Daily British Whig (1850), 26 May 1909, p. 3

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ey 1299995934131 TATLALTA ALLA TLTLLLTL TTL TTLAY Wash Suits Ladies' Suits, coat and skirt in Natural and White Linen, latest New $4.50 and $5.50. Crumley Bros Boi tetova Tvs Have you tried om any of our Wash Suits yet? Try and make it a point to do so, for we are certain if you once see them on, you will fall in love with them. Here are Twe Styles Ladies' Suits, coat and skirts in White Duck, semi- fitting, back trimmed with large white buttons, all sizes for $5.00. York cuts, all sizes for VT LTTE VVTLRVVVRVVVDTE PAVED 4 7% Slater Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO IS THEY BOLE head of a family, or any male over years old, may homestead a qua section (160 dcres, more or less) of available Dominion land in Manitoba, HSaskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must ap r in persgn at the Dominion Lan sency or Sub-Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. SS. --Six mionths" residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least BO acres solely owned and oceupied by him or by his father, wether, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteadér in good standing may preempt a quarter on along-side his homestead. Price Fa) per acre. Duties.--Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A bhomesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in 'certain districts. Price $8.00 per acre. Purchased homesteads may be acquired on any available lands on either. odd or even numbered Sections South of township 45, Kast of the. Cnl- wary and Edmonton Railway and the West line of range 26, and West of the third Meridian and the Sault Railway line. Dwvties.--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL.~Coal mining rights may be leased for twenty-one years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2,560 acres oan he leased to one appli cant. Royalty, five cents per ton. QUARTZ. --A person eighteen years of age and over having made a discovery may locate a glaim 1,500 feet by 1,500 feet. Fea, $5.00. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year, or aid to the Mining Recorder. When: $500 pa been expende or paid and other requirements complied with the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 feet square. Entry fee, $5.00. DREDGING.~Two leases of five miles each, of a river may bo issued to one applicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, $10 a mile per annum. Royalty, 24 per cent after the output exceeds $10,000. W. W. CORY, Depu NB. ty of the Minister of the Interior. --Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid fer. 18 | reer | Preferred Cumulative Shares With a 20 per Common Shares. cent. bonus in b A limited amount only open for public subscription. Lists close in a few days. Preferred Dividends paid quarterly. Montreal Que. Send for prospectus. COBALTS We carry the margin deposits ; also New York Stocks, Grain, Produce, etc. Consult us before investing. have the latest news ly. Wire, telephone or write orders at our expense. Patriarche &Co., STOCK DEALERS, Office, Standard Stock. Exchange Building, Toronto. us Head Buffalo, N.Y. We have direct wires con- necting all our offices. DEPT. OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE. OTTAWA. SEALED TENDERS (in duplicate) for the supply of Coal and Fuel Wood re quired to heat the Military Buildings at Kingston, Belleville, Port Hope, Co- hourg and Peterborough, Ont. for the ten months ending March 31, 1910, will be received up to Monday, June 7 next Fach tender is to be marked 'Tender for Fuel! and addressed to the Secretary of the Militia Council, Ottaway Printed forms of tender containing full particulars may be obtained from the Secretary of the Militia Council, Ottawa or at the office of the Officer 'Command- ing Eastern Ontario, Kingston, who will furnish all information required. Fach tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque, on a .Canadian chartered Bank, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Militia and Defence, for five per cent of the amount of the tender, which will be for- feited if 'the party making the tender de- clines to sign a contract when called up- on to da so. If the tender be not ac- cepted the cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, + EUG. FISET, Colonel, Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence Ottawf, May 12, 1009, J99--4--1 0.) Newspapers will not be paid advertisement if they' insert it authority from the Department. gy FLOWER BORDER 7c. Ft. Ornamented Fence, from | 12¢. . ft. Field L feom 25§c. per Manufactured by cent Wire and Works. PARTRIDGE & SONS St. for this without roe ° 380, King 'Phone, Wm, Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. | | Drug Store. Feawes. | ners, LY oung, es | 1 Ion | Young, | veats, { Tuesday. | years | was { Cronk, Belleville, rand Union Hotel Opp. Grand Central Station, New York City Roosss, $1.00 4 Day to and from free. Send 2o stamp for N.Y: Olty Guide Book and Map THE WHIG"S JUMBLE Tells About a Lot of Things in General. How the veteran musician does hate to admit that he is played out. Even the dollfaced girl isn't satis- fied with sawdust breakfast food. James Garrison, Deseronto, and Miss Donovan, Belleville, were mar- med on Monday. "Buy Gin Pills" Cross Drug Store. back, 'Phone 230. On Npuday Chnton' B. Newton, son of Chiei and Mrs. Newton, Belleville, passed away in his seventeenth year. Women over forty years of age, who cannot sleep or rest well at night, should take one teaspoonful of St. Regis Lumbago Cure. Mrs, David = Caldwell, Zion's Ill, passed away on Sunday after a short illness, the result of a stroke of pa- ralysis., Deceased was sixty-six years age, Sin "Ask to see one" of Neilson's ice cream bricks at Gibson's Bed Cross Drug Store fountain, At Delorain®, Man., James Cavan- agh, a former resident of Frankville, died at Andrew Potter's. In Kitley he, spent the greater part of his long life of eighty-mine years. "For lame back," Gin in Kingston at Gibson's "Phone 230. The death occurred at Seeley's Cor- near Lyn, of Arthur Edward voungest son. of Joseph He was fifteen vears of age. Death was due to blood-poisoning. Harmon died in Belleville hospital on Deceased had been for many a resident of the county. ' He the grandfather of Mrs, Hy W. at Gibson's Red They cure lame of Pills. Red Sold Cross Fach "ice cream brick put up in a cardboard Box, suitable to carry. Neil son's ice cream and ice cream bricks New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, | arc sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Sale of Horses every Saturday. Gordon McFarlane, son of R. F. Me- Farlane, passenger manage: of the Do- minion line, Montreal, wounded bv {ly improved lawns, boulevards, | Store fountain, One hundred. dollars in prizes will be given io the scholars | schools for the best and most tasteful: flower the accidental discharge of a rifle with | spaces, gardens, back yards, and gene- which he was playi father's Jiouse; died mn y front of his|ral surrouddings of homes during the Puesday morning, summa. of 1909, | The Slater Shoe Company, Limited, ON MARGIN listed Cobalt Stock on bought and sold, We always from» the mining camps. All stack deliveries made prompt- your Buffalo Office, 206 Ellicott Square, | Simmons, aged ninety-two | of Port Hope | Bold in Builight FEES IICTEEEIEIIVE Le ee ee There was a little farewell luncheon lat the Country Club, yesterday, for | Mrs. RB. T.- Walkem, who goes, to-day, to Montreal, #0 stay with Mrs. Henry Joseph for a little time, and after | that will go to Halifax. 'The others the party, which numbered eight, Mrs. 1. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. | Walter Macace, Mrs. - James Gilder- sleeve, Mrs. John Bell Carruthers, | Mrs. Frederick Brownfield, Mrs. James | Cappon, and Miss Eleanor Macdonell. { Luncheon was followed by a game oi [eit | | 4 fin | were . ow w= ow Captain and Mrs. Alan Palmer were the chaperones of the very jolly little dinner party at the Country Club, on Monday night. The others present about the festive hoard were Miss Nora Gordom, Miss Grace Hemming, | Miss Elsie Pense, Miss Mildred Jones, | Miss Dorothy Browafield, Miss Marie | Carrnthees, Miss Phyllis. Short, Cap- | tain Edouard Panct, Mr. H. Boak, Mr. | H. Cobbitt, Mr. E. F. S. Dawson, Mr. { Van Lesslic, and Mr. Karl Tandy. > ew Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, Fron: tenac street, gave a little tea, on Sat- urday, for Mrs. Charles Masters, Murs, R. W. Rayson poured the coffee, Miss { Constance. Cooke cutting ices. Among | those present were Mrs. Stafford Kirk- {patrick, Mrs. Harcourt Callaghan, {| Miss Ethel Waldron, Miss Nan Pater son, Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Elsie and | Miss Marjery Pense, Miss Alice Maenee, Miss Madelon Carter, Miss Mathie Gar rett, and Miss Christine Cochrane. - = oo» E. 1. Fortt chaperoned the "Cock Robin's" jolly load of pic nickers, on Victoria day, to the Yates farm. The hosts were the sen- ior class cadets, and the girls they in- vited were Miss Mabel Meagher, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss Kate Smellie Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Mamie Gar rett, Miss Marjery Morrick, Miss Ma- deline Higgins, Miss Madge Taylor, and Miss Hilda Kent, - = Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Linton were up {from Ottawa for Victoria day, and wore the guests of Captain and Mrs do Mowbray Dell, William street. Mr. Linton has returned to Ottawa, bat Mrs. Linton has stayed on with her sister for Mrs. Iva Martin's danee, to night. | | Mrs. | - = Mrs. Walter Macnee and Mrs. Camp {bell Strange were winners of the sec ond prize, in the bridge tournament. Miss Mary Hora, who organized the affair, will ask all the players to meet her at the Country Club, shortly. and will' then present the prizes. - > 2» Mrs. Iva Martin's dance at "Under- wood," to-night, will bring out many who do not always attend at such functions, and rumor speaks of many pretty new gowns and frocks to da honor to the "coming-out." - - - Miss Mona Knight's gown at the Hodge-Boulthee wedding, in Teronto, to-day, was of champagne rajah, with trimmings of Copenhagen blue, and poke bonnet of the same shade - - > Mrs. Russell Hale, King street, gave an informal little tea, yesterday, in honor of Mrs. Ernest Linton, of Ot tawa. | - > - Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham hostess at an impromptu supper par- ty, after the amateur theatricals, last night. wa -> - ed Mrs. E. I. Mooney will hold her post- nuptial reception Wednesday, June 2nd, at her home, at 159 Alfred street "> - -- There was a jolly little dance at the Yacht Club, on Monday night. oe -> - Mr. Scott McLeod, formerly of Merchants' bank, here, came back Kingston for Vietoria Day. Miss Burstall, of Quebec, guest of Colonel and Mrs, Burstal, Barrie street. Mr. Hugh Taylor was here from To- ronto for the week-end. . Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Grass, Albert street, with Miss Margaret and Miss Nettie, left, last week for their new home in St. Catharines. Professor Robert La#f has their residence om Albert street. Mrs. W. Taylor Shirrefi, Ottawa, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Ballantyne, has returned to her home, taking her mother with her for a visit. - on - Mr. Victor Drury came down Winnipeg, for the holiday, and sur- prised his mother and all his old friends very much, and very pleasant- {ly, by his unheralded visit. Mrs. C. | W- Drury will remain in town for two or three weeks longer. Mr. F. 8S. Hammond, of Toronto. spent the week-end with Mrs. James McParland, Emily street. Mr. T. J. Nugent, of the Merchants' bank, Montreal, spent the holiday in the city with his mother," Mrs. T. Nugent, Johnston street. - - - Miss Sweatman, of Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Walton, Earl strect. Mrs. Parson and Miss Gertrude and Miss Daisy Fortescue, who have heen with Mrs. James Cotter, Alfrod street, for a few days, left for Montreal, day. Mr. George Fortescue was with Mrs. Cotter. Miss Katic Hazen came up, to-day, from St. John, and is with Mrs. Iva Martin, "Underwood." Miss. Marjory Macpherson, of Ot- tawa, has been thé guest of ars. E. T. Taylor, at the Royal Military Col- legos Mrs. Wemyss Colter, who has heen | visiting Mrs. James Cotter, Alfred street, leit town, to-day. -- - > Mrs. R. T. Walkem weat down noon, to-day, to Montreal. Mr. Charles Fortescue, of Pittsburg, Pa.. has been staying with Mrs. "NH. A. Beits, Earl street, while in town. \ | Mr. Alwyn Forneri has in town Miss Hazel MeNeil, of Deo In was | with her mother at Rockwood hos | pitel, for the holiday. { Miss Dorothy and Miss Mary Wright, | of Jamestown, N.J., will be the guests the to is the H. E E, taken from to- also | el Amusements. -- 5c WONDERLAND Sc TO-DAY'S PICTURES No. 1-- 'OYSTER ; ; No. II.--+EARTHLY PARADISE" No. III.-- 'IN THE BAD LANDS. ™ A beautiful Drama of Western Life. This is one of the Bnest Pictures ever shown in Kingston. Don't fail to see it. MISS WHITTIER SINGS "IN SUNNY ITALY." Bring vour {friends to "'W DERLAND. The House with 'the latest and best Motion Pictures money can procure. NO REPEAT PICTURES AT "WONDERLAND." Every picture shown, guaranteed to be not over 10 days from the fac- tory. OUR PICTURES ARE CHANG- ED DAILY. ADMISSION FIVE CENTS. GORDON STALEY and 8S, LAROKES, Props. vn = Tenders For ; to Concrete Gas Holder Tank. LEP TENDERS addréssed to MH.' B. R. Crhig, City Engineer, and marked " TENDERS FOR GAS HOLDER Will be received up to 12 eo'clogk noon, the 19th day of June next, for the re- pair of the concrete gas holder tank be. longing to the Corporation of the City of ingston. Information and General specifications may be obtained upon application to the undersigned. 1 The lowest or any sarily accepted, (Signed) IH. SEA R tentler R. CRAIG, City Engineer. Retail Grocers" Association A meeting of the Retail Grocers will be held Thursday, 27th Inst. At 8 pu. in Y.M.C. A. to make arrangements for Pienic to be held July 1st. A full attendance re- quested. not neces- B, W. H. DALBY, Secretary. WANTED. BRIGKLAYERS. Open'shop. Apply at once to the Utica, NY. the city. of Mrs. Edward Ryan fot the ball. for the holiday with the Rev, Forneri, Alfred street. Mise Laura Curry, spent the week-end with Mrs. Wade, Johnson street, Miss Bertha Brockville for Victoria day with Mrs. G. S. Oldricve, Wellington street. Mr, and Mrs. George Lyman, of Mon- treal, and their two children spent the holiday at "Calderwood." - - - Mr. and Mrs. D. J. 'Hogan, of Na- panee, spent Victoria day with Mrs. Edward Ryan, ~teckwood House.' Miss Gabrielle Roy, of Montreal, is staying with Miss Loretta Swift, King street. Colonel and R.'S: of Brockville, Honry Mrs. E. W. Rathbun were down from Deséronto, for last night's entertainment, and were the guests of Captain and Mrs. Kenneth Blair. Mr. George Easton, of spent the holiday in town. Professor and the Misses Ferguson left, on Monday, for Rideau Ferry, where they will spend the summer. Several people in town have received a ror ial mevitaon to go down and visit them during the summer. Arnprior, YARKER BASEBALL TEAM Defeated the Camden East Nine By 18 to 8. Yarker, May 25.--The baptizing of Fdward Wesley Benjamin, som of Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Benjamin, by Rov. R. Spencer, took phace in the Anglican church, Sunday, May 23rd. Visitors : Dr. Moles and family, of Brockville, and Mr. Moles and family, of Arn- prior, at A. W. Benjamin's. The Tiger baseball team of this village, under the management of G. H. Wrigglesworih, won its first game of the season at Camden East on Saturday last by defeating the Cam- dens by 18 te 8. Batteries, Eaton and Uens, for Camdens; Woodhouse and McDonald, for Black "and Orange. A hot game is oxpected to be played here on Saturday, May 2%ih, when the Junior Victorias will plag Tigers, of Yarker. Mrs. Breault has sold her residence here to George Lucas, Sr. Orange Babcock, 'of Odessa; is at S. Bab cock's. Mr. Checkley, of - the Mer- chants' Bank, Napanee, spent Sunday in Yarker. George McDonald has gone to Braniford, where he will locate per- manently and will later gn remove his family there. Overton iden has sone to Syracuse, NY., in the om- ployment of the avtomobile factory there. Mr. Holland has secured the serviecs of a good baker. Jonathan Babcock, better known as "Pate," is heve from Clavton, X.Y. Allan Silver, the morning of the 24th, while engag- od in helping to hoist had the misfor- tune to jam his finger. 27th, van will ery, 290 Princess Commencing May { leave Mcllquham's liv: at | street, 2 p.m., daily,: except Mondays | its and Saturdays, for Cataraqui ceme- terv. The estate of Sir Danald Curgie, the steamship magnate, of London, who died on April 3th, has been sworn to at $11,885,260. Use Furniture Restorer for cleaning old furniture, at James Reid's. Calgary merchants voted $900 ssue two publicity booklets. to . . x or any mason contractor in June McMullen was up from | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc. a word: Bach con- secutive insertion thereafter half cent a word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion, 25c.; three insertions, 50c. six, $1; one month $32. WANTED--HELP. AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID. AP- ply at this Office. OR FOUR GIRLS, FOR y TE THEE m. Apply N. C. Polson wrapping roo & Co. GIRL, FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Good wages. Apply at once, 03 Clergy street. ERAL SERVANT. REFER- wired. Applv in evening 10 GOOD GEN ence . Lesslie, 47 William St. Mrs. J. IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD GENERAL servant, References uired. Apply to Mrs. Macgillivray, 119 Earl St. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER AND cashier. Must be competent in order to hold position. Apply Box "C. C.," Whig office. SALESMEN WANTED FOR "AUTO Spray,'"' Best Compressed-air Hand Sprayer made. Sample free to ap- proved agents. Cavers Bros. Galt, Ont. LEARN BARBER TRADE. TOOLS free. New system. Constant practios Careful instructions. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Few weeks complete course. Wri for free catalogue. Moler Barber College, Toronto. A MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS AND connections, well acquainted with the city, to canvass for insurance and real estate, make collections, etc, on sklaty Gr Comission, Jes to ployment for ght person. Give age residence and references, x FOR SALE. BUFFALO 14 H.P. GASOLINE EN fine cheap Apply to vis Dry 12 ST. CATH« leaving city. Ape BUGG Y Apply 457 street, SEVERAL SECOND-HAXD CULTIVA« tors and [ ny J. Hay, 126 and 128 Clarence St. SIX-ROOM AND W.C.. ) » in oud i ¥ at Godwin's Insurance DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, IN FIRS large tlass Sonditign, with ) a. Lan lot. on ses, a br PPly | prem! 2 | COOKING AND CLEANING, BY THE day. Apply to 103 Wellington St. THE OPPORTUNITY FURNISH | : » on electric or. Al kinds | BRICK HOUSE, XO, bod done. . Birch arine street. Owner Ot or mn ply on premises. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR ONE RUBBER-THRE OPEN cloth and have it made wp into up- E JUBRERTIRE OBE to-date Price 'apd sey repairing done on the notice. Galloway, 181 Broc St., next EF 's Livery. VETERANS PINION WARRANTS ; will pay $500; attach raft, through any bank ; make transfer in blank ; write or wire; will buy On- tarie grants, located or unlocated. George Gwatkin, 122 King east, Tor- onto. [BLACK MOULD. FOR FLOWER BEDS, d lso ashes remo Albert Stansbury, BRICK HOUS 0. 1388 ST | eight DT ¥ ) loty to suit. A A. ¥. Bond, 79 Clarence street. ply WALNUT BOOKCASE combined, lass expensive when new, Turk's. 'Phone, 705. VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH, Corner of Union and Main Fine Frame House, and 8 "has. Boys and Girls, at BS. @ Oberndorfiér's Cigar Factory, : Ontario St., City. Lb bd AND DESK it 'and mirror, for $18, at 4 hd LOST, RUBBER HEEL. Sutherland's Shoe S-- AT A Boor, WITH Please return to good Store. cheap for cash. Apply to , 81 Princess street GOLD LOCKET AND CHAIN, WITH initials "D. 8.) on Tuesday evening. Finder kindly return to Whig office and receive reward, a ASSORTMENT OF McLAUGH« BI i arness a speciality: cheapest. A 3-Horse Frost & Wood Cultivater, ly new, for half price. F. P. Grass, LARGE lin FINANCE AND INSURANCE. 0. 8. KIRKPATRICK, FIRE, MARINE and Motor Insurance, 42 "Clarence 'Phone, 568. ATTRACTIV INVES NT cles In The North aa rates, lute security, Ed es" T. 8. Boon, At, 15% Wellington St. HOUSEHOLD ° FURNITURE, INCLUD ing Piano, best condition and val able Organ, suitable for a ¢ Bargains for quick sales, as * are leaving the eity. Apply d8 Wells ington streef. St., Kingston. La. In- DWELLING, 9 ROOMS, WITH STONE stable, drive-house, fowl. ** this Office. BOYS WANTED--UNUSUAL , OPPOR- tunity for gmergetic boy eight to fifteen years old. Chance to see cham- pionship games between pennant-win- ning clubs of the two major leagues next October, all expenses paid, just as an advertisement. Would you like to go? Frank O'Gorman, 352 King street. APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITION OF pupil purse, in the Pottsville Hos pital, Pottsville, Pa., one hundred bed hospital, training general, with a three months' ceurse in obstetrics in a New York hospital, and three hundred dollars ($800.00) paid dur- ing the three years' course. Circulars of information and application blank furnished upon request to the Super- intendent, Miss E. F. Darlbmg. ARCHITECTS, ARTHUR AR office an 181 Ave. ELLIS, CHITECT d residence, University HENRY etc,, Square. P: . SMI Anchor "Phone, AR 'TH, CHITECT Building, Marke! : NEWLANDS & SON, ARCH] tects, etc., Office, 258 Bagot streei "Phone, 608. WM | POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. PERSONALS. HAIR, warts, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, etc, remov permanently al Twenty years' eRfiar, Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, r, Nose, Throat Ski Blemish Specialist, 2568 Bagot street. LEGAL, B: CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and Solicitor, Law Office, 79 Clarence 8t:, Kingston. Soothing Wash Cures Eczema. 0il of Wintergreen Compouhd Solves a Vexing Medical Prob- lem. ? One of the most vexing problems in all medicine appears at last to have been solved by the most simple of all remedies. Ordinary, oil of wintergreen properly compounded with thymol, glycerine and other mild healing K- quids, tones up the healthy" skin while killing and ultimately removing the eczema germs. : This compound, known as D.D.D Prescription, has now so thoroughly proven its efficiency that druggists re- commend it unhesitatingly. Mrs. Sarah E. Hollingsworth, Picton, Ont., writes : "Every other remedy I had tried would help for a while, but D.D.D. cured completely, It also cured a friend of mine, who suffered untol | agony before using it, and whom no doctor could help." . This is the point--D.D.D. cures com* pletely. It instantly relieves the burning torturing itch, and in a short time frees the skin of every trace of the disease. : For free sample bottle The D.D.D. Laboratory, Department K.W., 23 Jordan street, Toronto. For sale by all druggists. of write to TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM Is the Only Possible Wry of Hav- ing An Effective Cure. If you see a woman or a man with luxuriant glossy hair you may be sure neither has dandruff to amount to anything. In nearly every case where women 'and men have thin brattle hair they owe'it to dandruff. There are thousands of preparations that "claim™ to cure dandruff = but, not one but Newbro's Herpicide tells you that dandruff §s the result of a germ burrowing into the scalp, and that permanent cure of dandruff and consequent falling and baldness {can only be had by killing the germ: {and there is no other preparation | that will destroy that germ but New- | bro's Herpicide. "Destroy the cause jand vou remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. 10¢c,. in stamps for sample ¥ Send to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich.. One dol- | G. W. Ma lar bottles guaranteed. hood, special agent, furnace, house, water front, Apply to J. S. Cor, King St. ete., B acres, ahout 700 feet, Wolfe Island Propertyq R. McCann, Brock GEO. A. BATEMAN, AGENT FOR THE Pacific Coast Fire Ins. Coy., members of the board of underwriters. ' The Romouski, Established 1876. The York and Economical Mutuals, 67 Clarence St., Kingston. 'Phone, 396. : . TWO XEW HOUSES, CORNER DIVI sion and Quebec streets. Also at East View Park, 65 miles from Kingston, on the St. Lawrence,' Several lois and new summer cottages. For sale, or to let, Apply Rev. J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable assets $41,187,215. In addition to which «the policyholders have or security the unlimited liability of all the *stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. fore remewing old or giving | aew_ business get rates from Strange! & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568. { PATENT MEDICINE BUSINESS, with mail order business included. A snap at $2,500 cash. Goods sold by over \ five hundred druggists in Can- ada. Any person with ordinary ability can handle the business. Ap- ply Box "8S. C.,"" care Whig office. A TO-LET. ONE REAR ROOM OFFICE, Hing street, Will Ie » Forrest, Gents' DWELLINGS, FURNISHED ND - Niraished," Stores Saoracs 'Tor Fuga ture, etc. Cann's, Cor. King street. FOUR. BRIGHT, WELL-FURNISHED rooms, without board, all conveni- ences, electric light, Apply 61 Union St. West. AT 346 rented cheap. Furnisher, TWO SOLID DOUBLE BRICK DWEL- lings, excellent location, on Princess St., opposite University Ave., each house Rontaining, nine rooms, modern conveniences with vi gardeg, t trees and stable. is is snap for someone, reason for seiling, owner leaving the city. Arply, at rock Ir MeCann's Real Estate Agency, Cor. King street. SUMMER COTTAGE AND ISLAND, among the 1,000 islands, about 4 miles from Gananoque, foot of Howe Island, cottage contains large res ception room with fire plate, 8 beds rooms, (8 in tower), drilled well 28 feet deep, cellar, boathouse, good hoating antl fishing. MeCann's Real Estate Agency, Brock Cor. King St. BLACKSMITH SHOP, arket, suitable for general shop, rent moderate. Apply McKeguey, 438 King street. ON HAY repair to J, BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS, Stuart street, modern im- provements. Possession May 1st. Apply to John Ashley, 28 Livingston ve. A BINGLB No. 1 CRUISING GASOLINE LAUNCH. 20x7, cabin, W. C. and galley, -5 H.P, ens gine in Cockpit, copper tank, "waters tight bulkhead between cabin and cockpit, most comfortable cruiser of its size ever built, splendid sea-boaty with . cushions, awning fo cockpit, lights, ning-buoy. anchors flags, ete. Cost $600. Will for £825 cash to quick buyer. Write now to Dr. A. McEMinney, 174 Metcallgh FIRST FLOOR OVER KING 'EDWARD Theatorium, formerly occupied by Board of Education, suite of rooms and -hall, suitable for o , club room, etc. Apply 211 Princess St, complete sell MEDICAL CARD. St., Ottawa. HENRY B. DAY, M.D. CM. PHYSI cian and Surgeon, (practising Odessa for the last seven years), Cor. Brock and Division Sts. Of Hours, 8 to 9 a.m:; 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. 'Phpne, 890. DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTIAPS, Bac Princess 8t., Kingston. 'Phone, Slabs, dry and new, cut and split. Delivered in any quantity. Try us. Swift's. - FIREWORKS Roman Candles, Rockets, Mines, Wheels, etc. Torpedoes and Cannon Crackers See our assortment at lc and 5c for the children. --- : A.J.RE : S, 166 Princess St - with the Clerk of Sale; "totherwise the parcel will at once be put up again. For this purpose intending purchasers should provide themselves with marked cheques on chartered banks of Canada made to their own order and payable at par at the point of sale; or with bank notes of LANDS. as large a denomination as possible. The - balance of the cash instaiments must in THERE will be offered for sale by |every case be paid in cash or by marked publie-auetion, at an upset price to ' be cheque before the close of the sale, fail- made knowns at time of sale, at Wadena, | ing which the deposit of one hundred in 'the Province of Saskatchewan, on the | dollars will be forfeited and the land 23rd day of Jume, 1909, at the hour of | withdrawn from sale. 12 o'clock, noon, the following lands, Any information regarding the lands in situate in the Fishing Lake Indian Re-| question may be obtained upon applica~ serve, No. 89, in Tps. 83 and 34, Rr. 12 ition to the undersigned. and 13, W, 2 M. Fr. E, § seg. 1. Fr. The unauthorized insertion of this ads . 4 see. 12 and Fr. S.E. § sed. 13, in | vertisement will not be paid for. i Tp. , R. 13; secs: 81, 32, 33, 34, 35 J. D. McLLEAN, {and 'Fr. 36, in Tp. 33, R. 12; secs. Fr. Secretary: 11,2, 8, 4 5,6, 8, 9, 10, 11, Fr. 12, {Department of Indian Affairs, | Fr. 8. ' Ottawa, April 15, 1909 | 4 13, Fr. 8. '} 14, Fr. 8S. 118, , 34, R. 12 and Fr. E. } : Beddi : Plants : | Fr. 8. 3 16. Fr. 8. § 17 and Fr. 8. in Tp " 36, in Tp. 83, R. 18. s The lands will be oered for sale in Send in your list, I will quote prices on any quantity. Mail orders carefully 3 quarter sections, cash, or one-tenth cash attended to. {and the balance in nine equal annual in- J. A. WALLACE | stalments with interest at 5 per cent. on © (Suteessor to 0. 6G. Jehnson, FLORIST, Pea AUCTION SALE OF INDIAN { ithe unpaid purchase price. Accepted cheques wifl be takea in Rian of cash. Upop a parcel of : { down," tiie " ately deposit the sum of one hundred dollars

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