A bull moose or even a grizzly bear with one shot is easily pos- sible if you shoot Dominion Am. munition. For maximum power, uniformity and dependability'there is no other ammunition just. as good. Every single cartridge Guaranteed Sure. We make the best shot shells too. Dominion Cartridge Co., Ltd., Montreal. DOMINION IMPROVED AND ANU TION . . MID - SUMMER Special Reductions Fur- niture, Carpets, Curtains, &c. Refrigerators 25 of these Hammocks : p 50c¢ only $110 $ ¥ Parlor reduce Suites, 00 Over 50 to select from Rugs Curtains Lal Oilcloth tl reduced in sympathy with this Sule save money A good tiime--+™ buy and PHONE 90. YOURS, TF. Harrison Co. -- 500 Smyrna Rugs Mats. Rugs for rooms from to $4 according to size Hearth Rugs, $3.50 Door Mats $1 and $1.25. These are very serviceable for living rooms, being the same on both sides. \ $30 Also some bargains in Wil ton Velvet Rugs. $20 Rugs, for 815 $18 Rugs, for $13.50. R. McFaul's Kingston Carpet Warehouse. FIRES - LONG REACH "*" Money locked in a safety deposit vault is pretty safe from fire, but almost every other possession of vaklie is more or less at the mercy of flames. It takes a big scare to drive some men to action, That is why after every big fire so many come in to get insured. Don't spur you wait for a fire to into securing pro- tection, because that blaze might strike YOU and then it would be too late. If you are not standin, on a good and sufficien surance foundation, at once McCann Brock Cor King St. "Phone, 326 or 621. g up- t in. see us Fire, Life and Accident policies' written, ward position and won it. Ct leah sta KATHLEEN'S VICTORY zt than the last Canada's "It LEAGUE 'boats, i 2 i m---- | Toronto Telegram's Expert. (OVER THE CRESCENT Wis| i. 7 ue furl fu SENSATIONAL. for the 'George cu races, and fur- VICTORIAS D B.A. IN EXCI TY. LC. GAME. [nishes his paper with excellent re- Henry Cunningham's Helm Wark [porte Me, Sait refer keen Jos: "Vies" Won the Match in the Was Clever--He Seaured the oronto writers, took the side of the Ninth Innings, and Are Now Windward Position and Held | Rochester, N.Y., yacht club in regard at Head of the League--Junior it With Advantage. to the Yankee club's claim that the "Vics" Win a Game Also. | Seneca: should again be allowed tof vi compete wn the Canaca's cup races. ictorias, 10, There was a stormy. discussion over Y.LC.B.A,, 6. this matter. Mr. Snider held that the Kingston fans went baseball crazy, | Seneca should not be barred." on Saturday, in the city league game, | ---------- | at' the cricket field. Without doubt; it | Inter-School Rifle Competition. |was the most exciting game played in 1 his; the second annual competi- | the league: this season, and the, Yee tion open to all schools in the do-!torias pulled out a Victory by the | minidn, whether possessing cadet corps above score. In the last two innings or not, was shot off on the first Sa- [the excitement was 'at fever heat, and | turday in June. Only three schools it was well that both the fans a competed, as compared with six jn Players had Sunday in which to i 1908. The ranges are 200 and 500 off. Both teams put up a great fight yards, seven shots, with one sighting for supremacy. The Victorias won the A : a shot at each range, Bisley targets, game .in the ninth, up to that time Henry' Cunningham, the veteran King-1¢ in each team. The following is the score being 6 to 4 in favor of the ston yachtsman, who held the tiller 4 op 0 order of merit, with the scores Irishmen. A lively dispute in the sev- of the Kathleen, played for the wind: | po Highfielc "school Hamilton, enth innings, held up the atic ditic The Cres Ont., 211: Yarmouth county academy. |about fifteen minutes. 'Teddy' Saun- Judge Reoves, tried | Ng" gg; St. Alban's school, Brock. ders was the umpire, and the slab srt- hard to head off the Kathleen, but | ville, 170. ' lists were McCammon for the Victorias Skipper Cunningham hung right tol The competition was originated at and Matheson and Bernier for the Ir the Watertown boat and would not | the Royal Military College and all |ishmen. Bernier only pitched for a give way an inch. The Kathleen was| information in regard to it can be short time, : a trifle behind when 300 yards from | ghtained from the commandant. No) The Victorias went to bat first, and the home buoy, bui her windward | one has, so far, come forward to offer | Crawford made first, on a neat hit to position enabled her to gradually |, challenge shield for this competi- | left field, and by good base running, come up and get about five fect oi [ tion, | assisted by a wild throw, managed to an ovérlap on the Crescerit. Hen score. Nicholson knocked a flv to the latter could not -ecross the bow oi | Ewart, McMahon sent one to Coyne, the Kathleen, and had to give the Toronto Telegram and Cotman to Anderson, and the latter the buoy, ana allow her to| But the greatest contrast with the | team retired. The Irishmen went swing around over the line. It was expected in these racing skippers is in [out in one, two, three order. Fwart this position that Skipper Cunning Henry Cunningham, who sails the |placed an easy one to McCammon, bam had playea for, and clever | Kathloen for her owner, Henry Rich. | Stokes fanned, and was won the position which | ardson Looking at his battered felt | thrown out at first, : hat, his comfortable every-day clothes, In the second there was nothing do- his white shirt sleeves that make his Ing for the Victorias. Pound got first fighting costume, vou might guess he on Tilson's fumble, Derry got a pass was a farmer, 'and his ruddy face, [to first, but Pound was nipped steal white whiskers, and slightly bent form |ing a bag, and Dick and McC ammon would combine to: keep vow in that |Were put out at first. The Irishmen impression--not a mean, hard-fisted Scored two runs. Dehaney hit hard to grubber of the soil, you would eay, | centre and gained first, but was nip- but mellow, genial Old Man On. | Ped stealing second. Joyce made a tario, who cleared off. the mort- | base hit. Coyne followed with a hard gage long ago, married his sons apd |Grive to left garden, and ona mIx-up daughters well, and placed them on at second base, both Coyne and Joyce good farms, and is now enjoying the , 8cored. Tilson had a hole in his bat, evening of life on the old homestead {and Bernier flew out to Dic There have a number of very yacht races in Kingston harbor during the past fifty years, but it is doubtful if. such a full speed finish as that between the Kathleen, of King | ston, and the Crescent, of Watertown, on Saturday afternoon, when tho Kingston boat won by half a jib-boom length, was ever equalled. It was a great race between these two rival | yachts throughout the course, but when they came about after their long tack up the Wolie Island shore, and raced almost side by side for home, the contest grew sensational. been | i | | | close game for cent's helmsman, A Libel On Our Henry, | | | | | | | | | was his Anderson | manoeuvring he desired All the Kathloen had to do was | defeat the Crescent in this race. the positions been reversed, cent second, there would have tic the three woula have had six points Mrs.. Hugh Osler, of Winnipeg (for merly Miss Kathleen Harty), after whom the Kathleen is named, arrived at the Yacht Club just inishea and was delighted tory of the years ago to Had with Cres- been a boats, as each among a has as the race the christened over f l vie vacht she t Special Sale of Ladies' i a Outing Suits in the following colors : White, Blue, Tan, plain and others with trimmed collar and ¢ ¥ Coats and Skirts Linen, Heliotrope. Some uffs. Coats are cut threes quarter length. Prices are as high as '$8.00, - SPECIAL JULY 5a SALE PRICE $ xe By paying $1.00 on Suit, we will put away for you, CORRIG and Cotman scored the first. But oth: ers soon followed. Derry pounded out a regular dandy, and both Pound and Dick scored, making it 7 to 6 for the "Vics." McCartney was given a pass, and Crawford hit safe to left; Nichol son made a good bunt, and Derry scored, now 8 to 6. McMahon got first on a timely hit and McCartney scored, and later, Crawford made the bases on Dick's good hit. This made 10 for the "Vics," and they stopped at that. The Irishmen put forth every effort possible, but there was simply nothing doing, and the game ended 10 to 6 for the "Vies."" Coyne went out at first, Tilson flew out to Pound, Matheson died at first. The line-up : Victorias--Crawford, r.i.: c.f; McMahon, 14.; Cotman, c.: 3b.; McCammon, p.; Pound, s.s.: ry, 1b.; McCartney, 2b. Y.I.C.B.A.--Ewart, 8.8.; Stokes, « Anderson, 2b.; Delaney, lb.: Bernier, 3b. and p.; Joyce, c.f; Coyne, Li.: Tilson, r.f.; Matheson, p. Following is the score by 9 How Comfortable You Will Be On Your Holiday Trip If you' visit our store and in. vest in some of our warm weather furnishings. » 4 y 3 4 FOUNTAIN PENS The New Waterman (Ideal) Safety Pen can be carried in.any out- ide pocket, and in any Ahhh hh a AAAAAA LSA a CVV VVYVVYVYYYVYVYYY vv Negligee Shirts, White and Colored Collars attached. si position without fear of leaking. This feature comes handy in the summer, when no vests are worn. We stock this Pen and guarantee it Sleeveless Boating Jerseys. White Duck Pants. Athletic Underwear. Bathing Suits. Half Hose, Nicholson, Dick, Per AAAAAAAA LALA A A VV VV YY AAAAAAALL AMAL LA 5 ASS Lisle Fancy. Plain VV VVVVVYVYINYY sii Leather Belts. mnings a The i as a she story, both If you noticed the loosa gloves he The third was a h nt 0 fer. M wore you might think of harvest !€ams going out in quick order. Mc » Yar Wr sori k > 3 A {er mitt You would hardly beliove any- | Cartney knocked a fly into Ander { body who told yon he was a piano | po 5 i ernier, | tuner by profession, and you would, | bt EA | be equally surprised to learn he | i on i, the best amateur skipper in Kingston ae rt ou > parte--but he is, 3 . artney With what is undoubtedly the slow- . The est boat of the three, he has won five | fourth, and out. of «ix possible points--sewona in| Mahou led off, t all race: and first in another- and |! after an Segui Seal. otman eb woud cimns of TROT © the To N:Mshon ove " 0 { ss ' t, in- Wophy. just as kindly as To looks, is | field, which: was poorly handled, and absolutely without boastfulness, thinks {McMahon and Cotman scored Dick Whirl is the best boat--and goes on made a good steal to_second, but Me- beating her where possible. Cammon did not > reach first : Dick All of which goes to prove what the scored on a sacrifice hit by Pound. Old Masi has noticad before, that ap- very deceptive. three contestants for which the hathieen a first place, the 1 rescent winning the first day, the the second, and the Whirl the third. The Kathleen, however, won two seconds, and that retained her the possession of the cup out in Es of {he ieorge cup, retan secured | | | | | | | | ch ( Ma Ewart out to fanned first, flew Crawford stopped at and Stokes and Kathleen was | for Aemiliux Jarvis Whirl on Saturday to do or dic. was bound te trim the Kingston | Watertown boats and succeeded, hoth wind and"wave were to Whirl's particular liking. Tha to boat's differs: from that Kathleen and also the Crescent. It a and bounds ahead, while the Kathleen and Crescent bob up and oxtent. Hence the un in the chalked up 'three. Me first, and scored the Victorias gingered He and went got as the Toron of th one bow His sea down greater {Whirl sails more rapidly in a sea ' However, the Toronto boat would not have beaten either of the others by as much as five minutes on Saturday had the been of little different character. The Kathleen and Cres cent ran nearly half a mile further than the Whirl owing to the keen fight between the two, and the desire of, each to hold right on to the other The Whirl's lead would have been cut more. and Toronto Saturday visit 0. a | Dehaney doing the trick. Ho placed a {good one for one bag, and was assist- {ed by Bernier and Coyne. | There was nothing doing in the fifth d sixth innings. Not one man first base. Coyne's good 'ling was a feature of the fifth. The in {Irishmen made things lively . in the memory of the Irish emigrants, who | seventh, and from then on there was died by the famine fever and WerG | something doing every minute until buried there, stated that this would | {he end. The Irishmen tied the score, make two monuments crected to their | and added one extra, and this put memory. In Kingston, that dis: | their supporters in good spirits. There tinguished Irishman, the late Archbis- jg great rivalry between the two {hop Cleary, érected w monument at teams, and the leaders were loudly his own personal expense and had it | cheered. Bernier got first, on a wild placed over the mound covering 200 | throw to first, and scored later on, cmigrants at the general hospital, | when Joyce knocked one to Nicholson, Kingston. The monument is a fac- which the latter mufied. The simile to one erected 'at St. Bartholo- wus then a tie. Coyne fanned, and it mew's cemetery," outside of Rome, [looked black for Joyce, who was run- Italy. ning the basa. Tilson came to the |reseve with a hit, and Matheson's | two-bagger scored Joyce This gave I them one run in the lead, and their and | ran Ewart got a pearancs are There Is One In Kingston. The Montreal Herald, last week, in wommenting on the monument placed on Grosse Island, below Quebec, crect- od by the Hibernians of Canada, contest a | | an | past field- down a minute or The: Watertown cleared for home on noon, after three days' boats after George Cup Winners. The summary of the previous for thé George cup is as follows 1907. Glen 1:29.30; races score Island, Crescent, Little Nell, 25--At Kathleen, 27---At Kathleen, 1908 14--At Chaumont, 2:19:55; Crescent, 2:24:36, August 15--At Chaumont, Kathleen 2937:09; Crescent, 2:39:57. At St. Mary's Cathedral. The festival of Saints Peter King loose. was ca- August Kathleen | Whirl's Entry Welcomed. Toronto Telegram | This the thircl contest George cup. It was sailed at Picton in 197, and won Cres cent against Kathleen and Little Nell Last year Kathleen wen the cup from | Crescent at Chaumont Bay. The con ditions insist on the challenge for {the cup coming from a foreign club, but once it is challengec for all the | vacht clubs are allowed to send | boat each. That how Whirl's was acceptable Judge Reeves, the credit the international tro . greatly pleased at se contestant from the west lake. He to see the the first for for by Crescent, | Paul observed in St. Marv's [Supporters . n '| thedral yesterday. The archbishop of- | Med = then all" three pillows Were ficiated at an early mas High mass Bl ie Stokes knoeked Hie bull into "| was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Corrigan. ft ie pwd in tie. leit. field, and Je Vespers were sung in the afternoon, men running home were put out. The | followed by the benediction «x os ing men claimed © it was a blocked (holy. sacrament, he orton ba l, as the ball had been picked up handsomely decorated wath natural Ite man " the crowd and handed to is flowers. The music and singing by || ie ih he umpire would 'not wi. the choir was appropriate to Ho HL Nowaver, aud the Irishmen ye, x { fused to play. After fifteen minutes While thé orpasieritation and (oe. | Warm discussion, the Irishmen decided oration of the cathedral is under way | © Play nider Protest, and the game vespers will be sung at three o'clock | Proceeded. The Vies made no score on Sunday afternoon. in the eighth, while their opponents J ---- | added one, making 'it 6 to 4 in" their favor. Anderson distinguished himself [ with a three-bagger, and scored the City Council This Evening The city council meeting this even- [run ing will likely' be the last regular | In the ninth t session till the middle of September. | changed. The 'Vics carried horse- A by-law regulating gramophones on , shoes, and by bunching ap their hits the streets and one to raise cosh up six runs, and it was then | is lentry he scene was greatly | : : jto whom much of | success of "this due 18 for new phy curing a end of the cup travel The contesting boats are shippy it raft that will put up a good race all sorts of conditions They class R, universal rule, which, interpreted, two . by debentures for the Collegiate In- [that their supporters had a turn to | stitute gymnasium will be passed. i Lie | yell, and yell they did. The excite-| Sydenham street extension question ment in this innings rivaled any final | Twill be before the council. It [match for the world's championship. | wil also be in order to pass a vote |Cotman earned a base, and Dick push- | of congratulation to Ald. Kent for jed him along for another. McCammon | giving Kingston a town pump. {flew out to Dehaney. Pound started | -- - [tbe fireworks with a fine a hopper. | likes also being means vzes | Kingston's Town Pump. Kingston has long needed a "town pump" as a thing of historical in- terest to visitors. Alderman Kent, chairmati "of parks, has given the city as near an approach to a town pump | . Our $1 Special {as can be erected in these progressive days. Visitors who ask about the! S. il town pump can be taken to the Clar- | at or ence street park at the entrance to | which the free drink producer is to. be | flainly seen | Season Opened Well. H Folger, general manager the Thousand Island Steamboat pany, stated, yesterday, that | | | | | ! { | | | | | | Is the best straw Sailor at the price. Easily worth $1.50. See it. Other kinds, 50c up. ® of | com- | | not in | We are sole agents for : | {years had the business opened up so | i {well as it did on Saturday and Sun- | {day. The 'White Squadron" boats running out of Clayton were all filled | [with tourists and holiday people. He | expects a good season at the Thoy.' sand Islands. i | Hs | : | | : A New Shape-- As Neat As It Looks | Waverly $2 Hats. ! Piccadilly $2.50 Hats. Hawes $3 Hats. 3 -- Pp "For self sealers," rubber rihgs, pint i {and Quart. sizes, Bc. a dozen, at . { Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store i Miss Ida Newlands, New York City, is visiting her brother and sister, at | 333 Barrie street Guaranteed tooth | tooth paste, | Best's Cape Vincent, N.Y., is, to-day, hav-| ing an old-fashioned celebration of | July th | | } "RED FIFE" 2 for 25c. TOOKE BROS. LIMITED, MONTREAL MAKERS OF SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, VESTS ""AND IMPORTERS OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS. | { | { | and tube | brush : for 25¢ > at | aon rie This store closes every day, except Saturdays, at 9 o'clock 8 during Joly and August. 9 son's mit, Nicholson presented one to | over | | The Irishmen scored one, the veteran | got | Victorias-- Y.1.C.B.A.-- 6 Wn AAAAAAAAAL AA A ASL MITH BROS., Jewellers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. P. J. HUNT, The Collar Store O i | | Will Head League. I By winning Saturday's match the Victorias vill now head the league. The standing : VV VV AAAS LADD SS AAAAAAA AAA AA A VV VVVVVVYY AAAL ALA yvvvvwwy a LTV YY YYW Won. Lost. Victorias . 2 C. 1. C Y.'1, C 8 1 Junior League Games. { In the junior league game at the | cricket field, Saturday, the Junior Victorias had no difficulty in winning from the C.L.C. The final score was 23 to 6. Umpire Matthews had a busy time. The teams lined up as follows C.L.C.--Hughes, c¢.; Driver, p.; Cas- sidy, 1b.; Lunman, 2b.; Dogherty, s.s.; Fobster, 3b.; Cawswell, r.f.; Marshall Lf; Connors, cf: Victorias--Muckler, A... | i | 1b and Pi For Tucsday We Offer Three Conte, 11% Simm: Wits 0 1 E Interesting tems in Ladies [tare r.f.; Robinson, c.f. . Ready-to-Wear, Protested The Game. The Irishmen, this morning, sent in their notice of protest to "Eddie" Webster, as a result of the decision ir the seventh innings of Saturday's game with the Victorias, and the mat {ter will be taken up at a meeting of the executive on Tuesday night. The executive is composed of E. Webster, Joseph Ahearn, W. Kennedy, P. Mor- an, S. Trotter, W.. MacTavish, B. Til son; and -W. Palmer. Have Your Fars Made Over and Repaired Now ~-"BY i. W. FE. Gourdier, Furrier, Brock St. A special in Ladies' White Waists, newest styles, tucked i front, trimmed with Lace and { Insertion, long sleeves, all ! sizes, 34 ta 40. A puetty { Sarment at $1.25. OUR TUESDAY PRICE, ONLY 89. ---- < | | : | Sporting Notes American than baseball that The race in the association is even in the Eastcen league. An attempt is being made "to € get Barry to row Arnst in New Zealand for £1,000. If this fails efforts are to be made to get them to race the Thames. At Nelson, B.C., Lou |'Toronto, defeated T. D DesBaisay, champion of the Pacific coast, and a resident of Nelson, by a short length in a mile and a half sculling race But one goal separated the Vancou ver and Westminster lacrosse teams at the end of of the fastest and hardest-fought matches ever played between the two teams. The final score was 8 to 7, and right up to the finish the teams maintainec' a ter- rific pace, and both goals were being continually bombarded. Play was very even all through the match, but it was the 'great rushes of the West- minster home that gave the Minto cup holders the lead in the final quarter, A in Ladies' assorted de trimmed with others with big snap EB White Skirts, signs, some * Embroidery, Lace and Insertion. Prices [ range from 50c. to $8 each We have too many in stock; hence this out. Tuesday, Your Choice, 20 Per Cent. Of. See the pretty White Wash Skirts that we are selling at $1.50 and up. Extra' quality » Lawn or Indian Head. closer TTT Soloed tts Something New (ORYLOPSIS OF JAPAN and best Tal in half pound vn Scholes, _ of one The newest cum Powder glass bottles. 35c. Ask for a sample. McLeod's Drug Stare. FAVOR AVAL VARA RNS Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE bbb dette bred Went To Ogdenshurg. To-day, the Glorious Fourth is being celebrated on the American side, and Kingston sent its quota, to join in the celebration The steamers Aletha and America left, this morning, for Ogdensburg, and both carried good- sized crowds. : ® save Bb bff fff fe fede | E%sswssssessssen Sass ssseaee OFFICE {GLASSES Thought It Was Suicide. A prominent merchant was discover: ed a few days ago brandishing his razor at midnight. His wife called for assistance but found her hubby was only paring his. corns. Far better not to risk blood-poisoning--1 se Putnam's. : OLA L A vyeveoeoe -------------- Cedar Island As Park. The Board of Trade still has under consideration the securing Island from the dominion go ® | of Cedar | i vernment | for park purposes. It is thought that | the government will grant the "han | § ® $ Business and Professional men greatly appreciate our new 'Cres. cent" Office Glasses. veoVveoveee OODLE LLE They do not eyes. One glass, so shaped to give the - natural distant vision and also the reading or writing focus, tire or blur the but Yo Oe suggested a year ago. - under less stringent conditions than | 1 We mount these in either glass or spectacle mounts eye- 1,000 Islands-Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian leave for 'Miousand Island points daily, except Monday, at 10.15 a.m. and for Bay of Quinte chester, at 5 p.m. agent. Oooo bl Perfect satisfaction guaranteed and $ | . prices moderate, ports and Ro- J. P. Hanley » mma = Dr. A.P. Choun DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. Phone, 343, 185 Princess St. 1 I SOLA A& = x Get the habit of .eating®jce cream at Best's Palm Garden. It §08ts no more to enjoy the best, The temperance people of Ernest. town are organizing for a local option campaign. % Buy Chase's goods at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Fresh there. HAHAHA AAAAAAN AHN ; Automobiles i To Rent. Terms Reasonable. Always Open. 2 W.d. Moore & Son, "Phones--Garage, 815a. Residence, 815b. % ASIANA AAA AN £40400668804800000000 $ Jas. Mullen 3 DEALER IN. 3 $ Granite and Marble 3 § Monuments. 372 Princess St, Opp. Y.M.C.A. Building. tering in Cemeteries a specialty. SAAR A a Lat ob