Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jun 1909, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. | bt epdininpey fee THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1909. yrs. #. Bark of Piet were gue sts at : BUDGET FROM ARDEN, 4 ee Foy ir de NEWS Of NEIGHBORS CT on Sunday. ET | -- ~The Have, You Scen So I---- rr A Remarkable Lady--Sermon to Flan uth Lake "Tidings. . Masonic Order. Wh : . Ne . WHAT WHIG G CORRESPOND: | 5:11" [ets 3 ho or I raed Rr. Suse 3 Ae ingle en-- The Stomach is Sick E a Our ¥ ew Wall evsTEL Gs lo Sp 2 SLE I NL, The Liver Sigh | | papers? The Titings From Various Paints(puwy fp louis Ue 1 3 et gee ie re ant The Bdwels Clogged, » yet! i ; x stom Ontacie--What of Thotas Bell. Miss Ges tie mer hotel fixed up-in fst-dlass style. | >The Blood Impure = : | We haven large stock of Imported They Are Saying. |arkaan au VE ' - Ww es visit ly he tals eh pnd. shuts, fur | C: The Skin Sallow Fr { Goods In. the latest designs end solo | with friends in South Lake. The W. | closed up, Mr. Gray having sold them | : ings. Want Rain At Plevna. M.S. held their monthly meeting at |to a party in Kingston. Elias Worn- Th IF Time t oe j | Lucrusta Relief, the newest thing for Plevha, June '11.--We are having | the home of Mrs. Allan McCalpin last |'with has been engaged as night-watch | en- s I 04 Ae Telah die soe, hing Sot very dry, hot weather, and rain is| Wednesday afternoon. The people on the bridge again this year. N. H. | dacs ua gous Wiaing {aad needed badly. Mrs. 0. Gorr has left |are expecting to seé¢ A new cement Hinchey and wife were "calling on : | to join her husband in Watertown. Wo | platform erected in front of Spring: | their daughter, Mrs, Claude Wiliams, | ange Rev. John |lield Methodist church in the near | on Sunday. aperh: HH | sk them very SUCCess, ; po pom wife have returned from the future. Mr. and Mrs, D. Demoster Edward Barker has secured the con- | 5 synod. F. Dern, Jr., and Miss E. paid a flying visit to ftiscds Sn-Lans tract of eutting 6,000 logs for Mr. B a 1 McMahe n& Hl Give Some Thought Shultz were married, Thursday, June | downe. Miss Birdie Richardson, _ as Denison, Napanee, Nr. De nison | » : : ; " Ro o Kingston after bought' the k i M Stinch- 11th Rov. Mr. Halfpenny officiated. | {returned tq il ; logs irom Mr. Stinch to Your Feet They have gone to their new home at | ber sister, Mrs. F. J. Mel alpin. Miss combe, of Ciden. GG. E, Thornton | Srpared anty by Thomas Béecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, Co Brock and Bagot Sts. Ardoch. John R. Kring, who suffered | M. Thompson is on the sick list. J. land wife took a trip to Tamworth Bioped si nag Bgecha, 51 S. America. In boxes Many a man has lost a good broken. leg, has been removed to | Dowsley, Toronto, paid a flying visit fon Saturday. | W. H. Potter, King position because he didn't 2 g { e Ve . 0 : g- : ¢ Visitors : Wilmer | ston, is visiti B, ¥. Detlor r es i t Kingston; at|to friends here. § 3 siting B, F. Detlor for a polish his shoes. we gene fal hotgitel 4 der aly. | Nuttall, at W. Hute hison's; Frederick | few days. -- o w-- -- Su ------------------------------------ : I ast repor h J. Wilson's; R, Galway, Rev. Mr. - ins oN : No employer wants a man " is' the ord f the day. |Dempster, at Gilbert preaches a sermon | around, his place with rusty i ~ "IR li Q pend] at D. Dawsley's; Clark Mel 'alpin, at |to the Masonic brethren of St. Ane ||] oT Tr -- . looking shoes. anfo |<. MeAlpin's, Taylor; Mr. and Mrs. |drew's lodge and vieinity in tHe | NL : ri rom a the Rising } A GASOLINE, With little rubbing you can Halferty, 'at G. Gwyne's; F. Root, | Methodist church, on Sunday, the < ok 3 % COAL OIL ive your shoes the brightest, Notes From Zealand. lat R. McCaplpin's; Eldon Earl, Brock-|20th. A remarkable old lady lives | / to the Setting Sun, OIL, give you most lasting shine : 3 144 wh neadod) ville, at G. Gwyne's; Mr. and Mrs. I, lin Arden in the person of Mrs. War- | af B77 a > : LUPRICATING OILS if you use Zealand, pe T ' | my he in Bell, at D. Dowsley"s; Mr. and . Mrs. | ner, mother of Mrs. BB. Shuman. This | ' : = "or Years past 3.3 : rain fel poe To pretty badly i his [A 1. McCalpin, at Woodburn. old lady is in her seventy-eighth year ||| : Lg : A 1 Y st FLOOR OIL, crops were suffering p ee ea and is eutting her third set of teeth, ; = nd ears to come locality. A little child of Thomas | of which she has six at present, pe : ES . ? GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY, Garrett was kicked in the face by al re ------ -------------------------- the summer near Madoc. 55 a Y has not a gray hair in her head, i IR horse, Saturday evening. 188 3 " jis and has never usd glasses" for read i ) a ? A Gs arre tt rgturied Soine from big ing. Her delight is to read her Bible NN | Sgturday. Mr. and Mrs. James to old gnd young, | : WwW F I i Y ord and i wily, visited he r parts | A There . to be a new Methodist g . | . . KE ome, Sunday we man en ; minister in Arden. Rev. Nr. Gua i "> aT . Jarre 1 Toye's Building " My Joh Garrelt-are glad to hear | 7 i, rett. takes charge of the mission in 1 her € arc no V arcs | Clarence ana Ontario Streetn Good fer Leather that she is improving) Visitors: At | g the place of Mr. Gilbert, who leaves will wear ----- Sr -- Thomas Carrett's, Silver Hill, Rev. | 3 here shortly Rev. Nr. Shirley ha a Stands the Weather" Jf |i» iaitpunr. Jo ot ate tote | charge of St. Paul's thiroh, Arden." As EDDY'S WARES = & | FOR SALE a N\ Cheap Summer Wood. It will save you money, op; Mist © Bg a, Tx ye RE THOUSAND_ISLAND PARK. Al sh here Canad Ppl . Sunday evening, seven o cloc ky n 7 1 e too, for it comes in the HEM | (he Methodist church, Rev. Mr. Hall [1B rhe Sumtod Tras sho Bates tn ways Everywhere in Canada Summer } biggest tin for the price penny offieinting, | § ah Earnest. A SK'FOR E D D Y' S MA T Cc H E and is so good for Jeather om Old Cataraqui. } Thousand Island Park, N.Y., June - S_ Drury's Coal and Wood Ya, Fr 1 ' 285 Wellington street. 'Phone, 443A: that your shoes last longer. Cataraqui, June 15.--Kev. R. Still- f by 14. I'he schooner Cornelia brought a well is home from conference. He will A load of soft coal for the use of the and power house last week. Lights will Mr. ) be turned on on the 15th. The work of Get a tin from your grocer preach here two Sabbaths more is , dole is then remove to Aultsville. Rev. : or shoeist to-day Pole is Cassidy will take his place. Mrs. X rescating the auditorium is about: com made for tan shoes, t00,-- Stillwell and Mrs. O'Shea spent a pleted and with other improvemonts so ne. wall ai TH fe days with friends in Sydenham 5 will make it up-to-date in every re cLEANS as well as polishes 14 days Nis Ely is in Cornwall ¥ 5 | spect. The photo gallery has been en x attending the branch meeting of ' the } el B larged and is open for business with Ladies like it W. M. S. Miss Ollie Elliott is in Hi iE a now proprietor. The printing office G the city, under the dootor's care, as $ | \ s also open. | ad $ she is not in very good health at ; \ The steamer Island Belle has ecom- i present. Much regret is felt here for J menced her regular route between | on ------ the death of Mrs. 'Norman Bradshaw, 8 Clayton and Ogdensburg. The Night - n Alberta. When a girl, as Miss 3 ingale is also on the Clayton-Fine Ek Maggie Sproule, she was wal known 4 rt View route. : er and loved by all. Mrs. E. Cooke at- | ; k A Clayteh firm, having the franchiso tended the golden wedding of her . " for the laundry here has, opéned al aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, i branch office in the Noufer cottage on of Sillsvillé, on Saturday last. & Miss ] St. Lawrence-avenve.. Services. will bo.| Stella Boyd has entered a hospital in held for the first time this scason in l'oronto as nurse-in-training. The ' - the auditorium on Sunday next. The auxiliary of the W.M.S. held their ; SerimeEn Ll | Ladies' Aid gave. a supper in tho cha regular meeting at ae, KE. foakes ET *d | pel annex on 'Friday night which was | sel 3 pl ) , Arohi : ol ; bast ink ond st 4 Stillw Pre eith A RR Embroidered in well patronized. Lotlagors, continue io presiden TS Piwe Soutache of the same shade. to arrive daily. an oak secretary as a parting gift. W. H. Shepard, of Skaneateles, les- pT iy TRAGEDIES AT WILBUR, sce of the hoat livery here, has arriv- Notes From Bongard's. - ed, and is. getting ready for businces, Bongard's, June 14.--The ice cream |The Village Pet Monkey Sustains | The reservoir in the gas plant is be social, under the auspices of the lLa- An Injury: ing enlarged. C. A. Nemier is laying dies' Aid of the Methodist church,| Wilbur, June M.--Joseph Payea,|® MC nt walk on United States here, last Wednesday cvening, was a |aped fifteen years, son of James | avenue. Joseph Rothchild has arrived success. . Mrs. R. Harrison and son, |payea, of Lavant Station, while work- and ofeudd, the barber shop in the Wood' Phosphoting Allan, of Picton, are visiting her par- {ing on a boom, at Drysdale's mill, fell Columbian. Services were conducted, 8 ents here. Mr. and Mrs, Markland, of |into the water and was drowned. This vesterday morning, in the chapel by | y The Great Finglish Jened) Fast Lake, visited at F. Leavitt's, lis the"sumie mill where the young man Rev . E. J. Lavis, and in the evening | jorvaus SRG tke, Nios Han wesk. Nise Sererman and sister, McKay: committed suicide by cutting | at Fine View in the M. E. church, 0c © of Fairmount, were guests at J. Brad- [his throat about a week ago. Debits rt ri ora de ley's. Mrs: A. Pringle and son spent! Frank Bartraw, while engaged in A Real Hair Tonic. | ahd, an Siffects of -ibuse on Jercetont Sunday at CG. R. Bongard"s. Mrs. W. | Isaac Allan's mill, got his thumb bad-| Tf the scalp is diseased or if the | 8 $1 nor bo Thy Shir pai Hav ker and Miss, V. McCormick spent |)y hurt, and is-faid off work for some hair is falling out no mistake shouk 1] ain pkg. on r ro loiiiza ve. icine Garo | a day at Blick Creek recently. Miss !time. Fido, Mrs. Jones pet monkey, be<made in Selecting a remedy. br, ect rer, The , | Maud David has returned, after visit-|while climbing on to a cleck sholl~in | Dawson's Hair Restorer will do just nn' ing at Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. T.|{he kitchen, fell and struck its mouth hat must be done. Restores gray | Jongard, Greenbush, spent: Sunday |on the back of the chair and Knocked hair to its natural color. In bottles, last in this vicinity. Miss Edna |out several teeth, and has heen un- |e. pt "Wade's ¢rug store. 2 MEN AND WOMEN.{ cree, who hus been attending | ablo to crack nuts since. Ax it bas a | RED % We have everything a Pog 43 for uanatiral | Wucon's University, Kingston, has re-|heen a general favorite with many of Too Proficient, Already. Jog , discharged infin ciations, turned home, having passed her exam-|the young people of this neighborhood, | The Binghamton. Republican. frm i A \caratiend | inations successfully. Levi Pierce, of {its speedy recovery is hoped for. Farm- A Toxas preacher says that covery i 2 New In White Foot. Prevents Contagion. nines, und not amrine | the G. T. Case company, spent over |ers are through seeding, and crops girl should be taught the use of the | EVANSCHEMICALES. 4 ot or poisonous. Sunday at his home. Miss G. Miller, | look fine. Miss Annie Thurston has rolling pin. Thai's what many hus dela by Droggiss, ; ; ] Ng i 4 ; i [1 oF Berit es wrapper, of Black River bridge, was the guest | gone t6 Drummond for some time, bands object to, their wives know how av} - ZA | By whan, Prepaid . tor | of Miss V. McCormick over Sunday to use rolling pins too well 81.09. or 5 hob! $2.75. : % ¥ Circnlar sot ou soquest, | Mr. and Mrs. C. LeRoy and Mr. and - The Magazine Features. Beef, Iron and Wine, "Our Own" - robably e last e hich | make. Pint bottles, bUc., at Wade's i a ob Sorc wal he drug store. Men' 8 Ww hite Canvas Shoes, Goodyear welt, $2.50 0& 3. 00. . : for > . "" "" "* - | will be publis hed in Scribner' s Maga _ Reform would stand a better show ' g " McKay welt, 2.00. The Name is the Guarantee. [wilh viii in Sabo oes many ought for it oa fig Womeit's White Oxfords to $ Soh omen' s White Canvas ords, $2.00, 1.50, 1.25 and. 1.00. appeal for generosity in treatment of | 28 . { "w the Irish people. Madame Wadding. |= S_-- Tar . (J) Strap Pumps, spec ial $1.50. fo cee deal destin Be eves TT P ite co, Eid 1ararand 2-5trap Shoes, $178 and 3.00, ; wi k . Girls' White Canvas Oxfords and Ankle Straps, $1.25 & 1.00. peared in several volumes, will contri- |as' mercury will surely destroy the sense > 3 y Kori 8 Ac {lof smell and otely derange the y yi bute to July Scribner an account of |0f smell and completely, Gratis Lon Children's White Canvas Oxfords and Ankle Straps, $1.00. het vafatiol In the Dolomites. iq the mucous surfaces. Such articles should Ini s ie American girl is a great influ- | never be used except on pres scriptions & S » 2 C » oie American girl is a great. fhe fhe bra Phvsmine, 3, the damage nfants' White Canvas Oxfords and Ankle Straps, 90c. Ydgar Saltus. in th Yulv Smart Set they will ge is ten fold to the £908 3 you Ww " at ' . Agar» aH, @ + ie Bel. lean possib derive from them. all's / @ ak y « p rq © y . The rock-ribbed traditions of a. titled Catarrh Cure, manufactured by PF. J. € can make White Canvas Shoes any color. We also cari y Colored aristocracy that has resisted every | Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., coptains no Dressing. wating "hi i _.o* {mercury, and is taken interna y. acting democratizing assault of modern times | girectly" upon the bloed and mucous are crumbling before the inroad of the | surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's new ideas introduced by the American | Catarrh 2, be sure You get the 3 : u p women who have become members of genuine, Ohio. = F hy LA as European houses. Titles are losing | Testimonials free. Eo a their value as far as the men are con- ' Sod bY Druggists. Price 75c. per | cerned. and are becoming, like feathers Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-! and ribbons, mere appendages of fem- | tion. ind Men were formerly = -- -- ----p---- mnt . inine adornment. = _ - ---- Manufactured b The (anada Refin (0 Lid known by their dress; to-day they are < J 9 9 know by their address. When society : 9 . abroad becomes ideal, no ai will be J / . + titled, and al the women will be. MONTREAL, QUE. The June Woman's Home Compan ' hy ion has a wealth of fiction. There are Ae * ten storics--not heavy diagnoses of world-worn minds, but breezy stories of love and fun, suitable to the sea son. Among the writers are Edward ; reat Hale, Maude Radford Warren, | Cyr Townsend Brady, Marion Ham- bi Carter, Mary Hastings, FErnes- tine Winchell, Georgia Wood Pang- born, Frederick M. Smith, Marion Hill, Annie Hamilton Donnell and Rosa #0 "Chisago § 1 mor Cagis, WITH STRAWBERRIES <0 Jewel" is The Key Aun Expensive Recount. } [Montreal Gazette. : 2 Ca d I'he city of New York is to pay to as ; o. 3 AND CREAM of Economy Mayor McClellan some $53,000 in - 4 z= 2 32S : y ry imbursement of tho expenses he was The latest improvements put to in connection with the recount on the 'Chicago Jewel' of the ballots cast ix the election ars the Flame Reflector which made him head of the city's ad- and Valveless Oven Burn-'! ministration. The remount was asked er-Lightef. Two features for by W. R. Hearst, Mr.Clellan's op on the "Chicago Jewel' porient, and besidd proving Mr. "Me which "are not on any Clellan's title to office it deprived Mr other gas stove made. Hearst of 'a ericvance and, seemingly, Examine them before pur- helped to finish him as a factor in chasing. They are ac- New York politivs. Perhaps the moncy | knowledged the hest méan- | was wall spont. | | ufactured. { ee -- | ELLIOTT BROS. TI PRINOESS I |, uh at and quick. obck dl colds and the Grip. Try them once » i, see | 49-95¢, Sold by all dealers. fdade in London, Canada.

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