PAGE SIX. -- er TRAVELLING. oa A bE A i ALT CNT SII a LAL TaN IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway, ! ALASKA-YUKON PACIFIC EXPOSITION Boeattle, Wash., June 1st to Oct. 16th, : 1909. ROKE Round Trip Pirst-Olass Tickets will be sold until September 50th, 1909, to VANCOUVER, B.C, VICTORIA, B.C. ) BEATTLE, Wash. : #4 TACOMA, Wash. ) PORTLAND, Ore. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal, LOS ANGELES, Cal $99.15 Good to return until Oct. 81st, 1009, HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Yow Round/Trip Second-Class Rates wilt~be issued on following dates; July 48th, 27th: ° Aung. 10th, 24th; Sept. 7th and 21st. Good to return within 60 avs, Full particulars at 5 P r. R, Ticket Office, Outari PP 50 F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass nt. and OC, one, Age QUINTE RAILWAY. Ontarlo BAY OF Train leaves unica ptreet, 4 p.m. daily for Twesd, Sydenham, - onto, Baunockburr flo secure quick « burn, Mayuooth ntario, route Quints Railway tars, apply RR. Wi fPhons, No. 8 ATCT Ty * Homeseekers™ Excursions Mani- Low be Bud- 1st, Aug. Good to station, (Sunday excepted) Napanee, Deser- 1 all poiats north. atch to Bannock- priate on Oentral shipments vin Bay For further particw- DICE SON, Agent, To the Canadian North-West, goba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. round-trip second-class tickets {ssued via Chicago, North Bay or bury, .on following dates: Juue A5th, 20th; July 18th, 27th; 10th, 24th ; Sept. 7th, 21st. will return within 60 days from going date. | Alaska YukonPacific Exposition Seattle, Wash., June 1st to Oct. 1909. Special round trip tickets sale daily, May 20th to Sept. good yeturning on or before Oct. 81st For full particulars, J. P. HANLEY, 'Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Bts. Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. River & Gulf of st. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes fe with all 2,600 tons, bells and 88, electrie lights, modern comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL DAYS, at 4 pm. 19th July, and 80th August, and 13th for Rictou, N.8., calling Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, and Charlottetown, Pld. BERMUDA Summer Excursions, $20 to $30, the 'Twin Screw 'Bermudian,' 5800 tons, 17th and 28th July, at 11 and every 10 davs thereafter [rom York, Temperature cooled by seldom ris above 80 degrees. The: finest of the season health and c« ARTHUR Alll For tickets and staterooms YJ. P. HANLYEY, or OU. 8 RICK, Ticket Ageuts, Kingst "Trinidad," electric ON MON 2nd, September, at Quebec Grand Riv for Secretary, Quebec. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STEAMERS 1000 Islands -- King ion Commencing for 1,000 islands exnndria Bay Gananoque daily, Monday. 1 irr p.aa., for Bay of f Rochester STR.A1 1 Mong 8 pm. for bict of Quint® Rochester. except 1 iite' Bay HANLEY, 8 RAPATRICK TAS. SWIFT & CO., Agents, -iingston Thousand Isiand aid SL Lawrence River Steamboat Companies n with the New York | and Hudsod River BR. R. Co. Yeave Kings! B.00 am. and Yeave Kingston, and 2.00 p.m. Making direct cor Nincent to and from wil points in New York State. Through sleeper Cape Vin- cent to New York. Week end round trip rate, Kingston to Watertown, good going Saturday or Sunday, returning Monday, $1.65. For excursions to Brockville Ogdensburg and the Thousand ®ee local advertisementh, n dally, 2.00 except Bunday, p.m Sunday, 7.30 a.m. nections at Cape and Islands, The People's inepies Sir. Stranger (CAPT. HAMMOND.) Foot Clarence St. toute to Gananoque, leav- (Sunday excepted.) 3.30 pomip O'Brien's Cadiens, 4.50 p.m; S pam. 3 arrive Ganan- Nocomis 1 oque, 6 pom Leave Gananogue daily, except Sunday and Monday Whart, 7.45 a.m. ; Focomis a.m O'Brien's Pook, BO arrive Kingston, 9.40 am NOTICE urday afte evening, giving one he Found trip, 4¢ ~ ye "gry STR. ECELWAT Will start to Mills, June Whart, feof, of return 12 am. Return leaving Kingston, Sat- vill return Saturday jonanoque, at 7 p.m. in Gananoque; Fare, ar trips. to Kingston 2th leave Crawford's Princess street, 10 a.m. sleave 2 p.m., return at fave,' 20¢. Children halt CAPT. I; WHALEN, . Captains 30th, | 16th | hy | am. | New | sea breezes | | ha | then grows againl wee | in glamps for sample to The Herpicide | | Co.. | | teed. G. W. Mahood, special agent. | International North King & Caspian : \ steamer leaves | and | | ives at 5 | and Port | t| Lime NEWS OF NEIGHBORS. WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. Feel "Figged Out"? I's Unnecessary. Take The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What i They Are Saying. Hartington Happenings. i Hartington, July 13.--A picnic was iheld by the young people at Napanee Lake, on Wednesday last. A large number from here attended the lawn social at Holleford, on Friday evening last. Many of the villagers went to Sydenham to the Orange celebration {held there yesterday. «). Robert- won, former merchant, who has been yesiding in Kingston of late, returned, vesterday, and intends spending the summer months here. r. and Mrs, Spooner, of Kingston, former resi- dents, are renewing acquaintances here this week. The recent heavy rains were much needed, and have somewhat {brightened prospects for good crops. Glenvale Gleanings. Glenvale, July 13.=The annual Sab- bath school picnic was held at Ontario | Park, on Wednesday, July Tth, and a very enjoyable day was spent. A lawn social, under the auspices of the Pres- byterian chufch, will be 'held at John Moreland's, on July 29th. Miss Ethel Clifton Springs, NY., is spending the vacation with her par- ents here. Miss Eva Curl and Roy Gordon were successful in passing the {entrance examination held at Syden- ham, recently. Mrs."Jd. 0. Ellerbeck | and daughter, Marjorie, who have been visiting friends at Oswego, returned home on Saturday. John Carruthers, who has been ill with pleurisy, is 've Mr. and Mrs. J. Elerbeck {visited Mrs. Jane Fllerbeck, Harrow- smith, last week. Visitors: Miss A, | Gordon, Gananoque, at Margaret Gor don's; Mrs, Miliord Boyce, Cataraqui, at N. Boyce's; Miss Mamie Guess, Fort Mcleod, at B. Guess', SOLD EVERYWNHERE, I Have A Number of Dwellings For Sale and At Prices to Suit, Gibson, $650 for comfortable home, ood street. $50 cash, balance monthly. Large stone dwelling. Must be sold to close an estate. A snap. A number of good properties 'as investments. Pay you from 8 to 12 per cent. A number of lots nicely situated from $50 up. Full particulars at A. Cays| 57 Brock St. a covering. Latimer Tidings. July 13.----Mr. John Taylor attended a picnic at Jones' Falls, to-day. D. J. Hughson thas returned from Cobalt. Mrs. John EAIERIRK | Kelly and Herbert, Barrie street, city, thave returned home, after a we ? a $1it at Mrs. Taylor's. Mrs. M./E { Automobiles } t To Rent. * Latimer, and Mrs. ia the city, after a week's visit with here. R. Taylor has re {turned home, having completed five {concrete silos in the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Edwards and Tay lor, spent Sunday at C. W. Hughson's, | Elginburg. Miss Nellie Wright, Elgin, & lis visiting her cousin, Miss Pearl Sher- 2 wood Little Milliard Hughson is with # [his aunt, Mrs. Collins. Misses Ruby i #* land Gladys Quail, city. are spending Residence, 815. la few days at W. Arthur's. Misses a AISI | Georgia and Marjorie McFarlane, --__ |Montreal, arc at N. Spooner's. Con- |oratulations, to Ernest Sands and Charles Liston, in passing their en- trance examinations. Caintown Council's Trip. 12.--R.- R. Phillips, Yonge, in company m I re latives tand Elsie have returned to their home S Terms Reasonable. Always ¥ Open. ¥ PY 3 W. d. Moore & Son, ®. < Phones--Garage, 815a. : CHANGING SENTIMENT. Goldsmith's Village." | Goldsmith in hid "Deserted Village' | chapel. where those | cave Front of in life maine] at | With the counejl, viz. 7i(Omer Fuel, not = ) Gilbert Root, R." J. Leeder and George A. Purvis, spent a very enjoyable day on the St. Lawrence river, on Friday taking in Echo Lodge for dinher, ormicids and | thence to Alexandria Bay, Grenadier have | Island and back to Mallorytown Park. its | They wish to extend their thanks to strongest: endorsers | Capt. Howard McDonald, the owner the worm: that eats the {of the launch. The little son of Clark and the Lair Turner has been ill, but is better now. As a sai | W. Powell spent July 12th at Try it | Perth. Congratulations to Wilbert Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢ | Purvis, who was su essful in his en : France examinations at Athens. Born, > cstabat. 1 IE and Mrs. Norman Baile, on bottle guaran Yuly Oth, a son Roy Hodge, of | Brockville, is spending a short time at {his home here. Miss Katie Purvis, of {Lyn, is, this week, the guest of Miss Portland Mabel Gibson. Miss Alice Tennant Cement Oliver "Deserted | Caintown, July sriain . to poke of a « | who went pray.' So when understand anc understand, his I'here are some {Tast, Newbra's | what doe | latex lau he to praise the n scalp does h turn vho doubted lerpicide, the dressing it they friends and Herpicide kills off the merits of air but since they are now among 1 | best at roots, dres sing it is incomparable. to Mr. Detroit, Mich. $1 {and Miss Emma Tennant started, to- {day, for a trip to the North-West. Mrs. B. B Graham and Mrs. H. | Franklin - spent last week visiting friends in Athens. Sharbot Lake Budget. Sharbot Lake, July 13.--The party by the "Merry Widow Camp- on July 2nd, was reported a suc- | by all 'who attended. Miss L. Denny, Perth, is spending a few days with her friend, Miss G. Blair. Two of the pupils who wrote on the en- Adamant Wall Plaster Guelph and Renfrew | given AT P. Walsh's, Coal and Wood Yard, Barrack St. ers," is are tourists 1s trance examination from this school Miss Woodrufi, Sydenham, | are Mrs. J. Hetherington. | returned to Peterboro. Mrs. H. Thom- Three of Our Best. ill's." A large number from here at- Britons attended service in the Pres- Ignition Dynamos, a large number of campers and M.P., wile and two eld- dist pastor, Rev. C. Caeridy, with THE FRONTENAC here visiting some of her young riles, Municipal nd Oount Debens | "*! > a pe pan vy with friends. Mise Geraldine Purdy is your Cooked Meats for| Visit at Jones' Falls. Mrs. Bdwatds were successful. Miss E. Lillie, Maber- David H fi ¥ *$* | home. i. avt arum is spending a | Mrs. H. Black 'and daughter are visit- {son, North Augusta, is visiting at her 90 288 Princess St. ' Phone 845 tended the celebration in Perth, on the byterian church, here, on Sunday Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, at Sharbot Lake at precent. News Of Cataraqui. lect children have gont to Manitoba to his family, is now here. The parson- LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY frimds. Percy Ward, wife and little tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits | spending part of her vacation in Gane When ordering mnches or picnics, dom't fail to order and daughter, New York State, are THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1909. --pe------------ Miss Jean and ~ Mist = Muriel Bawden, Kingston, were recent villago visitors. Farmers have started haying. Some report a light crop; others olim an average one. Mr. Kise i jmproving the appearance of his house by paint. Mr. and Mrs. BE. Armstrong, Mani-. toba, and Miss Apnie Armstrong, Na- pance, wore guests of Miss E. Cooke for a few days. | Wolfe Island News Wolfe Island, July 18. Farmetd are now in the midst of haying and "Re. fort about heli "a crop. Architect li' summer home is about . com- pleted. Mr. is also having a4 summer cottage erected om thie tive tr front. Miss MeArthur has rented | her cottage to Dr. Ca 1 and fam- ily, of New York, and Miss MeArthur hae rented Mrs. Baker's cottage. Mr. and Mes. Ireland and little daughter are at Mill Point for a few weeks. The MoLaren House has a number of guesis and each day brings new ar: rivals. Prof. Goodwin and family came over last week for the summer, "Ned" Kingsley, of the Bank of Com- merce, Toronto, and Rev. Dr. Kings: ley, Cushendall, are here for a few days. The guests at the Connolly House, Reid's Bay, report exeellent bass fishing and as usual at this sea- ton of the year the house is erowd- ed, Sherifi Dawson came over last week and will spend the summer here. To-morrow ight there will be a young people's dance in the CM. B.A. hall. The many ffiends of "Greg." Keegan, the popular ferry steamer purcer, are sorry that he is confined ta the Hotel Dien. Mr. Cos- grove 4s acting as purser during his absence. MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKET, Paid For the Products. Montreal, July 13.<The market for cheese last week elosod with priecs steady and unchanged from thos current at the oponing, almost every market in Ontario selling at lle. to 1c, the only exceptions boing Pic ton, which sold ai 11 9-16e., the high- est price of the week, and London, where 113e. was the highest price of fered. This latter market was held on Saturday, and at that time there wae an impression current that prices this week would rule lower in tho county, and the buyers' gt this board wore ine structed to go quictly in the anticipa tion of lower priecs. The heavy receipts = into Montreal last weck were largely rcepemsible for the easy tendemey of the market to wards the close of last week, and when, the total figures for the week were published on Saturday the trade gere rally was staggered to find that they amounted to over 112,000 boxes which is, an increase of over 30,000 boxes as compared with the corresponding week last year, and more than made up for the shortage in the figures publish ed for the preceding week. Tho total receipts into Montreal up to date are Prices Various In Chase & Seal Brand Cof its best, wit and stimulant com to-morrow morning. - in 1 and 2 pound Gin cass. Never in bulk, Here fips ¥o loving Vip tin A Tut mous of tp bo 1 dream of PAINTS that will last BAWRySs er 0p t Co. £ Nott to Strangers in th City While in our el 'examine the ty minutes to call and collection 'extensive and boa of ANTIQUE FURNITURE "and ARTICLES, OLD FASHIONED which we are offering . at a low all cash price or exchange: I will fmy any part. or your home. Sond post eard. L. Lesses, Princess and Chatham Sts, Kingston, Ont» DIARRHOEA ....ooor species (SHOLERA ... DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases-- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy knowa for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectually cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Is the only palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE Chilorodyne is a liguid taken in drops. graduated according to the malady, It invariably relieves pain of whatever kind ; creates a calm refreshing sleep : adlays seritation of the nervous system when all other remedies fail. leaves no bad effects; and can be taken when wo other medicine can be tolerated, INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNE. WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by alt Chemists. Prices in England: un, 219, 4/8. Sole Manufacturers: # J. T. DAVENPORT, Lu LONDON, S.E. a B in The immense success of this Remedy has given rise to many imitations. N.B.--Every botile of Genuine Chlorodyns bears on the stamp the name of the investor, Dr. J. Collis Browne. See our oe stock of Granite and arble. Just arrived.» KINGSTON GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS Cor. Princess and Olergy Sts: nh -- i peels eet COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. 3 I TT---- now slightly in excess of the preceding week. The total receipts into Mon treal up to date arc now slightly in excess of the total for the correspond ing period last year, 'the actual fig: ures being 83,426 boxes this year as 575,896 boxes for last year. These figures prove that the reports from the country "have been correct, and that there is a slightly increased make going on throughout the coun try, the shortage in the provinee of Quebec. boing more than made up hy the increase in Ontario. Another in- teresting feature of the statistical position is the fact that the . ship- ments from this port so far are prac- tically the same as last year, the act- ual figures being 536,064 hoxes this year as against 533,519 boxes for last year, which goes to show tht the stock of checse in store here in Mon treal is almost exactly the same as that held hero a yvar ago. The total would probably amount to 100,000 boxes, which i not at all excessive, representing as it does but one week's trade. . This week's country markets have opened with prices ruling lower than they did a week ago. At Campbell ford and at Stirling, on Tuesday, the best price offered was: 11}e., and at these figures the factorymen were obliged to dispose of their goods. At the time of writing it looks very much as if these prices would rule through- out the week, and that these markets have sét the pace for the week just as they did last week. The position of affairs rather more complicated, however, and it is difficult to judpe with any degree of certainty, so much depending upon the demand frcm Great Britain, over which we have Jit- tle control. It is to be remembered, however, that we arc now dealing with July cheese, and there is not the same interest in this month's make in a speculative way, as in that of tle month of June, and there is not the same inclination to stock~up July cheese as is the case with the earlier made cheese. This will help to keep price down, and there is no doubt that' thi month's make will be han dled on a lower level than the Junes, and we chall ses the market ranging about llc. per Ib, in the country. All depends, however, upon the demand from Great Britain, 4 The market for Biftter is easier and prices have declined a, half cent per pound since last week! There is very little demand 'for export, the few v ders that are coming are at prices that would show a smart loss on re- cent purchases in the country. This week's markets in the eastern townships have sold at prices ranging from 2l3c. to 21jc. per Ib, and even at this level there is not a great deal of business doing, the trade generally looking for still lower prices. We must come down to a level at which the British trade will absorb-the surplus stock of butter hére. as thers is far mote than can conveniently be handled by the local trade. Fancy eastern townships creamery is selling to-day at 22c. per Ib, with ordinary finest at 21fec., and under finest at 2lc. to 21ic. Dairy butter is comparatively scarce and commands from 16e. to 18c. per th., according to quality. The make of butter is keeping up well with that of last year, the short- age not being as great as was at first supposed. The weekly receipts, how- aver, are begining fo diminish, show ing that we have passed the flush and must look for i quantities from week to week. Still, as stated belore, there is far more than the trade here against is shorfoelenfolenirlufedonferfululninlaiofufouiniets | Iv, is visiting Mrs, J. Carey. Miss 8. few days with her sis- "3 . Mr. and Price's Special ling friends her. Miss A. Allen, spend- home here. Mrs. Watt, Totonto, is 12th. Miss Clara Lee, Lavant, is vis- jofooorfefoofeafufuulnfeuiblofalnfuininiadal. morning. Mrs. Hughes, Parham, Carburetors, Ete. Cataraqui, July 12.--The country I'he doutor will likely * i Tumbull Electrical Mig. Co. age is being papored and painted. ESTABLISHED, 1863. daughter have heen across the border received and interest allowed. anogque. Mra. LL. Buck, Sr, Sunny wme of our Pickles or Relishes. We have}, .« with Mr. and Mrs. E. Caver | Botirk is spending her holidays at her | ter, Mrs. Salter, Toronto, visiting Merry Widow ling her holidays at her home here, has i pending a few days at dames Butter iting friends here. The Orange Young visiting at Mrs. James Lyle"s. There ? looking. fine since . tho recont rains. TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES. |i ot fends. MP. wile and two ol visit rolatives go on to the coast. The now Metho~ Phone, 878: R78 Bagot Ba Rev. R. Stallwell has gone to Aulte ville. Miss Laura Stillwell is still President--Sir Richard Cartwright, [ior 5 fow days. J. A. Cooke, M.A Money issued on Oity and Farm Pro-|.. 4 family, of Morrisburg, are here 8. C. McGill, Managing Director, 87 Olarence street. side, is with her ddnghter, Mra. Ely. Miss Eva Purdy, has returvied from a s variety to choose from, 'Phone, § . a 5 NYeRs; "0 Mrs, Edwards lived hero when ga girl, can dispose of locally, and we DE i put CEQ 4 | are Asbestos Lining prevents too rapid evaporation of water, . SCRANTON Coal ® good coal and we guar. antes prompt delivery. "Phone, 2 183. 3 Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET. Freee le) Easy to operate. Easy to clean. Easy to protect. n ads o£] Fae C Corre Wall Paper Border, Ceiling and Side Wall, all same price, at FRASER'S; 78 William St "B.D. GAGE & SON, BUTCJIERS. New supply of Ingersoll Cured Meats: Cooked Ham, Jeltied ock. Sweet Pickled Pork and Pigs Feet: New Cabbage, Butter and Iggs. COR. BAGOT AND EARL STS. 'Phone, 876-7. Hh SHARAN W ¥ Cleaning & Pressing Done in shortest notice. "Phone 685. JAMES CAMPBELL, Tailor 109 Brock Street. FAAS AACA M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop Halr Dreasi and Bhaving Parlor, Three Chair, uick Service. Your pats ronage solicited. 336 Kin Next door to W The Feed Door of a No. 200 Sunshine Furnace is 12 x 13 inches, This means that the largest shovel can safely be emptied into our smallest size, and that good-sized chunks of wood require no chopping in order to be used as fuel. To keep the correct humidity for sanitary, purposes, we place the water in SUNSHINE o™4c right over the main door, a place where the heat and the householder can reach it. So in Sunshine Furnace the water never gets stagnant, and the householder never complains about the awkwardness of pouring the water in, Automatic Gas Damper allows furnace to be checked shortly after coaling. This saves fuel and protects plants in rooms above. To make "Sunshine" the easiest-to-be-cleaned furnace, we construct two flue doors, and place same not only at an equal distance from each other, but at an equal distance from the large feed-door. So the operator with an ordinary soot-cleaning brush can go completely around the radiator without inconvenience; and, what is more important still, can do this without having to put out the fire or take down the smoke-pipe. M¢Clary's Lemmon & Co., Kingston, sae 70 Street e's Drug Store: - _ =} = _--- CLOLPPLLPL00000008000 0000000000000 00000F088 3 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR BABBITT METALS : WRITE FOR PRICES. The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can. | DOLL PEPLHLLELLP000000500000000000000004004 IT IS "PERFECT." | Our "CRYSTAL BRAND" of Standard Granulated Sugar, for preserving and table use. We have tried it for years, and price Iv right. ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario street: We have just received a new lot of Men's and Women's Tan Oxfords. Men's Oxfords, with narrow and broad toes, Blucher styles, this is just the oxford season, as Ox- fords can be worn until October. We just received a new supply Tans & Patents, Oxfords for women. We are showing them with high heels and medium heels. : In Patents we have: Patent Gibson Ties, Pat- ent Ankle Straps and Saddle Ring Oxfords, all new at $3.50. en A BE INET rl