Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jun 1909, p. 7

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TRAVELLING. ETRY KL SGI UAL: § IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Dominion Day Round Trip Tickets will be sold at Single 7.5; Fare CLASS '1st. Good going June 80th, and July Good for return until July 2nd, 1909, Next Homeseekers' Excursions 15th, 24th ; 20th ; June ; Hept. 10th, will July Yih, leave 18th, 27; 2181 Tickets good for 66 days. Full partievPars at K. & P. and C.F. It. Ticket office, Ontario street. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. on Aug. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train eves Sion gation, i street, p.m. y (Sunday exce for Tweed, Sydenham, Ngpanee, Desor- outo, Bannockburn and all points worth. To secure quick despatch 1b Bannock- burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Rallway, For furtber particu- jars, apply R. 3 DICKSON, Agent, fPhone, No. 8. Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. i [ow River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes | ltt Twin Sérew Iron 88. "Campana," with electric lights, electric bells and all wodern comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS, at 4 pm. 21st June, Gih snd 19th July, 2nd, 16th and August and 13th September, for Pictou, N.S., calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Grand River, Summérside, P.¥.1 and Charlottetown, P.E.L NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC Via the/ far-famed River culling at Charlottetown and 8.8. Trinidad, 2,600 tons, sails Quebec 16th and 30th July, 1th 47th August, at 5 p.m. BERMUDA Summer Jxcursions, $20 to $30, the 8.8. ""Trinidad,'"" 2,600 tons, and 26th June, at 10 a.m., and Serew Bermudian," 5,000 tons, 17th and 28th July, at 11 and every 10 days thereafter from New York. Temperature cooled by sea brbezes seldom rises above HBO degrees. The finest trips of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms apply te J. P. HANLEY, or C. 8. KIRKPAT- RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. Saguenay, Halifax, from and hy 16th Twin 7th, a.m, Ontario En THAT AWFUL PAIN IN THE BACK Is a Sura Sign of Congestion of the Kidneys. ake "Fruit-a-tives." lots of men, and women too, are limping about the house--groaning in easy. chalrs--or tossing about the bed-- because of that nagging pain in the back. The old standbys--hot vinegar. porous plasters, liniments, etc.--don't do any good any more. You see, you are a bit older now. The kidneys are not as strong as they used to be. And even those "blistering" MHniments and plasters won't stimulate the kidneys. Your trouble is kidney trouble. The kidneys are not diseased, they are over- worked and strained. The bowels and skin--which help the kidneys to rid the system of waste madtter---have not been doling their share of the work. The kid- nevs have had to do too much, What you need is a medicine to cure the bowels, liver and skin. This medl- cine must cure the Constipation by act- ¥. ing on the liver and thus make the bowels move regulariy and naturally This medicine must heal and strength- en the kidneys, and thus reMeve the congestion. {Fruit-a-tives" is this me- dicine, It is the most effective Kidney Remedy known, and keeps these vital organs in a vigorous, healthy condition For aged people, for those who work tard, for tired-out women, "Fruit-a- tives" never fail to stop that severe pain in the back and build up the whole system. 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box, 26c. At dealers or from Fruft-a- tives Limited. Ottawa. RK i 3 $ ME | i Automobiles To Rent. Terms Reasonable. Open. W. dd. Moore & Son, "Phones--~--Garage, 815a. Residence, 815h. s FEF EEEF FRET E¥ 4 Always SEEMED A BURDEN TO CARRY. LEVIN NE TYRE TERE DOMINION DAY Thursday, July 1st, 1909 | at' Round trip tickets will be issued SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, gd@ing~ Wednesday and Thursday, June 30th and July 1st, returning on or he- fore Friday, July 2nd. TICKETS SOLD TO CERTAIN POINTS IN CONNEC- TION WITH THE ABOVE WILL HE VALID ON TRAINS 1 and 4. ood NOT Homeseekers' Excursions To the Canadian North-West, Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Low round-trip second-class tickets will be jssued via Chicago, North Bay or Sud- bury, on following dates: June 1st, 15th, 29th; July 18th, 27th; Aug. 10th, 24th; Sept, 7th, 21st, Good, to return within 60 days from pg7olug dave. ALASKA YUKON PACIFIC EXPOSITION Seattle, Wash., June 1st to Oct. 16th, 1909. Special round trip tickets oun sale daily, May 20th to Sept. 30th, good returning on or before Oct. 31st. For full particulars, J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "NORTH KING" 1000 Islands--Kingston-- Rochester. Commencing May 30th, Steamer lvaves for 1000 Islands, Alexandria lay and Gananoque, at 10.15 A.M. on Sundays. Returning leaves at 5 P.M. for Roches- ter, N.Y., calling at Bay of Quinte Ports. 5 Ray of ex epl for dally STR. Quinte Sunday. ALETHA-leaves Ports at 8 P.M, rn pe Full information frow E. E. HORSEY, J: P. HANLEY, Genéral Manager, 0. 8. KIRKPATRICK, Kingston. Agents, Kingston. The People's reopies Str. Stranger (CAPT. HAMMOND.) Wharf, Foot Clarence St. The Scenic Route to Gananoque, leav- fing Kingston daily, (Sunday excepted.) Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 4 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days, at 83.30 pm. Calling north side of Howe Island. Steamer open for Pic- nics and Private Parties. For informa- tion, apply to Purser, C. EK. Birch, on board Steamer. TO KINGSTON MILLS, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leave King ston, 10.30 a.m. Fare, 15¢; return, 25¢ "Absolutely Pure" Ice | {head first from a second storey {dow to the ground, twenty-five feet ba- [8] y ow Cream Any flavor. 60c per quart. . ' 288 Princess St. Price's, "phone 845. T0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect rick A Tie Co., Wash- | 4ined husband will play--if he * can |lawn, PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees Are ready to contract for lmmediate delivery. Brick that will stand inspec tion at reasonable rates Capacity ol plant 60,000 dally. Any hour. | i i piss £1 LeickiEich [viet steele i COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. { SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we guar- antee* prompt delivery. 'Phone, 133, y i . Booth & Co. i FOOT WEST STREET. A Brilliant Polish Shoes shine like patent leather-- glossy and black as jet--gvhen yon Day & Martin's "JUST OUT" Shoe Polish Originated by the old London house of Day & Martin, established in 1770, Ask your dealer for *' Just Out," Wood's The Gueat English Remed, Fones ahd invigoratesthe hoy ervous eydteml, wakes ne f wud in old Veins, Cures Nere ws Debility, 1 & ! and Brain Worry, nele er NiVeakness, Emissions, Spey 5 Jects of Abuse or Krcegses «Lr @H One wilpleasd 85 v wil druggists or mailed ¥ cvipt of price. New pampals + Wy Medicine Co. oS plain pki. ot nailed free Yoram oe 7 Dreamed He Was Diving. Berkeley, Cal. Jape 42.--~A somnam- bulistic stroll, during "which he dived win- resulted, yesterday, in the seri ols injury of Francis B. Steele, editor of His injuries consist of a painful lacerations and two missing track squad. {iractured ankle, {about the breast, | teeth. Upon recovering consciousness, | Steele said he dreamed he was diving {into the ocean. ! | -- ------ | When the wife's away the badiv- {fined a few congenial spirits willing to i take a hand. | And a man's idea of his own impor tance decreascs as in his hair increases, the gray HAR SII verything She Ate the California Occident, a Univer- ity publication, and a member of the| THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1909. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND" ENTS TELL US. Tbe Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Notes From Perth. Perth, June 11.--Rain is much need. ed here. The hay crop is looking ex- cellent. Rev. J. D. Richardson attend- od conference, in Pembroke, and Mr. Loy, of Lanark circuit, filled the pul- pit here Sunday. Knox church social, on the 16th, promises to be a good one. Quite a number of our citizens are taking away their lawn fences, which is an improvement. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMillan and children paid a flying visit to Althorpe friends. Dr. J. J. MeCann returned from Queen's, and is spending a few days with his father. Miss Oliver spent a few days vislting Scotch Line friends. Mrs. 8. M. Bares returned from a visit with Maberly friends. At Sharbot Lake. Sharbot M.ake, June 11.--There was no service in the Methodist church on Sunday last, as the pastor, Rev. W. Hal- penny, was away attending conference in Pembroke. Mrs. Taft is spending a few days with her mother, Mss. W. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Butterill have gone to Tweed to reside. Rev. H. Smith was in Kingston attending the meeting of the Synod. J. Reynolds has moved on to the farm latelyiowned by J). Sweet. Mr and Mrs, E. Wylie have wioved to Tichborne, where they intend to reside during the summer. Quite a number of summer visitors are expected during the summer, at the cottages on the islands. The Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyterian 'church met at the home of Mrs. John Allen on Wednes- day afternoon. Mrs. Wm. Tomilson went into 'the Kingston General Hos- pital for treatment. Hopes are express- ed for her speedy recovery. Robert Charlton Zealond has moved into the Lionse Jately occupied by Mr. Clark Holleford Happenings. Holleford, June 12.--Farmers are Lmgy planting, having finished seeding. Rain is badly needed. Quite an ex- Lcitement was created here last "even- { 'ng by the appearance of an unknown i% 1sane man in the village, who called wt almost every home, wishing to tay, and was finally cared for by James Walker, who took him to Harrowsmith this morning and gave Jim in charge. of Constable Dowker, lle gave his name as T. Maher. The trustees have purchased a new brary for the school. Rev. R., Babcock and fimily are attending the Free Metho- dist camp meeting at Picton. Quite a pumber attended the lawn socal at Harrowsmith, Mrs. J. D. Walker is able to return to her daughter's, Mrs. J. W. Redmond's. B. Ewing is still Jin a serious condition. Miss Edith Martin has gone to Sydenham to learn dressmaking. 'Mrs. J. Ewing visited the city vesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Jgmes Walker are visiting at John Walker's, Portsmouth. News From Northbrook, Northbrook, June 12.--Rain ix much noxded in this vicinity, as the crops ave beginning to show the effects of the drouth. J. Rombough is painting his residence and Philip Peterson is putting an addition io his house. W. Scott and Miss S. Scott, of Harlowe, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Rombough on: Tuesday last.. The Perry 'Road school is closed for a few days, as the teacher; Miss 'May Hinck- ley, is in Enterprise, aitending the funeral of a friend, Miss Nora Thomp- on, of Kaladar, is spending the week with her sister, "Mrs, Walker, Miss Annie Bryden, of Flinton, was here, Wednesday on business. James Pres: ley, spent. a few days of last week with his daughter, Mrs, F. Clarke. J. Wood and daughter, Etta, of Plevna, visited at Ira Wood's. Mr. and Mrs. Mar- hall Presley and children spent San- lay' last at William McCausland's, Marble Lake. tho Methodist church last Sunday as the pastor, Rov. TI. Wallace, was at- tending conference in Belleville. The people regret to hear that he has heen stationed in another ficld of la- hor, as he has won many warm friends during his three years' sojourn here. Sunday will be his farewell scr- vice in this place. Mrs. Nicol an daughter, of Kaladar, spent a few days of this week with Miss Lizzie Ab hott. Mr. and Mrs. William Both, Mr. and Mrs. James Rombough were the guests of Mise Ada Preslar on Sunday. Robert Thompson is in tending the spring assizes, the grand jury. Doings At Stella. i Stella, June 11.--The death took | place, on Wednesday morning, of an old and much respected resident of the! island, in the person of Mrs. Adam Miller. Deceased had only been ill a few days, and her sudden death came! \ 1s a great shock to her many friends. | Her husband passed away five vears | ago. Deceased leaves to mourn her loss, three sons and two daughters, Mrs. R. Filson and Mrs. R. J. Marsh! all.- Adam, in the west, and Samuel | and John, of this place. The funeral was held .on Friday, to Glenwood cometery, and was conducted by Rev. James Cumberland. Quite a number attended the jury at Napanee. The] grand lodge, P.A.P.B., at Belleville,' and the grand lodge, C.O.F., at Lon-} don, this week. The campers are now | heginning to arnve, and are taking up their abode on Stella Point. I. A. McMillen has improved the appearance of the Royal hotel, with a fresh coat of paint. D. Caughey, Sr., hay moved into S. 1. Pringle's house, in the vil- lage. Corn, potato and root planting {is the order of the day. Lasg night's | rain was gladly welcomed. Road work is about _eompleted. P. Lyons, Kings- + ton, was here, last week, buying wool. Mise Kate Kilpatrick, who has been seriously ill, is improving. Mrs. Dori- |.an, and Mre. Gilroy, Belleville, and D. T. Findlay, Collins Bay, attended the unerdT~of the late Mrs. Miller. The ladies of the English church held an jee cream social on W. H. Moutray's Saturday evening, June 5th. | Visitors: Mrs. Keil, Mrs. C. E. Gi | son, Miss Ida Reid, Mr. and Mrs | Mclgueen, Mrs. Pollie and Miss Pollie, : Kingston, visiting friends here: H. b Allan, Tweed, at W. Allen's; Mrs, Mec- There was no. service in | | correspondents, Napance at ] as one I'hail, Niagara, at Mes. Girvin's; John Fleming has returned home from Buf- falo. Henry Filson has returned home, after spend ng a few days in Hamil ton. Harrowsmith Briefs. Harrowsmith, June 1L.--We are now in need of rain. shower this morning was light. Everything is growing fine. A horse belonging to Mr. Lee, of Colcbrook, dropped dead in our village, this evening. The lawn socinl at the church grounds was well attended. At game of ball this even- ing, between our home team and Sy- denham, Harrowsmith run out by a saore of fourteen to thirteen. A good- lv number aitended the game. Rev. Mr. MacInnis, who has been away for a fow days, has returned. Dr. Ed wards, M.P., for Frontenae, is in the village. Visitors : Mrs. Flatcher Cook, of Winnipeg, at Thomas Cook's; Mrs. William Lemmon, of Kingston, at H. Wright's; Mrs. Wright opened her ice cream parlor, on Saturday night for the scason and it was well patronized. Mrs. Lydia Bertram hls heen spendin a few days at ( ieorge Bertram's, Work on J. 8. Gallagher's new brick house is progressing and will soon be ready for the carpentars. William Redmond i¢ painting at Roy Deline's. Ernest Rodmond, who is working in the weity, spent a day or two at home this week. Daniel Wood is working in the city this summer. Arthur Guess, of this village, has bought out the livery from Daniel Reeves, and started busi- ness this week. ° FROM WESTERN ONTARIO. A Former Frontenacer Writes of Conditions There. Trafalgar, Ont., June 10--(To the Fditor) : As I sat reading the Whig last evening the thought occurred to me, Would my friends im.and around I 'ngston enjoy reading a letter "from me as much as I do reading the "News of Our Neighbors" in your valuable paper, which comes to me as a letter from our old home. I would, therefore, ask as a favor that vou will give me a place with' your correspondents just for this once, Our new home is located about mid- way between Toronto and Hamilton, in Halton county, Trafalgar town- «hip, and about three miles north of the town of Oakville, which bow- {ders on Lake Ontario. We are on the main road betweeg Toronto and Hamilton, xnown as Dundas street, Having been a resident here for over «ix months [ shall venture to give [vou a description' of at least the | prospects of the country. | The crops are looking fine, consid- ering the late spring, but a/ little ruin just now would ensure an abund- ent harvest. The land along the lake shore is somewhat sandy, but coming north we find the soil is much heav- ier, but even the : heavy _clay-loam | scems wonderfully adapted to the crowth of fall wheat and clover. 1 have séén some beautiful fields = of both. Fruit also seems. to do well in this soil. There are some very fine orchards. One of my neighbors, i Mr. Hutt, has forty acres of young {tres (chiefly apples) from two to | four vearg old, whieh would be hard | to heat anywhere. Then the buildings here, especially the barns, would indicate that the wi} must be very ductive. barns average about fifty by seventy | (some very much larger) nealy all {stone or cement basements. Cne huilding worthy of mention is the up-to-date. barn of 456x135 belonging to Mr. Kent, who has regently we- | turned from Scotland bringing with him twenty-one thoroughbred. Clydes- dales for breeding purposes. .. Another building worthy of mention is _that of I. Gidding, 100x580, cement block basement, He, too, Is giste a { horseman but keeps a different type fof horse to those of Mr. Kent, He fs well known at the "sporting circles |and has some very fast horses. Mr. | Gidding showed me (with pride) a | portrait of one of Ald. John Car- sons, «of Kingston, noted hackneys, and | told him Me. Carson's horses were all right. With regard to the industries, there { being no cheese factories, the milk is | sent to Toronto, or the cream to the | nearest ' creameries. Raisiig of stock seems to be a profitable business, for quite a number follow that line | exclusively, Short hemn Durham is the pwneipal stock raised here. The | horses p of an exceptionally . fine Le mostly Clydesdales. n conclusion 1 wish I could say that waopld induce the near Kingston, to he a little loss afraid of using the quill. SHERMAN G. POWLEY, | something Lumps Like Iron On His Fingers Peculiar Trials of a Westerner That Neglected His Rheumatism. This is no ordinary case--five doc- tors endeavored to relieve and' cure J. ¥. Germaine, Port Arthur, and all failed to bring in this awful suffering even temporary relief. "1 am over six- ty years of age," writes Mr. Ger- maine, "and as dar back §s 1 can re- member, 1 have always suffered from rheumatism. It was principally on the large muscles of my back, but extend- ed to my limbs and made me quite a cripple and I found it very difficult to get work, 1 am a grain shoveller, and any work seemed to make matters worse. 1 did very little towards a cure till last fall, when my case be came very acute. I was unable to stand the chillin exercise at all. went from one doc- tor to another--five in all-but got no relief. My muscles and joints tiffened, ached intensely and hard lumps came out on the tendons of my fingers and wrists. In blank despair I went to the drug store and got five bottles of Nerviline --paid one dollar for the five. I took it internally and used it outward as & rub. Two days made a change--a week saw an improvement--four weeks saw me well. 1 was cured, free of stiffness, pain and suffering. Nerviline did _it all-how I do wish all other sufferers would use Nerviline also. I'm sure it will cure them all." Thousands of wcases just like this could be told--nothing else is so cer tain in rheumatism, neuralgia, sciati- ca, and lumbago as Nerviline. Refuse substitutes, and try a 25c. bottle to- day. The LOOR dust spreads disease |{ and doubles housework--yet|' some endure its dangers and bothers -- while others h | banish both with that perfect floor finish: ¢ It makes floors sanitary and handsome, with a crackless, wear- proof coat of glossy enamel, in any of ten pretty colors. Apply. it yourself, quickly, easily; it dries hard in one night A gal- lon covers 800 square feet with a waterproof surface that will stand hardest usage. Good for porch and veranda floors, steps, etc,, too. Get Floorglaze (in tins, from pint to gallon) from your dealer. Send for free booklet. Imperial Var- nish & Color Co., Limited, Toronto. OALFE, Prineipal. FER EF AEEIRO0EN <4 International Portland Cement a vig Adamant Wall Plaster Guelph and Renfrew Lime AT-- « P. Walsh's, Coal and Wood Yard, Barrack St. '0 oto Dyoames, Carburetors, Ete. at TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES. ojo rg iv Toba Bal Mg. 0. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY --» ESTABLISHED, 1863. time. 'Phone, AL ' ---------- We go about the Shoe business in a way very different from other shoe stores. Most stores that are not makers, them- selves, buy shoes that the manufacturers offer just as they are, or with very slight changes. There are but few makers of whom we bay in this way. Some of our shoes we plan almost from the begin- ning. The reasons are three : : A od! i ait i if TH 1. Some of the best looking shoes are not homest inside. 2. Some of the honestest shoes don't fit the wants of the people. Our store comes in contact with many, many feet, and we are more than usually wa tchiul. 3. We can save money--yours and ours--by making of our shoes. Try our kind of shoes. J. H. Sutherland & Bro., THE HOME OF GOOD- SHOE MAKING. : "i wh wy bossing the Money ies. Municipal and County pert tures. M prirchased. received provi allowed. S. C. McGill, ° 87 Olarence strest. Wall Paper he? : Border, Ceiling and Side Wall, + | same price, at 42 Aa FRASER'S, 78 William St* ~~ Cut Flowers | Roses, Carnations, Orchids, Lily Of The Valley, Sweet 'Peas, ete. First-Class outs stock. fJ. A. WALLACE (Late O. G. Johnson.) FLOR OUR ROOSTER\BRAND OF T0BAC "Smoking and Chewing at forty-five re cents a pound, Js a good tobacco. Why pay eighty-five cents. Andrew Maclean, Ontario street. mmm Saleof Hat Racks Hat Racks in Elm, golden finish only $4.50. Hat Rack in Oak, golden finish, $6.50. Polish Qt. Oak, golden finish, bevel glass, $8.50. Others from $12.00 to 35.00. Hall Seat, solid oak, $5.00. Hall Mirrors from $3.00 to 25.00. The best values ever offered. ROBERT J. REID, Telephone 577. You will want some Home-Made Mince Meat and here is the place to get the ashioped kind that mother just, I in iy in Myens, y Meat n cess St. "Phone, 670, W, J. winds and outdoor | We have everything New in White Foot- Men's White Canvas Shoes, Goodyear welt, $2.50 & 3.00.- : McKay welt, $2.00. Women's White Canvas Oxfords, £2.00, 1.50, 1.25 and 1.00, " - " . Strap Pumps, special $1.50. a " Kid 1-strap and 2-strap Shoes, $1.75 and 2.00. Girls" White Canvas Oxfords and Ankle Straps, $1.25 & 1.00. Children's White Canvas Oxfords and Ankle Straps, $1.00. Infants' White Canvas Oxfords and Ankle Straps, 90c. : We can make White Canvas Shoes any color. We also carry Colored Dressing. Rg : : 5 : ABERNETHY'S. " oth

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