THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1909. - Visitors a - ARE fmanj, H aylor, J, RB. MO INSPECT OUR DISPLAY OF | May. r Co : Bell, to the t Medical. 1H Officer Fine Canadian Furs rommontation wm house SHOWROOMS drains built \ fron one or more closet whether this passt AND . cellar or not, 151 Brock St. W H the work to be vitl f ' a nisance land hetween oil to the drain, | through ipervision of the eity | THAT THE CITY. NUISANCE| over The matter wi seiered | GROUND IS OFFENSIVE, Investigate--Does |, the | dead dogs and horses, and filth instructed te Univer Fhe secretary was fwrite the registrar of Queen's tween the city and the umversity cov bacteriological examination o Queen's , milk, i ver Milk Examination ? advice of wd placed in them prior ig of the present phimbing | $107 Princess St, [752 te tom 3, the one done un- | Chg addressed the hoard that con and | coun ] that have had|' pipes | ---- 8 | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. yesterday Welcome |. "Eaters McLeod Was Not His Statement. | Kingston, July IT was surprised to réad, in a recent as having stated that 1 expected 1 of my twenty-five candidates to pass the Ingh school entrance exam- mations, and am at a lose [stand from what source you derived Your information. Now, | would con- [sider that such a statement would be serious reflection on me. and, even if 1 anticipated such results, 1 would [Ol express my views even in confi dence a statement appear in the public press I emphatically deny having made any such statement, and I assure you* that tnues to exist on vacant { : te K Re wd Hort. streets I a1 wauld consider jt quite indiscreet to 0 n Cc ay Lealih + in instrocted to {prophesy the results of examinations » - the y not « that t} BLAAALAALALALALLASAMAA 4, os health ship Wrote RuIsance nuisance ines B,J. roun two weeks before they are published. Rielly;-- Principal St. School, oflicey the d| 14TH'S MUSTER PARADE. § WATCHES | FOR BOATING AND CAMPINC : $2.25. | Nickel cased with strongly made movements, ing and setting item wind 2404820004080 00880084 either pocket or wrist wear, and in 12 sizes. Thin model for pocket wear. The best value low watahe part » » » » > » » . ' . » Made in small size, for » > > * > » priced : >| | All bright nd pret hades | SPANGENBERS A « in Kingston | JEWELLER. # LAC L44480040000000000 W | Marriage Licenses Issued obs VIP IIOP IPP IIOP Pee Linens We have just received from the Manches ter Bleachers' A ssociation, of Manchester, Hngland, Richardson Sons and John S. Brown & Co., of Belfast, Ireland, the over- makes and mill ends of these three large manufacturers, the largest stock of Linens afl Cottons ever imported to this city, which we have placed on sale at prices 20 to 30 per cent. lower than regular prices. They comprise Remnants of Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Odd. White Quilts, . Bed Room Towels, Table Linens, Odd Dozen Table Napkins, Roller Towellings, Glass Towellings, Bleached Table Cloths, D'sh Drawn Towellings, Ends of Piilow" and. Work, Linen D'Oylies, ete, Hotel and Boarding-house Keepers who have quantities to buy, you will find this an excellent chance to replace your'wants in this line of goods at this sale. NANA ng LDRO Floor Gla A Cosy... - Home the p.m. for the ranges at vy home la $2.00 GALLON. JADP- | . ; + | . |% ball on the | ' ; # They plead 1 |W. A. Mitchell's Hardware T wore nea ps Tiley the members of the ' ) / e practise rifle shooting About the first of October a big hooting I BH cowbovs.. The RB | Foiled, or | ventures of a Comic R10 and J. Pouglas Bankier | | The Men Shoot For Efficiency Pay This Week. th PW.0O, rifles had a mu evening at the armouries, and the men received then t for the season's drill In th of Major Winn, district pa) Lieut.-Col. Hemming acted regiment wall shoot for efficiency this afternoon, and Friday the .armouries from 1:30 10 5 Barriefield Un every Wodnesday and , Saturday aiternoons during July, September busses will Fuesday to-morrow afte afternoon. August and leave the ay mouri for give the 14th a chance te ranges to competition will take place and Prize wi'l be given, FAAS + WERE FINED. Deseronto, Ont y July 7.-- The members of the Lons- # dale baseball team, appear- + ed before Magistrate Bed- ford, charged with playing Sabbath day and each with costs ARR AR FAR Cowboys At The Bijou Ben's Kid, is a splondid wild wot drama, with trong heart and Buck Minor, a bad mim In mg worsted in a roy decides comedy interest and forces hig wile to a him, leaving their little child tender | "puil out' company to the mercies of the rough | "Kid" is "raffled off." to the lot of agood-hearted funny "things fol fashion of Bret Harte Méanwhile terrible | escape and | owboy, and many | : ' [low after the Luek of the mother, Rearing ( amp." after suffering makes her wild pursuit hardships, follows on horseback I'he cowboys send out a big posse of (mounted men and a wild time follow Another drama is entitled "Burglars "The Romance of a Police Slavery," or "The Ad Housemaid," fol appears {man "The in illustrated song | Fireproof Films At The Bijou | The first fireproof films ever |in Kingston « are on at the Bijou te [day and to-morrow. and called "The | Policem wn's Romance." This film will [not burn, and within a few months if | Ii ' ted that all moving picture ed in Canada will be fireproof shown film RB The fect of this improvement Will be | ous from | called for by marked. 1t make unnecessary all the | mechanical | guard moving Ht will al which now picture houses from ire take the moving picture under the law recently the legisla house ha been Jorced to spend between £25 and S100 on certain alleged improvements the Ontario law. A [a8 the fireproof films come into ener lal use? all {ment appliances passed against © them hy jture. Under this law each these so-called Improve will be useless, The Engine Was Released It took only about three hour to [release the traction engine which broke through Cataraqui bridge Tues afternoon and get the bric ge again open to trafhic, A [worked from the tug Frontenac, pull- {ed the engine up. Only the day be [fore similar engine went over the {bridge, but this time a weak jgave way, Trafic was resumed over I bridge after four o'clock, {day i . cable, loist | Y.M.C.A, Visitors. { Thirty-four members of the Y.M.C.A at Johnstown, Penn., arrived in the city, to-day, on the schooner yao | Maple Leaf, and will tay in the city until to-morrow, when they will leaves (4 {for Belleville leruise on the me. They spent Y.M.C.A. and of interest. Beautiful New Stock. Provost, Brock street, has extra fine They are making a lakes, and are having a | fine to-day atl. the local Eiilnrca places visting various assortment of tweed, cheviot and serge ': {for order clothing department, and |splendid" assortment of ready-made felothing and gents' furnishings. Local Victorian Nursing During Fane, the Victorian attended eleven cases, of avhich Roman Catholibs icans and' three Methodists local nurse four were made 134 vicits: S68 amounted to 8 Dental Parlor Open. lover 1s now prepared to patients at his office, corner and Johnson streets, pppocite 1 Phowe 911. - Aan | To the Editor) : !, to under- | "8B" Battery expocted to reach Ren afternoon on to a friend, much less have such Mary's | Jusses |, tative, ! ) f Interest membered. Bibby's for boys' wash suits, { 'E HAD FINE PICNIC. ! font on Division strect was giving of IY [ DF ; RESIDENTS COMPLAIN =.-vsieazioses THE DAYS EPISODES -- - B [te had visited the ground and found | . Result of Sports Held at St. Cs to LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS The IN GENERAL [sity and find out if the a rreement oe. Occurrences In The City And | most 4 cal Héalth Officer "In. | VY ¢ . Apress Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Made on the sieamer Pierrepont, the Luke's Church Outing. annual pienie of St. Luke's church was held at Brophy's Point, on Tuesday, and the outing proved 4 enjoyable one. The trip was steamer leaving at one o'clock, and returning-ht eight o clock. Foliowing is the result of the sports : Boys, eight to ten yoars--Gordon Easily Read And Re- rybody come to Orangemen's pic- | Carroll, Sidney Carey. jnic, Monday, 'on the corne received at M "Fly fly paper, fres drug store, | frew this , march to Pete | Chickering's, | Aulev's Book have returned [week's holiday "From all parts. of the city," cus- | tonchers-- Won by tomers for bricks, at Gil store. "*Neilson's bricks 'and dispensed in Kingston only | at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Chalhers Sunday school pienie was Staley's The steamer Picerepont took the pic- held at nickers over 'Phone 2 cream I drug store, Bibby for he * Bank chureh, (Mtaw Kingston on July 15th, coming up the river from: Pre Will Kill Montserrat lime fruit Kingston at ( tore Phone Bibby's for Miss Doritg with first-class theory Foromio Con "lime ties, at tore Jue Gibs Rev. T. M. Bell, B.A, turned fo h Kas., after ao friends in Libby's for 'For hay fe no equal Se on's Red Cross drug store, Thirty-five members of "B" command of inder leit via the K o'clock this x march to Pela rt -------- A TYPICAL PRUID. DIED IN HOTEL DIEU. A "Paris, France. Silk House Re- presenta The death Dien, on "ae Bavastie, of member of Iacturing firm nd Marseilles here from Me i! nel ick man Was Dien, where he Hanley He w died before m rites of the teres by, the rec thedral, Fhe deceased h, and had Louis was forty-fiy married silk business w it Alexandria, to, bled his New Y Br ord, to make an body, ingem which at Undertaker Thomas Ronan ORDERED OUT OF CITY. Band of Gypsies Wal A band of gy er forty, whe the vicinity Wf to-day, ordered 1 police, as many made about "th ia Barriefield ng Gave J Jame TOVE vbherries & ---- roan x Vao Sendloss grape fruit at Carnovsky's, : A | William Swaine. piano tuner. Orders | Ewen, ke | 155Ue of your paper, that I was quot- | to make ed city poison pads' and Tanglefoot H. Cunningham, piano tuner Mis. Stunden and daughier, Bibby's for boy's wash wuits, 75c, bricks. examination in crvatory attack had come The Girls' i years of age, and un His brother, who was in the Tuesday night, Girls, eight to ten yeoars--Evada ing, Jessie McCane. Boys, six to eight years--John Me- worge Carey. Giely, six to eight' years--Reta Hughes, Lillian Davidson. Egg race for ladies of St. Luke's choir--Gladys Caldback, Miss E. Spencer. : Little girls of infant class Tther Brightman, Henrietta Tacor, Gladys from | Green, Margaret Blakey. orders at Mo | Litile boys of infant clase--Henry Lyons, Frank Harrigan, Henry Carey, Essie, | Richard Dumbleton. - \ home, after. sponding a! Tug-of-war between young "inén of 8 in Gananoque. [ St. Luke's Sunday school and malo | young men; prize ream | won hy Ray Metcalfe, drug | Hoop contest for lady teachers of Sunday school--Lizzie Lucas, Hannah | Caldback. sold" in | Joys, ten to twelve years--J. Shan- non, Victor Brightman. | Girls, ten to twelve vears--Alioe Met. calfe, Flora Lyons. Special race for boys in training-- Perey Brightman, Ronald Metealfe, Special race for boys in training Willie Carroll, Alwyn Murray. Throwing ball contest for | twelve to fifteen Jennie Lewis, Annie Saunders Potato race for young ladies of St Luke's Sunday school, fifteen years on Caldback, Flora Scho at the fair grounds. ay." cAuley's. 'Phone 778. h at Gibson's Red Cross their route 'Wawa. Leave Store. Neilson's ice son's Red Cross ice. cream," grove this afternoon. | | | | for Neilson's ice Gibson's Red Cross aivls | girls, A years boys' wash suits Nireet Presbyterian a, has an excursion to over--Gladys field. Tug-of-war and men of St married ladies, Bawden, Booby Murray. Race for St. Sthel Saunders, nie McCammon. ARRAN + DREADFUL STORM, scott. typhoid germs," juice Sold in Red Cross (rug iever between married ladivs Luke's church--Won by Prize won by Mrs prize won by A, J bron 's 230 boys' wash suits Stevenson has honors, the junior music, of the . passes, Agnes' Guild. girls Beatrice Weldon, As cordial," in 25¢, bot on's Red Cross drug ¥ M.D., has re is work in Marysville, two weeks' visit with Kingston and vicinity. boys' wash sults, FEF Chillicothe, Mo., July 7.-- Three persons are dead, to- day, six others are missing and many acres are inuh- "* ver," mentholatum has ld in Kingston at Gib dated and thousands of dollars worth of damage to property and crops is re- ported as the result of cloud bursts and excessive rains during the past thirty-six hours. EFFEFx Jattery, Capt. Hamilton, railway at 7:45 for camp at .& P, norning wawa. FERRER NEES Hb 3. ¥¥z AT STALEY'S 'GROVE, | Ist. James Church Sunday School | Picnic, Tuesday. On Tuesday, the annual picnie of St James' church Sunday school was Fheld at Naley's grove, and the outing proved a most enjoyable one to the | large number who attended. A fen {ture of the day was the programme of races, always a source of great ke light, both to the young and old. The contests resulted as follows : | Boys' race, five vears and undes Gordon Serutton, = "Archie" Ham brook, Charles Wilkinson. | Boys' six and seven yvears--B Davy, Alexander Ada Boys' race, eight and nine | Howard Serutton, Reginald Angel. | Joys' race, ten and eleven years Albert: Gee, Stanley Arniol. twelve and - Harold # | race, vears- | Boys' thirteen vears--Henry Twigg, earle, . Joys race, Good fourteen and fifteen vears--Arthur Twigg, Charles Milner Girls' race, five years and under Nellie Arniel, Gertrude Hare, Lillian Fleet Girls' race, six and seven years Ethel Arniel, May Goodearle, Evelyn Hambrook. Girls' race, eight and nine vears -- Eva Davy, Edna Davy, Violet Milner Girl' race, ten and eleven vears Dorothy Sheard, Dora Davy, Margaret Roche. Girls' race, twelve ind thirteen years Pearl Arniel, Agnes John ton, Eva Davy race, tive Dead Here. occurred. in the stay ght, of Marsei France, a large. French silk manu: doing business in Paris M. Bavastie came tl, on Sunday, and British-American ho tuddenly diabetes, Hotel Henri later taken utiered from fif teen Isabelle race, fourteen and emoved to thé Hotel was attended by Dr ww beyond recovery anil idnight. Tuesday. Tha + church were adminis- tor of St. Mary's = ca- vears--Gertrude Johns! in, Roche, Mary Drysdale. : sixteen years=FEl Partridge, Bessie over Amy Girls' race, sie. Dainty, Comer | Teachers' race--Miss R. Corbett, Miss 1 . [ Mildredk Maomorine. could not speak Fag | Married ladies' race--Mrs, Ada, Mrs represer i his Montreal + on : : | Monarieff, with him, He | Me 1 Boisez, Baseball Tuesday. ith him, is at present National League--Pittsburg, 5: Cin Egypt. He was cabled cinnati, 0. Chicago, 4; St. Louis, 1 and in return ca: | Philadelphia, 3; New York, 1. Brook- Mr. ljyn, 9: Boston, 1. to to Kingston and " American League--Boston, 3-2. Wiad: ork depresentative, Store Closes at 5 0'clock, Except Saturday Hot: Weather Requirements at Prices That Prove a Saving. 'Ladies' White | ~ Wash Coats Made from Indian Head Suiting, Semi- fitted, 3 Button Cutaway Front. $3.75 a - Ladies' White Wash Skirts White Indian Head, $1.75 to 5.00, White Repp, $3.25 to 5.00. White Princess Dresses Also in Sky and Tan, made from Mull. Pretty designs at $5.95, 7.50, 9.95, White Embroidered Dresses Princess styles, $17.95, 23.95, 25.00, © nd i Na : Bathing Suits Ladies'2-Piece, Bathing Suits, sepa- rate skirts, made from good quality Navy Lustre, trimmed with white "only $2.99 " ~ White Dress Materials White India" Lipen, 12}e,\ 15¢, 20c, 25¢, 30¢ up. \ : White Persian Lawns, 15¢, 20c, White Dress Mull, 25¢. White Crystal Mull, 25¢, 30c, 35¢. White Dimity, 15¢, 20c, 25¢. White P.K., 20¢, 25¢, 35c. White Drill, 20c, 25¢. White Lawns, 10c, 12}c, 15¢, 20c, 28c up. White Swiss Spot Muslin, 10c, 12}c, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢, 35¢, 39¢, 45¢. \ WEA Amman. 25¢, 35¢. DOO0000000LOC000O000S : the care of the ington, 2-0. Philadelphia, 3. New Cleveland, 6; Detroit, 0. Chi- St. Louis, 4. Eastern League--Rochester, 3; To- | ronto, 3. Montreal, 6; Bufialo, 1. Newark, 4; Jersey City, 2. Baltimore, Their 3. Providence, 2. ents for present is in charge of York, 2 cago, 5; Given king Ticket. ein : psies, numbering in all! Monday night, at the ressdence of her camping in Mother, Mrs. John Moorehouse, Glen were, | Buell, Miss Edith dloorehouse, a popu it of the city, hy the lar young lady, well and favorably had known in the town and township, passed away, following an illness of y had fifteen wag- one year. Born at Glen Buell twenty- ents horses, and car. %X Years ago, deceased was the equipment. Both the | Youngest daughter of Mr. and + attired in gypsy Moorchouse. : : quite a sight Bibby's for bovs' wash Kay Smith, who claims his home, was arrested at G.T.R. station. He was found in al loaded car and slaimed he was riding to Kirgsten to see his wife, whom he alleges was ill. y hay yoen I tannery, complaints had been m. They left the city There wern several \ haceh picnic, at ray, a Ton | fe City and county horse races at rls 1' {Orangemen's picnic on Monday. | | The marriage of Miss Susie Gf, "daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William | arm | ;iff, Newbliss, to George Patterson, of | Smith's ' Fails, was solemnized ' jn | Newbliss, on Tuesday evening, See Bibby's 50c. boys' shirt waists. The K. & P. baseball team had a | came on last night with the G. TR picnic atlbut the Hitter did not - show «up, The | Is, Monday. jrame will probably be played to- let soap," sold at Gib jmocrow night. Very Cheap To-Night Crangemen's ---- ---- Dorothy Dodd Tan 'Shoes for Ladies, They have a style that can- not be duplicated by Cana- dian firms, Buy a pair of Dorethy Sum- mer Tans and be satisfied, $4.00 THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE ers' wash si i VO 3 9202 1003 SV IC ICICI I2023005 700 ; . | i ---- aL ei A i iy --