THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1909. THE USES OF BILE IN DIGESTION Bile is Quite As Important As Are the Gastric Juices in the Pro- cess of Digestion, Chronic Imdigestion Disappears When An tive Liver Supplies Bile in Sufficient Quantities. You think of bile as something dis | agreeable and poisonous, something to be well rid of. Jn the blood bile is poisonous and harmful, but the liver takes the bile out of the blood nnd pours it into the intestines, where it fulfills a most important mission. i Without bile human life is short; . r, Bile hastens the passage of the food along the alimentary. canal. Bile neutralizes the acid which passes | from the stomach to the intestines. Bile prevents the fermentation of food in the intestines, which in turn caus:s gas, wind, flatulency. Bile, in short, is Nature's cathartic ahd maintains a regular and health- ful process of digestion and of eli- mination of waste matter by way of the bowels, But to have a regular flow of the liver must be kept healthy active and just here is where Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills come in, for they are definite, specific and direct in their action on the liver, It is only by setting the liver right that constipation can ever be cured, It is 'only by making the liver heal- thy that biliousness and bilious, sick headaches can be thoroughly over- come. Jt is only by making the liv- er active that the most difficult cases of indigestion and dyspepsia will ever vanish, A single box of Ih Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills at a box will convince vou of their extraordin ary merit. One pill a dose, at _all dealers, or Edmanson, Dates & Toronto. A. VW. 2bc. Kellogg's the | Co., | WITH STRANGE MAN 'KIDNAPPED GIRL LEAPS FROM AUTO. Picked Up Unconstious--Her Abductor Captured--Police | Guard Him From Violence { Chicago, June 1.--A leap from a | swiftly = moving automobile to escape {ftom a man she alleged gwas taking [her away from homie, brought serious {injuries to Miss Mary Kirschner, of South Chicago. Miss Kirschner, who is twenty-two {veurs old, was found in an unconsei- {ous condition near the roadside at { East Chicago, Ind., shortly after she had left that town with a man in a { white touring car. The driver of the {car was arrested after a chase in which many citizens of the little town joined with the police, He refused to 'give his name and was locked up. | The girl, upon reviving, said she bad la slight acquaintance with her cap- {tor. She had met him at a dance two | vears ago, she said. As she was walk- ng home, he drove up in his machine and offered to carry her. She accept- fod, she said, but the man drove his | car swiftly for the open country, de- spite her pleas to he allowed to get out. Just outside of the town, after the car had passed several groups of men who say they heard the girl scream, Miss Kirschner tried to jump out. The man tried to hold her, but only succeeded in tripping her so that she fell on her face in the road. Fhe driver then put on his highest peed and fled. Several men who had the struggle, jumped into waggons and buggies and followed the machine. The car became stranded in {a sand road and the. driver was cap- tured. The officers who came up had { trouble in guarding the man from in- jury. Miss Kirschner said she could not remember his name. | | | ! | ! | | | witnessed i STOCK QUOTATIONS. | Is Not a Medicine cova and Leading Canadian Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes is not a"medicine" ==it's a dainty, whole- some table delicacy with a palatable flavor that calls for more, more, more, But==it has all the re- medical - value of the good, old-fashioned "cures" your mother used togive you=it's Nature's Own Food==Purified. It is because of Kellogg's "Secret" that Toasted Corn Flake Eaters are a happy, healthy people. Try it yourself==and be sure it's 10 . 9 g Made % Kellogg? En Toasted Corn Flakes Grocers You cannot jossions haw" : a better Cocoa thaz EPPS'S A delicious drink and a sustaining food... Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in' robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. COCOA 811d by Grocers and Storekeepers ™ in i-1b. and §-Ib Tins. MIGH GRADE | *N Corsels 8 FULLY \"N GUARANTEED -- 9 NONE BETTER MADE - MEN ARD WOMEN, Use Big & for unnatura' discharges inflammations, frritations or ulceration: of mucous Xembrance Painless, and not astria- gent or poisonous, Sold by Drugygists, Jor sent in plain, wrapper, by express, prepaid, for £1.00, or 3 bottles $2.75. Circular sent on request. The great Uterine Tonic, and ®.only safe effoctual Monthly & Regula on which women cat 2 'n three degrees No. I, 8$t; No. 2 10 degrees stronger, $33 No. t for special cascs, $3 per box Sold by ail drugs repaid on rec droe pamphlet. Add.ess: € oz Meoming Do. TORCNT, ONT. Gormerly Wi REY Standard remedy for Gleet, Gonorthae« and Runnings MW 48 HOURS. Cures Kid- noy and Bladier Troubles. a of siren Listed. The following quotations are sup- [plied by the City Brokerage (J. O Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- street Telephone 480 A" | Stocks ence Cobalt Stocks. ye. June 1st. Sellers. $423 00 69 40% Buyers. § 12} 12 68 leaver . me Baillie Cobalt Chambers-Ferland . Cobalt Central ...... «iv wo. i obalt Lake (Crown Reserve . Foster { Gifford {tireen Meehan i l.a Rose Tittle Nipissing . | Mc¢Kin, Dar. Savage ... .. | Nipissing wu Nova Scotia .... | Peterson 1 ake | Rochester ...... | Silver Leaf .. | Silver Queen | Temiskaming | Trethewey | Watts Bravery Recognized. Toronto, June l.--The bravery of Frank Ward, Edward and Frederick | Ward, of the government life saving | crew, at the island, who, with the aid | lof Charles A. Snider, city editor of the lvening Telegram, rescued the crew of | the schooner St. Louis, consisting of | «ix men and a cook, on the morning 'of Sunday, May 2nd, when the | «chooner became stranded off the west | shore of the island during a gale, was { recognized by the board of control, | this morning. The board véted $50 to [cach of tho members of the life saving { crew, A Disastrous Fire. | San Francisco, June, 1.=It was esti- | ma ed, to-day, that $1,000,000 | was caused by fire which destroyod the Novada docks at Port Costa. The fire {held up Southern Qacific trains for | several hours. The piers were built by | | loss the Nevada Bank and James 4) | Flood, the bonzana king, when the lat Iter attempted to comer the wheat | markets of the world and dropped | $15,000,000. Nine hundred of | wheat and one hundred tons of hops wore destroyed by the fire. tons Will Seek Settlement. (Cleveland, Ohio, June 1.--In an ef- | fort to bring about a conference be- {tween the representatives of the Lake { Carriers' Association and * representa- {tives of the various labor organizations { employed upbn the great lakes, with la view to settling the lake marine i strike, members of the board of arbi- {tration from six states met here, to- | day, with Seth Low, New York, presi- dent of the National Civic Federa | tion Phila- New leveland, 57; i astern {falo, 10-3, { Newark, Ia Baseball On Monday. National league--New York, 3-5; Philadelphia, 2-4. Pittsburg, 54; St. Louis, 4-2. Boston, 1-0; Brooklyn, 0-3. Cincinnati, 4-2; Chicago, 1-3. > | American league Boston, 3-2; | delphia, 9.1. Washington, 8; +N orky bei iad OWS G1; { Detroit, Chicago, . league--Toronto, 3-3; Juf- 0-4." Rocheste 1-8: Montreal, Providence, 5-2; Baltimore, 2-12. 5-5: Jersey Uity, 1-6 Was It Stolen White Boy ? Texas, June 1.--Two wellknown Apache chief, hase proven his identity as Thomas Htringfield, a native Texan; born of a {prominent family, forty-four vears ago McMullen county, of four yeafs was Kidnapped by band of Apaches, who on a raid mas sacred the boy's mother, fathet / and [voung brother. A sister, presumed to [have been slain, survived, and is still { Galveston, Braids, a mn a alive Will Take Six Weeks. Berlin, June 1.--Count Zeppelin. has ant a teldgram to the reichstag, say- ng he regrets, greatly, that he must his arrangements for ascensions in his i f pos ipor 8 bers to make new {model airship insomuch as the com i restoration of the parts in yes | plete will require six teday's weeks. accident , cin who at the ageq mem- | A CENTENARY EVENT. | Methodists Will Visit Old White { Chapel. | The 100th birthday of the White {chapel, at Hallowell Mills, two miles below IMicton, will be fittingly marked, |on June 5th, when the Bay of Quinte { conference, of the Methodist church, {will adjourn from its sittings in Belle- ville, to visit the historic structure, now the oldest Methodist chapel, in use for church purposes, in Canada. The Methodist meeting house at Adol- phustown is really the oldest in Can- ada, having been built in 1793, but it has passed into other hands and is be- ing used for material and worldly pur- poses while the White chapel, of Pic- ton, has throughout a century main- tained standing and dignity as a place solely for worship. The Bay of Quinte conference begins its yearly sessions in Belleville, the first of the month, and June 5th has been the day set apart f8r an official visit to the century old pile. The ser- vices of the day. will be appropriate. S. F. Lazier, K.C., of Hamilton, whose father was an early preacher in the chapel; J. N. Lake, a prominent To- ronto layman, and fifty years ago a local preacher in the old church, as well as many others who at one time served in the chapel, will assist in the anniversary. It the intention to have the conference have the old build- ing preserved as a monument to Meth- odism of the early days, as well as to direct efforts towards reclaiming the Adolphustown chapel, : i 18 JUNE PREDICTIONS. According to Hicks There'll Be Several Varities. A reactionary storm paviod is cen- tral on the 3rd, 4th and 5th. The moon is full, at a total eclipse node, on the drd, aud at greatest declination south on the 5th. High temperature, low barometer and thunder storms will he the order at this time. © Storm conditions will develop move in regular order from west' to but local thunder in June are more sporadic, being liablo to break out simultancously in widely scattered localitics. Beginning at this period, we enter a marked seismic ircle that will last up to the 20th of June. The full moon on the Jvd, being at an eclipse node, and causing an eclipse of the moon, will not de- part. from that node until after the 17th, being at now moon and causing sun: on that date. wonditions, . as scientific and mast, showers an eclipse of the Under leaders should long ago have scen and confessed, there is a prolonged strain rom one celipse to the other, exeiting maximum tendency to carthquake and volcanic perturbations. From June lst io 6th, central on the 3rd, will be the first decided seismic period, the probable effects heaviest south of the equator. A GENERAL STRIKE these a being Promised if Terms Are Not Arranged. Philadelphia, June 1.-~The . stpeet railway strike situation, to-day, is gly. Twelve thousand policemen are on guard im the city and Mayor Rey- burn said that, if neccessary, he would swear 1,000 men in. Traffic was en- tively suspended before midnight and wrious clashes were looked for if an attempt was made {o run cars, to- day. The force of 250 strike breakers on duty since the beginning of the Arvike, was augmented, to-day, by 600 moro men rushed here from New York. A general trade organization <rike is threatened by Qohn J. Mur- phy, president of the Central Labor 'ouncil, if the Philadelphia © Transit company docs not meet the terms of the striking trolley men by Thursday nights s Terms Quite Reasonable. Toronto, June 1.--~The railway commission, this morning, gave judg- ment on the application made by the +I'"R. and C.P.R. to compel the C. N.R. to pay one-third of 'the fixed annual charges on the Union Station, or, $1,000 per vear rental. The board ruled that the agreement made by the parties Nov. 7th, 1806, by which the C.N.R. was to pay $1 per car in and out of the station was rea- sonalle and that the C.N.R. should not be called upon to contribute to- wards. the fixed charges. Shot By His Neighbor. Rochester, . June 1.--Morris Dona- van, a wea.thy Clyde, N.Y., farmer, was killed by his friend and neighbor, Beckwith Tremper. After a night's drinking bout Tremper said, 'Boys, it's time to go home; 1 want to to bed." © "The reply was a refusal to depart, and saying, "I've got some- thing to hurry you," Tremper fired a shotgun at Donavan. r go A Fallen Goddess. Bangkok Times. A goddess has She is, or was, the deity of the Kun In temple at Canton. Fire took place there not long ago, and the unfortu- nate goddess, being made of wood, was unable to save herself. The Nam Hoi magistrate, in his wisdom, has decreed that she shall" be worshipped no more, as the fact of her being burned is proof of her inability to perform a miracle. Barring It Out. London Tit-Bits. rate Parent--=So you think my daughter loves you, sir, and you wish to marry her ? Young Lover--That's what 1 called to sec you about. And if you don't mind, I thought 1'd just 'ask first if there is any insanity in your family. rate Parent=No,; sir, nnd there's not going to be any. King Edward's Number. The king's lucky number is 9. {his parents were born in 1819; he was {born on a 9th, his marriage took {place in the year G3, which numbers {added one to the other make 9; his 'reign commenced in 1901, he was to | rin . {have been crowned on the 27th, which {figures added together make 9, and he | {was actually crowned on August 9th. The worm may turn, but the grind- stone has to be turned. | After breakidg a #5 bill the pieces are soon lost. { A homely . truth is botter than 'handsome lie. : fallen from grace. | Both NEWS OF THE WORLD IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. John M. Beasley, Petrolea, while driving in his buggy. Winnipeg street railwaymen are not satisfied with the award of the con- ciliation board. Word was received of the sudden death in Boston of Riv. Thomas Me Kay, a Torontonian. The Consolidated Elevaior company will build a new 1,700,000-bushel ele vator at Fort William. Reports from all districts surround- ing Brandon state that the crop con- ditions surpass all expectations. Emmet W. Beldon and Mrs. L. Shep- herd drove into a slough near Chilli- wack, B.C., and were drowned. The succession duties for May reach- ed $34,106, bringing the total for the first five months of this year up to £379,927. Near Boston, Mdss., a frightful cident occurred, three persons falling many feet from a balloon, with dead- ly results. On Thursday, Harvey McKenney, Bayham, was attacked by a bull in the stable yard, and is not expected to recover, In the Newfoundland legislature, Mr. Warren, a supporter of Premier Mor- vis, will be the speaker, with Mr. Par sons as deputy speaker. The Cavanville Methodist «reuit has invited Rev. J. W. Clarry, 88.A., Shan- nonville, for next conference year, and Mr. Clarry has accepted. , Earl Grey will sail for June Sth. died England on Countess Grey is remain heen during her stay -in Ottawa. The output of the Canadian Sheet Metal Corporation, Morrisburg, is to be doubled and much larger and bet- ter machinery will be put in. At Owen Sound Frank Davis, about forty years, an Englishman, out since last fall, was accidentally drowned last- night in the Sydenham river, : Hon. P. H. Roy, former speaker of the Quebec legislative assembly, and ex-president of the Bank of St. John's, is now breaking stone in the peniten tiary yard. At Chatham council, Samuel Orr was presented with a humane medal for bravery in saving the young of Mr. and Mrs. Naftel from drowning this spring, A strike of the masons and bricklay- ers in Galt, Hespeler, Preston and Berlin will be unless the exchange agrees to pay the men forty cents an hour. On Friday, William Boughner, Bay- ham, was attacked by a young bull he was leading to water, and though he defended himself with a pitchfork, he was go badly hurt he died Sunday. A challenge cup for competition in rugby football, is to be given by the governor-general. It is hoped to make the trophy emblematic of the amateur championship of the dominion. The trophy is to be a perpetual one. The ' strenuous campaign carried on in connection - with the new Y.M.C.A. building project at Halifax, N.S., dur aged son evening, when the grand total of sub- scriptions reached the sum of $114, 517. Sir General Fredérick Borden, Postmaster- Lemieux, Hon. George Pp. Graham and Hon. Charles Murphy will attend the big banquét to be tendered, to-night, 'at Montreal, to Sir Lomer Gouin. A sensation was. sprung at the Ros al commission, in Montreal, on Tues- day, when a man, named Cale that he was asked for $300 Proulx, chairman of the police mittee, when he applied for a police position. The building permit for the = new G.T.R. hotel, Chateau Laurier, was taken out in the name of the Ottawa Terminals Railway company, incor- porated to build botly hotel and sta- tion. . The . cost of the former is $864,000 exclusive of furnishings. 01d Time Temperance. Morris Hillquit in Socialism. The first temperance society is said to have been founded by Margrave Frederick V, in 1600, and it is in- structive to learn that the noble mem- bers of that society were bound by a pledge good for two not to drink more than seven bumpers of wine with any meal nor more than fourteen bumpers a day. They were, however, permitted to quench™ any surplus of thirst with beer and to drink one glass of whiskey on the side. By this ideal of abstention may be gauged . the ordinary drinking habits of our forefathers in the good old times when knighthood was in flower. years His Walking Papers. "My sister 'll bedown in a minute," said ~ little Clarence, who was enter- taining the young man in the parlor. "T heard her tellin' maw a little while ago that she was goin' to give you your written permission to perambu- I late to-night. What do you reckon she meant by that ?" "1 think 1 know, Clarence," said the voung man, reaching for his hat. "You { may tell her, if you please, that have decided not to wait for it." i | Electric Fans Pick Chickens. \ One of the most unique tasks elec tricity is to be compelled to accom- plish is the picking of chickens. An electric fan for this purpose has been devised for wholesale poultry dealers. The - fan laced 1 through which it drives a b | claimed to be sufficient to remove all the feathers and down from a fowl in a few seconds. & Baker has taken out a permit at the city engineer's office for the erectionof conercte storés on Princess sircet opposite Sydenham, to replace the old ones formerly owned by George Carcuthers. On Monday evening the members of Cooke's church Young Men's Club or- ganized their bascball team, for the summer. The officers will be elected later in tho season. The police have nol secured any trace of the cigars stolen from Me- | Gowan's cigar fagtory or the rubber boots stole from Sowsrdd' coal yard. rss - is Ww. J. ac-| ing in Canada to entertain Lady Aber- |. called on Wednesday, | ing the past ten days, ended, Monday | 1! CUT HIS THROAT. Rash Deed of Young Man Lavant. Rho, Duty June T--dames Hey y, & yo man in employ R. R Fai Cy lumber merchant, committed suicide by cutting 'his throat, from ear to ear, with a razor, at Drysdale's Mills, Lavant, last night, in a field adjoining his ing house. The young man wae much esteemed fn the commumty and cause can be assigned for the rash 'act. Coroner Klobe, of this place, has promised to hold an inquest. Fatherhood. By Coventry Patmore. My little son, who look ful eyes, And moved and spoke in quiet, grown- up wise, . Having my Jaw the seventh 'd from though- time dis- oO » T struck him, a dismiss'd With hard words and unkiss'd, : His mother, who was patient, being Then SS int lest his grief should hin- der sleep I visited his bed. Rut found him slumbering deen, With darken'd eyelids, and their lashes And 1, with moan, . Kissthg away his tears, left others wy own ; g |For. on a table drawn beside his head, He had put, within his reach, A box of counters and a stone, . A niece of glass abraided by the beach. And six or seven shells, | A hottle with bluebells. | And two French copper coins, there with careful art, To comfort his sad Heart. So when that night 1 prav'd Ta God T wept and said : | Ah. when at last we lie with { hrenth, i'Vat vexing thee in death, | And thou rememberest of what toys {Ne made our jovs, How weakly understood T commanded good, not less thou hast yet |ana his late sobbing wet. of red weined ranged tranced i great Then, fatherly, Than 1 whom from molded Thout't leave thw wrath and say: I will he sorry for their childishness.' Built Her Own Hous". One hears so much nowadays of self-made men that it is refreshing, in- dead, to hear of a self-made woman Down in Kansas there is a young wo- man who has actually constructed a nineroom house by her own labor. She knew nothing of carpenter work when she began, but necessity proved the mother of invention, and she soon disproved the libclous statement that no woman can drive a nail straight. She started in with 87 and purchased hor 100-foot lot on credit. Upon this she built a two-storey frame hous, buying lumber on the promise of small monthly payments. She took in two other: women to board with her and +his manner was able to make her monthly payments and purchase a cow. She sold milk, satisfied her hoarders, and took in washing. After come few monthe she had cleared her indebtedness sufficiently to justify an enlargement of the house. According: bv, she dug the new foundation, set up the frame, plastered and paperced the walls and laid the floors. Then she made a lawn, planted irnit trees and flower beds and set hor house in or- der. And all of this was done on a capital of $7--by a woman. in | The Little Trail. | Perey W. Reynolds, in May Bohemian. Oh, the little green trail through the valley, Is calling ,me on and away, Away from the hot, tired aly At the close of a hard, weary day {On and away toward the mountain, Over the hills to a dale, Where water from nature's own fountain Cools the moss on the little green trail Oh, the little green trail through the valley, Where faigjes and goblins dwell, And dreamers worship in silence, To the sound of an Angelus bell ; At twilight to list to the singing, Of a soft-throated thrush in the vale, While calm, gentle zephyrs are bringing Sweet peace to the little green trail. the little green trail through the valley, That leads to the land of Forget, Where day-dreams cowe true to a dream- or, And there's mo such thing as regret ; To live and to find life worth living, Yea, succeed and never to fail. For love is the prize they are giving At the end of the little green trail Oh, Polly Plays Golf. London . Telegraph. An ardent golfer, by way of a joke, { dropped a golf ball into a nest his | ancient parrot had built in the corner lof ite cage. Polly sat with exemplary paticnco on her novel egg, and appeared to be pretty well heart-broken when the weeks went by and she found hersell unrowarded. At last parrot flesh and blood could stand it no longer: A terrible screech ing brought her owner downstairs at three o'clock one morning. "What's the matter, Polly ?"' he asked, as ho noticed the "bird's beak was chipped trying to get at the egg's interior. "Matter !"' "Great Scott ! screcched the bird. I'm bunkered !"' The Girl Out Of A Job. In The Survey for May L. C. Oden- crantz gives some surprising facts about the irregularity of unemploy- ment among New York women work- ers, "For instance, there is Mollie, who took off ruchings from a machine for a yeaf and + half.- She earned 83.- 50 a week, but left because night wotk made her ill. She became as- sistant forewoman, sewing curtains fcr [one year at $4 a week, but left be- | cause there was no chance of advance- {ment. She was operator on child- |ren's coats six months in one place and six weeks in another. She was | operator on skirts one month in one place and three months in another. She earned. $6 a week, but each time left because business was slack." "Sun Supplies Electricity: A Boston 'engineer has invented a | machine claimed to couvert the sun's rays into electrical energy direct with- out the use of any intermediate ap- paratus, says the June Popular Me- chanics. The machine is composed of a large composition, set in insulating material and connected in series, one end of each plug being in an airtight space exposed to the sun, and the other end in the open air. The difference in tom- perature of the two ends, usually about sixty degrees F., causes a flow of current. The voltage in each, plug is, of course, low, but there are 976 connected in a series, and they store enough electricity in ordinary batteries to light the inventor's shop. x ild Up A \ - . Reserve Now i good why uot avert part of it ww OF CANADA Begin to-day, ; ht] "KINGSTON BRANCH J. S. Manager. Princess Attractive Purchased Their Summer Hat And are desirous of securing a model of more than ordinary distinction and charm. Our assortment is large and choice. There being Hats to har- monize with every costume. Also see our new Wash Cos- --tames, Skirts and Waists. David M. Spence, The Leading Millinery & Mantle Store, 119 Princess Bt. Mou are invited to meet Miss Eecles an expert corset fitter of Bias Corsets Totd. on Monday, May 31st to June 516 when the superiority of Bias Corsets will be demonstrated to you. Yours truly Ghe Summerville Co., Wellington St. n Ur It would cost 50% more to build your barn today than 10 years ago. Lumber is scarce and expensive and is getting more so. By keep- ing your barn (or any build- ing infact) painted with good paint you will increase the life of it from 10 to 25 years. Ask your dealer for SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS AND VARNISHES Made in Canada 7 Sucamw-MiuLians C2 Montreal Toronto Wi | SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. I. Young Western Beef, Fresh Pork, {Lamb and Veal. Il. Sugar Cured Beef, Pork and Cab I. Fresh Farmers' Butter and Eggs. . Cheap Cuts for Boiling Beef. Come and give us a trial. , D. B. GAGE & SON. Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. "Phone, 876. M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop and Shaving Parlor, ck Service. Your pate rand Union Hotel Opp. Grand Central Station, New York City Rooms, Hair | Three Chair. solicited 336 King Street | Next door to Wade's Drug Store. OUR ROOSTER BRAND | OF 10BACCO | Smoking and Chewing at forty-five Wm. Murray Auctioneer cms roms: ios good tobvecee. iv 27 BROCK ST. | Ontario street. ; New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, * son rate S| Bikers and Contactors Use Sashweights made in King- ston. at Angrove's Foundry. Special prices for large quantities. Yi will want some t and hers is the a alee Many a man's hodsted bravery has gone lame when his wife suggested that he visit the kitchen and fire the cook. Beef, Iron and Wine, ¥Our Own" make. Pint bottles, 50c., at Wade's drug store. And occasionally a man tells lies by | keeping his mouth shut, poe