% Err aL AUTOMOBILE IRS ARE NOT GENUINELY GOOD QUE LIAR 13, [37.Y0A4 HUY 8 A diseased or disfignred skin will atwa: leave ita stamp on the mind of the indi vidoal Many figuring skin diseases lose all pride in their personal a pearance, When the skin breaks p and sores wondition of the blood. people suffering from dis- avoid, society and out in eruptions it is due entirely to an impare In all such cases Burdock Blood Bitters will quickly purify the blood and drive all the impurities out of the system. Eee ITCHING RASH Mra. J. J. Jr., Kinmount, Out., writes: "'Inthesprin CURED. of 1906 | was trou with a Rash that broke rete tree out all over me. It waa the worst on my face und bead, had a dry, scaly top, and when I would gob warm it would become very itchy. tho doctor's medicine but it did me no good, so | then gos one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters and before it was all used the Rash was entirely gone." Mrs, Harvey dark + to the doctor about it, but he could nothing to help me. I wed **I thought about Burdock Blood Bitters snd decided to try a bottle I cannot recommend B,B.B. enough, as I had not taken all the bottle before my fase was cured." Wor mle by ¢ i druggists and deals. ORRINE (CURES LIQUOR HABIT ED OR MONEY 1 UNDED. ORRINE everywhere recognized as the most successful and reliable home treatment for the cure of the "Drink Habit." 1t is highly indorsed and praised thousands of grate- ful men. and women throughout the lind. Space will not permit us to fell you all about ORRINE, We pub- lish a free booklet which fully ex- plains the ORRINE treatment. Be and write for jt. Can Be Given Secretly. ORRINE COSTS ONLY $1 A BOX. Guarantee in Each Box. Write for free ORRINE Booklet (mailed in plain sealed envelope) to ORRINE CO., 967 ORRINE Building, Washington D.C. ORRINE is sold by lending druggists everywhere, : Special Agent : mm" J CURE EFFE k- is by i. W. MAHOOD, Cor. Bagot and Princess Sts. FALSE THEORIES Worthless Remedies. Lead to or Harmful Stimulating the scalp may allay the itching of the damdruff, but that doe not cure the scalp. vield torquinine or capsicum nor alco it is ecansed by dandruff Until preparation, dandruff cure, hair restorer market that woiild kill {hat gorm that dries up the scalp in little called dandruff, and vitality of the hair, causing fall and finally New bro's Herpicide is really scientific preparation prevent falling hair and baldness Sold by leading druggists. boca se To tlestroyved. hod, a germ parasiie, cure the 'gern ho was musi recently there no hair the insidion OF on aeales tho ny baldness. the to cure dandrufi hair, only Sen The disease won't or | on ahsorbes 1 10c. in stamps for sample, .to'. the Herpitdde Co., Detroit, Mich. One ol lar bottles guaranteed. G. W Ma hood, special agent. PALMER BROS. Marine & Stationary Gasoline Engines Make and break and jump spark, {wo and four cycle, one to four cylinders. Our engines are simple and reliable. Branch Office: Cornwall Dock, Alexandria Bay, N.Y. WILFRED L. SNIDER, General Sale§ Agent. TROUBLES Can be positively cured by the dorsed by Physicians as the best tonic, Write for free sample: HYGIENE KOLA LIMITED, 84 Church St., Toronto. Sold by all Druggists and Stores CERIO ve ANN rol "AMPBELL, Tailor Brock Street. FHARAE NER NR church nse . of Hygiene Kola Celery and Pepsin en-| from there i World's | Bonnycastle's husband is a grandson "+ . &!to Toronto, and & Pressing yin shortest notice. 'Phone ¥ o % x S820 30 ISIRIRISSING Gold in : | Guilight RHEE EERE EEE RRR en - > . Mrs. James Farrand Prangle is éom- ing up from La Tugie, to Cornwall, this week, and will spend a fortnight | there, going on later for a few days in Ottawa. She will then come wp to Kingston to stay with her family al "Hazeldell."" Mr. Pringle has gone to the wilds and has sent his bride up this way for safekeeping Mrs. John Mackie, left, yesterday, for "The Ramparts," Batiersca, and in her house party, far, are Miss Florence Perley, of Ottawa; Miss Kath- leen Crisp, Miss Marguerite Layton, Mr. Colin Graves and Mr. James Ste wart. i Mrs. Aloxander Laird and little Miss Hilda, loft for the east, torday, with {Mr. and Mrs. Hobrecker. Mrs. Laird has Jiven up her house, and will spend a year or longer probably on the con- tinent with her daughter. Her friends, who will miss her very much, hope for a pleasant voyage and a happy stay arross the ocean Er Some one who has always a thought for the sick and others in has written "asking that the society column Ibe used for a note of suggestion. She wonders if housekeepers, now that jam and jelly-making season is ginning, would not be willing to aside one pot of jam, or onc glass of jelly, intending its ultimate tion to be the geniral hospital, or the Hotel Dien ha Little gift:would be absolutely unnoticen by the giver, but the aggvogate of pleasure to patients, who need little relish in the of can scarcely realized woman think this $0 trouble the In sot destina- a days onvalescence, Will every them act ? - Ie of and - a. to be a decided novelty the Country Club some of these days. The have declared their hospitable intention of giving a high tea, with all the delicacies of the season, and out of season, attach ed, to the girls and the younger men But--and here comes the novelty--to. get that high tea and its accompaniments, also the verbal thanks of the grateful ladies, the said voung men and weed the croquet lawn and the tennis court And there has been unanimous accept- ance of the tea and its preliminaries, There is over at ladies who are members maidens must - - > Weir, Kred a pleasant little" reception, on Mon- day -1fight,- that friends might have an oppcctunity of saving géod-bve to Miss May Weir, who has on three months' trip. There were songs by Miss Saw Cooke and Miss | Wood, and instrumental music by Miss Brady and Miss Harvey ral of the guedts made pretty speeches, wishing ke daughter of the house bon vey afre delicious refreshm ofits. Mrs. J. €. street, pave gone a Seve- and there were J - we we -- Hood," "the" little play ar- ranged by Miss Elsie Taylor, took a great- thmber over to the comman dant's tgsidénce, at the Roval Military College, \this afternoon. i - o> - There | ill be the usual yacht club tea, to-dyy, and to-morrow (Domiri ion day): Will be celebrated .by a dance at the: ch house. in the evening > oe Mrs. R,| Crawford, Barrie gave a small tea for Mrs. C. P. Johns, of Thornhill, on Tuesday afternoon - we Cornplius - Bermingham, Barrie will npt receive again until Oe street, Mrs. streot, tober: \ » - Major and Mrs. E. N thir baby, will leave row, for the ald country. Seott will \go'\ as far as Brockville with them and after visiting there will go to Toronto to begin work a trained nurse. \ They will all much missed. A\ hearty' bon voyvave will follow the myjor and his little Miss Ida Marv acros® the » w Mozlev, w'th town to-mor Miss Jean as be wie | and deep. Mrs. W. RB raine came home fhe from Montreal Miss T. Gallagher, Kao street, has gone up to Poronto ty visit her aunt, Mrs. Coo kK, Clarke. - - - Dalton\and Miss lor ud of the week Mrs. Charles Taylor, King street, is back from Ottawa, and has brought with her Miss Lillian Taylor, who is very much better, and has been out for a short walk, ) Miss May Weir, Alfred street, left, yesterday, for a three months' trip to the west, Miss Weir will go first to Macleod, Alta., and will go on !to the coast and visit the Seattle ex- i hibition. On her way home she will pav visite along the line in Qu'Ap- pelle and Manitoba. | EE | A number of picture post | have been received bv Mr | | | | cards George Sears from Mr. and: Mrs. Friend, who were highly enjoying themselves in Francisco. The Seattle Times accompanied its description of the wedding by very handsome wood cuts of the newly mariied couple, Mr. and Mrs. Friend, in the Sundav edition. | Mrs. R. K. Kilborn, King street, | and Miss Laura, will go to Easton's Corners the end of the week. Dr | Kilborn has gane to Petewawa. The Dean of Ontario is expected up San 7, [from "Lennoxville to-night. INDIGESTION AND NERVOUS, v.. wo.) - ad Bonnveastle, who has {been visiting Mrs. James Third, Wel | lington street, has gone to her girl: {hoods home, near Campbelliord, and will go to Winnipeg. Mrs | of the late Colonel Sir Richard Bon | nveastle, at one time in command of | her majesty's forces in Canada. Miss Margaret Darragh, New York, 1s 'home for her holidays. x | Miss Elsie Borden and Miss Lillie | Clay, New York, are iting their { crandmother, Mrs. W. Peters, Barrie - we - Mrs. George Kavanagh has refurned Mr. and Mrs |O0'Rielly, who wera also Mrs. ling Bermingham's guests, Se to St. Paul, Minn. . | Bishop Mills is in Belleville, io-day, officiating at the marriage of the Rev (i. R. Beamish St. Thomas' and formerly St George Carne have gone rector of curate of THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1909. George's cathedral, Mies M. Ackerill, of Belleville. Miss Ada Bates, King street, left, oii Monday, for Montreal, and stayed a day or so with Mrs. Edward Mer- rett. She has now gone on to Metis for a month, taking Mrs. children with her. ->- | Miss Katie Hazen left day, after a pleasant visit to Iva Martin, *'Underwood.' Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick, Fron- tenac street, ind her children. have Joun down to Mrs. Kirkpatrick's Nova Scotia home, Mr. and Mrs, John Waddell, street, and their little girls, left, Monday, for Murray Bay, Mrs. Charles Stafiord Kirkpatrick, Frontenac street, has gone to Halifax for a couple of months. -> > > Mise Nora Gordon, King street, will lpave, on Friday, for Muskoka, whore she will visit Mrs. P. D. Crevar, of Hamilton, at her summer cotiage. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mcrrick, Misses Antoinotte and Frances Myers and Edward Murray, of Watertown, N.Y., arc here for the George cup races and will remain for a few days as the guests of Mr. Winthrop Sears at "Heathfield. Mrs. W. H. Wormwith and Miss Sara Gill, Earl street, lefts on Tuesday for Arlingion, Mass., to visit their brother, tha Rev. Frederick Gill, Miss Lucia Smellie, Johnson has gone down 10 spend the holiday in Gananoque. - town, on Mon Earl on sireet, > eo. Miss Reta Fitzpatrick has returned to Brockville, from Kingston, accom- panied by her friend, Miss Margurite Dolan. Mrs. McKelvey Bell, of Ottawa, coming, next week, 10 Kingston, where she will spend a couple of weeks. Miss Grace Loucks will go shortly to Ottawa, and will spend a little while there before going on down to Cap a I'Aigle, where she will be the guest of the Misses Wicksteed. Miss Mildred King street, left, vesterday, for Norwood, to visit Mrs at "The Home-: stead Mr. E Sudbury. Miss Kathleen Saunders, Alice street, went tg Outawa to-day. > - - Mrs. R. G eith Hepburn held her post-nuptial reception, in Picton, last week. The bride's sisters-in-law, Mrs Bernard® and Mrs. James Hepburn helped the bride receive, the groom's little sisters and nieces welcomed visi tors at the door, and all wore lovely gowns. Mrs, Jurlingham was one of the pretty young matrons sisting, and in the tea room were Mis: Gena Hepburn, Miss Madge Hepburn Miss Lilias Barker, and Miss Grace Despard. Miss Florence Hepburn anc Mrs. A. Bailie, aunts of the groom oi a few weeks ago, are now visiting Ir Picton, from Montreal. Miss Christine Barker has returnec to Picton, after a year's visit in the North-West, part of her time being spent with her aunt, Mrs, Christiar Wilson. Jones, George Grover, R. C. Dobbs has returned to Roscoe as - > » Miss M. Lewis, after a visit wit Miss M, Crothers, Earl street, left for her home in Montreal, on Monday Miss Marion Clark, of Clintor Springs, ™.Y., is home on vacation She will likely go on to Winnipeg Mrs. M. E. Hemsley, of Ottawa, i: in the city for a short time, and is at present stopping with Mrs. H. Wil kins, Johnson street. Mrs. S. J. Brown of New York, Brown's sister, York street. Miss Ruth Johnston, of Brooklyn N.Y. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Hugl Johnston, York street. Miss H. E. Cook, of Pittsburgh Pa., arrived in the city, last night with the party of Pennsylvania news paper people, and is paying a- visit to her brother, Mr. Herbert H. Cook Princess street. $ -- "> oe Mrs. James Agnew, of Ottawa," i. back to visit old 'friends, and is © pension with Mrs. W. Baxter, Univer sity avenue Mr. George town this Visitors and Walter visiting Mrs Hugh Johnston son, are Mrs, White, of Toronto, wa- week at Mi Carey's, Joyceville : Leo Sidley in Mrs Me and Mrs and daughter," Marion, Schenectady, N.Y Miss M. Cutcheon and Mr B. McCarey, o Kingston, also Mr. Gi. Cowan, Mr. G Eaton and Mr. W. Franklin, of Joyce ville, Mrs the Union and D Mr Mc Botterell, of Montreal, of Mrs. Walter Macnee street. Mr. Botterell expect ed up in a few days Mrs. Hazen Hansard is coming uj from Ottawa, to-morrow, to visit he sister, Mrs. J. B. Carruthers. Mrs. Shuldhon Hill, of Quebec, is the guest of her niece,' Mrs. Watson Wal ker, Sydenham street. > > The engagement is announced of Miss Maud Borbridge, eldesg daughter of Mr. Henry Borbridge, Ottawa, to Mr. Arthur Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs Harry Brown, of Hamilton. The mar- ridge will take place September 9th. STOCK QUOTATIONS. Frank guest Cobalt and Leading Stocks Listed. The following quotations are plied by the City Brokerage (J. 0 Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar ence street. 'Telephone 480 A : Canadiar sup- Cobalt Stocks. June 30th. Sellers. Buvers HN 12 8.09 Amalgamated J2 L304 Beaver es Chambers-Ferland Cobalt Central Cobalt Lake . Crown Reserve Foster ... Gifford ot Green Mechan .... Ta Rose . : Little Nipissing ...... McKin.»Dar. Savage . Nipissing . Nova Scotia ....., ...... Otisse....... ... 38 40} The Horse Artillery, the Kiltios and the Salvation Army bands will do the band concert. work 'in Macdodala park this summer. The 14th Regiment band refused to play unless given the whole civie grant of £300. Fresh Abbey Salts and Enos Salt at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store RR, v PRETTY Merrett's | Mrs. | | bouquet Poridal party drove to the ferry where they took the island boat for the (ity, driving to the home of the groom's parents, 27 Main street, where a reception was tendered. the bride and groom, who received the | hearty congratulatvons of their mnu- merous fidends. 'lhe groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful gold chain with a cross set with pearls to the bridesmaids and flower girl each a set of mother of pearl rosar- ies, and to the groomsman a pair of signet cuff *links. The happy cou- ple deft on. the midnight train Toronto and <other western points, i The, bride's going away dress was of navy blue Panama cloth, The groom was for some years an employee of tise office, : | WERECELEBRATED INKING.- | STON THIS FINE DAY. | Nuptals of Miss Helena Asselstine and Alfred Smith--Ceremony in St. James' Chapel. The home of W. H. Asselstine. 220 | Alfred street, was the scene of a pret- ty event, at ten o'clock, on Wednes- day morning, when his daughter, Miss | Helena, was united in marriage, to | Alfred Smith, bookkeeper for A. Chown & Co. The wedding was of a, quiet nature, the bride being unat- | tended, with only the immediate rela- tives and friends present far the cere- | mony, which was perfgrmed by Rev. W. H. Sparling. After the ceremony | there was a wedding breakfast served | { -- PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Called From All : Over The World. Small-pox traceable to the outhreak their | °° the SS. Virginian, is reported Aer | Coleman township. 1 { at the bride's home, and, later, they left on a héneymoon trip. On return they will live with the bride's Cs 4 The crop report of the Ogilvie Fi va . at we | 4 g > Flour parents, until the fall, when they will Mills company tells that grain in the take up house. The bride was the | Cot summer-fallow lon di : pecipient of a beautiful collection of on mmer-lalow lan dis i : wavy. gifts. Both the bride and groom are Tes Be a : popular Kingstonians, and their many |. Jor uph Matin says he paid $2 0 for 'friends extend congratulations and the | 10D as policeman in Montreal, Af- best of wishes. ter "he paid the money Ald. Proulx put A fact which added interest to the him H the job. i event, was. that to-day (Wednesday) | I B Anson, secretary to Lord Rob- marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of |" ys rifle team, suggosts that a the imairiage of - the bride's parents, | team of Canadians should compete for and this was celebrated at the same | the. Lord Roborts trophy. . . time, by the united guests. Mr, | Two white women missionaries. in and | Chi : h . A . Mrs. Asselstine are both old residents | (hinatown, sided Leo Ling in hie go $ C cover up ne 0! the of the city. Their marriage took place | ov : aot . urder Llsie Si Fin Kingston twenty-five years ago. murder > 5 sie Sigel, } I'he ceremony was performed by Rev. ar 8 a wot + Who lef {hree H. Bland, a Methodist minister.. Both gry Ago on a wp fram Hudson Bay are still in vigorous health. and it is | to Slave Lake, is believed to be with the wish . of their friends. 'and they | the mount Police at Fullerton now. have a host of them, that they will be |. i gd Ma Tc upset the con- spared to enjoy many more years of | \, on, of 1 F, T . ollard and Mrs. happiness together, i ary insley, oronto, convicted of | | i | very traces procuring an abortion on Miss Mary O'Brien : H. Ebel, Listowell, while driving in the towpship of Mulmer, Tuesday af- ternoon, saw a large meteor fall with- in a distance of half Sharpe-Coyne Wedding. St. James' chapel was the scene of a quiet, but pretty wedding, on Mon- day morning, when Andrew I. Sharpe Ras united in marriage to Miss Mice | he was driving. Beatrice Coyne, by Rev. Father Ra | The marriage of the Duk f tk ley. The bride was attired in a white Abruzzi and Miss Katheri . Yu he embroidered princess gown and becom- has not been aband med ll ia ing. white hat, and carried a shower cur after the duke's return rol his bouquet of bridal and maiden- Himalavan expedition om hig hair fern. The bride was given, away In an explosion in the boiler-room by her brother, Matthew Coyne, and of the: United Statdh torpeds boat was attended by her sister, Miss Ruth Hull, just off Angel Island five men oyne, who wore 4 pretty white prin Les : 4 } ' ) I 3 ! {one of whom is not expected to sur- frock, with picture hat of old | vive, were scalded terribly silk heaid, aid Carried a i Daniel Alger, a Wesley street drug- Mi Ali ot ght a fous Mi : . | gist, F'oronto, charged with selling a liss Alice arpe, Bay iy,, Mach, {cigar on Sunday, announced that he niece of the groom, made a charming | would fight the oase on the ground flower girl, dressed in white, and car-1 that a cigar is a drug Broun rying a basket f cut flowers, I'he hi : . : : y 8 Of cut fio 2 : Ching Sun, figuring in the develop- groom... was ° assisted by. his brother, } .. i qr : : '00 8 ) micit" of the Sigel murder in Now William Sharpe. | York, is well-known to Otiaw Chi After the ceremony the bridal party | ? i D awa mmm ! ) 3 * |men, having resided ~ there until drove to the home of the bride's moth- . ; o hw . | couple of years ago. er, on Division street, ywhere a dainty | A Winnipeg delopats i ¢ v " to Z 3 4 C 1 BOO breakfast awaited them. I'he dining- . . ¥ oh, +0 Sek Vin fn ' {government with reference 10 a big room was decorated with a bell of or- pe ; 'i : ¥ a ih 1 A : grant for the centennial fair, will ma ange blossoms and smilax. Mr. and terially curtail th thev Mrs. Sharpe left, on the noon train, |" ) . 19. amount, Lhey ) : ginally intended to ask. for Montreal and other eastern point, Mrs. Hares C Bellovill 1 : Mrs. rer » , followed by the good wishes of hosts sixty-four % Tn GT a aged bP Bak Yn . » . X) f= y » IN of friends. The bride's travelling dress 5 P rt Hot > on W 9 sche train . im ear v Ny p. was blue, with hat of Tuscan straw. ar Or ope on tdnesday, of heart failure. She was en route to : 3 + Chica 8 or Tobin-Brennan Wedding. 15800 lo see a daughtor, i } I I of St. Mare's tl Percy Collins, the Montreal stock i 3 ie np o Si a J a broker, one of the automobile party ral at cight ih ' Be nesaay | wrecked at Dixie, Tuesday night, in Morung, ther Fas R ate the Map which William C. McIntyre lost his life, vlage of Miss Katie Brennan, daugh- |i oi in a critical condition. ter of Michael Brennan, Johnson In New York, Policeman Brien and street, to Joseph Alexanaer Tobin, of Sergt. Winslow rescued eight persons Smith's Falls Rev. Father - A. J. from a row of burning tenements on Hanley, rector of the cathedral, offi- | Ist street. The tenement burned so viated. The bride was attendea by her iercely that a panic was caused. sister, Mise Nellie, and John Murphy Policeman Thomas B. McEnro, of of Kingston, was groomsman. After | the Sheepshead, Bay, N.Y., station, the cercmony, the bridal party re |, instantly killed, on Wednesday, aired to the residence oi the bride's | when a big auto in which he was rid 'ather, where the wedding breakfast |in, was overturned into a ditch. took place, and the health of the new George Stenabaugh, Hamilton, Ont. ly-married couple was drunk. Mr. and | sixteen years of age, appeared before Mrs. Tobin left on a honeymoon trip | {he police court on the charge of to Toronto, Detroit and Chicago. On [stealing quail eggs from a nest. He their return they will reside in Smith's | was allowed to go with a warning. Falls, where the bride lived for | A writ for K10,000 oamages has years past. I been issued by Col, S. H. P. Graves, | Ottawa, against City Solicitor Me- | Veity, in connection with a wolice court case over a {wenty-cent rabbit Henry .1.| Broughton Brandenburg was acquit- was the ted in New York, of the charge of scene of a pretty event, when his + grand larceny, in_connection with the laughter, Miss# Sarah Laura Brouse, | sale, oa alleged spurious Jetter of was united in marriage to Henry Tis-| rover eveland to~ the New York a mile of where roses 'ess rose a ori, some Stuart Street Wedding. Wednesday on of o'clock, the home 120 Stuart street, At cleven morning, Brouse, cale, machinist at the Kingston foun-| Times. dry. Rev. T. W. Savary officiated at | Clare Montrose the ceremony. The bride was at- divinity student tended by "her sister, Miss Grace! Florence Kinrade, Brouse, and the groom was support-, Monday, will go «d by Bertram Revell. The bride! work in the slums recived a fine collection of presents. Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Tisdale left on the I'he speakers 12:25 p.m. train for the west and will | banquet, mn London, visit Toronto, Buffalo, Niagara Falls | Earl Grey, Lord Crewe, the Duke of and other points. Upon their re- Argyll, the Hon. W. S. Fielding and turn they will take up their resi- the Hon. Frank Oliver and Lieut, dence at 111 Stuart street. Their Shackleton: many friends extend congratulations. | The steamer H. ronto, ran into { John Hanlan, lying across the head Sot), {of fhe he, and sunk pat on Mout ' Q twelve leet of water, 16 WPellatt also the ( hutch of the Sacred Heart, smashed a portion of the wharf. Wolfe Island, was the seen of | pretty wedding whens Miss Susan 1. | LaFleur, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ! P. LaFleur, of The Island, was united n marriage to Henry J, Turpin, of the, Freeman office, this city, Rev. °] A - Fagher Spratt officiating. The young | A Kingston baseball team is billed couple were assisted by Miss Theresa | to play in Napanee on Thursday. LaFleur, sister of the bride, and Miss! "Root beer," sold in 15¢c. bottles at Nora Turpin, sister of the groom, as, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. ridesmaids, and Edward McGarvey,| William Swaine piano tuner. Orders f Mount Chesney, as best man. The received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. ride, who was given awgy her | It is said that a local hotel receives ather, was beautifully attired a | seven dollars a month for its garbage. lingerie dress of French dawn and| Trv Pibby's $5 Panama hats. valenciennes, with a pretty hat of "Wilson's root beer," in 15c. white silk braid with wreath of ivy | tles, at Gibson's Red Cross leaves, and carried a beautiful: hou- | Store. juet of white roses. "The brides- | H. Cunningham, piano tuner naids éarh wore white silk, trimmed. Chickering's. leave orders at with lace, with picturesque hat to! Auley's Book Store. vg match, dnd carried bouquets of| "One gallon" of delicious lemonade range blossoms. Little: Miss Nora | for 15¢., made from lemonade powder, Elliott, coussn of the groom, acted sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red is flower girl. After the' ceremony | Cross Drug Store. he happy couple drove to the home| A resident of Pine strect is out to f the bride's parents, where a sump- | day, with a big axe, looking for the uous 'repast awaited them, the guests | person who made a raid on k s onion wmbefing sixty, including relatives | Westminster. f the bride and groom from the (bed. ity and other parts. The presents! See Bibby's $6 Panama hats. were costly and numerous, coming| Early Wednesday afternoon, the city rom Toronto, Chitago, Fulton and | tax collector had received $12,000 Yew York, and included a silver ser-|more in taxes up to this date than on vice tea set from the graduating | the same day last year. wrses of 1908 of the French hospital,| Try Bibby's $4 Panama hats. Vew York, of which 'the ixide is a| "For the holiday," fresh Huyler's, @sluate, and being, held in high es- | McConkey 's and Neilson's high class eem by the staff and nurses of the sweets. Sold in Kingston only at tbove institution. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Phone Wright, the young who married Miss in New York, on in for missionary of New York or Dominion day Eng., will be at the M. Pellatt, at To- Wolfe Island Girl Weds. On Tuesday morning, June INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. by in bot- Drug from Mec- After the A weddmg breakfast the 230. the ferry. steamer | for | | | ANOTHER CASH PRIZE CONTEST Orange Meat Announces a New Prize Contest . PRIZES 'THAN THE LAST The First Prize will again be a LIFE ANNUITY of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS CASH Equal to One Dollar Per Week Every Week Duging Lifetime | A Second Prize of One Hundred Dollars Cash Two Prizes of Fifty Dollars Each Ten Prizes of Twenty Dollars Each CONDITIONS are similar to the last Contest, Ten Prizes of Ten Dollars Each Twenty Prizes of Five Dollars Each One Hundred Prizes of One Dollar Each except that all ORANGE MEAT Carton Bottoms must be sent in on or before November 30th, 1909. Full particulars on private post card in every package of ORANGE blank space below with your name and address, out and mail it to ORANGE MEAT, KINGSTON, ONT. MEAT. it will count equal to ten carton bottoms." If you enter this contest, complete the cut it = LLLLL000000000000040000008800084040000088080 Full name "go" : TO ORANGE MEAT, KINGSTON. Address ... 1 desire to enter your prize contest which matures November 80, 1900. FREER EERE RR RRR GEER EEE EEE . A SECOND LIFE "If T only How often strength sibilities which speare's phrase ebbing, as the result of his own errors or follies--and Ma Happily for the world, this other chance, this "second life' is had another chance! are these despairing words uttered when his vital forces depressed, his health he realizes t lie in his grasp, could he indeed r life."' a might second had for the asking by means of that Tonic Food for the Brain and the Nerves which has been science has spo by virtue of it ""health-produce So potent i vigour which h the highest mes is capable ; for though he may Doctors endorse this and daily The constituent this power are supreme merits after wasting illness and as restorer of health, not only in th of (with loss eases Siuding but a 2 toJ100 Horse Power aptly described by a famous physician as ken" on the subject s health-giving properties, r"--has been given, s its force that itiwill not only ave been lost, but, if persevered in, asure of nerv there is a maximum capacity' of not hitherto have had the fact prescribe Vitol the name of Vit restore will in health impr in increa s 'which give VITOL known to every physician, and one has of Vitol as A Revitalizing Force discomfort an symptoms of weakness irresolution, innumerable insomnie, eir memory Heavy Duty Type. the ssed testified man feels his undermined--often he infinite pos- receive, in Bhake- to 'be the last word of such remedial agents, and to which, ol=meaning life health and addition impart us and physical vigour of which the individual for everyone, upon him. sing quantities. to the nervous Ms vd distress, ins of the Will &e.,) 80 in anaemia direstive dis'urbances and consumption. H0c. a box, or six boxes for $2.50. For sale at BIST'S Drug Store. Ask For ™ Catalogue Columbia Igniters, Remy Magnetos, Rajah and Heinze Spark Plugs, Samson Spark Coils; P. & R. Storage Batteries, Marine Oil and Grease. Sole Agents for Kenyon Boat Tops, Combinations, Cushions and Life Preservers. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO., 345 King Street Me 10 Nae SHO SHOE REPAIRING do work promply jand at less cost than ordinary shoe repairs. "The 'nwa 15 per ¢ Vity W? "PHONE, 837. mt. WHILE YOU WAIT I recently installed in getting your work done at ES an Mu , is not idle talk. The Goodyear Repair Outfit to You of enables me House A E. Herod, 286 PRINCESS STREET. diminleeinimfelieieieleleeeieinle leit COAL! The kind you the kind we sell. SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we guar: gts prompt delivery." "Phone, Booth FOOT WEST STREET. os Wall Paper are looking for Is 12¢. from Manuf, cent Ornamented Fence, FLOWER BORDER 7c. Ft. from ft. Field Fences, 23kc. per rod, tired by (res< ire and Iron Works. PARTRIDGE & SONS King St. "Phone, West. : & Co, Border, Ceiling Builders and Contractors Use Sashweights made in King- at Angrove's ston all same price, at and Side Wall, FRASER'S, 78 William St ah Foundry, Special prices for large quantities, aha Ret