% NOIR hi QUARREL GALE" $8 [Hs AUTOMOBILE TIRES Redd LuMBaso Cup ory - oie Revey. The Market Swe Ta vam 8t THE Bmith's Falls, April 6th, 1909, W. A. SINGLETON CO., Crosby, Ont. Gentlemen ;--I have much pleasure in recommending your St. Regis Lumbago Cure, 1 have used one bottle and was glad to see your agent to get another as my head troubles me sometimes, and I find it the best medicine I have ever tried. It gives quick relief. It is alse goog in a case of cold in the head. It hans oured my wife, who has been troubl- ed with indigestion. I hope you will continue to manufacture it, for the bene- fit of the public, Yours Truly, W. C. SIMMONS. * Sold by all Druggists, Kingston. __M you doubt the truth of any recom- mond published by The W. A. Singleton Co. Please write them. erp COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON Joal is good coal and we guar. Shes prompt delivery. 'Phone, Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET. feted ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cen uine : Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of te Forel Soo Fac-Simile Wrapper Below, Very sx' and as oasy tc tak, sugar. So | FOR READACHE. RTERS ror oizzmess. FOR BILIOUSNESS., VE] FOR TORPID LIVER. VER FOR CONSTIPATION, * |FOR SALLOW SKIN. JFOR THE COMPLEXION GATX MUST HAVE §JOMATURE, 28150, | Purety Vegetablo, hin Tier AURE.LICK HEADACHE. INDIGESTION AND NERVOUS TROUBLES Can be positively cured by the use of Hygiene Kola Celery and Pepsin ens florsed ., by Physicians as the World's Write for free sample: HYGIENE KOLA LIMITED, 84 Church Sold by all Druggists and Stores. St., Toronto. The great Uterine Tonic, and only safc effectual Mi fot on which women can depend, Sold in three of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2 10 degreys stronger, 3 No.t or 8] ial casos, per box Sold all druggists, or seni repaid on rece 1% of prico ' / ee pamphlet. Add ess: Tug You Meniotng Co. Torun 2. ONT, (formerly IW imdasor The Committee Appointed. The general assembly appointed {he committee to consider the ol Queen's University's constitutional changes: The moderator and Revs. John MeMillan, ' Jack, Barelay, Love, Scott, Ramsay, Turnbull, Daly. Boyd, Wallace, Best, MacTavish, McLean, Wright, Farquhar- Edmison; Gordon, Car- case Binns, Strathy, son, Ross, michael, and laymen Liout.-Gov. Gib- | McPhee, MelLaren, Hoo- son, Campbell, Nickle, Russell, derson, Yill, W. F Hamilton Cassels, Senator Ross, W. A. Charlton, Mertison, McRae, Logie, Chisholm and Edward Brown. The G.T.P: has given the ment a mortgage to secure ten million dellar loan, govern- thie cent Regis Lumbago Cure) | re- | Gold in Guwilight + > oe we Mrs. R. Easton Burns, Frontenac street nized a little linen shower, on Monday, for Miss Alice Sears, whom everyone regretted so much is not here to roceive the loving good wishes which are hers, in person. By a happy thought her mother, Mrs. George Sears, was installed in the chair of honor, and the gifts, which had been left in the hallway at tea time, were brought to her, and she opened the parcels, Miss Emily Sears, the sister of the bride-to-be, reading the verses which accompanied them. Mrs. W. J. McLeod was in charge of the tea room, and her assjstants were Miss Marjery Low, Miss Dora Old- rieve, Miss May Chown and Miss Gladys 'Burton. Miss Zellie Burns was here, there and everywhere, making the hour pleasant. The tea table wae particularly pretty, its polished sur- face being an effective background for the white lilacs which adorned it, Among the guests were Miss Dorothy Macgillivray, Miss Joan Craig, Miss Marjorie Pense, Miss Grace and Miss Eva Martin, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Nan Paterson, Miss Jessie McCann, Miss Isabel Polson, Miss Edith Young, Miss Marion Leonard, Miss Marjery Merrick, Miss Gretchen Power, Miss Hilda Kent and Miss Helen Gordon. "> -» > Mrs. J. Maule Machar, Bagot street, entertained at tea, on Saturday. Miss May Rogers and Miss Emily Muckles. ton were in charge of the tea and coi. fee, the girls asdisting being Miss Louise. Kirkpatrick, Miss Ethelwyn Loucks and Miss Anna Lesslie. The tea table and rooms were lovely with white' lilac, and the tea, as all Mrs Machar's hospitalitics are, was ex tremely pleasant. Among the guests were Mrs, Allaire Shortt, of New York; Mrs. William Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrigk, Mrs. Henry Perceval, Miss Ina Perceval, Mrs Shirley Going, Miss M. Going, Mrs, E. |B. Wilson, Miss Katio and Miss Fran {ces Wilson, Mrs. R. V. Rogers, Mrs (H. M. Kelso, Mrs. H. C. Voigt, Mrs. | Herbert Robinson, Mrs. J. H. H. Cole 'man, Miss Agnes and Miss Mildrec Macmorine, Mrs. Charles Masters, Mis: Nan Paterson, Miss Macpherson anc Miss FKdith Macpherson, Miss Annie Muckleston, Miss C. Dupuy and Misy Julia Lyman. | "oe ad Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Ear street, gathered a few of their best friends and relations together, or Monday night, to help them celebratc their tin wedding and a very jolly jeelebration it was. All sorts of tin articles, grave and gay, so to speak, were brought, and an inspeetion ol the glittering array was followed = by games of gll sorts, and music ir which everybody helped. Those pre sent were the father and mother of the lovely bride of ten years ago, and the lovely matron of the pre: sent, Mr. and Mrs, Charles T. Dick son, Mrs. Nickle's two brothers, Mr George and Mr, William Dickson, Mis: leatrice Tandy, Miss Bessie Smythe Miss Mabal Brownfield, Miss Mon: Knight, Miss Kathleen (O'Hara, Mr William Nickle, Mr. James Farrell Mr. Karl Tandy and Mr, Georg: i Richardson, > we . The workers on the Infants' Hom. [committee have heen very pleased af being offered, by Mr. and Mrs. Edw J. B. Pense the beautiful grounds o their néw home, by the To for; garden pert + The affair will com off on Friday, June 25th, and i sure to be a brilliant success. Peo ple always gladly aid this mos needy and beneficent charity, an when they:can combine good work: with a pleasant afternoon for them selves the Home is sure to be the gainer very largely, "- > - To-morrow eyening the of Ontario and Mrs. Mills, will court," Lord Bishoy William Lennox be at home at "Bishops to the synod delegates, -> » - The croquet tournament is now or {and games are being played on Mes |R. E, Kent's - lawn, Mrs. Ramsay, Duff's ground and in the park, : > - ad There have been a number of littl: things over at the Country Club, but all too informal to mention particu larly, "> -» "- Vis A > Knight's dance, on Sa turday night, will be given in hono of Miss Marjorie Wilson, of Picton. - - bad The dance being given by Mrs, 1. E. Mundell, Brock street, is an event for to-night. - > ow» There will be a yacht club dane to-night, Rd "> -» Captain and Mrs. Hinckley returned from Toronto, to-day, where they at tended the graduating exercises of the Conservatory of Music, which took place in Massey Hall. Miss Helen Finke, Newburgh, spent a few days with friends in the cit this week, 3 Mrs. John Carson, Princess street, has gone for ithe summer to her cot tage, "Sunny Knowle." Mrs. Henry Skinner, West street, wont up to Toronto, yesierday. Mrs. John H. Lyons, of Plevna, im town. Miss natie Hazon has gone up to Toronto to spend a few days, but will return to "Underwood" on Friday. | - * = TY ! The Misses King, Alice street, arc fontertaining "some of their friends from town at Mr. F. .J. \Ircland's cot tage on Wolfe Isdand. Miss Loi: Saunders, Stuart street. | has gone over to visit her brother in | New York state. | Miss M. Hilton-Green, after a very [pleasant visit to Mrs. Arthur Cun- | ningham, Beverley street, has returned to the west." Mr. Geoffrey O'Hara, of New York, {is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Rob- {ert O'Hara, Clergy street. | Miss Meta Dobbs, is staying with {Mrs, J. Maule Machar, Bagot strect. { Mrs. R. C. Carter, West street, has | gone up to Toronto. { . - - Mrs William Shortt and Mrs. Mord Atkinson are coming up, this is {mi r THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1909. week, from Brockville, to stay with Mrs. Allaire Shortt, at "Otterburn." Mies Marjorie Wilson is coming down from Picton the end of the , and will be with Mrs. A. P, Knight, Alice street, till after tho June ball. o> - nt Mrs. C. W. Drury leit, yesterday, for Tremont Park, and will spend a week there with Mrs. James McParland. She will go from there to Halifax. Mrs. A. L. Geen, of Belleville, 1s the guest of her brother, the Rev. R. S. Forneri, Albert street. Mr, George Dickson will leave, this week, for Lethb.tidge, and his brother, Dr, C. W. Dickson, is going with him. Mrs. Leonard Clements, King street, bas returned to town. ! Mise Marie Coursol and Miss Ger- trude Coutlee will be here for ball at tho Royal Military College, - > = Mrs. H. McMurray Koso, of Hamil: ton, walked in. quite unexpocicdly on her sister, Mrs. R. Vashon Rogers, Barrie street, last Friday, and gave her a pleasant surprise. Miss Sarah Gibson, will leave, to- morrow, for Ottawa, and after visit- ing friends thero will gail for Glas gow, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Albree, "Closes burn," are expected home about the middle of the month. Mrs. Albree's mother is coming back with her and will pay Kingston a visit. Mrs. Stephen Hubner and = her baby, Philadelphia, are coming over to Kingston this summer. Mr. Stanley Waldron will go up to Toronto {o-morrow. o> > "> Mrs. M. M. Boyd, University avenue, goes to Glendower to visit her daugh- ter, teaching school there. Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Johns are' cx- pected to visit Mrs. Johns' parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Sparks, University avenue. Mrs. Secombe, Minneapolis, mother of Mrs. W. R. Givens, is expected, on Friday, to spend some time here. Miss Margaret Mudie «arrived home, on Friday, and is with her mother, on Princess street. Mr. W. F. Kelley, Ontario street, is in Belleville, to-day, attending the Hepburn-Johnson wedding. > wn Mr. and Mrs. J, Travers Lewis, Ot- tawa, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Miss Norah Lewis, to Mr. Thomas Franklin Ahearn, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aliearn, of "Buena Vista.' The engagement is announced of Alice May, second daughter of Chief and Mrs. Newton, Belleville, to Mr. John Percival Wilson, of North Bay, the marriage to take place quietly at *'Lyde Villa," on June 23rd. IN SPECIAL EMINENCE. Queen's University Life. the National Toronto World. It is unlikely that a careful report by a competent commission, aftey a full consideration of all the ciroum- stances involved, will be set aside hy the general assembly of the Preshyter- tan church next year. The resolution to refer the status oi Queen's Univer- sity to a commission must, therefore, be regarded as a wise and practical one, It removes many vexed itsues 'tom the arema which, even distin- guished, as few are, for its modera- tion and calm sense, is not adapted for the examination and discussion of such detail as the university problem involves. There will be no question of the trust and confidonce reposed in. tho commission, nor of the faithiulness with which it will observe the respon- sibility laid-lupon its Great: things depend upon the uni- versities of Canada, and among them 'lueen's stands in a plare of special tminence, inspired as it is with {he ideals of an historic church, whose standards of upright dealing, high minded and magnanimous thinking, and spiritual stability, have happily tincturcd Canadian character. The union of such charactertistics with the high types of scholarship as- sociated with the traditions of Queen's is something of national importance, and the preservation of these ideals widknily underlies the intentions of thoso responsible for the movement for pansion. Those who hold the nationality - of Canada dear will rejoice at the exist- nee of so strong, and cffective a fac- tor in the national life as that evi- lenced by the determined and progres sive scholarship cultivated by Grant ind now fostered by Gordon. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Hail to the fine weather. The June brides are on the wing. They smile from every steamer enter- ing port. "Lime juice cordial' and rat lime juice, sold at Gibson's Cross drug store. Thomas Grimes, former yardmasier at the C.P.R. vards at West Toronto, sentenced to three years in the peni- tentiary for padding pay sheers, has reached the prison. A young lady who lost a pocket- book last March had the article re- turned on Saturday night minus some of the contents. The book was push ed into her home through the letter box. She was delighted to get it. At the Montreal Methodist confer- ence the recommendation of the Lay- men's Association to have a special agent to look after their work was endorsed and T.-F. Harrison, King. ston, was appointed, "Beautiful bath sponges" and bath- ing caps at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Monteer- Red Deplore The Fricton. The grand jury report was handed in to-day at two visited the many places in the cily which their privilege allowed them, and found everything in fiMt-class or- der. The jury commended the action of the county council in having the prisoners make tile and pay part of their maintenance. The report con- cluded with the following paragraph: "With. regard tor rumors that had reached us, that things were not run- ning smoothly among officials, we inilod to place any blame upon any particular person, but we find con siderable "Iriction' does exist among county officials, which is to be deplor- ol' theo o'clock. The jurors!' NEWS OF THE WORLD -- OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That ' Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little 'of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The Congregational church will open new churches in Toronto, Montreal and other centres. The French navy council has decided that the battleshipe units, in the t- ing line of the French navy, shall nimber forty-five, Toronto board of control has award- \to Jobn Wagner, Cleveland, con tracts for the construction of part of Toronto's trunk sewer. Gignac & Beland's saw mills, Que- bec, are afire.. The mills and the "buildings of the Parisian Corset com: pany will be reduced to ashes. George Finlay, eight years old, son of Policeman Finlay, Ottawa, died, on Wednesday, from the effects of injury received in falling, from a ladder. The Spanish government considers that the Cuban debt was not repudi- ated by the 4reatyiof Paris and the claim will be-followed up. Czar Nicholas has abandoned his plan to include Italy in the itincnary of his forthcoming European tour through fear «¥ assassination. At Quebec, Oliver Asselin was re leased from jail, Wednesday morning, having completed fifteen days' time for assault of Hon. I. A. Taschereau. The Port. Hope Baseball Club asked the town council to. "skin" the field it used. It ploughed it ten inches decp and now the club cannot use the ground. At St. Thomas, Ont., E. H. Milling ton, superintendent of telegraphs on the Michigan Central railway, at De troit, lies in the hospital uncon scious, the result of a nervous ailment. The application of the C. N, rail way for approval of its plans of on trance to Ottawa, for tho lines from Toronto to Montreal comes before th minister of railways on the 15th inst. At Windsor, Ont., following unsuc- cessful attempts to negotiate with the striking workmen, the tunnel contrac tors have settled their labor trouble by arranging to bring in a large force of mon. 5 At Sandwich, Ont. true bills against John and Charles Little, the Maid stone hotelkeepers, charged with sub- ordnation of perjury, in connection with a recent liquor law violation have been returned. BLOOD TROUBLES Cured Through ' the Rich, Blood Pink Pills Male, of women suffer from backaches, dizziness, lan guor and nervousness. Few realize that their misery all comes from the bad state of their blood. They take one thing for their head, and another for their stomach, a third for their nerves. And yet all the while it is simply their blood that is the cause of all their trouble. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure 0 ihe and other blood troubles Because they actually make new, rich, red blood. Mrs, J. H. McArthur, St. Thomas, Ont., says: "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have don me a world of geod. For about eigh teen months I was a constant sufferer. I was terribly run down and the least exertion left me fagged out. I slept badly at night and this further weak- ened me, and finally T bad to give up housckeeping and go boarding as I was quite unable to do any housework. 1 took doctor's medicine but it was of little or no benefit. One day a neigh- bor told me how much bencfit she Wad derived from Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and advised me to try them. I- sent and got three boxes, and by the time I had used them I ould feel a change for the better. Then I got four boxes more, and before they were all gone my health was fully restored. To see me now one would not think I had ever been sick for a day, and I can honestly say I owe my renewed health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the greatest cure there is for the weakness and backaches and sideaches of anaemia; all the distress of indiges- tion; all the pains and aches of rheu- matism, sciatica and neuralgia, and the weakness and ill-health that fol- lows any disturbances of regularity in the blood supply. Sole by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Red Thousands headaches, Has No Authority. Ottawa, Jupe 9.--In the Railway commission, to-day, the complaint of the Dawson Board of Trade was heard against the rates on the Yukon- Abiti pass. authority as the road is partly oper- ated in the United States, ' Judge Madden, to-day. handed down judgment in the Mouck-Newton for the plaintiff for 85 and costs, and a perpetual injunction against Newton to stop' him interfering with any fences. At Stirling, S80 boxes of cheese sold at 1lic.; Campbelliord, 1,125 at 11jec. ps by HN EL Deis NE A EL LTE fwd 4 pudd) J usd 4 pt Iv was contended by the! company that the commission had no | Royal Baking Powder conveys to food the most healthful of fruit properties and renders it superior in flavor and wholesomeness. * PEDAGOGY CERTIFICATES Awarded to Students of Queen's University. The following students in the Fa- culty of Hducation at Queen's Uni- versity have been awarded certificates by the department of education as public or bigh school teachers in Ontario. A number of those 'who have been awarded public school cer- tificates will be entitled to high school interims on attaining the re- uired age of twenty-one years. S Public Bool first class certificates-- G. W. Bunton, J. W. Forrester, C. E. Joyce, Murdock Matheson, Rose Met- calfe, Mary O'RieMy, C. A. Paul, Eva M. Ransom, Lillian A. Rae, Morley Shurtleff, G. B. Stewart, D. T. Wal ken. Interim first-class 'pubNe school cer- tificates--Mabel D. Allen, Aylesbury Batstone, A. R. Brown, lizabeth Coulson, Elsie G. Cowie, W. H. Cre- tan, Charlotte A. Hamilton, J. R. Hamilton, Ada E.. Hughes, | Grace Johnston, Maybelle, M. Laing, Harold N. Macfarléne, Minnie B. McKay, An- nnie J. McKellar, Caroline J. McRae, John L. O'Grady, Eleanor G, Parks, Lila M. Philp, Jean G. Reid, Blanche A. Russell Olga E. Somerville, Al- fred Wilson. Interim high school certificates--Ma- bel D. Allen, A. T. Batstone, G. V. Bunton, C. J. Burns,. Ethel M. Code, Elizabeth Couison, Elsie C. Cowie, J. Forrester, Charlotte A. Hamilton, J. R. Hamilton, Ada E. Hughes, C. E. Joyce, Maybelle M. Laing, H. N. Macfarlane, Isabel 8. Maclnnes, Min- nie B. MacKay, W. F. Mackenzie, Cax- olina J. McRae, M. Matheson, Rose Metcalfe, Jessie Muir, Mary O'Rielly, I. L. O'Grady, C. A. Paul, Lulu M Philp, Lillian A. Rae, Eva M. Ran- som, Jean G. Reid, Blanche A. Rus- sell, M. Shurtleff, G. B, Stewart, D. H. Walkem, A. Wilson, Mabel A. Wil- son. High scheol interim specialists cer- tificates--J. W. Fowrester (science), Edna Pierce (French and German). Second class certificates, valid for one year--J. A. Anderson, May His- cock, Rita Hiscock, Mabel Hurst. THE FINAL DRAFT Of the Bay of Quinte Methodist Church. The changes made in the final draft of stations were numérous, and as follows : % Belleville district--Belleville North and Point Ann, W. P. McWilliams, under superintendency of Shannonville circuit. Napanee district--Adolphustown, J. W. Bunner; Wilton, W. S. P. Boyce; Yarker, J. Batstone; Roblin, G. Horton ; Arden, R. Garrett, Picton district--Picton, Main street, J, G. Lewis, B.A. ; Hallowell, A. Hill. Bowmanville district--Bowmanville, T. W. Jolliffe, superannuated for one year ; 'Newtonville, Adams, Whitby district--Claremont, R. Duke; Green Back, R. McCullough ; Scugog, J. W. Totten, Cannmngton district--Little J. F. Chapman, B.A. ; Oakwood, W. Elliott ; Beaverton, J. C. R. Me- Quade ; Norland, M. J. Wood. Lindsay digtrict--Omemee, R. Burns; Minden. E. W. Roland. Peterborough district--Peterborough, St. James, J. G, Brown, M.A. ; Beth- any D. Williams ; Pontypool, W. B Secombs. Campbellford W. D. Harrison ; son, Madoc Rowe ; rado, L. Thomas ; Britain, disGict--Warkworth, Keene, Wm. John- B. Eldo- H. district--Ivanhoe, H. Marmora, J. E. Moore ; W. Leigh ; Queensboro', Bridgewater, A. Webster, EXCHANGES OF COURTESY Between Border People of Canada and the States. British American, Chicago. The suggestion was made in London not long ago that, in return for our observance of Empire day, there should be a celebration ck "American day" by British admjrers: This idea may strike many readers as a rather un- likely innovation, and, for the present, it may not materialize. But reciproc- ity in this direction, as in othurs too numerous to mention, is , doubtless among the pleasant developments of the future. Last week at the city of Kingston, Ont., two New York State regiments participated in the Victoria day exercises. It does not require much of a stretch of fancy to foresee the Kingstonjans returning the com- pliment in New York later on. The generation now in its knickerbockers is going to take a kindlier and more cordial view of the aforesaid interna- tional boundary than its forefathers did, and these exchanges of courtesy and goodfellowship are sure to be come very common. ; Don't Delay Curing Corns. What's the use. Every corn you have can in a fow days be entirely removed with little trouble and no | soreness by use of Peck's Corn Salve. In big boxes, 15¢., at Wade's drug store. case | tried on Tuesday. He gave judgment "Rubber sponges." Buy them at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. | Craw)ing under his father's bed, Ern- est Clarence Wallis Green, the four- | teen-month-old son of Stafford Green, | Cobalt, Onlt., secured some strychnine | tablets, swallowed them, and died. - 1 eto Ae AT) hd Fea XT Pah Fe -- | | | Ee E aie Sia 1} ~ . HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President = ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager they are payable at current rates. of the Bank. 2 to 100 Horse Power The cheques and all information regarding them THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE - ESTABLISHED 1867 ---------- 5 ar Pimp TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank arc a most convenient way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denpminationsaf © $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exatt amount payable in Austria, Be Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, ; and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries : ir 6,000,000 um, Denmark, Frans, LY , Sweden may Be chained at every affice KINGSTON BRANCH, Corner of King and Princess Streets. P. C. STEVENSON, Manager. -- Buffalo Gasoline Motors Heavy Duty Type. Columbia Igniters, Remy Magnetos, Rajah and Heinze Spark Plugs, Samson Storage Batteries, Marine Oil and Grease. Sole Agents for Kenyon Boat Tops, Combinations, Cushions and Life Preservers. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO., 345 King Street Spark Ooils, P. & R. Sour Stomach and Heartburn ? LITTLE DIGESTERS At all Druggists or direct from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto 25c¢. a Box. SHOE REPAIRING wave 15 per cent. in getting your ality," *PHONE, 837. \ 1 SHOES worse WHILE YOU WAIT, is not tall. The Goodyear I recently do work promptly and at less cost than ordinary shoe repairs. You work done at "The House Of idle ir Outfit ed ena me to oven bi bee rw ai A. E. Herod 286 PRINCESS- STREET. Sorento Oval erate. See them to-day. COCOANUTS--AIll sizes. Fine, luscious ones just in. R. H. Toye, Blood Oranges Sweet and tasty. Prices mod- Just imported, 302 King St. Phone 141 Kingston, Ont. Dear Sir i= use the § t an a family consists of nine and cost, 00, red rejudiced against the use of Ritu weather as there is very A Hundred Years,To Come. O where will be the birds that sing, A hundred years to come ? : The flowers that now in beauly spring, A hundred vears-to come ? The rosy lip ahd lofty brow, . The heart that beats so gaily new ? 0, where will be love's beaming eye, Joy's pleasant smile, and sorrow's sigh, A hundred years to come ? Who'll press for gold this crowded street, A hundred years to come ? diy Who'll tread yon church with willing feet, A hundred years to come ? Pale, trembling age, and nu." "outh, And childkood with its brow of truth, The rich and poor, on land and sea, Where will the mighty millions be A hundred years to come ? je all within our graves sball sleep, A hundred vears to come. No living soul for us will weep, A hundred vears to come. But other men our lands will till, us Oe od and influence some I trust this testimonial will do some good and in ita . ° little heat COOK WITH GAS. READ WHAT CHIEF ELMER SAYS: To the Manager of the Light Department, % I write without solicitation to recommend tp one and all to fall in line and as for Socking, washing a jronisg. By D4 . uick, cle or Le this quarter, that is the past three 80 doing you will save both to empty. He months, ople who are al especially in from the o . Yours truly, (Signed) JOHN ELMER. HERPICIDE NOT A FAKE. Unsolicited Testimonials Tell of It's Superiority. All. "R. Kelley, residing at 2195 Devisadero St., San Francisco, "Cal. writes the following : "When I first purchased Herpicide, I thought, like the majority of hair preparations, it would prove a fake. I am happy to state that, on the con- trary, it is all, and even more, than vou claim for it. Quite a number of barbers throughout the section ip which I travel have called attention to the new hair sprouting out on my scalp, and inquired of me what I have' been using. I tell then 'Herpicide;" also give . them your name and ad- dress." x Sold by leading druggists, Send 10c, l in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co., Detroit,: Mich, One dollar bots tles guaranteed, G, W. Mahood spec: ial agent, ' hh