed, entailing a loss of approximately a quarter of a million dollars. The construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway across Western Canada has brought to light many interesting and valuable mineral deposits, in some cases exposing to civilization ancient Indian which had safely guarded by the red man was $246 whom disease { where cus- of customs been { WOMAN'S AUXILIARY Y.M.C.A. The Officers Elected at the Annual Meeting on Friday. The annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Young Men's Chris Association, was held Friday ai Mrs. Macallum conducted the until the election of officers large attendance, and | and satisfaction with the wun ternoon meeting I'here a wa recording secretary, Mrs. Oliver Chown, gay annual report I'he membership has increased by twenty { three and two hundred and one mem are on the roll. This a splen I reas ri SOC als werd 1 1 during inoludi banque Aux { 1 ner rs is us 1¢ year, ry also substantially aided 5 in furnishing the building, iding twenty-four new 1 by carpeting the floors and re interior of the building of the ladies was various sources Meck, the report--9 raised, and stee painting the [he pressed Mrs. R gave h the total amoun of rentains on hand officers for 1900-10 are fol lows :--Honorary president, Mrs. Macal { lum; president, Mrs. John Wright: | 1st vice-president, Mrs. T. F. Harrison; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. W Linton ; recording secretary, Mrs. Oliver Chown; | treasurer, Mrs. R. Meek; correspond- | ing Mrs. W. Gill, gratitude ex s trom er financial $22.23 I'he as secretary, HORSE FELL ON A BOY, ately the Lad Was Not Badly Hurt. Friday evening vouny lad William Bryant, Earl street, victim of serious it is a miracle that {caped with his life. The boy holding Lieut.-Col. Cunningham s | horse, and got on its back. The horse [reared up and the lad pulled up on f the curb rein, causing the horse to topple over backwards, and before he lad could get his feet out of. the] stirrups the horse was over on top of | lim. When the bystanders rescued | tthe lad he unconscious and a hurry sent for Robert J {Reid's ambulance, which was quickly lon the scene and took the victim the hospital Dr. Ross examined {that nio were broken stitches were to wound in. his head and he received a very bad strain, being hurt internally. He rounded to in the hospital shortly after bung taken there Saturday morning was slightly improved. near that | But Fortun | On name a i the and a acel he es- was was A call was to found Three close baum, and bones necessary and and the were standing thought Those who saw the accident [lad was killed. WERE HIGHLY PLEASED | With the Way the Play Was Re-| ceived. | : ¥ 1as been received hi A letter | Dallas Anderson, who ter of personal made when mm a 1 Kingston B friends was playing with Mr----Anderson ny which pl my compa nan's Home" ti {Greets wer wan the audience, 1¢ mea hich Ki n mm great mn wi company | rk, where Maud management ten ¢ years er, N.Y. At Rochest oc Died Campbell Bros'. £2 and 2.50 derbies ave st ri Ju I'he s evidently Souncit city agan It will st arism not provide lights the cricket field the 14th Regiment to drill Shame ! t When a girl spells her name m-¢ we are not surprised if she spells heryelog's name P-h-i-d-o-u-g-h. i l pineapples, 15¢ $1.60 doz. mil about for by arg Gal ibby"s ior the best , sor bert s iB $15 suits ! the on nu | Rideau | th | dren | two HIS NINETIETH BIRTHDAY. Rev. Dr. Wardrope Preached His Final Sermon. Wardrope, of Montreal, brother of Mrs. Samuel Dyde, Univer- sity avenue, was in Guelph last Sun- day, May 16th, where he celebrated his goth birthday by delivering a sermon-- and this is said to be the final one that he will preach--in Chalmers church where he ministered from 1869 to 1893 [here was a great audience to hear tl venerable ex-pastor who is greatly be- loved by the people of that citv As if emblematic of the life of the venerable preacher, the pulpit platform was banked with fragrant flowers. mass of pink roses, which occupied the centrey was the appropriate birthday offering of a commitiee of ladies of congregation. This 'committee started ont with the idea of selecting nine y roses--one for every birthday-- but after this was done someone sisted on adding to the gift, to represe the years which it is: hoped he will still be spared. If the wish thus ex pressed is realized he will see far more than the century mark. At his request the roses were carefully preserved af- ter the services, and distributed to the residents of the General Hospital ard Eliott Home. His text was Deut. viii, 2, and from it he preached a sermon of peace and good will towards men, so characteris- tic of all his life and utterances. The discourse was impressively given wi fluency and "with scarcely a referenc to notes. He recalled his mims both in Ottawa and Guelph Dr Wardrope is one of the staunc friends of Queen's University and been one of its trustees for a great many years. Rev. Dr LETTERS TQ,THE EDITOR. Death Of John Hackett. Kingston, May 22--(To the Editor Will you kindly publish in your paper the vear in which John Hackett killed in Montreal, and oblige SUBSCRIBER. Hackett was killed Board Has Absolute Control. Kingston, May 22--(To the Editor) : What do the property owners thinl of the Board of Health's latest pro posal (as reported in your columns) do with the existing pits dry carth closets? As I understand 1 hey intend first to make a start in tl lower section of the city and gradu ally extend the restriction to the entirc town. This will cost about $100 a hou and the property owners ought mediately to make known their the matter to their representative the council --TOWNSMAN I'he of Health 1 ontrol absolut matter.-- Ec was - A in 1877 li away 1e ana Viey in city Board in this has CAN GIVE NO ESTIMATES Of Loss of Life and Property By the Massacre. Macallum has received t from his son, Rev, I 1, who 1s engaged in missi work, in Turkey, in which further reference to the there. One letter April 10th, and the other t Mersine, on April 28th, at WW aw! massacre is ydated Ad writte Ihe writer says that no estimate ca vet be made of the of life property. The villages and towns havi suffered terribly, , and many preachers have been killed, of the massacres in rounding towns and villages are by the few survivors. Most of the m were ~slanghtered, wh women Ww wounded in trying to pr their bands loss stories tec Contracts Awarded. The contracts for the several required in the erection of three 1 houses, on the corner of King Johnson streets, Dr. Isaac Wood have been awarded as follows: carpen tering and joining, R. N McFar lane; masonry, J. W. Litton; pamting and glazing, T. W. Milo; plumbi tinsmithing, steam heating and fitting, Elliott- Bros. Wm. Newl & Son are the architec.s. The of «tearing. down the old buildings for Ww | commenced Cheered Maypr Couper. Although Mayor Couper is a very busy man, he kindly up an hour and a half of his val time' Friday afternoon to the pupils of school. DreRichardson having called away unexpectedly at tl momen, the mayor took chairman, d not only duties of tl positi m all, and teachers patrio ic Ve abl been last as n te i oti of delighted the ch by rendition SONS King," and "The Ve | was given th children, who kindness Successful Candidates. Ass y Tus KN INgst to Mrs. Pratt, the 24th « May Princess street ATURDAY, MAY 22, 1809. | manu fac ure | cient signatures PONER BELOW COST i i i | Light Plant Committee Does Not Feel Like Continuing This Arrangement--To Get Specifi- cations For Reconstructing | Gas Tank. The civic Light, Heat and Hower committee finally got together on Fri- | day afternoon after two no-quorum meetings, and considered important | matters awaiting attention. There were present ALL Elliott (chairman), Car- | son, Rigney, McKay and McCartney. The street railway power agreement ved an hour's consideration. Since Te { made between | the last agreement was the city and the company on July sth, | 1903, the city has been supplying the | railway with power at the rate of 1.00] cents a kilo-watt, at the switchboard, the company's engine and generator be- ing used, the city supplying labor, coal and oil. This agreement relative toy power was for a term of four years, which expires on July 5th, and the } railway company's president, H W.. Richardson, wrote, asking what the city council intended doing about a re newal. The discussion showed that last year | the department 187 cents to} the power. Thus the power was supplied at .21 cents below actual cost. The/ 1.87 cents included only the working account, coal and oil, arid not depreciation on the plant Alds. Carson, Rigney and McKay wanted to know wha. the would he if all charges were included. The superintendent said that at the con- sumer's meter, i it cost cost it cost 2.16 cents a kilo- wat. but he had not figured on the cost of everything combined : It was shown that in 1907, it cost at | {he switchboard 1.94 cents to supply the | railway compai with . power, in 1908, only 1 There thus satisfacte mn t cents. a sry reduction + cost of manufacture he manager was reque pare a statement showing of manufacture, the include charges for depreciation, « 1st the manager reported that used 31 per outpt in 1907, it The only addidonal the supplying oiler who sted to. pre the total cost | switchboard, 1 at year, 1 e plan ed 20 per wip required for treet railway wa paid $600 a year I'he plant, last year, supplied the rail power for about $650 less | cost manufacture it. Ald ghey remarked that if the oiler could dispensed with, or if the street rail cent i the AS was with it y 1 0 | mpany would pay his salary, the power could be rate of con request © prepare things give Folger, wis lig of i not cong railway shou § 1 m t 1d be 1 in 1005 when the | wi made with the street J. M. Campbell had figured t of power supply at the switch as 1.05 cents a kilo-watt 1 . McIntyre, who .d to the meeting, was asked the portions of the agreement 1t plant committee had to deal with he stated that the power was all. The remainder of the agrec ment ran from fifteen to twenty-hve | years from July sth, 1903 | Several of the members took a strong | stand th street railway should not l upplied with power figure to manufacture it it be shown | was as Solicitor and claus the less T down further in to the committee tank also received a lengthy Wd it was finally decided tions from an expert for mstruction of the concrete which -has been giving through leakage I'he ill advertise in Kingston, New York papers, asking he reconstruction of the br gas sO to light four - in- lamps to be installed he --courr--house;, by -the perty committee, for $75 a _pillars will be of iron, and up the court house wal id grounds Tenders ordered tons hard coal ft al Screenings; untain screenings g reported a number s for gas supply, but there were not Only two 1 Queen and Montreal s'reets had required number of signatures cided of pro 75 be called screenings; 1,000 to C( m suffi sectio cases The Time Extended. Dickson, collector of received word f at Ottawa that tl l re and manufactu HEC exten deal wke | basket. | rent coo n mnto a waste home MeCann. | ing and upholstering attended | Reid's. Sl oney Buy of Rep: to at 1 James It new at. OG 14th Lin m he iment Friday the red on cricket The grape illustration is to remind the reader of the fact fruit gives to Royal its chief derives those prime qualities which make it unique as a raising- a favorite with all who de- inest, mos healthful food. agent, sire the f Royal is" made from that this healthful active and ingredient. From the grape he only Biking Powder Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Build Up A Reserve Now Teo etait "You can easly do & by requaly deposi + part of your v atcumulate, = One Dollar and upwards opens saving and Compound Interest, the an account, and fund will rapid! ly, KINGSTON BRANCH . - S. TURNER, Manager Cor. Princess Complete Stocks of the Very Newest Things in Millinery; A Millinery Store That is Always Busy. thing that is out of something with the p-to-dateness that a d demands If you want some the commonplace, style and dash and wi well-dressed woman requires an come to SPENCE'S. J Come to Spence's For the Very Best Ob- tainable in Corsets; 30 Splendid Makes ; Directoire and Other Styles. perplexi- count Noth- from We can help yuu solve corset ties--hundreds of Kingston women this as their favorite corset store ing but the newest, All prices, HOc. up. Strikingly Attractive Displays of New Waists, Skirts, Costumes, Wash and Tub Dresses, &c., Just Received. Never had so much admired and so in- deed admirable a collection of everything that pertains to summer--seasonable oi waists, separate skirts, washable dresses, Rl. lingerie; etc. See them. Moderate prices. DAVID M. SPENCE, The Leading Millinery & Mantle Store 0006000000000000000000000000000000000000000 SHOES FOR VICTORIA DAY You want something new for the holidays what's most stylish and fashionable in 1908 Footwear can be had among our selected stock of fine Shoes, made in Black, Tan, Wine, Patent Colt, or Gun Metal. $3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00 e Sawyer Shoe Store ---- SOME SNAPS IN BUFFETS AND DINING ROOM CHAIRS 0 \ I Ae Re NR. REA ST nc Te Handsome Polished Oak Buffats, only 4115.00. Dining Room. Chairs, 5. small Chairs and 1 Armchair, only $10. Polished Oak Extension Tables, in Round or Square, only $12. Also Brass and Iron Beds, Springs and Mattresses at a snap. Use our Furniture Restorer for House-Cleaning, at JANES RED'S. The Leading Undertaers, Phone 147. y fA pe RE NA TE a ili -- We 4 wy N [ OE! wwii HE SHOE REPAIRING The Goodyear Machine is Now Working Successfiully. Men's Sewed Soles and heels, $1. Men's Nailed Soles and Heels, 75c. Ladies' Sewed Solesand Heels, 75¢, O'Sullivan's RubberHeels, 50c. A. E. Herod, 286 Princess St. I'he House of Quality PHONE 837 = £OO0LTR00000006000008 WE SPECIALIZE Out of the large variety of Cakes, as displayed by us last week, we to-day specialize thre€ unusu- ally good ones : MELBA, "MOCHA, PLUM. Call and see the large assortment. Fresh Strawberries now in. R. H. Toye, 302 King St. East 141