ning A PB PAGE SIX. re TRAVELLING, nse I 5 . RAILWAY IN CONNEOTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway | | i ALASKA-YUKON PACIFIC EXPOSITION | Beattie, Wash., June 1st to Oct, 16th, | » 1909, Round Trip First-Class Tickets will be sold until Septeiaber Suth, 1909, to VANCOUVER, BU, $83.90 1999.15 un until Oct. 81st, ¥909. PORTLAND Ore. SAN FRANCISCC 1L.OS ANGELES Good to ret: ), Cal. Cal Next Homeseekers' Excursions Will leave on Aug. 10th, 24th; Sept Fth, 21st. Tickets good for 60 days Full particulars at bh. & P. and U. R. Ticket Office. Ontario Ht. "Phone, F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. P. 50, | BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves union station, Ontario street, 4 p.m. daily (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Hydenham, Nupenee, Deser- Bannockburn and sll points north. fo securs quick despatch to Banuock- Maynooth, apd poluts on Central Dutario, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. ¥or further particu- lars, apply R. Ws DICKSON, Agent, tPhone, No: 8. RAILWAY. SYSTEM SEASIDE EXCURSIONS. Round trip tickets will be on sale 'August 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th, good to return until August 30th at the fol-| lowing fares from Kingst to | Charlottetown, P.E.IL Halifax, N.S, .. . Kennebunkport, Me little Metis, Que. .. Old Orchard, Me . Portland, Me. in St. John, N.B. .. Summerside, P.E.1. ... And to other points at portion. Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition. | Round-trip first-class tickets will be on | pale daily until September 30th, good to! teturn until October Hlst, from King-| ston to | VANCOUVER, B.C. NICTORIA, B.C ) SRATTLE, WASH. 8 90d. returning direct 14.40 | J 16.30} . 14.05 . 13.80} . 10.30 £3.80 4 pro rates in TACOMA, WASH PORTLAND, OREG. Going via any direct via same or any other route. AT . 5 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. | 1.08 ANGELES, CAL. $99.1 (Choice of routes to San turning via Portland, Oregon regular direct route therefrom versa. For full particulars, apply to J P NANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario streets, route, regular Francisco, re- | and any or vite 1 teat Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. River & Gulf of St. Lawrence | Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes | | lf Trinidad," 2,600 tons, with | electric , bells and all] SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- PAYS, at 4 p.m., 2nd, 16th and 30th Wugust, and 13th September, for Picton, | Ng calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Grand River and Charlottetown, P.E.L { BERMUDA s, $20 to 830, by "Bermudian," 6.500] at 11 a.m., 7th, 18th and 28th | and every 10 days thereafter york. Temperature vooled by seldom rises above HO de 88: electric lights, modern comfort, Summer Excursion Twin Screw New breezes from sea grees The finest trips ealth and comfort: ARTHUR AHERN, Becretary, Quebec. | For tickets and staterooms apply 'to | U. P. HANLEY,, or O. 8, KIRKPAT- RIOK, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. of the meason for Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat, Co., Limited. STEAMERS North King & Caspian 1000 Islands -- Kingston --Rochester. 9% th, wtéAmer leaves Alexandria Bay and Gananoque at 10.30 a.m. daily, except Monday. Returning, steamer leaves at oH .m., for Bay of Quinte Forts and Port Rochester, N.Y STR.ALETHA---lLeaves on Mondays at $ p.m., for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte ports. a ------------ Commencing June for 1,000 Islands, ot Full information from EK. BE. HORSEY, J. P. General Manager, 0. 8. KIRKPA' RICK Kingston, Ont, JAS, SWIFT & CO. Agents, Kingston. Thousand Island and St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies fn connection with the New York Central and Hudson River R. BR. Co. HANLEY, Yeave Kingston dally, except Bunday, B.00 am. and 2.00 p.mi Leave Kingston, Sunday, 7.830 a.m. wh inp | Indigestion, | that "J HE ENJOYS HIS MEALS NOW For He Keeps 1 Site Digester™ Mr. Classco, of TiO, wrote us on May 13th last: Tur Corman Mevicing Co., 509 Church St., Toronto. Dear Sirs, . 1 wish you would send me another box of your "Little Digesters'". All the members of my family have been using them and have obtained the most satis- factory results. I congratulate you on your success utting up a tablet for the cure of «4 suffered for years and tried everything that was recommended to me, Nothibgigave me relief, until 1 wad persuaded to try ' 'Little Digesters'". Now 1 never suffer from Indigestion. I enjoy my<meals and am not afraid to eat, because I know a "Little Diges- ter' after each meal will digest my food. I recommend them to all my friends who suffer from Indigestion and would further say that you may publish the above if you wish. I know there are thousands of people suffering from Indigestion who wall be glad to know there is a safe and sure cure for them. Yours very truly, (Signed) E. 8. GLASSCO. "Little Digesters" cost 25 cents at cur druggists. or by mail from Coleman edicine Co., Toronto. 25 For Sale. 82,000--Double new, B, C. Frame Dwelling, $1,400--New Frame Single Dwel- ling. $1,900--Frame Dwelling, Single, B. C., nica situation. $3,300--New Double plastered, with brick front, B, in good situation. House, c Solid "Brick, mod- nice $7,000--Fine ern home, large grounds, situation. 1 $800--Single Frame, easy terms. rooms, Full particulars at D. A. Cays 57 Brock St. a hi eet sine IF SICK--WHY PAY Unless Health First Returns. Here is what should and can be done! Now you would not willingly pay for food that was worthless-- would you? Tien why pay for medicine unti] that meds eine first proves to yoq its actual worth? Positively knowing what Dr. Sboop's Re storative can do for the sick, 1say to all "don't pay unless health first returns". And I back my Restorative with n signed and sealed S0:day "No help, No puy" contract. 1 positisely Plodge to the sick everywhers r. Shoop's Restorative is absolute ly Sree if it fails", Let others do the iame-- or else pass their preseriptions by, If you need more strength, more vitality more vigor or more vim, use my Kestorsdve a fow duys and note the immediate improvement. When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys go | wrong, then test Dr.Shoop's Restorative. I do nos | dose the Stomach nor stimulate the Heart or Kid- pays, for that is wrong. Years ago | eastaway that mistaken idea in medicine. The books below will best tell you how 1 am succeeding. I'hesh books nso tell of a tiny hidden "in. #ide nerve," no larger than a silken thread. They tell how that nerve, until it fails, actually gives to the Heart its power, its tone, its never-ending action or impulse. These books wilLopen up new and helpfal ideas to thgse who are" well, They tell how the Stomath, and Kidneys exch have thelr "inside™ or power nerves. They tell w the Restorative was especially made to reach&nd revitalize these weak or failing inside nerves. All of these facts toll why I am able to say, "Ii is free if it fails", This is why 1 say "take no chanceon a medicine whose maker dare not back it just as I do by this remarkable offer". 80 write me today for the order. I have appointed hohest and responsible druggists in nearly every conununity to issue my medicines to the sick. But write me first for the order. All druggists sell Dr. Shoop's Restorative but all are not authorized to give the 50 day test So drop me a line please--and thus save Adlsappointment and delays. Tell me also which book you need. A postal will do. Besides, you are frée to consult me as you would your home physician. My advice and the book below are yours--and without cost. Perhaps a word or two fram me will clear up some serionsailment. 1 have helped thousands upon thousands by my private preseription or personal advice plan. My best effort is surely worth your simple request. 80 write riow while you have it fresh in wind, for tomorrow neves comes. Dr. Shoop, Box 12, Racine, Wis. Which Book Shall I Send You? No.10n Dyspepsia No. 4 For Women No. 2 On the Heart No. b For Men Neo. § Oa the Kidneys No. 6 On Rheamatism Gasoline n and 2.00 p.m. Making direct Wincent to and York State. Through sleeper Oape cent to New York. Week end round trip rate, Kingston to Watertown, good going Saturday or Sunday, returning Monday, $1.65. For excursions to Brockville and Ogdensburg and the Thousand Islands, see local advertisements. RL RUISEme toMadeira Spain Costin $ Guise Dept Wh M. P, KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop Hair 'Dressing and Shaving Parlor, Three Chair. Quick Beryice, Your pat ronage solicited. 336 King Str:. Next door to Wade's Drug Store: connections at Oape from all points in Now in- STR. ECELWAT regular trips to Kingston 12th. Yeave Crawford's Princess street, 10, leave 2 p.m., return at fare; 205¢, Children halt L: WHALEN, Captain; start June foot of 12 a.m Return return six fare. CAPT. fPhone, 571; 16¢c. A GALLON Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. Garage Repairs to Automobiles ar | Marine Engines promptly attend( to. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Ontario St. Yook's waiten Koot Compouna fhe great Wteritie Tonle, ani only safe effectual Monthh Regulator on which women cal depend, three degrec of stre| 1, $1; No. 10 degrevs stronger, 3 No.l for SReaial cases, per box Sold all druggists, or sen nepaid on Jeceipt of price pe pamphlet. Addvess : Ty Se Memoine 00. ToRoNTZ. Far former lu Winders Wall Paper Border, Ceiling and Side Wall, all same price, at FRASER'S, 78 William St | | | ¥ a rnin 6 i ES | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND: | ENTS TELL US. rhe Tidings From Varicus Punts | fn People Are Doing And What I'hey Are Saying. Oso Station Items. Oso Station, July 25.--The farmers find it hard to save their haw, owing | to the wet weather, Quite a large Lgquantity to the station Mrs. here every day. Eastern Ontario--What | of berries has been brought | John Uraham and family, Englehart, | arrived here yesterday. Mrs. | Hughes, Englehart, is spending {days with friends herve. Miss | Lutz, of Maberly, is. spending {days with. her parents here | Bella Wilson, of Lanark, spent days with her . sister, Mrs. S Bourk. Richard H. Burke is Kingston general hospital with phoid fever. €. ty Trevelyan Tidings. Trevelyan, July 28.--Haying nearly tinished amd the farmess report a lights erop.- The recent showers have vreatly improved vegetation. Misses { (live Leader and Hattie Leader is Tew the guests A number from heve took in the cursion to St. Anhe do Beaupre ucsday. Master. Clement Shea, Brock ville, is spending his holidays at Mrs. George Leeder. ox grandmother's, mother, Mrs, Burn, Kitley. Misses Irene Leeder and Mamie Leeder are visiting fricnds in Lansdowne. Mrs. Joseph Flood re turned home after an extended with Lyn and Lansdowne friends. the guest of her Northbrook News. Northbrook, July 20 The new pastor, Mr. Williamson, preached an eloquent sermon. on Sunday last. He announced service to be held every supday in the church. Huckleberry picking is the order of the day Land there are plenty of buyers to keep up the price, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- shall Preslar and family and little niece, of Ottawa, were guests at Stanley Wheeler's on Sunday last. Philip Peterson has built a fine bigs barn. Miss Clara. Thompson, of vapanee, is spending a few weeks un- der the parental roof. Mrs. . John Campbell, of Ottawa, 1s spending a few weeks with her father, James Pres Jar. A kitéhen shower was given on Saturday last, for the bride of Henry Lloyd. = Mrs, Been, Kingston, i= guest of her mother, Mrs. Kellar. Bath Stage Driver Broke Ankle. Bath, July 20.=Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rhoeder d'" children, of Bafinlo, N.Y., are visiting with William Tuckett. Mjss Hawley, of Belleville, is visiting with Miss Campbell. Miss Hattie Wartman has returned from a visit. with friends in Western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnston, of Na: panee; visited at D. T. Rowse's, on Monday last. Joseph Keller returned to his home in Rochester, N.Y., an Saturday 'last. The excursion to the Thousand Islands, | on Tuesday last, viven by the Preshyterian church, was Charles Burley, stage misfortune te break getting off the stage It will lay him. up 0. Ball and children are visiting with friends. in Water town, N.Y. Miss Moshier, of Stirling, is visiting at William E. Toplifi's, a grand success, driver, had the his ankle while on Tuesday last. for a time. Mrs Seeley's Bay Tidings. Seeley's Bay, July 28.--Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt: and daughter, if Rochester, N.Y., are visiting friends. J. Steacy is visiting friends at Kingston this week. Moore's condi tion remains about the same. F. B Faber, of Morton, will commence the erection of a cement silo for A. Chap man next week. K: W. Young has im- proved the appearance of his store by it clapboarded and George having nowly painted. finished here, and hay is about half a crop. J. Todd, of Toronto, is wisit- ing friends here. . Mr. Dunn, of Ogdens- burg, visiting friends here the past week, has returned liome. Mrs. E. Mc Dermott, of Watertown, N.Y. Vise iting her old home here. - Mr. and Mrs. William Young, of Kingston, are vis- iting friends here. Miss Etta McKin- ley, of London, Ont. is at her old home here for a few days. is Telephone Central At Athens. Atlicns, July 20.--The rural tele phone company is establishing a ow- tral at Athens, On Tuesday afternoon the funeral took place of Thomas Hon derson, who died at the home of his daughter, Mre, (Rev.) Lindsay, Stitis ville. Mrs. Henderson predeceased him about two months ago. Word has been received ton, N.D., of Jolm F. Yates, a for- mer resident of this vieinity.. William Kailey is recovering from his recont illness. His danghter, Miss Jean, re- turned last week from tho west; where she has spent soveral months. Miss Clara Taber is aking a trip" by hoat to Hamilton and Niagara Falle Mil- ton Mabhscll left on Tuesday for the Canadian west. Campbell Ross, To- ronto, is renewing old acquaintances. Miss Margaret Taplin, Ottawa, is a guest of Mrs. Ackland. Mr. and Mrs. Clande Gordon and family, of Mon- treal, are visiting friends here. Carrying Place News. Carrying Place, July 29.~The social on the lawn of St, John's church was the best patronized of agy in years. The proceeds wero $53. Fr. and Mrs. French, of Toronto, are rusticating at Mrs. Rowe's. Miss Clark, of Toronto, and A. Morris aro visiting frionds hore. Miss E. Morris arrived from Toromto Inst week in her new motor car spend her vacation here. The govern- mont canal men are repairing the hridee icading to Trenton. Mrs. Cor- rican and Miss Edythe returned from New York last week. The excursion to. the 1housand - Islands on the Varuna on Saturday premises to be wall patronized. Mrs. Young, Master Banjamin and Miss Wells. loft Vancouver and Southern Lalifornia on last wook's excursion. Mrs, Young, of Toronto, ani Miss Duff, of Queenston, are guesty oi Miss Jessie Young: A large number attended guild mecting at Mrs. J. Rowe's lo for the on the | Haying operations are about of the death at Willis | Henry | John | a few | Sarah | a few ! Miss | a fow | in the | turned from Montreal, where they weve | of iviends the past. week. | on his | Mrs, Bernard Flood spent a few days | visit | 3} i Eldest daughter of Rodman Wanamaker, gagement to Arturo Heeren, son of Count Heeren, Paris; been. announced. Wednesday the 9th of patronized. The promises del'. Lucy, of flags. visitors régatta' here on to be well Wricht's has bean They in fasts August Rey: od. handsome motor boat, beautified by sett were the gift Toronto the parish. an of Mallorytown Relic Gone. July Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Tennant {ill of the mumps, which is ro mon in the village among the ler class. The Masonic lodge | their rooms for the lrst tune it was repaired and carpeted and ex pressed thanks to the committee in charge 'and to the carpenter, John [Dupean & = Son, and. John Square, | painter and decorator. The trip, was | well patronized by the villagers * on | the steamer Mississquoi to Ogdens {hurg on. Monday. Abraham Hodge [has an attack of blood poisoning. A [little son has come to the home of {Mr. and Mrs. | haying "season is dhout over and the hay crop is better than at first ex Mrs: John Mallory' has of. blood poisoning, as serateh by a window screen. : Mallorytown has lost this week one lof its best and well-known land |marks when the spire of the Metho- | dist church was torn down the {brick work by Thomas Mallory. Light [ping had wrecked the top part it in a rein storm in June and thien the insurance company. has paid full damages. Most of the villagers {think it should have heen repaired ON Mallorytown, Lowe are com young met mn since au re pected attack sult of a a to SOME TALL GRAIN. |Oats That Are As Tall Men. Wolfe Island, July The | Friends' picnic and dance, on Monday won and evening, was a decided success; in. Allimson's © Grove. There were over one thousand people from Kingston and a large crowd from the | ithand. DD. J. Dawson, of the Dawson | summer resort, has purchased an up to-date naphtha Jaunch. Miss Cava {naugh is visiting friends on the island IDess Dawson, New York, is home, | spending 'a couple of weeks at his mother's, here. © Mrs. John O'Tagle, | Rochester, is visiting friends here, Mrs. |W. L. O'Connor and dsaghter, Laura, | Toronto, and Miss Fs . Briceland, « d's. Luke jor? at the vil | Kingston, at Mrs. KE. B Costello has on exhibit [lage some samples of oats grown this fyear that measure four feet eleven }inches. That has the 'best of the farm fore stopped in this loeality. Mrs. Alen Davis is suffering from an typhoid fever. Frederick and Hebert Spankie have left for Regina, where they will teach school. "Wallace Niles has left for j Cleveland. He will go sailing again; {even after his narrow escape a couple | of 'weeks ago. Andrew Ryan, harness | maker, is enjoying a couple of weeks' camping at Longhboro Lake. James Baker Had 'the: misfortune of éutting his hand very badly. Dr. B. Hicks and sister, May, Mendon, N.Y., are enjoying a ¢ouple of weeks at their grandmother's, Mrs. Furlong, of the village. Miss Pringle, New York, is visiting her sister at William Couper's. The Bell telephone men are agin at work erecting mew lines as there are about fifty new subscribers for the phones After this number is installed it i {reported there will: be a continuous whith evervone is anxiously | waiting for. Mrs. Hanlon, Watertown IN.Y., accompanied by her brother { Robert Hennessy, . spent a few day | visiting on their return from >t {Anne's. Sister Mary 'Thomas, of the | House of Providence, spending few dave with her mother, Mrs Ter {ence Murphyi Davis' orchestra fur Inishea music for the Saturday nicht {parties in' Cape Vineent, at which {many of the islanders attend, A | party will shortly be held at the {beautiful home of Villiam Taggart by request of one of his epeeial frvends Mrz. Edward O'Rielly has purchases a beautiful home, in the city, of Alfred. street, and will. shortly leas { her. summer: home on the island, Kingsley, teller in the Bank of As Some | 28. Chosen afte lattack of Whitmarsh is | serviee, ig John | R. H. McCalpine The! since | is Philadelphia, whose en- has just "Commerce, Toronto, left = for hame yesterday. William VanNess Will hortly leave to reside with his uncle nthe west. His host of friends wish him every success. i THE SPORT REVIEW, Interesting News From the Var- ious Sporting Fields. . 'At the end of the Marathon winner fell dead." "Another case race suicide, eh!' Jefivies has met expectations by posting his forfit for a match and to belittle the fact his own case no stronger. Longhoat has a protege. He has | announced that his nephew, David { Henry, a sixteen-year-old boy, will join ithe 1.LC.A.C. . Henry. - hails from the 'Six Nations Reserve. , Arrangements ave being rive the victorious Bisley frecoption - in Montreal on its return from England. The team will reach Montreal next Thursday: on . the Allan liner Tuniian. The Australian _eieket in "England, will "probably ada on the way home. Art Burn, the Cidgary distance run ner, has been fourkd guilty, ont anecouver, + of accepting cash. has referred to the C the of Johnson's efforts makes to a hig made team team, tour Ow Can The New York National League elub trying to secure the services of Nap Rucker, the star pitcher of the Brooklyn club, 1t said, and has of- fered a um ob for his release further reported that Manaver will offer. Rucker. a ary and a bonus of $1, | twenty games this year. is large money It is McGraw of $7,000 he, wins O'Hara that the New York Telegram : Had been able to. maintain the pace he Set early inthe year, with addition of a ¥ttle luck which woirldd be imagined might fall to some he have been man of the place, but both luck and il at the bat seem to have desert- ed him recently, and if the team is to win it must be rounded up in such v manner as to make runs. The augmentation of the Royal (a- nadian Yacht Club fleet By the ac quirement of new boats from across the ¥ne has again brought to 'the front the question of the. payment of duties upon these additions to' the fleet. The matter has been brought to a head by the collector of enstoms at Toronto, Mr. Bertram, who pro- noses to a test ease and have the matter decided 'once for all. In the case of yachts purchased outright of course, there is no yuestion about their liability to the twenty-five per cent. duty imposed by the tariff, but in some instances vachts have' been brought in under a ninety-nine year lease, thus evading the twenty-five per cent. duty. : On. July 19th, time, would make John Kingston, a highly respected resident of Rawdon township, passed away, after an ill- ness of abott three year's duration. Deceased was born in Rawdon on Sept. 1st,1847, being a son of the late Wlliam Kingston, one of the pioneers f that township. 'Besides the sor- sowing widow, one son, G. A, King- B.A., editor and proprietor of the Campbelliord Herald, and one laughter; Mrs. T. W. Donnan, West Huntingdon; survive. * Three brothers, 'aul and Rebert of Rawdon, and harles, of Santa Anna, Cal; and two dsters, Mrs. Powell, of Stirling, and Mrs. Angus McKeown, "of Victoria, '., also survive, "For. bald spots" on your lawn, (entucky lawn grass has no equal. old in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230, Michael D. Kelly, aced fortystwo cars, a highly respecied' resident of yedensburg, died, Wednesday, He was v son of James Kelly, sox-postmaston of that city. With all hi ston, conerit no man ever laimed that could put up rasp verry jam and two fretty chil- ren amused (on a hot' summer mcrn- demand for Neilson's ice éream ricks increasing eveéyy day. Beld only at Gibson's Red Uross drug store, ie he tates ; tters 'And your work is o reduces. rubbing to a eu you spend an : tub, the wash bowl ; oat half an hour. d. one Jess than half 'he rubbing and fi in half time with Taylor's Borax Soap. : solip does more than any other soap you have ever knows. It loosens every bit of dirt instantly, 3 4 : and leaves everything ? often hardens the hands . + But this delightful borax = soap softens the witer and so-softens the hands--it leaves | them whiter and daintier than ever before. : i + Wl use only the finest of coconnat oil in this soap, We imore than 12000 niilés £9 thie isle of Ceylon just to be sure this oil is puréa sh. . Then we boil it donbly long and mn thousands of gallons ol ure water through it to remove ewery impurity. 'It is the. cleanest and purest of soaps: ¢ SEAT / 4 It requires ee to make a single cake. The labor of more than ns is needed, § Vet this Soup-coNteul than the ordinary. We make millions and millions of cakesievery year and sre thus able to buy at the lowest of pr ¥ i Why use the ordinary soapny longer 'when this wonder ful soap costs no more? Try a bar this very merits. day -- lean. for yourself its real at JOHN TAYLOR & ©0., LIMIT) Perfectly Balanced BEAVER FLOUR contains the famous. bread-making qualities of Manitoba wheat --with the pastry-making virtues of Ontario wheat. It makes the "big" loaf--and the light, tasty, delicious Cakes and Pies. Use BEAVER FLOUR for all your baking. DEALERS---write us for prices on Feed, Coase Grains and Cereals. The T. H. Taylor Co. Limited, Chatham, Ont. i i 89 i THE SAWYER SHOE STORE Ladies' Tan Oxfords, $3.50, pow. $2.65. Ladies' Wine Oxfords, $3.50, now $2.75. Tadies' Tan Oxfords, $2.75, now $1.95. Chocolate Oxfords, $2.00, now $1.60. ~ [Oxlord Sale| - Men's Tan, Wine and Pat. Colt Oxfords, $5, now $3.75 ; $4.50, now $3.25; $1.00, now $2.95. i THE SA FERRE WYER SHOE STORE SFIS FIO o 2 See Our Window Display of Cakes and Pasty. It is worth going a little out of your 'way 3 'fo see." At least, that's what people tell us. Big variety--everthing to tempt the »> : 5 palate. A 302 King St. R. H. Toye, E 141 | SFIS IICI III FRIIIIFIIIIIIEICTEIRI IIR Sapsrsesestesstsestds orate te eet < ¢ < i : i : : i,