TEE DapLy 'BRITISH WHIC. THURSLAY. JUNE 1%, 90s. RISKED HER LIFE Peopl io TIE DEED CROWNED SALT OF THE EARTH Money is made these davs at the ex pense of brain and nerve rather Yau muscular tissues, The successful men and women are | often of the highest strung vervous type--koen and active-but with too | little reserve force. | A little extra worry and anxiety and | snap goes the 'nervous system. Weeks | nnd months are often required before | ehergy and vigor are regained. Rest helps, so does fresh pir and ex- reise, but the blood must also be | made rich and red by use of such | treatment | as Dr. Chase's Nerve Foot, Much ag they, may disagree on some points, the best physicians are unani- | mous in claiming that an abundance of rich, red, life-sustaining, nerve in: | vigorating blood is positively neces- rary for the restoration of the ex- hausted nervous system. There is too often little sympathy | for the nervous sufferer. When as. a | matter of fact his sufferings are most intense, being of mind as well as body Headaches, neuralgia, . indigestion, sleeplessness, irritability, pains and cramps are often the lesser felt because of the depressed spirits anc' discour- agements which come with loss of memory, and gloomy forebodings of the future. The sufferer from nervous exhaustion and prostration can use Pr. Chase's Nerve Food with positive assurance | that the benefits derived therefrom | will be Hoth thorough and lasting. | { | } | | There is no reaction from this great nerve-builder because it is not a stim ulant, but a restorative ahd recon structor of - the wasted nervous sys tem. bbe a box, all dealers, or Id manson, Bates & Co., Toronto { { sky. He had his furniture insured for Have You Seen Our New Wall Papers? We have a large stock of Imported | Goods In the latest designs snd color | lags. + Lucfusta Relief, the newest thing tor | dadves--Burlaps, Room Moulding ans Plate Rails. Painting. Grafuing ao | Paperhanging. T.McMahon & G0., : Cot Brock and Bagot Sts. | : i COBALTS ON MARGIN We carry the listed Cobalt Stock on margin deposits ; also New: York Stocks, Grain, Produce, etc, bought and sold, Consult us before investing. We always have the latest news from the mining camps. All stock deliveries made prompt ly. Wire, telephone or write wus your orders at our expense, " 1 *h > & C Patriarche & Co., STOCK DFALERS, Head Office, Standard Stock Exchange Building, Toronto. Buffalo Office, 2068 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. We have direct wires con-| necting all our offices. R. H. TEMPLE ® ® SON Members Toronto Stock Exchange. (Established 1875) Orders executed on Toronto, Montreal and: New York Exchange. COBALT STOCKS A SPECIALTY. 10 Melinda St:, Toronto. "Phone M. 1639, (yrand Union Hotel Opp. Grand Central Station, New York City Rooms, $1.00 a Day AND UPWARD to snd from Station free. Send Bo stamp for N.Y; Olty Guide Book and Mas Cut Flowers Roses, Carnations, Orchids, Lily Of The Valley, Sweet Peas, ete, First-Class stock . J. A. WALLACE (late O. G: Johnson.) FLORIST. LLLLLLLLLLLL0000000 T.d. LOCKHART Real Estate and Igsurance Money to Loan. » €® Omce, 159 Wellington St: King- ston. SIIIIIIIIIIISIIIIISII MEN AND WOMER. Use Big @ for unnaty, » discharges, inflamma frrilations or ulcer ot aeiri DISOBOUS. Sold By Drugglsta, or sent iu plain wrapper by express, prepaid, | $1.00, or 8 botties & Circular wong on re vood's Pho! . ot Fnglich Remed, wi inviguratesthe who t wnkes nev os iD S ures ent Debi! { i 1Forry, TH icin . Mmissions, Svey f use Bk po 338 & 16 Will please, Bi iste or malled ¥ plain pkg New pamphle { child she ran out through a side tand was in the front at the time of ition of several min and boys, who told them that Mrs. Orlowsky and { being paved and the fire department | men arrived hundreds of voices called {the fire, but it was several minutes | house was almost destroyed. Vietor | Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), Amalgamated | deine nd 2 3 08 | Foster .. | Trethewey dred and fifty employees of the Smith WITH SUCCESS. | bonds has been sold to J. C. Put Wher Overstrained Their High-| Bushed Through Wall of Flame to | U ly Styung Systems Give Way | and Depression and Suffering | is Intense. | Rescue Sleeping Child--Escaped | By Side Door While Spectators! Thought She Was Dead. Detroit, Mich., June 17. Fighting her way through a veritable wall of | fire, Mrs. Paul Orlowsky yesterday saved her eighteen-months-old baby from being burned to death whe a | gasoline stoye exploded in the kitchen, Mrs. Orlowsky was ironing when a | terrible explosion shook the) house. Mrs. Orlowsky dashed i ~the kitch- en. The room was by this time a | roaring furnace, but ftooping low, the frantic mother threw therself forward in the direction of the door leading to the dining room, where her baby | lay asleep in its eradle. Grabbing the ! door. By this time Mrs. Victor Smarceski, who occupies one part of the house the explosion, ran serédlming to the street. Her eries attracted the atten- ran to the house Mrs. Smarceski the baby were in danger. A boy and a man attempted to.enter the house, but the flames drove them back to the Then the ery went up that the baby was 'being burned to death, and hun- dreds of people flocked to the scene. The street' in front of the ho is had some difficulty in "reaching the place from the front. When the fire- to them to save the baby. It did not take long to extinguish before it was learned that the mother, crying softly to herself for joy at hav- ing saved her child, was in a barn across the alley, the little mite clasp- wl to her bosom. The house is owned hy Paul Orlow- 0500 and the house for $1,600. The Smarceski had no insurance, Joth families lost 'most of their household effects STOCK QUOTATIONS. Cobalt and Leading Canadian Stocks Listed. I'be following quotations are sup- plied' by the City Brokerage (J. O 41 Cla suce street, 'Telephone 480 A Cobalt Stocks. June 17th Sellers. Buyers. Beaver ... aa Sly Cy daillie ( 'obalt Chambers-Ferland Cobalt Central Cobalt Lake Crown Resery Gifford 5 Green Meehan La Rose Little Nipissing . MeKin., Dar. Savage ... . Nipissing A Nova Seotia i. Otisse .. . Peterson Lake . Silver Leaf Silver Queen Femiskaming Watts THOUSAND DOLLARS EACH Remains of Late Mrs. pet Works. Yonkers, N.Y., June 17.--Three hon- W. Allen Carpet Works, yesterday, received checks dor $1,000 each, devised to them in the will of the late Mrs. Eva Smith Cochran, daughter of the car- pet shop founder. Mrs. Cochran, whose son is now the head of the works, died on February 3rd last, leaving an estate of more than $8,000,000, and one section of her will: provided that all persons who at the time of her death had been in the employ of the carpet com- pany for a period of twenty years] should each receive $1,000 free from all tax. Since that time lists have heen un- der preparation in the different shops. Yesterday Alexander, Smath Cochran announced that the®™money had been distrabuted, but the lists were held in strict secrecy, and those receiving the money were pledged not to speak. It 1s learned, however, that many of the recipients of the checks are | women employees, | : BY ETE, i THE BISLEY TEAM. It Will Sail For England in the Morning. Montreal, June 17.--The Bisley team, under command of Lieut.-Col. Bertram, and Major Mercier, arrived here, to- day, with the exception of a few mem- bers, who will join the team at Ri- mouski. This year's team is consider- ed an exceptionally good one, but re- gret is expressed that Capt. Blair ww prevented from going at the last mo- ment Brigadier-General Buchan in- spected the team at the drill hall, do- day, and Col. Samuel Hughes, presi- dent of the Dominion Rifle Associa- tion, and Col. Tilton, chairman of the evecutive, were present. The team sails at daybreak, to-morrow, on the steamship Tunisian. DETECTIVE AND CHINAMAN | Mrs, Spaidel, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From A Over The World. 2.3 At White Plains, NY., the Thaw {hearing was postponed until July 6th, Moncton's issue of $133,000 city Mackin- wh & Co., Halifax, at 103. The Allan © steamer Victorian, from Liverpool, inward, was reported nine- ty miles sotith-east of Cape Ray at 7 {a.m., on 17th, A custom official is searching loco. imotives at St. Thomas, as there are complaimts of Jurticles being smuggled inthe engine cabs, It is reported Greek and Tarkish { troops have had a battle in the Brous- sa district. Many are said to have been killed and wounded. Tenders for 283 of the 870 acres of mining lands in the Gillic: limit offer- ed for sale were accepted for the ag- gregate sum of $74,643. At a meeting of the Moncton, N.B., Board of Trade, a resolution was unanimously passed favoring union of the maritime provinces into one pro- vince, ~ Hugh Mcintosh, the fight promotor, has arranged 'for a championship fight between "Jim" Jefivies and "Jack" Jahnson, to take place in Colma, Cal., January 22nd. The congregation of the Cheltenham and Mount Pleasant have given a hearty and unanimous call to Angus !, Cameron, B.I., a recent graduate of Knox College Brown University, Providence, R.1., conferred the honorary degree of doc- tor of letters upon Julia Ward Howe, of Boston, the aged humanitarian and author, of the battle hymn of the re public. « Me Andrew Weir & Co., the well- known firm of steamship owners, of London, Eng., have cabled the trade and commerce 'department cancelling nll negotiations for a Canada-New Zeca land service, gade, told the commission that he had received 'bribe money for the promo- tion. of men on the brigade. In one case he got $200, and as he had a lot of hard work in it he kept the money. While a drain was being dug at the corner of Pecl and York streets, Lind- say, Ont., oil mixed with water burst forth in a stream, and it was with difficulty the: flow was stopped. The mixture of petroleum and water burn- ed fairly well when lighted, Malcolm A. Macdonald, St. Thomas, Ont., who, some days ago, fell while climbing on a cartage dray, the wheels of which passed over his body, break ing both legs and crushing him terri bly, died in the hospital, on Thursday morning, from the effects of the injur ies received, A voung English girl, a second class passenger on the steamship Virginian, and who arrived in Toronto two er three days ago, has been removed to the Swiss Cottage Hospital. There was smallpox on board that vessel be fore she landed her passengers. At Blenheim, Ont., fire, which broke out early Thursday morning in dames Cox's implement shop, destroyed = the building, together with Charles Shel don's livery stable. The latter's horses and rigs were saved. Cox's loss was covered by insurance, but Sheldon had vo METHODIST MISSIONS, Mrs. T. G. Williams President of Montreal Women's Branch. Cornwall, Ont., June 17.--The Mon treal conference branch of the Metho- dist Woman's Missionary Society, in session here, elected the following of- ficers : President, Mrs. (Rev.) T. GG. Williums, 'Montreal; first vice-president, Mra. W. I. Shaw, Ottawa; second vice- president, Mrs. Hughes, Kemptville; third vice-president, Mrs. T. A. Read, Athens; corresponding secretary, Mrs J. A. Gordon; Montreal; recording secretary, Mrs. E. M. Crose, Hunting- dot; treasurer, Mrs. R. C. Anilifi, Ot- tawa; mission band secretary, Mrs. J. A. Nash, Iroquois; delegates to Hamilton meeting, Mrs. Antlifi, Ot- tawa; and Mrs, Kendrick, Athens; al- ternates, Mrs. Timberlake, Montreal, and Mrs. Brouse, Ottawa; district or- ganizers, Brockville, Mrs. Kendrick, Athens; Matilda, Mrs. Palmer, Win- chester; Pembroke, Mrs. Holt, Murray, Beachburg; Stanstead, Mrs. Masten, Standetead, Que; North Montreal, Mrs. Ahern, Montreal; South Mon- treal, Mrs. Myoars, Montreal; Quebec, Quebed® City; Waterloo, Mrs. Cumming, Granby; Perth, Mrs, J. Hughes, Kemptville; Kingston, Mrs. W. Craig, kingston; Ottawa, Mrs. Morgan, Ottawa. The treasurer's report showed the argest givings on record, $12,398.40 £2.754.42 more than last year, and $869.12 higher than in any previous year, HELD UP MINISTER stituency. Toronto, June 17.--An exciting inci- dent took place at gthe parliament buildings, at noon, to-day. Hon. Mr Foy, who was late in arriving for the cabinet mooting, called for twelve o'clock, was accosted in the corridor by Herbert Capewell, business manager for Abe Orpen, whos conducts the rae- ing meets at the Dufferin Park track, tha charter of which the government has decided to suspond. "Aren't vou going to do anything for ue?" asked Capowell, taking the attorney-gencral hy the arm. Mr. Foy answered that he could not do anything, and he could not wait to talk, and threw off Capewoll's grasp. Capewell caught the atlorney-gene ral by the shoulacrs, saying, "You will have to." Me. Foy once morc freed himseli, not Fight on Tap of High Bank-- Badly Injured. Edmonton, . June 17.--As the result of a desperate encounter on the of the high bank at the rear of Blowey Henry block, belween tive. Derby, of the' city police force, and a Chinaman, named Ah Kim, alias Chin Chung, the celestial is now at the City hospital in a critical con dition. The constable is suffering from which he had stolon from the Palm cigar store nearby Jermuda Onions, only 5¢ a pound, ail lag a sino waded Ir g } ¥ ton On at Carnovsky's 5h tha eliects of the fight which he sus. | : hia, ! tained while arresting Ah Kim, who { Detroit, 1. Cleveland, 4; New York, 3. was making off with a bag of goods | Chicago, 6; Boston, 4. St. Louis, 3; | SO gently ae before, and entered the | council room, Uapowell ervir out, 1 "All 'right; you'll hear something drop |in South Toronto soon." South To { ronto is Mr. Fov's constituency. Baseball On Wednesday. National League--New York, 8; Pitts- | burg, 2. St. Louis, 6; Heaton i Chi- 3; Philadelphia, 7; | cago, Brooklyn, I. Cincinnati, 1. American League--Philadelphia, | Washington, 2. Eastern league--Newark, 4; Roches- ter, 1., Toronto, 5-7; Jersey City, 3 Providence, 4: Montreal, 1. Bufialo. 4 Baltimore, 3 (10 innings) Capt. Viau, of the Montreal fire bri-, And Something Will Drop in Con- ETT MISS EVELYN This photograph of Miss Biddl recent exhibition of the Profession witch was held was held in the Hotel Sales DR. DR. ELIOT'S CHOICE BOOKS ON HIS FIVE-FOOT SHELF LIBRARY. Reading of These Books Will Give the Essentials of a Liberal Education, Says the Harvard Scholar. Boston, Mass, June 17.--Dr. Chas W. Eliot has made public a partial list of the twenty-five volumes which constitute his five-foot-shelf library which he believes will give any man the essentials of a liberal education In making choice among the different works of a great author the aim, he ways, is to take the author's most characteristic work or that the which will be most intelligible to the people of the day "It is my belief that the faithful and condiderate reading of these book with such rereading and memorizing as individual taste may preseribe, will give any man the essentials of a libes al education even if he ean devote to them but fifteen minutes a day.' The selection as far as have been made follow. It is necessary" to ex plain that several titles are supposed to be hound into ont folume : "Autobiography of Benjamin Frank kn." 'Journal of John Woolman.™' "Fruits of Solitude," ty William Penn. "Bacon's Essays" and 1*New Atlan tis." ; Milton's "Areopagitica' and "Trac tate on- Education." Sir Thomas Browne's *Religio Me "Apology," Sayings' of Epictetus 'Meditations. of Marcus Aurelius Emerson's "Essays." Emerson's "English Traits." The complete Pogue of Milton. Ben Jonson's '"'Volpone." Beaumont. and Fletcher's "The Maid's Tragedy." Webster's 'Duchess of Maliy."' Middleton's 'The Changeling." Dryden's "All for Love." Shelley's "Cenci." Browning's "Blot on the "Seuich eon." Tennyson's "Becket." Goethe's "Faust." Marlowe's "Dr. Fausto" Adam Smith's = "Wealth of Na tions." 'Letters' of Cicero and Pliny Bunyan's "P ilgrim' s Progress Burns' "Tam o' Shanter." Walton's 'Compleat Angler" on "Lives of Donne and Herbert *'Autobiography of. St. Augustine Plutarch's i > Dryden's "*Canterbu "Imitation thrist,"" by FThéwe: "Divine Comedy." "Origin of Species." Nights." AC CHEESE BOARD / Sales "Made on the Board on 2 Thursday. The regular meeting of the Fron tenac cheese board was held on Thurs day afternoon, with the president, F W. Valleau, of Cataraqui, in the chair, and Secretary William Pillar also present. There was boarded 401 boxes of white and 614 boxes of colored. The bidding openec at lle, and dosed at 1lje. for colored and 11 9160. for white L.. Murphy put chased 253% boxes of colored and 285 hoxes" of white at th figures amd Mi, "Alexancer secured boxes at 11 11-16e. and 120 boxes at 11 9-16c¢. A number of young ladies visited the camp at Barriefield, on Wednesday afternoon, and were rovally entertain ed by the soldiers Miss Pearl MeComberm Walrtown, is visiting friends in thé city for a few davs. . EY DP) Cheese sales ©: Woodstoek, 2 200 at 11 9:16¢ : Madoe, 735 at 11 9-16¢c ; Pet eérhoro, 4,127, at 1 "Phaedo' and § MOORE BIDDLE. e was ome of the best shown in the al Photographers' Association, tic, New York. AN IDEAL TOUR Coast and Yukon-Pacific Exposi- tion, Because of the fact that the Alaskn- Yukon-Pacific Exposition is being held in Seattle this year crowds of people from the east will be attract: ed to the Pacific Coast. In fact many who have long wanted to vigit the coast" will make an effort to do so this vear because of the-extra attrae- tions which the west will have to of- fer and the low rates which have been established; because, too, that many have learned by experience that the personally conducted tour is the ideal {way to travel and get the most real enjoyment aid value out of a trip | many are naturally looking for such a tour, The same has been provid- td for by the Grand Trunk railway system, and on July 16th a special train party will' leave Montreal. The party will be made up of people from New England, Northern New York and Canada and will be composed of teachers, business men and profession- al men, The fact that the service oi this road, whieh is easily one of the imest equipped railroads in the countfy, with the only double track} bYetween Montreal and Chicago, and one of the finest roadbeds in Ameri ca, is at the disposal of the party, and that the party is to be persomal- ly conducted by E. C. Bowler, of Be- j thel, Maine, who has long since es- | tablished a reputation of n aking his tours truly ideal, is sufficient guaran tee that those who maké this tour will get the tour of a lifetime. No effort has been spared by the rail road or Mr. Bowler to this end, the | route from start to. finish is the best | that ean be had between otean and | ocean; every possible detail looking te the comfort and Pleasure of the party has been considered, and a rate which seems almost jncousistent with the service has been made. The party will be limited to the capacity of the train, and any desiring to seeure ac- commodation should apply. at once for full information to E. (. Bowler, Bonaventure Station, Montreal, Que. CAUGHT BY ELEVATOR. Society 'Woman's Narrow Escape Froni Death in Detroit. Detroit, June 17 ('aught between the floor and the top of the gate of a big passenger elevator in the Union rust building. Mrs. Joseph Tatroe, a well-known society woman of Monroe, hung suspended in the elevator four stories above the ground yesterday until the power of the motors press- ing against her limbs, bent the iron framework outward and released her. Then the unconscious woman dropped to the floor, narrowly missing a plange to the bottom of the shaft. The elevator boy, Oliver Doyle, who kad charge of the car at the time, fell in a dead faint from what he sup- posed was a real tragedy. The wo- man is in Grdceshospital with both bones of her right leg broken below the knee, thighs and hips terribly lac- crated and her back injured. Mes. Tatrge attempted to leave the eleva- tor quickly just as it started from the fourth, floor and before the boy could close the door, : Rookery On Fire. Cincinnati, Uhio, June 17.---More than 100 Hungariaus, men, women and children, living in an old five storey river front tenement, fought, in mad panic, for their lives, to-day, when a line explosion on the second floor t the rookery on fire. Fifteen men wind women were overcame by smoke, before they could grope their way through the dark hallways. Some ran unclothed to the street. Only the bravery and absolute discipline of the hiremen and policemen prevented a holoedst len persons were slightly injured. The building was destroyed. Beautiful New Stock. Prevost, Brock street, has extra fine assortment of tweed, cheviot and serge for order clothing department, ahd splendid' * assortment of readysmade clothing and gents' furnishings, Watermelons at Carnovsky's See Bibby's $15 blue suit, Apollinaris And Valuable Digestive Qualities ~~Accounts for its Ever Increasing Popularity Summer Stocks Com. plete; The Very Newest in Millinery and All Summer Good s at Spence's. Stunning styles in dress, outing and knock-about hats; best as- sortments we've ever had. Hun. dreds of mew waists. New Tub Dresses, Lingerie Dresses, Duck and Linen Skirts, White Goods. Mod- erate prices throughout. Always Best Styles and Values at Spence"s. David M. Spence, ™ girs «Nant generations, years. COL. ALEXANDER K. McCLURE. Friend of Lincoln and Curtin and oné of the noted editors of two Colonel McClure died at Wallingford. 1828. After achieving a wide reputation as a writer through his -connection with newspapers he went to Philadelphia, founded the Times of which he was editor-in-chief for H» was one of the leading exponents of the journalism of the old school, and for years was an active and powerful influence the state TWO FIRES AT DENBIGH. James Denbi James tents, hand, were unavailing, nid they only ceeded in saving part of the tents. have been caused by defective pipes and neither buildings vor con- tents were insurec. Rev Reble returned on the 10th |in the titiest sense because you get tnst. attended the annual session of Lutheran Synod of Canada, and from fuprios eble visiting with « friends. were greatly but agreeably surprised upon entering the parsonage to find that it had been entered during reverend gentleman's absence and set of parlor furniture placed therein as a wedding present from members of his congregation. On Sunday he con- ducted morning service here and in the afternoon, Mrs. Reble, for Raglan, w to hold evening service. To-day he is and Henry | er and William Rahm, Bartsch Suffer Loss. | Mary Rahm, Wanda Glaeser, Martha rh, June 15.--On the 8th inst. cDonald"s house stroyed by fire, witn most of the con- while he was away from home, river driving. HE had only' built the house six years ago when his former dwelling had also become a prey the fiery element. On the forenoon of the 9th the dwelling occupied By Mr. Bartsch also caught with most of the neighbors was away deing statute labor. few neighbors, who were promptly on building, sug- con- de- inst. Henry The efforts of a stove- the [most valuable remedy. ment cures skin aflections that many dollars worth: of other remedies would They | probably not cure, Cures eczema (salt rheum), scaly or Mrs. the | blotches, dandrufi, ete. ,the same time. | Messrs, Herbert Fritseh, * Petzold! and Ida Warlich. sessions of the county council, in Napance last weck | Charles Fritsch, who bought home there, is here Visiting his pa ents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fritsch, to he for operation. in a few days. t o An Economical Remedy. hoxes at a small price. Iv is cheap, he | for the price a large quantity of a itching eruptions of the skin, pimples, a|25c., at Wade's drug store wrong. It the wank nerves that are to make a young couple there happy | crying out for he weak by uniting them in Koly bonds matrimony, and a number of wi young people from here also went to witness this enjoyable event and to pay a vis- it to friends and relatives there at of He was born in and in 1875 twenty-five Among them are Julius Claes- and Misses J. 8. Lane, of the municipality, was to attend ihe {farm in New Ontario and made his He intends to take a span of horses and some milth cows with him when he returns to his present home. His sister Clara, a nurse in training in a New York hospital, is also enjoying threp weeks' varation at her parental hame. The cheese factory being built here by Algernon Lane, will be ready Wade's Ointment is put up in large Wade's Oint- in big boxes, If a man believes all a woman says --but of course he doesn't, so that set- left | tles it. s by; Don't drug the Stomach, or or Kidneys, he was |late the Heart That is