a --__, THE DAILY BRITISH G. SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1900. Yor Womeets Needs Every woman should fortify herself against those weaknesses and de- rangements which are usually pres- ent at times when Nature makes extra demands upon the system. For women's" special ailments there is no known remedy so safe and reliable as These pills possess corrective and tonic properties whichhavea marked effect upon the general health and promptly relieve nervousness, sick headache, depression, backache, weakness and other unpleasant, symptoms. Beecham's Pills estab- lish healthy conditions and furnish Help at the Right Time Sold Every where. In Boxes 25 cents. Gasoline 16c. A GALLON Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. Garage Repairs. to Automobiles ap Marine Engines promptly attend Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Ontario St. International Portland Cement Adamant Wall Plaster Guelph and Renfrew Lime P. Walsh's, d Yard, Barrack St. Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, Carburetors, Etc. TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES. Tumbul Erica Mg. Co. 'Phone, STA. 8738 Bagot Bt. NEIIIIONIBIISASIIRIISHNNON Iherense Your Efficiency ¢ Xingston Business College, Limited Head of Queen Street. Oanada's Leading Business School & Pay and Evening Classes. { Bhorthand, Typewriting, Book: © keeping, Telegraphy. Special In- 4 dividual ftristruction for pupils deficient in English branches. Rates moderate, Enter at any + time. 'Phone, 440. H. ¥; MET- % OALFE, Principal. IASHORAC AAAI ~ M.P.KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop Hair Dressing and Shavibg Parlor, Three Chair. Quick Service, Your pat ronage solicited. 336 King Street Nem, doar, jo. Wade's Drug. Store; m. Mprray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, Sale of Horses every Saturday. FLORIST. HANK HAAR : Cleaning & Pressing Goods called for and delivered. g 2 JAMES CAMPBELL, Tailor 109 Brock Street. SARA % AISA SENSIS RICK Wall Paper Border, Ceiling and Side Wall, + | same price, at FRASER'S, 78 William St' 10 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect Brick & Tile Oo., Wash. burn, Ont. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees Are ready to contract for Immediate delivery. Brick that will stand inspec- tion a reasonable rates. Capacity of plant 60,000 daily. Cheap Summer Wood. orury's 'Coal and Wood Yard, 285 Wellington street: (Phone, &43A. Some men who pose as tollers are not much good at auy 1 else. rood stony hing "| be Gips For Gbhe Farmers BY UNCLE JOSH. | Why should cow testing be carried {on 7 Mainly beeause individual cows in tha same herd are likely to vary | in production about as much as, Eome- | times much more thaw individual wows in different breeds. Then too, must be considered, the strange variations in milk- and fat from day to day, even | with a cow handled as carefully | possible, Such variations are very apt { to be overlooked unless the record is kept. Another point : Two COWS side, one gives 20 pounds of milk a day, or 10 pounds at a | milking, the other: gives 9 pounds. The jifieronce in weight, or the difference in bulk in the pail, especially if there of froth on top, is not easily | wauged by the ordinary milker. © Bul { multiply that by the 300 days of a | milking period, and it is seen that ono | 1 as {earefully side by lis a lot | cow, wives 600 pounds more milk than iho odher. Yet the ordinary milker woul Wave said, these two cows give | "just the same. But is net the extra 600 pounds worth having ? | Mar members of testing ar ocintion say that ihe hired man milks cudeavor to milk him about'" the cow with if the constantly, | per cow has often béen obtained sine | the intrexinction of the 'pencil and | ruled sheet. Ary it, not simply for the | extra milk or fat, but for the immonee | pereonal satisfaction ii knowing hat | pach cow is being made to do better, [to do her best. Lit more lean record hangs before and an extea 508 pounds | How do Ontario farm condition | compari with, farm conditions in { Western ( anada ? asks the Toronto Globe. This is a question that the | pre of this province should noi be | hackward about answering. For many wo have been lauding the west, advertising the west, praising the west, and urging the young man to go | west andl grow up with tho country. his has been a dolightiul task The | whole dominion is proud of the west, | and when the vast acres of the cen- {ral provinces become settled Cana diane will, wa hope, be still prounder of the wealth and glory of the great northland; but in this favored portion of the world we should not forget that the Dominion of Canada has an east as well as a west. The cast was set- tled long before the west came into prominence, and the cagt is to-day the more important part of this splen- did country. It ix not--nmow our pur to bring tho two great arcas of Canada conflict, but in all jus tice we must not "boom" or provinec or even ond group of pro- vinces to the exclusion and detriment of all others. yeal poo ito one section The time to trim lambs is when they young. Every autumn one finds the markets crowded with coarse ram Jambs with long tails. These lambs bring low prices, and a few of them in a flock mean a considerable loss. The castration of lambs is a simple; ( easy operation, and attended with very light mortality. Anyone who is ac- customed "to doing this work on pigs and calves successfully may be assur- od of good results with lambs. A'wo yoints only need to be especially borne i*mind in. emasculating lambs. The incision of the scrotum is more likely tes become closed up in lambs than in other kind of animals, because sometimes the matting of wool over the prevents free drainage of the wound This can bosefiectually obvis ated by clipping the wool from the of the scrotum in cases where it much as a fourth of an inch in and by cutting: off the end of the incisions for each testicle Th other difliculty, found more especially with the younger lambs, is the 'ex treme delicacy of the internal tissues of the When the enclosing membranes are slit to expose the or and its cord, care must be taken not to cnt deeply into the testicle itself, or else escape of the mushy in are any engl is a length testicle. gan terior. matter leaves the organ so col lapsed that it is difficult to grasp it for removal There ate excellent opportumitics to Influenza Coming 3 | From Europe If a Wave of This Disease Sweeps Over Canada, Thousands Will Die. Be prepared--now is the time----to day you should commence to protect yourself, invariably Influenza or la grippe coughs, cizes upon those who have colds and sore throats. An important Montreal physwciar {states that the epidemic can be mini mized if the people will only guard colds=stop them before _ they crow large... Nothing better for the purpose is known than Nerviline--ta ken in hot water three or four times during the day and just before retir ing, Nerviline will cure any cold. +n connection with the above warn [i the story of M: Ernest Eek: | hei hart, of Augusta, will serve to illus {trate how valuable Nerviline is [Early in the winter 1 contracted a tubborn eold and until it grew severe I did little for it.. When 1 saw 1 [was in for an old-fashioned attack of linfluenza 1 went to the drug stor end vot a large 25e. bottle of _Ner | viline and a Nerviline Porous Plaster | rubbed my back, throat and chest threo times with the Nerviline and then put the Nerviline Porous Plaster over a Very sore, congested spot on my chest. Before retiring 1 took half a teaspoohful of Nerviline in hot sweetened water; next morning I was =! like 4 new mwan---that throbbing head- |ache, the burning fever, the sensa- tion of choking and tightness in. my chest and throat had dwsappeared. There was no ringing in my ears, no fever left, and not a trace of cold." This ie but one instance of thou 'ands of curves rom Nerviline whiel has ne equal in ouring all winter alls as croup, quinsy hoarseness lumbago, scietiea or rhea sure and ceértain-- such bronchitis, matism [that's Nerviline--refuse any substitute Date, ar disiriets- of old Ontario. When a day for young men in the older fPhrts young man has made upg his mind to face life's battle with: courage and: de- termination, when he is prepared to deny himself, to cconomize, and to work hard and long, it really does not matter where he goes. 1f he has intel- Jivence and grit he will suecced. When | he does, succeed, which paft oi the country will appeal to him most ? Where would he prefer to live ? These arc the questions he should ask and answer for himself. A man who is a good farmer and a hard worker, with his brains as well as with his hands, can make money about ms easily in old Ontario as in any part of Can- ada. New Ontario is, as we have wen, ao most wonderful country, but no man who is unwilling to work should go there to live. thing is true of the central provinces of Western Canade. ls it not equally to' $3.15; farmers', $280 to $3.10; Hungarian patent, $3 to $3.20; meal and rolled oats, cornmeal, $2 to ton; shorts, $10 to $12; hay, loose, $14. prints, tubs, 2lc. fresh, kins, No. 1, 0 : hides, $3 cach, London Globe. The came beessor of Earl ---- oat- £2.40" 10 £3.50; 2.10; bran, $25 a £26 to $27 a ton; straw, $13; pressed, 20¢. doz.; hatter, farmers' butter, in 23¢.; rolls, 23c.; new laid, 26¢c. 1b; 5.5 packed, Eggs, TeAmoer, Wool--Washed, 18¢. 1b.; sheep skins, tallow, rendered, Bc.; dea- veal skins, 1B8c. lb.; hides, hides, No. 2, 8c. 1b; horse Kept The Maid's Kiss. . Eo" Lord Northeote's : name as'a probable uc. Grey in Uanada, his Apropos of being mentioned lordship was once made curious use of while vovernor general of Australia. Heating Questions Answered If you are going to build --if you are going to re- model your house--1let us solve the heating problem for you. We 'will give you true of Nova Seotia, Prince Edward Island - and -New Brunswick as well 7 To wot on in Canada men must be in- Strolling one night through an avenue dinner he was suddenly pounced on by the benefit of our years of experierice in making and installing furnaces._ | not telligont and willing workers. They ought to he thrifty, but the making of money is not the sole purpose of existence. Mon and women: and chil- should seck to lives ana to live means more than to eal and leep and to wear fine clothes. We should forw t that the man who is most suceessinl i= the man who lives most or who enriches most looked at from this point of view, o easy ns some men think, It} way be attamed --ad here a i | elsewhere, dren ie Succes not canily Do their farmers, on . the average, want ons to be farmers 2 Some do, some do not. I we judge the question by the amount of farm education the | of sombre trees to a feignd's Louse to | | a maid servant, who kissed him efins- ively and pressed a little pared 'into | his hand. "Here's a smisage for you. | 1 can't come oul tonight, as minster has company," che whispered, aud a mysteriously disappeared. When he got to the house he found one of his seevanis. loitering. by the vate. "What are you here?' wkd Lord Northeoti "I'm. waiting for my the man stammered. "Where is »" "In "Ab, ausage doing sweetheart,' she service here." I am right: Here 4 a vour swectheart, and tell you that she to-night, her Seeing that then. from she wishes me to Colne out company,' cannot master . ha Send us a rough plan of 'vous home. We will tell you what size of furnace will be best and most economical for you---size and location 3 Hh of Yarmers give their sons, we can certainly say that they do not want their sons to be farmer: Yet the villages aud cities are full of men] who have lived their life with nothing | of confidence to show for it, who ar | failures, but who would" have made a fair success if they had stayed 'on the farm. Hundreds of these men have told us so. Yet there are just as many foolish young men as ever rushing 'There, away from the farms to the cities. | plumper Their fathprs could have stopped this| ter started to church, folly had they given the boys a term or two in the short course or provid good supply of dairy and farm and | church. Curious to know whigh coin Béuny had given, his papa asked him when he returned, and Benny replied : "Well, papa, it was this way. The] preacher said :the Lord loved a cheer- | ful giver, and I knew I could give a penny a good deal more cheerfully than I could give a shilling, sa * I{ {put on the penny,' majority looked nervou he "She also gave added, | for the man kindly vou, but wail until vou ' hillings me a Kies you would rather her. Here parhaps five instead { From The Text. rit-Bit Benny," said Mp Bloom to his voung son, as the lat. "are a shilling London and a penny. You can put which you please in the contribution' box." | Benny thanked his papa and went a | | ed a literature in the shape of books paper 8 The United States Country Life Com- mission state that in their investiga- tions in thirty states, the lery was uni- versal against the country school; that the farmers would not make it fit to teach their boys even the rudiments of education; that nothing was taught that would help a boy gain any know- ledge of agriculture or help him to un-|= . rer derstand what he read, The farmers in every school district responsible for the school they If they wanted better school them they what | the | are produce, houses they could easily make If they wanted better teachers could procure them by paying they are worth. If they wanted school to help make intelligent boys and girls, who would understand the chemical terms that ave used in farm literature, they could secure that also. If the country school is a-bad failure, if it faMs to make intelligent men of their boys, the farmers are alone to blame for it.--Hoard's Dairyman. Farm conditions, so far as they can be ascertained throughout, the major portion of the province of Ontario, | are exceedingly promising In some parts of eastern Ontario where the land is not well underdratned = the season is backward and spring seeding | has heen -much delayed. In the cen- tral and western parts of the prov ince, while seeding was a few days late, yet the outlook on the whole is very good indeed. The spring grain is soming up in fine shape ; it shows an | evenness and strength of 'stand that | promises large things, The fall wheat | is spotted in some places, but theav- | erage field is fair In most of the | connties of Ontario there is" a splen | did outlook for hay and pasture. The coming season ought to be one of the | very best that we have enjoyea for a | long time, so far as the grass crops | are conaerned. The high prices that obtain for all kinds of farm prfetus o eed Made should make Ontario farmers ex ingly happy Below, we ufirata the By our patented proce f fuse steel ribs into the fir radiating surface ne: prove that thid invent of the coal bill. . ¢ iE the pipes to give the most heat for the fuel--and an estimate of the cost of installing the least Nn Saves over oF furnace. We make no charge for this. It is but another of the conveniences that come with «Hecla" Furnaces. Our catalogue tells a lot of things about Warm Air Furnaces that you will probably be glad to know. Shall we send a copy? 79 CLARE BROS. & CO. LIMITED, - PRESTON, Ont (ellors? TOASTED CORN FLAKE WITH STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM Package, 10c. It is always best to the sow ome laxative food a little while be- | = fore she farrows, the fev- | red condition that causes her to eat the pigs wheat bran, ot a little linseed meal in the feed will be | » pood remedy to use as a preventive Also sive alittle salt in the feed reg ularly. 1f she has been neglected and | is constipated and aives at the pigs, take them away once and throw her a chunk of old salt pork to pease her, for the time neing, sive ten to fifteen-drop. doses of time ture of aconite in laxative, loppy food, every hours, unttl she womes quiet, when the pigs can be re turned with safety Me. T. G. Raynor, Commissioner's branch, Ottawa, re ports that there is this season a | marked improvement in the quality and purity of the grass-seed offered for The samples of seeds taken in Ontario show a marked advance in the scale of purity. The labels oi the seed packages have a wood effect on the 'buyers. Five to prevent Some nt ap- | four be of the Seed sale Kingston, June 19:Prices were quo ted to the Whig as follows: Fish--Salmon trout, 124c. 1b.; kin | aed digby herring, 20c. Ib. whitefish, 124c. lb.; pike, 10c. 1b.; Chinook sal mon, 30c. lb.; kippered herring, Yar- mouth bloaters, 40c. doz.; perch, 30e. doz.; frogs' legs, 40¢. 1b.; Atlantic sal- mon, Spc. Ib.: salt codfish, Te. to 15c. Ib.: halibut, 20c. 1b.; fresh haddock, 10c. 1b.: bullheads, 124c. Ib.; red her- ring, 20c. box; mackerel, 15c. lb.; lake| hegring, Sc. lb.: finnan haddie, 10c. to] 1¢ Ib.; fresh lobsters, 25c. lb; sea | mass, 12} pickerel, 12%e. 1b; mackerel, 3 Moat--Beef, cuts, Sc. to case; entlets, 86 by carcase; Ib.; turkeys, ens, 14c. lb.; mutton, Vegetables--Carrots, 5c. a bunch: | cabbage, 5c, 10c. and 12ic. each; oniong, He. bunch: turnips, The. bag: groen onions, He. bunch; radishes, be. | jettuce, de.; rhubarb, Se; spinach, Se. Grain--Uats, S0c.; local = wheat, buckwheat, T70c.; barley, 55¢.; SOc. io S3e.: peas; $1. corn, old, new, 2ic. ¢ carpase, Re. to 9c; | pork, lle. by car 15¢. per Ib; lamb, live hogs, Tc. per 18c. per 1b.; chick- 9c. to 10c, 1b; 5c Flour and Feed--Flour, bakers', $2.90 Boys and Girls! Tell Your Mothers About the New Nursery Rhyme Biscuits N\ Nothing like them in looks or taste-- manufactured only by McCormicks. Pictures are raised above the ? surface--not stamped into the biscuit. Contain sufficient Arrowroot (SAME INGREDIENTS AS OUR FAMOUS ARROWROOT BISCUIT) to generate digestive juices, aid digestion and assimilation, and build up the nerves and blood- power. Make healthy, strong children, and promote growth. _A perfectly wholesome biscuit-plaything. About 70 to the pound. Ba, Ba, Black Sheep, Humpty Dumpty, Little 'Jack H Old King Cole, There Was a Little Man, and Ofer, designs. BF Tome oe oe CCORMI NURSERY RHYME Fi ; . x $i BISC